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tv   New Day  CNN  September 27, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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convincingly, pattying luther strange who had the backing of the president and mitch mcconnell. it was by a big margin, by the way. it could be a sign of trouble for the gop establishment. >> meanwhile, president trump defending his response to puerto rico and saying his feud with the nfl did not distract him. the president surprising some staff members by announcing plans to visit puerto rico next week. we have it all covered for you. alex is live in montgomery, alabama with the big news there. alex? >> reporter: good morning, alyson. that's right. all the votes have now been tallied. judge moore with a resounding victory, winning with 54.6 of the vote. that is a significant blow for the president who had thrown his weight behind moore's opponent, luther strange. it is almost as if the president saw this coming at a rally he was headlining for strange last
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week. he openly mused whether it was a mistake to support strange and saying it would be a total embarrassment if strange lost. that has come to pass. the white house and the represent party are dealing with a whole new political reality. >> let's go again and make america great. thank you. may god bless you. >> former chief justice roy moore claiming victory in the state's gop primary, using trump's slogan to rally supporters despite the fact that he didn't get the president's endorsement. >> why do you think the president supported your opponent and do you harbor resentment? >> i have no resentment. i can support him. >> president trump quickly throwing his support behind moore and congratulating him on the phone before deleting three of his past tweets.
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the establishment favorite luther strange. vice president mike pence following suit telling moore we are for you after campaigning for strange less than 24 hours earlier. president trump had openly wondered whether he had chosen the wrong candidate while campaigning for strange last week. >> i might have made a mistake. if luther doesn't win, i will they will not say we picked up 25 points in a short period of time. they're going to say, donald trump, the president of the united states, was unable to pull his candidate across the line. it is a terrible, terrible moment for trump. this is total embarrassment. >> reporter: moore's victory a blow to establishment republicans. a super pac affiliated with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell had funneled millions of dollars to tv ads targeting moore, fearing he will be a headache on the hill and taint fellow republicans with his extremely conservative views.
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as chief justice, moore was twice removed, including being suspended for going against the supreme court's ruling on same-sex marriage. just last week he was accused of racially insensitive remarks, saying we have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting. now steve bannon touting moore's win as the start of a revolution. >> you're going to see in state after state after state people that follow the model of judge moore. >> reporter: bannon also wanted to make clear he did not come to alabama to oppose his former boss at a rally for judge roy moore the other night. he said we did not come to defy donald trump but praise and honor him. the president tweeting moments ago and said spoke to roy moore of alabama last night for the first time. sounds like a really great guy who ran a fantastic race.
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he will help to make america great again. he will come to roy moore. he is facing doug jones. democrats much more optimistic about-fa facing roy moore. it will be difficult to democrats to win in this very red state. >> let's bring in our political panel gregory, wes lowry and reporter at large and editor -- reporter and editor at large, the point, cnn politics chris cillizza. i'm sorry i didn't get all 18 titles right. let me ask you something here. donald trump is right. it is embarrassing he couldn't get the person he said he could across. and luther strange had ground to make up because of the political culture at play with roy moore. roy moore, couldn't you look at him as evidence of what happens when you start scratching at the
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areas donald trump has and make certain issues saleable politically again. roy moore is steroids version of donald trump in a lot of these cultural wars he likes to stoke. >> 9/11, degradation, and a lot of people including republicans would find those views objectionable. this is what is fascinating about where we are. this is a tiger that donald trump is now trying to ride. he helped to unleash but doesn't control. he doesn't control republicans when it comes to getting major legislation like health care done. he doesn't have that kind of juice even though he has a lot of power over some even in the establishment. he can't completely drive the agenda. here's another agenda of it. he too will against the establishment and mitch mcconnell.
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he will work with them on tax reform. or he might go work with democrats again. so it makes it all very fluid. because there will be more roy moores out there who don't like the establishment, who don't like the lack of accomplishment in washington, even under donald trump. and, again, you can't, just because you are riding the wave doesn't mean you control the current. that's where president trump finds himself a top this republican party. >> wes, isn't the other curious part here that donald trump lacked luther strange but not roy moore. he is the outsider lightning rod candidate. supported by steve bannon, the president's former adviser. why did he go with the mcmcconnell luther strange candidate? >> sure. part of this is very likely that roy moore does sit far outside the main street of political
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conversation. republicans here in d.c. are concerned about what type of drama he might bring with him to d.c. this is the type of person who if elected might bring you an outrageous statement a week. and that could potentially be further distracting for a caucus that is theoretically governing the nation, having difficulty governing and passing the agenda. i don't know if roy moore helps with that any further in this disagreement between mitch mcconnell and donald trump. very often in the congressional races we like to or want to link them to a broader conversation that we're having in d.c. about whether it be the presidency or something else. yet i think it's important to remember often that this politics of each individual state are very different, right? someone like roy moore has been a culture warriors going back to ten commandments fights long before donald trump was a factor. of course we will have the steve bannons trying to claim credit.
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this is about breitbart revolution. i would be be surprised if they have any idea what breitbart is. there is consideration, yes, while it is easy to fit this into the establishment versus outsider fight that we have for mitch mcconnell and steve bannon, they don't comport to the conversation we're having in washington. >> there is a little bit of trump being hoisted on his own. he stoked this. made breitbart relevant by bringing in bannon. he can double speak as much as he wants about not speaking about the president. the headlines are killing the president. he is taking the insurgency away from trump. that is a side show that really trump gave birth to. so he's going to have to own it. in terms of why he went with strange, the math is simple. he can't control the tea party.
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moore is an outlier. he can't control the group that he stoked during the campaign. he needs ryan. he needs to work with the main body. that's why they came to him on luther strange. >> that's right. look, i do think donald trump plays the one side and then the other. we have the nfl stuff. we see this a lot. i think he plays more to his base than he plays to democrats in the center. i think that's what this was. mcconnell went to him. donald trump said he had never spoken to luther strange. he didn't know who he was. he said this at the rally friday night. he didn't know who he is. mcconnell said we need this for two republicans. wes makes an important point. one, roy moore, forget his politics, will be a massive distraction in washington. and, two, it is is as important as the president that you behore
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our republican candidate. say they had failed a month ago. i wonder if he goes to trump and says, hey, we need you to trump gets involved in that way. with health care under the bridge and failed, i'm not sure that trump necessarily is cozying up mccouple. yes, tax reform is coming. he openly speculated that maybe mcconnell needed to resign. i don't want to say he got tricked into it. the reality is he didn't know either of the two cancandidates. he thought it would help internally. if it was a blind taste test, he picks roy moore 100 times out of 100 in terms of approach, tone, and views. >> let's just remember there is tax reform coming. i think the president still wants to line up with the
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establish. he has to believe a much better shot than on anything as difficult as health care repeal. >> tax reform, i don't know. he will have that tea party component and say we need fiscal neutrality. we have to pay for these things. >> at least the tax cut. you're right. >> chris, i want to make one point to echo west. i think the tendency will be to say there's going to be a roy moore in every state. there is not necessarily a roy moore in every state. this guy has been at this for a very long time. you can't necessarily prop up a state rep and ensure they are going to win. there is a little bit of uniqueness in non. there is not a roy moore in tennessee, mississippi, arizona, nevada where they are trying to do the same thing. >> okay. thank you, guys. great analysis. thanks for being here. so president trump defending
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his response. he will travel there as well as to the u.s. virgin islands. he insists he was not distracted by his feud with the nfl. joe johns has more. what's the latest, joe? >> alyson, to hear the administration tell it, the response and recovery in puerto rico has been going very well despite some of the circumstances on the ground on the island which would appear otherwise. so much so that after several days of slamming the nfl and its players on twitter, the president appeared to get extraordinarily engaged on the issue. he did, among other things, announce that he is headed to puerto rico next tuesday to see the situation for himself instead of slamming the island for its debt problems, the president announced 100% federal payment for debris removal and other emergency measures for the next 180 days.
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and the president went on a public relations offensive making the case that the federal government is involved extraordinarily involved in the recovery in puerto rico despite the circumstances including the geography. listen. >> we've gotten a pluses on texas and florida and we will also on puerto rico. but this is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean. and it's a big ocean. it's a very big ocean. we're doing a really good job. >> reporter: and the president is also getting pressure now from capitol hill specifically congressional democrats who want him to suspend something called the jones act. that is a maritime law that requires supplies being carried between united states ports to be carried on united states ships. they believe that will make things much quicker for puerto
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rico. the president heads out to indianapolis where that will be his one public event. chris, back to you. >> all right. we have the president talking more about puerto rico, saying he's going to visit. let's get the reality from the governor. joe johns, thank you so much. governor, thank you very much for joining us. i know that you are debriefing us on the numbers relevant to people in terms of showing the momentum of recovery. buff you tell our audience what the reality is. what can you tell us about how much power has been restored and what the challenges are. >> reporte . >> there is a challenge. we are working hard. we are getting help from the federal government, but this is an unprecedented set of circumstances. we want to make sure we recognize a lot of resources are coming in. they are coming in by air or boats. they are starting to execute. we have powered certain critical are areas, the western side of the
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island. they power hospitals, which is critical. we're working on powering san juan, the main medical center. we are reestablishing efforts to establish telecoms. one of the companies at&t will bring about floating antennas to reach around the island, areas that vice president been communicated. and collaborating firmly with fema. we're going to have about 30 missions to different municipalities to get food and water in addition to those 30 or 40 that we did yesterday and the day before. >> so you still have about 97% of your island without power. that means no sewage. how about access to water, food, the conditions of livestock on the island. what can you tell us about those factors? >> well, with water, we did have generates, so we're powering those generators as a priority. even though we are only 97% in terms of blacked out, we have about 50% of access to water.
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notwithstanding we're making an effort to make sure water gets to the places where the flow is not getting to. and we're making sure people have those. food is critical. we are making missions with fema and on our local government efforts. we have a logistic map. we want to make sure that everybody gets their food and their water. as soon as i'm done here today, i'm going to go on one of those missions to establish and to see that water gets to the people that need it as well. >> was there enough planning done? do you think the government had the assets on the ground that were necessary? >> well, this is unprecedented. there was assets. there was apprehension. we did get a prelim emergency declaration. we had boats stationed outside puerto rico to make sure they could arrive as soon as possible. but the level of devastation is enormous. this is a second category 4, 5 hurricane that passes in the
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span of two weeks. we have seen major devastation. and the important thing is the federal government reacts. both the administration. the president has been calling me continuously. we have been in contact. they have been making their resources available. congress has pledged their support. i have spoken to several senators and congressmen and they pledged their support for an important aid package. it is critical. the people know that puerto ricans are proud u.s. citizens. after irma, we helped out others. we gave shelter and food. during harvey, we september out resources to texas as well to help in the rescue process. now it is time to take a quick decision and help out puerto rico as others have done. the governor of new york pledged help immensely. people are helping. the governor of new jersey
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pledged support and resources. so the effort is ongoing. puerto rico is an island. and of course it's been harder to get some resources relative to the contiguous states. >> look, a lot of americans are just waking up to the reality that you're americans on that island and a closer bond than might have been expected. a couple more questions. one, the jones act. people don't know what that is. you're acutely aware of what it is. it sets a different pricing standard for goods and services, essentially goods that come in to puerto rico. right now we're being told from our reporting that they're not going to waive the jones act even with extreme need. what are you hearing about making goods cheaper for you guys right now? >> well, we expect them to waive it. actually, during irma, which was much less devastating, there was a seven-day waiver. so we do expect action to go
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that route. we have talked on a bipartisan level with different congressmen and women and they all support at least a temporary waiver of the jones act to get not only access from u.s. maritime ships but from anybody that can bring help. that is critical, particularly for fuel. you know, one of the considerations right now is the priority of getting fuel, diesel, gasoline all across the island. right now we have enough fuel. we are limited by the transportation logistics. it will be critical so we can have the major functions of telecoms, hospitals, water, to be running appropriately. >> right now you have people who want to deliver fuel to the island but you can't get it in and get out to the areas where we see these incredibly long lines feeding this concern of your people while they hear about fema being there, they don't see it. they don't feel it. hopefully that will change and change soon.
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governor, thank you for being on the show. you're welcome to come back and report on your issue. thank you. the desperation of puerto rico is also being seen at the san juan airport. thousands of peoplen ndurring days of little food and water and no air-conditioning. they are trying to leave but confront confronting difficulty getting out. what's the scene for us? >> reporter: good morning, alyson. frustration is mounting here. massive, massive lines of people coming here for several days since the hurricane hit puerto rico last week. many of them have no confirmation it will actually be able to get on a flight. i want to swing the camera around to the left side. another huge line here. people have been sleeping on the ground. many of them uncertain if they will be able to get off of island in part because radar is badly damaged. air traffic control is largely inoperable. it limits the flights that can get off puerto rico.
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it also makes it uncertain for those that already have tickets and confirmation if they will be able to catch those flights. and it's extremely painful for families that are in a special type of need. i spoke with one family that has a disabled child. a mom saying she fears her her son's hroeufplt they were turned away from a hospital and they tried to get on a flight today for jetblue. they have not gotten a clear answer. here's more of what they had to say. >> this is insane. this is complete ly unacceptabl. we're human beings, not animals. we are being treated like animals. >> in this condition, he could die any minute here. we need to go. >> that family also telling me that they're looking forward to president trump coming here to the island of puerto rico to see the extent of the damage with his own eyes.
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they said that help could not get here soon enough. they believe the government was not prepared for hurricane maria. chris and alyson. >> just hard to know where to assign blame. >> it is impossible to do something like this. you're not going to prevent it and you're not going to turn it around any time soon. people keep comparing it to katrina. that was years in the making and months until there was any semblance of return to order there. boris, thank you very much. coming up, i will speak to trump voters about what they feel about the president's response to the hurricane. first, the gop established is startled after roy moore defeats luther strange in alabama. what will it mean for senate majority leader mcconnell? we're going to ask a republican senator next. [woman 1] huh. can't find my debit card. [woman 2] oh no... [woman 1] oh, it's fine. [woman 2] yeah, totally. it's fine.
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but it fine though? because, i would maybe be worried...really, really, really worried. you want me to go back and look for it? i will. i mean a lot of bad things could happen. you need to call the bank. i don't know how else to tell you, you need to shut that card off-- [woman 1] it's off. [woman 2] what? [woman 1] i can turn it on and off in my wells fargo app. [woman 2] huh! i feel better already. [woman 1] good.
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please donate now to help people affected by hurricane harvey. your help is urgently needed. it's not just a donation. witness katy perry. witness katy perry become a legal witness. witness katy perry and left shark. or a card shark. grandma? witness katy perry work. witness katy perry firework. witness katy perry swish. witness katy perry... aaaaaaw look at that dog! katy perry: with music videos and behind the scenes footage, xfinity lets you witness all things me. big news out of alabama. establishment senator luther
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strange had the support of president trump and mitch mcconnell lost. what does this mean for the gop? good morning, senator. >> good morning, alyson. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. what do you make of roy moore's win over luther strange who had the support of donald trump and mitch mccouple. they spent amount of money. they think they are a whole lot smarter than they actually are. in on our conference we had a pretty broad spectrum of opinion and ideology. whoever comes in, and hopefully it will be a republican. hopefully he will win and be one more cat in the mix.
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>> corraling cats is complicated. they will send a democrat senator who will caucus with chuck shaoupl ser and nancy pelosi. i don't think that's going to happen. again, i'm looking forward to getting to serve with us to repeal and replace obamacare for real tax reform. >> roy moore is a conservative but a controversial one. he has lots of positions in sort of the lightning rod category. let me remind our viewers some of the things he's said and get your take on it.
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>> maybe just maybe because we distance ourselves from the one. >> to teach this you must worship this way. what our first amendment said. >> senator, even i could not understand what he was saying during those clips. >> nor could i. i really couldn't understand it. in it is not your earpiece and the viewers at home having to adjust it. listen, the point is, senator, you know he said lots of controversial thing, president obama is a muslim, ten commandments need to be in the statehouse. what do you think of those two things? >> no two people agree 100% of the time.
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we have a pretty broad spectrum of opinion and ideology serving in a republican congress. you just deal with individuals as they are. there's an awful lot of stereotypes in individuals. what exactly -- how the press pror trays is not necessarily the individual they are. i never met judge moore. i look forward to meeting him and hope we can work together to address these serious challenges. >> yesterday was not a good day. his candidate lost. he had to abandon the vote on your health care plan known as the graham/cassidy bill. do you still have faith that mcconnell is the best leader? >> i think we have proven the concept. we simply ran out of time. the process was rushed. people were concerned about that. they had legitimate concerns. we were up against this
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artificial clock. but we can do it again. and so it's a an excellent press release. but turning the money over to the states. i would say it would be true for 50 states as well. >> but senator, that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of mitch mcconnell. >> listen, i said leader mcconnell has to herd cats. there's nothing easy about it. i don't envy his task. what we need to do is concentrate on the shared goals and purposes. first of all, of the american public. growing our economy. that's tax reform. repealing and replacing obamacare. it is causing a great deal of harm to a lot of people. benefiting numbers. but we can keep the good parts of obamacare. but we need to repair the skyrocketing premiums. it is hard to lead in this type of scenario.
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>> today your committee, homeland security, holds a hearing on worldwide threats. what do we need to know? >> they are growing. they are evolving. and i'm sure we will ask a lot of questions how they are responding to puerto rico. we all are taking this very seriously. i talked to duke about going down there. she said please hold off. it's such a disaster area. we don't want to be distracted. we're going to respect that. but we will ask a lot of questions to find out the step by step triage to respond to desperate needs. they will be in our thoughts and prayers. >> senator ron johnson, thank you very much for your time. >> have a good day.
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>> taou. now to chris. they will be waving the jones act, making good cheaper. a cnn exclusive now. the irs sharing information with special counsel bob mueller for the russian investigation. how about the president's tax returns? might those be in the mix, next?
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all right. now to a cnn exclusive. the irs is sharing information with special counsel bob mueller and his team in the russia investigation. cnn justice correspondent evan perez live in washington with more. evan, you're tracking down if people did the proper reporting of income, taxes will be part of the equation. what does your reporting suggest about the scope of where mueller is headed? >> chris, right now we know the irs is sharing information with investigators working with special counsel robert mueller. this comes after the two sides were somewhat at odds after the scope of the russian meddling. mueller's investigators wanted
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information with several people associated with the trump campaign, including paul manafort and michael flynn. we're told by sources that the irs had concerns because of what they saw as far reaching and broad requests for information. in the case of manafort, that includes possible tax and financial crimes that date back to january 2006. that's 10 years before the russian meddling in the president election last fall. >> we understand your reporting indicates that it somewhat centers on that july raid. >> that raid, which turned out to be somewhat controversial. there was some tension between the irs and special counsel behind the scenes of the fbi raid which occurred on manafort's home in alexandria, virginia. multiple sources tell us the irs didn't participate in the july raid because of the irs's objections that the search would
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interfere with a separate irs investigation of manafort. we're told that the irs and the fbi initially were cooperating on their own manafort probe before mueller was even appointed. the special counsel office went ahead with the search of manafort's home only with fbi agents carrying it out. that is usual to sit out an investigation that centers on tax and financial matters. >> guys went in guns ablazing, like they were going after a drug kingpin. what does all of this mean about special counsel's investigators and having access to the tax returns? could that lead them to wanting the president's tax returns? >> he ya. that's the big question that's been sort of knocking around here in washington for months. it is is not clear whether special counsel asked for or obtained the president's tax reforms. if mueller's office does have trump's returns, rod rosenstein who oversees this likely would
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have had to sign off on this given the sensitivity. for manafort and flynn, given what we know about the scope of the investigation, it is much more likely that mueller has obtained the tax records. they are among the most protected documents. even if it is being shared with other government saeagencies. >> thank you very much for that report. >> let's discuss what's going on here, other big headlines and what we are we have been experiencesing in our culture with elijah cummings, top democrat on the house overnight committee. did to have you on the show, as always. >> it is good to be with you. >> looking for taxes, maybe the president's taxes. are you okay with these moves? >> well, i think that we always have to be careful with the privacy of american citizens. but, again, we have a situation here where mr. mueller is going
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back 11 years regarding investigating manafort. and certainly there may be some financial crimes. there may be some avoidance of paying income taxes, things of that nature. there are certain records that they should have. that is mr. mueller should have. on the other hand, i think the irs in its hesitancy should release all the information they initially wanted. that is what we americans hope for. but at the same time we want to make sure that everybody obeys the law and pays their taxes. >> true. but obviously, you know, you wind up getting cross purposes. is this about finding out what happened with russiinterference. it will be tricky. we will see where mueller goes. >> it may be tricky, but keep in mind when rosen stein signed off
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on all of this, part of the order was to investigate any matters that may directly or indirectly come out of the investigation. >> right. >> and so it's pretty broad here. but again average joe blow is -- if he avoided taxes, believe me, the irs would be all over him. so manafort is no different. so, again, as you probable know, joe, when they begin to investigate you, it is a ball of yarn that keeps going and going and going. so we're going to have to wait and see. >> kushner's e-mails. six current former trump-related staff using private e-mails to do government business. that's the suggestion. why does this matter to you? >> it matters because we have always been guardians of
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classified information. if you don't know what i'm talking about, look at what happened with hillary clinton when she did something similar. and we spent two years and probably millions of dollars investigating her e-mails. now not only do we have mr. -- the chief of staff, priebus, kushner, ivanka, miller. all of these six or seven people in the white house who were using unofficial means, that is, devices, to communicate and doing official business with those unofficial -- >> right. and i get the concern, but in terms of the analogy to clinton, wasn't that about the sevener and her control of that information and her ability to secrete or selectively disclose information, which you couldn't do if it's your e-mail or it's
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your g mail account. >> one of the things hillary clinton did what we have not heard from kushner yet, release all my e-mails. release them immediately. let the world see it. in fact, i join in with on the democrats of our committee and said, yes, let's release them right away. now, i'm waiting for mr. kushner, ivanka and others, certainly mr. bannon, to say that to the to the american people and to the congress. they haven't said it, and i would guess they're not going to say that. by the way, back in march, we wrote to the white house and asked if there were any people in the white house using unofficial devices for official business and they said no. >> right. >> that was in march. >> that's a different issue about disclosure and
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consistency. we know you're going to look at all of them. let me get your take on what's been going on with the president and certain athletes in the nfl, the nba. he says this has nothing to do with race. it is about respecting the flag. his spokesperson said it is reinforcing the morality of what we're for not expressing views that he is against. what do you say? >> i would say the players have a right to do what they're doing. it seems as if when african-american people protest anything it seals like people say, oh, they shouldn't be doing that. the fact this these players are men, many of them african-american, and they see what is happening to people who look like them being harmed when they are unarmed by police. for them to take a knee so others might live, that's what they are trying to do. as i have talked to a few of the
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players, they found that taking a knee, they didn't call anybody any names. they didn't go out and riot. they just took a knee saying it's not that we have anything against police in general well, just want to make sure that people are treated fairly, all people. and there's one more of justice and that form of justice is for everybody. >> congressman cummings, always appreciate your perspective on "new day". thank you, sir. >> my pleasure. so president trump is looking for a legislative win. health care does not seem like it's going to go his way, at least not right now. so next is his tax plan. he says this is the first real reform in decades. is it? we'll give you the details next. can i get some help. watch his head. ♪
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witness katy perry firework. witness katy perry swish. witness katy perry... aaaaaaw look at that dog! katy perry: with music videos and behind the scenes footage, xfinity lets you witness all things me. it is time for cnn "money" now. president trump will unveil his long-awaited tax plan. big questions. we're desperate for details. we have christine romans on the hunt "in the money" center. christine? sources telling us there might not be many details. here's what with we do know. expect cuts for business. corporate rate to 20%. seven tax brackets collapsed to three. it would actually raise the lowest rate.
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but it doubles the standard deduction, meaning low income earners could pay no tax. still, details are fluid. especially about that top rate. the president said he is open to raising taxes on the rich. according to to americans briefed on the latest plan, it asks the tax committee to raise more money from the top, something many conservatives won't like. the white house said only three are safe. retirement savings, mortgage deduction. no word how it will help the middleclass. a recent poll found 40% of americans think their tax bill will end up staying about the same. guys, this is something companies want very, very badly. they want on to lower the corporate tax rate. will this be tax reform or tax cuts? alyson? >> you will answer that for us at some point, i'm sure. christine, thanks so much for breaking that down.
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so president trump sending more resources to hurricane-ravaged puerto rico. what do voters think of the president's response? i sat down with the panel and i get the pulse of the people next. i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya.
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a candid conversation about the hurricanes, health care and north korea. here's our latest "pulse of the people." how many people are satisfied with trump's hurricane response? you guys are satisfied with it? mark, what is your problem? >> when you think of the most recent one in puerto rico, why isn't he touring.
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all three places are suffering and all three places need our help. >> we have supplies and things ready to go when we get the okay from the puerto rican governor and we have to have air supports to drop into. that is a problem right now. there are about probably this close to maybe martial law because people are running out of everything. >> the situation is dire. do you think president trump has spoken enough about puerto rico? >> i would like to see him say more and i understand when he is not on the ground. when you have a lawless situation, you don't throw your president into that. >> if he tweeted, here's how you
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can donate and drop off stuff. these kinds of resources would get off to tons of resources. it takes away from it. >> the majority of the nfl players, especially j.j. watt has raised millions for houston and florida, and trump himself donated a million to houston and i would love to see him donate a million to florida and puerto rico. >> health care. how many of you are confident the republicans will get a health care bill done? your confidence is overwhelming. do you blame the president for some of this? >> no, i don't. i think it lays at the feet of congress for the most part. he has a responsibility to bring the republican party together. >> had he done that? >> no, when he was elected president he thought congress had a plan already and they worked behind the scenes to create one, and when he got
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there they realized they did not have one. >> i do put it on him. meaning, he was in charge. he's got the senate and for some reason he could not hunker down and say how do i get this done, i need your help. let's make it happen. >> i don't fault the president as much as i do, congress. but i think repeal and replace was more of a slogan than a plan. you can't replace obamacare with something that is not going to cover pre-existing conditions. you can't do things like that, and that's why so far the republicans have been unsuccessful. >> the slogan, i just started thinking, you are fired, repeal and replace, and the slogan doesn't cut it for me anymore. he's had nine months. >> it needs to be a discussion between republicans and democrats and we need a long-term solution that handles all the issues and it doesn't need to be done under the table
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or in the back rooms of congress. >> what is your biggest concern about north korea? >> my biggest concern of north korea is kim jong-un is off the charts as far as the normal of any political leader in the world. his want and disregard for anything of the norm is very frightening. >> are you comfortable with president trump's rhetoric? >> no, i'm not comfortable with president trump's rhetoric but we have to use all options necessary, politically, economically, diplomatically and if necessary, military, to protect ourselves and allies like south korea and japan from somebody who is, by all means, a lunatic. >> if we launch a military action i don't know how many people would die in japan or south korea, and president trump, i'm afraid he will not
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think through the military action. >> and this man is unhinged. he has had no parameters, and nothing in his makeup shows that he would have any guilt about killing anyone of us. >> when they were describing north korean leader, there's a lot of people in the country and around the world that would say that's trump leading our country. >> i have a communist leader in my country that booted us out over everything we owned, and there's no comparison over any leader -- >> i hope you realize that is not what i was comparing trump to. >> that's what people are saying in our own country. >> are you saying that's fair or not fair? >> i am just saying people think that's what people think. >> some people think he is volatile and has a hair trigger response and fires off tweets
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without thinking about it. do you see that? >> no, i think he's trying something that has not been tried before. >> which is what? >> harsh rhetoric. it's harmless to call somebody rocket man. >> i would rather him be quiet and hunker down wherever he needs to meet with our military leaders, and he doesn't need to tweet and come out and call him rocket man, and why poke. >> appeasement never works. >> appeasement didn't work with hitler and the empire of japan. i also think president trump in some matter thinks he's ronald reagan. i see ronald reagan as somebody who would have already been dealing with the chinese and russians and north korea and south korea and japan, trying to get everything done that could be done before a military
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option. i am not sure president trump has to credentials or that ability with foreign leaders. >> listen, we shot this on monday and they were calling on the president to do more, and he came out yesterday and said he would be going to puerto rico now. you hear, some of them -- the three men are regretting their vote and are having rez kwrao reservations. >> just look at it. bannon just beat his butt in alabama, and the party running away from him on health care, and mueller asking for taxes, and he was off in puerto rico, and it's only wednesday. the president has a lot on his plate and a lot of it is negative and you are seeing it in the brace. >> we are following a lot of news, so let's get right t


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