tv New Day CNN September 22, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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get less than 90 seconds, that's way too much. a cbo score is critical. the cbo is a critical nonpartisan professional entity whose input is essential to the process. >> don't we have history barrelling at us like a punch in the nose, because they say we have to get a vote done because of the september 30th deadline, and they won't have a cbo score. >> congress is then asking these two entities to perform a super task in a limited timeframe. we are hoping cbo will be able to analyze as much as possible within the timeframe.
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>> next week matters so much. we may all see things we have never seen before. thank you for the perspective and introducing people to the existence of something they may never have heard of, the senate parliamentarian. >> my pleasure. we are following a lot of news. let's get after it. puerto rico was absolutely obliterated. >> maria hit us very hard. but she's nothing compared to the force we are going to unleash to rebuild. >> they continue to hear peoples' cries. >> i don't think i have seen quite a mobilization of volunteers as i have seen here. >> we're not wasting time. running out of time is our enemy. >> the graham/cassidy bill is the right solution at the right time. >> this is the worst of the worst. it will hurt america. >> i think we are going to get 50 republicans. i make a prediction.
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a couple democrats are going to come onboard. good morning. welcome to your "new day." it's friday, september 22nd. it's 8:00 in the east. the government tells cnn at least 13 have lost their lives and more than 700 have been rescued after hurricane maria. fema is beginning military aid flights to get water, food and supplies to those in need. that island has no power. then there's north korea and the escalating rhetoric between the united states and north korea. president trump calls kim jong-un rocket man and then kim calls trump deranged and now trump calls him a mad man. we have a lot to cover. let's begin in puerto rico with
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leyla santiago showing us the aftermath. >> reporter: as people wake up this morning they are still finding roads that are not completely open because of debris like this. fema is sending in more relief aid that is expected to arrive into the airport this morning and people, as they wake up, are asking the same questions they have been asking now for days, do you have power? do you have signal? you have reached your loved ones? we are facing a grim reality. the numbers we mentioned, 13 deaths confirmed by the governor are preliminary because there are parts of the island you cannot reach, you cannot get to. not even the governor's office has been able to reach. in the meantime, we are expecting more of this, more rain coming down here today. sections of puerto rico's
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northern coast underwater two days after hurricane maria ravaged the island. the flash floods innodate the islands. many come home to find their houses destroyed. search and rescue teams working around the clock to rescue survivors as heavy rain continues to fall. maria dumping as much as 40 inches of rain in some parts of the island. >> people at home are elderly, and if we don't get to them in time it is those that i cannot get to that really worry me the most. >> the search and rescue effort complicated by a paralyzed road system. >> the coast guard rescuing this rescue of a mother and two sons
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after their research vessel capsized at sea. in one town we watched as rescuers were going from home to home, and everybody here seems vulnerable. and that firefighters and the national guard reached her 84-year-old neighbor. >> reporter: the 16 queer o-yeas rescued. >> i'm scared like, what is going to happen now to us. where are we going now?
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>> reporter: once at the evacuation shelter, some safety. a new future ahead already filled with uncertainty. >> alisyn, as i talked to people on the streets i have watched as they have gone through the stages, first shock at the damage and then frustration and anger. i get it. i have not been able to reach some of my family members. no text, no app, no phone call going through on parts of this island right now. >> oh, my gosh, leyla, what a situation. as bad as we can imagine. thank you for updating us. we'll check back with you. madam mayor, thank you very much for being here. we know what a trying time this is for the island. what is your biggest concern
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this morning? >> thank you, alisyn, and good morning, and thank you for the opportunity to share with the world what we are going through here in spraepuerto rico. the biggest concern is when you don't have power certain things fall through the wayside. yesterday we were canvassing and we found elderly people that don't have blood pressure medicine, food, and we have doctors coming with us and we have medication and surgical equipment for one month, prebought and paid for already inside. we are still in the phase one,
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and my biggest fear is that we don't get to those that need it. if we get to an elderly home too late, the situation of care will be disastrous, and could be disastrous. we have now today, in the process, we're very fortunate in san juan. some of the communications, via text, are still up and running. we want to make sure we reach all of them and we want to make sure we get an additional powerful generator we got for our hospital, and we have to -- one of our medical facilities, we have nine altogether in san juan plus the hospital. four are working at capacity. we want to make sure that we tend to the sick.
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much needed help came yesterday. i want to thank mayor bill de blasio. these two pins i am wearing are from the new york fire department and they gave me this angel and they told me now you have angels here getting your back. we want to thank all the help from virginia and houston and from new york city. this is a time for solidarity and for common purposes. we will have to rebuild. we will have to reconstruct. what i am seeing on the streets, besides the pain and the horror and the devastation, it's an over zealous belief that we are going to make it. just when i came up here, some of the security from the hotel told me, mayor, just tell the world that we are standing and that we are going to come out of this. that is the type of resilience,
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of help. people are starting to get desperate. we know the diesel is not going to last forever, and gas stations are packed with people who have to be in lines for hours. we are canvassing. with more troops on the ground, the people that came from new york city to san juan, they brought a satellite phone with them. you have no idea how important it is to not feel alone and know that there are resources available. people that came from houston, with the devastation of hurricane harvey, and now have left houston to come to us. this is what solidarity is all about and this is what solidarity looks like. as a mayor, and as a puerto rican, i am very thankful for all the fema workers down here. we had a very good meeting last night. i took about an hour and a half just talking about the intel
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that they have and what we have, and today joint teams are going to come out to start on their side canvassing and on our side continuing the very tedious job of opening the roads and making sure that we get to everybody. my biggest concern is that time will run out on some people. >> mayor -- i mean, it's possible that that is going to happen. it's just -- there are so many remote areas, i don't have to tell you, and it's so hard to communicate with people, and it's beautiful to see the angel on your shirt, but how are you going to get to people in time? >> we're going to work -- we have been working literally 20, 22 hours a day. we are dispatching everyone. everyone that has the capability of movement, really, we are
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dispatching. we have 1,000 workers. we started with a small team, 200 of them, and once their families are okay, they are coming into work and their commitment has been exceptional. we are just going to work, work, work, and do the best we can. with this additional 250 people, that's going to make a world of a difference. we just have to take it one day at a time. we have a plan. it's structured. we have at least a municipality and enough supplies, diesel, gas, water, ice, which is a great commodity nowadays. food, medical supplies and prescriptions for one month. we will share as much as we can share. if one has to eat a little less so your neighbor eats a little, that's what we are going to do and that's what we are seeing all over san juan.
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a second concern is what are we going to do with the urban refugees and people that have homes, the structures are fine, and you have no power or running water or drinking water and no medication. fema workers have worked with us to identifying large parts of land owned by the municipality, and we will call them hopevilles. it's so we can house all of those that cannot go home and won't be able to go home. what the government is telling us is that it will be four to six months before the power goes up. of course it will go up in all of those critical areas like hospitals. san juan will come out of this and will be able to help other municipalities coming out of the
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terrible horror we are living in the place we call our home. >> i know. mayor, we feel for you and know your emotion and we know yesterday you went to an orphanage and held little kids there and how special that was and you are worried about the youngest and, of course, the elderly today. we do hope you can make it to them on time. >> i got an sos text. thank you. i got an sos from the elderly orphanage, and it was a text like from a horror movie. it said if anybody can hear us, please, we are stuck here and we can't get out and we have no power and we have very little water left. we got there just in time. the fema workers that came from new york and from houston joined
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us there. it was a very touching moment. if i can save one life, that would be good enough, but i have too many to save, so you know, when danger is upon the streets of my city, we will work as hard as we can. i said something yesterday and i am going to repeat it. maria was very hard on us. it will be nothing compared to the power of the human spirit that will be unleashed to rebuild this city and to rebuild this country. we thank you so much for letting the world know as the security guard asked me to tell you, we are here. we are standing. we are fighting and we are going to overcome whatever is coming our way. >> we hear it and we see it. everybody is pulling and praying for you. thank you for being with us.
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chris? we go from the need to the response to that need. fema and other federal agencies are now deploying thousands of personnel. they had thousands in place before the storm in puerto rico. joining us now is fema administrator, brock long. you say today is an important day. why? >> i think today's the most important day when it comes to the response because as the mayor was talking about, we already have a pretty solid presence on the island but we have a long way to go. what we are trying to do is get the seaports open, and we are already utilizing airports to get lifesaving and life sustaining commodities in place, and we have additional teams to come on top of what the good mayor was talking about, and it's all about saving and establishing power for the infrastructure such as hospitals and we are doing life flights, not only out of puerto rico but also the virgin islands out of
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st. croix, to move people to the continent of the united states. we will push forward emergency communications to make sure we have solid communications throughout the response. today is about stabilizing the situation. that's what we are focused on. >> reconnaissance before recovery. i hear that from the first responders all the time. how close are you to having your hands around what the situation is in terms of what it will take to get power on and what the human costs really is from that island? >> i don't know what the human costs is right now. obviously without communications -- with communications being down, it's tough for us to have an accurate understanding of what awareness is. i do know last night, the number will go up. as we try to flood the islands
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and get more resources there. the numbers are moving targets right now. >> the airport being open is huge. the ports being open arguably just as huge because you have the tankers and major vessels that can carry so much equipment. how involved is it to open the port? >> right now we are working with our partners at noaa, and we are trying to open up the ports for life-saving commodity shipments coming in, and then we have over millions of mills and millions of liters of water, and one ship has generators to establish emergency power, and we are focussing on getting the 911 centers back up and running.
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>> the clock just started a couple days ago. what is your message of those living in the worst of conditions and they fear it's not going to get better anytime soon? >> we will work closely with the governor. the governor sets the response and the recovery goals and we are going to be standing by him and the people of puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands to help them achieve those goals. you know, we don't want to see anybody fail. we will work as rapidly as we can to help them out. this is going to be a marathon. the power grids in the u.s. virgin islands and puerto rico are incredibly fragile and we realize that, but what we establish at fema is the emergency power. establishing the grid, that's going to be highly involved. >> it may cost more money, but
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you have been making a point all along, harvey, irma, jose and now maria, you say you have to pay attention to the standards and codes and you have to rebuild better, and that's not just political speak, and this is an opportunity and we will see if the government's take it. we know you have your hands full as the administrator of fema right now. let us know how to help. >> thank you. to north korea, the insults are flying and a nuclear showdown is brewing. we will speak to the state department with the escalating rhetoric with north korea and the plan.
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we will continue our efforts in the diplomatic arena but all the military options, as the president has said, is on the table. >> that was secretary of state, rex tillerson, not ruling out a military option on north korea. this as kim jong-un and trump trade barbs. kim jong-un said trump is surely a rogue and gangster, and i will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged dotard with fire. not a word i say often.
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what happens at the state department? when you hear kim jong-un use language like that, when see says senile and a gangster, do you take them seriously? >> the economic pressure campaign is having an effect. we are seeing him lash out in this fashion. we have taken on the policy. it was the top thing that the president asked rex tillerson to do at the beginning of the administration, deal with north korea, implement the peaceful campaign, which means economic sanctions. we have not only seen that through the u.n., and two in the past few weeks cracking down on north korea's economy, and we are having conversations with allies and partners around the world in the most far fetched countries you would ever think of, asking to assist us and they are onboard. >> how do you know that's having an effect? >> you see the headlines, and they are often buried, but about
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countries kicking out guest workers, and they are basically slave workers in the countries, mexico, and things are happening all over the world and they don't have -- make the headlines. >> so when president trump calls him a mad man, is that part of a strategy? >> it's speaking in a fashion americans understand, right? the president is clear in his speaking. in the united states that's something that we understand and get and it's a direct style. >> is it upping the anti-retore klee to some end? >> what the president is doing is making clear our displeasure. and it's not just the united states' displeasure, but it's the entire world with the nuclear and ballistic tests.
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japan, south korea, how comfortable would you be with the missiles? >> what will the u.s. do if at the test a hydrogen bomb? >> that will be the president's decision. we have a lot of options on the table. we have the military option. but the diplomatic strategy is the preferred approach. james mattis talks a lot about that, too. diplomacy is the preferred approach. we are pushing forward with that every single day. >> the military option gets a lot of attention in the media because it's scary, it's so scary, the idea of sort of mutual destruction? >> nobody wants that. that's why we are working so hard with our counterparts and allies and friends.
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and even with some countries, we might not be working with this. we want the denuclearization and it's starting to have an affect. >> would diplomacy be the next step if there's a hydrogen bomb tested over the pacific? >> i will not get ahead of that, and that's a decision coming out of the white house. >> are you open to have talks with north korea? >> we have said that repeatedly, but kim jong-un is showing no sign of seriousness about sitting down and having talks. the conditions are not right when he is shooting off missiles and conducting nuclear tests. >> is it your sense of the state department that the u.s. will get out of the deal? >> i will not get ahead of the president. we have an overall policy review
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of the iran nuclear deal. the jcpoa that just deals with the nuclear provision, and this administration is looking at the totality of iran's bad activities. we have seen them killing u.s. service members in iraq. we have seen iran's support of hezbollah, and iran is responsible for near famine in yemen and iran is involved with terrible things around the world. this administration wants to look at the totality -- >> although none of those things were part of the iran deal. >> those were not and that's why they want to take an overall look at the picture of iran. >> the state department certified iran was within the deal. >> the harassment of our u.s.
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sailors in the persian gulf, and funding militias, and making things worse in syria, and we look at all that and when we look at all that let's make that part part of the comprehensive strategy with iran. >> maybe an addendum. >> there's a lot of conversations being had. secretary tillerson has been meeting with his counterparts who are all part of this, who are part of the original iran nuclear deal. having that conversations with them to widen the scope of our policy. >> let's talk about russia for a second. >> sure. >> mark zuckerberg of facebook is addressing this head on and turning over documents to congress to show that russia did have the troll farms and had fake accounts and tried to gin up all sorts of outrage on facebook so he's going to comply
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and help try to shut all that down. the president tweeted this russia stuff is a hoax. where is the state department on this? >> the state department doesn't get involved in that particular issue, per se, but we will call out russia for its activities. >> the state department doesn't believe it's a hoax? >> what's a hoax? >> does not believe russian interference is a hoax. >> it's clear russia meddled in the campaign and election. nobody takes issue with that whatsoever -- >> the president does. >> nobody takes issue with that whatsoever. >> why is he calling it a hoax? >> i can't speak for the president on that, but the president has been clear about this in the past. i'm not certain which specific tweet you are talking about, but what they have done in meddling in the election is clear. we continue to have
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conversations with the russian government about many activities that they are involved with and we continue to look for areas where we can work together with the russian government, and that would include syria, for example, where we have a cease-fire that is held for more than two months now. that is that a significant opportunity, and a great opportunity to try and eventually bring peace to syria. >> that's the good news, but in terms of stopping russia from ever doing it again, what's the plan? >> that's not in our wheelhouse at the state department about that, but we have conversations about that with russia on many issues, and they are involved in the peaceful campaign when it comes to north korea and they are helping and assisting in that and we are working with russia on areas of mutual interests. we are more than happy to call them out for any bad activities. we do that when it comes to cracking down on human rights groups, which they do in russia
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for limiting free speech in russia. we are clear when our interests diverse, we call them out on that. we will not back away from standing up from democracy, human rights and freedom of speech and all things americans stand for and we make that clear with russia. >> thank you. you have been following what is happening with jimmy kimmel. he had a tough situation with his own child and he and his wife learned if they did not have the money they have, their kid to be jammed up, not just right now but going forward into the future. it made him an advocate on the issue. now he's in there, all right, and he's getting beat up by republicans and he's giving back and then some. we have a senator mixing it up with jimmy kimmel and said this graham/cassidy bill is good for you.
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care showdown because they are trying to get this bill passed as part of the reconciliation window and it ends on september 30th. our next guest is a yes on the graham/cassidy bill and he's a no on hearing from jimmy kimmel about it. senator kennedy joins us now. good to have you here to make the case. jimmy kimmel took it to you on his show and i will play it for the audience, i'm sure you are aware. >> listen, lady -- [ applause ] >> i don't know how many times we have to say it. i am asking why people like you are not listening to medical experts like the american medical association, but i understand what he's saying, i should not be the guy you go to
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on medical advice. >> he was responding to you, and i don't think anybody would confuse him as a medical expert, and what is your response to the latest? >> mr. kimmel is a funny guy. that was a funny clip you showed. i didn't see his show last night but read it this morning. i hope mr. kimmel's son gets better. he's a dad. i'm a dad. my son had a serious illness at one point, and i felt bad. this is america and you can believe what you want and i can believe what i want, too. the affordable care act is not perfect, and nor is
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graham/cassidy. the litmus test for me is is the replacement better than the affordable care act. for me, at this point, that's a yes. i add two caveats. if this ends up on the floor there will be a lot of amendments, we will be there all day and night, maybe two days in a row. i want to see what the amendments do. number two, if people start making special deals and certain states get special treatment at the expense of my state i'm going to be very unamused. i don't think it's right. >> it's a special deal by definition. this is an end around regular
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legislation. this is pulling a fast one any way you look at it and that's why they are trying to get it through by next week. no guarantee any amendments get put on this, and the kind of people you are talking about it, he probably won't be four of the amendment. your own governor, your own medicaid guy says you are wrong, and the needy people like so many you have in louisiana are going to suffer and suffer in exchange for giving the government tax dollars to go place with in tax reform. you will have money after this, but who suffers because of it? >> well, two points. number one, i disagree with you about the amendments, chris. under reconciliation amendments
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are unlimited. the democrats can offer as many as they want and so can the republicans. >> i know you can offer them up but there's no guarantee they get attached. mcconnell is not feeling what you say what you want and graham and cassidy are saying they are not going to feel what you want. the money will be cut out for medicaid. your governor has said it. >> the second point i was going to make is all these projections about the impact of the bill, i don't understand how they are able to make the projection because the whole bill is premised on giving large amendments of money, it will be billions to the states, and allowing the states to devise their own plans. i don't think anybody knows what kind of plans they are going to devise. for example, a state like
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louisiana could take these billions of dollars and establish a high-risk pool. it's a fact, which my governor knows, by the way, that 10% of the american people spend 67% of the health care dollars. 50% spend about -- no, 5% spend 50%. >> right. >> that ought to be the target. so you could take the money and set up a high risk pool for those folks and it would lower the premiums on the people who are not in the high-risk pool. that's just one option. all these studies that are coming out, unless they are clairvoyant, they don't know what the impact will be. >> fair point. the substance point is your governor's constructive argument and others dealing with pop legs
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of the impoverished, the control ain't enough and i will not be able to keep these people on the rolls. they showed under coverage in the aca process. senator, how can you respect and go along with the process when the reason we can't know when it's going to turn out is because you are not letting the cbo score it? mcconnell is rushing it through and people like you are endorsing that move, so you are right we don't know what it's going to do and we don't know because the cbo don't have the time to score it. your own criticism is being used as leverage in this situation. how can you vote for a bill when you know it's not going to be scored? >> i don't see how cbo can score
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it. how can they score the unknown? >> they have done it before. this is what they do. >> no they can't. >> what do you mean, no, they can't? >> because they don't know what the states are going to do. >> they make projections off the need of the states. this is not guesswork. >> we will have to agree to disagree. >> we can, except to your own point, the unknown is a danger, because if the state is not insistent on doing what they need to do for these people, and i am not escaping negative motives, and i am saying with pre-existing conditions, you have to do the right thing, and they decide who gets covered and who doesn't and the companies decide how much they charge, and when you take those two elements what you have right now with the aca you inject risks, and risks
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often winds up going to the detriment of the people who need the help. you know this, and i don't mean to tell you your own situation. you know it better than i ever will. >> let me try it this way. we are talking about 7% of the population. if you add up all the people that get subsidies under obamacare and people added through medicaid, that 7% of the american people. if you are getting insurance through your employer, 61% of the people, this bill doesn't impact you. those 7% of the americans are important, but in order to help those 7% of the americans, and the affordable care act didn't do it adequately, and the affordable care act punishes a lot of people who are not wealthy among the other 93%. this bill, in my opinion, you may disagree, and like i say, this is america, you can believe what you want --
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>> i just test the argument. >> i understand. i think this bill is going to lower costs. >> for who? >> for everybody. that's one of the most important things -- >> how can you pullmany out and let the companies charge whatever they want to people who are vulnerable and it becomes less expensive. and that thank god i am healthy -- >> yeah, they can charge whatever they want -- they can't charge whatever they want. let me exchange. >> please. >> this new plan will be run through the chip program. on top of that, if a state wants to make a change, they call it a 1332 waiver, it has to get
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permission of the secretary of the department of health and human services. the standard that is being used is the change, is the new proposal adequate and affordable. >> right, but the protections you will have in this bill and going forward are less than those which are there right now. >> let me give you an example. >> it's not about saving money but insuring the outcomes of the needy. >> it sure wasn't about saving money. calling it the affordable care act is a misnomer. >> the rate of increase is less. go ahead. >> a small town or county in my state, making about 70 grand a year, and before obamacare he was paying $750 a month.
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affordable care act wiped that out and he's paying $1,700 a month. >> he's not alone. >> if you had to compare his after tax income to the cost of the health insurance he's got to buy now he's spending a third of his after tax income. >> he's not alone. the individual markets have problems. they needed to be addressed. there are a lot of people that did have their rates came down and a lot of people are in a better position. the interesting thing i am hearing from you, the opposite argument i am hearing from your leadership. you just said the overwhelming majority of the company won't be impacted by this. you have an employer and then medicare, and we are dealing with 7% and they matter and we want to make sure they are right, but it's only 7%. your leadership does the opposite. you have huge numbers of people who are covered now, literally
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millions who would not have been covered otherwise, and you are saying scrap the whole aca, your leadership, to help those that got beat up in the individual markets. baby out with the bathwater. you are saying most people will be okay, and we will help the 7% as well, but nothing is perfect. there are opposite arguments on the same floor next week. a little interesting. shows the disarray involved here. >> well, let me try it another way. you're pretty good. let me try it another way. if you say, let's say, $10,000 a year, and that's your total income. in many states right now, under obamacare, you are not covered. you are not covered. under graham/cassidy, a state could choose to cover you. >> a state could. the unknown is a risk, senator. we are going to wind up telling these stories, here at cnn, we
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will tell the stories in the months and years to come about who gets treated the right way and who gets treated the wrong way and why and that's why there's so much concern. >> and you should. >> we will be on it. you know that for damn sure. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> next week, come back because that's the big week. you can come on and have as much time as you want. >> i look forward to it and maybe we can talk about tax reform, too. >> the audience should know. i know you are hearing about the gop doing tax cuts for the wealthy x. this senator, it's all about reform for middle class. a little premature. we will get to it. >> thanks, man. thanks, man. this debate matters. it's hard to have it in little pieces like this for me and alison, and monday night, a special moderation.
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look at the teams. team debate. senators bernie sanders, and amy kul bough char, and the authors of the bill on health care. you can't ask for better than that in terms of finding what it's all about. >> that and taking questions. the audience can ask them directly. the trump presidency has been tied to twitter. and bill weir joins us with his cnn special report "twitter and trump." that's next. rceful. elusive. shrewd. cancer. is. smart. it pushes us. we push back. we even push each other. to challenge conventional thinking. find smarter solutions. that's what makes us one of the leaders in precision cancer treatment. forging ahead with technology that wasn't available to cancer patients just a short time ago. like advanced genomic testing. a diagnostic tool that lets us see cancer
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>> it became mandatory listening. everybody would lean forward to hear what the president had to say. >> and while truman and eisenhower were the first on tv. >> not because they are easy, but because they are hard. >> jfk and reagan -- >> tear down this wall. >> are considered the best. the united states tweeting new criticism. >> president trump tweeted this, quote -- >> which brings us to number 45. >> i'll do it verbally. i'll do it on television. i'll do it on twitter. >> bill weir joins us now. great to have you here. >> good to see you. >> we are leaning in with what you have to say. tell us about this relationship. >> we wanted to give a physical reminder that these words will be studied for historians for centuries and taught to kids and
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it's normalized now because it just comes like a fire hose. this morning is pitch perfect donald trump tweeting. he averages six a day. he loves the morning. >> we noticed. >> he goes after perceived enemies, home and abroad. this morning he's tweeting after kim jong-un. he's going after, quote, crooked hillary clinton. it's interesting how he learned to use twitter. >> how did he? >> a digital publicist said you had to use this platform, and trump liked it. despite that, this guy ran his account for eight months. you can see the moment he took over. you can see in his vocabulary,
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his tone. people in the intelligent services think he's giving too much away. >> what he tweets matters. >> we'll be watching. thank you very much. bill's special report, twitter and trump tonight at 9:00 eastern only on cnn. cnn "newsroom" with poppy harlow a harlow starts after this. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
6:00 am
good morning. it's the top of the hour. 9:00 eastern. i appem poppy harlow. >> i am john berman. all that is at stake, the lives of tens of millions of people. >> a short time ago the president of the united states wrote this, kim jong-un of north korea who is obviously a mad man that doesn't mind starving or killing his people will be tested like never before. this hours after kim jong-un
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