tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 16, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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cancer. >> to faear the world we organized, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain the last best hope of earth for the sake of some half baked nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems. [ cheers and applause ] this is unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that americans con signed to the ash hapeap of
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history. >> jeff zeleny is joining us from greenville, south carolina. >> anderson, i think it was certainly at the policies and people who have surrounded this president. we've seen senator mccain feel a new lease on life. but those words, anderson, the ash heap of history, certainly strong and striking from john mccain. it makes you wonder if he can support anything this president is going forward for as much time he has left in the senate. of course, tax reform and tax cuts, first and foremost here, but he's going after foreign policy in a way we've heard if you -- few republican senators
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do. anderson, it was extraordinary. there has been the civil war unfolding inside the erepublican party. we saw it growing in a crescendo. but the president today embracing mitch mcconnell. he embraced him today in the rose garden, but it was something that was clear that was good for both men in the moment, but it makes you wonder how long this will last. i mean, they sort of -- they cleared the ice. i'm not sure they buried the hatchet, but the reality is passing tax cuts, tax reform, is key to republicans keeping their majorities in the house and senate. both the president and the majority leader know that. >> steve bannon said he's at war with senator mcconnell and the gop establishment. how might that play out in the
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coming elections? >> anderson, that's what made it so interesting. steve bannon spent so much time since leaving the west wing several weeks ago going after senator mcconnell. over the weekend at a conservative forum, he went directly after mitch mcconnell. let's listen to what he said this weekend. the president speaking today, thereon what he said about steve bannon, so striking this relationship will work. >> there's republicans, frankly, that should be ashamed of themselves, but most of them, i tell you what, i know the republican senators. most of them are really, really great people that want to work hard and they want to do a great thing for the american public, but you had a few that really disappointed us. they really, really disappointed us, so i can understand fully how bannon feels. >> but the reality here, anderson, if you look at the map who's up in 2018, the republican senators who voted against the
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president's health care bill, susan collins of maine, john mccain, they are not up for re-election next week year, to the president will have to make a choice whether he sides with steve bannon or if he sticks with mitch mcconnell and tries to keep the republican majority sbachlkt today it looked like he was leaning towards senator mcconnell, but it is an open question here how this resolves itself. striking day in the rose garden today. to see these leaders who doesn't have an obvious respect each other. >> joining us is jason miller, matt louis and josh green. paul, just in terms of the remarks from senator kean, is there any doubt he was age at the people around him? >> no doubt. this is clearly a scripted address at the national constitution center, a formal
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location. the word that jumped out at me, unpatriotic. kean himself was tortured for our country. he's an american hero. and for him to call a policy unpatriotic -- he was running against barack obama and never used language like that. back then, there was a woman at a town hall who didn't trust barack obama and he said, he's a decent family man, a citizen i happen to have disagreements with. >> that's what a lot of republicans -- i like john mccain, but i can hear rush limbaugh saying exactly what you just said, that he didn't go nearly as hard after barack obama as his own team. >> because he thinks what the president's doing is unpatriotic. he thinks it's a half-baked
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nationalism. >> there's a sense amongst some conservatives that people like mitt romney and john mccain, they're good at beating up republicans, but they get into a general election going up against barack obama or hillary clinton, they don't take off the gloves. >> does he give cover to anyone else at the republican party to speak out if they want? >> perhaps maybe because corker has now done it. john mccain has always been a maverick. there has a lot of criticism over john mccain. he was never hesitant to go after people in his own party. he's owned the right to have the opinion he has, to say whatever he wants to say because he is a hero, and he served this country honorably. i've had many policy disagreements with kean, but that doesn't take away away from the validity of his criticism of
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the current president. everything he's saying are things a lot of folks don't have the courage to come out and say, and not enough republicans are willing to say those things. making the distinction about this nationalism populism that's effected the republican party that trump has fueled, and steve bannon has really fueled, is dangerous. it's very dangerous. there's a difference. they're cloaking this as patriotism, and it's not. there's a big difference between nationalism and patriotism. and the tribalism. >> here's the fact of the matter. senator kean was much closer to secretary clinton when it comes to foreign affairs. this global intervention ideology that the senators advocated for a number of
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decades in washington -- >> which is a traditionally republican perspective. >> but not as far as -- even if you look at other candidates that were in the republican primary this time around, they were all distancing themselves from where senator kean was. we've seen this, this is probably chapter 39 of this happening, but this is the swamp fighting book. we talked about fighting against obamacare. senator kean just fundamentally -- >> senator kean is part of the swamp? >> absolutely. he doesn't want to go along with this reform agenda. he's now at the briton he wants to be an obstructionist. at one point in his career he wanted to be a reformer, but it's clearly not the case anymore. >> i understand what this idea of the swamp is and lobbying, but what i took from kean's speech tonight was about idealism in american foreign policy. not even so much about
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interventionism necessarily, but the united states being a beacon and standing for things in the world. >> that's something trump has pushed again. >> the leaders he admired are erdogan in turkey, duterte. these are strong men, the people he's fought have been the european allies. i think that was more important. i don't see how that suggests he's part of swamp or not. he used the phrase ash heap of history. this is a phrase that the marksists used to use about capitalism. >> and reagan. >> and reagan went to the u.k. and he famously used it and said marks schism would be the ash heap of history. he's con inflating trump-style nationalism with communism is a real attack. >> he also used the phrase blood
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and soil which is important to white supremacists. >> which is what they were saying in charlottesville. >> the reason this is such a contentious issue, is john mccain perceives donald trump to be a greater threat to the united states than barack obama or hillary clinton, period, end of stoifrmt i don't think it has anything to do with the swamp. those are the basic facts. >> there's a big debate on the right taking place that was settled after world war ii and we're having it again. but the question is, what does it mean to be an american? it's a very fundamental question. if you believe that it's blood and soil, that's different than a credo philosophy where you believe we believe in ideas. there's a question, which is, when you have a lot of diversity, you have a lot of people who don't agree, we don't
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even agree if we should stand up for the national an them. >> respectfully, i think you're making it sound way to highbrow. senator kean has world cop attitude. he does not like the america first agenda that president trump supports. it's a difference in ideology. >> i do think there's a fundamental question about what is an american? is it about the blood and soil? is america a place basically for people who are white people, who are european? this is the alt-right. or is it about an idea? is it people who embrace, you know, the declaration of independents that all men are created equal? there are people who think in a creed is so esoteric, how could that -- >> we have to take a break.
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the idea first of all that it's white people whose blood has been spoiled and soaked into america seems -- >> i'm saying it's what people believe. >> it's evident. hurricane relief in puerto rico, the president tossed those beautiful soft towels in his words and asked the people there how they think he's doing. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,... ...with reduced redness,... ...thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has... requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased... ...risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have...
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kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging. the president took a pair of photo opportunities today and
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turned them into a night's worth of news. a late morning cabinet meeting where he tried to dissuade bannon for waging all-out war against the republican party. >> we have a good relationship with steve bannon. steve's been a friend of mine for a long time. i like steve a lot. steve is doing what steve thinks is the right thing. i'm going to see if we talk him out of that because, frankly, they're great people. >> a lot of great people. steve bannon, great guy. john mccain tonight, not so much in terms of the presidency sees him. back now with the panel. jason, you were saying john mccain is part of the swamp. is anybody who has served their country for the length of time he has just part of the swamp? >> no. i think what i say someone's part of the swamp, it means
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they're oppose ing a reform agenda. look at the images today with senator mcconnell during the the press conference. what this was really about was trying to push people to get on board with the president's agenda and try to get these senators moving. it's absolutely terrible we as republicans have the house, we have the senate, we have a republican president who will sign anything put in front of him and these guys can't get their act together. one thing with today's press conference everybody seems to be missing. for all this talk about an audience much one, this term we hear in washington all the time, there was an audience of one for today's press conference, and it was senator mcconnell. i think what the president was doing so was keeping senator mcconnell for this stretch for him to accomplish everything in his agenda and to get mcconnell to nod his head and agree. too many of these senators who ran as conservatives who say they are decade to reforming washington aren't on board with
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the program and in stark contrast to what their voters want him to do. >> the thumbs down? >> eused the word reform. >> he's shown his independents as a legislator. >> the swamp means the special interest takes over. the last major piece of reform legislation was sponsored by john mccain. i wrote a whole book oppositing his campaign.
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he's a reformer and american hero. >> politicians refuse to get on board with the president's agenda, which is what -- >> he happens to know more about government. >> they don't want things to stay the exact same. >> he spent a fair amount of his career locked in a problem. so it's not fair to say he's been a politician his whole life. >> what's unseemly about the attacks against kean is the fact donald trump's own record of service is one of being a draft dodger and bragging about his sexual exploits during vietnam and not serving while john mccain was being tortured in a vietnamese prison. and so i think it's a little incredulous to think that donald trump has some kind of moral authority pointing any fingers at medicine like john mccain even if we mccain is part of the
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establishment. trump has been so disrespectful that it's personal. he made comment about him not being a hero because he was captured. here's the thing that was interesting about that press conference today. i think donald trump actually gave ground. he gave ground that acknowledged that he actually needs mitch mcconnell and needs the senators in washington to actually get things done. we can criticize them for not moving things along fast enough, but by him not putting on the kabuki political theater of being best buds with mcconnell which we all know is not true at all, there is a lot of tension going on there, but they had to go out and put a good face on it. but he needs senator mcconnell to move whatever his agenda is. which he can't seem to decide on. >> mitch mcconnell was pushing donald trump's agenda, maybe not getting his accomplished, but he's voting for it. >> and so is jeff sessions.
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>> right. >> jeff has probably voted with dwrufrp 95% of the time. and dean heller could go down if steve bannon helps support his primary opponent. hatch has been a huge supporter and bannon is now apparently going to be supporting a challenge. this isn't about supporting a reform agenda. hatch is supporting donald trump's agenda. it's about ousting these establishment guys that have been around a long time. >> that's not what president trump was saying. >> mr. bannon seems to me and perhaps president trump to want a very different kind of politics in our country. >> that's right. >> driven by racial division. >> he's bragging about bulldog up the party. >> cut taxes. >> repeal and replace obamacare. >> i think that is what bannon
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wants, but i don't agree necessarily that trump moved towards mcconnell today. trump came out and sounded as if helper saying the exact say things mcconnell was saying. trump said i don't blame myself, i blame the congress. that's exactly the argument steve bannon is making, then four hours later he comes out with mcconnell and says something different. sometimes he's got a steve bannon on his shoulder and a little mitch mcconnell, depending on the time of day who happens to be standing next to him. four soldiers were killed in niger and the president just spoke about it today.
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then he said president oba-- la spoke to former clinton white house chief of staff leon panetta who said this. >> i think it would be well for president trump. we're now 10 months into his administration that rather than seeking some kind of scapegoats in the past with president obama or other presidents, that he now accept responsibility for what he does. he can figure out his own approach to how he deals with loved ones who've been lost in the field of battle. >> back now with the panel. jason, was this just a way of deflecting attention on the fact he had not said anything public about this even though he had time to play golf and watch television, to turn this into an attack on the former president. >> he could have chosen his words a little more carefully.
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>> he walked them back. he end up basically saying i'm not sure somebody told me. >> the broader point being that i don't think that any president has had 100% record of calling the family of every single fallen soldier during the time that they're in office. >> why bring this up? why is the president of the united states -- >> because i think the question the way it's being presented to him is trying to draw division on the question in try to make it seem the president wasn't doing his job. >> the question is really about why is he silent for 12 days when you have two green berets killed in ab ambush in niger: there's something we're missing that i saw today from the president. and that is some genuine emotion about how hard it is to be president. >> give me a break. >> hold on.
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>> this is the president who said he doesn't like the soldiers who've been captured. >> i think we saw some genuine emotion from the president when he said it is hard to call these folks, these families. and i think he kind of was realizing that as he was saying those words. and i think that was a very honest comment. >> jason, you know what? >> because it is. you can go google and see not every president has kaunl 100% of the families. >> he made this -- this is why. because he's incapable of empathy. what jason interprets as genuine emotion is donald trump making it about himself again. this was not about him. in everything he does, it's about him. this should have been about him
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expressing condolences for those fallen heroes, period. he had no problem doing this a couple months months ago when we lost special ops guys in yemen which he ordered. he was actually there for the arrival ceremony of one of the navy seals in dover. so this whole thing about it's too hard, that's what being president of the united states is, and it's not about him and his emotion. that's what he always turns things into. president bush met with hundreds of gold star families. he wrote letters to every single one of them because that's something as commander in chief is one of the more sobering jobs you have to do. donald trump has time to tweet about the nfl and all kinds of other things, but the fact he didn't make it a priority -- >> alice at a monaco tweeted that's an effing lie that
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president obama didn't call the families, he's a deranged animal. >> trump was talking about the difficulty of the job and the difficulty of talking to the faemgz of the fallen, but it was completely undercut by the fact he made up a lie about the former presidents and what they do. so that moment was just destroyed by what he said previous to that. it was a reporter that pushed back and immediately trump backed down. i'm wrong, somebody told me that. >> his reason for not condemning neo-nazis right away was that he doesn't like to speak without facts being in place. and then he says this thing off the cuff and tries to walk it back by saying, somebody told me, i don't know if it's true or not. maybe not. >> it's where he reveals his character as lacking.
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it is hard. president clinton we welcomed back the bodies of diplomats who've been killed in nigh robe by, and it was awful. you know what's harder, burger yo -- beforiurying your son. but he attacked the khan family last summer who laid their son on the altar of freedom. he attacked that family who still known pain he will never know, we hope. it shows just what a completely morally bankrupt man is our commander in chief. he's unworthy of the men who serve under him. >> we'll continue this discussion when we come back.
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president obama, i think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didn't, i don't know. that's what i was told. all i can do is ask my generals. other presidents did not call. they would write letters and some presidents didn't do anything, but i like the combination. when i can, the combination of a call and also a letter. >> back in 2012 citizen trump tweeted out, or retweeted an article from some blog that said president obama was using auto signature. >> it's not that he didn't call or send letters, this is the first time he's spoken about. >> it's the whole point, why 12 days go by out him even tweeting about it. >> we know trump by now. when embedded in the question is
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a perceived attack on him which there was in this question, he responds by lashing out and criticizing people, and his first instinct was to do that and criticize obama for not having done x, y, or z. you can see him expository thinking in the moment. spent the rest of the day walking it back as the facts were presented. >> then he has the audacity to say fake news about things that are verifiable facts. and he's the biggest purvey or of fake news every single day. >> i think most adults would say i'm sensing in your question a criticism, let me tell you it's been an extraordinarily busy week. rather than lashing out. >> i thought he was going to say it was a secret mission, and he can't talk much about it. this is where i as a formal
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government -- there's a lot of times i'm okay with my country keeping secrets about national security. there's a tension there. i thought that's why he hasn't talked about it. silly me, it's not that. it's because he's morally bankrupt. what the hell are these guys doing in niger? why did they lose their lives for this country? and i thought the answer was we can't really tell you because it's a secret mission and it might jeopardize other troops in the field. >> i have people that are involved in this area that i reached out to about that. the first question i had was what were we doing there. and the explanation i got was there's a new sect ofizes that's an outgrowth in this part of niger that's different from bo coe haram.
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so there was some covert stuff going on there, and i think you're right, it is okay for us not to always jump out there. biden was criticized for outing seal team 6 when they got o is a ma bin laden. that could have been it. if president trump was actually a measured, thoughtful president, he would have been briefed and prepared for it. >> all presidents take issue with previous presidents. look, i think the political left here has to be careful they don't overreach. some of the headlines there a we've seeing popped up today, the deranged animal, someone calling the president a sack of
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garbage. >> so many people watch presidents when these headlines are saying this. >> that's not a news item. that comes from the former obama official. >> people who have watched presidencies in the past and dealt with presidents who have said things that aren't always true, but with this president on a daily basis emakes shit up. why is that? why is that different from previous presidents when he gets a president like that from a journalist. and then when he's presented with the facts, he says oh, somebody told me that and backs down immediately. >> when the questions are coming in to the president, it's almost always, it goes right to -- the answer is basically given in the question, where they want to go. >> why does he lie so much and make stuff up so much?
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>> look, here's the thing. >> i know you're not him and don't necessarily speak for him but that's what we're trying to wrap our head around. >> he's not answering it in the way you want him to answer it. >> i just want him to be truthful and fact which you wua make stuff up. i don't want him to write his answers. >> if he answers it the exact way you want him -- >> no, absolutely not. it's not the exact way. >> jason, he didn't make up something he had no knowledge of. >> he went back and clarified it. >> but not really. >> if this were a runoff, we can move to the next auxiliary but why does it happen on a daily basis? >> because he's done this his entire career and never been
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held accountable for it. now he's in front of the entire world where he has people that will actually hold him accountable for the things he says and he doesn't know how to process that because it's not in his character to do so. he's been a liar for his entire life. he's a b.s. artist. when he gets back into a corner then his default is to deflect, divert, and when people call him on it, he calls it fake news. >> i agree with that. but i would also say donald trump talked for 45 minutes today, something like that, and he took i don't know how many questions he took from anybody. yes, he did revert to trump behavior, but i at least applaud him for taking all these questions. he answer questions about, like, whether or not we should have senatorial red tags -- blue slips. it was unbelievable the number of questions he answered. coming up new cnn polling
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shows how people think the president is handling the hurricanes. it took a dip after maria. we'll get an update from the town where the president throw those gorgeous paper towels at people. hink our recent online sales success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... "people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it's william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground.
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in the rain, it's hard to see any signs of improvement in the highlands just outside san juan. the roads still littered with maria's debris all the more treacherous in the downpour as weeks can be undone this literally gist happened within the last hour. a wall of fallen trees and pipes and cars came rushing down the hillside, and that mudslide made life all the more difficult for the people here because it took out this bridge. this bridge had been certified as safe recently, but now the families that live on that side are cut off. they either have to hike turnover mountain in this weather for food and supplies or forge this raging river. >> were you afraid. >> everything i've been struggling for all my life all of a sudden is gone, he tells
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me. he restores correspond vets for a living, but now his parts trailer is tossed. a few of his cars totalled by the wall of muddy water. he and his wife luz have been surviving in a house without power, burning their savings on generator fuel to keep her insulin from spoiling. life was stressful enough, but then their trickle of a creek brought the highest water they had ever seen. my son was picking up the most important things as the water was coming up just in case we needed to leave, he says. >> really? that must have been terrifying. >> this is the blue collar section of upsail guanabo the same municipality where president trump tossed the paper towels. as the mayor angel perez stood by. >> how would you describe the response of fema? >> it's been slowly, but it's
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there. they have given us water, food, tarps. so now they have changed a little. they're going to assign a couple persons directly to each municipality. i think that's the right direction >> yeah. >> so the help is coming. >> with over a thousand homes in his town damaged, he says the biggest needs are tarps for shelter and drinking water. those plumes of fuel pouring into the creek ra reminder of the health hafrz are drinking off the land and he expresses hopes the army core of engineers can somehow replace his bridges. >> now, you are brand-new in this job. >> 40 days. >> 40 days, what a baptism by fire. you were appointed by the governor after a scandal with the previous mayor. tell me about the politics. would you wish you could scream and big begging for more help from the federal government, or do you have to be careful about how you ask?
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>> we want more help, and i know for my experience is fema has given us a lot of help. we want more, we need more help. as i have meetings with other mayors, i see the desperation. >> off camera, luz tells the mayor, i voted for your party, and you forgot about us. we need water. >> have you seen fema, any aid from the federal government? . >> bill we're joins us. now, do we know why the distribution seems so spoty in some places? >> well, you saw it right there. i mean, there are over a hundred bridges out on this island, anderson, and most people are trying to keep their family alive. they don't have the luxy of signing up to volunteer and help distribute all the aid that's
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piling up on the ports. the general osty from the mainland is amazing and the president is right. there are tons of supplies and fresh water, but the infrastructure is so broken and when it's been raining for two days straight, there's just places you can't get to. this is a problem that defiez community organization. puerto ricans have done what they can in many places but the need is just great. like that flash flood, it happened 45 minutes before we pulled up and we're a month after the storm. so the aftermath is this slow motion, deadly disaster that's just as bad as the initial hurricane. >> bill wooer. glad we're there. the idea that some are saying it's turning into a katrina moment. when only the best will do... one of a kind tempur-pedic delivers. only tempur material precisely conforms
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that segment of the public. but overall i think his initial response to the hurricanes on the mainland got higher marks and then puerto rico has just erased any of that credit he got because as we just saw with that report, the island is just still devastated. >> that's because he didn't personally attack anyone in florida or texas during his hurricane response, and he didn't get into a twitter war with a mayor or governor who was waist deep in flood water trying to help save fellow citizens, which did. and he also didn't throw paper towels at people con desendingly. just the entire response to puerto rico was if the puerto rican people were second class citizens. and i think the american people recognize there was clearly a different tone in the way that donald trump handled puerto rico versus texas or florida. so, i mean, that's obvious.
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>> too we see pictures like the one we just saw that showed that leaving aside the name-calling, trump is impotent when it comes to responding to this crisis. bridges are out, you know, national guard isn't if there building things up. you don't have the kind of effort that we saw pretty consistently on tv in houston and elsewhere after those hurricanes. for whatever reason trump just doesn't feel obligated to produce that kind of support. >> it requires a bigger -- it requires a lot more resources. as he has pointed himself out, it's an island. >> in a big ocean. >> look, puerto rico has a long way to go. this is a terrible disaster. but puerto rico's infrastructure was absolutely terrible. i mean, the entire -- everything from the electrical grid to the distribution network, i mean, most of us here probably vacationed and visited puerto rico. for far too long the island has been ignored by the rest of the country and now we'll see what decades of neglect will do. i think the president has quite frankly been right when he's pointed out some of the
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challenges that have gone into this. when we talk about the numbers, the dropping approval ratings on this, this is essentially an informed ballot. if you go and run front page news story after news story for week after week and tv story after tv story saying that the president is doing a terrible job, heck, look, we've made the mayor of san juan famous. i'm sure she's gog to run for governor at this point. she shows up with a printed t-shirt somehow she finds that in the middle of a hurricane and starts attacking the president. i mean, injecting politician into this. >> he should never have attacked her. she was actually there hands on. i might -- >> where did she find eye t-shirt? >> who cares. >> by the way, there was an online -- that i made her that t-shirt. i kid you not. people thought i made that t-shirt and brought it in. i knew her size and would want to waste -- >> the final comment i do have to make on this, yes, you know, the president, i mean, obviously
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he's getting attacked on these numbers, but we do have to come together as a country and do something for puerto rico. we have a long ways to go here, and this isn't something that -- this is the time that we have to do it. and i don't think we can kick the can any further down the road. >> i was there a week ago -- it blends together. two weeks ago. they were talking about prepositioning supplies and they would be distributed. clearly it seems like from what bill weir is seeing it's just not enough. there's not enough infrastructure. >> we need to do more. you're right when you say the infrastructure before the storm is bad. it took decades for it to degrade. it's going to take decades for it to rebuild. our president doesn't have the constant i and commitment to the puerto rico people. he says these peoplement everything for them. >> he and vice president said they're going to be there to see this throw. >> after he got spanked for telling what he really thought. >> he's committed to puerto rico
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and they're going to rebuild puerto rico. >> the president's disposition from puerto rico from his initial reaction is what sticks with people. mr. president, that probably wasn't the right way to do this. then we're supposed to give him credit for coming back and saying oh, we're going to help puerto rico. you can tell that he's not committed because puerto rico can't vote for him directly. you can tell that that's how he's approaching this. it's not -- >> i'm saying this was a textbook response on their part and then they finally sent a three star general down and one of the first things he says is there's not enough troops or helicopters and more are coming down. >> there's fair criticism to be made here about some of the response and things that are going on there logistically. there's a security driesz in puerto ricoment there's a lot of things going on there. it's not the time to start blaming people in the middle of a humanitarian crisis.
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say that after people have food and water. >> i want to thank everybody. thank you so much for watching acs 360. join us tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. i'll see you this. >> the president answering questions for 40 minutes in the rose garden today and everything he said was good news, if you're donald trump. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. the president thinks his administration has done a good response from hurricane maria. >> i was very honored to see a man that i've had a lot of respect for, james lee wit of the clinton administration, the head of fema, he waive us an a plus. i just sea it just came out. and i've always had respect for him. he gave us -- he's the fema director of the linton administration. gave us an a plus for how we responded to the hurricane
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