tv New Day Saturday CNN September 30, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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information about this trip and what they're talking about. >> i'm not happy. okay? i can tell you, i'm not happy. >> president trump today accepting the resignation of health and human services secretary tom price. >> tom price knows better. he railed against people using private jets. >> it was time for him to go. he had lost the confidence of the american taxpayer. >> parts of puerto rico are at risk for flash flooding this weekend. >> we will not rest until the people of puerto rico are safe. >> we're taking food, water and medicine everywhere. we would like it to be quicker. of course it's not where it needs to be, but we recognize that there is a limitation in terms of the logistical support to get there. >> we're dying here. we're truly dying here. >> and i'm tired of the president always talking about how much it's going to cost. it's costing lives.
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so grateful to have you with us here on a saturday morning. >> well, he was caught flying high on the taxpayers' dime essentially and now tom price is flying home. >> wonder how he's getting there. he is the first casualty of the cabinet forced to resign as health and human services secretary after days of questions over his air travel. >> this morning as the white house tries to clamp down on pricey flights president trump is dealing with the unfolding crisis in puerto rico we've been watching. >> more than a week after maria devastated the island, a plea for help by the mayor. more bad weather is on the way and president trump is promising more help. >> we will not rest, however, until the people of puerto rico are safe. these are great people. we want them to be safe and sound and secure, and we will be
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there every day until that happens. >> president trump is spending the third straight weekend at his new jersey golf resort. this morning ryan nobles is live for us there in new jersey. it has certainly been a really tough week for a lot of people including the president. >> reporter: yeah, the removal of yet another high profile administration official on a friday afternoon really capped what was another difficult week for donald trump in his administration and let's just run down exactly what happened in this very busy week. of course, last night tom price, the secretary of health and human services forced to resign after the scandal surrounding the use of private planes. earlier in the week president trump criticized for the slow response and the slow amount of effort that it took to get aide to 3.5 million puerto ricans after hurricane maria. the official failure of yet another attempt by this administration and the
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republican congress to repeal and replace obamacare when the votes were just not there for the graham cassidy plan. then of course on tuesday, donald trump's favored candidate luther strange loses in the race for senate in alabama in a different candidate will now be on the ballot in december there on the republican line and then of course the very beginning of the week on sunday when nfl players across the league were in basic unison protesting donald trump's response to them in a rally for that senate candidate where he called nfl players who chose to kneel during the anthem as sobs. it has been another bumpy week for the trump administration, bah they feel that their response to puerto rico is improving and they also believe there was some swift action taken as it relates to tom price and they're hoping they can begin next week on a much stronger note. >> a lot of people are watching as they always do and i want to
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read a tweet from the creator and star of hamilton and he wrote this on twitter. real donald trump, 16 dead americans on your watch and rising. you're golfing again this weekend while families die and wait for water. do we know what the president has planned moving ahead for puerto rico? he is -- he's going there is it on tuesday? >> reporter: yeah, he's going to be there next week, i believe it is tuesday that he's going to travel to the region, but i this think to your point here and to miranda's point as well, there is an optics question about the president spending another weekend at one of his private resorts, leaving the white house, leaving washington. he's not scheduled to play golf this weekend but he is going to attend a golf tournament tomorrow. the president's cup which is taking place here in new jersey. and you know, with all this controversy surrounding the use of private planes to get cabinet secretaries around the country
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the president is yet again using an enormous taxpayer expense for the security and his travel and his family's travel to get here into new jersey so there is an optics problem for this white house as they try to get out from underneath this latest controversy. >> it just doesn't seem to be focused solely on tom price as the president talked about that optics issue. we appreciate it so much. thank you. and we're going to talk about it some more because joining me now is cnn political analyst, and congressional reporter for politico and former earth licks lawyer for george w. bush, the white house, richard painter. thank you all for being with us this morning. >> sure. happy to do it. >> thank you. >> let me start with you. hours before price resigned the president told reporters that he didn't like the optics of tom price flying private jets on the cost of taxpayer money at about a million dollars i believe. so was it really the bad headlines that sort of doomed
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price? >> well, to some extent. this is your classic washington scandal, bad headlines that started with politico and really politico drove this story with kind of one headline and one story and one revelation after another. but -- but it's also -- you have to think about in order to survive one of these scandals in washington, you have to have friends somewhere. and inside the administration, tom price had utterly failed to do the one thing that president trump had wanted which was to repeal and replace obamacare. so you know, he didn't have many friends inside the white house and outside the white house he was -- his history before coming hhs secretary was being a conservative republican lawmaker and conservatives really saw him as somebody who was going to stick to the fiscal discipline, saving money and so the idea on capitol hill that his fellow conservatives looked at him and saw a guy who was, you know,
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spending all of this taxpayer money at a time when the message to the base is supposed to be, hey, we're -- you know, we're saving you money. we're not the obama administration. we're taking taxpayer dollars and saving them instead of spending them. he didn't have any friends there either so between all of that when the headlines started there was no real way that he was going to survive this long-term. >> yeah, no one was going to throw him a lifeline. last week new guidance to white house staff saying all air travel now has to be approved by chief of staff john kelly. when you worked for the white house, was that ever an issue? >> oh, yes. we insisted on approving all travel on noncommercial air by the presidential appointees. and we'd rarely approve it. if you needed a charter plane to go up somewhere in alaska or something like that we'd sign off on it but we did not want
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administration appointees jet setting around, either at the expense of the taxpayer or third parties, companies and others paying to put people on private planes so we just don't do that. that's incompatible with public service. we've got the treasury secretary now, we've got the interior secretary, the add min stray or -- at min str-- administrator, go on vacation a week, every other week, he's setting the wrong tone here and this is a serious problem. it's not the most serious problem we've found this week. i mean, the e-mail thing and people using personal e-mail which could be compromised by the russians since they've been in contact with the russians, i'd be a lot more worried about that and trying to make sure nothing was compromised there.
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>> we'll get to that in a moment. let me just stop you there because i want to bring in ileana and the question is simple, the end of what has been a week of a lot of setbacks, how does the white house regroup? >> well, it's going to be extremely difficult. tom price is not the only cabinet secretary in trouble. you have the republican chairman asking for data on the special sound proof booth created by the epa administrator, so there is going to be republicans picking on the government waste issue and that is what's going to make it hardest for the white house to regroup. >> i know to clean things up again, price saying he was going to pay back 52,000. that's about 5% of what was owed. do you think he's going to pay up now? >> i don't know. he has shown terrible judgment and including when he was in congress, trading stocks at
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health care companies while he's working on a health legislation, exposed hirms to an insider tradesing investigation. i don't know what's going on there so i do not know whether he's going to pay any of that back or what he's going to do but he has not shown good judgment. he is not alone in this administration in showing very, very poor judgment. we've had quite a few administration officials who have shown they simply don't understand what it means to be a public servant. >> so could you -- could there be more resignations to come over this? >> well, there could. i think that from what we know at the moment secretary price's travel was perhaps the most egregious in terms of the amount of money spent and the amount of travel and the kind of travel that could have been done other ways far cheaper. but i think we just don't know yet and this is an
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administration as we know there have been many -- he was the first as cabinet secretary to leave but there have been many departures from this administration in less than a year and so you know, i don't think you can say with any certainty that there won't be any more departures and depending on the news that comes out in the next days and weeks we'll have to see what happens. >> and this was the first cabinet member, i believe. how significant is that to see someone so close to the president fired? >> i mean, it's especially significant also because it comes after this failure of obamacare and there was actually a lot of chatter among republicans on the hill about tom price's nonpresence during this debate. it was cms administrator, it was vice president mike pence coming up there to rally the troops through these repeated obamacare failures. tom price was not really there so i think it's going to be really interesting to see whether he attempts to nominate someone very soon because that senate confirmation will be very difficult. >> it will indeed.
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thanks to all of you. well, the mayor of san juan is begging for help this morning. there are millions of people who are struggling still to find food, to get clean water, to get medical supplies. we're going to share with you her emotional plea for that island. >> plus, more bad news could be on the way for puerto rico. the threat of flash flooding, mud slides. that is going to be a major issue today. we'll get a live report from the cnn weather center. that's up next. >> and law enforcement going beyond the call of duty to combat the opioid crisis. why one officer hung up his uniform to help save addicts. >> i'm there to convince them to live. i am convincing them that they have a second chance. can i get some help. watch his head. ♪
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that's the mayor from san juan, puerto rico begging for more aide. >> she criticized the response thus far and gave this emotional appeal on cnn last night. >> i have to get the voice of our people out there. i lived in the united states for 12 years. i went to school there. i had my child there in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. i know what the u.s. heart is all about. you know, you are intelligent, daring people, so i just don't understand why things have become so complicated and the logistics are so unsurmountable. >> i've got to say it hurts me so much to say so many people on this island say to me and say to reporters, we're americans. they have to explain that as if we shouldn't know that. i mean, that -- i just find that so -- i mean, i think it says
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something about the way people here feel about the way things have been handled. >> there is a lot of linked history. there is a lot of cross moving. there is people in orlando, philadelphia, los angeles, houston. every time there is a problem we are the kind of people that share our sorrows but also share our triumphs and we just don't understand and sorry, maybe i'm too tired. i get a little emotional but we're dying here. we truly are dying here and i keep saying it. s.o.s. if anyone can hear us. if mr. trump can hear us, let's just get it over with and get the ball rolling. >> and that plea was coming from the mayor as millions of puerto ricans struggle to find vital supplies. just look at the lines around the island yesterday. people waiting for hours, no guarantee that any food, water
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or gas will be left when they finally get to the front of that line. >> our correspondent is live from san juan right now, so help us understand the discrepancy that we're hearing this morning, president trump saying look, this response has been incredible, local officials saying people are dying because they don't have supplies. what is happening there this morning? >> reporter: things are incrementally improving on the island of puerto rico though unevenly. yesterday we were standing in a gas line that was absolutely massive. it was more than a quarter mile long. people were waiting for hours just to get their hands on some gasoline. as a matter of fact, the gentleman at the front of that line got there at 9:00 p.m. the night before. they ran out of gas and so he just parked his car there. he figured he didn't have anywhere better to be, slept there overnight waiting for the sun to dcome up and more gas to get there.
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yesterday they got another shipment of gasoline and fuel so they certainly have the resources but about 6:30 p.m. they had to shut down for security reasons because there's no electricity on that block and once the sun goes down and it gets dark there's a grave concern that violence may break out because there have been reports all over the island of gangs specifically targeting gas stations and assaulting people who are just trying to pump gas whether into their cars or into their canisters and power their generators. there are a series of issues with getting supplies and aide to where they need to go here in puerto rico and some places yesterday, the mayor was going around driving through the street and people were running into the street to wave him down to ask for federal aid that was being distributed. they were able to get their hands on basic goods. emergency food kits, food and water, the basic essentials but even the mayor acknowledged that
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they are going to need more. in other areas yesterday in that gas line i spoke to one woman who told me she was in line for hours outside of a grocery store and when she finally got inside she was heart broken because there was no water on the shelves for her. meanwhile you have thousands of shipping containers sitting at the port stuck there because there aren't enough truckers available to go get them out of the port. there's not enough fuel available to help power those trucks to get those items where they need to go and there's not enough cash because there aren't enough banks and atms operating because there's no electricity. again, layers and layers of issues, a grid lock that needs to be undone before puerto rico can get back on its feet. >> you brought up something that is striking. the vulnerability in this case and in many in a situation like this where you have gangs or people who will get violent to try to get what they need.
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is there a police force or some sort of entity there that is able to try to quell that? >> reporter: that's something that we have heard from several residents. they want to see a larger military footprint. yesterday at that gas station i'll give you an example, there were fewer than four police officers that were about, they came in different shifts but they were there more so to guide the flow of traffic. they weren't really there to provide information or to provide aid. one of the things that struck me about yesterday is that at 6:30 p.m. when they finally shut down, there were still more than 100 cars in line waiting to get gas and it was a police officer having to approach that next car in line as he set up a rope to block them off to tell a woman in that car that she was not going to get gas even though she had been waiting hours for it. that woman's face is
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indescribable. the feeling of dejection that she's going to have to go at least another day, perhaps spend more hours in line waiting to get gas so that she can get back to her home and help her loved ones is something that is being felt across this island and i asked that police officer what that was like for him, having to relay that message. he told me he had been doing it already for several days and he'd become accustomed to it and he said he'd developed a mind for it. >> you'd almost have to to carry out that job over and over again. thank you so much. >> and while we've been focusing our coverage on puerto rico the president is tweeting this morning about puerto rico specifically. he is saying the mayor of san juan who was very complimentary only a few days ago has now been told by democrats that you must be nasty to trump. again, that is a tweet coming from the president of the united states. to make things worse, towns
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that have been devastated by hurricane maria could see flash flooding and mud slides this weekend. cnn meteorologist is life in the severe weather center. >> that's right. we eve already had some rain come down some areas of puerto rico. more rain is on the way. we are under a flood watch at this point because conditions are there for more rain. the problem isn't necessarily the new rain coming though. it's the fact that it's coming on the heels of muhurricane mar. this is a map of what hurricane maria dropped. the purple areas about 10 to 15 inches. the white areas exceed 10 pinches -- 20 inches of rain. widespread up to about 2 inches but there will be some pockets of yellow and orange that you see here. we're talking 4 to 6 inches.
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so now you add more rain on top of that and they're likely to swell quickly. . not to mention some of the streets and some of the areas that are still underwater. here's a look at the satellite. this is puerto rico. this is all of the tropical moisture that we are seeing start to flow back into puerto rico. it's moving north and it's a lot of moisture. this is the only entity we have left to use. this is the radar. this is normally what we would use right about now who is getting the heaviest rain, how much to expect. this is where the dome would have been. hurricane maria took it back. even their backup radar was taken out by maria. here's the problem. in the lower 48, say in tlaentd for example, if their radar were destroyed by weather, what would happen is your surrounding cities, birmingham, chattanooga,
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some of the surrounding towns would make up for that lack in that city. they doesht have thn't have tha rico. so that causes problems because it gives them a delay of perhaps getting those products and services out to the people that live in puerto rico. >> thank you very much for that. the restaurant owner who grew up in puerto rico is doing everything he can to help. he is going to be with us next to talk about how you can help with relief efforts, truly. stay close. ♪ we're drowning in information. where, in all of this, is the stuff that matters? the stakes are so high, your finances, your future. how do you solve this? you don't. you partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. morgan stanley.
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secretary price or former secretary dominated headlines after it was revealed that he used taxpayer money to take private flights for government business. >> meanwhile officials in puerto rico are pleading with president trump to send more aid after hurricane maria destroyed much of the island. 3.5 million americans are without food, water, gas or even a way to communicate with loved ones. >> i am begging. begging anyone that can hear us to save us from dying. i am mad as hell. because my people's looifzs are at stake. >> now, the president has just responded to the mayor's comments saying the mayor of san juan who was very complimentary
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only a few days ago has now been told by the democrats that you must be nasty to trump. such poor leadership ability by the mayor of san juan and others in puerto rico who are not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 federal workers now on island doing a fantastic job. again, a series of tweets coming from the president of the united states. both secretary price's resignation and the crisis in puerto rico are putting the white house in what you would say is damage control. sarah murray has more. >> i'm not happy. okay? i can tell you, i'm not happy. >> reporter: president trump accepting the resignation of health and human services secretary tom price. the bomb shell announcement coming after days of mounting controversy over price's travel on private jets at a cost estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> i was disappointed because i
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didn't like it cosmetically or otherwi otherwise. i was disappointed. and you know, this is an administration that saves hundreds of millions of dollars on renegotiating things. so i don't like to see somebody that perhaps there's the perception that it wasn't right. >> price agreed to rez pay a fraction of the overall tab but sources say the action only appeared to exacerbate's trump's anger. >> we've put it in order that no more planes -- >> this as the humanitarian crisis in puerto rico continues to mount leaving trump to defend the federal government's response. >> when you have a category 5 wipe out an island like this, because you have nothing. you don't have the roads, you don't have anything and you don't have the people to even operate the equipment. >> characterizing it as unprecedented he painted a bleak picture of puerto rico's condition before the storm. >> the electrical grid and other
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flux were already in very, very poor shape. they were at their life's end prior to the hurricanes. we're literally starting from scratch. we will not rest, however, until the people of puerto rico are safe. >> so you can tell they're struggle to find aid after hurricane maria. there's a restaurant owner who's doing everything he can to help his former home. he started collecting food, water, other supplies, just hours after maria hit puerto rico. look at this that he has collected and he has helped send two cargo planes full of aid to the island where he grew up and he is so graciously with us now. thank you for being here. how is your family? do you know? >> the family members that i'm aware of, they're okay. some of the family members i haven't been able to communicate of course because of the communication issues back home. t and we're just praying that
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they're okay. >> do you have plans to go yourself? >> i'm hoping to do that once they lift the restrictions. >> how is it that you're able to collect all of this aid and get it there? >> as we were -- we became affiliated with a committee that was established here. >> this is formed after maria or was it formed beforehand to be prepared for it. >> this was formed just shortly after maria hit. we got together to respond to the needs of our people back home and there's some members within the committee that have connections with different organizations that they've already done this in the past, being able to aid different countries, if you may, under the hurricane situation. >> what is your family telling you is their most urgent need right now? >> they need -- they need help. you know, all the consumable
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goods, there's no water, no electricity, as you heard. the other issue is is that the communications, families from -- that are there can't reach out to the families that are outside of the island and vice versa. >> have you physically spoken to families? >> i have. i was able to get in touch with my cousin. >> and how are they emotionally dealing with all of this? >> destroyed. >> destroyed? >> yes. >> what -- what does he say to you? >> first of all they've never experienced this and second of all, just she told me, you remember home? it doesn't exist anymore. that breaks my heart to hear her say that. she says, i literally stepped out of the house, i walked a couple of houses down, a couple of blocks, looked around. she says, i live in a dimfferen
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place. everything that she remembered is gone. and just to hear that, to hear that plea, to hear that cry for help, it drove me to do the efforts that i'm doing here now and maybe too, some people might say well, that's just a little seed, you know, but this seed has been growing, and i told her, look, even if it's just myself and the people at the restaurant and maybe the small community that we'll get together, we'll do whatever it takes even if it's to aid just a couple of people over there. we have to do something. we can't sit around and wait for the government to decide, hey, we've got to respond. >> i'm so sorry. i can't imagine what it's like. do -- is there a sense -- did she give you the idea that there is a sense that as americans they feel forgotten or does she just feel like it was just not -- there was not enough
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preparation to help? >> they just feel they've been pushed to the side, you know, that we'll get to you when we get to you. and the fact is this is -- everybody knows puerto rico is u.s. territory and you know, we -- we serve the country, you know, just like -- we're u.s. citizens and so everything applies so we expect that in return. the same treatment that other states get, texas and florida, that quick response. we expect that as well and we don't see that. yes, it gets us angry. we start second guessing, you know, okay, so when is really the relationship that we have with the united states? you know, the president slowly responding, the chaos that's back home. there's no order. we need order. there's shipments that are out there and. >> just sitting there. >> and they're just sitting there. >> i wanted to ask you about what we're hearing here just in
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the last couple of minutes from the president. you've been listening to the mayor and her pleas to get supplies there, to get help there so people will not be dying as she says. the president just tweeted in the last couple of minutes the mayor of san juan who is very complimentary only a few days ago has now been told by the democrats that you must be nasty to trump. such poor leadership ability by others who are not able to get their workers to help and then there's a third one as well. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort, 10,000 federal workers now on the island doing a fantastic job. when you hear that from the president and yet you hear what you're hearing from your cousin, what is your response? >> we don't want anything done for us. we're survivors. we're warriors, but in return,
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we've given our lives to this nation, so is that a lot to ask that we get the response? that we get the treatment of sacrificing our relatives who have died in war? is that much to ask for all the stuff that we've done, that we've participated? that we've been involved in economically and agriculturely? we're not sitting here saying hey, spoon feed us. we just need help. we can overcome this and we will overcome this, but if we have a commitment, there's an understanding and being u.s. citizens, that for itself should speak and say, okay, let's do something. let's help our people. let's get them back off the ground, let's get them up and running and we'll take it from there. you know, we don't want to be hand held. >> if you could sit down with the president, particularly before he goes to puerto rico on tuesday, what would you want him
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to know? what would you want to say to him. >> there's a lot of things i would like to say, but to dekee things in order i would say you need to do this yesterday. you need to get involved, get dirty. go. go look around and see how the people are dying right before your eyes. you know, we're not talking about a very small crisis or a period of a couple of days. there's a -- there's an outcry. there's an outbreak and if you respond, the people will respond. but if you don't respond, the people are going to respond but at the same time they're going to forget you. >> all right. we so appreciate you being here. again, i'm so sorry for what you're going through. i hope you get there soon. i know you'll feel better if you can get there yourself? >> if i'm able to communicate and be there with the family and all these donations that we're getting -- >> how can we help you? can we help you?
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>> yes. we need help with -- >> where can people send things? >> they can send it to our restaurant. someone has donated a warehouse. >> and your restaurant is -- >> my restaurant is located 2468 windy hill road right off of 75 but we need truck drivers. we need volunteers who can come and help. the pictures speak for itself. last night was incredible. i had over 60 volunteers helping out and these are people who were just pouring out their hearts. they just wanted to feel the connection and being able to serve our island back home with just gathering stuff and we need truck drivers, we need people to load up these trucks so we can take them to this warehouse. t we're overwhelmed. i have boxes right now, we had to move tables and chairs because we ran out of space. >> you're doing good work. i'm glad you're getting help doing your work and please keep up with us and let us know how
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everything is. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. still to come. first lady led her first round table discussion on the opioid epidemic. plus we'll take a look at how one officer is going beyond the call of duty to combat the crisis. just like the people every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you,
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understanding your options? or, if you're getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages at first lady melania trump led her first round table discussion on the opioid crisis in america. trump just tweeting about it. many of those invited to the event were directly affected by
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opioid abuse. meanwhile ohio, one of the states been hit hardest, law enforcements going beyond the line of duty. >> for 19 years i wore this uniform. >> reporter: charles johnson hung up this uniform because of the opioid epidemic. it's johnson's job to visit overdose survivors in the hospital and try to save them. >> you're not there to arrest them. >> no. >> what are you there to do? >> i'm there to convince them to live. >> do you think it makes a difference that they see you in a coat and tie rather than a sheriff's uniform? >> absolutely. i think so. for you to go in a uniform, you could offer them all the help in the world. they'll meet their dealer up here in this parking lot and they'll shoot up right here. >> reporter: on this day johnson gets a call to visit a woman in
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this emergency room. she's a waitress in a local restaurant. >> i know her personally. these people are overdosing. they're your mailman, they're your neighbors. >> reporter: johnson promises that his team will drive heifer to detox. >> we made an agreement and we're going to go forward. >> you showed up and gaifz me an opportunity. >> reporter: since 2014 johnson and his team has convinced nearly 80% of overdose survivors to go into detox, an impressive number. >> you stick around in these people's lives. >> i remember every one of their names. i stop and visit their homes. i know their families. i visit them in the jails. >> you've been to jail 12 times? >> yeah. every time i got out of jail i went back to the same thing. every single time. >> having charles around, >> he had faith in me. he had only known me for ten
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minute it's. he's like, you can do this, you got this. he was staying in touch making sure i was doing the right thing. are you working today? yeah, i'm working. >> it can take an emotional toll? >> absolutely. you can get burned out doing this. my phone never stops ringing. people calling me 24 hours a day. i won't not answer that phone. >> it's making a difference in the overwhelming addiction problem in lucas county. elizabeth cohen, cnn. also, in puerto rico recovery efforts got everyone helping out even our four-legged friends. one dog's incredible cleanup story, next.
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years old and started in china. ♪ >> a dragon boat is 41 foot long. everybody has to be synchronized with their paddle. you do what the person in front of you and the person across from you does. and if you can do that, the boat goes straight and very fast. >> it's the cardio. the constant motion. constant like short burst of energy. i recently was hired as an orlando police officer after 25 years. no matter what i dealt with on the street, the water feels good, splashes up on you. it's kind of like a zen moment. >> for me, it's about getting my heart rate up, get something exercise in. >> charge, lengthen your strokes. >> i like being out in the open, rather than being in a gym. i have a lot of core strength now. when i first started i could only paddle a minute at a time. now, i can probably do an hour continuous. >> let's take the lead.
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it's naoko. in the back ground there, he dragged a branch to an area of a fallen tree. with the tail going, now, he's happy to be there. and how successfully he pulled it off. thanks to nico. thank you for everybody giving so much there. the first responders, everybody there. and the animals and people of puerto rico. fema, by the way, is set to give us an update on the situation there. next, we'll be right back with you. and we're going to let you know what they are saying this morning. stay close. products that suit my needs and i get back to business. ♪ kevin, meet yourkeviner. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin
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