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tv   New Day  CNN  September 28, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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went from unemployment rate of 7.5 to 10.8. there was a lot more slack in the economy. today we have 4.4%. i'm in agreement it will boost the economy, but it's not going to boost the economy as much as the reagan administration. >> i probably agree with that gl we don't have enough slack in the economy to boost the economy. >> you guys are the experts. i bring you on because i need yore brain on these situations. we have businesses holding unprecedented amounts of cash. so if you give them more of their money back, who is to say, anthony, they're going to hire more people or pay more people than they are already. if one thing has not echoed, the unprecedented expansion of wealth in this country, it's wages. they aren't going up on a relative basis. you give businesses more money, they're already holding an unprecedented amount of cash. where's the guarantee it passes down to the working class. >> chris, one of the things i did a study looking at wages.
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it's not taxes, but rather productivity growth. that's been very, very weak. if these companies do invest a little more, that will boost productivity. that will increase wages. >> now, wages. >> they're making profit. >> it's been weak. productivity has been weak. >> that's right. anthony and i agree entirely on that. when companies invest more in equipment and research and technology, who benefits from that? the workers who are working with that kind of -- you give a worker a forklift, he's going to make a lot more money than he doesn't have that kindf equipment. i had a dinner with fred smith, the ceo of fedex. you do this plan, we're going buy more trains, trucks, vehicles, that's good for workers. >> understood. >> that's your economic lesson for today. >> very good. i like the debate. you make us better. steven, anthony, preeappreciate we're getting over to the top of
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the hour. good morning and welcome to your new day. thursday september 28. alison and chris with you. president trump kicking off his big push to cut taxes for individuals and businesses. new moves on business, but the question is who is it good for and how will they pay for it. now the details with president giving them over to a divided congress to figure it out. president hailing plan as revolutiona revolutionary. analysts split on it. a lot of people say the wealthy are going to benefit the most. >> and the president not ending feud with nfl. instead saying team owners are scared of their players. trump threatens to get rid of one cabinet member. refusing to say if he'll fire tom price for using taxpayers dollars. live at the white house. what's the latest joe. >> reporter: the white house and the president trying to get back on track after a brutal week
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after the third try, the health care plan failed once again on capitol hill. the president has taken heat for the response in puerto rico as well as the virgin islands. and he also backed the losing candidate in the alabama senate election. so now they're hoping to get back on track with a crowd pleaser of a tax plan. >> there's never been tax cuts likes what we're talking about. >> president trump kicking off the republican party ambitious attempt to slash tax rates and revamp the code. unveiling nine page framework. rou reducing the number of tax brackets. increasing the child tax credit. reducing the corporate tax rate from 35-20%. creating a new tax rate for pass through businesses eliminating the alternative minimum tax and estate tax.
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trump's plan lacks details. including limits for tax brackets and how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. committee for responsible federal budget estimates they will add $2.2 trillion to the deficit. >> this is a revolutionary change and the biggest winners will be the every day american workers. >> mr. trump attempting to cast the proposal as a boom for the middle class. democrats say it is wealthy americans who will benefit the most. behind republicans they framework and deceptive math, the american people find a billionaires first tax plan that fails the middle class. >> mr. trump also insisting that republicans have the votes to repeal and replace obamacare despite the fact of the co-author of the latest bill refutes that. congress fell short because of republican senator thad cochran's absence. >> we had the votes to get it done. you can't do it when somebody's in the hospital. >> senator cochran tweeting he's
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not hospitalized. recovering from a medical ailment. several controversies consume the white house. facing growing questions about the response to puerto rico and the virgin islands. as three of the president's cabinet secretaries are under fire for spending taxpayer dollars. president scolding tom price over repeat use of private planes. foregoing cheaper commercial options. >> i'm going to look at it. i'm not happy and i'm going to let him know it. >> white house official says prices job is safe for now. president continues to soundoff on the nfl not doing anything to stop players who kneel during the national anthem. >> in my opinion, the nfl has to change. or you know what is going to happen, their business is going to go to hell. >> this morning we have a bit of breaking news on the hurricane response in puerto rico. white house press secretary sara sanders just tweeting momenti i
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ago that the administration has decided to lift or suspend the jones act. s ago that the administration has decided to lift or suspend the jones act. this is a 100 year old law that requires supplies being carried between the u.s. ports to be carried on u.s. ships. number of democratic members of congress had called on the administration to wave that rule for now at least for a year they wanted in order to try to get supplies more quickly to the island territory. so once again the white house press secretary tweeting out that the administration has decided to lift the jones act for puerto rico. >> that's huge, joe. thank you very much. this is exactly what the mayor of san juan had been calling for on no uncertain team saying this is what we're waiting for. this is what we need. just last night made an national appeal. the president has done it. >> what they said was the governor, let's bring in david.
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david what the white house is saying is we needed to wait for a formal request. look, is that true? it's truish. >> that's the way it's supposed to work. they could have jumped the ball. governor of puerto rico saying it andeporting betrays some sort of confusion. governor didn't know they were waiting on him. there are a lot of business interest tied up in the jones act. simply stated it's a rule that made different places like puerto rico have only ships that were made in the u.s. and crude by u.s. people deliver goods there. it excluded a lot of other suppliers. raised costs and kept down the number of people who could help. >> david, what's you take? >> there's no doubt it has. in fact you heard president trump say, a lot of those shippers, they don't really want us to waive the jones act. it does raise cost and increase
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their profit it does have that america first approach. you are right about that. i think the white house was playing a bit of a dance here. you are right. waiting for the formal request trying to back down reports that they had denied a request which they claim they did not do. then as you saw, the governor last night tweeted saying i am petitioning the trump white house as of wednesday night to please waive the jones act and this morning we have the response. he's doing so. >> talk to mayor and put a fire point on it. mr. president, not to eliminate the laws of shipping is immoral. an act of financial oppression that will only succeed in deepening our downturn. president heardhem and now that has happened. let's talk david about taxes. what do you see in this tax plan that the president has put up. >> the first thing i see is no sort of path to pay for it. that will end up being a big
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part of the conversation on capitol hill as it really becomes legislation. you will just see that some republicans who are in favor of this are going to argue that this is going to create an economic book. that is going to help pay for it in and of itself. the tax cuts will indeed pay for it with the economic increase in economic activity that will take place. you'll see a lot of democrats push back on that and perhaps some republicans as well who are true fiscal conservatives. in terms of what's offered here, it's a huge tax cut. i know the president is keen on framing his just as a middle class miracle. he wants to keep it all about the middle class in terms of rhetoric. the corporate side of this seems to me to be a huge piece of this. as you saw, president trump is in a non-negotiable mood about 20% rate for business. >> here's what i don't get. where's the disconnect on the arctic police station of the
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plan. the promise from the president on the campaign was crystal. i'm about the middle class. don't care about the wealthy. i'm going take a bite of out them. i don't need their money. that was excelling. why put out a plan that really only details how you're going to help the upper income people and not the middle class. >> it has some information in there for the middle class, but you're right. it is not. >> they're not the headlines. amt, estate tax, lowering business rates, you know. >> he's clearly on the mind that as you were talking about with steven moore, notion of let's free up some money. give some of the wealthy more money. true supply side economics and that will have sort of a trickle down effect into the economy. there's a great debate in this country over whether or not that works or not and is it proven or not, but clearly donald trump believes that is part of how he's going to get this through. remember, you just saw a completely divided republican
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party over health care. tax reform is not going to be any easier. it's because of these kinds of issues, he's trying to make sure he has the votes to get something done here. so i think he wasn't able to just take one approach. i think the white house needed to start putting a plan together that had a little bit for everyone. >> good news for republicans. the president says they do have the votes on graham-cassidy. mitch mcconnell never got this memo which is why he canceled the vote, but the president this morning says they do have the votes. listen to this. >> the health care bill didn't go down. we have the votes, but reconciliation is a disaster. as you know, it ends on friday. we don't have enough time. we have one senate who is a yes vote. great person, but he's in the hospital. he's a yes vote. we can't do it by friday. so we have the votes. we will do it sometime at the beginning of the year, but prior to the election in november. >> he's talking there obviously david about senator thad cochran
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of mississippi who is not in the hospital. >> not in the hospital. >> and said he would be happy to come back for the vote. he tweeted this. thanks for the well wishes. i'm not hospitalized. >> they didn't have the votes with cochran anyway. >> i know that. >> that's all good. you got the facts wrong on cochran and he's not in the hospital. it doesn't matter. irrelevant piece of information. thad cochran is not one of the names listed as already declared no votes. it only takes three. i thought what was most interesting at the very moment he was saying this on stage yesterday in indiana, that he has the votes, precisely the same moment, lindsey graham, sponsor of the supporters, said we don't have the votes to get the bill passed right now. >> you could call it that.
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back to puerto rico. the mayor of san juan, puerto rico. so wonderful to fuful to talk ts morning. what is your reaction to the news the jones act will be suspended started immediately. first of all, i think it is an act of justice. i tweeted yesterday that not repealing the jones act would be an act of injustice. the jones act makes everything we receive in puerto rico between 30-33% higher. the cost of construction will be lower. the cost of acquiring goods will be lowered.
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we are grateful that our cries for justice were heard and that the president did the right thing and stood in the right side of history. >> you called for it and now it's happened. i know you must be very grateful. do you know why it took so long to take this action. >> no, but you know, sometimes it doesn't matter why things happen. and who makes them happen. when justice prevails. and that is what is important. that justice has prevailed here. we have a broken supply chain. and that broken supply chain begins with just repealing the jones act. >> yes. >> and must have been a difficult decision, but it is the right and the just decision. >> mayor julian, i want to ask you about the supplies and the supply chain because it's hard for us to know exactly what's happening. we understand there are
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thousands of containers of emergency supplies sitting idly at the port of san juan. do you kno about this situation. >> well, it has been reported that and yesterday there were some images that floated around the internet, which frankly has become a primary source of communication. and this is something that needs to be taken care of quickly. the people of puerto rico need to know what the plans are and how they are unfolding. this is why it's so important to work that all of you are doing down here and it's so important that you magnify the voices that are crying for help. >> who is supposed to be organizing this. why would there be supplies that people are so desperate for sitting in the port without them getting out. who is supposed to be spear heading that. >> i'm going to have a meeting today with fema. i know that fema employees have come to the municipality and
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i'll take my municipality. they have told me they're eager to help, but it seems to be some sort of a jurisdictional situation whether it is should the help be coming through the municipality. should it be brought directly through the municipalities or should another method of supply be used. what i'm finding is that the mayor of miami beach came personal yesterday and brought me supplies in san juan. the mayor of new york has also done so. the mayor of chicago has helped. what i'm finding is that mayors are calling mayors to help mayoring direct because or supply chain is faster. >> is it true. is it true that these supplies are sitting at the port of san juan? >> the information that's loaded yesterday through the internet with the images shows that is true. there's about 3,000 containers that are stuck there and there's
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no reason at ll. so my cry today is let's get it done. lets me on it. >> what would happen if you went to the port and said please off load these now. >> nothing. nothing. because from a jurisdictional basis, even though the ports are in the capital city and i'm the mayor of the city, i have no jurisdiction over those ports. so nothing will happen. so we are relying on you guys to put the pressure on and make sure that everyone that needs to hear, just like mr. trump heard, the cries for justice that got him to repeal the jones act, we ask, i beg you to just repeat this and repeat this, and use the municipalities as the supply chain. we know our people. we know where the hot spots are. we now how to get our people involved. we can get the stuff to where it
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needs to go. there are some municipalities that are hindered in their ability to do that. those that can will help those that cannot. it's a simple fact of life. it is not complicated. politics needs to be put aside. and we need to get the job done now. >> so mayor there is a fema press briefing happening right now along with the governor of puerto rico. so you are calling upon them. if i hear you correctly. to release these supplies to you because you're saying that you know better where they need to go and you can make it happen better than waiting for the feds and fema to try to get to them. >> not better than waiting. with the help of the feds. with the help of the fema people, and with distribution centers that are closer to the municipality. if the distribution centerings are far away from the municipalities and there are not many, what happens is we will be
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using what little gas and diesel they have to get supplies. these supplies need to be distributed into bigger centers that are closer to the municipalities and then they can be distributed throughout. >> so when we hear that the obstacles. >> i'm glad this is happening. it may be happening and they may be what the governor will be announcing. also the communications need to be sharp, clean and clear and people of puerto rico need to know what is happening and when will they get help. >> when we hear the obstacles are too great to speed up this process because there's no radar at the airport, making it very hard for planes to land, and ports are damaged, is that true? or is there a way to make this happen. >> for heavens sake. if we were at war, there may not be any radars and planes would be landed. you know, there are ways to get around obstacles. if justice is going to revail.
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if we are our main -- put food and water and medicine into people hands. when you're in a war situation, they have little drones or little parachutes that dropboxs. different places with supplies for people. that can be arranged. it has been used since world war ii. it cannot be that difficult. since the 1940s it's been used all over the world. so perhaps go back to basics. and get things done. >> when you've talked to federal officials and said my people are dying. my people need help. my people need water and food. let me handle it. let me help through our distribution centers, what is the response that you get. >> twice i've been told right amendment. twice i've been told right amendment. twice the people of fema who are great, good compassionate articulate people.
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they know what they're doing, they're telling me, look mayor, what they're saying is that all of these, all this stuff needs to be centralized. your petition directly to fema is not good enough. it has to be centralized. well, as long as we keep centralizing things. this is what a supply chain is all about. it's about decentralizing things so that they get to where they're supposed to get fast enough. >> so the federal officials are telling you right a memo. that sounds like bureaucracy and red tape in this crisis where obviously time is of the essence. they want you to write a memo to who the feds in washington. >> no, they want me to write a memo to give it to them. mind you, send an e-mail. the communications are broken. communications are broken. i may have an ability to write an e-mail now i won't have it. this call at any point in time can just go off.
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just because the communications are broken: have i a satellite phone because my dear mayor friend. she came to puerto rico. she came to san juan and send one of new york's finest, a fireman to put a satellite phone in my hand. >> so you're message to anyone listening in the white house, or in the federal government is that now is not the time for memos. we don't have time for memos and you don't have the technology right now for memos. >> now is not the time for memos. now is the time for action. now is the time for justice and now is the time to get life support supplies into people's hands. >> mayor, we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. i know before our phone call you were trying to get fuel to people who desperately needed it. >> thank you very much. >> coming up in just minutes. we will speak with puerto rico
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man who is trying to do everything he can. he luis fonsi. new details about facebook ads purchased by the russians during the 2016 election. how far did the kremlin go to stoke unrest in america. how did that do it? who might have helped them. house intelligence committee got a member next. feel the power of theraflu expressmax. new power... fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power.
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cnn exclusive reveals one of
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the facebook ads bought targeted black lives matter. this is proof of what was done to interfere in this election by the russians. not a witch hunt. joining us now is democratic congresswoman. she's a member of the house intel committee which has inv e invited tech firms to testify in an opening hearing on the election. while i have you. we have the mayor of san juan. she's saying she's getting killed by the bureaucracy there. there are things in the port. there are a lot of real problems, but bureaucracy seems to be one of them. is there anything you can do to help grease the wheels down there in terms of getting things done and removing some of the lairs. >> i think the mayor of san juan has done a great job of making
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it a national disgrace that we have not gotten the goods and services to the people needed in puerto rico right now. we're not in the majority. it becomes a little more difficult for us you can be sure we're making loud noises about the shaful response in puerto rico. >> because sometes phone calls from you guys. brock long is a busy guy. by all indications exercising a real plan. when people in power make a phone call, it can make a difference. i want to put it in your ear. on the air. hopefully you can do something about it. let's talk about facebook in terms of what we know. what do you know that the russians did in terms of putting out fake news in deceptive acts. >> what we know is what facebook has made available to us or the independent studies that have been done. we do know there were some 3,000 ads paid for by russians in
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rubles. $100,000 worth of ads. 470 fake sites that were created. i think it's a much higher number than that. we do note in all likelihood, $100,000 doesn't seem like much in political campaigns on tv. at's a huge number in number in terms of who you reach. we also know that about 67% of americans are on facebook. about 6% get their news from one social media source. all of that would suggest to us that what these platforms have become, both twitter and facebook, are toxic brew for news pollution. and, you know, we're not talking about walter cronkite anymore. the news we're getting can be and is being suggested tainted
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particularly by the russians. >> at the hearing, what do you want to know. >> i think twitter has got to turn over to us their accounts. that they have identified as being fake muse. i think we should also take advantage of the oxford study that was released this morning about 1% of twitter accounts for the last few days of the election, but suggests that 40% of what was put on twitter during that time was fake news. since most of those were on twitter, are either news sources, news makers are news outlets. that becomes just an echo chamber for bad data being spread publically. >> little bit of a slippery slope.
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>> what are you going to ask for and look for in terms of who might have helped the russians and whoever did this activity find the right places to be and what markets to be. >> that's really a very excellent question because we do know the of votes in the states of wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, ohio, 100,000 votes turned the tide in this election. the fake news went predominantly to those states. how did russia gain that phistication. they gained that sfophisticatio with help. it could have been any number of campaign consultants that have taken their talents and skills to foreign countries to assist them in their election and i
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think we've got to look far and wide to determine who was engaged in the russians with that regard. >> thank you for hearing the call from san juan's mayor. we need better infrastructure down there. whatever we're doing, it's got to be more. >> i'll make that call. >> appreciate it congressman. let us know how we can help on our side. >> very good. president trump's tax plan who benefits the most. talk to a member senate committee next. how much do you think it cost him? $100 a month? $75? $50? actually, duncan got his $500,000 for under $28 a month. less than $1 a day! his secret? selectquote. in just minutes a selectquote agent will comparison shop nearly a dozen highly rated life insurance companies, and give you a choice of your five best rates.
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is san juan mayor just told us that bureaucracy is getting in the way of helping people. there's a lot of supply down there, but it's not getting to people because of red tape. let's bring in someone who can make a difference there and talk to us about taxes and health care. republican senator john thune. in no way am i suggesting it's your problem, but you can be part of the solution. is there anything you can do to
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help massage this urgency that we need to abandon protocols that might be counter productive and get help to people down there in puerto rico. when people in power pick up the phone, you know what can happen. >> i agree with that totally. this is a humidity humanitarian crisis. it's an emergency. you need to take extraordinary measures. think the requests that the yor of san juan and governor of puerto rico are making for some waivers and for getting assistance down there as quickly as possible. we need to move heaven and earth and do what we can to assist the people suffering down there. it's only going to get worse with time. some of those steps are being taken. there's more we can do and we're trying to find out what that is and obviously that's with input from the leaders down there. >> senator, i'm asking you because you're a well liked, well connected guy down there. if you want the office to get in touch with us and say here's what we found out. let us know.
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we're happy to work hand in hand to get more help down there. we get protocol has a place. bureaucracy has a place. sometimes it becomes a hindrance. let me ask you about health care as well. i get optimism. and truthful high p fufu futrut that's what graham says. that's what mitch mcconnell says. that's why you didn't have the vote. what's the president talking about. >> i guess you'll have to ask him. maybe he is thinking prospeck i' -- prospect i'll. he's talking about one senator in the hospital. is he on the same page with you. >> if we had the votes, we would be votie ining right now. the votes aren't there for this. right now, we're focusing,
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shifting and pivoting to tax reform. eventually we will come back to health care reform. at some point we will have the votes, but the folks who count the votes up here know we don't. that's why we're not voting. >> so people are watching this, right. this is the kind of thing that makes them feel like you know we can't trust these guys. we can't trust what's coming out of our politicians because it's always a game and advancing perspective. what do you say to people about what to believe? i think a lot of politicians generally, chris, speak in aspirational tones. they're optimistic. hopeful. want to see good things happen. we all do. at some point that meets reality. reality in the united states senate is the need for 50 votes. where we are right no is 48, 49. eventually maybe if we continue to develop and work this we'll end up with 50 votes to move it forward. we agree something has to be done. the markets continue to implode
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and premiums sky rocket. that's not going to change. there is something that has to be done. the question is what is whand w the what is in the works and when is when we have the votes. not today. >> never easy to go in and say something different than the president. that can come with political cost. taxes, the president's big promise during the campaign was i'm going to take care of the middle class. i know the rich usually win, but not with me. i don't need their money. i'm not afraid to take them on. this has a lot in it this plan, there's a lot to be explained. going after the amt. getting rid of that. going after the estate tax. getting rid of that. cutting the bracket for the rich. that doesn't help the middle class. why lead with that. >> well, it's a comprehensive tax reform bill. there are a lot of moving parts. you saw it yesterday. the release of the framework. which i think has a number of measures that are targeted at middle income taxpayers in this
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country. the l the lowering of rates. child tax credit are all designed to bring much needed relief and put money in the pockets of working families in the country. comprehensive bill. one thing we know is the economy is sputtering along. we want to see growth rate get back up to 3%. when that happens, you get higher wages, better paying jobs. you also have to reform when u're doing middle class tax relief. you also have to reform make th competitive in the global marketplace. that translates into according to the congressional budget office better paying jobs for people in this country. all part of a package. the finance committee and you mentioned i serve on that committee the ways and means committee in the house will have to fill in the details. i will tell you this. the president and his team and leadership have made it very clear we want to maintain the progressivity and the tax code.
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>> everybody wants a tax cut. there are people that need it more than i do. thank you senator. always we can on the show. as we get the details. we'll dive more into this as deeply here as anywhere. promise you that. be well senator, let us know how we can help with the efforts to change the effort in puerto rico. we'll be in touch with the office. chris, a strong message from an nfl star amid the feud with the president. the challenge that michael bennett issued to america during cnn's town hall. that's next in our bleacher report. kevin, meet your father.
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millard. nfl player michael bennett challenging people to treat people better. tell us what he said, andy.
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>> bleacher report brought to you by the new ford f 150. anderson cooper moderating that town hall. sea hawks star michael bennett had a strong message for everyone in the country. >> i would like to challenge every america watching this show to treat people better. that's what it is about. treating people like human beings. that's the first step. to recognize and see somebody as an equal being when you recognize them. there's no way a person or woman should feel less human than a man. no way a black person should feel less human than a white man. everyone should be seen equal. >> 16 seasons louisville hall of fame placed on indefinite unpaid administrative leave after basketball program was target instead a federal investigation into alleged fraud and corruption in college basketball recruiting. tuesday, ten men including the top adidas executive and four coaches were charged with bribing young athleting to
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influence their choice of schools. this is the third scandal. two years ago a woman alleged they hired her to strip and have sex with louisville recruits and players. the lawyers say he did nothing wrong, calling his apparent firing a regrettable rest of judgment. still has 7 years left on his contract. this could be a very expensive separation for the school. >> depends. depends on how this is negotiated by the two sides. very often those contracts have moral clauses in them about what would be a fireable offense. we'll have to see how this plays out. it's going to take a long time. so puerto rican singer is giving america the song of the summer. december pa see to.
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here he is. good looking even early in the morning. has an important message to help americans that are just an island away. next. i want ycome on mom!t easy. go slow. ♪ let's go! ♪ mom! slow down! for the ones who keep pushing. always unstoppable.
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first of all being from puerto rico, loving my island, having
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my family there, i'm already devastated. on a professional level it was so important for this song and this video and now we see the picture, and it's like, ah, what do we have to do to get puerto rico back on its feet. the town looking like it looked like on the video. we're here, crying out for help. we're try doing as much as we can to come together and help the island. >> in some ways it was your song that -- i don't want to say put puerto rico on the map but heightened awareness about puerto rico and how rich it is. you and the music there. r have you been home yet? >> i'm not. but i'm going there in a few days. i'm in the middle of tour, we can't cancel shows. i have a two-day break early next week and i'm going straight to puerto rico with a plane full of goods with some great
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friends, great athletes. it's the first of many different efforts we have to do and we'll be doing probably for the next year or so it will ab long rebuilding process. i want puerto rico to know we're here. we have their back. i want everybody else to know what's going on. we need a lot of help. >> what are you hearing from your family and friends there? >> first of all, communication is probably the biggest frustration. it's so hard to get in touch with them. i finally got in touch with all i want to say about two days ago. >> that's a long time. >> yeah. we had probably a week without hearing from them. at least not directly. >> you knew they were alive. you had not spoken to them directly. >> everybody's fine, thank god. but it's not the same thing to talk to your cousins, aunts, grandma and know they're okay. especially because we're traveling so much and my staff is all from puerto rico. it's been a tough week. >> what is the situation where water is running low and food is
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running low. >> fuel -- >> electricity and fuel. >> they tell met lines to get $20 of gas. people are sleeping in their cars so they can get gas, get water, no batteries. it's hard. they know it will take long. people are starting to get frustrated. they're starting to lose patience. we want to make sure everything gets distributed quickly. >> that's a problem as we learned today. that's a real problem. they're struggling with that because of red tape and bureaucracy. where do you begin? when you land there next week what do you do. >> there's so much to do. i think the first thing is getting the goods there. making sure they get distributed. you know, i'm making a personal financial donation. and i want to use sort of our media power that we have as entertainers to get the word out there. and to try to get help and people who know what they're doing to help out. not only to san juan, but all
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the different towns. that's the problem. pfr pr, y puerto rico, it's not just san juan. we want to make sure everybody gets the water distributed and all the goods. what are you calling on viewers to do? you want contributions? >> of course. they can visit the first lady of puerto rico, she has an amazing website called united4puerto make your donation. the money going to the right place. i promise you. >> they can also go to if they want go through cnn to do it. what will it be like for you when you see what your beloved homeland is like next week? i know you've seen pictures. do you think it will ever look the way you remember it. >> i'm optimistic. i think it will. there's something about people from puerto rico. we're very happy. we won't give up. it's beautiful. the island is so beautiful. the beaches are always -- will always be. there the music. the happiness will be there. it will take a while.
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it will take a lot of patience and help. but i do feel it will eventually better than it was before. >> luis fonsi thank you very much for your message and we'll be watching next week when you go home. >> thank you very much. >> we have the good stuff for you next. when people ask me for whiter teeth, i always tell them the thicker the enamel, the more white you're going to have. i would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to my patients. pronamel strong and bright toothpaste helps to actually strengthen the enamel. it's going to keep that enamel strong. it's going to keep it white. patients get what they're asking for. they want whiter teeth. they're going to get it with this. not only what dentists are looking for in a product, but what patients are looking for in a product. ♪ peobut they're different.ind it's nice to remove artificial ingredients. kind never had to.
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>> we call this the best stuff today, it's great for us because fonsi stayed with us. >> thank you, guys. >> a youth football team honors a world war ii veteran. you can see the team, they stopped playing, they went to shake the hand of bill mcnamara. the coach got wind that he's a veteran. he was there watching the game. he encouraged the boys to go and thank the 94-year-old for his service to this country. to teach them something that's much more important than anything they'll learn on the field. to say it to his face, and to the entire crowd. they all erupted in cheers
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because they showed that these kids need to learn to honor people not just playing. more good stuff. >> what? a double good stuff. >> the new day family has grown in an important way. my producer and pal, rosalee napoli just tied the knot. look at ryan. he traded up. they got married september 16th in her hometown in pennsylvania. >> she went from napoli to sheehan, for love i'll allow it. >> true. >> time for newsroom with poppy. breaking this morning, is bureaucracy costing lives? is red tapetandinbetween the people of puerto rico and salvation? wiousands of containers filled


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