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tv   New Day  CNN  September 18, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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lease going to go after north korea very aggressively. >> we don't have a runway left to land this plane on. >> i have never been in a state of greater concern about this nation. >> the president mocking kim jong-un is and hillary clinton on twitter just days before his u.n. address. >> he is unfiltered. he is not prepackaged the way all of these other politicians are. >> just weeks after hurricane irma devastated the caribbean, two more strengthening in the atlantic. >> 90 miles per hour. no lab of action whatsoever. >> the threat very high. >> this is new day with chris cuomo and alyson camerota.
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>> good morning. >>. welcome to your new day. chris is off. john berman joins me. >> just in time for the u.n. >> there you go. it's a very big week and big morning. all eyes on president trump at the united nations as he prepared to address world leaders for the first time. the international community is watch to go see how the president explains his america first policy and his skepticism of the u.n. north korea's threat looming large. they warn pyongyang time is running out for a peaceful solution. they conducted drills over the core reap peninsula. plus, two hurricanes posing a threat to the caribbean. we have this all covered for you. let's again with michelle qaa zip skeu live at the united nations. michel michelle. >> reporter: what you hear is how curious they are not about what president trump will say but how will he say it?
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will this be a fully scripted trump or not so much? how much support will he express for the u.n.? how much will he articulate foreign policy beyond what they have heard in the tweets, america first, as well as multiple mixed messages from this administration. president trump, now home in new york, but about to face the u.n. a body he has sharply and repeatedly slammed. >> the united nations is not a friend of democracy, not a friend to freedom. >> he will seek more cooperation to face the world's biggest problems. the president set the stage with a sunday tweet storm, referring to north korean leader kim jong-un as rocket man. and retweeting a video showing him gnawing over formal rifle hillary clinton with a golf ball.
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members of his administration out in front of cameras with more tough talk on the north korean nuclear threat. >> we don't have a lot of time left. if our diplomatic efforts fail, though, our military option, we'll be the only one left. >> reporter: with the president's fire and fury an empty threat? >> it was not an empty threat. i'm perfectly happy taking this over to general mattis. he has plenty of military options. >> reporter: at the same time, the u.s. has been calling on china and russia to do more to choke off kim jong-un's resources. beijing and moscow voted in favor of sanctions against north korea, a step the president and national security adviser have down plained to the apparent chagrin of the state department. >> are the sanctions a big deal or not a big deal? >> i think the sanctions -- i'm not going to go against the president. i think the sanctions are significant. >> reporter: allied confused over what they value more, collaboration or going it alone. trump's america first doctrine reflected in the three themes
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the president is expected to touch on in his speech tuesday. >> the first is to protect the american people. the second is to promote american prosperity. and the third is really to help promote accountability and sovereignty. >> the u.s. footprint at the u.n. much smaller than it's been in the past. meetings overall fewer. leaving allies skeptical how much the u.s. will be engaged in refugees and the environment. and how a nationalistic leader of the free world will embrace this global entity now. >> i personally think he slaps the right people, hugs the right people, and comes out with the u.s. being very strong in the end. >> reporter: so mixed messages that we have heard that the world will try to decipher here. is the u.s. truly out of the paris climate deal or not? is the u.s. leaving the iran nuclear deal? let's take a look at the president's schedule. first, we will hear him chairing
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a session on reforming the u.n. he wants to make it more efficient. he will meet with the israeli prime minister, the french president, and tonight a dinner with latin american leaders. john and alyson. >> we will try to get those questions answered. let's bring in the political panel. david gregg rrgreggry and david. >> a few things, alyson. first, the president is only moving 14 blocks away from trump tower. but in many ways, it's a world away. as you indicated there, this is not his favorite institution. if you come to office arguing for america first, that is not the founding principle of the u.n. so there is built-in tension here. and the iran deal is going to be one of the first beg tests.
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the president has made it pretty clear that he considers this not only a terrible deal but one that the united states should find its way out of. now, my reporting last week suggested while he is going to talk a lot about finding his way out of it, he's not actually going to do something that violates it and leaves it. that's because if he does, the iranians would be free to go resume their production of uranium and plutonium and put themselves right back in the position of getting near a nuclear weapon at a moment that we have got another nuclear problem on the other side of the world. he has a lot of advisers, including rex tillerson, make a lot of noise about it if you want. don't actually leave the deal. >> david gregory, there are two audiences here. the audience at the united nations, general assembly, leaders from all over the world,
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and the american people who elected president donald trump. who do you think he will be speaking to? >> probably both. americans are rightly concerned about north korea, how that is going to unfold, the prospect of miscalculation, who is running north korea policy.
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>> the u.s. is trying to find out who is providing this very powerful rocket fuel. udmh are its initials. and the thinking is that china and russia have been providing that to north korea. and we don't know if they still are. >> that's right, alyson. this is a story i do with my colleague bill broad. and the reason we focused on it is while the word is talking and nikki haley was trying to talk
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about cutting off fuel oil to the north koreans which could property a big humanitarian crisis in the winter if you're freezing out 25 million north koreans, there is a simpler way at this, which is to try to cut off their access to this very rare fuel which is what powers their icbms. now, initially they had to get this fuel from china and from russia. those were the only two significant producers who would likely sell it to them. the intelligence community, when we asked a questions about it, came back and said they now think that the north koreans probably have the capability to produce it itself. there is a significant failure for the west, alyson. because we found intelligence reports, some of them in the wikileaks trove from 2010 that go back to the bush administration in which condoleezza rice said they will
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be able to reach the united states soon with ah long-range missile. of course 10 years later, that's exactly what's happened. and we couldn't find any significant national security officials, senior national security officials who were able to tell us if they ever really focused on this during the bush and obama years. so it is a bit of a mystery how they were able to get away with importing this very rare fuel. >> it is interesting, david gregory, a lot of focus rocket man. president trump referring to kim jong-un as rocket man in this tweet right here. beyond that, what are the deliverables this week you think the president wants? is it clarity? is it coherence? the pathway to more sanctions? >> question they have put some sanctions in place. as david suggested, they want to cut off fuel oil, which is a dramatic step if it were to come
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to pass. they want to get to a stage of negotiation. if you're talking about kim pursuing a path of his own national honor, his own self-preservation as a regime, there is no question he is being aided in that by china to the extent that china also is a rising military party, challenging the united states, does not want further u.s. influence with any kind of war by north korea and the catastrophe that would come from all of that. the result would be a lot more american influence in north korea. that is where i think presumably in meetings the president wants to try too advance his influence and play his hand to get more pressure from the chinese on the north to finally negotiate. that may be what it is. they get to a point where there
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is a discussion of a nuclear freeze and the north gets to hold on to at least some of what it's got despite what some u.s. officials are saying they don't want them to have nuclear weapons. >> that would be more than what they claim they will settle for. interesting it is even being discussed. thank you very much. president's long-time attorney michael coe hen will appear tomorrow before the senate intelligence committee. it will be voluntary into russia's election interference. he said he would decline originally but would comply with a subpoena saying he has nothing to hide. senate republicans making a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace obamacare. this week gop leaders will gauge support from the new plan by lindsey graham and bill cassady. if there is another support, it could come for a vote next week. it calls for an end of the individual and employer mandates
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and would shift to the states. democrats warn millions could lose health care if the bill passes. >> two hurricanes churning in the atlantic and posing a threat to the northeast and caribbean islands still devastated by irma last week. meteorologist chad myers keeping an eye on two of them. >> we'll start with jose. it poses a danger for significant wave action and rip currents along the east coast. from block island to delmarva. 70 miles per hour, almost 80 miles per hour at some points. it will churn over the atlantic. sit not going to move. the waves will be 16 feet. waves like you have not seen on the east coast in a long time. now to maria, a storm that will be a category 4 as it approaches the u.s. virgin islands and puerto rico. this is a big storm for this area because it's already been hit. the homes are already damaged and things will fly around. 130 to 140 miles per hour.
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let me take you and push this forward. i hate to do this, but that's five days already. this will be the 6, 7, 8. we are already talking about next tuesday. so far nothing getting into florida here. the storm is in the atlantic ocean. although still making tremendous waves. at least now it follow the same track. it should turn to the right. we'll watch it. eight days out on a hurricane forecast is a guess. the range of air could be 500 miles one way or the other. i just wanted to push it forward so you can look at it. otherwise, it's hard to look at he on the computer. just so we can visualize it for you. thank you sroefp fvery much that. the trump administration preparing a new version of the travel ban? the president wants it to be tougher and more specific.
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>> the white house is looking at a stricter travel ban. >> if you can't screen people effect live then you shouldn't allow people from that country to travel. so what the travel ban is in a first step, a first step in better screening, better sharing of information to encourage governments to meet the requirements that we have so it allows us to protect our own people. >> will we see a new one? >> well, this is something we're looking at, how to protect the american people better. >> all right. joining us now is republican congressman chris collins. good morning, congressman. >> good morning, alyson. >> so, why do we need a newer,
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stricter travel ban? the first one has already met legal obstacles. if there's one thing that the u.s. does very well, it's this 20-step screening process of refugees into the country. why is the administration so focused on this? >> well, i think there's no question mcmaster, the president, are focused on keeping america as safe as we can. we do know, as the terrorists are going to continue to target the civilized world, we have to be prepared for whatever it may be. and you didn't hear any specifics at all. and really what i heard mcmaster say is they are focused on security. they know that they're going to try to get into our countrime c. we should all understand it is all about our security. and he didn't mention any specifics. >> right. >> he mentioned we need to know who is coming into our country.
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and i think it gets back to data sharing between our country and the other countries so we do know who is coming into the country. >> do you want to is see more than six countries on the travel ban? >> i'm not going to say how many countries. it comes to who is sharing information with us so we know who the folks are and who is not. and if they're not, then we shouldn't have their folks coming in. >> i want to move on to what the president was doing in terms of twitter. he retweeted -- you're laughing already. which part do you find amusing? >> the president does have a sense of humor. rocket man, i thought, poking at kim jong-un in a pretty funny way to get under his skin. let's face it, whenever he is
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tweeting, president trump is talking straight to his base. they enjoy it. he's delivering a message. >> yeah. to whom is unclear. calling jim jong unrocket mkim jong-un rocket man. do you think that establishes the stature the president wants as we start u.n. general assembly week on the international stage? >> let's face it, alyson. most of them are pretty stuffy, the folks. they're all hung up on protocol, who shakes whose hand first and what line do you stand in? president trump doesn't stand on protocol at all. whether it's the way he interacts with crowds and calls people up on stage. he's just a fungi. he really is. if anyone would get to know him. i think the stuffy diplomats at the u.n. will be taken aback a bit. and that goes for the why he
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handles his twitter account, which is him speaking directly like people do as they are having a cup of coffee at starbucks or dunkin' donuts. >> let me ask about the one he retweeted, hitting a golf ball, basically teague off on hillary clinton because his ball -- it is always a doctored video. his ball supposedly flies up and hits her in the back and knocks her over. is that funny? >> i did not see that retweet, if that's what you're saying. >> yeah. it's on your screen right now. i don't know if you can see it. it is a retweet from kind of a gross account of a guy with a vulgar name. and it shows what some are calling violence against hillary clinton. what do you think of that? >> well, we know it would not be that. i don't retweet or forward anything from my account. >> why don't you?
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why don't you do that? >> because anything and everything could be taken out of context. i just had established in myself if i get an e-mail from someone, even if i think it's hysterical, i don't forward it on because the next person may not think so. >> and should they follow that rule of thumb? >> well, i'm not going to tell the president what to do. i would suggest to anyone and everyone, don't forward and don't retweet. >> in a does sound like advice for the president. >> next, i want to show you this picture. the president's legal team, two members of the president's legal team were dining out at this washington, d.c. restaurant. they were apparently speaking quite loudly, loudly enough for a neighboring table of a "new york times" reporter to overhear them. interestingly, they were talking about the russia investigation. interestingly, the "new york
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times" reporter heard them discussing documents that they say the white house don mcghan has in a safe connected to the russian investigation. how did this happen and what are those documents that he might have in a safe? >> oh, i would have no way of knowing any of that. certainly what you would call a fourth-hand conversation. i have no idea what anyone is talking about. i'm sure the white house is very aware of what documents they have to forward on to -- whether it's a subpoena or other information. i wouldn't read much at all into this couple of folks at a dinner table talking louder than they should have. >> they are not just a couple of folks. they're the legal team. what about the judgment or the amateurishness of two of the
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president's top lawyers peeking publicly about this? >> well, you know, if you're sitting talking with somebody at dinner, you need to be careful. i made that mistake once off the house floor talking to my son on the telephone and some reporters mis reported what i was saying. i have been on the receiving end of information reportedly overheard out of context. i would not read anything into this other than it's a word of caution for everyone. certainly anyone working with the president they shouldn't discuss official business or anything remotely considered official business. >> a lot of cautionary tale from the congressman. thank you very much. >> good to be with you, alyson. world of chris colleps not the word of the white house. facebook data in the middle of
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the investigation into russian meddling. how can the u.s. keep safe?
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a bipartisan group of senators wants to dig even deeper. one is kirsten gillibrand of new york. great to have you in studio. >> it's a pleasure. >> what a travesty of what we are learning with facebook and these russian troll farms that were able to advertise on facebook. and people thinking they were reading real retweetses and real information from americans and it wasn't. it was all -- if what is leaked out is to be believed, russian troll farms behind it. what are you going to do about this? >> senator lindsey graham and i have a bill to do a 9/11 style commission that will look into how were we hacked?
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what were our cyber vulnerabilities and what can we do to prevent another type of interference in the '18 election. >> what do you want facebook and social media to do? >> well, they're not above the law. and it is illegal for foreign countries to undermine or participate in our elections. so buying facebook adsis illegal. what we is more disclosure, accountability, and transparency. but they have a role to play. we need to have more accountability by the next election. >> so you have not been impressed with their transparency. >> it is not adequate. people buy their sites, use their platform. if they're breaking the law, there has to be some level of participation. we are going to make sure this reveals any vulnerabilities we have. and voting machines. were they somehow interfered with? >> do you think they were? we have not seen evidence of that. >> i heard there might have been
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efforts to decommission or somehow undermine different voting machines in different states, causing lines, causing people not to vote, particular states being targeted. we need a full investigation to see if there is any evidence of it, what evidence there is, and what can we do to protect ourselves next time. >> let's talk another bit of bipartisan ship. that is you want to protect trans gender military service members particularly after what the president just said in terms of a ban. what are you going to do about that? >> these are men and women putting themselves in harm's way, risking their lives. no one should tell them they should not serve based on gender identity. i have a bipartisan bill. jack reed on the dem side. and susan and i worked together to write the bill. serving today, you are protected. you cannot be kicked out.
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>> what about the future people who want to enlist? >> so that's the question. that is what secretary mattis is doing right now, analyzing what he intends to do in the future. while that's happening, we want to make sure no one can be kicked out. this goes to our basic civil rights and civil liberties. you should not tell them they can't serve if they are willing to die for this country. >> you and i both worked on this in the past, and that is campus sexual assault. betsy devos said she wants to revisit the guidance from the obama admission in terms of how universities should handle this widespread problem. it sounded as though what she wanted to look at is how to better protect -- one of the things is how can the system work better and protect the falsely accused. what do you think of that. >> i have a concern that she doesn't understand the dynamics of these cases very well.
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i don't want an innocent person getting in trouble or being accused any more than i want a guilty person going free. we want to have a system. we have a bipartisan bill in the senate. if she really wants to fix the problem, she should support our bill. the most important part is to have an online survey that students fill out every two years. number one, is my campus safe? what's the climate like. have i been assaulted? if i was, have i reported? if not, why not? if they report on the on surveys, 35 assaults last year and not one has been reported, you know you have a problem with your structure or people's confidence in the system that you have. our bill creates protections both for the accused and the accuser. we want to make sure that every school is well trained to basically have a certification process to say you know what you're doing when you are reviewing these cases. and another point that law were
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enforcement has developed, having one adviser on every campus. if you are a victim of sexual assault you have someone to go to and this is what it looks like if you received on campus. get your class schedule changed, dorm changed. best case your assailant is kicked out. criminal justice means a trial. when you tell a survivor if this happens again to someone else or a third pepprson, will you be willing to testify. typically she says yes. then the adviser should say get your rape kit done today. it is a reason to do those kinds of things that an 18-year-old girl on a college campus might not want to do otherwise. so that's the key. getting more cases to ultimately go to law enforcement but giving guidance to that individual on the first day about what are your options. that usually results in more cases ultimately going to law enforcement. >> okay. next topic, there seems to be a
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lot of on analysis about the election going on on all sides still. hillary clinton, as you know, has her new book out. she has been talking a lot about what she thinks, what she blames for her loss. she was just on pbs this weekend. she was asked about that famous on, now infamous, tarmac meeting between loretta lynch and bill clinton. let me spray whether she is thinks that was to some some degree responsible for her loss. >> to what extent did loretta lynch and president clinton make a costly mistake? >> judy, i just don't buy that. i reject that premise partly because there's a chain of command in the justice department. the optics were not good, i admit that. what really was costly and what i believe was the proximate cause of my defeat was his october 28th letter.
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>> she was talking about james comey there. do you agree it was just bad optics? >> my view is we're looking forward to the '18 elections. i'm grateful that secretary clinton ran for president. i'm grateful she's written her book. sit good for women to tell their story. fundamentally, that is how she inspired many people to stand up for what they believe in, to fight your hardest, win or lose. as a result, we have thousands of women running for office this cycle. there were typically one 1,000 or 2,000 wanting to be trained at this time. we have 14,000. i'm grateful for what secretary clinton has done. she has inspired millions. how can we encourage more candidates to come forward and to run? >> who is the leader of the democratic party right now? >> i think you have your congressional leaders, of
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course. but i think senator sanders is out there talking about things that as big ideas like medicare for all. elizabeth warren is talking about a rigged system that we desperately need to fix for working families. each of on us running for reelection such as myself and 24 other senate democrats, we're in our states talking about our vision and what we want to change and how we want to make a difference and how we want to make the economy grow. >> are they the national leaders? >> i think that's how they are perceived. doing a great job on speaking out on the issues that matter to most people. you won't have a national leader, democrat, until you have a nominee. between now and then you are focused on state by state. why they were so distressed in the last election. why many of them chose for a disruptor, someone who will blow up the system as opposed to someone who might have spoken to their values and goals better. we have to listen a lot harder and work a lot harder in getting
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done. things that will help people. rewarding work in this country, having a minimum wage as a living wage. things that can help people's lives. we have to get that done. >> what are your personal thoughts on 2020. >> there will be a huge interest to trying to bring our country in a different direction. some on of the policies under the trump administration have been very harmful, whether it's attacking daca kids, transgender troops, not investing in infrastructure, in the middleclass. >> these are all issues that you care about. are you thinking about running in 2020? >> i'm focused on '18. i would like to be a senator. >> at some point, is that in your future? >> well, i'm focused on being a senator. so that's all i'm doing right now. >> if there were a void or a vacuum in 2020 and nobody had emerged, can you throw your hat in? >> you can ask me that then, and i promise i will answer it.
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>> it will be too late in 2020. are you comfortable with bernie sanders and elizabeth warren? >> i think there's so much room. i think there's many people who plan to run. certainly the pundits talked about a list of 20 people who are thinking about running. i'm certain we will have a whole array of fantastic candidates, some senate, some gubernatorial, some private sector all sharing a vision for what they want for this country. i think that will be a vibrant and exciting process and i look forward to it. in the meantime, we have to focus on the importance of 2018. because we need to flip the house. we need to create a bulkboard against some of president trump's policies that are harmful in the economy and middle-class families. that's that he have to do for me as a senator running for reelection and for anyone interested in politics to campaign for candidates that are trying to change the direction of this country.
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>> senator, thank you so much for being here for such a comprehensive conversation. >> thank you for having me. >> i'm focused on 2018. that my answer when my wife asks me to do something i don't want to do. acid attack. police say it is not a case of terrorism. why not? patients they ask me about whitening all of the time. i tell them the thickness of your enamel determines essentially how white your teeth are going to be. the strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. i would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong, help to keep stains away, and polish their enamel. they're going to get whiter, brighter teeth. this is a really great product for my patients.
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four american college students injured in an acid attack in southern france. authorities say there is no indication the startling assault is terror related. melissa bell live in paris with the latest. melissa, what are you learning? >> reporter: well, for the time being it is a picture of a troubled woman that is emerging, a troubled woman who chose to carry out this attack yesterday in this train station. as you said, no terror investigation has been opened. by piecing together in french media with a number of sources within the investigation say it appears this woman made no proclamation in this attack as she sprayed the acid in young women's faces and she may have hung around for police to turn up. some suggestions she may have been an acid victim herself. the 41-year-old woman is now in police custody. we know also a little bit more than we did last night about the four young women involved.
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pot pot pottsdam college students. it is thought two were treated for shock. burns possibly to one of their eyes. a horrific attack. it appears to be nonterror related, simply the work of a deranged women. they were simply four women in the wrong place at the wrong time rather than having been attacked because necessarily americans. alyson. >> oh, my gosh, horrific is the right word. thank you for your reporting from there. well, at least 80 arrests made overnight in st. louis following a third night of protests. the demonstrator reacting to the acquittal of a former quite police officer in the shooting death of a black man. the protests led to vandalism. windows of local businesses were smashed. garbage cans tossed into the street. five police officers suffered minor injuries. week two of the nfl season and colin kaepernick still remains a spectator despite lousy quarterback playwright
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now. kaepernick says he's ready right to play football. >> reporter: we haven't heard from him this off-season. many question whether he wants to still play in the nfl. kaepernick said, "yes. i've never stopped. i'm ready now. working out daily." tom brady says he hopes kaepernick gets picked up. >> i've always watched him and admired him the way that he has played. he was a great young quarterback. he took his team to the super bowl. he is certainly qualified. i hope he gets a shot. >> brady and the patriots had quite the bounceback appearance. throwing for 177 yards and three touchdowns in the first quarter. it was the best opening quarter of brady's career. keep in mind, he's 40 years old now. patriots roll 36-20. it seems like brady has a bad
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game and people say, age is catching up with him. and then he proves he's the best. >> i have nephew said that ever, for the record. >> but 40 years old. what a fossil. we'll tell you when they get there. president trump's u.n. debut take place a few hours from now? we have former british prime minister tony blair joining us next. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums for tech advice. dell small business advisor with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. ♪
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when banks compete, you win. president trump will make his debut at the united nations this morning with a big address to world leaders tomorrow. what will the president say? here to discuss, someone who has been there, former british prime minister tony blair. mr. prime minister, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> president trump has been to europe, spoken to european
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leaders, but this is his first time at the united nations. his previous speech he was sort of greeted with side eye, curiosity, maybe some scorn in some places. what does the president need to say this week? >> i think it's quite an important moment because this is the first time the world as a whole will be looking at the american president, hearing him, and i think there needs to be clarity, consistency in the american approach, and people want always the same thing from america and from its president. they want to know that america's strong enough to stand with its allies and to stand up to its enemies. and therefore, i think what people will be looking for today, tomorrow when the president speaks, is an idea of what are the principles that are going to guide american policy, and is there clarity and consistency around those. >> is there -- are there those things right now? is that lacking? >> i think there's a mixture of curiosity and anxiety, but this is not totally unnatural when you get a new president coming in. however, i do think this is a
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very important moment. there are so many challenging issues in the world today, north korea, but people in europe want to know is this alliance still strong. people in the middle east want to know where america stands on the issues in the middle east today. i think if people get that clarity and message, that will be great. but that's what they'll be looking for. america is the most powerful country in the world. what everyone wants to know is where does america stand and where do they stand in relation to them. >> of course in terms of uncertainty there's the latest terror attack in london and sadly, it wasn't the first this year. i think there's been five terror attacks. we have a list of all of them. i don't need to remind you of course of some of them but just horrible ones. obviously the bridge attack, the arena bombing at the concert. what's going on in london? is there something -- are there lessons to be learned here? is something failing? >> i think there's a lesson to
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be learned because it's happening all over europe and indeed all over the world. one of the things my institute does is track day by day terrorist incidents across the world. there's literally not a corner of the world perhaps except for south america where this isn't a daily concern. obviously you take security measures to defeat those planning violence but i think the deeper question is how do you defeat the ideology of this radical islamic idea. >> what's the answer to that? >> the answer is you've got to weed out the elements that are promoting this, whether it's on the internet or those people who are giving messages to people, turning them into these types of people who are engaged in violent acts against our way of life. and i think this needs to be done on a far bigger scale than we have at the moment. >> this is how president trump first responded to the latest terror attack in london. he put out a statement on
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twitter that said another attack in london by a loser terrorist, sick and demented people who are in the sights of scotland yard and must be proactive. this is how theresa may responded. listen to this. >> i don't think it's helpful for anyone to speculate on an ongoing speculation. we have to look at whether our police and security services have the powers that they need. of course we review after any incident that takes place and we have had, sadly, a number of terrorist attacks in the u.k. >> put yourself in 10 downing street. had you been prime minister at the time president trump said these two are in the sight of scotland yard before apparently having the evidence in front of him, what would your reaction have been in. >> i agree with what the prime minister just said. look, in the end by the way, the most important thing is not what anyone's tweeting about. it's how we actually deal with it.
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you should know that we are foiling plots the whole time and so is by the way virtually every other european country. this is why i say to you you've got to deal with this at a security level but then deeper down you've got to be asking yourself how is this ideology and the violence that comes with it getting transmitted, particularly to younger people worldwide. that's a whole other question with a whole other set of policies attached to it. >> well look, president trump thinks that the answer is a stricter, bigger travel ban. i mean, he believes, if you believe the rhetoric around his travel ban, that if you prevent people like this from coming into the united states that we'll be safe here and that there has to be a better way to prevent the people like the teenagers who just pulled this off in london from even coming into your country. >> part of the problem we've got in the u.k. and other places in europe is often you've got home grown people that are engaged in this. >> here too by the way. >> yeah. so of course you've got questions to do with borders and security and these are very important questions, but i really do believe the deeper
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question -- right now, for example, around the world you have millions of young people being educated in religion in very strict terms and dedicated to an ideology that preaches hatred against those that are different. if you've got that going on in the world, of course you've got to protect yourself by security methods, but in the end you've got to be rooting out that type of education and that type of propaganda. this is where obviously the internet is also very important. one of the things we work on in my institute is how you manage to stop these types of messages getting through to people wh. when you go onto these sites you divert them to sites that are more positive. this requires, frankly, a revolution in approach way beyond anything we've done so far. otherwise, i'm afraid this problem is going to grow. >> you talk about your institute, the institute for global change. do you feel like you're swimming against the tide right now when nationalism seems to be the trend? >> i think it's important we
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rediscover the importance of international engagement. one of the things we're doing this week is looking at that group of countries across the northern part of subsahara and africa, weak government, extremism rife. unless we're supporting them now they're going to be a source of future terrorism, waves of migration that are going to destabilize our societies further. my view is we need a completely different, much more radical, much more far-sighted approach to dealing with this. >> if people want to learn more, go to the institute for global change. thank you so much. >> it's a pleasure. we're following a lot of news this morning so let's get right to it. >> very important week for the president. the world will be listening. >> if the united states has to defend itself in any way, north korea will be destroyed. >> this is probably one of the most serious security crises we've faced. president trump calling


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