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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  September 24, 2017 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. wouldn't love to see who respects our flag and say get that son of a bitch off the field right now. >> the guy who we put in charge is trying to divide us once again. >> trying to figure out the leader of a country to go that route. not what leaders do. >> black people, black athletes get attacked by people like you and the president of the united states when they have every right to be here! >> catch your bruce maxwell is believed to be the first major league player to not stand
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during the national anthem. >> rocket man should have been handled a long time ago. we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. >> now, he has tried to turn the u.n. arena into a gangster's nest where money is respected and blood shed is the order of the day. >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> good morning to you. politics, patriotism and kickoff comes in a few hours in the nfl. >> what is going to happen on the field before the games after president trump criticized players who take a knee during the national an consist them in protest of racial inequality. this morning, we know more nfl executives and athletes are talking.
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the controversy protest, it's spreading to another pro sports league as well. >> listen to this from the president. they won't be around much longer. president trump ratcheting up the threats on north korea after its foreign minister speaks at the u.n. saying president trump's insults are pushing the countries closer to open war. >> the latest on president trump's travel ban is set to conspire today. a new ban on the way. we are going to tell you how that could impact your travel. let's get first to what is happening with the nfl. now it appears major league baseball just had its first player take a knee during the national anthem. >> bruce maxwell of the oakland a's knelt with his hand over his heart before the anthem played before last night's game. major league baseball said it respects its individuals' backgrounds and opinions. >> my hand over my heart i am an
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american citizen and great to be here but my kneeling is what is getting the attention because i'm kneeling for the people that don't have a voice. this goes beyond the black community. the scope beat goes behind the hispanic community because right now we are having a indifference and racial divide in all types of people. >> our coy wire is with us now. a lot of people, we know, are watching the games today to see if more players will kneel if there will be more protests. >> yes. . exactly right. good morning to you. i reached out to several players, general managers and i could hear the discouragement in the voice of one of the general managers to whom i spoke. he said his organization would never fire a player for kneeling, as president trump suggested nfl owners do. his team has not yet had a player take a knee in peaceful protest of racial injustice but now he says do not be surprised one bit if players from his team do, in fact, kneel during the anthem for the first time. and we talked a bit and he said don't be surprised if there is an entire team kneeling on the
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sideline and keep our eye on that as games commence. i talked to one high profile source with ties to the league to the coaches and players. he said, quote, we are going to do to him, meaning president trump, what we did to donald sterling, end quote. former clippers owner who was caught on tape for making racial remarks. let's talk to some of president trump's remarks about the sports world yesterday. with everything going on in your country, why are you focused on who is kneeling and visiting in the white house? this is what chris paul said. cnn obtain statements from people who have spoken out in support of san francisco players. san francisco 49ers owner jed york said, in part, quote.
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one of the biggest narratives among people with whom i've spoken and on social media amongst athletes and celebrities yesterday is that president trump referred to people marching in charlottesville as who were, very fine people, unquote but he called black athletes who have been peaceful -- >> i don't know why he feels he needs to target certain individuals rather than others. i have an idea of why, but it's kind of -- just kind of beneath, i think, a leader of a country to go that route. it's not what leaders do. >> steph curry is one of many high profile athletes and entertainers speaking out about president trump's comments yesterday. >> coy wire, we know a lot of nfl team owners have donated to
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the trump inaugural committee, including patriots owner robert kraft donated a million dollars. what else can you tell us about the relationship between specifically kraft and the president? >> team owner robert kraft is one of the several nfl owners to donate a million dollars to president trump's inaugural committee. robert kraft was at president trump's preinauguration dinner. his deep ties to the president when robert kraft's wife died in 2011, donald and his wife melania, were there for him. he expressed condolences and in that year, robert kraft says he was depressed and one of five or six people who were there for him. and he remembers that. now, remember, this team visited the white house. they gave president trump a super bowl ring. that is not very common. tom brady, star quarterback, he was spotted with make america great again hat in his locker. he, of course, downplayed it but nonetheless he has said that president trump is friends with him. head coach bill belichick also has written a letter in support
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of president trump. you can see that this team, it is no surprise that they are one of the organizations that have not yet written a letter in support of nfl commissioner roger goodell where the players deep ties and strong ties there with the new england patriots and president trump. >> coy wire, thank you very much thank you so much. lebron james defended steph curry after the president revoked a white house visit. james went on twitter telling the president this. going to the white house was a great honor until you showed up. james later expanded on why or rather expound odd why he sent that message. >> basically at a point i'm kind of, you know, just a little frustrated, man. just because this guy that we have put in charge has tried to divide us once again, and, obviously, we all know what happened with charlottesville and the divide that caused. and now it's even hitting more
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home for me now even more because he is now using sports as the platform to try to divide us. and we all know how much sports brings us together, how much passion it has, how much we love and care, and, you know, the friendships and everything that it creates and for him to try use this platform to divide us even more is not something i can stand for and is not something i can be quiet about. you know, you just -- you look at him kind of asking, you know, the nfl owners to -- to get rid of players off field because they are, you know, exercising their rights, and that is not right. >> let's talk to errol louis, cnn political comment tator and let's talk about the president's white house. a few private employees in
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recent weeks. . sarah huckabee-sanders. now the president saying nfl players should be fired for kneeling during the anthem. is there a strategy here, errol? does he want to intimidate his critics, rally his base? can you help us understand what is happening? >> strategy is probably too strong of a word. when you saw the president sort of cussing and raging from the podium at a political rally in alabama the other day, he joined a long line of politicians who have done exactly the same. it was kind of clear who he was targeting his hatred at and who he was trying to sort of stir the crowd up against. and trying to be the angriest guy in the world, the old demagogue trip of trying to appeal to people's base or instincts and show that he is one of them and that he is going to be part of them and what donald trump has done throughout
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his kror. the birther lies that launched his political career set the template where his politics have gone when it comes near to the question of race. when it comes time to denounce actual nazis chanting in german and one case killing someone at a rally, you have to pull any kind of condemnation out of the president. but let there be somebody, whether a commentator or an athlete or something like that and he is quick with the twitter finger. so that, you know, this is where we are and what we have got. i think it's kind of clear. i think the rest of the country has spotted this and sort of understands exactly what is going on here. and it will be up to us to figure out what all of this means. >> well, i think it's important to get back to the crux of this, melissa. kaepernick, first, he sat, back in 2016. then he knelt. this is what he said about it. he said i'm not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for country that owe presses black
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people and people of color. to me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. there are bodies in the streets and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder. now he went on to say, after he met with former green beret and long snapper nate boyer, he said this. we were talking to boyer how can we get the message back on track and not take away from the military and not take away from fighting for our country but keep the focus on what the issues really are and as we talked about it we came up with taking a knee because there are issues that still need to be addressed and it was also a way to hoe more respect to the men and women who fight for the country. he was trying to find -- he is saying taking a knee is in respect for the people who fight for our country. president trump then, overnight, tweeted roger goodell of nfl just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country and tell them to stand. is there a disconnect between not just the president, but other people in this country who
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just don't understand why people are kneeling? >> yes. i think there absolutely is a disconnect. look. these players are not protesting something that is a menial issue. this is a very important issue that colin kaepernick is trying to shed more light and attention on. what i think is interesting is not only did colin kaepernick go out and seek the opinion and advice of a veteran, a former green beret, which i think is very admiral, it shows that he wants to show that respect to the u.s. military and those who fought so valiantly for this country, but colin kaepernick and every single nfl player who is kneeling is just exercising their first amendment rights. they have a first amendment right to free speech, a first amendment right to freedom of expression and those instilled in our constitution that makes this country so great, so they are just exercising the very things that makes the united states so wonderful and i don't think that we can dismiss the
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things that they are protesting for, as president trump seems to want to do. >> thank you both for being here. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. another late night attack from president trump. this going toward north korea. the words going from the u.s. to north korea show no signs of stopping. president trump tweets that the north korean leaders won't be around much longer. why he said that. next. plus, stranded without power, water are or any means of communication. people in puerto rico are still reeling from hurricane maria. look at this. now churning towards the east coast. oh, you brought butch. yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs)
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just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u.n. if he echoes thoughts of little rocket man they won't be around very much longer. >> fighters stage force off the north korean coast. yesterday at the u.n., north korea's foreign minister, let's hear what he said. >> translator: none other than trump himself on a suicide mission. if innocent lives are harmed trump will be held totally responsible. >> cnn senior international correspondent ben wedeman joins us live from tokyo. ben, is there any indication how far president trump's voice can go before north korea might actually take some action? >> it's one thing to say all of these things. it's another to actually become involved in a shooting war. i think we are still a bit a
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ways from that. certainly we did see the united states today or rather yesterday flying b-1 bombers and f-is a fighters up along the eastern coast of north korea above the dmz, above the 38th parallel that divides the two countries and according to a spokeswoman the first time they fly that far north since the century. it does indicate the president trump is not just talking. it's also showing the koreans it hat force to project itself very close to the area where, in fact, these nuclear tests are taking place. the sixth one so far since 2006 taking place on the 3rd of september.
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if you look. if you listen to the speech by the north korean foreign minister at the united nations, you can see. this is a man who is familiar with the west. he was the ambassador to the uk from 2003 to 2007 so he knew what he was saying. he was delivering a message directly from the leadership in north korea and if you just listen to one bit that he said, it's clear why president trump might be a bit annoyed. >> translator: the observed reality that a person like trump, fully deranged person and the person who chazz tiesed even by american people as commander in grief, lion king, president evil, is holding the seat of the u.s. presidents and the dangerous reality that the gambler who grew old using threats, frauds and all other schemes to acquire a patch of
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land holds the nuclear button. these are what constitute the gravest threat to the international peace and security today. >> reporter: so this volley is causing concern in the region. in fact, we have heard from one of the spokesman for the democratic party, which is the ruling party in south korea, saying this kind of exchange of rhetoric is not helping the situation at all at the moment. >> so, ben, let's just look back a few years. 2008, new york philharmonic and other u.s. officials traveled to north korea for a concert and cultural visit and that is under kim jong-il but what made things change so dramatically in just the last nine years? >> reporter: i think since kim
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jong-un took over in 2011, you have to keep in mind he is a very young man. it's believed he is just now in his mid-30s, half the age of president trump. he is insecure. he needs to show the people around him that he is in charge, that he is strong, that, for instance his nuclear program is something that makes him a factor on the world stage and not simply the ruler of an impoverished remote country. he has to make his mark. probably more so than internationally because, of course, he is the third in line -- rather the third member of his family to rule north korea since 1945. he is a young man relatively inexperienced so he has to show through his nuclear program and some of his brutal actions in the country itself, that he is
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in charge. when he is on the receiving end of these insulting tweets from president trump, he needs to show even more that he can stand up to the leader of all the united states. but it comes at a considerable risk. >> it does, indeed. ben wedeman there in tokyo, thanks so much. president trump is going after some of the nation's best not only professional athletes and they are attacking back. you're going to hear the back and forth. also, anthony weiner is set for sentencing tomorrow for lewd online conduct with a 15-year-old girl. the question, is he going to go to prison? whole foods market, we believe in food that's naturally beautiful, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market.
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well. >> white house officials say they have worked with homeland security and the state department to create some new guidelines here. those are based on how a country issues passports. their security levels. and whether they share information about terrorists inside their borders. the president recently said the ban needs to be, quote, far larger, tougher, and more specific. the president's previous ban restricted travel from these six countries. you see them there. multiple courts ruled against his order, though. this is all happening as the president enters a critical week for health care legislation, despite two firm no's from senator john mccain and rand paul, they are still working for repeal by saturday's deadline. vice president pence is trying to flip rand paul from a no to a yes. they would also have to get senators murkowski and collins on board. those two, along with senator
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mccain, were key to sinking the last effort. so how will senator susan collins vote on her party's last-ditch effort to end obamacare? you can hear what she is going to stay on "state of the union" with jake tapper at 9:00 a.m. eastern pacific this morning. let's talk about the president's controversial comments about the professional athletes and the growing response. start with what the president said on friday night in alabama. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out? he is fired! he is fired! you know, if you hit too hard, right? they hit too hard, 15 yards, throw him out of the game! it is hurting the game. but you know what is hurting the game more than that? when people like yourself turn on television and you see those people taking the knee when they are playing our great national anthem.
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>> the president made those comments as we said during the rally in alabama supporting a republican senate candidate luther strange. brian stelter is with us and gentlemen, good morning to you. so, wesley, explain more beyond the 140 characters you had. any play >> sure. should be asked to explain why. in part, you know, you think about the many iterations we have gone through in this conversation, right? when colin kaepernick initially didn't stand for the anthem and then knelt after having conversations with a former player. we have had him entertain bad faith interpretations of his act of protest, right? that he was somehow being
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disrespectful to the troops or disrespectful to the military. what we have seen here is the president of the united states really attacking players for expressing their first amendment rights. no matter how you feel about the cause 'cha colin kaepernick and have been supporting, the idea they would be fired or retaliated against. but beyond that, you had, you know, the president of the united states using some pretty coarse language, you know, again, calling on these sobs is not something that is known in the sports world we talk about a lot about brotherhood and camaraderie and teammates standing up for someone like that, no matter how a player feels about these protests. the idea that someone would come at your colleague, your teammate that way and you wouldn't sta n stand with them or in this case neil with them tells us a lot about ourselves about our professional athletes. i think today as the players take field, it's a political statement one way or another, whether they kneel or not, every player is weighing in on this so i'm very interested to hear from
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players, no matter what their decision is, about why that decision has been made because, again, either you're -- if someone came to one my colleagues like this i couldn't fathom not responding to them in sdla solidarity. >> does this protest now become about the president instead of what it initially was about as wesley was talking about? >> i think in many ways it's about president trump as well as about the original intent to call attention to racial injustice, prejudice, and oppression. that was colin kaepernick's goal a year ago and certainly the anthem protests still seen that way, among people acting in good faith, as wes said, some have tried to reinterpret it.
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today, what reporters will be watching for is whether folks are kneeling as a protest against president trump. what we saw one baseball player do it last night. this is the first time that these protests have moved into the baseball stadiums. now we got the first game today early in london. 9:30 a.m. eastern time. we are talking see what players decide to do. if i can highlight one other piece of what president trump said. there is an unmistakable racial element to this when he is criticizing african-americans players. those are the players who have been kneeling at these nfl games. he is also talking about trying to change the rules of football to make it more dangerous. there has been an attempt to make the game safer because of the concussions. president trump is up there on friday night saying we should get back to the days where people were hitting each other even harder. he said that on the campaign trail as well. that is all part of a make america great again nostalgia he is playing to, playing in front of an almost entire white
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audience in alabama. there is an element of politics here hard to ignore. >> one thing we cannot ignore, wesley, even though the statement from nfl commissioner roger goodell but not calling the president by name or specifically quoting his statements there and standing on side of the players as some have interpreted it, colin kaepernick still has not been picked up by a team so let's not exonerate the team owners in their statements thus far in this confrontation with players and the president. >> of course. by almost every analysis we have seen, colin kaepernick is talented enough to be on an nfl roster. this is a player who, not long ago, led his team to a super bowl. and has, you know, in the years since his initial protest, found himself up able to find himself on an nfl roster. there is a real question what happens to colin kaepernick who has told everyone who asks him that he wants to play football and wants to be back on the field. i think it's interesting as we entered this season which is still only a few weeks into the season, we saw the rise of
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additional players either kneeling or raising a fist in part in support of colin kaepernick who has been left off of the field. in fact, was given the players association community service award as a player who is not even taking the field these weeks. what i would be shocked if we don't see many more athletes today as these games commence taking a knee raising a fist. but we have seen each time is that as there has been blowback to these protests, what we have seen additional players kind of saying, look, i've got to get myself involved in this as well. so it has a duel effect. i think that donald trump almost guaranteed that additional players would be take agony today. >> doesn't ben -- sorry. >> i want to talk about the nba for a moment and steph curry and the i guess rescinding of the invitation there. on what the golden state warriors will be doing. they will be going to washington instead of going to the white house specifically. >> they say they will hold
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events involving diversity and inclusion partly to make a statement about the president and against the president. we heard from adam silver, the nba commissioner, saying we wanted the players to be able to go to the white house but he also respects this group decision. it's interesting that trump disinvited them after there was already talk about the team not going after all. i actually connect this to celebrities, to ceos. there are all of these leaders throughout the country having to make these choices about whether to be associated with president trump or not. we didn't see this with reagan or george w. bush or clinton or bush or obama to the steptexten see it now with trump. a lot of ceos and a lot of athletes avoiding being associated with president trump. >> this is spreading to the entertainment industry. stevie wonder last night during a concert in new york, we want you to see this. >> tonight, i'm taking a knee
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for america. but not just one knee. i'm taking both knees! both knees in prayer for our planet, our future, our leaders of the world. and our globe. >> he made the gesture just before his appearance at the global citizens festival. he told the concert attendees there he did not come to preach, that is his word but, that quote, our spirits must be in the right place all the time. it is now steve bannon versus donald trump in the battle for an alabama senate seat. bannon is traveling there today to campaign for republican roy moore even though his former boss is stumping for luther strange. ben carson, housing and urban development secretary, also now publicly supporting roy moore.
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so we will see how that goes. will it be prison or probation. anthony weiner sentencing tomorrow for lewd conduct with a 15-year-old girl. prosecutors want to see him spend 27 months in prison. he had photographic photos and video chats with the teen. his attorney says he is making progress in counseling so they are asking for probation. millions of people in puerto rico have no power, no access to clean running water or communication, after hurricane maria tore across that island. we have got a live report for you next. ♪
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breaking news into cnn just moments ago. another earthquake in mexico. this one magnitude 5.7 centered in southern mexico. >> this comes after two earthquakes struck near the same area yesterday. mexico is still feeling tremors after tuesday's big quake near mexico city that killed 307 people and millions of people still don't remember power in puerto rico and no way to communicate with anybody. here is the prime minister of dominica summed up the crisis at the u.n. >> we dug graves today and we buried loved ones yesterday. there is green, there is only dust and dirt. the dissolution is beyond imagination. >> cnn correspondent nick valencia is live from san juan, puerto rico. you've been bringing us some
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pretty incredible images. help us understand what it's like there right now. >> reporter: three days since the storm passed over the island of puerto rico and still parts of it that are under more than two feet of water if you can imagine that. this was an epic storm. the worst hurricane that has passed through puerto rico in nearly a hundred years. you mentioned no clean running water in some cases. the infrastructure has been decimated beyond recognition in some parts. hospitals have been ruined. people are having trouble getting food in some cases. it was earlier that i caught up with the governor of puerto rico ricardo and i asked him about the recovery efforts. >> this was something that we had anticipated a category five hurricane. no slouch. it essentially wiped out all of the telecommunications. we are trying to reestablish them. we are trying to use alternate means so you can communicate with your loved ones and we won't rest until all of those loved ones anywhere in puerto rico can find a way to communicate with those over
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here. >> reporter: with this, local officials are trying to take generators to the cell phone towers to reestablish communication. so many people on the u.s. mainland trying to get in touch with their loved ones and still don't know their fate. at least ten people have died as a result of this storm but many concerned the death toll could go up. if this island hasn't been through enough, here we are dealing with a possible dam breach in the northwest part of the territory. there was a crack found in the dam by local engineers and affecting about 70,000 people between two townships and evacuations are under way and local officials are taking buses to try to get out those people that can't get out themselves. you want to talk about the cost? it might be too early to talk about the cost but, yesterday, i asked the governor about that. he said this is going to cost more than hurricane george did and that took about $7 or $8 billion for this island to recover. a desperate situation as ever here. >> oh, my goodness. nick, thank you so much. >> parts of the u.s. could feel the impact of hurricane maria. possible warnings coming.
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3:49 am
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cnn meteorologist allison chinchar is tracking hurricane maria. we have been wondering where this thing is going to go. what lieutenant impact be? >> looks like the storm is going to get close to the u.s. and quickly veer away. almost as if it was teasing us. but not before it brings some pretty serious impacts. right now, maria has winds about 110 miles per hour. as it moves off to the north, we expect it to weaken even more which is fantastic news. but notice here, it starts to go north, creeps back a little bit to the west.
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almost like it's coming back just for north carolina and then takes a sharp turn to the right away from the u.s. in doing so, however, it's going to trigger some rip currents. it's already started to do that. no north carolina yesterday there were 25 rescues from rip currents alone and we haven't seen the peak of the rip currents. those are likely to peak tonight into monday. so we talk about what rip currents are and what can you do to protect yourself if you happen to be caught in one. so, for example, in these conditions, as maria approaches the coastline, she is going to push a lot of water up against the shore. in doing so, all of that water has to go somewhere so it ends up getting spread back out and has to come back out. but it form these very tight channels that can end up going relatively rapid speeds. if you happen to be swimming in one of those, you can get caught up in one. and quickly rushed into much deeper water than you are likely to feel comfortable with. the best thing to do, if that
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happens, is swim parallel to the beach to get out of it and then you can find your way back. the thing people need to realize is this isn't just going to be a problem for north carolina. this is likely to go several states further north through the mid-atlantic as the storm continues to pass by. >> good to know. allison chinchar, thank you very much. president trump not backing down in this feud with some of the country's best known athletes. but is this this war rhetorically distracting from his key issues on his agenda? ♪ hey hun, huh! we gotta go. come on. ♪ ♪
3:53 am
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3:55 am
3:56 am
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big day of nfl play today. a lot of headline moments, though, already last night and again yet this morning. coy wire is here. president is tweeting. >> he is and we will save that in a few minutes. we have to get to the good stuff. sport is still fun, right? let's do that. four of the top five trending stories this morning on the bleachers report has to be with carmelo anthony being traded to oklahoma city. franchise player for the knicks being traded to oklahoma city. he will join fell all-stars russell westbrook and paul george and some calling this a new nba super team. the knicks will receive two thunder players including enes kanter and another pick to be finalized by at league office. a late night thriller in the heartland. after 35-yard touchdown run by wadley, you got to love college football, don't you? iowa takes a fourth point lead over penn state late in the
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fourth quarter. but with four seconds to go, quarterback for the nittany lions crushes the hearts of hawkeye nation. look at this. how does he fit that in there? like fitting a pint glass into a shot glass with that touchdown pass. nittany lions using one of their nine lives and escaping the hawkeyes in iowa city 21-19 victory. after a long layoff due to hurricane irma, 12th ranked florida state shocked by unranked nc state at home! after the wolf pack's 27-21 win, check out one of their players, bradley chubb seen spitting on the midfield logo! he did later apologize for this gesture but florida state now 0-2 on the season. of course, they are without their star quarterback there who they lost to injury. a lot of action yesterday but all of the action today will be focused on nfl and nfl sunday. what is going to happen with the player protests in wake of president trump's comments about athletes? >> thank you, coy. >> thanks, coy.
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health and human services secretary tom price says he is going to stop using private jets for government purpose trips while the practice is under investigation. price faced some criticism for how much his trips cost such as this one a few weeks ago. politico estimates his private flight cost $25,000 when a train ticket for the same trip cost 72! >> we have heard the criticism. we have heard the concerns. and we take that very seriously and have taken it to heart. we welcome this review. we want to make certain that we have the full confidence of not just this administration but the american people. >> price says he is also asked for an internal review of travel practices. there is a lot to talk about this morning so let's do that right now. the second hour of "new day" starts right now. wouldn't you love to see who of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag? to say, get that son of a bitch
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off the field right now! >> this guy that we have put in charge has tried to divide us once again. >> just kind of beneath i think of a leader of a country to go that route not what leaders do. >> black people, black athletes get attacked by people like you and the president of the united states when they have every right to be here! >> catcher bruce maxwell is believed to be the first major league player to not stand during the national anthem. >> rocket man should have been handled a long time ago. we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. >> translator: now he has tried to turn the u.n. arena into a gangster's nest where money is respected and blood shed is the order of the day. >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> good morning to you. thanks for being with us.


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