tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 9, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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complete re-evaluation of not just american food and ingredients, but food. >> and don't miss "jeremiah tower: the last magnificent." thanks for joining us. anderson starts now. good evening, shock waves tonight. roy moore, accused by a woman of engaging in sexual encounter with her when she was 14 years old. two breaking stories in russian investigation. one of two closest confidantes talking about dossier that president calls phony and fake. and special counsel robert mueller's investigation reaching closer to the white house and top. stephen miller highest to talk to the team. begin with former bodyguard
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keith schiller and what he said to the house intelligence committee. manu raju joins us now. what about this apparent offer of women in russia? >> schiller testified this offer by russian to send five women up to trump's hotel in trip was a joke. occurred at lunchtime, walked private citizen trump up to hotel room, mentioned to him, laughed it off. stayed there several minutes after and left. didn't know what happened after that. didn't know who the russian was who made the offer but someone in a group with -- at meeting with trump. father is russian billionaire and close to vladimir putin. and set up meeting in 2015 with
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donald trump jr. at trump tower where the russians promised dirt on hillary clinton. told me tonight his client had no knowledge of the offer to send women up to hotel room but lawmakers asked because wanted to know if russians have dirt on trump in the steele dossier that lays out allegations. some corroborated but most salacious ones about trip to moscow have not yet. >> what else does he say? >> pressed for hours behind closed doors about a wide range of issues, trump/russia connections, advisers meeting with russian and claimed he didn't know much, in charge of security at the time, not involved with policy matters and asked repeatedly what he knew about the firing of fbi director james comey. it was him who delivered letter about the firing to the fbi. he said he was not involved in
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those deliberations and some lawmakers left frustrated wishing they had learned more. >> appreciate that manu. now another milestone, robert mueller's team reached into the current inner circle. pamela, what have you learned? >> white house senior policy aide steven miller has been interviewed as part of the probe. brings the probe into president trump's inner circle at white house. miller is highest level aide we know of who has been interviewed by mueller's team. been by trump's side from campaign days up to now and really has a front row seat to trump's thinking, of course wants to talk to him. also there during the firing of james comey, the decision making. as we know anderson, that specifically is part of the
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possible obstruction of justice probe. >> also i understand investigators are looking into the meeting where george papadopoulos said he could arrange a meeting between trump and putin. >> there was a national security meeting, george papadopoulos, charged with lying to fbi in russian probe, said he could set up a meeting between vladimir putin of russia and donald trump and told that stephen miller was there, and robert mueller wants to talk to anybody at meeting to learn more what happened there. we believe that's part of this interview as well along with the comey firing. as we know, stephen miller drafted initial memo during a weekend in bed minister a weekend before the decision was made giving decision to fire james comey. similar to rod rosenstein's memo cited as reason for firing
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comey. that's been handed over to the special counsel's office. there was array of issues that came up in this interview with stephen miller. >> plenty to talk about with the panel is understatement. top adviser to the president talking to special counsel team and long-time bodyguard talking about the steele dossier. phil mudd, steve hall and jeffrey toobin. tooef th steve this alleged offer of women to citizen trump, would you be more surprised if the russians didn't try something like this? >> frankly would have been more surprised. standard operating procedure for the russians. 2014, before trump was candidate but nevertheless what the russians would consider american oligarch. someone from their world view, money, power and never know one
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day what they'll end up being. that triggers low threshold for fsb, internal russian intelligence service, beginning of collecting all sorts of information, anything to get their hands on or set up that could be used in compromising situation in the future. if not donald trump, i don't know how many senior american billionaires came through at that time, all would have had this type of collection. very aggressive. been doing it since lenin's time. very good at it and would have been routine. >> jeff, keith schiller admitted to this much. >> i think to be fair, this is scuptory towards donald trump. argument year, the dossier said that there was this sordid sexual encounter between donald trump and people sent by russian intelligence. schiller says no, didn't happen,
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didn't see it. nothing like it. he said there was offer, but based on what is publicly available, schiller is only version we have, his version is it didn't happen. in the absence of proof to the contrary, i think that's what the state of the evidence is. >> and also should point out schiller actually stood outside donald trump's door after he walked him up to his room for a certain amount of time, then ended up going. idea going if somebody had come immediately afterward, he would have known. >> that's right. much in the schiller -- in the dossier has been proven true, but this is something, this very inflammatory accusation has not been. and to the extent schiller knows or is believed, it's been proven untrue. i think that's important part of the story. >> phil, what does this say
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about the dossier itself? to jeff's point, some proven true, but most salacious stuff, no evidence at this point. >> but we have just a bit of the picture here. couple of the pieces of the puzzle we have, interview with donald junior for meeting with the russian lawyer. original explanation, incorrect. national security adviser for incoming president lied to vice president about his conversations with the russians about sanctions. now contacts with the russians from the president going back to 2014, we don't know a lot about the dossier, just snippets, three or four snapshots of the relationship between trump people and russians going back four or five years. mueller team will have 50,000 more pieces. like the financial records that implicated manafort. think we're seeing the bits and
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pieces that led the mueller team to say this is significant investigation but we're seeing maybe 1% of what is going on. >> whether the allegations are true, it's connecting the dots on the relationships forged that you would be more interested in? >> yes. were any of the relationships continued over the years and were any of them the kinds of people who might have contacted trump campaign about information related to hillary clinton? complexity, jeffrey toobin knows this better than i, dozens of interviews, phone calls, e-mails, some interviews with discrepancy, leave stuff out or lie. overlay over four to seven years, really complex time line and we're just seeing the bits that mueller has to place on it to determine what happened. >> steve, obviously during the days of the kgb, rooms were
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bugged and hotel rooms where foreigners stayed. would that still be the case for high profile person like donald trump in moscow in 2013? >> absolutely. technology has only gotten better just like the internet and everything else has. basic skill set that fsb has is there and they train and resources they put towards this are incredible. to phil's point if i could, points of information that we're beginning to see as we pull the picture together are indeed critical and it's important piece of this. i would hasten to add, because of the salacious part of the dossier unconfirmed -- by the way, don't know how long he stood outside the door or what happened rest of the evening. nothing may have happened. bottom line, you have to
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remember the steele dossier is a bunch of standalone raw intelligence reports. not one tomorrow that must be read in entirety and believed or rejected in entirety. bunch of individual reports in there, many of which starting to look more true. you have to look at each report and weigh on individual merit. comes from individual intelligence sources that mr. steele managed to steal and get outside of russia to contribute to the report. not monolithic thing. parts could be true, others untrue. can't count out all of it. >> said this was problematic for the white house, the comey letter. >> the core of the accusation to the extent there is one for obstruction of justice, the argument made public that the reason donald trump fired james
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comey is he was too mean to hillary clinton, that accusation goes -- bogus, not true. real reason is because he was getting too close to the president on the russia investigation. and miller is a central figure in creating the public explanation for why comey was fired. so it's extremely important to determine how that public explanation was put together and whether there is a basis to challenge that or whether it really does seem like it was the real reason comey was fired. but just because miller's been interviewed once doesn't mean he's not going to be interview again. these are complicated questions and meticulous investigators. we pay attention when important person is interviewed, but that
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doesn't mean they're done with this person. miller i would imagine would be back for further interviews. >> thank you all. coming up next, other breaking stories, roy moore, staunch defender of the ten commandments, allegedly a child molester, saying engaged in sexual encounter with her when she was 14 years old. also broke the story of allegations against comedian louis c.k., a special town hall on sexual harassment, tipping point. . that's the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home... even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl's orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress
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breaking news, repercussions on many fronts, up to and including control of the united states senate. roy moore denying allegations that he initiated a sexual encounter with 14-year-old girl he approached outside courtroom in 1979. marty joins us now. >> reporter: if this is true, if these allegations are true, truly shocking for a number of reasons. number one of course roy moore involved in high profile senate race, weeks away from the ballots there. other issue is roy moore for a long time has wrapped himself strongly, saying he believes deeply in conservative and
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christian values, if these stories are true, would call that into question. this is the courthouse where it allegedly began. said she was 14 years old when met roy moore, 1979, assistant district attorney in alabama. 32 at the time. was at courthouse with mother nancy for custody hearing. now 30 years later both women remember moore introducing himself and offering to sit with leigh when attended hearing. >> thank you very much for looking out for my little girl. left them alone. >> told the post moore made plans to see her a few days after the hearing. >> picked up around the corner from her house, took her to his house in rural area 30 minutes away. took her into the house.
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at least twice that occurred. gave her alcohol. on one of the occasions undressed her and himself and touched her over bra and underwear and guided her to touch him over his underwear. >> corkman was 14 years old at the time. said she was uncomfortable and asked moore to take her home. never reported his behavior to the police. she's not only one with story about roy moore. when she was 14 moore approached her at mall and told her she was pretty. two years later allegedly asked her out but she said no. 17 when she met moore, speaking at high school civics class. went 40out for a few dates and kissed. 18 when she met moore, dated on
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and off and he would buy her alcohol even though underaged. only hugged and kissed. all four women tell "washington post" they were initially flattered by his attention. but as they grew older and his prominence in alabama rose, found behavior troubling. >> running for high office in u.s. senate and feel it's hypocritical of him to be saying things like homosexuality should be illegal when in their experience he was looking for teenagers to date at the mall in his 30s. >> moore calls the paul manafos completely false and desperate political attack. -- called fake news and paper has endorsed opponent. "washington post" stands by story. corkman has voted republican in
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last three elections. >> alabama, doing reporting on roy moore's supporters when these rumors were emerging that he had had relationships with teenage girls. two of us spent weeks in alabama pursuing these leads that we got. and as we say in the story, none of the women were eager to go public. all off the record when we first spoke to them. took multiple interviews before they agreed to speak publicly because in the end they felt like they needed to do it. >> roy moore is certainly not backing down from the allegations. new tweets tonight. what did he say? >> reporter: no, if fact, read you what he's been putting out to supporters. obama/clinton machine's liberal media lap dogs just launched the
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most vicious and nasty round of against me. and all-out war. our futures are on the line. i will never give up the fight. i have covered roy moore for a long time. this is typical from him. when you talk to supporters, they say here is a man who has espoused so much his christian faith. if these accusations are true, as christian, he needs to admit it, regardless of what the political implications may be. >> age of consent in alabama is 16 i believe is that right? >> reporter: yeah. what is troubling here, having a sexually tinged relationship with a 14 yield. but also seems to be a pattern,
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draw for some time to very young teenage girls. much younger than he was. >> learned in all my years not to get into shouting match with someone like moore. president trump is yet to weigh in but tweeted after won the primary. spoke to roy moore after primary for first time. he will make america great again. more from randi kaye. >> i believe in the second amendment. >> reporter: former alabama judge roy moore, bold enough to display his gun at at political rally. just this year former chief justice of alabama who quotes the bible about as often as he does the constitution, suggested that september 11th terrorist attacks may have occurred
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because god was upset at united states's lack of morality. >> we have distanced ourselves from the one that has it in his hands to heal this land. >> reporter: also likes to quote his own poetry. >> babies piled in it dumpsters, abortion on command. >> reporter: a decade earlier, during an interview on c-span said homosexuality should be equated to bestiality. >> bestiality, relationship between man and beast is prohibited in every state. >> reporter: earned nickname ten commandments judge for another controversy. 2003 in tenure as chief justice in alabama, federal judge
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ordered him to remove statue of the ten commandments and refused, removed from office. elected again, suspended in 2016 for ordering judges to defy federal orders and not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. once denied a woman in lesbian relationship custody of three teenagers, referring to her private behavior as inherent evil. now the man who promises to restore virtue and morality in this country is having both of those things of his questions. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> when we come back, how congressional republicans are responding to the bombshell allegations against roy moore. lower back pain has met its match.
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roy moore? >> the attack -- >> leader mcconnell -- >> thank you. >> on the record allegations against roy moore? >> just for the record. mitch mcconnell and other gop republicans said moore should step aside if the allegations are true. more on the reaction from the hill. what else are republicans saying about the allegations? >> reporter: republicans on capitol hill were peppered with questions quickly about roy moore, called this deeply disturbing and horrifying and majority that we spoke to had the same course, in essence he should step aside if the allegations hold up. including senator ted cruz, he's one of the very few republican senators who endorsed moore. senator cruz saying quote, these are serious and troubling
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allegations. if they are true, judge moore should immediately withdraw. however we need to know the truth and judge moore has right to respond to these allegations. senator mccain said we don't need any proof, allegations are deeply disturbing and disqualifying, saying in statement he should immediately step aside and allow the people of alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. meantime, heard from number two senate republican, john thune, today, we're looking into what the laws on the books allow for in alabama for replacing a candidate. but this is as judge moore is digging in tonight. >> roy moore has been posing difficulties for members of congress since he won the primari primaries. >> reporter: not been embraced by establishment republicans on
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the hill, rung away from questions for months about what they think about his controversial past and these allegations don't add anything else for them. one other thing for them to have to respond to. he was up on capitol hill launching something of a charm offensive, meeting with senate republicans, appeared at caucus luncheon and told republicans in the room, i think i can win. he's trying to woo people to get on his side. but these are very establishment republicans that he really has run his candidacy against. talked with one republican out of that meeting, a senator, said -- i asked hadim twiim twi do you think of roy moore? i don't know him. i need to know him better. big nonanswer. >> dana bash, david gergen, scott jennings.
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what happens now? roy moore is defiant, he won't step aside. can he be replaced by republicans? >> alabama republican party can remove him from being a candidate. can't be removed from the ballot at this point. absentee ballots have gone out and that is set in stone. if the alabama republican party decides to remove him, if anybody checks box for him, wouldn't be counted. it's really unclear if that's going to happen. particularly because roy moore is so incredibly defiant. you have to remember, you mentioned and showed that awkward moment of the senate majority leader being asked about this. roy moore told by mitch
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mcconnell or anybody else in washington we don't want to you come here if this is true means nothing. they didn't want him to come in the first place. controversial, as just saying, even after he won the republican primary. him being defiant is par for the course no matter what allegations. >> call came with the caveat, if it's true. allegations were 35 to 40 years ago, likely their word against his. >> absolutely. it's becoming a nightmare for republicans, especially if it drags on. no way he can prove his innocence, probably no way the "washington post" or women can prove his guilty, it's he said/she said situation. but it does mean if he continues to stand, chances of democrats picking up that seat go up considerably. and what would that mean?
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vote is december 12th, person who wins is sworn in quickly. could have a new democratic senator in midst of tax battle when the republicans need every vote they've got. if moore stays in, really hurt republican brand across the country. maybe not in alabama but across the country. best thing that could happen from republican standpoint is for steve bannon, of all people, to say this is important for the party. we believe you roy, but for the good of the party -- >> it's not going to happen. >> but for the good of the party i'm stepping aside. >> not going to happen. >> scott? >> may not, one other thing. somebody is waiting in the wings who might be willing to run if they work it out. jeff sessions. maybe he'd like to get out of the justice department and go back where he was comfortable.
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>> wouldn't that be a twist? >> i totally agree with mr. gergen. it's a lot about steve bannon. he's making the argument to donald trump, his former boss, and to the republican party that he alone should be able to vet and choose republican nominees for united states senate in 2018. his first project and tonight it's blown up on the republican party. what he does tonight to me is going to tell us a lot about how the republicans are going to deal with this. i agree with mitch mcconnell and chairwoman of the rnc he should step aside if allegations have a shred of truth to them. as said, no one is going to be able to prove it. for the republican party, don't look at it through tribalism we look at everything through now. is it worth saving candidacy like roy moores over fighting out this issue?
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no. if i were donald trump, look at it through this lens. if fighting it out over this candidacy worth sacrificing my agenda? we need a republican in there that can win. all the races in 2018, donald trump has to have republican conservative senate to enact policies. roy moore puts that in jeopardy, it's not worth saving. >> roy moore is trying to rally this as liberal media or obama/clinton nexus trying to bring him down, democrats and liberals and i guess the media trying to bring him down. is it possible this will rally supporters and make them more fervent in getting out vote? allegations were made against candidate trump that didn't have an impact. >> that's a really good point. answer is maybe, but talking about the primary again, if we hadn't had the primary vote then, republican versus
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republican, answer may have been yes. and although you don't see a lot of democrats coming out of alabama in last 20 plus years, this is a general election. it could just have the opposite effect to rally democrats who don't vote or republicans who don't like this guy to vote against him. other thing i want to say, my signals tonight from bannon world is don't hold your breath that he's going to say, for the good of the party, roy moore should back down. remember, slightly different but same kind of atmospherics, he was the guy, one of the only guys in trump tower the night the "access hollywood" tape came out who said fight fight fight. lot of others said this is terrible for the party the country, you're going to lose. back out. >> david, one thing that struck me is how quickly senate republicans came out to condemn moore today. what does that tell you where
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their collective heads are at? >> interesting question. couple of things influenced rapidity, one is tuesday night election results, them recognizing they've got to appeal more to the middle in order to hold the house and senate. secondly, this wave upon wave of accusations against men toppled from very powerful positions i think has created a sense that all these guys do it. so i think he starts out, roy moore starts out with people almost automatically imagining, oh, yes, i bet he did that. put pressure on the republicans to move, recognized that context has changed. >> i would just say, we live as republican party through candidacies like this in 2010 and 2012 but tonight well beyond anybody claiming to be a witch or whatever.
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well beyond that. tribalism can't prevail, but if you want majority to enact president's agenda, candidates with these problems are not going to win and bad for overall prospect of the president enacting agenda. >> thank you. up next, neighborhood accused of assaulting rand paul goes to court. deepening mystery. details. we35 mules,ur doors with 70 mega-watts, and an ice plant. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later, we continue to build as america's 3rd largest investor in infrastructure.
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in bowling green, kentucky, today, neighbor accused of attacking rand paul was in court today. allegedly tackled him while mowing his lawn. look at where they live, six days after the incident, still a lot of questions about what sparked the dispute between the neighbors. drew griffin is looking for answers tonight. what happened in court today? >> reporter: rene boucher, senator paul's neighbor of 17 years was arraigned.
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appeared before the judge, pled not guilty and given a pretrial date about a month out from now. there's no doubt he did this, actually attacked senator rand paul while he was mowing his lawn, broke six ribs and caused this pain. through attorney says he was remorseful and out of character and stems from minor dispute among two neighbors with long-standing feud over shared lawn as simple as that sounds. >> what is the senator saying about this? >> reporter: that's what is odd. not saying much, conflesing at home, not saying much and tweeting about conditions but also retweeting conservative news articles that raise specter this is a political attack by democratic neighbor on him. pushing back through spokesman
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this has anything to do with long-standing dispute between neighbors. spokesperson put out statement. as to reports of long-standing dispute with his attacker, pauls have had no conversations with him in many years. first conversation after senator paul's ribs were broken, not a fight but tack by disturbed person. lived next to each other, apparently haven't talked in long time. many years. i read part of that statement to rene boucher's attorney matt baker. this is what he had to say about what happened. >> this has absolutely nothing to do with any politics. they had not spoken to each other in years. but i'm certain you can have a personal dispute without having spoken. >> reporter: neither side is willing to say what exactly this was about.
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will you tell us? lawn care? how lawns wiere taken care of? >> that's basically it, the maintenance of each other's property and disagreement that two neighbors -- adjoining neighbors, have had over that. >> reporter: sounds like simple matter but very serious situation based on the injuries, charges could be elevated. >> seems like there are still sizeable pieces of the puzzle of what actually happened missing here. >> reporter: there's a lot of strange things. lived next to each other 17 years. by paul's only account through his spokesperson, haven't spoken in many years. that seems rather odd. we know that capitol hill police came to bowling green, kentucky, interviewed mr. boucher about this, trying to determine if
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there was political motivation involved, fbi is also asking about this. we're just waiting to see what kind of investigation will come forward from the feds. right now remains local criminal misdemeanor manner in the state of kentucky. >> drew, thanks. when we come back, more allegations of sexual misconduct, this time on comedian louis c.k., allegations from the women and "new york times" reporters who broke the story next. from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. -♪ a little bit o' soul, yeah because when you know where you stand, coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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but we're only as strong as our community. who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. sofi. get there sooner. >> it started a national conversation at the top of the hour. tipping point -- sexual harassment in america. meanwhile, "the new york times" has published the accounts of a number of women who have come forward with allegations against comedian louis c.k. i talked to reporters who broke the story in just a moment. but first, here's cnn's tom
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foreman. >> is it okay if i stay here a few more days? >> let me think about it. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. "i love you daddy" might be controversial. the movie about a divorced man -- >> is that your girlfriend? >> no, that's my daughter. >> she starts dating an older film director. >> isn't that weird? >> it's not that weird. he likes young girls. >> yes, he does. >> but now, the premier and a promotional appearance on "the late show" have been canceled after a new york times report that the film's star and director exposed and fondled himself in front of women in several incidents. >> you know, sexual perversion is a problem. you can't stop it. people got to do what they got to do. >>. >> reporter: it's the kind of behavior louis c.k. frequently jokes about in his act. >> i'm getting kind of a rape-y vibe from this girl.
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dpung i do you think i'm going to rape you in the off chance that you're into that? >> reporter: indeed, the comedian has built a tv show, an army of fans and a reputation as a comedy ground breaker with his source talk about sensitive matters. >> china is a minor. >> reporter: but the accuser's names are saying his jokes about sexual misconduct aren't just fiction. in numerous instances, they say they were invited to private places, such as hotel rooms, where he stripped off and masturbated in front of them. then sthey say they felt pressured to keep quiet. >> we're all perverts. >> reporter: cnn has not independently confirmed any of these allegations. we have reached out to louis c.k. for any comment. we have heard nothing yet, and his publicist told "the new york times" the comedian will not answer any questions. anderson?
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>> tom, thanks. joining me now, the two new york times reporters who broke the story. melena, can you tell us what .transpired? >> these two women were in aspen for a big comedy festival. it was a big break for them. after their show, sloous c.k. invited them to hang out in their hotel room. they joined him, they didn't think anything untoward might happen. when they got there, they still were in their coats and hats. they didn't even take any of their winter clothing off and he immediately said he asked if he could take his penis out. before they realized what could happen. they laughed it off. they thought it was a joke. then he did that, took all his clothes off and started masturbated. they were in shock.
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>> this is not, according to your reporting cara, there are other women -- this seems to be a pattern. >> certainly our reporting showed that. we talked to a number of other women who said louis either asked if he could masturbate in front of them or they were on the phone with them talking about -- one woman called him up to invite him to her comedy tour show and she realized he was steering the conversation into private territory and realized he was masturbating on the phone. another woman we talked to said when he was on "the chris rock show" he asked if heck masturbate in front of her in the office. >> there was an apology -- he made two apologies. was it to the two comedians from aspen? >> he made a couple of apologies to women years later that this happened. he spoke to -- he sent messages to one woman, the woman he talked to on the phone and he
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said to her in a facebook message that he wanted to apologize to her for that phone call, which he said ended in a sordid fashion. and to another woman he called and said he owed her a very late apology. in her case, that was ten years after he asked her on the to set of a tv pilot if he could masturbate in front of her. >> did any of these women feel this had ramifications on their careers? louis c.k. has a very powerful manager or agent who represents kevin hart and others? >> he's powerful in and of himself as a performer and he has really powerful people behind him. several women we spoke to said they feared that talking about this might have repercussions for their careers. even having any interactions with him in the form of the apology, they felt uncomfortable that this might come back to haunt them. >> the case of the two women at the aspen hotel who louis masturbated in front of, they heard -- they began telling everyone that they met afterwards. they were no shock, do we go to
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the police, we're not sure. there has to be something we can do, can we generate outrage and shame? they began telling people. they soon heard that louis c.k.'s manager was very angry that they were doing so. ad they were new to the comedy scene. they were about to move to los angeles. this was a big player there and they felt like, we've angered this person, we can't possibly it? our material to his shows. louis c.k.'s manager represents some very top people. >> they felt like they were arriving into a scene with a lot of enemies. >> my understanding, according to your reporting is that even some of the people they told, some of the men they told seemed to kind of have a negative reaction. >> well, louis c.k. has a real stature in the comedy world. he's a comedian that is revered by other comedians. he's ground breaking. his comedy is very funny. and when they were having that experience and sharing their story with what happened to them in that hotel room, they said that people were backing away as if it was dangerous to even hear that story. >> he's also -- i mean, uses --
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has talked about this in his act, hasn't he? >> he retunely talks about it. some people felt he was using this comedy almost as a mask for what perhaps, you know, real life misconduct. he joke extensively about his impulses, as we've seen. about masturbating. in his new film, there's a scene where a character mimics aggressive masturbation at length. >> in front of other people. >> in front of other people. so it does seem to be something -- he traffics in it in his comedy. >> it's just such a -- there was the incident with harvey weinstein allegedly doing this in front of a female reporter in a restaurant in a hallway. but it's such an odd thing that he would talk about it openly in his act. one of the apologies, didn't he say something about, i was going through a difficult time? >> yeah, b that was one of the women who he -- the woman who he spoke with when he was speaking with her on the phone, he said i was going through a dark time, i was going through a tough time.
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i apologize for it. it seems from those messages that he was saying it's behind me now. but, of course, we don't know if that's true. >> because louis decided not to comment for our story. >> cara buckley, appreciate it, and melena ryzik, thanks very much. "tipping point -- sexual harassment in america" starts now. tonight, it's a watershed moment. what started in hollywood -- >> they said he was in his room. i was like, are you kidding me? >> as dozens of stars accuse mega producer harvey weinstein of lewd, even criminal acts. >> it was disgusting and kind of pathetic, really, to stand b there and look at this man. >> has unleashed a tidal wave of anger. >> i've been hara
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