tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 6, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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$107.00 at...doggie lovers warehouse? no. i would never. "doggie lovers"? please! you know me. i don't even know where that is! look, i'm replying deny. see? oh, come on! [phone rings] hello? wells fargo. i did not make that purchase. i didn't do it! i'm so glad you caught that. uh huh. of yesterday's tragic in south texas. we begin with another surprising development in the russia investigation. this just broke. manu raju joins us with what he's learning. what's going on, manu? >> this is after carter page testified for nearly seven hours last week before the house intelligence committee. we're now getting a first glimpse who what he said behind closed doors.
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one of the things that the committee did focus on was this trip that carter page, the former trump foreign policy adviser took to russia last year in july 2016 during the heat of the campaign season. one of the things that we are now learning is that carter page floated the idea of then-candidate donald trump taking that trip indeed, saying this in an e-mail to jd gordon of the trump campaign saying i have another idea, if trump would like to take my place, of course, i would be more than happy to yield this honor to him. at the same time we're learning a little bit more of who he talked to. he spoke according to his sworn testimony, cory lewandowski, and jd gordon about this invitation.
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he told jeff sessions about this trip even as jeff sessions didn't disclose that to the committee. page suggested that he just mentioned sessions in passing, but he also told sam clovis, who was then a national campaign chairman of the trump campaign, and clovis himself made him sign a nondisclosure agreement as part of this campaign. now, when he was on this trip, anderson, one thing we have now learned is that page many met with a deputy prime minister of russia, one of the senior officials in the kremlin. this is significant because page for long publicly said very that he did not meet with anyone on this trip.
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he downplays this meeting. at the same time, he said this trip to moscow was not campaign related, but he e-mailed the campaign afterwards saying pretty clearly that he would be willing to brief them on it and also ask the campaign ahead of time was there anything they suggested him to say during his speech to help with the message of the trump campaign, so that's raising questions from lawmakers after that testimony, anderson. >> talk about how carter page's story has changed over time about this trip he took to moscow. when i interviewed him, he said he was just meeting with professors and that's really what it was about, had nothing to do with the campaign. but if he's -- do you know how long this meeting with this russian official was? in every interview he kwibld about what a meeting actually is, just saying hello to somebody, is that a meeting? was this a sitdown?
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do we know more details? >> he describes it in his testimony as an innocuous interaction, something that sort of happened almost in passing. he doesn't get into detail, but questions were raised because in this testimony he initially said he didn't meet with any government officials, but then he was presented with an e-mail that he wrote on july 8th to senior trump officials talking about some incredible insights and outreach he received from senior members of the presidential administration here, and that raised questions didn't you just say you didn't meet with any officials and page says that he did. he's referring to the deputy prime minister of the russian federation. again, he's downplaying those meetings and he blatantly denies he did anything wrong and he was
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not involved in any collusion and he rails against the obama administration for getting a surveillance warrant to listen in on his communications last year. nevertheless, that question about that meeting he had raising some questions as well as his efforts to try to brief the trump campaign and get direction from the trump campaign about what to say when he went to russia, anderson. >> fascinating details. manu is going to go through all these documents. now to texas and everything we're learning about the deadliest church shooting in american history. a man walked into first baptist church in sutherland springs, texas, and killed 20 people. we are not mentioning his name or do authorities tonight. brian todd is on the scene. what are you learning about the
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shooter? >> reporter: some new information we've been able to put together from authorities and others, just paint ago portray of this killer who was a young man with a history of domestic violence and had a litany of things compiled against him over the years. there was clearly a conflict between the two families, meaning his family and his inlaws, specifically between him and his mother-in-law. officials telling us today that he had developed anger toward his mother-in-law and issued threats to her, that he sent threatening texts to her. one official telling us the mother-in-law received a text the morning of the sunday shooting, but the nature of that exact text has not been revealed yet. we were told by authorities that the inlaws did attend the first baptist church, they were not there at the time of the
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shooting. they got there after the shooting. we're told his wife sometimes attended church there. in addition, anderson, he has a history of domestic violence we've been reporting on, the assault and battery charge while he was with the air force that led to a discharge for bad conduct. also we learned of the charge of animal cruelty when he lived in colorado in the colorado springs area in august of 2014, a neighbor called and reported he was abusing a dog, a husky he was beating around the head and neck area and dragging the husky. the shooter denied the charge at the time but assessed summons to appear in court but he never received jail time three years ago for that incident. the portr a man with resentment towards his inlaws and not averse to issuing threats, even to his own mother-in-law. >> there were two people who
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rushed to engage the shooter. >> that's right. two good samaritans came upon the scene. as he was emerging from the scene, two samaritans confronted him, one specifically had an assault rifle similar to the one the shooter was using. they exchanged gunfire. and that man described hiding behind a car exchanging gunfire with the shooter. then the shooter took off in his own vehicle. another man pulled up in a truck and the man who engaged the shooter flagged him down, got in the truck, and the other gentleman described the scene. they chased after him for ten to twelve minutes. they called for him to get out of his car, he did not. that's when authorities believe he took his own life. he already suffered wounds according to officials from the samaritan to the torso and leg.
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even at that point he was disabled. >> heroic efforts by both of them. more on the killer's violent past. his court martial conviction and whether that information found its way onto a dab db that might have prevented this individual from obtaining firearms. tell us what he was accused of doing and convicted of doing in this court martial. >> we've seen the documents pertaining to his conviction in this court martial in 2012 where he was brought on assault charges against his then-wife and stepson. he was accused of assaulting their stepson so violently that the force used in that assault could have resulted in death or bodily harm. there were other charges that involved aiming loaded firearm at his-then wife. there were two incidents of that and other firearm incidents which were dropped.
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he was sentence today 12 months in a military prison in california. after he got out he was discharged under a bad conduct discharge and was separated from the air force. again, those very serious assault charges the domestic violence charges, he was convicted. >> because he was convicted, he should have been pro-inhibited from buying auto firearm, correct? >> yes. he's supposed to be referred to a national database to prevent anyone who's been convicted from ever purchasing a firearm. the air force today acknowledging it doesn't appear the office of special investigations at holman air base put that entry point into the d raising questions as to has this ever happened before. the air force is launching a review to see how exactly his name was not put into the database and how he was able to
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continue to purchase framz. the department of defense is launching their own review into this issue, looking at previous cases to see exactly what went wrong here and how someone convicted of domestic violence was allowed to purchase multiple firearms. >> ryan brown, appreciate that. there's the ongoing story that won't be answer by investigations or new procedures that reality is the incredible loss. one wanted to be a neoicu nurse. i spoke with her mom, charlene, and sister, cami. >> tell me about hailey. what kind of a daughter was she? >> she was amazing. she was very vibrant. she had a great future ahead of her. she had big plans. it was all cut short. >> she wanted to be a nurse? >> she wanted to be a nurse in the nicu because she loved to work with babies.
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>> was that something she always wanted to do? >> yes. and she couldn't wait to graduate high school so that she could start her future. >> cami, how would you describe hailey? what kind of sister was she? >> she was kind of annoying. she was really sweet. whenever you needed something, she was always ready to jump up and do it for me. >> what else do you want people to know about hailey? >> she was amazing and we're going to miss her. >> how do you deal with something like this? >> i don't know. we're trying to figure it out. a piece of me is gone. we'll never be the same. >> cami, is there anything else you want people to know about
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your sister? >> not really, just that she was really sweet and she was the best sister anyone could ask for. >> a gofundme page has been set up for the family. hailey krueger, texas church tragedy. the goal, 15u$15,000 to help wi expenses. more on the killer and the man who kpanexchanged gunfire. he spoke with our affiliate news in northwestern arkansas. >> the people of that church, they're friends of mine. they're family. and i heard a shot, and i knew that probably represented a life. i was scared to death. i was.
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i was scared for me and i was scared for every one of them. i was scared for my own family that lived less than a block away. i'm no hero. i am not. i think my god, my lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done. and i just wish i could have gotten there faster. but i didn't know, i didn't know what was happening. >> extraordinary what he did. steven will ford traded gunfire with the killer and as he fled wanted to continue the chase, had no vehicle, which is where johnny langua johnny lang ford came in. >> johnny, what you've done is extraordinary. walk me through what happened. i know you were pulling out of
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the gas station when you saw the shooter. >> yes, sir. actually i had pulled out of the gas station and taken side street that led to the residential street to the intersection where the church is. and hybrthat's when i saw the shooting start and i stopped to see what was going on. >> and what did you see? the man who was firing his weapon at the shooter, he came up to your truck. had you seen him before shooting at the shooter? >> no. i had seen the shooter coming from about where the cars were parked at the church attendees vehicles were. on the opposite side of the road i had seen mr. will ford coming and shooting back with his rifle. >> so he came up to your vehicle and explained what had happened. and what did you say? >> he very briefly explained
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what happened and he got in and said follow him, follow him, and i said let's go. >> you didn't have any hesitation? >> no, sir. >> how long do you chase the shooter for? >> it was anywhere from, like, 10 to 13 minutes because it was around 11 or 13 miles. it was roughly a mile a minute. we were in heavy pursuit. every time i looked at the speedometer it was 95. >> were there a lot of cars on the road. were you weaving in and out of traffic? >> it's a small country road. there was traffic, but there was a bit of weaving, yes, sir. >> finally when you find the vehicle again, how did it all come to an end? >> we had gained on the vehicle
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enough and we got to keep up with him for a while until finally he started to slow down. we thought he was going to come to a stop, but when he slowed down, he just took out a street sign and from there he sped up again and lost control of his vehicle hitting the guardrail. and then from there it went into the bar ditch. >> and then what? >> and then once he hit the bar ditch i got close enough that i felt safe, but we could still be in range to see him but still be safe if he came out wield ing a pistol or anything. the second i stopped, mr. will ford jumped out, mounted his rifle on my head, aimed it at the vehicle and was telling the guy to get out, get out. there was no movement in the vehicle after that. the man never got out. there was never any gunfire exchanged. about the same time we stopped
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more traffic was coming, so i had to go from the safety of the vehicle to stop traffic just in case there was going to be any cross fire. >> so you were exposed? >> briefly, yes, sir. >> how soon did the police get there? >> they responded very quickly, especially coming from another county. they were there within five to seven minutes. >> i assume a lot of officers had to respond to the church. did you call 911 or either of you call 911 while you were driving? >> yes. i called dispatch once he crossed the intersection over 87 from the which you need to let them know we were northbound 539 in pursuit of the shooter's vehicle. and i just -- i kept them updated where we were and where he was. from my brief knowledge, you know, it seems that cops were all going to be called to the church and not -- i didn't
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assume anybody had seen where the driver went. >> johnny, knowing what you know now, would you do the same thing over again? >> i would do it 100 times over, sir. when we come back, president trump speaks out about the shooting in terms of mental health, not guns. reaction from minnesota senator al franken next. jay chooses to run every day.
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a guns situation. >> i spoke about that with democratic senator al franken just before air. here's that conversation. >> when you heard the president say this is a mental health situation, it's not a gun situation, what do you think? >> one of the first things he did as president was sign a bill that got rid of a provision that made it harder for people with mental illness to get guns. >> do you think anything will actually change? >> well, i hope so. obviously, you know, our thoughts are prayers go out to the folks in texas. but as president obama said, thoughts and prayers aren't enough, and people have to
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continue to make their voices heard. i thought after sandy hook we could get -- close the loopholes on background checks. >> if anything would allow that to happen, sandy hook would? >> i thought sandy hook because you had six-year-olds, 20 six-year-olds. but now we've seen this rash, las vegas, now this. i was a co-sponsor of dianne feinstein's assault weapons ban. >> what does it takes to have something change? is it a question of nra lobbying money? the beliefs of the gun culture in america? >> i would ask my colleagues to just, you know, take a moment to think about this and think about closing loopholes. that's not going to stop every
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one of these, but if it stops one or makes one less bad, or stops two, i mean, that's the whole world. think about all these people. >> the air force said they're conduct ing a review of whether or not this experience's court martial and the charges he was convicted of would send him to a military prison for a year were actually sent to a federal database which would have prevented him because he had done domestic violence. they're conducting a review. initial indications seems like that information wasn't sent over. does that change this in any way for you? had an existing law been followed, this person would not have been able to get a gun? >> yeah, i mean, the air force needs to investigate this and find out if they're not doing this in every case.
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if someone has committed domestic violence, they should not be able to purchase a gun. >> i want to ask you about what's going on with the judiciary committee. how important is it for him to come back. >> he seems to have a real problem answering truthfully when asked about his meetings -- not even ask. he volunteered. turned out me met three times. >> do you think he was honest or forgot? >> you know, he said when the "washington post" came out with the story saying he met with kislyak, his stories keep changing. one of his speculations was in hindsight i should have been more patient and said, yes, i did meet with them. he obviously did remember it.
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and then he actually testified back last month and said in that hearing that he didn't think that any surrogate from the trump campaign had met with any russians. and so i asked him, what about general flynn? what about jared kushner? what about paul manafort? what about donald trump jr.? i mean, you know. >> now we know about george papadopoulos. >> george papadopoulos who at a meeting chaired by jeff sessions, papadopoulos said i've been meeting with the russians, and i think i can arrange a meeting between trump and putin. and jeff sessions said, no, don't do that, and don't anyone talk about that again. that sounds like something you would remember, doesn't it? and this is important. this is a foreign power
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interfering with our elections. that goes at the very core of who we are as a country, as a democracy. and he needs to be straight with us. >> senator franken, appreciate your time. >> good to be here. our political panel aways in on the texas shooting and what if anything it does with the gun debate in this country. we'll be right back. one is the♪ ♪ that you'll ever need ♪ staying ahead isn't about waiting for a chance. ♪ because one is... it's about the one bold choice you make that moves you forward. ♪ ...that you ever need the one and only cadillac escalade. come in for our season's best offers and drive out with the perfect 2017 cadillac escalade for you. get this low mileage lease from around $899 per month. ( ♪ ) from around anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily
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unfortunately we've been here before many times, another mass shooting in america, the same questions over and every again and what will change. david agreeingry, gloria borger. do you see how the reaction is from the president when the terror attack in new york versus a shooting like this? >> i do. i tend to think the reaction by this president and others in response to terrorism seems to be let's do everything we can regardless of what may work and
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what may not. there's a focus on the part of a lot of republicans including this president to say with regard to the gun debate, let's not do things that don't work and we know are not really the core of the problem. in this particular reaction i do think president trump was onto something. now, i do think this is an issue of guns, but i think the issue of this killer's mental state is relevant and may get us into a conversation on the need to focus on how we can keep people with mental health illness getting access to guns. i recall colorado going down this road effectively within the past five years where they made inroads on piercing some of the privacy restrictions to get law enforcement more access, maybe that's something that can start a conversation. >> after virginia tech we recognized in virginia that this
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is a guy that had interacted with the mental health system and was not caught in the proper process. the process fixes that we talked about, did the discharge get into a record system accessible to texas, those are things that can and should be fixed so we can effectively enforce laws we have on the books. but one of the issues, and you just touched on it in the mental health area, is the privacy issues. and hip pa -- part of it is perceived challenges of hip pa. people are so paranoid that they don't share anything. >> what if you are engaged in domestic violence and the link between domestic violence and not being able to get a gun?
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wouldn't that seem to be sort of a basic thing? >> yes, >> if the air force had done its job, but you know, we are ought to be able to do that. i go back to sandy hook, and you couldn't get the loopholes on the background checks closed. you couldn't get an assault weapons ban, and there were democrats who voted against an assault weapons ban, so it was bipartisan. at this point if congress continues down that road and we continue with these shootings, no matter whether you say, yes, in this particular case, it wasn't the rule, it couldn't have been avoided, et cetera, at some point the first responders i think have to come out and say -- >> to ken's argument, follow existing laws. >> but there have been provisions that have been put in place that we put in place under the obama administration, and that president trump actually turned back and one of them is
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related to mental illness. that was one of the recommendations after newton, which was that if you were getting a check from the social security administration and you're unfit to handle that, if you're mental impairments prevent you from being able to do that, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun. that's something president trump rolled back in february. when he says we should address mental health, absolutely we should, and david's right there's a lot that should be done, more money for mental health, more parity, about the same time, there are common steps we can take. >> if you get money from the government, you lose this right without a hearing on the subject? it's amazing how blasé you are about that and the president was about that. and i'm someone who wants to utilize every tool out there with the mental health net. but at the same time, you still have to abide by due process.
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>> if you have undertaken domestic violence, if you are a terrorist, if you are somebody who shouldn't be qualified and isn't in a position to have a gun, should you have a gun? that's pretty common sense. >> agreed. >> "the new york times" and the upshot blog did an article a couple weeks back where they interviewed both people and experts about what people want to see. what stood out was it wasn't gun restrictions on number of rounds in a magazine or the types of guns. what is it that people are most concerned about are making sure the criminals and the crazies don't have access to guns. in this case it's uncognizanceble someone convicted of domestic violence and spent a year in the brig can somehow get their hands on a weapon like this. fortunately, thank goodness, this is a terrible tragedy, but
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someone was there to stop this man from going and committing additional murders. i think there's frequently many on the left will go to a knee jerk we need to get rid of all guns and this goes into a gun control debate. but the most important thing is somebody's a criminal or they have serious mental issues, they have a history like this, we cannot allow them to have guns. when we come back we'll have more on what carter page told investigators about russia. manu raju looked over more transcripts from page's. the details in a moment. the ue to your plan strengthened your retirement score. so, that goal you've been saving for, you can do it. we can do this? we can do this. at fidelity, our online planning tools are clear and straightforward so you can plan for retirement while saving for the things you want to do today. nana, let's do this! aye aye, captain! ♪ and as you go through life -whoo! -♪ tryin' to reach your goal
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as we reported at the top of the broadcast, we have the details of carter page's house intelligence committee testimony in the russia probe. somewhat different from the account he's been giving publicly up until now. manu raj joins us now. what else have you learned? >> that's right, anderson. we're learning more about this trip that carter page took to moscow in july of 2016 and what he told investigators in roughly a seven-hour testimony last week. he has long maintained this trip was something he took as a private citizen and was unrelated to the campaign. we're learning about the number of officials in the trump campaign who were well aware of exactly what his plan to go overseas and speak at a conference in moscow and some
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interactions that he had with at least one senior russian official at that time. he acknowledges in this testimony he spoke to several key members of the trump campaign. he said he told then-senator jeff sessions about it and now the attorney general and sam clovis, the national co-chairman of the campaign, but also cory lewandowski, the campaign manager who said it's fine for him to go as long as it's not campaign related, as well as hope hicks who is now communications director and a former foreign policy adviser j.d. gordon. in addition to that, page reached out to the campaign and said i can make my remarks tailor made based on if you have suggestions on what i should say. and then afterwards, he sent an e-mail saying i'll send you a readout soon regarding some incredible insights and outreach
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i received from a few russian legislators and senior members of the presidential administration here. he's only acknowledged meeting with arcady, but the suggestion he may have had conduct with more government officials, and we just saw another nugget of him acknowledging meeting with a russian energy official from one of the major russian energy giants, this despite his denial of a key assertion in a dossier listing allegations of collusion and coordinations with russians, that dossier did show a meeting with a russian energy official. he acknowledged meeting with at least one russian energy official at the time, but he downplays all these interactions saying they're mostly in passing and certainly no collusion he insisted throughout this system. >> it sounds ad at odds with what he was pitching to the
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campaign that there was insights that he learned. that doesn't sound like just a passing in the hallway kind of interaction. >> that's right. whether or not he's been forthright in his public statements and is differing in his private testimony, but interestingly, anderson, this invitation for him to go to russia came after he joined the trump campaign, much like george papadopoulos to go interact with is these russians came after he joined the trump campaign. so we'll see how other members and other people think if that's significant or not. >> gloria, yet again, carter page. >> surprises us. >> i interviewed one once or twice and it all blends together. all the stuff he says, it does seem different than what he's saying now under oath. >> he told you he did this on
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his own, that he didn't interact with high-level people in russia, and that whatever meetings he had were of absolutely no consequence and that he wasn't involved at any high level when they campaigned. >> he would never say who it was within the campaign that gave him permission to go, but seems like from that he was in communication with a lot more people in the campaign than i would have guessed based on the whole role. >> it's a little like george papadopoulos, seems to me they're kind of the same there. what was stunning about this stuff we learned tonight is the e-mail manu just read, i'll send you a readout from my incredible insights and outreach i received from russian legislators, that was an e-mail that he sent to his campaign supervisors, but he did not give it to the committee even though he was under subpoena to do so. they found it and they presented
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him with it and he had never given it to them. so he might be in some legal trouble there. >> jason? >> anderson, i have to kind of laugh. you forgot to mention when you met him at the gym, apparently. >> he brought that up and i had no memory of it. >> if you send an e-mail to a half dozen people, that doesn't peen you're in regular communication with these people. it means you have an e-mail address and put it in the "to" line. i would have said go to russia and don't come back. this guy is a step above a reality show contestant. he had no real day-to-day involvement with the campaign. he was trying to demonstrate value. i'm sure to the extent anyone even read his e-mail, okay, fine, this guy wants to go talk with academics, fine. >> he's never been, according to
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himself, never even met. >> never even met the president. >> although he claimed for a long time in the russian media he had been in meetings with the president and then he said he was using the russian term of the meetings maintaining rallies. i think it was in, like, iowa. >> he's like the kato kaelin. >> he told the committee he learned this stuff from russian tv. >> i think what's hard is, it's hard to really understand how all these pieces of the puzzle fit together, if they do fit together and how you straight that out from some attempt on self-agra self self-aggrandizement on the part of juniors. they certainly would have had ties to paul manafort with whom
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the kremlin had done business in ukraine, and michael flynn who may be in more legal jeopardy. they had higher-level contacts if they wanted that entree. >> that's one of the things i said when the indictment came out. this is the guy, paul manafort, who has all these preexisting networks he can tap into. if there was going to be determined collusion, that's where you would expect to see it. could they file more charges later? in theory, yes, but that would be somewhat unusual in a situation like this, except for the obtaining of leverage. but i would say page looks a lot like papadopoulos in one regard, and that is that they both look like they've got this really grand notion in their own head, and they're pursuing it and talking to various people in the campaign, kind of a one-way conversation. you get cory lewandowski, sure,
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take your trip, just make sure it isn't associated with the campaign. and they're suffering from the chaos, nature of the campaign here. >> i don't think there's been a long explanation by trump defenders saying it was chaotic, we don't even know any of these people, we've never heard of them. that is something that comes up frequently. i'm not saying that was the totality of your explanation. but in this case we've seen a theme that's consistent. nobody could remember any meetings they ever had, and all of a sudden when people are under oath, they remember and they remember they had meetings, e-mails emerged. there's a lot we know now that we didn't know six months ago. in all likelihood, papadopoulos and our friend today are bit players who will play them in the movie, maybe they'll have small roles, i don't know. the question is what are the higher-level people, what did they know? what were their meetings? it's possible that some of them will have information. >> what were he doing, maybe you
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can answer this works jason. what were doing on any kind of advisory board to donald trump? what was papadopoulos doing sitting at that table if he was sort of a low-bit player. >> they all wanted to be involved in russia. >> if they're a bumbling of wannabes, why? >> they needed to come up with names. >> none of these people were anywhere. >> do you have a foreign policy adviser. >> there were guys who put out a statement saying we won't do it so we needed names. >> i think early on back during the primaries they were looking for people and some people clearly didn't have the qualifications and sbhohouldn't
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the 14 people are still hospitalized after a mass shooting that killed 26 people in sutherland, texas. the latest on the patients who are being treatment what have you learned about them? >> well, anderson, it is still a great deal of trouble and concern for the vast majority of the people who were brought to hospitals in the moments after that rampage at the church in sutherland springs, east of san antonio. this is one of the two main
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hospitals here in the city that has accepted the majority of the gunshot victims. there are still about 14 people in all that are hospitalized tonight. ten of those people in critical condition. and at this particular hospital, university hospital, here in san antonio there are two children and one adult still in critical condition. and we're told by medical officials here in san antonio that the majority of these people in critical condition suffered gunshot wounds to their lower extremities and in their abdomen, so these are serious wounds that they're dealing with. a number of them have gone through secondary operations here throughout the day in surgeries. so a great deal of concern for many of them who are still fighting for their lives tonight. anderson. >> and in terms of those who are in other hospitals in the area, do we know about them? >> we haven't -- this is the hospital that has given us the most specific information on what those conditions are. there are p patients here in all. there are another eight patients at brook army medical center and
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ten of those people, as i mentioned, are between both hospitals are in critical condition. and, you know, we're well over 30 hours past this attack, so, you know, the concern for those particular people is still of paramount concern for those medical doctors treating those gunshot victims tonight. >> you spoke to a number of people there. how is the town coping with this? >> you know, what's stunning is 4% of that town's population was killed in this rampage. really stunning. you know, a lot of times we've seen these mass shootings that take place in large cities. so when you walk around, it is clear, evidently clear everywhere you go that everyone has a very dramatic and personal connection to what ub folded inside that church. that is rare in a lot of cases, and it's really something that stands out as you talk to the people who are trying to cope
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with all of this as best they can. >> yeah. it is so sad. ed, appreciate you being there. coming up, we remember the victims of the texas church shooting. what we know about the lives cut too short. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer but having his parents over was enlightening. ♪ you don't like my lasagna? no, it's good. -hmm. -oh. huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it.
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least. here again randi kaye reports on the victims in texas whose identities have been confirmed. >> in an instant about 4% of the residents of sutherland springs, texas were taken. the youngest victim about a year and a half old. the oldest killed, 77. among the dead, an abell pomeroy, the 14-year-old was the daughter of the church's pastor, who on which spoke with her at church. once sharing this story about them riding his motorcycle together. >> an abell has been wanting to ride with had he and go with me here and there and the bike was doing 34 degrees this morning and she was a trooper. she did not complain. she just sat back behind me and rode. >> an abell went to church anyway without them. >> one thing that gives me a sli ver of encouragement was the fact that bel was surrounded yesterday by her church family
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that she loved fiercely. >> at just 16 hailey krueger had big plans for her life before it was cut short. her mother said she was a vibrant 16-year-old. she loved babies and always wanted to help. >> she was amazing and we're going to miss her. >> the church's visiting pastor, brian holcomb, was also killed. so was his wife car la hole come. in all they lost eight members of their family. three generations wiped out that terrible morning. the hol comes lived on a nearby farm in flursville, texas with several of their children. their son danny died sunday and so did his daughter noaa. she was the youngest victim at just 17 months old. the couple's son john was also shot and remains in the hospital. his wife crystal was killed.
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she was two months pregnant. three of her five children were also killed. the other two were shot and are at the hospital with john, their stepfather. also among the victims, tara mcnullty, a close family friend of the hol comes and the gunman's own grand mother-in-law, lieu la white 678 she was his wife's grandmother and friends say she voluntarily frequently at the church. i have no doubt where she is right now. she is in heaven, laying her crowns and jewels at the feet of jesus and celebrating. i love and will miss you. so many lives taken by a man who likely knew most everyone in the church community where he opened fire. randi kaye, cnn new york. >> and a few more names have just been confirmed. two couples who were killed in the attack, they're robert and
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shaney core began, a couple originally from michigan. and richard and theresa rodriguez. his daur says they were married for lech years and were active in the church. our coverage continues now with don lemon and cnn tonight. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. can i please pay attention if you're doing something or whatever. i really want your attention this evening and with an open mind. how many more times are we going to have to do this? mourn with people we don't know but meet under the most horrific circumstances, their loved ones lives snuffed out in an instant for no good reason? how many times are we going to look up at the tv and see and hear people grieving, sobbing their hearts out in front of the world for the whole world to see and before we even know the full story our responses from our leaders are sadly as familiar as the details of the shootings. cases
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