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tv   New Day  CNN  October 25, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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flake and corker, it was a lovefest withstanding ovations and great ideas for the usa, and it was largely positive, and there was a standing ovation and the senators shied away from conflict. and two senators very outspoken, and harsh and personal criticism to the president. >> there's time for our accommodation of the unacceptable to end. >> outgoing senator jeff flake denouncing president trump's policies and behavior as dangerous to democracy, and calling on his fellow republicans to do the same. >> when our next generation asks us, why didn't you speak up, what are we going to say? >> the undermining of democratic ideals, the personal insults,
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and the flagrant disregard for truth and decency. >> undignified behavior has become excused as telling it like it is when it's really outrageous and undignified. >> we were not made great by egg saulting our worst impulses. glorifying in the things that divide us, and calling fake things true and true things fake. >> mitch mcconnell praising flake but punting when asked how he's going to response? >> what i have an obligation to do is to try and achieve the greatest cohesion i can among 52 republicans to try and achieve for the american people the agenda that we set out to achieve. >> flake sweeping indictment
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coming hours after republican senator, bob corker, also blasted mr. trump. >> the president has great difficulty with truth. i don't know why he lowers himself to such a low standard and debases the country the way he does, but he does. >> and the chairman expressing concern that the united states position in the world is suffering under president trump. >> world leaders are very aware that much of what he says is untrue. he purposely is breaking down relationships we have around the world that have been useful to our nation. >> their feud reaching a boiling point with corker responding to attacks in a series of tweets, again, calling him little, and the white house brushing off the criticism as petty while welcoming the senators to retire. >> i think they were not likely to be re-elected and the support
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is more behind the president than these two individuals. >> he is high spirits after flake's announcement, and an ally also celebrating, steve bannon added another scalp to his collection as another establishment domino falls. >> reporter: both senators are scheduled to leave the capital january of 2019, and the white house needs them to get anything important that is partisan passed. >> thank you very much. moments ago we spoke with senator jeff flake about the president's new tweet and senator flake's reasons for speaking out now. is the only reason you dropped out of the race is you had zero chance of being elected? >> it's difficult to be re-elected in the republican party right now, and in arizona in particular, it doesn't matter the policies that you adopted,
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it's if you are with the president. i can't be with the president at all times. i am sorry. i just think that when the president is wrong you ought to call him out and sometimes he's wrong, and that's what i tried to point out in the speech yesterday. >> are you an outlier, senator, in the republican party now? what about the second half of what the president just tweeted, the meeting with the republican senators outside of flake and corker was a lovefest. is that how you see it? >> i will not describe a private meeting. i can say a lot of my colleagues share my concerns that i raised on the floor and more of them will speak out in the future. i hope we reached a tipping point of some type where we don't continue to normalize by being silent the kind of behavior we have seen, and
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that's why i felt it was important to give the speech and i hope we move in a different direction. >> the colleagues that you believe will speak out, what are they waiting for? >> i think they will. i think we have hit the tipping point, and there's at some point just the weight of it just causes people to change and to say i can't take this anymore. >> but do you feel that by retiring you are surrendering somehow? >> it's tough. i am competitive and i like to fight these battles and i also knew that i could not run the kind of race that i would be proud of, and win in a republican primary at this time. the politics in that way has changed. you can be conservative on policy and it doesn't matter, it seems, as much as being with the president or not criticizing him even if you think he's wrong. we haven't entered politics like
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that before, this is something new. i did not feel i could move ahead and run a campaign i could be proud of so that's why i am retiring. >> so let's see where republicans are in this state of play. we have republican senator, rob portman of ohio, a member of the finance and foreign relations committee. thank you for being on the show. do you agree with your colleagues, flake and corker, and do you stand with them and against what the president has said and done? >> they are friends of mine, and i respect them, and my focus is how to get things done. just as i worked with president obama, and i had 50 of my laws signed into law by him, and i didn't agree with him on a lot of things, and i work with the
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trump administration, i oppose them when they opposed sanctions on russia, and you want to pick your fights because you do want to accomplish things. this week, for instance, as you know, i am working with the administration on tax reform and working with the house. this is something i feel strongly about. i think we can get something done that will help the people i represent. i am going down tomorrow for the opioid announcement because i have been pushing the president to declare a national emergency. >> has not happened yet. >> there's a meeting at the white house, and he will make announcements and we will implement what we talked about, and to me you try to get above the twitter wars and focus on the policy issue so you can get something done.
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>> let's test that a little bit. what the man says matters. how he leads matters. his sense of moral agency matters. it's not just about getting things done from a legislative capacity, otherwise we would have machines doing it. when he says i will get above the twitter war, and don't you have to have a position on what the president says? that's one of the reasons you were put in office to be a leader on many levels? >> absolutely. when bill clinton was telling the country that, you know, he did or did not do things with regard to monica lewinsky, i still tried to work with the clinton administration and get things done. >> you also talked about what he has done and the sense of the morality of it. i am asking you about this president, do you stand with senators flake and corker about it being too much, too negative and destructive? >> i strongly believe our country is polarized and too
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divided and there's blame on the right and on the left, and i think there are too many people in the country getting information only from sources on the right and left, and not realizing how to move forward as a people is getting information from the right and the left. this is an opportunity, for instance, on the opioid crisis to keep it not just bipartisan but even nonpartisan. >> i get you on the issues. you talked about opioids, and we just did a documentary on the issue, and ohio is not immune, and no question, but, again, i am not going to chase you all day on this, and i want to talk about other things as well, but you are not saying i heard what the man said, president trump, here's how i feel about it and i don't feel like it's a tipping point and i don't agree to flake and corker, can you give an answer? >> i saw this morning on tweets
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saying -- >> and said corker brought us the iran deal. you know that's not true. you know saying that is a lie, because a lie is when you know something is false and you say it anyway to deceive, and corker voted against it? >> he tried hard to improve it as well. and on the tax reform, they are for tax reform. these two senators are going to do what they think is best for the people they represent. >> but you have no opinion about the president saying those things, senator? >> of course we have to stick to the truth, and of course we ought not to say things that are not accurate about colleagues skpr, and as you may recall, i was the second senator to send something out supporting bob corker and his legislative successes, so bob has been a leader and i will
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continue to do those sorts of things. >> the president says this is the biggest tax cut in u.s. history. is that true? >> well, it depends where we end up. my hope is that we have significant tax relief and substantial tax reform because it will result in not having a negative impact on the deficit and will reduce it. it's tax relief from a static score bases, meaning if you don't take into account the growth, and we have places elsewhere leaving our states to go overseas because our tax code is so bad. this is a chance to reverse that and actually begin to bring back investment to the united states and create more jobs and higher wages. if we do that and do it right, you will have tax relief compared to what it would otherwise be, minor compared to
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the revenue. that's the idea. >> right. but the economic problem -- politics are one thing, can you get the votes. it ties in with an economic reality, when you cut taxes it will cost you money on the deficit and on the debt side, and this plan is scored as doing that in the early stages, and billing something as a tax cut, when the cuts are not waited forward the middle class, and it adds to the deficit. are those things you are okay with? >> first of all we don't know the final plan because none of us have seen that, but it will have middle class -- >> not like it gives to the top. doesn't right now, what we have seen so far. >> i feel strongly about that,
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as do others. with regard to the growth side, if you grow the economy by 1%, so instead of the 1.9% projected by the budget office, that would add $2.7 trillion in revenue. >> how do you know tax cuts would do that? >> we are talking about .4%, so instead of 1.9% growth, you have 2.3% growth. and you and i grew up in a time when we have 3.4% growth. we will have growth. no question about it. we have the highest business rate in the world right now, and we have $2.5 trillion -- >> you definitely have the money locked up overseas. you know that's a little fuzzy math when it comes to the tax burden on businesses. the nominal rate is one thing, and the practical rate is
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something else. >> the effective rate is still above the average of the industrialized country. you see the average is 22.5%, and the effective rate is in the mid to high 20s. >> it's not the worst in the world as we keep hearing from your side of the aisle. >> is it in terms of the statutory rate -- >> but they don't wpay it. >> you have to add the average, and it's about 39%. yeah, most companies don't pay it and some do. >> but some pay nothing. that's why i am saying -- >> that will change under this proposal, in other words, everybody will pay some tax which is another difference. this is something chuck schumer and i agreed with a couple years ago, to lower the rate and bring back the money and jobs, and chuck schumer wanted to put some of the money into infrastructure
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as well, to be honest, and that's fine, too. my point is this has not been a partisan issue. it was the simpson/bowls proposal. if we do it, there's no question, it will increase economic growth which will raise revenue. >> it depends on what you do. the idea of jobs, you know, the president puts it in quotes, in caps, jobs, you have lots of jobs here, and in some places you have more jobs than able bodied people, and it's about wages. the theory that we are going to give companies more money so they can pay people more, and we have not seen companies holding cash the way they are now in a long time, if ever, and they ain't paying more. the idea of giving them more money, that doesn't communicate to larger wages. >> what the congressional budget office said, and this is a
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nonpartisan group, and i look to them on things like this, and they said when you do lower the business rate, 70% will go to workers in terms of wages and benefits, and particularly with the tight labor market we have now, there's no question in my mind you will see a bump up in the wages, and we are seeing it in the last quarter after a decade and a half of flat wages and higher expenses, and that middle class squeeze is what results -- >> they definitely need help. this is identifying the problem properly, and the jobs and investment follow that. there's a recent study saying 4,700 companies would be american companies rather than foreign companies if we put this tax relief 13 years ago. >> i saw that analysis.
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we will talk about it when we get more meat on the bones. as you know, the number one reason they are going somewhere else is labor costs, and that's another conversation that needs to be had about how you curtail about a business calculous. >> there's more innovation, and more technology -- >> right. right. >> it's crazy that we have a tax code that is not serving the american worker. if you are working in a manufacturing industry working today, and it's international, you are working every day with one hand tied behind your back. >> senator, thank you for coming on the show. you are always welcome. alisyn. the senate armed services committee will receive a classified update tomorrow.
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new details about the deadly ambush in niger. they were gathering information on the terrorists in the area when they came under fire. and they will get a classified briefing by the pentagon tomorrow. senator, thanks for being here. >> good morning. >> what are your big questions about what happened in niger?
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>> the brief something today and we all have questions about what happened. you get to the bottom of it, because we need to prevent these kinds of tragedies and attacks from happening. we need to know why was this a surprise and what can we do to make sure that it doesn't happen again. at the same time we know that we should have a debate about the authorized use of military force and what we are doing in troops all over the world. we need to have a discussion and debate about that. >> did you know there were roughly 800 troops in niger? >> i did not know the exact numbers. we know we have troops in africa, particularly west africa. they are there not to engage in combat, but they are there to train and support, and troops anywhere can come under fire, and that's why it's important what kind of intelligence did we have to protect the troops we do
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have in africa. >> it's hard to know if this was an intelligence failure. what cnn has learned, military officials learned the attack happened when the team stopped at a village to enable their niger troops, and this was after they were done trying to gather their intelligence on some terrorists leaders, so they were headed back to their base. they thought they were safe by stopping at this local village. is that an intelligence failure or a tragic mistake? >> we don't know, and that's why the briefing that we will receive will be important to ask those kinds of questions. be that as it may, we know our troops can be subject to these kinds of attacks, and we need to make sure that when they do happen -- first of all, we do everything we can to prevent these things from happening, via the intelligence or other avenues for information we have,
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and should an attack happened we better make sure help comes immediately. >> i want to ask you about other political news. the washington post is reporting that the infamous dossier designed to gather dirt on donald trump, that was in part funded by the dnc and the clinton campaign. is that revelation a surprise to you? >> we all engage in opposition research and this particular dossier was funded by one of the opponents to donald trump. i think the focus should be on the russian interference with the elections, which will continue if we don't figure out a way to prevent the infearance and if there was collusion in the interference, and that should be the focus of the investigation. >> well, republicans say that is not what should be the focus,
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and what should really be the focus is this 2010 uranium one deal when hillary clinton was secretary of state because why did a russian nuclear agency, why were they allowed to get a 51% stake in the american uranium company, and republicans are in the house, and that's what they want to look into. your thoughts? >> there's a constant effort to stir the focus away from the facts, and we can't continue to have that happen, and i think the american people care about any kind of efforts to thwart our democratic processes. >> yes, but they would also care if, obviously, russians were gathering and stockpiling uranium. that's troubling also. do you feel that issue has been put to bed? are you comfortable with how the
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uranium one deal went down? >> there are so many things that the russians are doing. it's very clear every day there's some kind of another revelation. i am personally not distracted from the need for us to make sure that our democratic processes are not interfered with by a foreign country. that impacts all of us. >> you hear somebody on the republican side, saying time for mueller to wrap it up, and where is the there there. they have not proven any collusion, and those are what should end p. >> he's conducting a criminal investigation into russian interference and collusion by the trump people, and we constantly ask the people from
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the department of justice and the president and we all know that investigation must proceed. at the same time the intelligence committee and the judiciary committees have oversight responsibilities and i would want to make sure the judiciary committee is doing what we need to do especially to focus on democratic election processes and make sure those are not being interfered with the russians or anybody else for that matter. >> thank you. meanwhile, a new effort to divert attention to president trump's former rival. what about the new investigation? why now? a basketball costs $14. what's team spirit worth? (cheers)
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gop senators speaking out against the president of their own party, and new investigations into hillary clinton and president obama's
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administration. what is the bottom line? let's get it to political analyst, karl bernstein. does this matter? >> it matters to the president and to the country, and republicans in private, great numbers of them, on capitol hill have been saying they believe this president is unstable and unfit to be the president of the united states. this discussion has been going on below loud level among republicans for months now. >> isn't that the key term. he's still doing well with his party. >> the question is, will other republicans, as have corker, mccain, flake, come forward and say the national interests is more important than our immediate ideological and partisan goals. that's going to be the big question for the next few months. it also has a lot to do with the future of the republic and the future of the presidency. >> look, you heard the white
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house yesterday, and breitbart reflected this, good riddance, we don't need them. >> members of congress do that at their peril. there comes a point of national interests, we have never had a situation in which members of both parties, but particularly the president's own party, in private, believe the president is unstable, unfit, generals at the top of the command are saying the same thing, and top of the intelligence community, they are worried about this president's stability. >> and -- >> will they be like corker, mccain, flake, others? are they willing to say in public, hey, we want to put the national interests ahead. we have a president of the united states who is dangerous to our future. that's what they are saying in private and it's craven if they
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continue not to. >> isn't the answer in the new investigations? if you want to know what lawmakers are going to do, you have nunez, the poster boy with helping the trump administration with these investigations, going after clinton e-mails and the obama administration and the uranium one deal, because they are oversight deals, and that's your answer. >> no, we have two things coming together. the alleged actions of the president that may or may not be illegal and impeachable, and the other comes to the ethical questions, and the two come together about the fit. we never had a president whose fitness has been questioned in this way, including nixon who is regarded as unstable by many of his colleagues through his
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presidency. that's what these people are saying, both in private and now mccain, flake, and corker have said in public, the romper room. this is not just a partisan attack on the president of the united states. this goes to the heart of whether the president of the united states is a danger to our values and the country and our place in the world. he is an aberrant president and human being, and that's what these individuals -- if you listen to what flake said very carefully, it's about aberrant. >> the president just tweeted about jeff flake moments ago. i will read it. jeff flake with 18% approval rating in arizona said a lot of my colleagues have spoken out. really? >> a number of my colleagues expressed concerns about the direction of our politics and the behavior of the president.
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i think in the coming months you will have more people stand out. >> that's interesting, because what he's saying is they told him privately they agree with him, and the president is not wrong, they gave him a standing ovation yesterday when he had lunch with the senators. >> they are between a rock and a hard place politically. ethically they ought not be between a rock and hard place and they have to make up their minds what comes first, the country or their party and their ideology. >> why are you brushing the new investigations aside, they are going to push back with this new narrative, forget about russia and trump and how about clinton setting him up, it's really a hoax? >> that's the path to the most ideological of those republicans want to follow. it has little to do with the danger to the united states by a concern the president of the united states, as corker and the
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others are saying. let there be investigations if they are legitimate and conducted in a legitimate way, which is dubious about the investigations they are proposing about clinton and uranium and et cetera. if there's reason for a criminal investigation of that, it ought to go ahead by the justice department, by whomever. that's not the issue. hillary clinton is not president of the united states and hillary clinton is not a danger to the republic as corker and those are saying. wait a minute. this is not about on the one hand this and on the other that. this is about the president of the united states. >> but what republicans say is all of you democrats are so worried about russians buying facebook ads, why wouldn't you worried about them buying uranium and that's what we need to look into? how did that go through? do you think there's anything there that warrants a new investigation?
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>> i think that competent prosecutors ought to look at it, and they ought to look at it not in a partisan way and i think there are people in the justice department and criminal division that are not under the thumb of the attorney general or others who are partisan, if it's justified we'll look at it. but it has nothing to do with the larger question that we have never faced before as a nation, whether or not, as republicans, generals and intelligence chiefs are saying in private, the president is fit to be the president of the united states. we had watergate with nixon, a criminal president of the united states. this is an intersection of perhaps criminality, and also about fitness as a human being. fitness as a character in terms of one's character and
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competence and ability to be the president of the united states. >> thanks for being here. it's sports time. the dodgers beating the astros, and the heat. "the bleacher report" is next. and then what is this about, a bold and new face in the modeling world. dr. sanjay gupta explains in this turning point. >> mcdaniel is breaking down stereotypes as a 22-year-old model. but he didn't always want to be in front of the camera. he has a disorder that causes spa patches of his skin to lose color. at 16 mcdaniel's dad helped him find a new path before he passed away. >> my father was struggling with
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certain addictions and he sat me down one day and said i want you to be better than me. >> mcdaniel found strength through religion, and saw his skin as a gift and not a curse. >> that's when everything changed. i started to establish a self confidence. usually when people would want to take pictures of me, i would be no. now i don't mind. >> he was discovered in 2016 after posting a selfie. >> from that, photographers started to hit me up. >> now he's a model and a student at rutgers university. this is me when my purpose. i would not be where i am now if it were not for my sreut log yo. when i received the diagnosis, i knew at that exact moment, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go...i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team
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world series game ever, the dodgers pwae dodgers beat the astros and took an early lead in the series. what a game it was. >> it certainly was. and this was the hottest world series game ever. the temperature 103 degrees at first pitch. and fastest game, under 2 1/2 hours. it moved so quickly because both pitchers on their game. kershaw striking out 11 while walking none. keuchel was just as good but made a mistake in the sixth inning, and that two-run home run was the difference as the dodgers went 3-1, and take a 1-0 lead in the series. and verlander on the mound tonight, and opposite rich hill. alisyn, since coming to houston,
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verlander a perfect 9-0, and all the fans hoping he can even the series at a game a piece tonight. >> thank you for the update. a controversial way to keep heroin addicts alive. does this solve a problem or enable addiction? i want ycome on mom!t easy. go slow. ♪ let's go! ♪ mom! slow down! for the ones who keep pushing. always unstoppable.
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more than 64,000 people died of drug overdoses last year, most from heroin and synthetic opioids like fentanyl. now some places are allowing safe places for haeroin addicts to inject. >> it's a living hell. you try to do other things but it's always in the back of your mind. you go to bed at night.
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i say good night, and i keep him in my prayers and just hope that i am going to hear from him. >> the story has become a common one. donna prince's son, taylor, is addicted to heroin. right now she is sick with worry because she has not seen him in six weeks. >> do you worry about that? >> all the time. >> about him dying? >> yes. >> for the last six weeks? >> no, for 20 years. >> for 20 years? >> for 20 years my son has been a heroin addict. >> donna tells us there's a good chance taylor is here at the corner project at washington heights. it's a needle exchange, and has this one of the most controversial bathrooms in the country, a place for people like taylor come to use drugs but are also monitored and can be saved with the medication that can
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reverse an overdose. >> when taylor just told you about the bathrooms, what were your first thoughts when you heard about that? >> he is going to do it if he wants to or not, whether he will do it under the bridge or in my bathroom and do it, at least there i know that people are watching over him, and if he does overdose he's not going to die. because they are going to be able to save him. >> i think there's an acknowledgment that drug users are using bathrooms all over the place and they are dying in those bathrooms and we have a moral obligation to make sure people don't die in our building. >> liz evans moved here from vancouver, canada, where she helped found insight the home of the only legal injection sites in north america. there have been over 3 million
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visits there and not one single death. the deaths dropped by 30%, and insight users were more likely to get addiction treatment, but here in the united states this is a very gray area. >> how does a place like this exist in the sense of the interactions with the legal world and the law enforcement world? >> there are policies that exist that the state has provided to encourage access to narcan, clean surfaces, and other suggestions for how bathrooms operate in syringe exchange programs. >> hector manages the bathroom program. >> they will sit down and put all their supplies here to make sure they are preparing it, whatever substance you inject, and it's a cooker for people to use it to filter the heroin or whatever they are injecting. >> you have an intercom in here, and you can check on them and a
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timer so you can keep on the time. >> yes. >> what you are see something a provocative way of trying to reduce death from overdoses. in a year more people in the united states die from drug overdoses than from guns or car accidents. >> when overdoses happen in our bathroom, people are not dying. i have reversed 25 overdoses -- -- >> yourself? >> yes, in this bathroom and space. three of those times, he saved the live of taylor prince. and on the day we visited the corner project, he gets to see her son again. it has been a little rocky road for taylor, since then he ended up in jail for a period of time and it was in jail that he started to get treatment for his addiction to heroin, the first time speaking to his mother, donna, she said it was one of
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the best places for him to receive treatment, in jail. the life of a heroin addict and the use of the consumption rooms, how they work and what benefit they might provide. >> you and i have talked about it a bunch, you go on the streets and see people use and how they die, and it makes sense until you balance it against resistance and addiction, where they see it as enabling and weakness of character and defies the reality. >> if saving lives the priority, as provocative as it could be, places like consumption rooms having narcan available, and clean needle exchanges, and all those things save lives. it doesn't mean the counseling and rehab can't follow, it's what comes first. >> it's interesting to see that jail can save lives. sometimes that does help you get treatment. >> sometimes.
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>> and there's different paths and hopefully we are pursuing all of them. thank you. >> jail ain't a rehab, but sometimes it can work. sanjay, thank you so much. you make us better every time you do a piece. how about good stuff on the next piece?
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then his son contacted a charity that helped him get home. >> shocking and surprising and thrilling at the same time. i don't want to sound cliche, but it was like a fairytale. >> it was. because right now that's a fairytale ending for people trying to get it out of the place. >> thank goodness he made the wedding. great to see you guys this morning. thanks so much. it has been a busy 24 hours, hasn't it? so let's get to it. good morning, everyone. top of the hour. i am poppy harlow. >> i am john berman. the president calls his relationship with senate republicans a lovefest, but to quote the word lovefest, i don't think it means when you think it means. >> every morning, case in point, jeff flake fresh off his


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