tv Wolf CNN October 26, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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only fleet enemas feature the lubricated gentle glide tip, for comfortable relief in minutes. not hours. fleet enemas. the start of fast relief. get your coupon in sunday's paper. >> wherever you are watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining us. explosive revelation data firm news wikileaks for access to hillary clinton's e-mails. was it legal and who knew? code names and captures. a classified briefing here on the niger ambush and we are learning about a secret operation involving the team and a terror leader. five decades after the jfk assassination, president trump expected to release highly anticipated government files on what happened. you are going to hear what to expect.
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stand by. let's start with a new revelation about the 2016 presidential election here in the united states. sources tell cnn a company linked to the trump campaign reached out to a controversial wikileaks founder julian assange in an attempt to dig up dirt on hillary clinton. the target was clinton's e-mails as her time as secretary of state. kaitlyn, what more do we know about the company and its links to the trump campaign and has there been reaction so far from the white house? >> wolf, we know this is a data firm hired by the trump campaign in the sumpter of 2016. what we learned yesterday is that the ceo of the company reached out to the found onner of wikileaks, julian assange in hopes of obtaining the e-mails from hillary clinton's from when she was secretary of state on her server. clinton argues they are private in nature and we know yesterday
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assange said he rebuffed the request from cambridge an lytica. the white house is not responding beyond referring to back to the trump campaign. michael glassner who is the expectative director put on a statement distancing themselves from this firm that reached out to wikileaks saying they relied on the republican national committee for voter data. what this really shows is someone working on behalf of the trump campaign reached out to wikileaks for political gain, wolf. >> they expect $6 million with this firm to get information and jared kushner, a senior adviser in the campaign, the president's son in law bragged about the use of this firm in that interview after the election, right? >> yeah, that's right. they did. we saw the president repeatedly refer to wikileaks on the campaign trail saying i hope you guys can help me find these
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33,000 e-mails. what this raises are fresh questions about how involved the trump campaign was on this. >> why that statement did not reveal all of that information from the trump reelection. the president is about to make a major announcement about the opioid crisis here in the united states. what will we hear and what does it mean? >> in the next hour, the president is going -- -- [ no audio [ ] [ no audio ]
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hopefully reaching a conclusion here fairly soon. at least something we can begin to show the american people to give them more clarity. it's my sense that anything remotely related to something like that would be a part of that endeavor potentially. beyond it, i have chosen not to comment on media reports in the midst of the investigation. i want the facts to be out no matter where they lead and people can reach their own conclusions. we have to get the facts out there first. >> you don't regard the russia investigation as a hoax, do you? >> i think people recall back in october when i was running for reelection, i was hoping republicans wouldn't be using any of the stuff being put out there. i felt it was the work of a
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foreign intelligence agency used undermine our election and i told people today it's them and tomorrow it could be us. i felt this was a serious thing and we will look at it. i don't think there is any doubt that russian intelligence tried to divide us against each other and play an influence in the direction of our elections. on that issue, there is no doubt. on the other issues like collusion and the like, that's what mull mueller is looking at. what i want is simple. get to the truth and lay out the facts and we go from there. >> that's a good point. let me get a quick reaction to the dossier in the news all of a sudden. it has been confirmed that the clinton campaign and the democratic national committee funded the research for the dossier. we know and president trump himself confirmed this yesterday that the research was actually started first by an unnamed republican. the president indicated he knows who that republican is.
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do you know and i have to ask you the question, was it your campaign? you were running for the nomination at the time as well. >> i don't know who it was. this thing about the dossier that you are discussing, all those press accounts, they make it clear that the work that mr. steel did on the doszler didn't start until april or may or june after the primary was over. that was the clinton campaign. as far as if it was my campaign, it wasn't. i was trying to win. if i had anything against trump that was relevant and credible and damaging, i would have used it. i didn't have it. >> your campaign never funded the research and you are right. the research was done before christopher steel, the former kritish spy who got involved. your campaign had nothing to do with it, right? >> with that group? absolutely not. i think that is abundantly clear
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from all the reporting that it wasn't a campaign-driven thing. we will see where it all leads. >> the russian sanctions bill that passed by a lopsided 98-2 vote, pass the houz 419-3. before the vote, you said you didn't think president trump would have a problem with new sanctions on russia even though he trong she opposed the legislation and reluctantly signed it saying he didn't have the votes to override the congressional veto. we are past the deadline for the white house to act on the sanctions to implement the lu. it hasn't happened yet. douk the president has no problem sanctioning russia. >> he told me he wouldn't have a problem and they did have a problem, but they signed it anyway. that's called the executive branch. the job of the executive branch is to execute and carry out the law. he had a choice to veto or sign
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it. he signed it and now it's the job to implement it. they haven't been able to identify you will the companies and my response would be sanction the ones that you know and add new ones later. i think they need to execute the law and do it and they are already late in doing it. i don't believe that it is legitimate to argue i'm not going to execute it because i don't like it. >> some of your colleagues are recommending step that is the senate can take if he continues to slow walk, implementing the law. what would you do if he doesn't do anything. there is speculation that he doesn't want to do anything after he meets with vladimir putin in asia in november. >> laws need to be followed and if the law was signed by the president, the president has an obligation to execute the law. if there was a reason why he can't, i will be open minded about that, but the law should be execute and if they don't, that's speculation. i'm not going to say they are
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not, but if there is something congress can do, i support sanctions. were you aware of the size of the military footprint in niger, almost 1,000 military troops. >> the families are owed more than they have gotten. as far as what we bring it's not much. we have more information later today. i'm not sure it's what i can share in the press. i do believe the family deserve answers to what happened. so do the american people by the way about what happened. for two reasons thompson bring closure and to make sure we are not repeating mistakes to something like this happening again. >> do you support the senate passing and a new authorization of military force? >> so long as it's properly crafted that authorizes us to go after terrorists. i think if you limit it geographically or limit it in
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terms of the names of the groups, they change names all the time. isis is a spin off and it was originally al qaeda that started the new organization. the same is true for geographic limitations. these groups know where they can go. as we see now, the fight against radicalism has spread to multiple continents. we need the ability to reach them and degrade them wherever they are. >> senator colleagues have stepped now to seriously question president trump. the push back strongly on both of those senators. you are calling it a moment of realignment for the party. where do you stand in this? >> i called it for both political parties. have the statement that has to be taken in. we are living in a time of changes and economic
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realignments & everybody. the media is having to reinvent itself. and to sort of deal with the new realities. within the republican party, there is a debate about what the crux of the party is and what it should stand for. a lot of different views and issues. i would argue the same thing is happening. all of the energy seems to be in the bernie sanders wing of the party. that's not where joe biden or bill clinton came from 25 years ago. this is happening everywhere. it happens when you have a president in the majority, you will get more attention on the internal debates. >> let's talk about tax reform. it's a big issue. the house followed and passed the budget. now you can go forward and make major changes with only 50 votes in the senate as opposed to 60 votes. you are working with mike lee for a major expansion of the
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child tax credit as part of this overall reform. what is included and what are you going to do? >> if we don't make it refundable against payroll packs, the middle class will have a tax increase. not break even or a tax cut. the president is not going to sign a tax increase on working families. that bill wouldn't pass. we either put at this time in and it passes or it doesn't get in and it won't pass or he will veto it. i know it's going to happen. we have to make sure it's crafted appropriately. >> will you support changes in the 401(k)s tax deductions as far as retirement plans which are very popular with the middle class? >> i'm not sure that's a serious proposal or something they are floating just to see what the public reaction to it is. there is a litany of what they call tax treatments within the code that added about $4
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trillion. there is a let of them. that's one of hundreds and hundreds of items that people are discussing. i don't think they settled on anything like that. we will see the entire package. i promgs you this. tax reform will not have everything i want. it won't have everything that is perfect, but in a constitutional republic, you don't get everything. does it make it better or worse? if we put together a tax reform that makes this better for the country or economy and competitiveness and working families, i am going to vote for it. we must do tax reform. even for the national security. >> cuba claimed that they were not involved in the sonic attacks on american diplomats and all of the allegations are science fiction. what do you to the response? a couple dozen diplomats are suffering from perhaps permanent
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ear damage. >> it's not science fiction that people are hurt badly. now either the cuban government did it or know who did it. havana in particular and these places where the attacks are happening are some of the most closely monitored places in the world. the idea that someone could carry out sophisticated attacks against the americans, if you are an american doip lo mat and you travel to cuba, you are being monitored. i they are watching you. the idea that someone like that can be attacked upwards of 20 people and the cubans didn't know who did it is absurd. it's ridiculous. if they didn't do it, they know who did. you write that the u.s. government in your words needs to ensure robust security measures are in place to keep
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americans safe. what are the fierce? the possible threats that you are concerned about americans boarding flights at havana to fly to miami or new york? >> the same as anywhere else on the planet. when you fly in from a foreign airport, you have to meet certain requirements. we respect that and make sure that's the case. that hasn't been the case. they tell us they do, but there is no follow-up. why should flights from cuba be different than flights from the bahamas or anywhere else in terms of meeting standards? i don't know how you justify that. >> senator rubio, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> and just coming into cnn, lawmakers wrapping up a briefing on the investigation into the niger ambush as we learn why an operation to capture and kill a terror leader was canceled. for decades many of the government files on the jfk
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assassination remained cloiftd. president trump expected to release the documents you will hear what we are learning and what it means. kim jong un regime issues a new warning to president trump as nuclear tensions clearly rise. stand by. if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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to the trump campaign in an attempt to dig up dirt on hillary clinton. now to white house reporter kaitlyn collins. who more do we know about the company and has there been a reaction from the white house? >> we will be hearing from the president live. >> thank you so much. we will be hearing from the president live
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they don't have all the resources they need. particularly about surveillance and drones. another question is just how the position of these forces were tipped off and how and when to isis forces that led to this pretty sophisticated ambush they ran into. deadly ambushes. listen to what senator tim kaine had to say. >> i'm interested in how such a well executed attack occur? i think it clearly would have required advance planning and knowledge about where the troops would be. >> our understanding to this point was that when that team stopped at aville anj as they were returning to base to replenish supplies, when they left the village, the concern was they might have been delayed and it's the belief of the military and it was a pretty
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sophisticated ambush that included heavy machine guns and mortars and rpgs that require time, planning to get those forces and that weaponry in place. did they need more time than getting a kip off for the villages. there appear to be unanswered questions and we could from senators, the military said it will take 30 days before they have final answers. >> we want to learn lessons so it doesn't happen again. let's discuss all of this. the secretary william cohen is here. thanks very much for joining us. what's your reaction to the new information? >> it doesn't surprise me. when you deploy your forces even if they are only there for training and support missions, they are in a dangerous position and you need reinforce ams on the ready to take care of
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anything that might happen like this. that's something that the senate and the house want more information about. i'm sure secretary mattis wants more as well. >> the president said he did not give authorization for this mission. he said he trusts the generals and letting the generals decide what to do. is that normal? what's your reaction? >> normally the commander in chief would have briefing presented to him on a regular basis. the president said he doesn't like to read the daily briefing. not with standing that, he wants to give the military more latitude in terms of operations. that's fair enough provided you accept responsibility when things go wrong. the president can't be involved in detail. he should have a daniel awareness of the missions we are on. is it really critical to our safety or that of our allies as
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a part of counter terrorism? what are the rewarts and the risks? what are the resources necessary to carry out the operations? they should all be propertied before we engage in a mission like this. i'm sure they have been. the question is no, he can't know every issue that's on the table, but he has to accept responsibility. when they are right, he gets credit and he has to assume the responsibility. >> there are about 1,000 troops in niger. maybe 6,000 in africa. isis affiliated groups and they are gaping strength. these are dangerous missions. the pentagon calls what the personnel are doing training and assisting. that's not necessarily completely honest. is it? they are doing more than training and assisting if they are going out on a mission to kill leaders. >> were they part of the mission to capture and kill? it's not clear from what i heard that that was the original
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mission or a change. if they are going to be involved in capture and kill missions, they need a different force component and a different plan. you may have to have more people and can't be a limited number of people in a country that size and expect not to run into difficulty. a lot of questions have to be answered. i'm sure they will be. senator mccain will get that and mattis will provide it as well as chairman of the joint chiefs. >> even forces from niger were going out to kill a terrorist leader and they were assisted in that operation by u.s. green beret-led forces, that's more than just training and assisting. they are a power to the operation. >> that's part of it. they may be providing intelligence and identifying where the individual is. training is not behind enemy lines so to speak and showing them how to operate. it is how to carry out
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effectively these counter terrorist missions. it may involve k579ure and kill, but it's traffic in terms of the resources you provide for men and women out there. >> you were u.s. senator from the state of maine. should congress pass legislation authorizing for theus of force in africa and elsewhere? >> congress should call a series of meetings and tell us what the missions are. we want to play a role. this is not carte blanc to engage over the world. by way of example, there is a proposal to have congress really be involved in saying we are going give you authority. you can't act on a preemptive or preventive basis on your. that's contrary to the constitution as far as i'm concerned. >> a lot of people are saying
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they need to pass this. thank you for joining us. >> a firm used by the trump campaign asked for access to hillary clinton's e-mails. was it legal and are they standing by to join us live. president trump expected to release highly anticipated files into the jfk assassination that have been classified for decades. i will speak live with the agent who jumped on jfk's car in dallas that day.
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data an lytics company working for the trump campaign contacted wikileaks seeks access to e-mails connected to hillary clinton's campaign, specifically involves hillary clinton when she was secretary of state. how significant is this? >> the extend to which that is proven will be the biggest connection that has been created between cambridge an lytica and the trump campaign and wikileaks and the russians. it is explosive the extent to which that will be confirmed. >> why is it explosive? >> it brings to bear the relationship that existed. we have the director of the cia, an appointee of president trump who has said that wikileaks is an intelligence agency, a hostile intelligence agency that
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issed aed and a betted by russia. this is a situation that will draw much closer the potential that the campaign was working with wikileaks and working with russia during the campaign. >> what do you say to those who draw comparisoes to what hillar clinton's campaign to what the committee did in funding this political consulting group, this firm fusion gps who had retained a former british spy to come up with that dossier? >> so as i recall he was first hired by never trump or a republican group. >> let me interrupt. christopher steel was not involved when a republican started funding. others were involved, but not christopher steel himself. that's what we are told. >> moving forward, it was
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christopher steel who in the summer of 2016 was so concerned about what he was finding that he trangz forred this information to an fbi agent in rome, it appears. this was more than opposition research. christopher steel is a highly regarded mi 6 agent and he had great credentials. we evidently had known him for a long period of time. the tact that it was transferred and it was the fbi that continued to look at it, shared it with president obama and then shared it with president-elect trump was i think good evidence and strong evidence that they were quite concerned with the evidence that had been developed by christopher steel. >> christopher steel was a former mi 6 agent being the brit irk equivalent of the cia when he was working on this.
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he was no longer in mi 6. the whole notion of the dnc paying for all of this information for the research that led to the dossier and not acknowledging it at the time, do you have a problem with that? only now are we learning that they were directly involved in funding it earlier. we wanted in january that democrats who supported hillary clinton were involved, but not the clinton or democratic national committee. >> this information is am can be out as it is apparent that it was funded and should have been disclosed at the point when they were questioned about it. opposition research is not unusual. we not only do opposition research on opponents, but on ourselves to determine what the opponent might find out about us. that is typical in campaigns both at the state and local level and certainly at the presidential level.
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>> opposition research is done throughout all of the republican campaigns and democratic campaigns. the only point is maybe the dnc and hillary clinton should have confirmed the time that they were responsible for funding that operation. you are on the house intelligence committee, congresswoman investigating the overall russian medaling in the presidential campaign. there was another announcement on the operate committee investigation under way into the obama era uranium deal that was enacted back in 2010 giving the russians access to a large part of the u.s. uranium stockpile. a big controversy over that right now. here's the question. is the intelligence committee getting off track or is this part of the overall investigation? >> this is part of the distraction campaign that i regret has been one of the areas that the chairman of the committee has engaged in for
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sometime. our job is to look at the russian engagement in the election and to what extent there was engagement by the committee of donald trump. now shifting and looking at another situation that has been debunked by a lot of fact checkers that hillary clinton was one of nine people that served on the committee that looks at foreign investments. she never attended them and it's always the president that has veto power and the contributions that were received by the foundation were made by an individual who had sold his interest in uranium 1 in 2007. this was a much later period of time in 2010 when this actual exchange went through. uranium 1 has now a russian
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interest, but the uranium cannot be exported out of the united states and is not even enriched to the level of nuclear status. >> i have to wrap it up, but what are you accusing them of doing? he recuse said himself from the russia investigation into the medaling into the election. he is leading the investigation into the uranium one issue. what are you accusing him of specifically of doing? >> i don't want to say i'm accusing him, but it would appear he is engaged in trying to shift the focus of our committee and we are going to reject that. that is not what we are charged to do and i think it's important that we continue our work like the senate is doing. the senate appears to be working more closely in a bipartisan fashion. er regret it appears that our committee is finding it more difficult to do.
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>> jackie spear of california. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> coming up, thousands of documents regarding the assassination of john f. kennedy declassified and releasing what is in them. stand by. he was a secret service agent for president kennedy and he was there that day in dallas. you see him here live. he is joining us when we come back.
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it happened more than 50 years ago. experience theories surrounding the assassination of president kennedy have not stopped. some of it may be put to rest following the planned release of the archives roars on the investigation. it's supposed to happen later today. it happened at the last moments of president kennedy's life in 1963 in dallas. the numerous investigations were
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some of the most secret and public events in modern history. we want to bring in my next two guests. he's the author of a cruel and shocking act. he is the author of five presidents and my extraordinary journey with eisenhower, kennedy, johnson, nixon, and ford. he served as a secret service agent from 1958 to 1975. he was walking in back of the car on that fateful day. he left on to the back of the limousine in an effort to prevent the president and mrs. kennedy and saving the life of the first lady. thank you so much for joining us. lots of personal history here. what is so important about the thousands and thousands of pages that might be released later today? >> perhaps we will find out the motive or to answer the question
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why. that's one of the more important things to myself. the other thing is that the more material they hold back, the more suspicious people become that they are hiding something. i don't think they need to do that. i think it should be released. >> i'm looking for information that suggest the government knew more than about this man, lee harvey oswald. a lot suggested he was a threat and if they acted on it, maybe the president would have survived his trip to dallas. >> he went to the soviet embassy and the cuban embassy. is there information that could come out about what the cia or fbi or other agencies that they might have known about his intent? >> we were never provided any information on oswald until after the fact. >> you never heard his name
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before the assassination? >> it was not in our records. >> that's correct. they were in the dark. it turns out that the book the cia and the fbi knew before the assassination, oswald who was a supporter of castro was meeting with cuban and russian spies and other people who had reason to want to see kennedy dead. >> there is a possibility they were held up for 53 years because there is sensitive and embarrassing information involving the cia? >> i would assume that's true. information they would prefer not to have revealed and sources they had and information that they did have at the time. >> some people in the intelligence community to this day say by releasing this information and you have done a lot of research could compromise their sources and pths.
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>> after 54 years, there can't be anything they did to keep secret. especially with the murder of the president of the united states. they are entitled ton how that happened and secrets are being kept. they going to release everything or will there be classified documents and redacted information based on what you are hear something. >> under the law prompted by the movie, everything is supposed to be released within 25 years and that's today. we should have every document and every word. we don't know what's going to happen. >> you want it recreased and you were there on the scene. you remember that day. obviously very, very vividly. you want it released? >> absolutely. want it released. you going to read it or go through it or watch it or study it? >>. >> i will have to, but it will take time because there are thousands and thousands of pages. >> we have a team that will go through all of these documents
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warning for the united states. top diplomate in pyongyang tells cnn country threat of possibly conducting a hydrogen bomb test over the pacific should be taken literally. in cnn exclusive looks at why north korea could actually carry out its threat. will? >> reporter: wolf, impression i'm getting on the ground here in pyongyang is north korea seems more likely than ever to
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actually go through with this threat that was made at the united nations last month to detonate a nuclear device something that we haven't seen nearly 40 years ago. for most of us it would seem counter intuitive. why would north korea do something so provocative and risky on so many levels. but you have to understand the mindset here in north korea about nuclear weapons. it's very different how we view it in the united states. here they think bolstering will actually bring about peace and stability by provide ago deterrent against the united states which they view "a" as a enemy. if they prove to the trump administration by detonating this nuclear device that in fact the u.s. will back off and stop in their view bullying them and perhaps sit down and talk from a position almost as equals. balance of power is what the north koreans call it. but there is very deep concern from officials in washington
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i've spoken with in the last week, from a number of people who are watching the situation on the korean peninsula, that this could take this region down a dangerous road from which there may be no return. because simply unknown how president trump and his administration would respond to a provocative act such as this from north korea. and of courses the other big question is timing in which president trump will be visiting asia in last than two weeks. >> reporting from us from pyongyang. thank you. president trump expected to declare the opioid a public health emergency as announcement moments away. that's coming up. and cnn live on the border where eight pro ttotypes of the president's wall. we have new information. stand by.
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hi there i'm brooke baldwin you are watching cnn thanks for being with me. live pictures at the white house. watching and waiting to see the president of the united states expected to declare america's opioid epidemic public health emergency. also hearing as well from first lady melania trump so stay with us. moments ago police released new video showing who they dubbed this person of interest, this person is seen running on
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