tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 9, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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we all made it out safely. people you don't know care about you. it's kind of one of those things where you can't even thank somebody. to protect what you love, call 1-800-adt-cares the president wages open warfare on a powerful republican senator. the senator says he could be putting the country on the path to world war iii. the president launching a tweet, and a white house official saying he is not through yet with senator bob corker, chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. better known as a republican vote he needs on tax reform, immigration, health care, you name it. senator corker said what he said to the "new york times." he all but called the president unfit for office, comparing the white house, in a tweet yesterday, to an adult day care. the fact that he's speaking out says a lot about where we are these days. the president's inability to let go also says a lot. how's the white house dealing with this? what's been their reaction since the "new york times" article? >> reporter: anderson, as you pointed out, white house officials saying the president
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is not done with going after corker, a top republican, a vote he needs. there are mixed feelings about that. obviously, the president thinks this is a worthwhile strategy. he things he can go after corker with no problem. but not everyone in the west wing is convinced of that. and certainly trumps' allies outside of the west wing are not convinced of that. they believe that this is someone the president is going to need over the long term, and also that he's just creating another spectacle that's not going to move forward the legislative agenda that he's hoping to advance. >> is there concern amongst the president's allies that this could affect his ability to pass that legislative agenda? >> reporter: absolutely there's concern. i mean, bob corker has not set off this rush of other republicans who are going to say these things publically, because he is in a different position. he is retiring. he's not going to run for re-election, so he's unburdened by this re-election fight. but he is, for now, a vote the president needs. he's an important voice on foreign policy. he's an important voice on budget issues. and president trump has a very narrow majority right now in the senate and he has seen his legislative agenda stymied over
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and over again. so when you're on the precipice of another big thing, in this case tax reform, you need all the help you can get. so fighting with republicans, fighting with members of your own party is probably not what's going to get you there, anderson. >> thanks very much. a lot to, as they say, unpack. maggie haberman is back this hour, joining us also is pierson power, scott jennings, van jones, who has a new book out called, "beyond the messy truth. how we came apart, how we come together." also joining us is matt lewis. maggie, to hear -- you were saying the last hour that what senator corker is saying is not out of the ordinary for what you hear others saying on capitol hill, but to say it out loud. >> it's shocking to hear him say this outloud. he is clearly liberated by the fact that he is not running for re-election. he's liberated, i think, to some extent by having been pushed pretty far. remember, the president -- this began -- this has been simmering for a while, but this weekend's episode began with the president tweeting a version of events that people around corker, and
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corker himself, to my colleague jonathan martin, completely contested that corker had begged to be the secretary of state and so forth. but he is saying things really about the president's fitness for office and it's beyond that. because that's something i think we've been hearing about, frankly, since the campaign. he's being very specific that it's a daily battle to try to control this president, it is a daily battle to keep him from doing something more dangerous than he has done. and the thing that i was very struck by is there was a degree of sort of helplessness, as jonathan characterized it correctly, as he talked about how the president tweets things that aren't true. he said, i don't know why he does that. maybe you don't know why he does that, but he continues to do that. that seemed to be what was really jarring to him. that is the thing that people, increasingly, are not sure how to deal with. >> again, this guy is running the senate foreign relations committee. for him to be saying -- talking about world war iii and people around the president needing to rein him in all the time and it's -- i mean, it's frightening. >> it is, and i think it's also key that this is not somebody who was an anti-trump person.
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this was somebody -- there are people who were skeptical about donald trump from the very beginning. this was somebody playing ball with donald trump and was a supporter and maybe even going to be his vice presidential candidate. so the fact that he's saying these kinds of things shows that he gave him a fair hearing, was willing to give him a try, and it's become pretty clear that this is a highly problematic president. >> part of the thing that is worrying to me is we're starting to see everything through the prism of here's another twitter scandal, here's another bit of the crazy. how crazy. you're talking about somebody who has more access to information about threats to america than almost any human being on earth, senator corker, saying he's afraid of world war iii, to the paper of record for the country. that should be a full stop, all traffic comes to a halt moment. because this is a cry for help for the country.
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and yet -- >> but it doesn't come until after donald trump personally insults him on twitter. if he really is concerned about the country -- i thought donald trump was, you know, not a -- was a bad hombre a couple years ago. do i have better insight than bob corker? corker helped give this guy the presidency and doesn't speak out to the paper of record until he's insulted on twitter. >> here's what i think. people are saying that because he supported trump in the past that he somehow can't speak out now. people can have relationships that go bad. there's something called divorce. you can be that close to somebody and later on say, this was a bad person. >> i'm saying it's motive. i don't know that he's sort of shrouded -- >> i don't know corker, but he's my home state senator. and even as a republican i've never had a cause to feel anything other than proud of him and the decorum and the way he's conducted himself as a senator. so this is not a fire brand. this is not an irresponsible guy.
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when someone like him is talking about an adult day care center, you have to then read into that the level of threat and frustration he feels. this is one of our best senators, and he's saying something very serious. >> how do you see it? >> corker is not the only senator that trump has a problem with. at any given time he's feuding with six or seven. and on top of that his strategist, steve bannon, is now recruiting primaries for six other republican incumbents. so that's 12 or 13 out of 52. now, even you are moderately proficient at math, you can see how this is a problem for getting the republican agenda passed. there's significant concern on capitol hill they're not going to bad the budget resolution next week, which is the key to unlocking the door of reconciliation, which is the key to tax reform. we have significant policy agenda problems, and these feuds don't help. and i sit here as someone who wants the president to succeed and wants the republicans to succeed and these feuds are not getting us there.
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>> who bears the lion's share of the blame in your opinion? is it the president for going after corker or is it corker for doing this or some combination thereof? >> i think there's combination blame in all of these kinds of feuds. look, these people are supposed to be one big, happy family. now, grant it, some of these people are like cousins who've never met but have to sit next to each other at thanksgiving dinner. but at some juncture, we all have to sit here and eat together and be civil until it's over for the purpose of satisfying the voters who sent the republicans to run washington d.c. so that's the issue. >> it's trump's fault. because donald trump -- this is obviously a pattern. i don't know of bob corker having a vendetta or feud with anybody else, maybe it's happened. but what we do know is that donald trump, it -- he goes from person to person. he's always fighting one person. usually not all at the same time. he goes from enemy to enemy. so i think he's to blame. >> i think that's part of the problem. it's the sort of cascade of enemies. this cascade of scandals.
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so you don't actually realize when something significant happens. this is not -- in the overall abnormality, the absurdity we have now adapted ourselves to, this is actually scary. >> this is not ivana and melania trump having an argument today. >> no. it's an important point when everything gets reduced down to the same prism of, you know, he's fighting with someone. you heard an objection about this, understandably, when he was attacking the mayor of san juan, and the headlines were all, they're in a dispute. they were not in a dispute. he was attacking this woman who was in the middle of -- his supporters say she was looking for a partisan fight, what have you. you look at the situation she was in, and she's wading through sewage to help people and you wonder if it's a wise idea for the president to attack her. and it is an attack. what is going on with corker is so fundamentally not normal. but to van's point we are on this slow cascade downward. and it's hard to realize sometimes when something -- >> i don't have the exact language in front of me, but
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corker, one of the things he said, he knows for a fact every day it's a battle in the white house to contain the president. >> that's not saying mean things about your -- >> that's not somebody on the outside saying it seems like -- that's him saying i know for a fact this is a daily battle. >> we've all written versions of that, to be clear. but the difference is this prominent republican senator -- >> senior senator. >> -- who has worked with the campaign since last year, who was helpful during transition, who has urged other republicans to work with the white house, him saying that is a real breach. it's very different. >> the adult day care center, i think a lot of people thought that was just such a delicious thing to say and they were so excited about it. i think it was a mistake for corker to do that. trump is debasing our culture so much. and when you have somebody like bob corker engaging in this back and forth, i just think, where
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is this going to end up? now we're going to have senators name calling. i just think at some point you have to step back and be a grown up. >> it didn't work when marco rubio tried it in the campaign. >> everybody else ends up a little bit degraded. >> nobody survives the back and forth. >> it's probably not unusual for presidents and members of congress to not get along all the time. but, boy, it is unusual for it to be playing out in public. and, of course, when it plays out in public and people start calling each other names, you never want to feel like, i let that guy get the best of me. so you want to come back and respond and he wants to respond. you know, where does it end? >> in other words, we're flunking kindergarten here. >> exactly. we have to take a quick break. we're going to pick this up after the break. including a top presidential advisor criticizing the senator for tweeting. also, later, the vice president's protest to the nfl players' protest and the controversy surrounding it. why he walked out of the 49ers-colts game and the storm he caused. crohn's disease.
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talking about senator bob corker's critique of the president and the president's reaction. no surprise, he's not happy about it. no surprise a white house official signalled he'll have more to come. what i suppose ought to be surprising, but isn't, is that the white house, namely senior advisor kellyanne conway, is attacking senator corker for irresponsible tweeting. >> world leaders see that. we've all worked with senator corker over the years, we thank him for his service, but i find tweets like this to be incredibly irresponsible. it adds to the insulting that the main stream media and the president's detractors, almost a
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year after this election and still can't accept the election results, it adds to their ability and their cover to speak about the president of the united states in ways that no president should be talked about. and that happened. so back now with the panel. i mean, for -- i mean, the irony, of course, is for kellyanne conway to be saying bob corker's tweet is irresponsible and yet to completely back the president on all of his tweets. i suppose -- >> it's completely bonkers. i cannot think of another word when you listen to that. i actually agree with her, as i said on the last panel, that i don't think what bob corker did was senatorial or mature and an appropriate way to respond. but neither is pretty much everything that donald trump tweets. you can't have a two standards. one is that the president can act like a maniac on twitter, and then a senator does something one time that's fairly mild -- >> she publically embraces the president's tweets.
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>> every single time. every single time. there's never been a tweet that she didn't figure out some way to justify, defend, be outraged that anybody didn't understand. it's -- her whole schtick is getting out there and defending this stuff. so for her to wander out into the vast tundra of american society and begin lecturing anybody about anything on twitter is ludicrous. >> and the idea that it's because world leaders see it. >> exactly. that's our point. you're mad because he might be saying something about trump on twitter that may be discrediting. trump is saying stuff himself on twitter that is discrediting of himself. you might point that out. >> this is always the conflict that there's a genuine frustration among the part of trump's aides, and i understand it, where they feel like he does not get the respect that has been afforded to other presidents. the problem is that it never factors in whether he himself is showing respect to the office in
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some of his behavior, and that's always the problem. >> she has a job to do. her job is to defend the president. she works there. >> absolutely. >> her job isn't to go out and be a -- >> people keep looking for people who work in the white house to come out and trash the president. that's not going to happen. >> it wouldn't happen in any white house. >> correct. >> that is correct. i'm worried about the long term political implications of the white house continuously being critical of republican members of congress. especially the ones -- it did you know apply to corker, because he's not running. but especially the ones who are on the ballot, if grass roots republicans hear the white house saying these people are bad, they're not loyal, they're not worth voting for, and they don't turn out -- those voters don't turn out in the midterms what are the political implications of this? i think the party has to worry about this in november of next year. >> i think you're absolutely right. republicans could lose the majority, they haven't repealed obamacare, they're probably not now going to do tax reform and
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the last couple days haven't helped. those are actually fairly short-term implications. i think the long-term implications are is this the new normal? will the next president be a celebrity who attacks people on twitter? donald trump didn't completely come out of nowhere. we've had a degradation over time. and even things like norms -- violation of norms, like ross pero announcing on a tv show he is going to run for president. not -- today not shocking, but will this begin something very dark in the future? >> i'm not willing to cut kellyanne the slack you're cutting her. i don't think because you work in the white house it gives you a right to come out and say up is down, down is up. that's what she's doing. it's this complete "alice in wonderland" insanity. where she's just saying things that aren't true. why is this okay? this idea that somehow bob corker is the one that's problematic -- >> i don't think that's what scott was saying or i was saying.
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what i'm saying is i think there is -- i don't think what she's saying is any different than what the president is saying. so if you are going to take issue with the president, which many people do -- people can leave or not leave the white house. but i don't understand the surprise that -- >> what i'm saying is, if she wants to come out and defend the president, that's her job. i agree with that. she should do that. but she should do it on nonludicrous grounds. she could say, i don't think senator corker is doing well by his people in tennessee because he should have his eyes on tax reform, et ceterea. she's criticizing him over twitter? that's nuts! >> i don't think that would -- just think about that for a second, though. i don't think that would sound any less ludicrous, to use your word, he should keep his eye on tax reform. people are going to say the same thing about the president. i guess, what is the line of defense that you think is worth it? >> it's the lecturing about twitter when she defends everything -- >> she's a very good propaganda -- >> exactly. >> i think it's very effective. but i wouldn't have her on if i
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were interested in actually getting to the truth or insight or gaining insight into what's happening. but she's good at like blindly defending the president. and as you said, that's kind of her job. >> that's the point of why corker has a different patina in the first place is he is somebody who has defended the president and now he is not. >> working at the white house or whether you're bagging groceries at the corner market. if you go out on national television and trash your boss, you won't be working there the next day. so i think she's doing what she's supposed to do. >> nobody is saying she should be trashing him. just don't say these things that are completely bonkers. we have a lot more ahead tonight. including vice president pence's protest to the nfl game this weekend. and now the president is trying to use it to his advantage. my good friend andy cohen on the first lady, the wife to claims she's the first lady and what it all means, if anything.
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during the anthem. explaining, i left the colt's game because at potus and i will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our flag or the national anthem. >> then president trump said i asked vice president pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled. and then he returned to twitter saying the trip by vice president pence was long planned. he is receiving great praise for leaving after the players showed such disrespect. to complete the circle on this, the president is fund-raising for his re-election campaign on pence's walkout. we're back with the panel. was this a pre-planned stunt? >> yes. it was a stunt to protest the protest because this is completely off the rails. nobody remembers -- this is not -- this was supposed to be about police community relations. that was the initial concern. that there was some police misconduct issues. they want to raise that. it's now become about free
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speech for athletes, disrespect for our sold soldiers. not one player has said one bad thing about soldiers. it's just crazy on top of crazy. apparently it's good politics because they're raising money off of it. the saddest part for me is pence had an opportunity, if he wanted to deal with this, to say we are actually going to do something about the underlying cause of the protest. nobody is talking about the underlying cause of the protest, even though it continues in the neighborhood these guys come from. these are guys are rich they shouldn't complain, trump is rich he complains all the time. these guys come from neighborhoods where they are still getting text messages from their cousins about getting pulled over. these fwies are two years, three years out of those neighborhoods. they are desperate to get something done. we're not talking about it at all. >> i wrote an article for the daily beast, which is i actually
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do not support kneeling during the national anthem, but i think there is a problem with police brutality. i don't think it should stop us from pursuing. >> real remedies for real problems? >> right. i'm actually with mike pence substantively on this, but i think it was a stunt -- >> you think he went to the game with the idea he was going to walk out? >> it's the 49ers. if there's any team that is going to kneel -- i don't see it as an act of disrespect. when they were sitting there, and not standing up, that was disrespectful. the idea you take a knee, that's what you do when somebody is hurt on the field. they're saying there's somebody hurt in our country. i don't think that's disrespect. but the idea you're going to go to a 49ers game and nobody is going to kneel, give me a break. >> mike pence could have stood with his hand over his heart and tweeted i'm standing up honoring our flag, our soldiers, our
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first responders and i think it's inappropriate that others didn't. he could have done that. he could have still made a political statement. it seems like this was meant to -- whether it's fund-raising or just to, frankly, divide the country, which i think is a dangerous thing to do. >> we have the latest cnn poll, which shows more people disagree with what the players are doing. 49% say it's the wrong thing. >> that makes this the popular black protest in history. let's not forget, when they were doing the sit ins, those polls were saying 79% saying stop it. you made your point. quit. so the fact you have almost half the country saying it's okay, these are the most popular protests in the history of country. >> somebody was talking to me in a poll where they had seen an uptick in the numbers of voters who believed there was mistreatment of african-americans.
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i think one of the problems this president has had is recognizing there is an equal and opposite reaction in life and politics. when you are in the oval office, it's not like you're running a re-election campaign. i don't know if they were -- if it was a stunt, but they were out of there early and put a statement. >> they were told he might leave early. but it was beyond thinking what happened. it wasn't he left, they followed it with a statement. it was followed with a picture. so this was a choreographed response. and it was pretty quickly. >> you know what the most popular thing donald trump has done since he's been president is work with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, but he's not drawn to that. he's actually drawn to this culture war stuff. >> he's obsessed, according to everyone i talk to and obsessed
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is the word they use, with losing his political base. he talks about about it all the time. >> you had him reporting coming back, in alabama, coming back he felt that was the big success. >> it went well, it played well with the crowd. then he spent the whole weekend in bed minister, and he would say what do you think of it? and most people told him they didn't think it was wonderful. and he would say my base loves it. >> the polls support it, it seems. >> and that's what his advisers cite when ever you ask him about this. >> this isn't about disrespecting the flag. i have van's point of view it isn't disrespectful. about how they're doing it the way they're doing it. but the reason it's also not about that is because that would mean that the only problem here is that they're doing it during the national anthem, and i just don't believe that. you're asking me to believe that if instead they waited until the national anthem was over and at
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some other point decided to put their fists up and do something that donald trump wouldn't be attacking them and people wouldn't be complaining, and i don't believe that. so i think the problem is they're protesting. >> it wouldn't be as clean as a political issue without the flag and national anthem weren't in play. i'm going to give you a raw political analysis. this is a complete and total winner for the white house. in the national surveys, it looks good. but if you look at the surveys in the places he has to hold on, ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, among his people in those states it's not even close. that's why they're coming back to it and i suspect they're going to keep coming back to it. the owner of the cowboys, jerry jones is now saying any of his players who don't stand for the national anthem, should be benched. the players could toss a penalty flag on that. we'll get that in a moment.
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guess where it seems jerry jones got the idea. here's what the reporter tweeted, quote, jones emphasized the nfl game ops manual and then this. you know who reminded me about the policy? donald trump. mr. jones's admission comes a couple weeks after he joined the cowboys in kneeling before the national anthem at a monday night football game. back with the panel and joining us is legal analyst jeffrey toobin. can the owners do this? >> the first amendment only applies to the government. the government cannot punish you can be cannot throw you in jail for expressing your opinions of any kind. but the first amendment does not apply to private employers. private employers can fire you for exercising your first amendment views. just today an espn analyst was suspended for two weeks for
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expressing her views about the current political situation. >> jamal hill. >> yes. you and i could be fired if we start endorsing candidates. that is a power employers have in the united states. the only issue in the nfl situation is there's a collective bargaining agreement between the union and the nfl and there may be some provisions in there that the players could argue it could be an unfair act by the employer. but i think by and large, jerry jones, if he wants to, could fire or suspend players who wouldn't stand up. >> there's a chapter in your new book, it's an open letter to conservatives. you say, quote, more than anything you place great value on protecting the liberties enshrined in the constitution, particularly the right to free speech, movement association, and religion. those principles how do they square with opposition to taking a knee? >> i think the conservative
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movement have some real trouble. i wrote this book "beyond the messy truth how we came apart, how we come together" trying to figure out how we get better republicans and democrats. i think we need two strong parties. but the conservative movement now seems to an an anti-liberal movement it's more interestinged in looking at ways to poke at liberals rather than to lift up values the country could be united around. the republican party has been leading the charge on criminal justice reform. rick perry, the governor of texas, closed prisons, brought crime down. governor deal in georgia, closed prisons, brought crime down. kasich in ohio, big criminal justice reformer. this is their issue. they have thrown it in the garbage can because they want to do this culture war nonsense. it is outside any policy to lift the country up.
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you could say to these young people, talking about these football players, they're coming from neighborhoods that are still struggling. they're doing we believe maybe the past couple of years, their families are not. you could say, listen, i want to talk about not the people who are neiling, but the people that are falling down in this country. they're falling down because they don't have jobs, because they're afraid of what's going on in their neighborhood. you have to say, i'm going to look beyond your symbols and deal with the substance because i have conservative values that can help you. they're missing the opportunity because they'd rather do this nonsense. that's the strategy i see. >> what he said. i agree with everything you just said. but i -- you know, jerry jones, i'm a red skins fan so it's hard for me to say anything good about this man, but as you mentioned, he is the owner. in the nfl right now you can't celebrate in the end zone, right? if i want -- you know, if tom brady wanted to wear an nra sticker on his helmet, he couldn't do that.
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that would be banned. the new york yankees you can't have facial hair. you can't have long side burns or even a goatee. that's their policy. i actually like this. i think we need to get back to more sort of old guys, old women, old people whoever, basically saying no, that's not who we are. there used to be an editor at a newspaper who would be like, we're not go ing to cover that story. we're not going to cover twitter, it's junk. now we don't have that anymore. i'll say the first good thing i said about jerry ever, it's good leadership. and in the arizona game the other week, he did go out with his team and kneel in solidarity, not during the national anthem. >> my question is, most people took the kneeling when he did it the first time as if it was in solidarity with what the players were doing about the national anthem, even though it wasn't then. what i find notable about this is that the president has been looking for an nfl owner to agree with him,
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he's been pushing for a while this is what the team owners should be doing. now he has one who seems to be going in that direction. it's surprising to me to hear people supporting a president telling private enterprise how they should run their private enterprise. and that is how this is going. >> the idea of going back to the olden days when things weren't covered. i hear that and think there's a lot -- you know, the evening news used to be 15, 18 minutes and everyone was white -- >> and very few women. >> right. and it was a very limited view of what was happening in the world. so i think the idea -- i think for a lot of people in america, the idea of going back to the good old days, they weren't that good. >> i think there were some bad aspects to the way things used to be done, and, we've made progress on that. but we've also gone in the wrong direction in some ways. >> you're saying they should be able to decide this is not who we are. so the owner could say that.
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i don't know, maybe you were one of the conservatives who had a different position on this, but there was a big case with a man named brendan ike at mozilla who was fired because he gave money to an anti-same sex marriage initiative and he lost his job and mo sil la said that's not who we are. and conservatives went berserk. conservatives said that wasn't right. he should be able to express that -- >> we have to take a break. i want to thank you everybody. coming up the real housewives of the west wing. the president's ex-wife and current wife spar over who is the first lady. joining me next the only person for this job, experts on all things reality tv, bravo's andy cohen. what kind of sorcery is that? it's not the magic-wand kind. it's the rfid-collar-and- internet of things-kind we created with chitale dairy. so every cow can let farmers know how she feels and what she needs to be healthier- (phone vibrates)
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cabinet secretaries. it's between his wives. the president's first wife made waves in an interview this morning as part of the promotional tour for her book. take a look. >> i have the direct number for the white house, and i don't want to call him there because melania there, and i don't want to cause any jealousy because i'm basically first trump wife, i'm first lady. >> melania trump's spokesperson quickly released a statement that read in part, there's clearly no substance to this statement from an ex. this is, unfortunately, only attention seeking. it all sounds like a plot line from a reality show. earlier i spoke to my friend, expert on all things reality show, andy cohen. he's executive producer of the real housewives franchise. so you have tweeted out that only you, as the executive producer of the real housewives franchise, can mediate this dispute. >> absolutely.
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i watched you host all those housewife reunions last year. >> those were presidential debates. i moderated presidential debates. >> you can call them what they want. how wives reyufe reunions. >> you're claiming the second debate -- >> you stole my bit. >> what was the bit? >> when things are going so scorched earth, i say, can you say something nice about each other. sometimes it's the only trick you have left. to end on some kind of positivity. >> >> we did end the debate like that. i think that came from an audience question. >> i was watching this play out today, and i thought you know what, i would like to be -- i'm here on cnn, open invitation, to the first lady, to the honorary first lady, ivana trump. i'd like to get marla maples in there. i think she maybe has some unresolved issues.
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and i think it would be great to have ivanka trump there as well. i'll set up two couches. get this thing going. just put me in the game. i can do this. i can make this okay. >> would ivanka have a walk on? would marla maples have a walk on? >> no marla would be there from the top but ivanka we'd bring out later. because i think she has things with everybody. >> you for the longest time have believed this is an ongoing real housewives show. >> we are now however many months into the real housewives of the white house. i'm calling for a reunion show early. the term isn't up but i think we need to get one going. the president has been tweeting lib erly like a real house wife. >> i want to read you some of the tweets. because you believe they correspond. he tweeted, going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating therefore invitation is
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withdrawn. >> this is a classic housewife move. rescind invitations liberally. you saw it with bethenny and louann. bethany and ramona in mexico. dorinda and sonya at the berkshires. >> this is a move they do, a rescinded invitation. >> yes. now, if he had said that he wasn't coming, so it didn't really work in this case, but that's the fine print. >> all right. the president also tweeted spoke to president of mexico to give condolences on terrible earthquake. unable to reach for three days because of his cell phone reception site. >> blaming cell reception, a classic. >> housewives do that? >> oh, yeah. works every time. yeah. >> the president also tweeted drain the swatch should be changed to drain the sewer. it's much worse than anyone ever thought and begins with the fake news. >> something that works throughout all the franchises is you keep repeating the same lines over and over until someone listens. we saw it with stripper gate in new jersey.
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we saw it with book gate in new york. just stay on message, and if you keep repeating it, then it will sink in. >> all right. final tweet from the president, what about all the contact with the clinton campaign and the russians? also, is it true that the dnc would not let the fbi in to look? >> okay. well, this is -- well, there's a few things there. he does remind me sometimes of first season-wife who will say anything to stay on the show, but bringing up former housewives who are no longer on the show is often very effective. they don't have a voice, so when he brings up hillary clinton, she's not on the show anymore, but it's still an effective tool to get people to think of, you know, other things, former housewives. listen, i will say the housewives are entertainment, and that's what they're meant for. this all is distracting nonsense from what's really going on in the country. i should point that out.
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but i'm here for it. >> and you want in the game. >> i want in the game. let a pro in. let a pro in. >> anything else, andy? >> no. it's fun. i mean, i'd like to co-anchor the show with you sometime. i feel very comfortable here. >> you think our worlds completely enmesh? >> listen, there is a reality star in the white house. he teases things coming up. he'll say, oh, i have a decision coming up. stay tuned. i mean, his modus operandi is a reality tv star. so, yes, our worlds are meshing. i would like to host an actual presidential debate. >> you think you're ready for that? >> yes. no doubt. >> andy cohen, thank you. >> thanks. >> well, coming up, if you saw this video from puerto rico, your first thought was i wonder how soft those paper towels are. well, you're in luck because the president has an answer for you and the "ridicu-list" is next. are you done yet?
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to update you, what the president seems most concerned about and this may come as a shock is himself. here he is in an interview with mike huckabee that aired on trinity broadcasting network saturday. >> we did a great job and we weren't treated fairly by the media because we really did a good job. i mean, one example they had these beautiful soft towels, very good towels. >> now, i think i speak for all the media when i say we stand corrected. we were not aware that they were beautiful soft towels. that i've got to say does kind of change everything. from now on we will absolutely twit hear about the attractiveness and texture of whatever you throw at people before we report it. our bad. snl also was not aware of how gorgeous and supple the paper towels were. >> nothing says i understand the gravity of the situation like a billionaire tossing six rolls of paper towels to hurricane victims. >> the president's interview was really eye opening.
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i want to quickly pick it up, just a quicker picker upper from the part about the pageant ready paper towels. >> they had these beautiful, soft towels, very good towels. and i came in and there was a crowd of a lot of people and they were screaming and they were loving everything. and we were -- i was having fun. they were having fun. they said throw them to me, throw them to me, mr. president. and so i'm doing so -- so the next day they said oh, it was so disrespectful to people. it was just a made up thing. and also, when i walked in the cheering was incredible. >> you were a rock star. i saw the video of it. >> it was crazy. the cheering, it was deafening. >> mike huckabee, yeah, you're a rock star. yeah, the president bragged about getting cheered. yes, they are still talking about puerto rico. again, as of today 40% with no water, 85% with no electricity. let's take another look at the video. >> i hope you can hear me over
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the deafening cheers of people catching those alluring velvety paper towels. can you hear me? can you hear over the cheering by the rock star? i believe we have cracked the code of the president's whole fake news thing. factual information, fake news, fawning praise, real news. please, tell us more. >> the media is really the word i think one of the greatest of all terms i've come up with is fake. i guess other people have used it perhaps over the years, but i've never noticed it. >> i'm sorry, did he just kind of indicate that he invented the word fake or he thinks he's the first person to use the term fake news? let's not forget that during the election fake news mostly was used to describe the fabricated untrue stories that trolls posted online. that was until the president himself commandeered the term, latched onto it like it was a
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great-looking, satiny roll of paper towels, for instance, and constantly hurled it at everyone until it meant something else entirely. that could be the saddest, most frustrating part of all of it. but it's not even close. we love you, puerto rico. thanks for watching 360. time to turn it over to don lemon. "cnn tonight" starts right now. new developments tonight in the las vegas investigation and the top republican questioning president trump's fitness for office. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. i want you to listen to what senator bob corker tells "the new york times". >> i do worry that he's -- sometimes i feel like he's on a reality show of some kind, you know, when he's talking about these big foreign policy issues. and, you know, he doesn't realize that, you know, that we could be heading towards world war th
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