tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN September 17, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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billionaire's tastes are a lot more basic. >> i eat light a lot of times. the big macs are create, the quarter pounder with chief, it's great stuff. >> thank you for spending your sunday morning with us, i'm dana bash, fareed zakaria gps start it right now. >> this is gps the global public square, i'm fareed zakaria. today on the show, i have interviewed world leaders but the one whose brain i would like to pick right now is kim jong-un. since i'll probably never have a chance, i will tell you how i think he would an all the questions squirrwirling about a his true intentions. also russian war games, german elections, the fate of the iran nuclear deal and the
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upcoming u.n. general assembly. we have a great current events panel. then the after math of hurricanes irma and harvey, the destruction was widespread, almost unprecedented. but the president doesn't want to talk about the role of climate change, is that a mistake? >> the longer we delay, the more i worry that we might not be able to recover. >> finally a happy story about a refugee. really. iya whose story was featured here on gps has found a new home. and i will tell you about it. i'm sometimes asked what world figure i would most want to interview. for me, the answer is obvious. kim jong-un. the general impression around
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the world continues to be that the north korean leader is crazy, provocative and unpredictable. but i wonder, he might well be strategic, smart and utterly irrational. i would ask, why do you keep testing nuclear weapons even though they keep causing more economic sanctions, he might answer like this, my nation faces a fundamental challenge, surviv survival. my forefathers had ill easy. the great leader, my grandfather was allies with the soviet union. my father, dear leader as we called him. still had beijing's help for the most past. but now the united states leader
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has said that it seeks regime change in my country, we have built a protection for ourselves in the form of nuclear weapons. so i might follow up with kim, but china still provides you with crucial supplies of food and fuel, don't you see them as an ally. what would he say? china supports us for its own selfish interests, it doesn't want millions of refugees, or a unified korea on its border. but i believe that china no longer considers us an ally. after all it's voted to sanction us in the united nations security council time and again, the current president xi jinping cultivates relations with south korea. he placed the president of russia and the president of
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south korea at his side. in north korea, we pay a lot of attention to ceremonies and what they signal. and then i would wonder, so will you come to the negotiating table? yes and no, yes, we will come to the table, but we will never give up our arsenal, we're not stupid, it's all that's keeping us alive. look at saddam hussein, and we'll never forget that northerly korea because named parol of the axis of evil. look at gadhafi in libya after he gave up his nuclear weapons program. look what's happening now, the iranians have been certified to be adhering to me, president donald trump says we might tear it up anyway. do you think we would be stupid enough to believe american pr g
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promises after all this? we are now a nuclear power, that's nonnegotiable. we need security in the form of diplomatic reck anythiognition washington and guarantees by china and the u.s. and then i would ask kim, many americans fear you will soon have the capacity to launch missiles into the u.s. hiss sponge might be, we will have the capacity and it serves my purposes to keep you off guard. but why would i strike america and invite a retaliatory counter strike that would put an end to my regime? keep in mind, the whole point of this, my entire strategy, all our efforts and the hardships we have born are to ensure that my regime and i personally survivor, why would i risk that? if you look at how i've stayed
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in power, you know i believe in assassinations, not suicide. go to krrk new column this week, and let's get started. it has been a busy couple of weeks in world affairs from north korea to myanmar to russia, iran and more and it's sure to be a busy next couple of weeks, especially with the u.n. special security council meeting. martin wolf is the chief nicks consultant of the "new york times." with all this summer oil and the
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circus of brexit in britain, markets still seem stable andbo. are the markets right, with the slogan don't worry, be happy. >> i think the markets are probably right. it doesn't mean they're certainly right. if you look at the history of this, we almost always have a certain amount of political noise and most of it has very limited if any economic effect. but there is of course always the possibility that something will happen that is immense importance politically, big wars, that would certainly change things, if the north korean event led to war, it would change things. but one of the best examples is 9/11, which we had a big debate at the time, i was involved in this, would this be
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a big economic event, as it turned out, economically it turned out to be insignificant, politically it changed the world. >> if you look at the way in which the trump administration seems to be trying to maybe provoke north korea or in some ways be more aggressive about it, are people worried or is there a sense that this is all kind of negotiating posture in. >> i think people are very worried and there's a sense of helplessness, there's a major crisis and it's one in which europe has no role, europe has a whole has not managed to forge a foreign policy, it does not speak with one voice so it's not able to influence is korean peninsula. here we're watching the major actors, mainly the u.s. and china, but also russia that has the potential to play an
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undermining role or contributing role. and i think it tells you something about the state of european foreign policy, it's kind of worthless right now. >> what happens now with brexit. it seems like the longest divorce negotiation ever. >> it's going to go on a lot longer. and if anything, what we have seen since then has made people even more sure of what they were. we had the europeancommission laying out this federalist vision of the united states and europe, exactly the kind of vision that europe is never going to sign up to, so i think that britain seems a little more politically secure. >> but ill does seem like there's some waning of the kind of populist fire in europe. i look at merkel, seems to be
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handily ready to get re-elected. macron is doing well in france. >> one of the things with the trump election is that it serves as a counter example. many people who support eed bret here still support it. but to outsider who is support it, britain's trading relationships are unclear, quite a lot of what's going to happen is just beginning to dawn on the british. they're going to have to re-create all the kinds of institutions and things, regulatory tasks that europe does on behalf of writtebritain. and the same is true of trump, we see chaos, we see promises that were made and aren't being fulfilled and political discomfort and nobody really wants it and the attract someone
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of merkel is that she's more of the same. because of these small paerties there could be an unstable coalition if she wins, but neverthele nevertheless, the fact that there was this swing to her, and you saw the swing to macron is a reaction against this sort of perceived anglo saxon mess. >> it you think brexit is going to be a disaster for britain economically? >> disaster is a big word that i try to avoird ud using, i agreeh frazier, which is the only thing that we do agree in relation sh brex to brexit is that it will happen. will we actually reach a deal? if we do reach a deal, what will that look like? all these are highly uncertain,
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my own view is that it could be anywhere between a very large mess in the short run, which will over time obviously atte attenuate and it really depends on things we don't know yet. and this is the only thing we do disagree on, i think the negotiations are getting absolutely nowhere. when we come back, what to do about what the united states now calls ethnic cleansing in myanmar. an issue with no easy answers. tech: with safelite, you get a text when we're on our way. you can see exactly when we'll arrive. mom: sure. bring it! tech: i'm micah with safelite. mom: thanks for coming, it's right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care! family: bye! kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace.
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what do we make of this massive of hundreds of thousands of muslim minority being now ethnically cleansed in various ways? what does it tell us? >> now we have nobel laureate that's presiding over a government that is denying what's happening, is not letting the u.n. see what's happening, it's like an angel turned into a devil here, how could it where that she's being so blind and so refusing. i think the answer is that she doesn't have control over the government, normally she's head of state, but does she really control the army? does she really control the border regions? this conflict has been going on since the 1980s, and there's a long track record of persecuting the muslim minorities here so i
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don't know how much is within her power. so we're seeing someone who technically is the head of state really doesn't have the authority. she says, yes, sure, she will accept suggestions about how to help them politically, it's a whole different story. >> when you think of buddhism, you think of it as a religion of peace. but even buddhism, when you get into these power relationships is as prone to violence as any other religion? >> my understanding, and i have no expertise in this. that the japanese samurai was rooted in buddhism. so history of civilization tells us pretty strongly that religion is something that can be used and is used and belief can be
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exploited in many different ways all of them human. and some of them inhuman are very, very unpleasant. >> the prince of peace has a checkered track record. >> the inquisition and the crusa crusades, and other things that people have not forgotten, including the middle east. >> it's kind of rhetorical point, but how two you think of somebody like her? >> i think if we started going back through everybody who had won a nobel please and seen their qualifications, i think we would have some questions. the question is how will the donald trump administration deal with this. this is an american tradition of being against genocide, of wanting to stop these kinds of disasters, there was a great
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feeling of guilt for example, and for example the u.s. involvement in libya was partly justified on those grounds, we are americans, we want to stop what seemed like about to be a genocide at that time in benghazi. i haven't heard the trump administration say anything very clear on this, is this something they really care about? so far there's no indication about where they see their role, america's role inside a moral power in this crisis. >> how is donald trump playing these days? you're attuned to conservative party politics, thereeresa may an attempt saying that being a friend of donald trump would help her. the fact that angela merkel and trump don't get along has benefitted merkel in germany.
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has it helped her or hurt her? >> teresa may took a different view, their interests all lie closely to the united states of americans. also remember the brexit context is absolutely crucial. here she has in donald trump, somebody who says he's eager to deal a free trade deal with britain when we leave the eu. this is something that britain needs more than anything else. you're in this life raft in the water and this big ship comes by to rescue you. but the fact that we have got one willing to offer britain exactly what it needs at this time, that's something what one needs to overlook the president.
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>> this is one of the most interesting, the dog that hasn't barked yet. what does trump's global trade, globalization rhetoric mean? the one big thing he did, the first day, he pulled out of tpp, the trans pacific partnership, an extraordinary mistake, a f e freebie for china. but at the moment, i have to say, that his barkismuchworse than his bite. he hasn't actually done much, you know, he tweeted out during the north korea thinga we're going to shut down all trade that does dealings with north korea, which is of course is chandler, which is 5% of
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america's gdp struck down to zero. but the chinese government didn't even feel the need to respond, it's trump, it probably means nothing. ix mnemonic t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network.
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no one else lets you do that. see how much you can save when you pay by the gig. xfinity mobile. it's a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit, or go to seeing the devastating effects of hurricanes irma and harvey and of the wildfires out west, one cannot help but think about the crucial role that government plays in our lives. but while we accept and celebrate the role of government during disasters--ever since ronald reagan much of america has embraced an ideological flame work claiming that government is the source of our problem. reagan famously quipped. >> the nine most terrifying
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words in the english language is i'm he i'm from the united states and i'm here to help. >> for decades now, we have watched while americans have been coupled with supercharged work. it's been assumed the federal government could do nothing about this despite evidence to the contrary. and take advantage of access to western markets and capital while still maintaining a massively controlled consumer economy. and we felt the american government can't do anything about it, because that would be
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protectioni protectionist. we watched as financial institutions took on more and more risk with other people's money, in a heads i win, tails you lose system. the call soon came to deregulate the financial sector once again, because after all, all government regulation is socialist. and technology companies have grown in skiz and is scale, often using first mover examples and we assume the federal government should have no role in shaping this vast new economy. and then there is climate. these hurricanes are not caused by global warming, but their frequency and intensity are likely magnified by climate change, and yet we have been worried about too much government activism. not just in climate change li
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itself. houston chose to have almost no zoning of any kind that limited development even in flood-prone area s, paving over hundreds of acres of wet lands that used to curb flooding. so there's limited protection against pyfires and con tam nation,nd now low tax and lower regulations of texas and there florida have come to the federal government, hats in hand, we're live incoing in an age of revol. we need government to be more than a passive observer of these trends, it needs to actively shape and manage them. otherwise the other ordinary individual -- would be delighted to hear these words, i'm from the government, and i'm here to help.
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so what role does climate change play in the ferocious strength of hurricane irma and the intense flog cauoding cause irma and harvey. the head of the epa scott pruitt said that in advance of irma said that it was incensensitive talk about global warming right now. neil degrass tyson joins me, he's author of the best sell ter "astro physics for people." when people say, look, this is not settled science, there are still questions, i sometimes
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think to myself, look, there are a lot of questions about einstein's here by about nuclear physician. but we know that there are power plants and they do cooperareate electricity. >> there are people who have religious and economic philosophies they then invoke when they want to cherry pick one scientific result or another. you can find a scientific paper that says practically anything, and the press, which i count you as part of, the press will sometimes find a single paper and say here's a new truth if this study holds up. but an emergent scientific truth, a truth that is true whether or not you believe in it. it requires more than one scientific paper. it requires a whole system of people's research, all leaning in the same direction, all pointing to the same
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consequences. that's what we have, with climate change as induced by human conduct. this is a known correspondence, if you want to find 3% of the papers or the 1% of the papers that conflicted with this and build policy on that, that is simply irresponsible. how else do you establish a scientific truth if not by looking at the consensus of scientific experiments and scientific observations, abraham lincoln, the first republican president, signed into law in 1863, a year when he had important things to be thinking about, he signed into law the actual science -- he knew that skin science mattered and should matter in in matters of governance. >> when we fall ill, we don't go to a witch doctor, even though
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advances have been made in science. >> you know what is settled? settled science is the science that has come out of large bodies of research that all agree. when you see scientists arguing, and i tweeted, if you think scientist scientists like agreeing with one another, you've never been to a scientific conference. and you see people fighting over the bleeding edge of what is not known. if you as a journalist want to eves drop on that meeting, you would think that no one knows anything about this, but it's the body of knowledge over the decades that precedes this, that if you're going to pace policy and procedure on, this is what you should be looking at. >> i can't even picture how many rain drops is 50 inches of rain
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in houston? this is a shot across our brow, a hurricane the width of florida going up the center of florida. these are shots across our bow, what will it take for people to recognize that a community of scientists are learning objective truths about the natural world and that you can benefit from knowing about it. even news reports on this channel, talked about the fact that we have fewer deaths per hurricane, why? because you now know weeks in advance that project models of hurricanes, in decades ago, it's a hurricane, should i stay, should i go, and then you stay and you die. so to cherry pick science, it's an of the thing for a scientist to observe. i didn't grow up in a country where there was a common
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phenomenon, we nye thknew that people are arguing about whether science is true, nothing gets done, it's the beginning of the end of an informed democracy, as i have said many times. what i would rather have happen is you recognize what is true and then you have your political debate. in the science of energy, whatever, you don't ask is the science right, we ask should we have carbon credits or tar rivie tariffs. >> what is the right response? >> that's where politics needs to come into this and it's not. the longer we delay, i worry that we might not be able to recover from this, because all our greatest cities are on the water's edges. and as storms kick in, as water levels rise, they are the first to go, and we don't have a system, we don't have a civilization with the capacity to pick up a city and move it
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inland 20 miles, it is happening faster than our ability to respond that could have huge economic consequences. >> on that sobering note, neil degrass tyson. up next, neil degrass tyson said this is the time to listen to climate scientists. what we need to know about this political moment. -they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but, at the very end of it all, my agent- -wouldn't even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy, but, if i wasn't happy with my claim experience, for any reason... ...they'd give me my money back, no questions asked. can you believe that? no. the claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. we're going to go deeper into our examination of whether or not climate changes added to the voracity of hurricanes irma and harvey. we zeroed in on the headline of a "new york times" profile, a climate explainer who stays above the storm. that's exactly what we were
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looking for, professor hail is director of the science center at texas tech. for a lay person who wonders, i look at all this stuff, particularly the hurricanes, and i wonder, does climate change have anything to do with it? what's your answer? >> yes, we care about a changing climate because it exacerbates and magnifies the existing climate risk. it's amping up our heat waves, our wilds fires, our droughts and even our hurricanes. >> so when we look at these hurricanes, correct me if i'm wrong, what i seem to understand is, the oceans a s warming, and
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it -- >> in a warmer world, we see more rain on average associated with hurricanes because warmer air holds more water vapor, so as the hurricane comes along, there's more water vapor for it to sweep up and dump on us. but the risk of hurricanes is also being exacerbated by sea level rise because as they rise, there's more potential for flooding. and lastly, hurricanes get their energy from warm ocean water and over 90% of the extra heat that's being trapped inside the climate system by all the carbon dioxide. so on average in the future, we don't expect to see any more frequent hurricanes, the u.n. in of hurricanes we have seen so far has been mostly bad luck. but we do expect to see more
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rainfall on average associated with hurricanes, stronger storm surges, and also more intense hurricanes on average. >> so when you look at the situation you're describing, there's a whole bunch of carbon that's already up there, baked into the system as it were. are we, do we need to start -- i understand that it's important to do something to mitigate, to affect the trajectory of a warming earth. it but is it worth also getting serious about adapting to the reality of climate change? if everything you're describing is true, do we need to start thinking about dams and dikes and fortification and rotating a agricultural crops do we need a program of adaptation? >> absolutely. the time when we had the luxury to choose, that time has passed
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long ago. some a lot of change is inevitable. but we can avoid the worst impacts if we can transition in a fast ways off of fossil fuels like coal and gas and oil to clean energy. and i work with cities and regions figuring out how we can build our resilience to the risks that we face today as well as those that are being amplified in the future. switching to clean energy that isn't at risk. making sure that when water falls in our urban areas, it goes where we want it to rather than where we don't. and looking at how we manage our forests because forest management plays a big role in looking at our wildfire severity. what i'm struck by is the numbers you talk about being smart ways to deal with the
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problem would be good for the united states anyway, they would reduce pollution, they would build in resiliency for all kinds of other problems, it >> i completely agree. there should be added benefits. there is nothing wrong with added benefits. it's great if we agree to do something even if we might not be coming from the same page as to why. for example, burning fossil fuels, people don't realize burning fossil fuel, coal, gas, and oil is responsible for over 2 200,000 deaths in the united states every year. the economic benefits and the health benefits of cutting fossil fuels are staggering. people don't realize that clean energy is a tremendous local investment in the economy. we have over 25,000 jobs in the wind energy industry. people who are losing their
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positions in the oil and the gas industry as the prices go up and down, they are being taken in and retrained to do the solar panel installations or a chinese wind company is taking in the coal miners and retraining them to do wind energy installations. there are many reasons to look to clean energy and resilience. climate is only one of them. >> pleasure to have you on. >> likewise. thank you. >> next on gps, two years ago here, we introduced you to a refugee who fled the iraq war and the syrian civil war. she dreamed of coming to america. finally she found a country to take her in. it wasn't america. we will tell you which one it was when we come back. by l'oreal. the easy-to-use triangular tip shapes and fills. the spoolie brush blends. brow power! new brow stylist shape and fill from l'oreal paris. ♪ "zorba the greek" by mikis theodorakis ♪
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>>a the united nations kicked off and human rights abuses are sure to be at the heart of many discussions. where did lawmakers vote to effectively eliminate the budget of the human rights commission this week. the philippines, uganda, russia or saudi arabia? stay tuned and i will tell you the correct answer. this book of the week is unaccustomeded earth. i try to make a point of reading fiction. this collection of short stories was the best of the bunch. this is quietly moving and beautifully written. you must buy this book. now for the last look. from syrians escaping a country ravaged by civil war to muslims fleeing violence, refugee related is rarely good news.
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i have some. you may remember my 2015 interview with a woman featured on humans of new york. she fled iraq as a child in the iraq war after witnessing unimaginable violence including a car bombing. >> we were just like seeing that is there anyone alive? everyone was just like there is no sound. i told that there is no more life now. we just find some people who are alive and we took them to the hospital. >> she and her family resettled in syria, but when the civil war broke out in that country, they had to back up and leave yet another nation. they found temporary placement in turkey. her greatest wish was to come to america. >> it's my dream because my mom was talking a lot about the
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united states. it's a good country and the country of dreams and if you work hard, you are going to have everything. i just thought that this is the life that i want. >> well, the united states government rejected her family's application for refugee status on account of security related reasons. they appealed. what will happen if you don't manage to get to america? >> i will be lost right now. i will be a human being without dream or i am say like this. i will be lost all the time. >> here appeal too was denied and this is not unique. according to the "new york times," the trump administration is considering reducing the
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number of refugees to less than half president obama said should be admitted in the 2017 fiscal year. here's the good news. i'm pleased to tell you that she found a home. she and her family settled in switzerland. we are told the family is looking forward to studying in, working in and contributing to their new country. the new accept is to help her dog george join the family. the pooch traveled with her from iraq to syria to turkey and has not been cleared for travel to switzerland. she wi we wish you the best in your new home. switzerland is lucky to have you. the answer to the question is the filipino parliament has allies of the president, a crime-fighting hard liner who stoked a wave of extra judicial killings by condoning the actions of anti-drug vigilantes. the lower house of congress
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voted to cut the budget for the commission on human rights which has been investigating the killings to 1,000 pes$1,000 pest 2o. they need to pass the senate. thanks for being part of my program this kweweek. i will see you next week. >> happening now in the newsroom, was the president's fire and fury remark an empty threat? >> it was not. >> we have to believe the options are under development to make sure this regime cannot threaten the world with a nuclear weapon. >> our military option will be the only one left. >> the diplomatic pressure intensifies. >> if north korea keeps on with this reckless behavior and the united states has to defend itself or allies in any way, north korea will be destroyed. >> all eyes
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