tv New Day Saturday CNN September 30, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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i'm not happy, okay? i can tell you, i'm not happy. >> president trump today expecting a resignation of health and human services secretary tom price. >> tom price knows better. he railed against people using private jets. >> it was time for him to go. he had lost the confidence of the american taxpayer. >> points of puerto rico are at risk for flash flooding this weekend. >> we will not rest until the people of puerto rico are safe. >> we're taking food, water and medicine everywhere. we would like it to be quicker, of course, it's not where it needed to be, but we recognize there's logistical support to get there. >> we're dying here. we truly are dying here. >> and i'm tired of the president almost talking about how much it's going to cost. it's costing lives. we are so grateful for your
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company. good morning to you, i'm christi paul. >> and i'm martin savidge in for victor blackwell this morning. millions of people in puerto rico are without food, water and the mayor is begging the federal government for more help. here's the president's response in the last hour. >> the mayor of san juan was very complementary, a few days ago has now been told by the democrats you must be nasty to trip. and others of puerto rico are not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 federal workers now on island doing a fantastic job. >> now, the mayor of san juan has criticized the white house in response to hurricane maria. let's listen to her as she made a plea to the president just last night. >> we're dying here. we truly are dying here. and i keep saying it, s.o.s., if
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anyone can hear, you know, mr. trump can hear us, let's just get it over with and get the ball rolling. >> now, in a few moments, we understand the governor of puerto rico and fema officials are going to give an update on relief efforts understand way there. this morning, we're going to bring you comments live here on cnn as soon as somebody steps up to the microphone. meanwhile, president trump is spending his third straight weekend at his golf resort. brian, president trump is set to travel to puerto rico tuesday. but this morning, he's been very critical of the mayor of san juan on twitter. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, martin. this seems to be what the president often does on saturday mornings. he gets up early and voices his opinion through his twitter feed. and is using it this morning to pick a fight with the mayor of san juan, puerto rico, carmen
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yulin cruz, who would be critical of the federal response, to the crisis in puerto rico. in particular, part of her criticism has been that the federal officials need to do a better job of working with the local authorities and the local first responders to get the aid to the people who need it. this is what she said, earlier in the week, about the federal response. take a listen. >> using mexicali as a supply chain, we know where the hot stuff is, we know where to get our people involved. we can get the stuff where it needs to go. >> reporter: now, it seems to be that that criticism, from mayor cruz that the president is upset about. he said in a series of tweets this morning, that the leadership in puerto rico is lacking. and that they are not doing enough to connect with the federal government to get those resourcings to the people in need. let me read you a couple of those tweets specifically.
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he said the mayor of san juan who was very complimentary a few days ago was told by democrats that you just be nasty against trump. this is where he begins the criticism of their response to the disaster. he said such more leadership about the by the mayor of san juan and others in puerto rico who said they are not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 federal workers now on an island doing a fantastic job. just to put this into context, the president of the united states, being very critical to some of the people most hardet hit by this tragedy, suggesting that they aren't doing enough to help themselves in a way to defend himself and defend his administration's response to this crisis. obviously, there are a lot of people in puerto rico that are hurting right now that are just looking for help, not necessarily criticism from a person who is in a position to provide that help.
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>> ryan, will this be an example of the president trying to deflect, coming from the bad news, of course, of a cabinet resignation. and also to criticism about america's response to puerto rico, as far as federal aid? >> reporter: i mean, martin, this is a pattern that we've seen with this president. when he feels that he is under attack. when he feels that there are people criticizing his response to a situation, he doesn't take responsibility for that, or try a way to make the situation better, he usually goes after the people criticizing him. he was very critical to the mayor of london, if you may remember, a few months ago regarding his comments about terror taxi in that city. so, this is a president that never backs down to his critics. this is another example of this morning. but it doesn't really do all that much to fix the problem in puerto rico. the president also saying in his tweets this morning that he's going to travel to the region on tuesday which we knew.
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the first lady melania is going to come along with him. and perhaps when they get on the ground they'll get a better idea of what's going on in that country. right now, instead of talk about getting the aid to people in need. we're talking about yet another twitter squabble between the president and another leader. >> you're right, ryan nobles, of course, getting on the ground there could very much change the president's perspective, thank you. >> let's go to puerto rico, at the fema briefing under way, brynn, help us understand the status of what's going on there. and how people are managing. >> reporter: well, christi, i mean, what you guys just said, i think that's one. questions that's going to come out today is what do we expect when the president does get boots on the ground here in puerto rico and actually sees what is happening. because it's a dire situation in many, many parts of this island, especially when you head out
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further from san juan area when all of the major communications are here. the food distribution, everything is sort of the hub here in san juan. it's just that issue that we keep hearing over and over again, about getting it out to these other areas that were incredibly hard hit from this storm. so, we're still getting updates every day. that's what this news conference is. this happens every morning. it's going to be a joint news conference, including both fema and the leadership here in puerto rico. and we do know a little bit, we've heard that they're constantly getting updates about the gas shortage. checking in with gas stations and learning what is incoming. what kind of gas amounts are incoming. because agency you guys have seen and we've been reporting, the lines are incredible. miles long down roads. people waiting for hours, losing gas in the process while they wait to refuel. other issues, of course, all of is that distribution of food and water into the areas.
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of course, communications, electricity. so, there's a lot of issues, certainly, that will be addressed, when this conference gets under way. we'll bring you more when we have more information, christi. >> brynn, a quick question for you, how is the communication and the work, the dual work going on between the fema officers and the u.s. personnel that are there? that have come there. the first responders. and how are they working with local americans there who are trying to clean up and just get through all of this? >> reporter: well, i mean, i can tell you in the convention center, this is a giant hub of all of that. those groups together. i mean, there are people marx there's army here. there's also puerto rican officials here as well. so, the hub, it looks to be good. but certainly that is the question about how there is that, working together in outside areas. i mean, i can tell you
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personally, i've talked to sources of mine that are here from new york, that are working with local governments, hours outside of san juan, to help restore electricity. help search urban and rescues. help, you know, build ferry system stos get food and water across waterways. to get to people that haven't had supplies in a couple days. so, i do know there are pockets of areas that there's people working together. but certainly, we know it's not everywhere. we know it's not perfect. so, these are questions we're going to ask, christi. >> brynn gingras, we appreciate it, thank you. do stay close because there is somebody else there in puerto rico san juan, it's lieutenant general russel honore, we're going to get the update there him. theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power.
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or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ when can we do this again, grandpa? well, how about tomorrow? ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. and the breaking news this morning, president trump is attacking the mayor of san juan, puerto rico who has been begging for more help as americans try
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to recover after hurricane maria. >> this comes after health and homeland services employee tom price has resigned. after the failure to repeal and replace obamacare. but it's clear the president as was not pleased with the recent headline. >> i think he's a very fine person. i certainly don't like the optics. as i said, we rerenegotiate deals. we're renegotiating trade dealing. we're renegotiating, as an example, the f-35 fighter plane. i saved hundreds of millions of dollars. so, i don't like the optics of what you just saw. i'm not happy, okay? i can tell you. i'm not happy. >> so, tom price is just the latest so far with departure from the trump white house. just ten days after his inauguration, president trump, you'll remember, fired acting attorney general sally yates for
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refusing to defend the immigration band. michael flynn was forced to remain a few months later. and then attorney general jeff sessions resigned, all of them did so accept preet bharara although set the president told him he could keep his job after re-elected. he was hen fired. and james comey, and and in july, the director of office of government ethics, schwab resigned. sean spicer quit, chief of staff reince priebus and also chief strategist steve bannon followed him out the door in august, and days later, sebastian gorka who left his position as adviser. and now tom price resigning over his use of private jets for government business. >> last hour, i spoke to the former ethics lawyer for the
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george w. bush white house. he thinks the private flights by trump's cabinets is unprecedent. >> i had several of those requests that i dealt with and we rarely approved it. if you needed a charter plane to go up north, to alaska about or something about that, we'd sign off on it. we did not want administration employees jet-setting around, either at the expense of the taxpayers or third parties, accompanying others paying to put people on private planes. we just don't do that. that's incompatible with public service. >> for more, i'm joined by cnn political senior writer rhonda summers. thank you for being with us this morning. we'll get to price in a moment. i have to ask you about the president's tweets in puerto rico. let's just review. such poor leadership ability by the mayor of san juan, quoting the president in his tweets and
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others in puerto rico not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 workers now on the island doing a fantastic job. most of people in puerto rico are americans, of course. the president saying, "they." what does he mean by that? does he sort of get it or does it? >> i think what we're hearing from the president's response, very strong comments from the mayor of san juan, puerto rico, you know, she said this is not a good news story as one of the top homeland security advisers said that people are dying. it's important for people to realize there are still millions of people who don't have power or electricity. i think there's still a lot that we don't know yet. the president and white house have been criticized quite a bit for their response. many people are contrasting their response to tdevastation f
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hurricane maria and puerto rico. and what we saw in texas and florida. we still don't know how this is going to play out. the president said he will head to puerto rico on tuesday. we'll see if maybe his stone changes or how he addresses people there, after they said they're looking for him to do something for them. >> americans look to their president to bring reassurance. this is not that case. i want to bring in tom price here. let's talk about that. just before price resigned, the president told reporters that he didn't like the optics of tom price flying private jets because it cost taxpayers about $1 million. was it really sort of the bad headlines that did this? >> i think the number one rule of white house, as far as i learned covering him several years as a candidate is, you don't want to make the boss look bad. and the white house saying quote/unquote wanting to drain the swamp. the president himself boasted that his administration made moves that has saved millions of
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dollars. the other reality is tom price is already in hot water with the president. the president has said openly and privately that the republicans haven't been able to repeal and replace the affordable care act or obamacare. that's a measure that tom price was instantly involved with. of course, he's not been up on the hill as other members of the administration. i can vice president mike pence has a bigger face. so, i think there are concerns outside of this issue that fueled tom price with president trmp. >> he's pretty much a.w.o. l on the whole issue. juana summer, we appreciate your insights. we get to get to lieutenant general russel honore, he is there in puerto rico. he led the relief efforts, of course, after hurricane katrina. lieutenant general, thank you so much for being there. i need to get your reaction for a couple things that president trump has said this morning on twitter particularly saying that the mayor has poor leadership
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there. poor leadership ability. and that they're not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. you are there, on the ground. are you seeing community efforts? >> absolutely. the road i came in on yesterday, into the hotel where we're staying, and the tourist district, was cleaned by local citizens. i think what we need to get to get everything kick-started is to get the enablers going. as we called it in katrina, gas and communications. if people have gas and communications it would solve a lot of problems. the trouble in coordinating is that folks can't come in, we need to get the sheet on verizon and at&t. particularly verizon local partner to get the cell service up. there's no reason why, that that isn't better in the outlying area. yesterday when i got here. i had two bars on at&t, and two
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bars on verizon. this morning, i have four. that's an indication that they're making the system inside of san juan better. but until they can get that out in the community where the mayors can communicate and the government can talk to the mayor to get the enablers up like gas and hospitals. and being able to respond to emergencies will be very hard. the other thing is getting the stores open. getting the stores open. walgreens came in here and they dominate the pharmaceutical industry. most of the stores are not open. they need to get generators and get those stores open. get it open, people got to go to work which means we've got to get gas. a recommendation to the government, give everybody in puerto rico a tank of gas. hourly workers can't get to work so you can't get the store open. it is just that simple. solve the gas problem. solve the communications problem. and let's get moving. those things will help to get the people to work. when you get people to work, the
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problem will start solving itself. but we could bring 100,000 troops in here. the people that don't have the ability to communicate, the ability to move where they need to move. so, when you get them moving, the trucks start moving, the stores start opening. that's key. communications and gasoline at every station. and health care. getting some cold storage vans, i hate to use that word, at every hospital. so as people expire, they die, there's a place to keep them in a dignified way. get some body bags to the hospital so we get those people taken care of in a dignified way. and get liaison officers at every hospital to communicate with them. this will get better. but we got to get the enablers up at this time. >> let me just interject here. of course, we're talking about how the president now has gotten into this twitter feud with the mayor. is this what the leader of the free world should be doing at a time of prices in puerto rico?
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>> i hope the president has a good day, y'all, that's all i'm going to say at this time. commando on the ground, if you want to solve this problem, sfeem ma are doing their best. but right now, we have to get the distribution of communications, liaison officers at every hospital. and i did communicate with general buchanan, and he can get them moving. i'm sure he's going to bring more troops in. right now the key is the enabler to get the economy working. we got to overcome, alowell the local mayors to hire people, use a yellow pad, keep the hours and pay them by the week. that's the only way we'll get people moving. we had 40% rate before the storm. put people to work. let them clean up and get stuff done. but you got to have a system and promise that you're going to get
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paid every two weeks. and you may need to keep it on a yellow pad but the government has to get in on that. >> general honore, mayor cruz has just reacted to what the president said on twitter. she on twitter is saying this, the goal is, one, saving lives. this is the time to show our true colors. we cannot be distracted by anything else. your reaction to the mayor and what she has been able to say in san juan? >> i think she's very passionate. i think she's very passion nature. and she cares for people. she is putting out a cry for help. in that statement, he's also going around getting medicine to people and very visible. i think now, we got to get the economy working which means get gas for everybody. ask for specifics. like getting the communication system up. as i said, give everybody a tank of gas. solve that problem so hourly get
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to work. this country won't work until the hour works and get that 40% of people not working put them to work. clean them up and start working. get the drainage ditches clean before it starts raining again. those things are going to start happening to make progress here. i think it can be done. will be done. people are ready to work. we got to figure out how to get them into work. get the enablers in and the sat phone -- i mean, the mobile phones, get a system working, the cell towers. it's very critical. and then the government can communicate with each other. that's a big problem. police use cell towers to communicate. if they don't have that, they can't get to work. then we got to start seeing what we're going to do about the first responders. i would recommend that the national guard start considering sending the families back. because they can't work 18 hours a day if they've got to take care of their family. same thing with police. get them back to family and friends in the united states. we've got to get some stuff
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moving here. >> one factor that is obvious, but also plays ordinarily into this, this is an island. normally if people have been affected they would evacuate. they would drive themselves into better circumstances, where there's power, where there's housing. and you would have faith-based and private organizations pouring in aid. all of that is difficult because they can't get in or they can't get out. >> you're right. that's why we need to bump up that air bridge. get more flying airplanes in here to take people out. we're about three hours from miami. that's support we want to use. and then weed me to use wide by the airplanes. i came in on a delta flight at noon. and the last flight came in about 3:30. we need to be able to up that capacity in the air force so that people that want to leave can leave. we got to get people signed up for fema. we don't have the capacity here now because the service is down.
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i'm sure people get more teams into the community so people can sign up. but if you sign up now, the banking system ain't working so they won't see any money. we've got to get that system moving. we need to encourage the vulnerable population to leave. and the government, i recommend, to allow the means to do that to get people to family and friends in the united states. and then when they get there get on fema assistance and help them sustain themselves until they're ready to come back home. >> general russel honore, we so appreciate you being there and letting us know the urgent needs there and the work they're doing. thank you so much. >> thanks, general. >> sure thing. >> of course that situation in puerto rico, it's also hitting home we should point out for say new york councilwoman. we've got her story coming up. she's seen the devastation first hand and she's talking now. plus, divided across the country as the protests in the nfl expected to heat up.
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♪ so good to have your company. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm martin savidge in for victor blackwell. >> looking at puerto rico this morning, how they're dealing with the humanitarian krietsz in front of them, president trump attacking the mayor of san juan, in a barrage of early morning tweets within the last hour. this is what he tweeted. >> mayor of san juan was very complimentary only a few years ago, according to the president, has now been told by the democrats that you must be nasty to trump. such poor leadership by the mayor of san juan and others of puerto rico who are not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 federal workers now on island doing a fantastic job. >> 3.5 million americans are
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there, they don't have food, they don't have water, they don't have gas or even a way to community with the people they love. at any moment, fema is providing an update on the trump administration response and what they're doing. we're going to bring you that as soon as we get it. this is what's happening as officials of puerto rico are pleading with president trump for more aid, after hurricane maria. just so much of the island. there are families returning to puerto rico and they're finding this has nothing left. there are homes and businesses that are leveled. as ice said, no power, no water, no food. we put ourselves in this position and think about how we would deal with it ourselves. well, this one new york city councilwoman, and this is a personal situation for her, she grew up in puerto rico. her mother still lives there. speaker, i understand that you went back and assessed the damage. first of all, what struck you the most when you went back,
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what did you find and is your mother okay? >> thank you. obviously, what i was struck with was the devastation, basically, though, the absence of any sort of federal authorities in the three days that i was there. and it is just very dire. and it is about life and death. this is about lack of preparation. lack of planning. lack of appropriate response. this has to be acknowledged we all knew this category 5 and catastrophic. we all knew puerto rico is an island. we knew it was a direct level of hit. and all of that should have led for preparation and boots on the ground the next day. what we need to do is save lives, to have more federal workers there and more troops on the ground. we only have about 10,000 between troops and relief workers when there were 40,000 in florida with irma.
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when there were 30 hour, with harvey. this is not an appropriate response. and that has to be acknowledged. so, we need much more seriousness. we need president trump to basically pull away from his fragile ego, to get out of his golf course cocoon and get to work. this is on his watch. people are dying, and he needs to respond appropriately and give proper direction. >> stay with us here, if you could, speaker, we're hearing from fema. why don't you listen with us we'll talk on the other side of it. >> we, the local government, municipalities are establishing this so we can get results for the people of puerto rico, not only giving you an update, not only giving you the data points that we'll be upload inestados. and letting you know how the assistance and collaboration is pushing forward.
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and how that collaboration promotes better results for the people of puerto rico. i want to stress for all those that want to collaborate and donate, if you go to -- you call 800-202-800-3134. i want to reiterate that the prohibition of selling alcohol is over. and that the curfew has been up at 9:00 p.m. and lastly, we want to state that our housing department gave a more tomorratorium to the hou until january 2018. gave some flexibility of the payments. liberating a little bit of the stress on the people of puerto rico. i want to remind everybody that
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our priorities at this juncture, keeping to delivery, delivery of gas, making sure that the hospitals are working. making sure that we can get more hospitals online. so that they get their diesel and their fuel. and establishing as best mechanism for robust communication, whether it been telecoms, and otherwise. and the air traffic control, so that we can get more assets here in puerto rico. so, let me talk a little bit about the gas situation. we have been upping the number of gas operators that have opened in puerto rico that has alleviated some of the stress. to give you a perspective, four days as we had 450 gas stations open. now, we have 714. that's somewhat over 50% of the gas stations that we have in puerto rico already operating
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and receiving fuel at this juncture. so, our expectation here is to continue identifying those gas stations that can operate. those operators, at the onset of this catastrophe, were not found. so they can operate appropriately, they can get fuel organized, in a logistical manner. and they can have appropriate security. at the same time, we have been informed that the reservoirs of diesel have increased. we're almost to 600,000 barrels. of gasoline. we're at 722,000 barrels as well. and we will be receiving through the ports more fuel, starting october 1st, all the way to october 7th, we're going to have about eight of these efforts.
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we want to notify the people of puerto rico and everybody that we have supplied directly to municipalities through our general services account. 16 municipalities. we will post as well. but they include lorisa and san juan and others signing those contracts getting fuel from the general service juncture of the government. fema has been working extra hard on this effort. and particularly, the distribution of food. you know, we have -- we have leverage nal sta1 leverage n1 levera11 original staging regions for direct municipalities hard to reach --
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>> that's the governor there of puerto rico, updating everybody that saying, listen, they used to have 450 gas stations open. they're up to 714. as of tomorrow, they will have more fuel coming through those ports. that's one of the biggest things they're fighting and general honore said they need that so desperately. speaker mark-viverito, you just heard this, you know that president trump is going to puerto rico on tuesday. you've seen it, you've been talking to your mother who is still there. what would you advise the president to do that would be most beneficial when he makes that trip? >> he needs to be in charge. he needs to demonstrate some level of empathy over what has happened. the tweets this morning are despicable, deplorable, not statesman like at all. we need an an understanding that there is a seriousness given to this crisis. this is a catastrophe that has never been seen, not only in
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puerto rico but within the confines of the united states. and we need an appropriate response. we need someone that is going to stand there and say, we're going to give you everything you need. we're going to make sure this is possible to make sure we save lives. we need some sort of understanding what it is we're going through as a people. there's been no demonstration like that. this is really unfortunates, obviously. and not acceptable. those of us in position of leadership, those of us that have a platform to raise our voice, we are doing. we have great congressional h e leadership on the ground. congressmen are on the ground and those in the state of florida. we're going to flex our political muscle. but right now, 10,000 workers between troop and relief workers on the ground, it's not enough. yes, an infrastructure is being set up, but we need to facilitate, after about 11 days, the 11th day, we're seeing the response being too slow. i don't want to hear about
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conversations about the dead. we cannot be having conversations about death and denigrating the people of puerto rico who are resilient and pride and dignity of this president denigrating us, we will not accept this from this commander in chief. >> new york city councilwoman and speaker, melissa mark-viverito, we appreciate you being here. >> thank you so much. up next, athletes defy the president. more nfl players are joining in against the protests against racial injustice. even if half of america isn't on their side. we'll talk about that sharp divide. ink about healthcare? understanding your options? or, if you're getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages
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protesting during the anthem. 49% of the country feel players should not kneel during the anthem and should, instead, find other ways to demonstrate against racial injustice. joining me now is donte' stallwor stallworth, cnn contributor, and former nfl player. donte, good to see you. >> you too. >> players are upset about the president's phrase and should they listen? >> i think this country begin to list ton why the players began to protest the issues. i would say equality for african-americans in this country has always been a dwee sizive topic, unfortunately, all the way back to slavery, to and
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amistad case and all the way to the war on drugs. the fact that they're pleading for the nation to listen -- the message that we're trying to get out to the rest of the country about social justice issues, but not just in a way that can be seen divisive. these players are actually on the ground doing things that are trying to move the needle in a progressive way to help criminal justice reform. and a number of other issues that these players have been engaged in, not just since colin kaepernick decided do take a knee a year ago. but also previous to that. many players have been in the community, on uso tours. so the fact that these players are just stirring up controversy and following up with action is completely absurd. >> right. >> i should point out that there is a racial split over the players' protest, again coming from the polling. 59% of whites say that
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protesting during the national anthem say is wrong, compared to 12% of blacks. the president blasted the players in front of mostly a white audience. what does this say about the president's ability to heal race relations in this country? >> well, it says that he has a problem. and it's not something that is new to anyone who has tuned in to what this president has been saying since the day that he announced his presidency, or his candidacy to run for the highest office in the land. i don't believe, and a lot of players don't believe this is directed at the military. they explicitly stated is this not disrespect towards the military. in fact, a few players i have spoken with this week, have told me that they actually believe this is respectful to the military, because they're looking at it from the perspective of what better way to honor the people who have sacrificed so much for this country, what better way to honor them, than to exercise those rights and principles that they have -- they have been sworn to uphold and defend, the
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constitution. so, the players are looking at this from a different perspective. and unless we can get on the same page with the people who are in opposition of these players, that are protesting for social justice, we're never going to be able to come to an agreement. i think that both sides should adhere to what the other is saying. and the players, again, this is not just something that professional athletes have been doing. this goes back to hundreds of years. so, there have been a lot of issues that need to be -- that need to be fixed in this country. and until we can actually come to terms and look at it through a genuine lens of honesty, then we're not going to be able to move forward. but the players are trying to move the needle not just -- >> let me stop you for a minute. i want to get to one more question before we run out of time. this is, of course, an industry, too. and it's a really big industry. is there a certain on the part of nfl players that they're going to turn off for paying their salaries and paying for
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much of it? >> i think, again, talking to a couple players this week, i think a lot of leading players who are not financially stable, who are not in a position on their team that they will be solidified throughout the course of their career the next couple years, it is a short career for nfl players. so, a lot of players are concerned of the owners not wanting to sign them and the perfect example of that is colin kaepernick. so they're kind of squashing dissent, whether intentionally or unintentionally, they are squashing dissent. to me, that's a sad point in this country where we feel like we can't dissent in fear of losing our job us. >> right, i agree. donte' stallworth, thank you very much. >> thank you. important that machine already driving your directions to pick up and deliver an item wherever you're waiting for it. that's basically the idea behind
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and we really appreciated that. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. ♪ i'm michael smerconish in new york city. we welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. the president up early and attacking puerto rico mayor about her complaints about storm response saying she's shown, quote, poor leadership ability. meanwhile, the russian meddle wasn't just about trump versus clinton. it pits americans against each other. "the wall street journal" now reporting that google is conducting a broad investigation of russian influence in its ads before the election. this, after cnn reported fake social media accounts funded by russia were used to stoke racial tensions during the campaign. cnn's dylan
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