tv New Day Sunday CNN October 15, 2017 3:00am-4:00am PDT
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breaking news. ranking democrats asking dhc to investigate contaminated drinking water in puerto rico. >> some of the fires that have scorched more than 220,000 acres are finally starting to get under containment. >> i got to get people to understand this is a dangerous event. she actually made it through the worse part of the whole
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fire. her lungs just kind of gave out. movie mogul harvey weinstein has been kicked out of the film's industry most elite group. >> men have to speak up right alongside women. >> i only met harvey when i was old and harvey goes for young. >> fighting words from steve bannon. >> right now a season of war against a gop establishment. nobody can run and hide on this one. these folks are coming for you. >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> good morning. great to have you company as always here. awe in wildfire in california. >> it erupted between santa rosa between two other wildfires.
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the number of people who have been killed now 39. making it the deadliest in the state's history. >> more than 200 people have been reported missing and the wind-driven fires have been fast, they have been ruthless, and they are burning anything it seems in its path. look at some of the damage that people are finding here. thousands of buildings, including 2,800 homes, are gone. >> ryan young is in santa rosa, california. ryan, the mayor there says there is no cause for alarm. are firefighters gaining ground in containing this growing fire? and give us some context because you've got 39 people dead, and 200 unaccounted for and to hear the mayor say no cause for alarm with the debris and what is left behind you, may leave some people asking questions. >> reporter: that is a very great question, victor. i can tell you what they are talking about now it seems like everyone sort of knows this fire is coming. i think last sunday, caught a lot of people by surprise.
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in fact, we talked to people who had no clue they were so close a fire. the next thing you know, fighter was on top of their house. a lot of conversations about the warnings and maybe lack of warnings for some people because of maybe cell phone towers are down or waiting too long or fire is moving too fast and answers will figured out later on. it seems like everyone is aware and telling people it's time to go and get ahead of the fire. i want to show you manage here. that is the oakmont neighborhood in the distance over there and i'll paint a picture for you. that is the maryland soied ountt we showed you yesterday. the blanket of smoke piling over this area is tremendous. talking about the deaths. yes, 39 people have died here. unfortunately, still 200 people missing and they will go out to the homes and see if anyone has died in some of these places.
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people are still looking for their loved one and 8,000 firefighters are out there fighting this fire. we talked to several different police officers on the way here. it seemed they thought some of the parts of the city, the fire was advancing so you get this real picture here where even they are saying, wow, this is getting bigger and bigger. you talk about that merging of fires. it's so different because when you have that fire that spreads because of the wind, you understand at any moment, things can change. then you add in the fact that this is still an active fire in several different parts of the mountain range, it makes it so difficult to fight it. we saw although a lot of helicopters and airplanes dropping water on that fire yesterday. >> ryan young, thank you, there from california. ivan cabrera, i understand good news but bad news for firefighters. what can you tell them? >> a mixed bag. i think we focus on the wind is going to be a big help over the next couple of days.
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17 million americans in california and parts of nevada still under a red flag warning and that means high fire dangers will continue and i think maybe what the mayor was eluding to is containment is there. half of the fire of the tufts fire is contained. last week, it was zero contained. these are the red flag warnings that continue in effect throughout the day. the difference will be the wind. yesterday, a couple of fronts moved through and areas of low pressure that kicked up the wind and not a good thing. now an area of high pressure moves in on top of you here. that will allow the winds to calm down. the temperatures will be going up but if you ask any firefighter, i have because my brother is one, the wind is the key. they would rather have low winds than high humidity so we will take that ingredient and push it in here as far as the lower winds. 5, 10, 15 miles an hour maybe at most. i think what we can handle today' we can certainly handle that. the humidity on the lower side. you warm up the temperatures. the humidity drops. that is why the red flag
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warnings are there primary anywhere from 15% to 20% humidity. rain would be great but we are not getting rain so we will take the lower wind and exactly what we are going to have as we head into the next few days. a recapping. temperatures not going to be great. 85 to 90. very warm. a moderate threat there. the wind no longer a big threat. we are not going get these fires going all over the place by any gusty winds, 20, 30, 40 miles per hour. the humidity is still a problem under 20% and we will not have any rainfall there. i think the key and continue to get higher containment with these fires will be that lower wind and that will be with us over the next two to four days. >> ivan cabrera, thank you for the heads-up there. new this morning after a cnn exclusive report from puerto rico, a leading house democrat has asked the department of homeland security to investigate the water situation on the island after people were found to be drinking water from a hazardous waste site. >> cnn reached out yesterday to the department of homeland
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security for comment on congressman benny thompson's request. we did not receive a reply just yet but here is cnn's ed lavandera. >> reporter: some puerto ricans are so celebrate to find water here on the island that they have started tapping into wells on what is described as a super fund site. an official designation issued by the environmental protection agency. super fund sites exist all over the country and considered some of the toxic sites and ground areas in the united states. here in puerto rico alone there is 18 of these designated superfund sites. the focus is just on one of them in the town of -- around the town of darado, puerto rico, west of san juan, the capital here of this island. we were with an epa team as they started to take samples and people were lining up at some of these wells getting drinking water or water being used to cleaning or other purposes in their hopes homes in the toilet
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system and that sort of thing. so a great deal of concern about just how much exposure some residents here might have had to this water and there is now testing being done on these water wells to determine if, at all, this water is, indeed toxic. just because the superfund site is around there and toxic chemicals in the ground, epa officials say it doesn't necessarily mean those chemicals have reached the water there. nonetheless over the course of this next week, they will be testing this water to determine whether or not these wells should be turned off or controlled in some sort of way. we have seen long lines of people getting into these water wells, using them either for drinking. some people have told us. or for cleaning purposes around their homes. just kind of goes to show you just how desperate the situation for many people still remains here in puerto rico when it comes to water. epa officials say they are really more concerned about long-term exposure to this water
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and require rnlesidents to drin this water months, if not years, for them to see the effects of the toxic chemicals in that water. nonetheless, it is still very much a dangerous situation and they are trying to spread the word out there. in the meantime, this does show how desperate the situation is for many people and epa officials are urging these residents to stay away from these water wells around the town of darado, puerto rico, until these test results are come back. that work will continue and we are told it will take the better part of this week for a full understanding of exactly what is in that water. ed lavandera, cnn, san juan, puerto rico. >> ed, thanks. disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein has been kicked out of the motion pick academy. >> it comes after a dozen people accused weinstein of sexual assault and rape now. the academy award's board of governors released a statement
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after that decision and it says, in part. later this hour, brian steltzer will talk to us about weinstein's future, what he has learned, and what this decision means for hollywood as they try to move forward. turning to politics now. he goes from white house chief strategist to declaring war against the president's party. steve bannon is aiming at republicans in congress who he says are hindering president trump's agenda. nfl owners are meeting this week to potentially crack down on players who kneel during the national anthem. the issue -- should protests be left off the field? the former nfl player weighs in on a potential new rule that would force players to stand. alec baldwin is back at "saturday night live" to mock president trump and this last week in the oval office.
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>> we are getting rid of everything obama did! health care, iran deal, and we are ripping out all of the vegetables that mitchell obama plant and we are planting nuggets, nuggets. business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... "people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it's william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground.
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that help them save on their car insurance. any questions? -yeah. -how do you go to the bathroom? great. any insurance-related questions? -mm-hmm. -do you have a girlfriend? uh, i'm actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly $600 when they switch, so... where's your belly button? [ sighs ] i've got to start booking better gigs. [ sighs ] fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested.
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we are going to take them on and stand them down, okay? no doubt about that. there is no doubt about that. but there is a time and season for everything and, right now, it's a season of war against a gop establishment. >> former white house steve strategist steve bannon there teeing up what appears to be a looming fight for maybe the soul of the republican party. >> in that speech before the conservative activists he called two out. in his view not fully supporting the president and undermining
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the president's agenda. joining us now to talk is cnn errol louis and julian zeleny. start with the reference to julius cesar that came to mitch mcconnell. >> up on capitol hill, because i've been getting calls. it's like before the ides of march, right? the only question and this is just an analogy or metaphor or whatever you want to call it. they are just looking to find out who is going to be brutus to your julius cesar. yeah, mitch, the donors are not happy. they have all left you. we have cut your oxygen off, mitch, okay? >> the julius cesar reference is interesting, considering all of the complaints coming from the white house and republicans about the public theater
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production that had cast the president as julius cesar, but let's put that to the side. errol, first to you. is mitch mcconnell in real danger here? >> no, i don't think so. the reality is that the republican establishment, the swamp, whatever you want to call it, this group that bannon is trying to make war on is really doing quite well. one aspect of the swamp you have speaker paul ryan who has visited 30 states and raised an off-year record amount of money for the republican congressional committee. close to $73 million and we are just in the ides of october. the year is not even over yet. i think the thing to keep in mind is some of what bannon said in the clip you played is simply not true. the notion of all the funders have walked away from the republican establishment is simply not true. you got to keep in mind that the swamp is really sort -- it's got a lot of tentacles and a lot of people who want road paving
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contracts at the local level and a lot of people want defense contracts at the national level. a lot of people who have a lot wrapped up in the tax code. these people support the establishment. that's what the establishment is. he may get a couple of wins here and there like what happened in alabama but by no means are they on the verge of throwing everybody out in washington. >> that is what is really kind of inflating bannon right now. julian, that win over the president, backing roy moore over the senator luther strange. one candidate in alabama where the race was to be as much like trump as possible is one thing, but the slate of candidates that he is suggesting is a herculean effort, considering they may not have the money, the money may actually look like it did maybe 2 to 3 million versus 30 million as it did in alabama. >> look. the republican party is still very strong and by that i mean
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the, quote/unquote establishment. in some ways, it might be stronger with president trump and the white house in this threat being issued by bannon. meaning a lot of republicans are not happy with the white house, they are not happy with what trump is doing to the party. it's not necessarily just a logical battle but a practical battle where the party stands in 2017. i assume a lot of donors and a lot of organizers are willing to double down if ban none really declares this war. i think we are looking at a few seats and i think, more importantly, it's about the energy it's going to consume for republicans in the coming months. the real victors might be democrats. >> errol, the president is 0-1 in this endorsement battle, i guess, with steve bannon backing luther strange versus roy moore and moore won in the alabama primary by ten points or so. how likely do you think we will see them on the same side, the
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president backing the anti-establishment candidate? he already deleted some of the tweets that he sent out backing the loser in the alabama race. >> sure. we know that president trump does not want to be anywhere near the vicinity of a loser. we should keep in mind, by the way, that the victor of roy moore in alabama is really kind of being oversold in a lot of ways. luther strange came in on the tail end of a sex scandal and that dged him all the way through to the election that he lost. he was put in by a governor who had to leave in disgrace in a very high profile scandal. assuming that that was a bit of a one-off, you've got all kinds of incumbents who have lots of different local situations. if steve bannon thinks he has got a combination to sort of unlock victories for all of these insurgents he wants to mount, these insurgencies around the country, good luck to him. he is making this argument from outside the white house. he lost a pretty important
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political battle inside the white house and that, in part, because the president can see which way the wind is going and he does not like losers to be at his size, including in this case steve bannon. >> julian, how much did this war compare to the 2010 tea party movement where remain were a lot of republicans who put up who won primaries. you got rand paul out out of it and ron johnson out of it who won, but then christine o'donnell and joe wilson and you had sayerin engle who took out republicans who potentially were competitive in a general but all lost their general election races. what do you see is the comparisons to that era in republican politics? >> well, that san important comparison. that's one that frustrated republicans like karl rove who said the gop keeps putting up candidates who are going to lose for ideological purposes.
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i think some of the people who bannon might back and whoever this machine, maybe it's the breitbart machine puts its muscle behind won't be winning candidates in general elections. i think this could cost the republican party. both seats. but also ideologically for the ones who want to stave off the competitors to take positions who are -- to a lot of americans. so i think the republicans face huge risks here in terms of losing seats and in terms of where this party is going. >> does this sell, errol, in nevada in a race against dean heller or in arizona against jeff flake, that these candidates who could get backing from bannon would be plausible winners in a general election? >> you know, i think probably what bannon is really likely to do -- let's think of this as maybe the breitbart/robert
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mercer machine, is that they are going to try to eke out a win the way they did for donald trump by using fairly sophisticated algorithms and driving up their base and getting their number up to an unusually high level, dumping money in at the last minute, and kind of under the radar for reasons that have nothing to do with ideology so much but having a super efficient turnout mechanism. i think that is kind of where they are going. then after the fact that they should win, call it an ideological victory. if you're talking about nevada or arizona, those states are turning purple. the republican party in those states are very conservative, but they know they have dot to adapt and that they can't take unreasonable hard line ideological positions. steve bannon, i think, is going to run a tactical play and if democrats and mainstream republicans want to counter it, he has given them the road map
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on how to do it. >> errol louis and julian zeleny, thank you very much. this morning rex tillerson joins jake tapper to talk about what is next for the iran deal. that is at 9:00 eastern on cnn, "state of the union." nfl owners are meeting this week and on their agenda. players who kneel during the national anthem. a former nfl player weighs in. and dozens have surrendered in raqqa. w are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. look how much coffee's in here? fresh coffee. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? do you wear this every day? everyday. i'd never take it off. are you ready to say goodbye to it? go! go! ta da! a terrarium. that's it. we brewed the love, right guys?
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>> the nfl said on friday it has no plans to mandate players stand for the national anthem. let's talk to cnn sports christina fitzpatrick for more. >> good morning. this weekend the league and the players association, they actually put out a joint statement earlier in the week of another nfl sunday coming up regarding no changes when it comes to standing for the anthem saying there has been no change in the current policy regarding the anthem. how to make progress on the important social issues of players. this agenda coming together will be discussed at league meetings this week. commissioner roger goodell actually invited the executive director of the association dean smith to join the meeting. according to league spokesman joe lockhart, goodell has a plan to -- player representatives using a nfl as a platform to promote -- at these meetings the
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owners will be able to review the current policy that doesn't make standing for the anthem mandatory but encourage it for all players. ultimately, it sounds like the goal for upon this batters at this meeting this week is not to impose new rules but how the nfl can create change when it comes to equality in this country. interesting to know outside of the country the nfl players protest movement is getting some support. a german soccer team is following in their footsteps. players took a knee before their game saturday in solidarity with colin kaepernick and other nfl players. the team said it did it for, quote, open-minded world. the team also tweeted an image of players kneeling with their arms linked. their message the team is this. now today's games, washington host the 49ers, one of the teams that have always had players kneel. all eyes will be on this sunday in washington. >> thank you. >> thank you. let's bring in donte'
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stallworth who played ten seasons on six teams. we know, we have been talking about how these team owners are meeting this week. i'm wondering if you could be in that meeting, if you could sit with them, what would you want to say to them? >> i've talked to some players that are actually going to be in this meeting and i think the number one thing to underscore here at the very outset is that the west virginia state board of education versus barnett in 1943, the supreme court essentially ruled that you cannot -- that an employer cannot engage in requiring someone to enengage in compulso compulsory patriotism. if the nfl try to enforce a rule that there will be a muting by the players. more importantly, christina hit it right on the head earlier. i think this is more about what both parties can do to move these issues forward and it's not about pigeon holing this
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issue into only police reform and community police reform. i've heard players talk about how they want to help -- or how they want the nfl to help them use the nfl's platform to engage in all types of different social issues, whether from specific players i've heard, whether it's women's rights issues and i've heard specifically working on the gender pay gap for a couple of players and i've heard other players talk about sex trafficking survivors and cnn has had an exclusive with nfl players that have showed that directly. nfl players, i've been meeting with lawmakers and state attorney generals and meeting with police departments angle going on ride-alongs and going to prisons to talk about their story and this has been going on since last year so the players are engaging in actions to help move the needle forward in society, so interesting a lot of people are condemning what the players are doing but really
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understand these guys have been working at this a very long time and at least the beginning of this all of the culmination of this all is going to take place next week, tuesday and wednesday, i'm sorry, in the owners meeting in new york next week with roger goodell, the commissioner. >> donte', have you gotten any heads-up on the potential solution would be coming from goodell? >> yes. the players i've been engaging with roger for a while, i would say since last year and been engaging with their owners. so i think the -- one of the main things that players wanted to have presented to them, an opportunity to be able to express and show issues that they care about on an nfl's platform. and, again, the whole thing with the players from the very beginning has been about raising awareness and promoting their issues for their specific causes. so i know that the players are specifically wanting to have the nfl maybe do some things where
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they could -- we know they have breast cancer month and veterans month, or maybe they could do a week versus police reform or a week versus prison reform or education or health. this thing is going to be brought. i'm pretty excited about what they have been able to accomplish up to this point. there has been tangible movements by the players and, again, we will see the culmination of this. it's not solidified yet but they have been working hard on this and we will see the culmination of this in the weeks to come and i think it's going to be actually from one of the league officials have told me, they said it's going to be, quote, ground breaking and the players don't want to kneel. they really don't. but they feel like they need to push forward these issues. nfl owners and the nfl are asking what can we do to help you promote these issues. what can we do to help you make you want to stand, so the nfl players, i've said to them we would like our issues to be able to be able to be promoted by the nfl. we need your help and the nfl is answering that and that is what
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the, in big part, these meetings are about next week. >> you mentioned that they don't necessarily want to be kneeling. has kneeling become so divisive that it needs to shift? i mean, you mentioned a lot of worthy causes, a lot of things that people care about that, obviously, nfl players care about. what do you see them being able to do to forward that thinking and get away from the kneeling aspect of it perhaps, and getting into what it really means and how -- i mean, very gotten involved with any charities, with any organizations that can help nfl players for fururther their cau? >> yes. specifically, i was with some of the guys when they met with lawmakers, when they went to the aclu and met with former prisoners who have been caught up in, you know, some of the worst circumstances through a prison system that needs reform. they have done a lot. but as far as the kneeling, i
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want to always note -- this is not really widely known, i don't know why, but the reason why colin kaepernick began to kneel, if you remember, he initially was signature on the bench. he began to kneel because he met with former green beret u.s. army veteran nate boyer who also played college football and nate suggested to him, this former veteran suggested to him, i think kneeling is a sign of respect. we kneel when our fallen comrades come home. we kneel very often, you know, towards the flag and we kneel in prayer. so i think you should kneel. to me that is one of the biggest misconceptions that people forgot. when i say the players don't want to kneel, they would rather see these issues come to a halt. >> right. >> so they want to the nfl to be able to help them to help promote and empower them to help move these issues forward. i think, again, you may see later today that none of the 49ers for the first time will not kneel because they feel like
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the nfl is going to take tangible steps. it will be interesting to see what happens today. >> is interesting. the 49ers are now playing the redskins in washington. we saw the vice president go to indianapolis last week. will there be a member of the cabinet or someone within this administration show up there at fedex field for another protest, depending on what the 49ers and redskins do? donte' stallworth, thank you for with us. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. "saturday night live" returned. they had vice president mike pence in their sights for this reason, for walking out of an nfl game last weekend, remember. >> alec baldwin, as president trump, took it a step further, and demand the vice president walk out of a few other places. watch. >> what about the anthem? >> it's starting now. >> what are the players doing? are they acting like little sobs? no. they seem to be respectful. wait. one of them is kneeling. >> get out of there, mike! bail! haul ass, mike! >> sir, it's october.
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they wouldn't have christmas themed cups yet. >> they would if they respect america the cups. which is merry christmas all year and show me as santa claus giving all of the children coal and coal is the future of this country. check the cups. >> the cups say pumpkin spice is back, sir. >> get out of there right now, mike! bail! >> we are inside the wedding, mr. president. everything seems very respectful. >> what do you see? walk us through it. >> okay. see the groom. he is waiting patiently at the altar. then i see -- oh, no. there is another groom! >> get out of there mike! bail! i know you hate this word. abort! abort! vo mixer, nos! >> there you have it. >> all right. harvey weinstein kicked out of hollywood's most elite clubs. some of the biggest names in movie and tv react it to his expulsion next. the opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain
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>> here to discuss is cnn senior host of "reliable sources" brian stelter. i believe in 90 years, this is the first time they have done something like this p.m. this sets a precedent they have to keep up when they say they won't tolerate sexual predatory behavior and workplace harassment. >> i wonder if a few men in hollywood or more than a few might be worried about that. the reaction to this decision is good riddance. i think loa lot of support from the industry and including harvey's brother bob. i thought this quote from kate winslet was noticeable.
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she won the oscar for the modify "the reader." she notably did not support him or name him and thank him on the stage. here is what she said about that. quote, i remember being told make sure you thank harvey if you win. i remember turning around and saying, no, i won't. no, i won't. it nothing to do with not being grateful. if people aren't well-behaved, why would i thank him? she went on to say the fact i never have to deal with harvey weinstein as long as i give is one of the best things that has ever happened and i'm sure the feeling is universal. a telling quote there from kate winslet, reacting to the news of weinstein's from the academy. talk about weinstein going to rehab maybe in europe, maybe in arizona. it's unclear if he is actually doing it or not. but the show said it shouldn't just be rehab for weinstein. here is what he said on
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"update." weinstein is reportedly going to europe for sex rehab. somehow, i don't think that is going to help anybody. he doesn't need sex rehab. he needs a specialized facility where there are no women, no contact with the outside world, metal bars, and it's a prison. >> a serious statement from "weekend update" there and police investigations we know are going in new york and in london to see if there are allegations against weinstein that could be corroborated that with within the statute of limitations meaning there could be charges in weinstein's future. we will see about that in the weeks to come. >> brian stelter, we appreciate it so much. thank you. brian is not going anywhere. you can ratch him today on "reliable sources" this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern on cnn. we have new developments to tell you about in the fight against isis. the terrorist group may lose their self-declared capital. we have a live report for you.
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take control. ask your doctor about nonprescription ibgard. u.s.-backed forces say 90% of the isis stronghold in syria has now been liberated. that is raqqs ea we are talking about. nearly 200 of their families have surrendered in that city. n ir nick joins us with more. >> reporter: we just don't know when the city will be labor rated and how long it will take and for a number of reasons. firstly, this is an incredibly fluid combat environment where there is more real information coming out from the ground sort of entirely objective and there are many different factors at play here. yes, how many of these fighters have given themselves up and how many have been allowed to leave? did they leave as some suggestions may be with their
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families or other families in toe to provide a human shield where they traveled away and where will they go and get there and are they facing screening when they come out and how many other militants did he leave behind and questions nobody can answer at the moment. what is extraordinary to see this, which many thought would be the final showdown, the most bloody chapter possibly in the fight against isis. extraordinary to see negotiations between elders from that area of raqqs and the predominantly kurdish forces doing the fighting against isis and interesting to see these negotiations yield and surrenders and the evacuation of vilve ia civilians. we have no idea of the scale and that is important. if it's big it could mean we are days toward the end of this battle for raqqa but if it's minor we could in for nasty weeks more of fighting but still dramatic changes there the last
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few days. >> the syrian army liberated or reportedly liberated another city on saturday. talk about why that is almost here. >> that is important because it, again, reduces the area that isis can operate inside of syria. another thing happening here and that is the russian and syrian forces are not far away from the u.s.-backed forces are in raqqa and a lot of questions what happens there when the fight for isis is over. does the regime move in? who take control of it? a population felt d disenfranchised and what is important happens to the civilians who are caught now in the cross fire. >> nick paton walsh, thank you so much. a california woman showing support after her home burned to the ground. how she decided to return that f favor next. you too, unnecessary er visits.
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good morning to all of you who may be waking up for us early your time there in san francisco. the bay bridge just about an hour south of where we are seeing all of these fires. people on the road there. we appreciate you waking up for us. it is a beautiful view. >> it is, indeed. >> even in the nighttime. a california fire victim may have lost her home here but you know what? she still has quite a generous spirit. >> instead of focusing on her loss, erin williamson is busy thinking about her neighbors. earlier this week, williamson watched as her house burned to the ground on live television! >> people immediately started to bring things. the essentials. but williamson says it was more than her family need so she decided to turp the conference
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room in her office as a shop of sorts. now victims can come in and take what they need at no cost. >> love victims can comee what they need at no cost. >> love it.sorts. now victims can come in and take what they need at no cost. >> love it. breaking news. ranking democrats asking dhc to investigate contaminated drinking water in puerto rico. >> reporter: great deal of concern about how much residents might have to this water. >> some of the fires that have scorched more than 220,000 acres are finally starting to get under containment. >> i got to get people to understand this is a dangerous event. she actually made it through the worst part of the whole fire. her lungs just kind of gave out. movie mogul harvey weinstein has been kicked out of the film industry's most elite group. >> men have to speak up right alongside women. >> i only met harvey when i was old and harvey goes for young. >> fighting words from former white house strategist steve
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