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tv   New Day  CNN  November 9, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PST

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for now i think we should be glad that we have mueller onboard and he's working systematically rather than jumping the gun. >> that has become controversial. here's one thing for sure, you two guys helped us out this morning and made us better on this topic. thank you to both of you. >> thank you, chris. there's a lot of news. let's get after it. there was a referendum on trump and trump and the republicans lost. >> you can't fake the trump agenda. you have to go all in. >> people want results. we have to deliver results or we will have more results like that. >> mr. trump dramatically softening his once stern message to china on trade. >> we can't continue to allow china to rape our country. i don't blame china. i give china great credit.
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>> general flynn expressed concern about the potential legal exposure of his son. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> welcome to your "new day." it's thursday, november 9th, 8:00 in the east. a new cnn show americans losing confidence and trust in the president. just 4 in 10 say the president kept his campaign promises and is bringing the kind of change the country needs. >> and many are wrestling to embrace or rebuke the president's rhetoric. the gop is making a push on its tax plan, but is it adding to what was promised or is it going to be something less than that. both sides of the aisle based on
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building consensus in washington. let's bring with suzanne malveaux in washington. >> reporter: these are damning new numbers, and more and more americans losing confidence in this president's performance, including within his own party. the blame game here on capitol hill in full force as they look at the tuesday losses. many quietly -- some even openly asking whether or not aligning with the president will cost them their majorities next year. the republican party in damage control. after a sweep of democratic victories across the country. some downplaying the results. >> this is a typical cycle. most of these elections are decided by local circumstances. >> virginia, because of northern virginia is not really a purple state. it's a blue state. >> others pointing the finger directly at president trump. >> i do think we do better with
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a more inclusive message. >> i think the overwhelming thing that was going on was the energy on the democratic side, and that's definitely a referendum on the president. >> a new cnn poll shows that 64% of americans say their confidence in the president has decreased since he took office. one in four republicans feel less confident about their party's leader. only 30% of americans say they think the president can unite rather than divide the nation. the percentage of republicans who think the president can bring needed change down ten points since last november. house speaker, paul ryan, acknowledging tuesday's losses shows congress needs to deliver on tax reform. >> we have a promise to keep. if anything this just puts more pressure on making sure we
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follow-through. >> a new report from the congressional budget office estimates the tax plan would add $1.7 trillion to the deficit, higher than initially projected. trump attempted to garner support by insisting he would be a big loser if the gop plan is signed into law, despite a report from the tax policy center that shows that the largest cuts would accrue to higher income households. >> donald trump says this doesn't help the wealthy. obviously it does. so all the claims they have made for this bill are bea lied by the bill itself. >> mulvaney insisting it will help middle class. >> at the end of the day, if we think it's a middle class tax increase, he will not sign it. >> most americans disapprove of
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how he is handling taxes. polls show taxes were not the issue that mattered most to voters. health care was their number one issue when voting for governor. the republican party's failure to repeal and replace obamacare clearly having an impact in the voting booth. >> our thanks to suzanne malveaux for that. the worst poll for the president is 30% of you don't think he can unite the country. that's down 13 points from a year ago. tax reform is the big bet for the gop. will that change that number? will that breed unity? let's talk about unity with republican senator, susan collins of maine, and joe manchin of west virginia. they are the newly announced cochairs of no labels, a group advocating bipartisan solutions
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in washington. how come all the other lawmakers aren't throwing stones at you right now on my show here on "new day." >> they are not up yet. >> yeah, that's right. they are not up yet. what is this no labels thing about? what is your hope for no labels? >> our hope is that with the support of members of no labels all across our country that we can begin a process of bringing people together in washington, to listen respectfully to one another and forge bipartisan solutions. when legislation is passed with input from both parties we get far better products in the end. we recognize that this is the first step, but we want to energize the middle. i am convinced that most americans want us to work together and yet the debate in
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washington is too often hyperpartisan and driven by the ideological groups on the far left and far right rather than the sensible center. >> let me just -- >> please, senator. >> when i first came in november of 2010 after the death of senator bird, and i was a two-term governor and i made the decision to come and people were kind enough to send me here, the only group i found to look to the middle to find a pathway forward and find solutions was no labels. it was democrats and republicans, and it was ceos and rank and file country interested in their country. susan has been there listening and working with us and now coming on as the cochair, and i could not have a better partner. it was susan and i in 2013 when the government shut down and started looking for a pathway
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forward, and we were able to bring a bipartisan group together to open the government back up. recently the affordable care act, and it was susan and i that signed on with patty murray and alexander, and which mitch mcconnell puts it on the floor it will pass. >> let me infuse cynicism in this at the optimism coming up on the show. you see what is going on with taxes. there seems to be stakes out of the gop, and how do you deal with the problems? >> i think we will see a very healthy debate on overhauling our tax code, which is desperately needed and has not been done since 1986.
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we do need to provide tax relief to hard-working middle-income families and to small businesses. this bill appears to accomplish some of the goals. we are still waiting for it to be unveiled. here's the difference. the tax bill unlike the health care bill is going to go through a full markup in the senate finance committee. both democrats and republicans will be able to offer ideas to debate the issues and to amend the bill. that's the way the process should work. and that's very different from the way the health care bills were crafted. >> chris, this is the first time in the history of the united states of america that we have ever used a budget reconciliation to do a major policy overhaul. >> explain why people should care about that, by the way? >> it brings it down to a 51 vote margin, and basically any
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party in power will have the 51 vote margin. you can do it simply the same as the house does it with a simple majority. that's not what the framers of the great country set it up. both sides are wrong when they try to go it alone. we both believe that and we reached across to see if we could find a group of people that would want to work in the middle. everything no labels does is in a bipartisan way, it's not from one side or the other. that's why we are proud to be part of it. susan says we will go into this, and if they go into it openly looking for basically to energize and make it better a. better piece of legislation that we help the middle class and help the working class and small businesses, and we don't continue to pile on more debt for our children and future generations, then we can come up
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with a good product and we are hoping where the president will be, and as a democrat i want to work with the president and be successful, but i want to be true to who i am and who i represent, and when they see the bottom line of the paycheck, are you going to make our children pay for what we get today? >> i think it's because those bills did not go through any kind of hearing process despite the fact that they were making sweeping changes and cuts. >> that's the difference. you need the mark -- the difference fundamentally with what you are proposing, you can't just go to the vote and have it done in the smoky room environment, you have to have a debate and do it the hard way and then the 51-vote trigger becomes advantagious.
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>> i am concerned with what the house just went through, a so-called markup. the senate has more or less tried to always find and balance it out a little better. we have to hope this markup is open. when you have people like susan collins or john mccain and people that know what the institution is about and will go with what they believe is right that makes the senate just a little different. >> i am not saying our partnership with no labels going to solve every problem regarding divisiveness in this country. obviously it's not. what is exciting to me, there's an energized group of people who are in the center and they are willing to start backing and working with those of us who have always believed that compromise and listening to others produces better legislation.
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>> chris, as susan always says, we are in the radical middle. >> anything compromise driven could be radical now. let me put something else on your plate. there's talk about threat coming from north korea, and i am not saying it's unfounded, and yet there's still foot dragging on an open debate and accountability for the authorization use of military force. general mattis went in there and he gave you a political opinion about whether you should have it or not. that's not how it works. you are not supposed to be taking his take on whether you can do this. >> i have supported amf reauthorization. i think we need to sit down and represent people in my state of
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west virginia who thinks 16 years is too long. what is the end game. how do you exit? how much toll are we going to take? how much blood are we willing to shed? this is something concerning to the people of west virginia. are we getting drug into another one? syria, who is coming out ahead on syria? iran? russia? and then china with north korea. why isn't china engaging and still sit eting on the sideline and why are they not putting their foot down and saying this kind behavior is not going to be accepted? we need to say if this doesn't happen this is what we should be doing. >> congress really advocated its responsibility in this area. i know there has been a lot of
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hearings in the foreign relations committee, but we need to move forward. it is our responsibility. it is also an important part of the checks and balances that were built into the constitution. we recognize that the president is the commander-in-chief. obviously he has the authority to respond to an imminent threat against our country, but we are talking about the long-term engagement of troops potentially and a strategy for dealing with everything from the ongoing terrorism threat to north korea, and that's a debate we should be having in congress. >> we also, chris, can identify the eminent threat because people are concerned what an imminent threat might be to me or susan or to congress might be different to the executive branch. these are things we can put clarity to, and we should. >> can and should. a big space between the two. everybody says we are better than this.
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we are only as good as what we do. senator joe manchin and susan collins, a formidable duo. we wish you well. >> thank you. >> alisyn. the president changing his tone. he now does not blame china for taking advantage of the u.s. on trade. former secretary of state, madeline albrecht, joins us next. whoooo. looking for a hotel that fits... ...your budget? tripadvisor now searches over... ...200 sites to find you the... ...hotel you want at the lowest
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during his 12-day asia trip,
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president trump is praising china for the same trade practices that he referred to one as raping the u.s. >> i don't blame china. after all, who can blame a country of being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens. i give china great credit, but i blame past administrations for allowing the out-of-control trade deficit to take place and to grow. >> here with her reaction to the president's asia trip, former secretary of state and chair of the albrecht stone bridge group, madam secretary. thank you for being here. >> good to be here. >> what do you think of the president's change of tune on china? >> i am fan rankly trying to so it out because it goes back and forth.
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clearly he is trying to make himself popular with president xi, but overdoing it by saying how wonderful and what a great friend he is. what troubles me is something that i said before, which is i don't want to hear him saying all the time how we are weak and people taking advantage of us and america is a mess. i think that's sad for the president of the united states to be delivering when he is on such a truly important trip in asia. >> the china one is so striking. he used violent terms on the campaign trail. he said that china was raping us. he said china was just -- you know, it's hard for me not to be vulgar in how he said it. now he's saying i give you credit for it. this is just his version of diplomacy? >> i am trying to figure out if he is trying to be nuanced,
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which is not a word i usually apply to him, but to try to get china to help out to north korea, and i hope that's the message throughout the trip. i think that he is very mixed in terms of the way he feels. he always does bring up the trade issues. he did that in south korea also. i think that that is, in his head, the major issue he wants to deal with is to, quote, fix the trade. in the meantime he has to deliver other messages. >> let's talk about. what do you think the upshot will be of the 12-day asia trip? do you think he will have gotten any traction with stopping north korea's missile testing or at least sabre rattling? >> i think he will be gathering as much help as possible. i think the combination -- some of the things that happened when he was in seoul were important in terms of showing that we had the military strength, three strike groups, aircraft carrier
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strike groups and a submarine -- >> you think that's helpful? you think that gets kim jong-un's attention and changes his behavior? >> what is important is to realize the tools in the toolbox. you have to use a combination of diplomacy, which i think there was some beginnings in that saying they should talk and the support of force. you have to be careful in the way that you kind of cinco paeut those particular tools. >> on the president's schedule for tomorrow is a meeting with vladimir putin. what should we expect? >> again, it's hard to figure out. he is trying to show that he and putin are good friends and at the same time there has been a breakdown in a lot of the discussions with the russians. what i find interesting is there's a meeting of nato defense ministers which we are moving, according to the reports that i have heard, more heavy equipment and support in eastern europe.
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that's not going to make putin very happy. >> why do you think we are doing that? >> i think the russians are pushing in terms of some of the things they keep doing in ukraine and concerned about threats in the baltic. the point here, alisyn, this is hard. this is a very complicated time and you need a president that can understand how these various forces play together and at the same time achieve what is essential, the protection of the american people. >> there are all sorts of high-level seasoned diplomats leaving. 60% of these -- lots have left since january. here is where the vacancies are. depu deputy department of state, and one for arms control, and international security, and one
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for economic growth, energy, the environment. here's what ambassador barbara stevenson is trying to sound the alarm. i would expect a public outcry. what do you think is happening at the state department? >> you had trouble finding words to discuss china, and i am having trouble finding words here. it's appalling. if you are talking about state craft and how things are done internationally, you can't do it without the people. it's an insult. that's the word. it's an insult to those people that dedicated their lives to being part of our diplomatic service and to being those who go and live abroad and represent the united states. i am appalled. the state department was the first department. it's essential. it needs to be supported, first of all, by the secretary of state himself.
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>> president trump was on fox news last week and he said they are not all needed, and those are not, sort of, fundamental positions. let me play this for you for a second. >> we don't need all the people they want. don't forget, i'm a business person, and i tell my people where you don't need to fill slots, don't fill them. >> but secretary of state, you are not getting rid of that position? >> the only one that matters is me. i am the only one that matters. >> i do think, again, we are a democracy. we are a country that really respect the people who are supporting, and the government are the people that do their hard work and the president is important but he is not the center of everything that happens. i was with president clinton on monday because it was the 25th anniversary of his election, and he understood what you need to do with the government and how many people you need and the
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support. i am appalled at the way this is being presented and the way the president talks about himself and those who are trying to help him. >> is it dangerous not to have these positions filled or would it just be better? >> i think it's dangerous. he's on a truly important trip that presents huge opportunities that under normal circumstances needs support of the diplomats, one to prepare the trip and two, to back it up. we don't have an ambassador in south korea. we do now in china. i think it's not just the ambassador, it's the people in washington who dedicated their lives. you know what bothers me, too? i teach at georgetown and that's where a lot of young people that want to go into the foreign service and serve our country are now wondering if it's worth it? why should we do it? it's not just today but what the future holds for american diplomacy. >> thank you. >> thanks, alisyn.
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the secretary is talking about expectations about the trip with the president. new poll numbers show americans are less confident now than when he took office. the question is why? david gregory will deliver that next. and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ duncan just protected his family with a $500,000 life insurance policy. how much do you think it cost him? $100 a month? $75? $50? actually, duncan got his $500,000 for under $28 a month. less than $1 a day! his secret? selectquote. in just minutes a selectquote agent will comparison shop nearly a dozen highly rated life insurance companies,
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big job of the president is to invite unity. can president trump do it? a cnn poll shows just 30% of you think he can. that's 13% down from a year ago. let's get to the bottom line of what the poll means. david gregory, what is your bottom line? >> i look at the unity numbers. to me it underscores the fundamental premise of the trump presidency. he is a divisive figure and he embraces that, and he wants to be at the center of the news if it's good or bad, he will take whatever comes as long as he is
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the center, and he will fight against republicans if he thinks that's what he needs to do. he's got a personal grand that is independent of party. the problem with all of that is look at the times we are living in. these are heavy times. whether it's sexual harassment in the workplace, these incredible hurricanes and floods we have seen devastating parts of the country, terrorismism and racial strife. these are heavy times of the country, and this is not a big leader. america looks to the leader in washington and says this is not watching. watching the news in and out is a bummer, too, and it hardens those divisions. i don't think trump has tried to be a big figure, a big unifying figure. i think what swept him into office, really, paul ryan and
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nancy pelosi, this is what we got? >> this is another poll number to have you chew on. has he kept his promises? 40% now say yes, and that's down from april. there's a lot of runway between here and the midterms and certainly between here and the next presidential race, and he can keep his promises and that would turn around. >> i don't think that he is necessarily going to absorb all the blame for that because -- we have seen this with past presidents. if he has fighting forces bigger than him he will still get the benefit of the doubt among important parts of the electorate. delivering is a key part of this. people were willing to accept he did not tell the truth all the time and he is divisive, and he was going to go in and shake things up and get things done. he's not doing it.
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he took on such a hard task of health care and has not gotten it down, and that's what he came out of the box trying to do rather than something that could unite the parties like infrastructure. the president is right to keep emphasizing that people feel good about the economy. unemployment low and the stock market is high. the promise of him delivering the tax cut is something that he can run with. more importantly, the party can run with it because that's what they are going to be facing in a mid-term. >> so you have two propositions. you have the divisive rhetoric and the negativity wound up biting him in the recent elections in virginia and elsewhere across the country, versus productivity. if he can show he delivers on the agenda, he will be fine. how do you balance those two? clearly speaker ryan is all in on the latter proposition, if they can deliver, in this case,
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on taxes, he does not have to deal with any other parts of the analysis. how do you balance the two? >> i think all of us, in our minds, we go back to how did trump win? the missing piece between then and now is an opponent, a divisive opponent in hillary clinton. people were willing to make certain compromises on they did not like the choice. the independent voters that voted for trump and might have voted for president obama, they will go elsewhere now as well, or by a mid-term election. they are movable voters. some of this d, midterms, that' the real danger. again, the only thing -- the only promise of trump was not that he was going to be a big
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unifier but he was going to be ruthlessly effective in what he was able to achieve. when you control washington you will be held to account for that as previous presidents have seen. >> can you believe it has been a year? >> yep. one other thing, guys, there are still big events that moved praepl mid-term elections, whether it was iraq or financial collapse or health care. how we feel about the president and his personal characteristics, we don't know what that will do -- >> i still can't get past it has been a year. >> the news cycle is so crazy. we pack so much into each day that in some ways, it has been five years of our lives. >> a year ago we were on a couch having chinese food watching the election returns. >> i try to unsee that. >> he brought a bottle of wine and i think he took it back home
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with him. >> typical gregory. the football feud erupting. the owner of dallas cowboys is threatening to sue the nfl. we explain why next.
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dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. a power struggle brewing in the nfl, jones threatening to sue the league if roger goodell is given a contract extension. >> the bleacher report presented by the new ford f-150. trying to keep the nfl from giving goodell a contract extension according to the "new york times" and espn. jones not happy with the way goodell handled the national anthem controversy. a spokesman for the nfl said all
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32 owners gave the okay in the spring to give goodell a new contract. three players for the ucla basketball team are confined in a hotel in china and are not being allowed to leave the hotel until the legal process plays out because of the shoplifting. this is all happening while donald trump is in china. >> got it. andy, thank you very much. another victim is accusing actor kevin spacey of sexual misconduct. what happens next in the #metoo movement? we have a discussion of where we are with sexual harassment. that says your truck can only haul gravel.
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wants, certainly not the kind my son and family wants, but the climate in the country has changed now thanks to the brave women and all sexual abuse victims who have come forward with their accusations against harvey weinstein and other sexual abusers. >> that's the mother of the latest young man to accuse kevin spacey of sexual assault. 74% think the attention will increase the understanding of sexual harassment. joins us now, our attorney, nancy smith who represented carlson against roger ailes, and areeva martin. great to have you back for this conversation we continue to have. this is a culture question. you know, you heard the mom
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there. she thinks the culture is changing. it feels like it's changing. we are having this conversation on national television. powerful men are losing their movie roles and jobs and could be criminally charged. >> what was striking, she said all the brave women, and even though she's talking about her son and there are men involved, but this is something that i think women have really broken through. of course this is -- this is a new moment in the issue. it's not a new issue, right? it's new because we are talking about it, but obviously it's something that our mothers and our mothers' mothers have been dealing with for a long time. >> when gretchen carlson came to you and launched the case
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against roger ailes, it was a different time? >> yeah, it shows the difference it makes when we are able to have a voice. we have not had a voice because we are forced into secret proceedings and arbitration, and there's power in numbers. and somebody who was an emitted sexual assaulter won the presidency, and people are saying enough, we need to speak up for ourselves and daughters and the future. >> we are all we got. >> areeva, how do you see it? >> i absolutely agree. as a lawyer that has been involved in the cases for years, and i know gretchen's lawyer attest to this, we would enter into the settlement agreements and nobody could talk about it and we would leave the rooms feel feeling like we did something for that one individual but knowing we had not moved the needle for the sexual harassment.
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we now have a conversation we could have never had, and we have legislators talking about prohibiting the nondisclosures in those settlements. i hope we can go further than the hash tag, but go forward with those women that are not at the top. >> yeah, women in powerful positions with a platform need to stand up for the women that don't have access to that. i want to recognize the men, too. obviously it's not easy for her son there to become public and talk about it. for terry cruz, he went to the police and is pressing charges where a powerful male executive fondled him. the flood gates are open for everybody, men and women. >> it's interesting because you
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can't heal if you are just making a deal. part of winning cases is a step but we don't get to heal as a society if we don't get to talk about it. when thinking about the men, i am wondering where are -- where's the male outrage. where are the men who are also powerful? where are the spielbergs? where are the men in the issue in terms of being brave and fighting about it? this is hollywood. these are your peers. the silence with the men are deafening. where are the men? >> you know, there's pushback. i hear you.
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there needs to be more of a vocal movement. >> yeah. >> i think it's very hard. we live in a world where you can be fired for any reason at all, and we have fought for years for just this little just cause termination, that your employer needs a reason to fire you, we lost that. everybody in the country could be fired for no reason or any reason, and that shuts people up, too. you are afraid. >> in fact, there used to be and i don't know if this changed because this is also new, if you brought a sexual harassment claim against your employer the word on the street was she'll never work again. >> oh, absolutely, alisyn. that's why women were so hesitant, and men, to come forward because they feared the retribution and retaliation. in the lawsuits, defendants come at victims hard and they call them gold diggers and sluts and
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ruin their representations. let's look at the story about the $600,000 that haar convenient weinstein spent with this secret investigative agency using ex-israeli spies. this is not for the faint of heart. the people that came forward, women and men, we can't say enough how brave they are, because nancy and litigators like myself involved in these cases, we know these cases are very, very difficult for women and men who accuse people in power of sexual harassment or assault. >> listen, every time we have the conversation, i have to believe that it helps. thank you all and join us tonight for a national conversation about sexual harassment. it's the cnn town hall tipping point, sexual harassment in america. it's 9:00 p.m. eastern tonight.
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the music award, carrie underwood breaking down. take a listen. ♪ ♪ tenderly, jesus is calling, calling -- ♪ ♪ he's calling, oh, sinner, come on home ♪ ♪ >> you should remember 58 people were killed. you see their faces in front of you right now. 500 others just about were wounded in the vegas attack. underwood and her co-host, brad paisley delivered a heart-felt message to the victims of the
6:00 am
recent church shooting and victims. >> just hearing her voice crack there is making me welt up, and it's really raw and we don't have answers. >> the tragedy of las vegas is the legacy and then you have another tragedy in texas and no way to stop them. a lovely tribute, but one we wish we did not have to keep on making. a lot of news. let's get to it. top of the hour. good morning, everybody. i am poppy harlow. >> i am john berman. good job taking advantage of us. what seemed like victim


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