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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  October 1, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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they need a sexual healing just to love their own bodies and have sex be that next level of being more beautiful and more connected. with the u.s. government's response to desperate needs in puerto rico under scrutiny, president trump makes a symbolic move, dedicating a golf trophy to hurricane victims. despite violent clashes with police, catalonians claim victory in their controversial vote to become independent from spain. and more than 100,000 people are left far from home as a british airline goes bust. how the uk government plans to bring them home. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm natalie allen. we're live in atlanta, and that is "cnn newsroom." >> this is cnn breaking news.
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>> breaking news just in to cnn. police in las vegas are investigating reports of an active shooter near the mandalay bay casino on the strip. police are asking everyone to avoid this area. we're just getting to see some video of the scene. we'll bring you more updates as we get them. right now we want to join our affiliate in las vegas, klas, and try and get some more information from them. >> some are holding their arms or legs or whatever it, just trying to find that medical staff to get the assistance that they need. but for now reporting live, darlene melendez, 8 news now. >> so, again, we won't be able to tell much from the little clip we got from that news reporter. but we are going to continue to monitor the story. you can see a lot of police presence. let's try to listen in and see if they are a reporter on the scene again.
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>> we've seen some of metro's units coming through here. they have an entire kind of tactical team that is set up on the perimeter as well. and you can see all of the first responder, all of those firefighters, ambulances, all getting in here, trying to help people who may have been hurt or possibly worse. we don't know the extent of the injuries at this point. but to kind of speak to that point that you were talking about, gerard, as potential shooters that had high ground advantage, i spoke with one witness who told me that's exactly what he saw. he saw someone that was several floors high and was shooting into the crowd of people. he said he heard hundreds of shots, and we don't know exactly how many people might have been injured in this. but as you can tell, it's a very chaotic situation now. i want to show you what has happened here on the south side of the strip. all of these people, and we can turn the camera around here, all these people have been told they cannot stay in the area, that it's not safe. we have casino workers. we have tourists here with their luggage. and we have hundreds and
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thousands people all lining down. you see how many people, the scope of it that have been affected by this. and by the way, this road, las vegas boulevard completely and effectively shut down at this point. a lot of people on their phones, you can see trying to get in contact with family, presumably, trying to make sure that they know that they're okay. but also trying to figure out exactly what is going on. but, again, gerard, this is a very fluid situation. we're trying to figure out exactly what's going on here. but the main priority that police have told everybody here, and you can see some of the police officers telling people that are in the road to get out of the road, safety here is priority. you see some more folks over here coming into the cordoned off kind of safe area, the area that police are telling everybody to go to. but there is a lot of folks here. they said within five to ten minutes, i caught up with them and they're asking where do i
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go? i don't know where to go. how do i get a cab out of here? and everything enclosed in on them. if you take a look on this side, on the west side of the strip here, you can see it's all lined up with police cars, all units out here from different agencies here to try to help out. and we also have air units that are looking from the sky as well. we are actively trying to work and try to figure out exactly what is going on here. we're going to talk to some more folks, see what they had to say and what this experience has been like for them. for now let's send it back to you, gerard. >> nathan, thanks once again for the update outside mandalay bay. i want to bring people up to speed there has been a shooting with multiple victims just outside mandalay bay there was a concert taking place. >> all right. that's the station there in las vegas bringing us the very latest. you see the police presence. we just heard from our affiliate reporter there that apparently
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there are multiple victims who were shot. hundreds of shots according to witnesses. they heard someone was several floors high, shooting into the crowd from the area of manned d -- mandalay bay resort there. the las vegas boulevard is shut down there. is no word on -- so much we don't know -- how many victims do, they have the shooter, the area secured. this story broke about within the past 15, 20, 25 minutes. and what we knew was, all we knew was there is an active shooter everyone should take cover. so we have several affiliates in las vegas continuing to bring us the latest on this story. and as we continue to get more information trickling in, we will bring it to you. but you can see the scene right there in las vegas.
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it's an evening in las vegas on sunday night. you can imagine the crowds. you see the people that are standing around, not sure where to go. i guess they've been evacuated from that area. while police figure out what has happened and who has been injured. and we'll continue to follow it as we get more information for you. wait. if we see a reporter like that, we'll go back to it. but for now we're going bring you other news we're following as well. u.s. president donald trump sending mentioned messages about u.s. policy towards north korea. u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson said saturday he had lines of communication with north korea, but a day later, the president tweeted that talks with pyongyang were a waste of time. we get more now from ryan nobles. >> reporter: mixed messages coming from the trump administration as it relates to north korea. this after secretary of state rex tillerson left a meeting with the president of china
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where he talked about having conversations and open lines of communications with the north koreans. the president tweeting on sunday morning, quote, i told rex tillerson, our wonderful secretary of state that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with little rocket man. save your energy, rex. we'll do what needs to be done. now this is in response to what tillerson had to say in beijing. tillerson saying, quote, we are probing, so stay tuned. we asked would you lick the talk? we have lines of communication to pyongyang. we're not a dark situation or a blackout. we have a couple of channels to pyongyang. we can talk to them. we do talk to them directly through our own channels. now the president essentially telling his secretary of state that he is wasting his time by attempting to talk to china. and that seems to fly directly in the face of the long held administration policy that diplomacy was the first option and military would be second. in the state department
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spokeswoman seemed to be trying to clean up the back and forth with the president with tweets of her own saying diplomatic channels are open for kim jong un. they won't be open forever. she went on the say that dprk will not obtain nuclear capabilities whether through diplomacy or force. it is up to the regime. and the closest advisers to president trump, and that would be his secretary of state rex tillerson and the defense secretary jim mattis had long pushed for diplomacy being the primary option. holding out a military strike as a last possible move if they felt there were no options left. the administration's stated goal continues to be disarming the kim jong un nuclear program and in particular preventing him from being able to put a nuclear warhead on a missile that could strike the united states or its allies. ryan nobles, cnn, with the president in new jersey. >> mr. trump's dismissal of
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diplomacy is also likely to have an impact in south korea. our paula hancocks is tracking that. she joins me now from seoul. and the new government of south korea has indicated a willingness for diplomacy. so what is the reaction to this kind of misconnect between secretary of state and the u.s. president? >> well, natalie, there has been no direct response to this there is no direct reaction. we wouldn't really expect one. this is obviously something that the south korean would not really want to intervene in clearly. the government here in south korea is more pro dialogue, more engagement than the previous conservative administration. but up until now president moon jae-in of south korea has been going along with the u.s. more hard line approach of pressure and sanctions. but when it comes to the actual tweets from the u.s. president, the officials here and to be honest, the officials in many countries around the world are quite reticent to comment directly. i did speak to the south korean
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moon jae-in a couple of weeks ago, and i asked him about a separate tweet from the u.s. president when he talked about south korea's appeasement of north korea. president moon said it's important not to take president trump's tweets too narrowly. i think that's the best answer you're going get, that officials here are not wanting to be drawn on what does i peer to be a disconnect between the u.s. as secretary of state and the u.s. president. natalie? >> do they have any plans for meetings with mr. tillerson while he is in that area? >> well, secretary of state has gone back to the united states. but certainly, it was an important meeting that he had in china. it was clearly coming off the back of renewed sanctions of the u.n. security council resolution. very important that china is fully on board with implementing those sanctions fully. we have heard a number of pledges from china recently when it comes to trying to prevent
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revenues getting to north korea that can be funneled into its nuclear and missile programs. so certainly china on paper and its verbal -- verbally corresponding with the sanctions that have been passed. but it's what happens on the ground that is the most important thing. china shares a very large border with north korea. and if china was able to or willing to, then it could really strengthen the restrictions financially on north korea and really start to make north korea feel that pinch. but certainly it's interesting that this is happening at this point when many people in the region are looking ahead to the u.s. president donald trump visiting here next month as well. natalie? >> yes, many people will be watching that for sure. paula, thank you so much for your reporting there from seoul, south korea. we want to turn back to the breaking news that has just happened about 20, 25 minutes ago. police in las vegas investigating reports of an
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active shooter near the mandalay bay casino on the strip. police are asking everyone to avoid this area. you can appreciate the police presence with the sirens. let's go to our affiliate reporter there on the ground. >> we just saw that team that was moving, that tactical team that moved in. but a very serious situation out here. and i want to bring in danny here. he is visiting from australia you. were in the mandalay bay earlier. tell me what you saw, what you heard. >> we saw first officers about eight running into the lift bay at 31 lift bay. they were going up. they were coming down that were going this way, we were told to get out, we were told to get. in one shooter is still up there. and one is roaming around and we've been told to come here and we think we're safe here because there is so many police. >>ed you to see the shooters? >> no. >> did you hear anything? >> yeah, a lot of gunshots. but the initial gunshots apparently like machine gun fire. >> so it was like a rapid-fire? >> yep, yep.
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correct. >> so when you put that -- i mean, what was your reaction when you heard all that? >> we knew it was chaos and mayhem. people were rung out of everywhere. people were really unaware of where the ground person was. going this way, that way. s.w.a.t. everywhere. we were tucked away, about 12 of news a little car park thing. and s.w.a.t. came and said hands up. this way. >> you described to me that you were running from mandalay bay for the last hour. why do you feel like you were running? >> we didn't know where the shooter was. the police were telling us -- telling us to go that way. so we knew they were confused like they were. we wanted to stay close to this one s.w.a.t. car, they ushered us out and said go that way. and we feel there is a lot of police here. >> we started running. >> like full-on sprinting? >> running. and carrying bags and helping people. it was about i don't know, 12, 14 of us and we all stuck
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together. a couple of big boys, we thought we would have a chance if we stuck together. >> what ran through your head when you heard shoot? >> i'm from australia. we don't that stuff that much. but you run what people tell you risks you staying at the mandalay bay? >> yeah. we had conference there's tomorrow, today and the next day. >> did you see anybody that was injured or hurt? >> apparently all the twitter reports said the shooters were shooting at the concert across the hall. >> thankfully you guys are okay. hopefully everybody can keep safe out here. okay. it looks like we have some movement here. they're kind of expanding the perimeter here. police are telling everybody to move further south. so we're going to do that as well. if you can turn the camera here, it looks like teams are getting ready to move in. so this is escalating here, at least in the urgency we see. a lot of people out here with their phones trying to document
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it. but we can see -- let's try to migrate with them so we're not getting in anybody's way here. but as you can imagine, trying to get thousands and thousands of people to move all cohesively and out of the way and keep them out of harm's way. the priority here for metro and all of the law enforcement agencies that are out here right now. but it's a surreal sight to see. >> all right. nathan, whatever you do, just make sure that you're following the advice there of the officers and the commands as all the residents there are and the citizens are. we want to go ahead and show you some images as well that we've been receiving via social immediate dwlachlt media. this is via banjo. what you're looking at are the crowds rung. >> we're going to interrupt because cnn is getting word that multiple people are at the university medical center in las
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vegas with gunshot wounds. that's according to a hospital spokeswoman. we've been hearing from the people there who have been getting out of the way, saying that they heard up to hundreds of shots from a shooter that was somewhere in the vicinity of the mandalay bay casino. that's it there in the distance you see with the vertical gold stripes. but again, we're just learning multiple people have been taken to the hospital suffering from gunshots. we're also learning from the people, this reporter for our affiliate is talking with that they were attending some sort of concert. and it seems that this shooter was aiming at them as this person moved about firing a weapon that witnesses there -- again, these are witnesses doing the best they can to explain what they experienced in a very hurried, layharried scary
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situation, that some sort of high-powered machine gun. you can see right there that officers are moving in. we can't tell where they're coming from and where they're headed. but our reporter there saying it seems some s.w.a.t. teams were staking out a new location and continued to scour this area because we do not know right now whether this area is secure, whether they have an idea of where this shooter is, where the shooter is in custody. we just don't know. this is a situation that has just been under way for about 25 minutes now, and we're going to stay on top of it and continue to monitor it and bring you what we are learning. quick break here. we're right back with this breaking news out of las vegas.
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hello, everyone. i'm rosemary church joining natalie allen now as we cover this breaking news just in to cnn. police in las vegas investigating reports of an active shooter near the manndaly
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casino on the strip. police are asking everyone to avoid this area. >> we're getting more video from the scene and we're seeing more of the police response moving in. s.w.a.t. teams moving into that area. they've ordered everyone out from around the area of the mandalay bay. and as we reported a short while ago, cnn has learned that multiple people had been taken to university medical center in las vegas with gunshot wounds. that's according to a hospital spokeswoman who talked with us. and the people they'd been interviewing right here on the street have been telling us they were getting pushed back farther and farther. and they apparently, rosemary, were attending some sort of concert. and that shooter, according to these witnesses, was somewhere it seems in the mandalay bay, just shooting down on people in the crowd. >> we heard from a couple of australians who had been there getting ready for a conference.
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and as you say, they were there at a concert. and as far as they had heard, it sounded like multiple shots, almost like automatic shots, some sort of automatic weapon. but at this point, we don't know very much as we watch our affiliate bringing in these pictures for us. as they say, the s.w.a.t. team is going in. we don't know exactly where they are at this point. and we don't know very much about the situation. but, of course, clearly it has affected a lot of people there in las vegas along the strip. and police are trying to keep people as far away from this action as possible. let's listen in to this reporter. >> telling us as we were walking down las vegas boulevard that we have to keep moving to keep everybody safe. and it's a slow but steady pace with thousands of people, telling them to keep on the sidewalks so they can keep the roadways here. because they do have patrol cars that are trying to make their way through here. they're telling us all the way
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down the sunset, that's where they're saying is a potentially safe area. you can see all of these police officers here, they're coming from all over the place, by the way. we saw henderson police. we also saw metro. we got clark county fire out here. a lot of first responders, all out here. it's all hands on deck at this point. but i was just talking to some folks that were i believe on the 14th floor of mandalay bay facing the strip. they told me when this all went down that. >> heard the gunshots coming near the room. they could hear it. it was rapid-fire. they heard what they said was hundreds of shots. and we're going to walk down here. so we're trying to make sure not to trip while we're doing it. hundreds of shots that were coming from several floors up. that's what one witness told me. and they said they actually had a daughter that was in that concert venue. they were worried about her. they were able to get in contact with her. but someone was shot that was really close to her. thankfully that woman is okay, as we understand. a lot of people trying to figure
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out exactly what is going on here. and it is a very scary situation. you see a lot of people crying, hugging, holding hands, trying to find comfort. it's a chaotic situation you. still see the help is coming. you see more metro kind of moving all over the place. but again, we're still walking. we're at russell and las vegas boulevard to begin with. and they're telling us to go down to sunset. and they're saying that's where they want everybody, just to make sure that they're safe. because if these reports are true, they're saying that the shooters were at a high-rise position. and it's very dangerous situation. not only for the officers, but everybody around here. and we got more movement coming out here. >> there are some, as you can tell, a very dynamic situation, people tripping and falling, trying to keep up with the pace. but it's difficult. these are all different types of people. these are people who work at the
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casinos. there are locals and tourists who are just here for the concert. and they're all trying to make sure that they're safe and make sure that their loved ones are safe. >> hey, nathan, we're just getting -- nathan, we're just getting an update from one of my police sources who says one of the suspects has been found dead in a room at mandalay bay. we are working to confirm that that is believed to be true. we have not confirmed that just yet. but obviously this is still an active situation. we are also hearing from community ambulance, a private ambulance company here in the valley. and they tell us that they have dispatched every within of their units to the scene, and it appears that there are multiple sites now with active shooters. again, that part with multiple sites is not confirmed. but that's what they're hearing via the ambulance companies.
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so obviously, there is a lot going on here. and police are trying to get a grip on it. and the priority is to get people safe and get the suspects into custody asap. >> the question i have when i hear that update, that the suspect has been, according to your source, one of the suspects has been found dead in a room, is that a hotel room in high-rise tower. because you just heard nathan say a lot of people down there are thinking the bullets came from above or a high-rise. it makes you wonder if they didn't storm some of the floors there and watch the security cameras and get up there. >> that's what we heard early on from one of our police sources as well that the suspects two suspects -- >> very unnerving news here at the possibility. no confirmation here of multiple sites with active shooters. and we heard there again, no confirmation. one suspect possibly found dead in a room there in mandalay bay casino. in one of the rooms there but we don't have any confirmation of that. there is no sense that this is
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at an end by any means. this report of these multiple sites with active shooters very disturbing. >> absolutely. the thing that we do have confirmed again, that the university of medical center in las vegas says it is treating multiple people who have been brought there with gunshot wounds. so you can tell as rosemary said very active scene. still chaotic. police still trying to figure out where everyone should go and how they should respond. apparently units from all different kinds of areas of las vegas coming to the situation here. and all of these thousands of people there on the strip in las vegas. here it's not even midnight. you can imagine how crowded it is. wondering what is going on. look at that scene right there. we'll continue to monitor it. we're going to stay on the story. quick break. rosemary and i will be right back in just a moment. why is my son having trouble in school? [beep] finding lowest airfare to istanbul. no. i'm tired of fighting with my son over his homework.
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welcome back to our breaking news coverage here at cnn. we are following a story that is still developing. so much not known. but police in las vegas are investigating reports of an active shooter near the mandalay bay casino on the strip. police have been asking everyone to avoid this area. and we're to be see some video of the scene and -- well, there you go, the aerial shot of all of the lights still on. a crowded las vegas. but the police presence has been just remarkable. right now we're getting an eyewitness in. let's listen to that. >> i asked them where they are staying, and they told me they are staying at tuscany. so i drove them, i'm mandalay bay myself. i drove them down to tuscany just to make sure they are safe.
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this kind of stuff cannot happen in america. and as an immigrant we need to come together and fight this stuff out. we need to come together and fight for america. because that sour country. this is our nation. this is our people. we need to stand together. we need to fight this thing out. and we can do it. this is a great america. we got what it takes to do it. but we cannot fight this thing out. fight it. we need to increase our security system in every aspect of our lives. >> thank you so much, emanuel. you know, we were speaking a little bit off camera before we got this interview started. and something he mentioned to me is it's a very unfortunate event. and of course all of cuss agree the majority of these people don't even live in las vegas and may have come out for fun. the night ended up turning tragic. it's very unfortunate that many people were negatively impacted by this weekend. but talk to me about you are a las vegas resident. this isn't something you
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witnessed before. speaking to the people who came to las vegas for a good time, what is your reaction to them? >> i feel so bad for them. honestly, i just met another man right here, motor 8 that was looking for the wife and the best friend. the best friend wife got killed. i feel with the tears and everything going on them. i feel for such a person, because all they came to las vegas for is just to have fun, not to end their life. if they knew this was going to happen, they wouldn't even make that journey. >> listening to an eyewitness there, just people in shock, understandably. and the same there. and we have a witness joining us now, brian hefner. he is talking to us now. brian, what did you see? what did you witness? >> i didn't see much. mostly i heard the shots. just so many shots. i thought it was a semi braking,
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the air brakes. but then i went downstairs and saw people running and looking for family. i immediately went back to my room, locked the door, turned the lights off. directly at my window, you can see the mandalay bay. and it overlooks the concert venue. so i'm pretty much staying in my room with the doors locked and all lights off. i'm hearing that there are more shots going on at the bellagio right now. so this is all up and down the strip at all the hotels. so i'm not sure what hotels are being affected. but i think a lot of them are having shooters at the moment. >> you're talking about your feeling that there are multiple sites with active shooters? we had heard possible reference to that a little earlier, but no confirmation. what are you think is the situation with that? >> right now down the strip, you can see all the cop cars, the
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police officers heading towards the bellagio. they're all going from the mandalay bay right now literally passing tropicana heading towards the bellagio where they just had more reports of an active shooter. >> and what's your sense with the shots that you witnessed, where did you think those shots came from? did you feel they came from high up, another floor, many floors above you? >> i mean, in vegas, all the concrete and the echoes, i can't really tell. it took me a minute to even realize they were shots. i mean, you're just not used to hearing that. >> yeah, and brian, give us a sense for people that don't know las vegas where is the bellagio in relation to mandalay bay? are they in close vicinity of each other? >> i would say within a half a mile. the blocks seem a lot larger here.
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but i would say about a half a mile. it's been a walk. i just arrived today. i just got to my room probably within 30 minutes of this happening. >> oh my goodness. are you in contact with anybody at the hotel? you chose to turn off the lights, lock the doors, stay in. are you getting any kind of direction from the hotel? do you get a sense that it's been evacuated for the most part? >> no. when i stepped out of the room, i'm fairly on a lower floor. so when i stepped out the see what was going on, everybody was heading to their rooms to kind of stay safe. the actual casino lobby was chaos. and my windows actually look out on to the strip. so i can kind of see what's going on if i wanted to, but i'm staying away from them. i closed the shutters. but occasionally i have some shutters cracked. i'll look out and see what is
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going on. >> brian, are you getting any guidance from the hotel management at all? are people being told what they should or should do at this point? >> i'm not. time in my room. i'm sure they're directing things down stairs in the casino. i'm also listening to the police scanner as well to see what's going on. >> what have you been hearing? >> well, nothing at the moment since i'm on the phone. >> got it. >> it's just chaos. i know that they were out of ambulances at one point recently. and it just seems like it's getting more and more severe. >> how concern ready you at this point? >> i think i'm in shock. so it's hard to say. it hasn't really set in yet. it took me a minute to even realize what was going on. >> understandably. and we just saw a quick shot of what appeared to be the concert, the country music concert.
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it looked like somebody on the stage. we don't know who was performing, how many people were there. we don't really understand the venue yet and how this shooter might have had access to people, perhaps one would think an open air concert if they're shooting down from a hotel room. and, again, there is no confirmation whether there was one shooter or more shooters. and we certainly haven't heard about anyone being in custody. >> no, no, we haven't. and brian, as we talk to you, there had been an unconfirmed report of one suspect found dead in a room at mandalay bay. but, again, no confirmation of that. also, there was chatter of multiple sites with active shooters. no confirmation in that at all. and that is the problem in situations like this there is so little information. people are in shock. people are scared. they're worried. brian, brian heifner, thank you
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so much for talking with us. you stay put. you stay safe. we're going take a very short break. but we'll be covering this breaking news when we come back. do stay with us.
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if you're just joining us, we're live here at cnn. rosemary church along with me, natalie allen, following this breaking news out of las vegas. multiple people have been wounded. they've been shot somewhere on the las vegas strip in the vicinity of mandalay bay casino. police, of course, asking everyone to avoid the area. the police presence has been massive, as we've been bringing you this breaking news for about almost 45 minutes here. we have heard so many sirens going by. and we hear that everyone in the vicinity that they can think of, that different police forces are coming to the scene. we've seen s.w.a.t. teams moving in. questions we don't know, was there more than one shoot had
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they arrested anyone? we have had one report that a shooter was found dead in a hotel room. >> we also talked to an eyewitness, brian heifner, who was there in his hotel at the mandalay bay. and his understanding is there was this move towards bellagio, and police were heading that way, according to him. and this of course there were talks, there were reports. let's listen to our affiliate ksnv now and hear what's happening. >> we keep getting moved down the way here. we are just behind the mandalay convention center right by las vegas boulevard and i believe, if i step out over here, i can tell. i think we're just south of russell. and i am hearing that there are two homicide squads that are rolling. another two are on standby that is from a police source.
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we also had someone from conciergeworking inside the mandalay bay saying one of her crewmembers had seen dead bodies laying on the ground. very, very distraught people walk by. i can tell you when we came down russell to park over here we had a man come running up to us, blood down his shirt saying his friends were dead, his friends were dead and please come help him. and then he went running down las vegas boulevard, back towards the scene, asking people, anyone, please just come help me. and then he got so distraught a little later that he actually pushed our photog away out of the scene. as you can see, multiple police here, just setting up, getting ready to move towards mandalay bay as they are needed. we have clark county fire over here, of course. and i don't know if you remember, but a couple of months back i had reported on a mash casualty from the fire
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department that had 80 stretchers on it. it had enough equipment on to handle a situation. i'm trying to confirm that if it is out here right now assisting on this scene. i'm not sure. of course, we're getting as much information as we can on the ground. but many people just reporting those fireworks. it sound like fireworks at first. and then eventually those pops, they realized that it was a serious situation and happening out here. i just want to show you this live situation. we have ambulance over here, of course. still trying to figure out what's going on. plenty of people who are firemen out here below or south of the mandalay bay convention center. you can just see the lines of police cars, of, you know, medic, other people just helping on the scene, trying to figure out how to get this under control and just keep everybody safe out here. i'll send it back to you in the studio. >> all right, thank you so much. >> we know that that obviously is the priority.
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we are hearing now, we got another report from community ambulance. and that is also disheartening and discouraging. initially we heard that there were casualties, including fatalities near the main stage, which is across the straight from mandalay bay. now emts at mandalay bay itself report that there are many casualties on the ground at the property there. so, again, we're getting multiple reports of multiple injuries and casualties as a result of this what appears to be a mass shooting involving at least two suspects that occurred immediately following this concert, the harvest 91 concert outside mandalay bay. >> and every time you hear about someone saying it was bloody, people were running, people were dying, you think that's someone's father, that's someone's sister, that's someone's mother. they're somebody's somebody. and this is not just numbers.
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these are people who really went to have a good time. possibly on vacation. of course a lot of people here, locals were looking forward to this three-day festival as well. a lot of people just looking for a good time. >> sure. >> and now this is a moment that they will never, ever forget. none of us will. >> we're looking at a live picture here of the las vegas strip. it's a picture we almost never see. a section of the strip, a large section of the strip is empty. and you see all the blackness there. and that's as a result of -- >> listening to our affiliate there, ksnv. very disturbing developments there as we hear multiple reports of injuries and casualties. we heard the reporter there on the ground. she had talked to a witness who had said that friends of his had been killed. there were apparently scenes of dead bodies. no confirmation of this. we're just getting this from our affiliate ksnv. we're going to continue to follow this. we'll take a very short break,
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but continue our breaking news when we return. ust got to take t one game at a time. next question. odell. odell. can you repeat everything you just said? my livestream won't load. (blows whistle). technical foul. wrong sport. wrong network. see you need unlimited on verizon it's america's largest most reliable 4g lte network. it won't let you down in places like this. even in the strike zone. (laughs). it's the red zone. pretty sure it is the strike zone. here use mine. alright. see you on the court champ. heads up! when it really, really matters you need the best network and the best unlimited. plans now start at $40 per line for four lines.
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following our breaking news from las vegas, nevada, a very chaotic scene there, a tragic
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one. multiple people have been wounded after a reported shooting on the las vegas strip. it happened near the mandalay bay casino. police asking everyone to avoid the area. apparently they're also going over to the bellagio as well. we have just learned that flights at mccarron airport have been suspended due to this developing breaking story in las vegas. we've also gotten word that multiple people are at the university medical center in las vegas with gunshot wounds. apparently, the target was a concert called root 91, a country concert. it was a two-day concert, and it was wrapping up here october 1. numerous people had been performing on the stage there. but that is apparently was the target for whatever reason. still don't know who is in custody. there was an earlier report that one shooter was dead in a hotel room. >> yeah, at this point we don't
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have confirmation of that. but we'll certainly follow up on that. and hundreds of people immediately started running from the scene, of course. one witness described hearing the gunshots. >> when we were coming out, we just heard it sounded like fire crackers at first. maybe there was a firecracker show, i don't know, a fireworks show. but it didn't sound normal. it sounded like machine guns. and it was several rounds, like hundreds of rounds. and then it stopped. and then it sounded like different guns shooting. and then it stop admin and it started again. it's hard to explain. and then my boyfriend had me move behind a building here, because it just didn't sound right. and then we hid behind the building and we could hear hundreds of rounds going off. and about ten minutes later, the police came and then blocked off all the streets. and just very overwhelming. and very scary, yeah. >> so as you move down this way, how far up they? how close were you to the root 91 festival? >> oh, we're only about -- not
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even a block from it. maybe no more than two block, and you can hear it from that far away? >> absolutely. what was weird is sounds like it's coming from the roof on the back side. but it sounded like it was going towards the luxor. that's what it sounded like to me. but now hearing from what some people were saying, they were shooting into the crowd which is across the street makes a little more sense. it's so surreal. >> were you at all concerned about your safety? because obviously we were moving that direction. >> absolutely. because it just sound like open shooting for a few minutes. and that's why we hid behind a building. and then we saw people coming out of the mandalay bay. and then we saw police officers running across the street into mandalay bay. and we just hid behind a building and kept peeking out every now and then. and we're trying to watch safely from behind the building here. >> another eyewitness report.
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terrifying moments there as all of them relay to those of us just watching and listening. we don't know a lot of the details. we understand at least two suspects are involved. multiple reports of injuries and casualties. still waiting for official word. we'll take a very short break and we'll have more on this when we come back. ...there's something you to smay be missing. a key part of your wellness that you may be... ...overlooking. ♪ it's your eyes. that's why there's ocuvite, from bausch + lomb. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish those nutrients. ocuvite has lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3. nourish your eyes to help them be their healthy best. ocuvite eye vitamins. be good to your eyes.
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12:00 am
is cnn breaking news. >> if you're just joining us, 3:00 a.m. in the morning here on the east coast. midnight in las vegas. and we're following breaking news from las vegas, nevada right now. multiple people have been wounded after a shooting on the strip near the mandalay bay casino. we're also told that police may be moving toward the bellagio. we have not confirmed any fatalities yet. but definitely there have been people taken to local hospitals there. we're also told that mccarron airport has stopped all flights in and out of the airport there


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