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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  September 24, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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[ bloop ] huh? hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. from san diego to london, a show of unity as u.s. football players respond to president donald trump's view that players who kneel during the national anthem should be fired. and new u.s. travel restrictions have been unveiled after the trump administration's revised travel plan expired on sunday. the added countries the administration is now targeting. plus, for the first time in more than 50 years, a far right political party will be represented in germany's parliament.
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what this historic election means for the country and the european union. >> it is historic indeed. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. it has been a busy weekend for u.s. president donald trump. on sunday the white house announced new travel restrictions for people from eight countries trying to reach the united states. the president is tying the move to national security. he said this in a statement from the white house, and i'm quoting directly, following an extensive review by the department of homeland security, we are taking action today to protect the safety and security of the american people. by establishing a minimum security baseline for entry into the united states. >> the president is also keeping
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up his feud with u.s. football players. he called for players who kneel in protest, protest expected in the united states, it is a right, protesting during the national anthem, he says that they should be fired. on sunday many more kneeled. they kneeled in mass rebuke of president trump. >> and we will have more on those nfl protests in just a moment. but first, let's focus on the new travel restrictions. they were announced right after the president's controversial travel ban expired and cover many of the same countries. for more, here is laura jarrett. >> reporter: well, the trump administration has unveiled new travel restrictions on certain foreign nationals from eight countries. this time chad, iran, libya, north korea, somalia, syria, venezuela, and yemen as a replacement to a central portion of the controversial travel ban which expired on sunday morning. now these new restrictions varied widely by country, and
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they also include a phased in approach. so most of the limit takations t go into effect until mid-october. for last three months the president has used an executive order to ban six muslim countries from entering the u.s. unless they have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity here in the country in the u.s. individuals with that bona fide exception, like if you have a grandparent here, they can still apply for visas until october 18th. but after that date, the new restrictions on travel will begin. and in some instances, travel for immigrants will be broadly suspended across the board, like in north korea, nobody can come in. where as for others, like iran, those on student visa also be able to apply to come into the country. now i should mention, anyone with a current visa or a greencard can always come in. their documents will not be revoked. the supreme court is expected to hear arguments on the legality
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of the current travel ban next month. so that's moving full steam ahead. and president trump already tweeting about the ban on sunday, saying make america safe is my number one priority. we will not admit those into our country we cannot safely vet. >> that was our u.s. justice reporter laura jarrett reporting. now let's get more context on this. more of the new restrictions from our senior international correspondent ben wedeman following the story live in tokyo. ben so, this ban was mostly a list of muslim majority nations. it's now been broadened. it includes chad, venezuela and north korea added to this list. >> yes. obviously north korea is an officially atheist country. venezuela is a predominantly catholic country. but really, we're still hearing the same echoes of what president or rather at the time
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candidate trump said during the campaign when he called for in his words a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. and i think rights groups are going to latch on to that sort of statement. in his tweets, and use them to argue that this is simply the muslim ban 3.0 in which they've add countries like north korea, which frankly very few north koreans travel or can travel to the united states. the only prominent one to recently go to the united states was riyong ho who gave the speech during the united nations general assembly. and president trump tweeted afterwards his displeasure with the speech by the korean -- north korean foreign minister. so who knows. maybe that had something to do with the inclusion of a country
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that doesn't send tourists to the united states anyway. george? >> ben wedeman live in tokyo, giving us more information on these new travel restrictions. thank you for the reporting today. all right. let's turn to another big story we're following. some nfl owners joined players in open protest against u.s. president donald trump on sunday. >> their mass display of solidarity played out before every single kickoff in sunday's games and cities across the united states. >> some teams decided to stay in their locker rooms at the chicago bears/pittsburgh steelers game. only one steelers player stood on the field for the national anthem. they were all responding to this. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now. out. he is fired. he is fired!
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>> yep, that's what he said. cnn's boris sanchez has more on the president's response from washington. >> the president certainly making this issue a focus of his sunday, arguing that nfl owners should get together and do something about nfl players that kneel down during the national anthem. he tweeted about this several times, digging in his stance that he first vocalized during his rally in alabama on friday, saying that nfl owners should fire players that kneel during the anthem. one of his tweets he writes, quote, sports fans should never condone players that do not stand proud for their national anthem or their country. nfl should change policy. earlier in the day he actually retweeted someone who wrote that if players boycott our anthem, fans should boycott the nfl. the president again making the case that americans should not stand for this sort of thing. in fact he says that the majority of people agree with
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him. listen to more of what he had to say. >> i think that the flag has to be respected. our country has to be respected. there is plenty of room to do other things. but our country has to be respected. and i've always felt very strongly about that. and by the way most people agree with me. >> one more interesting note of the gaggles that the president had with the press on sunday. he said that race has nothing to do with the issue of players kneeling during the arm anthem. this is purely about people respecting the flag, people respecting their country. if you go back to august of last year when colin kaepernick first started kneeling during the national anthem, and many players followed suit, he made it very clear that the reason he was protesting the national anthem is because he felt that police officers in this country did not respect communities of color. so at least to many of the players, this is about race to the president it is apparently not. let's put this in context. this reigniting of a controversy
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by the president comes at a very interesting time where the white house is dealing with a lot of issues. not only on the legislative front with another attempted repeal and replacement of obamacare and a tax reform roll-out set for later this week, but also escalating tensions with north korea. at one point over the weekend, the president tweeting out that north korean leadership may not be around much longer. so it's certainly curious that the president would pick this time to focus on this issue in this way. boris sanchez, cnn at the white house. . >> joining me now to talk more about u.s. politics is cnn political commentator and democratic strategist dave jacobson. and on the other side of the political spectrum, cnn political commentator ben ferguson. welcome, gentlemen. good to talk with you both. >> good to be here. >> so let's get started. a lot to cover. over the weekend president trump took aim at protesting nfl players who kneel in protest during the national anthem, saying they should be fired.
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but then players hit back with a show of defiance and unity by kneeling, locking arms and raising fists. dave, to you first. is this an effort on the part of mr. trump to detract on the many issues plaguing him right now, including north korea, the russia probe, the health care, the kushner e-mails and in just the last few hours the new travel restrictions? >> i think that's precisely what it is. this is another deflection. the president knows he is a bull in a china shop. he is using this opportunity to create racial tensions even further than they are. obviously it came on the heels of his friday night speech. for a candidate who stands to lose of the alabama elections this coming tuesday, and i think it's reflective of the fact that the president understands fundamentally that with john mccain coming out, saying no to the aca repeal, ted cruz, susan
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collins leaning heavily no, he simply doesn't have the vote for this health care bill. moreover, he is dealing with challenges in iran and north korea. and he hasn't -- he has failed to deliver anything meaningful in terms of legislative victories through the congress. and so this is a pivot opportunity for him to change the conversation. we're clearly talking about it right now. i think it's strategic. but i think it's a mistake. because the president who is hovering around 37% approval rating at this point really needs to start finding ways to unify the country, not further dividing us. >> all right, ben, to you. a giant distraction on the part of mr. trump or a real issue for the embattled president? >> no, no, no. if you know the president or you have been around this white house, this is definitely not as a distraction, what he saw was something that was very clear. you have a lot of americans that are in the american that are disrespecting this country. you had american football players that went overseas and knelt during the national anthem overseas but then stood for "god
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save the queen." when you're going around the world, you're representing the national football league of the united states of america. that's not the time to be unamerican. so i think the president should talk about this. i also think he can talk about the other issues. look, he is very focused on tax reform, for example. he doesn't want to take away from that. talking about north korea. he doesn't want the take away from that issue. he has been very clear on how he has been dealing with north korea, and been very bold and blunt. to say somehow this is a distraction from those issues. and let's also be clear about the affordable care act, repeal and replace this week. it was always going to be a tight vote. one or two votes was where it was before they even started talking about it. because that's how close the majority is for the republicans barely over the democrats there. the republican senators, the same ones that have not helped him in the past, the same ones that aren't helping him this time. to somehow say the comments that he made in alabama were to distract from his legislative agenda is just incompetence. the president's agenda, he is
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focused on now more than ever because he does actually need these wins that you just heard him talk about a moment ago. but to somehow say he doesn't want to focus on winning, and therefore he is focus thong is absurd and not understanding the politics of this white house to the president. >> all right. let's get to one of those other issues, then. starting with the new travel restrictions, the white house just announced a few hours ago. dave, to you, how significant are those change to what was a ban. now these restrictions affecting eight countries? >> clearly the president understands fundamentally that his initial ban has struggled through the courts. we've seen many times sort of gone through this process. and the president has continued to fail in the courts. so i think part of that was because it was emblematic of a muslim ban. and so he is trying to pivot away from that narrative, and trying to draw attention in making this more about certain countries that are essentially
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enemies of the united states, or perhaps have individuals there who are affiliated with terrorist organizations. and so i think that was sort of the pivot to include nations like north korea into sort of this process because he knows it's going to be a steep hill to climb when this effort goes before the supreme court. >> ben, your response. >> i think it's an issue of national security. and that's where you see the president changing and adapting here, bringing in things like north korea. let's be clear. the majority of these countries are either direct threats to this country or they are countries that have aided and abetted isis and al qaeda or the biggest one, the majority of these countries, the majority of the countries that have been named don't even have a centralized government that we can cross-check people coming into the u.s. as a refugee status. you cannot take that risk when we know that from findings that we found of isis and al qaeda online, and also through raids, that they have talked about basically using this loophole to their advantage to say look, you
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say you're a refugee, they cannot chekwa government in this country because there is no central government that knows who these people are, or knows that they've been in trouble or in prison for they're murderers or rapists or anything else. use this to your change, the refugee status. the president was smart to change and adapt here. and i think he'll be much more successful this time around. >> and we're learning from the lawyer of senior white house adviser jared kushner that the son-in-law of president trump used a private e-mail account for condolence with fellow administration officials. how significant do you think this is? >> the hypocrisy is simply boundless. this coming from somebody so closely aligned with the president who railed against hillary clinton. i'm not condoning hillary clinton for having the private server. but i think it's totally disingenuous for jared kushner to be working in the white house and communicating on a nonsecure private e-mail account independent of the white house server, which is set up to protect and enhance security for those within the building.
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>> ben, your response. >> look, i think there needs to be one e-mail account used if that's what the rules say. let's be clear. we don't know if this was nonsecure, secure e-mail. so to imply that it is unsecure is not true yet because we don't know the facts on the that. the second thing is the majority of the condolence was in response to people that e-mailed him to his private e-mail. and we're talking about seven e-mails, or 7.2 e-mails on average per month since he got sworn in at the white house. so this is nothing compared to what hillary clinton is doing. now, let me make it also clear. i think that if you need to have one e-mail address, it needs to be a government e-mail address, make it clear. these e-mails should be open to anyone in the government to w.h.o. wants to look at them to make sure there is nothing here that broke any rules. well also have no indication that any of these e-mails were classified in nature which is what tens of thousands of hillary clinton's were. these are two different circumstances. >> ben ferguson, david jacobson, thank you, gentlemen, for
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joining us. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. now to senate republicans in the united states making a last-ditch effort to retool their health care bill in order to win over more members of their own party. a new version of the grand cassidy bill was circulated on sunday. senators john mccain and rand paul have opposed the latest effort to scrap the affordable care act, obamacare. their colleagues susan collins and lisa murkowski have deep reservations. still ahead this hour on cnn newsroom, a historic election in germany. german chancellor angela merkel has won a fourth term as that country's chancellor. >> but she has some big challenges ahead. we'll look at the major progress made by germany's far right party. we're back in just a moment. looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align.
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there is a new political reality in germany after sunday's general election there. the anti-immigrant party there is making major progress, called the alternative for germany, or afd. it's projected to become the third largest party in the federal parliament.
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>> now that has infuriated protesters across germany. they chanted "nazis out" and refugee "religions are welcome." this will be the first time a far right party moves into the bundestag in over half a century. >> translator: of course it is a success that the afd is entering parliament with these results in light of the disastrous ideas of the chancellor and the social democrats who have lost so dramatically. but we still have to make clear that this result is not a political about-turn for germany, and this is what we need. so the afd has to really use the four years in parliament so that by 2021 at the latest, we are really able to introduce a real about-turn. >> in the meantime, the german chancellor angela merkel, she has secured a fourth term. but now she is politically weaker. >> the main traditional parties took a hit, and mrs. merkel will
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likely have a hard time forming a coalition. >> translator: after 12 years, given our responsibility to govern, we as the union, i can say it's not too obvious that we are the strongest party again. but afd made into it the german parliament. we will clearly analyze it. we wish to get the voters back in order to deal with good policy, and also to take away their anxieties. >> and cnn's senior international correspondent fred pleitgen joins us now from berlin. always good to see you. angela merkel wins a fourth term as chancellor, but is weakened in the process. what will this mean for her politically going forward, and just how challenging will it be now for her to lead germany? >> hi, rosemary. it certainly is a very interesting outcome of this election that i think some commentators are saying on the one hand, it's more of the same. but on the other hand, it is to a certain extent a political earthquake here in this country. i do have one of the most influential journalists in
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germany with me from the build newspaper. and you wrote an op-ed about this election saying this is the fruit of fear, talking about the afd, the right wing party and the gains that they've made. what do you mean by that and what do you think this means for germany? >> well, fear because of islamism, because of certain anxiety, the cultural identity might change. crime rates may rise. and those fears have been there much, much longer than the refugee crisis. and a lot of parties didn't manage to address those fears properly. and the afd which is a vicious nationalist party, sort of harvested from those fears. >> but then do you believe with this outcome that there is a real shift within the german electorate, or was this essentially a protest vote with voters saying listen, established parties, you need to wake up. >> thing is both. if you look at what happened in saxony where afd is the largest party, it's not just protests.
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but there is a lot of protests or a big protest element in it. so there is actually a chance for the sort of democratic parties to do their job. >> what do you think they did wrong? because it is quite remarkable that if you look at the sort of top personnel of the afd, somebody like alexander gauland, a 73-year-old man, that he would be more inspiring to voters than a lot of the mainstream politicians here. >> i'm not sure whether he is inspiring. whenever you talk to people who voted afd, a lot of them tell you we don't even like him. we just know that giving them our vote is harming and annoying the other parties more than anything else. more than staying at home and not voting at all. and alexander gauland who talked about of disposing of a minister, disposing of something for, him to gain that many votes is not a very good signal. but it also shows that there are a lot of things that have to be done and have to be addressed that maybe haven't been
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addressed or definitely haven't been addressed enough. >> what about chancellor angela merkel? as you know, the perception of her is very different than it is probably here in germany. she is seen as stability, she is seen as some believe the leader of the free world. what do you think are her mistakes and what does she need to do now when she forms a new coalition? >> well, she hadn't managed to convince as many people as she did in the last election that she really takes the concerns of people seriously. 1033% is not a good result for her. it's still good enough to form an election. >> is it merkel fatigue or something positions? >> they lost a million voters. so there is some merkel fatigue. but also csu, for instance, the party which is much more conservative than merkel lost 10% which is a total disaster in bav varyia. and they lost a lot of the votes to the more liberal party, fdp. so i think the challenge ahead is to form a complicated
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coalition with the greens and the liberals with the very, very low common denominator. >> tanit koch, thank you for joining us. as you can see, complicated politics here. george and rosemary, we're going to be monitoring all this, seeing what happens today. it's going to be a very interesting day, the day after that election took place to see how german politics rejigs itself. >> surely will. fred pleitgen joining us live from berlin where it is nearly 8:30 in the morning. many thanks to you. we'll take a short break here. but still to come, more on donald trump's sparring with the nfl and where the controversy goes from here. we're back in a moment. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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a warm welcome back to viewers here in the united states and all around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." it is always good to have you with us. i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. let's update you now on the top stories we've been following this hour. the white house has announced new travel restrictions targeting people from eight countries. they're meant to replace part of a controversial travel ban signed earlier this year. north korea, chad, and venezuela now join a list of five muslim majority countries that were already under restrictions. sudan is no longer included. in germany, the chancellor angela merkel has secured a fourth term in that role in office. at the same time the anti-immigrant party known as the alternative for germany, it is set to become the third largest group in the federal parliament. protesters there, they are angry. this will be the first time that far right party enters the bundestag in over a century.
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britain and the european union will resume brexit negotiations on monday. both sides have important details to sort out, including the rights of millions of migrants and the divorce bill britain will pay to the eu. british parliament approved a bill this month that ensures european laws will not apply to the uk once brexit is completed. in iraq, polls are open. millions of iraqi kurds are expected to cast their vote on a referendum on independence. the united states, the united kingdom, iran, and turkey oppose the referendum and fear it could spark new violence while the battle against isis rages on. in the united states, nfl football. it is getting political as players and owners protest recent comments by the president of the united states. donald trump says players who kneel in protest, protest a free right here in the united states. but they should be fired when they do that during the national
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anthem. >> earlier players had said they were calling attention to racial and social injustice. but on sunday, many more players and even some owners joined together, kneeling or locking arms in solidarity at every single game sunday. even so, donald trump still thinks these players should lose their jobs. >> the nfl has to work out their own problems. their numbers are way down. and i think this is a big reason why their numbers are way down. i'm just telling you from my standpoint, i think it's very disrespectful to our country. >> let's bring in christine brennan, cnn sports analyst and a sports columnist with usa today. christine, it's good to have you on the show with us this hour. this sunday before every game in the national football league, the national anthem took front and center. a national networks gave full coverage to it, paying very close attention to how these players would react to this latest controversy protesting
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social and racial injustice. and we saw many more players kneel, others locking arms as a sign of unity. >> absolutely. we saw some teams not even show up for the anthem. the pittsburgh steelers and also tennessee and seattle were playing each other, and they all just decided to stay off the field completely in a sign of solidarity. and i think also a sign that a lot of players didn't want to be out there for the anthem. donald trump, if he was hoping to get their attention, he got it. i'm not sure he wanted to get the reaction that he did. because when you think about it, everyone was concerned about colin kaepernick a year or so ago. and now we're talking about probably over 100 players who actually took a knee, or some other way protested the national anthem. not to mention almost every other player, george, who was at least linking arms with his teammates or his coaches. so it was a very big show of force. the nfl basically telling donald
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trump i think exactly what they thought of his comments in alabama on friday. >> this movement started by colin kaepernick to protest social and racial injustice. but with president trump making himself personally part of this debate, he himself has become a lightning rod for protests among these players as well. >> oh, absolutely, george. in fact i think just -- i've not interviewed these players yet and we'll find out a lot more. but i think the protesting now uis more anti-donald trump than it is about the issues that kaepernick, the very serious issues that kaepernick and some of the other players were protesting for over a year, which was their concerns about police brutal and violence, against african-americans, and other issues involving african-americans race relations, et cetera. those are very significant issues. whatever you think on the topic. that's important societal conversations that we should be
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having. but that i don't think was what this particular sunday was about. to me, this was the nfl protesting against donald trump. now, again, by having solidarity or by taking a knee, they may in their own mines have something. but the fact that we saw the magnitude that we did, it is because of trump's comments on friday. and the strong reaction from nfl commissioner roger goodell, from the union, and from player after player on twitter, social media, and now when it gets to the field, when the games start, on the field itself. they really did take it right there. and i do think we should interpret it as a strong message against donald trump, and everything that he said, the terrible comments, the incendiary comments, the son of a blank comment, all those things and more were wrapped up in the nfl protests on sunday. >> what do you say to those who are critical of the president's motives who say that the solidarity that was shown on the football field, it gives way to imagery that the president can
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later turn around and later turn around and use as red meat to rally and rile up his base? >> i am of course a sports journalist. i'm not a political reporter. however, i also am an american citizen whose had her eyes opened over the last since november 8th, the election, or even before that. so my interpretation as an outsider looking at this, not as a sports journalist is when he was doing that on friday, it sure sound like he was playing to some group of people by using that term "sons of blank," by being critical of african american players, again, i have no idea what donald trump's motivation. i don't think any of us can guess. but just from an outside view, as a journalist looking at it, it sure seemed that he was playing to his base. and i guess that's worked so far for him. i'm not a political scholar, so i have no idea. however, i do know this that the
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nfl may well have a bigger mega phone and as much as a presence on the national stage as donald trump. if there is anyone that can kind of go tit for tat with donald trump in terms of publicity, in terms of social media exposure, in terms of television coverage, the nfl is probably it. so after donald trump has been so critical of others over the last few months and gone after this or that group or what have you, you know, he may have picked on a group might just be able to handle him. and so far it looks like they are. so, again, if there is political capital for donald trump, maybe. but in terms of the sports end of it and the cultural end, i think this is a big loss for donald trump after the first weekend. >> christine brennan, we appreciate your time. thank you. >> george, thank you very much. police say a man who was arrested near the white house sunday had multiple weapons in his car. authorities say they found nine guns, three knives, brass
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knuckles, suppressers and various types of ammunition. >> according to the police report, the suspect told secret service officers that he was going to the white house to speak with the national security agency director and the defense secretary for advice on missing paychecks and thou get a chip out of his head. he is facing multiple weapons violations charges. a story to tell you about in the u.s. state of tennessee. a gunman there opened fire at a church, killing one person, wounding seven others. >> police say he was wearing a mask at the time. but this man shot and killed a woman the church parking lot sunday. then went into the building and shot people at random. cnn's pablo sandoval has the latest. >> reporter: the u.s. department of justice and the federal bureau of investigation launches a civil rights investigation into this deadly church shooting. investigators in tennessee alleging that emanuel samson, a 25-year-old man arrived at
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burnette chapel church of christ in antioch, tennessee after sunday's service, armed with two weapons and opened fire. investigator says the 25-year-old man shot and killed a woman in the parking lot before making his way into the sanctuary. that's where he was reportedly confronted by robert engel, a 22-year-old usher who was licensed to carry a firearm. investigators saying that there was a brief struggle between the two, at which point the suspect then whistle whipped this 22-year-old usher who then went to the parking lot for his weapon. as soon as he returned, that's when investigators say the suspect was apparently wounded himself before investigators moved in. >> what i would say about mr. robert engel, the usher, he physically engaged the shooter. and during the struggle, the shooter was shot. at this time we don't know exactly how that happened, whether he shot himself or whether the gun discharged during the struggle. mr. engel sustained serious injuries himself. and he is a hero.
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he is the person that stopped this madness. so we're very, very grateful to him. >> investigators say six people inside the sanctuary at the time were injured. they are expected to recover. as for the suspect, we're told he has already recovered from his injuries and expected to face murder and attempted murder charges. so as the state investigation continues, trying to establish a motive. federal investigators also joining in on the case. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. desperation in puerto rico, after hurricane maria knocked out power and cell phone towers. there are so many challenges to tell you about. people facing so many problems, there given the strength of the storm, just trying to get in touch with loved ones. all thes in flavored almond milk on ten fingers and five toes.
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the death toll from last week's earthquake near mexico city has risen to 319 people.
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and hope for finding more survivors beneath that rubble is starting to fade now. several aftershocks have rattled mexico in the past few day, including a 5.7 magnitude tremor early sunday. >> deadly earthquake. also sunday, the body of an adult woman was recovered from a collapsed school in mexico city. 19 children and seven adults were killed at that school alone. now to the u.s. territory of puerto rico. most areas there still don't have rung water, still don't have power at this point. this after the hurricane maria tore through that region. this u.s. commonwealth last week. >> not only that, many residents having a hard time reaching their loved ones because most of the cell phone towers aren't working. we get the latest now from cnn's leyla santiago. >> reporter: from above the
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images tell of maria's destruction. but on the ground the faces tell the story of the desperation, as many on this island of 3.5 million people struggle to reach their loved ones. >> this is the only place where we can just signal. >> reporter: on this highway overpass, dozens pull over, hoping that this spot is the one to reunite family, if only by voice. jose flores drove for hours to get here, to get to cell service, to get to tell his daughter in florida one thing. >> so she'll let my family know that we're fine. >> reporter: for other, borrowed satellite phones are their last hope. people are trying anything they can to reach out. this note handwritten was passed along to our photographer in hopes that it would reach a loved one. it says, among other things, tony, okay. tony at frank's house, and love you all. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> reporter: later that day, we were able to get a call out to
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his girlfriend in new york. >> so it was just such a relief. neither i nor his family has really slept all week just worrying about him. >> reporter: an fec report found 96% of cell towers in puerto rico are not working. the government here says it's trying to figure out which towers need generators and fuel to start working again. a small sign of hope on this island with so much to rebuild. from many here, the first chance to talk is the first step to recovery. leyla santiago, cnn, san juan, puerto rico. >> well, maria is a grim memory for people in the caribbean. but the storm isn't completely over. meteorologist derek van dam joins us with the latest. you're just back from the region, from puerto rico. >> a lot of destruction there. >> yeah, we saw it firsthand. it really is an ongoing humanitarian crisis. no water, no electricity. and no food for many. so you can imagine as the days
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and months go on, stresses will get worse for the people down there, unfortunately. all right. let's talk about the details. because things have changed. unfortunately, it appears as if this storm is going through a weakening stage, still chushing across the atlantic. this is a category 1. it was a category 2 about 12 hours ago. so some weakening taking place. this is all thanks to the colder waters that were kind of mixed up in the atlantic ocean from hurricane jose, believe it or not. this is interesting, because now the outer edges of hurricane maria will actually scrape the east coast of the united states. right along the cape hatteras, specifically the outer banks of north carolina. that's where we have our shading of yellow. kill devils hill into cape hatteras and the nags head region. even though the storm is going to stay well east of a landfall from the united states, the outer rain bands expand at least
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200 to 300 kilometer airs way from the center of the storm. that's where we find some of the tropical storm-force winds. so you can see as we time this thing out by midday on wednesday, that some of that dark shading of red and purple indicating winds in excess of 70 to 80 miles per hour that is tropical storm-force. will reach, again, the coastline of north carolina. so we're going to keep a very close eye on any shift to the west, obviously, will mean that more winds will move inland. well, the other threats here would be large waves along the shoreline, creating dangerous rip currents. in fact some of the open ocean swells measuring 6 to 9 meters that will equate to at least 7 to 10-foot waves along the beach line. a rip current threat stretching from florida to cape cod. most of the rainfall will stay offshore. the chances of this bringing flooding rain to the east coast of the united states very slim. but, of course, the ongoing threat still looms across western puerto rico, where they
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have flash flood warnings. we've been talking about the dam that overflowed its bank, the guajataca dam in northwestern puerto rico. any additional rainfall will put more stresses on that dam which is a concern for hundreds of thousands of people who live close to it. >> it is a real worry. >> it is. >> derek, thank you. and welcome back. >> thank you very much. still ahead on "newsroom" this hour, the president's latest adversary is football. the national football league and players who protest during the national anthem. >> how fans are reacting. we'll have that for you when we come back. stay with us. i can't wait for her to have that college experience that i had. the classes, the friends, the independence. and since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, i'm glad she'll miss when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant.
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ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. allergytry new xyzal®.ou have symptoms like these for relief is as effective at hour 24 as hour one. so be wise all take new xyzal®. welcome back to "newsroom." now back to one of our top stories. american football players reacted sunday to the president of the united states, his criticism of athletes who protest during the national anthem. many players, many of the coaches, and owners kneeled or linked arms together at the beginning of their games. >> mr. trump has called for players who take a knee during the anthem to be fired. and the controversy reached all the way to london. cnn's jim boulden has more. >> reporter: the day of protests by nfl players actually started
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thousands of miles away from the united states here at london's wembley stadium, where the baltimore ravens were taking on the jacksonville jaguars. a number of the players on both sides of the field actually did kneel down during the national anthem while some of the other officials and owners were arm and arm, standing in solidarity as well. the owner of the jacksonville jaguars said it was a privilege to stand on the sidelines with the team today for the national anthem. and he called president trump's recent statements that some players should be suspended or fired as divisive and contentious. we asked a few of the fans what they thought of the protests. >> i think they are right. i think every american is -- they have their right to any opinion they want to hold, as long as it's peaceful. >> for them to kneel, it's a peaceful protest rather than a violent one that you see on the news and on social media. so they definitely have their
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right to do that. but i think they should keep in mind those -- that are on opposite sides, that they look up to it. >> we have the pledge of allegiance. we have certain things we are supposed to do because that is how we were brought up traditionally to do so. and for anyone not to follow those traditions is really throwing, you know, their hands up to the constitution and everything else that we were brought to honor. >> reporter: the nfl is marking ten years since the first regular season game was held here at london's wembley stadium. but this one will be remembered for what happened before the kickoff. jim boulden, cnn, london. >> jim, thank you. and thanks for being with us this hour. i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. we'll be back with more from "cnn newsroom." stick around. starts a chain reaction... ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business,
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12:00 am
from san diego to london and points in between, a show of unity as u.s. football players respond to president donald trump's view that players who kneel during the national anthem should be fired. plus, new u.s. travel restrictions unveiled after the trump administration's revised travel ban expiredn


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