tv Wolf CNN November 13, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PST
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president is being played. on the defense, alabama senate candidate roy moore defiant as sexual allegations swirl as more republicans say he should dropout. new signs he still has strong support in in his home state. plus this. >> my sons and said there is no one left. >> it is called ethnic cleansing and the massacre unfolding before the world's highs as hundreds of thousands of people run for their lives in myanmar. up first, president trump brags about the receptions in his asia trip. he is under lots of fire for downplaying meddling in the presidential elections. the white house said the president briefly brought up human rights in the meeting with the president and a spokesman for the leader said the issue
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never came up. president trump also sent mixed messages in the 2016 election and vladimir putin's denials. he told reporters and i'm quoting, president trump now said he didn't meddle. he said he didn't meddle. i asked him again. you can only ask so many times. our white house correspondent and the president appeared to take putin's words over the word of the u.s. intelligence community. what is he saying now? >> wolf, the president tried to clarify saying he does side with agencies and not necessarily vladimir putin's assessment of meddling and he went out of his way to say he agrees with intelligence under the current leadership that he hand picked to lead the intel agencies. it's worth noting that the intelligence has not changed. it was all of these agencies that agreed together at the end
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of the presidential campaign and russia tried to meddle and the one selected by barack obama. when trump put his own people in, they testified that those conclusio conclusions. >> sarah, the president also at the same point is getting criticism for lavishing lots of praise of the philippine president and there has been a bloody war on drugs with thousands of killings outside the bounds of normal philippine proceedings. do we know whether president trump raise said the issue specifically. there is some dispute right now. he has hardly been a champion for human rights on any of these trips. that seems to be the case in his
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meeting as well. the thing that is bizarre about this is either side can agree on whether the issue came up. they insist the issue of human rights was never broached, but they did discuss it all be it briefly. this will be a disappointment to human rights groups and the president is catching slack from members of his party including senator john mccain disappointed that he didn't press the president harder. >> traveling with the president in manila. thanks very much. while he has been on this asian trip, the contentious trip took a bizarre turn. the president said it's impossible that the two can become friends and came shortly after the president called kim jong un short and fat.
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our will ripley is on the scene for us. what is happening? >> it was a surreal few hours and insults are flying back and forth when the president of the united states and the supreme leader of north korea continuing their attack on president trump. showcasing the anti-trump protesters in south korea while failing to mention that the larger crowds were in support of president trump. then this from the news agency saying the reckless remarks by a donor that translates to old senile person. he said why would kim jong un insult me by calling him old when i would never call him short and fat. oh, well, i try so hard to be his friend and maybe some day that will happen. still a lot of skepticism as to whether the friendship would be
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possible between the two leaders considering the fiery rhetoric to totally destroy north korea. the rocket man nickname and the north cockoreans saying actions speak louter than words. involving three carrier strike groups in the pacific. the waters off the peninsula. they have a potential war and watching closely to see if president trump will announce his decision to readd to the list. they were taken off of the list 10 years ago. over the nuclear program that got more advanced since then. wolf? >> it has. will ripley in north korea for us. overshadowing the trip is russia. he appeared to give them a pass on meddling.
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he said and i'm quoting the president now. every time he sees me he said i didn't do that. i really believe when he tells me that, he means it. the president walked back that statement somewhat during a news conference in vietnam. listen. >> what i said there is i believe he believes that. that's very important for somebody to believe. i believe he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with the agencies as currently constituted with the leadership. i believe in our intel agencies. i worked with them very strongly. >> earlier the president blasted former intelligence leaders saying and i'm quoting, i mean give me a break. they are political hacks. so you look at it and you have brennan and clapper and comey. comey has proven to be a liar and he has proven now to be a
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leaker. john is the former director of national intelligence and joining us right now. thanks for joining us. you worked with all these guys. clapper and comey. are they political hacks or career professionals? >> they certainly have strong career professional records. i think it's unfortunate that they got into this exchange between the president and them. i don't think it adds much to the debate about the real national security issues. the sooner we can get that off the front page, the better. >> you don't agree with the president that these guys are political hacks. >> i think they have gotten into a bit of a shouting contest with the president. they said things that were pretty strong about the president of the united states. i think mr. clapper said something about his mental balance or mental stability. when you start putting the words out about the president of the united states, i think you can
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expect to get blow back. >> you agree that russia interferes. they criticized or the russians. it's like pulling teeth to get them to say anything bad. how do you explain that. >> you completed the quote of a president on that. he said something that you have to understand. while i may go with the assessment, i have to work with these people. i have to work with them on syria. i have to work with them on the ukraine. >> if russia interfered with the selections and was involved in all this stuff. the president of the united states should directly and forcefully raise when he sees putin. >> i think it is a very
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substandard matter. i'm just trying to point out that the president was trying to juggle. he sees a dilemma and has the problem of what the russians did. he knows that they did it. at the same time he sees the need to work with them as one of the major powers to deal with the highly important international strategic. >> he calls the investigation a witch hunt and a hoax. i'm not sure he highly believes what you are suggesting. i know his aides and mike pompio and his other security officials have all said they believe the russians have done it. the president is reluctant to say so. i want you to listen to the reaction yesterday. clapper and brennan is on state of the union. listen to how they respond. listen to this. >> putin is committed to under mining our system of democracy
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and our process. to try to paint it in any other way is i think astounding and poses a peril in this country. >> mr. trump is for whatever reason intimidated by mr. putin or afraid of what he could do or what might come out as a result of these investigations. it's very worrisome and sends a worrisome and disturbing signal to the allies and partners who are concerned in the democratic processes as well. it's either ignorance or fear in terms of what mr. trump is doing with the russians. >> you know clapper and brennan. give me your reaction. >> there is quite a bit of truth to what they say. i also believe there is an investigation under way and a report already out that said they sought to influence the election. i cannot imagine we would not take stronger precautions in
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upcoming elections but to avoid the repetition of these kinds of events. we have the question of seeing deeply into the heart of the president. i can't fully speak to that. >> let's talk about the president's reluctance to deal with the russians as you know the house of representatives and the senate passed new sanctions against russia, 98-2. almost everyone voted in favor of the sanctions. the administration has been slow and missed deadlines and implementing the sanctions and even now they are not fully implementing the sanctions. this is raising a lot of concern especially among republicans on capitol hill who voted overwhelmingly with the democrats to impose the grounds of sanctions. why do you think the administration is so slow in doing this. >> they are working to create
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guidelines on how to do that. >> that's months of to do list. it has been a while. >> the legislation referenced to the fact that this had to be done in consultation and coordination. some of the sanctions that are being discussed affect important economic interests of some of the allied countries. an effort is being made to avoid pitfalls in our relationships as we go forward. >> it was clear the president didn't like the sanctions to begin with. he urged everyone to not go with additional sanctions. the senate and the house rejected that imposing the sanctions and now i'm pointing out very slow in implementing the law of the land. he reluctantly signed that into law. >> correct, but within that law of the land, there is a reference to acting and taking into consideration the interests and concerns. it's a balancing act.
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>> you see that as a legitimate concern where a lot of people say he's looking for an excuse not to go ahead. >> very quickly on this tweet on kim jong un, the leader of north korea. the president tweeted why would kim jong un insult me by calling me old when i would never call him short and fat. oh, well, i try so hard to be his friend and maybe some day that will happen. is that realistic that he and kim jong un some day could be friends? >> this whole trip, the major strategic issue was what to do about a nuclearized north korea and it was a success this that regard in japan and korea and elsewhere. he is trying to build it up and i think the united states is trying to build up a set of pressures on north korea. economic and political that will bring them to the table one of these days. one of the comments he made a reference to the possibility of
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north korea perhaps returning the abducted citizens and have been abducted over the past 40 years and it would be a fine gesture if they did that. he may hold out some hope of the possible solution provided we maintain a united front which i think he succeeded in reinforcing on this trip and bringing pressure to bear. >> your former ambassador, are you okay with the tepid criticism of the philippine leader? >> it's not a good situation. the philippines is a strong ally and we are supportive of them and their issues in the south china sea. they have been a historic friend for more than 100 years and he managed that situation as well as he could. there was in the joint statement a reference to the human rights situation. >> a serious situation. a former director of national
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intelligence. thanks very much for joining us. also breaking the top republican saying he believes the women accusing roy moore and considering a write in candidate. many voters have surprising opinions. with one of the soldiers killed in niger found with his hands tied. we have new details on the investigation. stay with us. so chase sapphire reserve cardmembers are helping plan my next vacation. japan, how's dinner? this is delicious. i'm sorry. three times points on travel and restaurants. sapphire reserve, from chase. make more of what's yours. it's what's inside isthe person who opens it.x. give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions. save 20% for the holidays at
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as young as 14. you encouraging a write in. >> that's an option we are looking at whether or not there is someone who can did a write in campaign successfully. >> will it be senator strange? >> do you believe the allegations are true? >> i believe the women, yes. >> they said if true, moore should step aside. we heard that over and over from the white house. if true. the issue was proving it. including a 14-year-old and younger than the age of consent
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who said that roy moore engaged in sexual conduct with her that made her uncomfortable. how do you prove that something is true? instead of them going for roy moore. that really is going to be up to the state party. the federal apparatus with thes enner toial campaign committee said that it's and he is saying it's fake news. mitch mcconnell said the person who should step aside. and he may be replaced.
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and just a reminder as they look to see how this is going to play out, there are two dozen corroborating witnesses when it comes to the four women in the "washington post" report who say that roy moore pursued relationships while they were teens and he was in his 30s. >> the statement from the senate majority leader in contrast to what we are hearing from white house officials, they are all saying that if true, moore should step aside, but they are not yet declaring that he should step aside. >> that's right. of course president trump supported luther strange, his opponent. roy moore made it clear when he comes to washington, he wants to back president trump's agenda. eyes are now on the white house. how is the white house going to respond now that today the senate majority leader said not just in truth, but he should
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step aside. moore is denying the accusation and threatening to go after "the washington post" over the initial report. >> that stops on the campaign. >> jason carroll on the ground in alabama. how are voters there reacting to the story. >> that's what it comes down to. it comes down to what voters are going to do in the state of alabama. we heard from state leaders who are basically and for the most part standing by roy moore, but it does come down to the voters. we spent all day with voters and
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last night. the allegations confirmed what they thought. before the allegations came out if you didn't like him then, you like him less now. after the allegations, a number of folks standing squarely in his corner saying the democratic party plot to get him to get out of the race. to find out whether or not they were moving from one box to the other. >> the man of god has done everything since i have known he existed. he has done everything he said he was going to do. i won't compare him with a girl.
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even in high school. i know she can change too. that's the word. it's not even a close call. >> i'm not planning to vote for him. that's where i will leave it at this time. >> i like the policies a little bit. roy moore feels like more of a show. that's opposed to an actual legitimate candidate. >> here's an interesting point where we found voters regardless of the side they are on. both sides agree they feel as though the timing of when the allegations surfaced, they feel the timing is suspect. wolf? >> thanks very much.
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in alabama for us, just in, roy moore's wife is speaking out on the allegations. hear what she said about the accusers, coming up. on the ground where an ethnic cleansing massacre is unfolding. the survivors describing the horrors. we will take you there live. >> my boy was just behind me and they hit him with a wooden stick and he collapsed to the ground, dead. his head was split open. "doggie lovers"? please! you know me. i don't even know where that is! look, i'm replying deny. see? oh, come on! [phone rings] hello? wells fargo. i did not make that purchase. i didn't do it! i'm so glad you caught that. uh huh. hi. so i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness.
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saying accusations that he pursued teen girls and initiated sexual conduct with a 14-year-old are a witch hunt. moore said after the accusations came out against judge moore, his polling numbers did not change so do you think they will let up? we knew something was coming, just didn't know what next. this is the same gloria allred that tried to dump during his campaign going on two months. they have been on a witch hunt here in our county and state advertising people to step forward with accusations and gathering evidence of money being paid to people who come forward. that's part of why we were filing suit. the washington establishment and the democrat party must stop at nothing for the campaign. prayers appreciated. they attempted to reach out to roy moore, but have idea to receive a response. let's get more insight from the cnn senior political analyst and our politics senior editor.
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it's heating up the next couple of days. >> no question. what is interesting about that statement is the moore campaign and the supporters are lumping together establishment republicans here in washington, d.c. let me be the first to tell you that establishment democrats and republicans don't like each other and do not get along. the comments that we heard from the senate majority leader today are very, very important. >> he flatly said he must dropout of the race. >> that's right. i spent time in alabama ahead of the run off with roy moore against luther strange backed by mitch mcconnell. the voters that i spoke to are no fans of mitch connell. that statement is incredibly important, i still wonder whether or not voter fist the judge decides to stay in the race will say that.
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>> what's the game plan if he does dropout. the way that election law is set up is you can't get another name on the ballot. the ballots have gone out. you would likely see a democratic candidate. they are looking at a write in candidate. that is very difficult. >> not impossible. lisa murcowski in alaska was a write in and she won. >> she did win. two different states, alaska is much smaller and that name was strong. her father had been governor and senator. close-knit. alabama is much more diverse. what if roy moore does win? he has to be accepted in the united states senate. he has to be sworn in. given the comment wos we saw, mh mcconnell said he believes the
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women. will he move to have him expelled. if so, you need 67 senators to agree. >> it will be incumbent. i think every senator will be asked whether or not they can stand shoulder to shoulder with a man who had a woman come out on record saying 14 years old, two years younger than the age of consent in alabama that he molested her. every senator will have to answer to that. >> when the president comes back to the united states, everyone will be asking him what do you think. we know his aides are saying if it's true, we should dropout. we will see what the president has to say. thanks very much. a cnn exclusive report and the harrowing tales of ethnic cleansing in myanmar are told by those who escaped. we will take you there live. rum, grumbily"? no more questions for you! ouph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it?
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>> they are witnesses to a massacre. refugees are facing unspeakable horrors as they are being driven from myanmar with the religious minority and targeted a clear case of ethnic cleansing. the british prime minister echoed that same concern. our senior international correspondent is on the border and joining us now. you had a chance to seek to survivors who shared some of their stories and i want to warn the viewers what you are about to see and hear is disturbing. tell us what you saw and are hearing.
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>> that's right. the accounts that we have been hearing from the survivors are some of the most harrowing that i have ever heard. these people said they had been beaten and tortured and rape and kaled in an tempt to push them out. >> it's just a few hundred yards to safety, but it doesn't take long to see that something has gone very wrong. a woman's limp body has been rushed between no man's land and myanmar as families wait to see what happened. on this days, it's a husband and wife. the crowd said they were shot dead as they try to leave myanmar. muslims flooded this border to escape what the united nations
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had a text book example of egg nick cleansing. each has a tale more harrowing than the next. my sons and daughters were shot on thursday. i can't find them. there is no one left. they told residents it was to remain in the village, but the days later, the myanmar military poured in and carried out a blood bath. >> this is god's will. others told a similar story. they rounded them up and separated them from the women. many were shot and fell on their
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faces she recalls. those lying on the ground were picked up and chopped and thrown into the river. they appear to show thes of three children wash up on the shore. witnesses cry to god for mercy. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of the video or verify the many accounts. access to the state is heavily restrict restricted. we wanted to find out more about what happens. we travelled to a sprawling refugee camp along the border and met this 30-year-old. she said the soldiers raped her before setting the house alight with her inside. the burns that cover her body only hint at the horror she survived. >> describe to me what happened
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to you. what did you see with your own eyes exactly? >> translator: my boy was just behind me and they hit him with a wooden stick and he collapsed to the ground, dead. his lead was split open and they took my other son from my lap and him into the fire. she managed to escape with her 7-year-old daughter, razzia. all three of hers were killed. oh, god, she cries. why didn't you take me? but for the survivors, there is no justice in this world. cnn reached out to the myanmar government for some kind of a statement. they say they have a very different version of events of what happened. they accuse the residents of being involved in insurgent terrorist attack on the berm
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ea ease military. they met with president trump today in manila and it will be interesting to know whether or not he raised the issue of what is happening to these people. wolf? >> it's pretty shocking. very shocking. the ethnic cleansing going on. what has the u.s. government said? what has the community done to deal with this crisis? >> the u.s. and several others in the international community have been quite outspoken about the real concerns about what is going on. so far we have yet to see a real unified support come together across the international community for some kind of a decisive action and not just determining whether myanmar is carrying out ethnic cleansing, about you in terms of dealing
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with the crisis. 609,000 muslims here in these camps. another 200,000 expected in the next two weeks. simply put, it is not a sustainable situation. wolf? >> it certainly is not. thanks for bringing this crisis to the world's attention. doing excellent reporting for us on the scene as she always does. thank you very much. coming up, he turned 75 years old next week. joe biden said he is not ruling out a 2020 run for the white house with democrats welcome being him with open arms. president trump dragging that world leaders are rolling out the red carpet like no one who came before him. i will speak live at the former white house photographer for president obama who has been trolling the current president.
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i am so busy. so chase sapphire reserve cardmembers are helping plan my next vacation. japan, how's dinner? this is delicious. i'm sorry. three times points on travel and restaurants. sapphire reserve, from chase. make more of what's yours. it's what's inside isthe person who opens it.x. give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions. save 20% for the holidays at
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eight years, nearly 2 million photographs and one very unique perspective, the former white house photographer pete souza captured president obama in some of the most iconic moments of his two terms. he's just released a beautiful new book show casing many of those moment, a coffee table book called "obama: an intimate portrait." he joins us now. i'm looking through this book. it's a heavy book you have a lot of pictures in here, and it brings back a lot of memories and i want to get through those, and let's talk about what you've been doing since leaving the white house. you spent eight years as the official white house
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photographer. some say trolling the president on instagram when he says something you come back and you suggest well, maybe it's not necessarily the case. the first week of his presidency when he signed the travel ban, executive order barring travelers from six muslim majority countries from coming to the united states. you posted a picture of president obama meeting a child refugee. are you trolling the current president? >> i am posting private domain photos as a private citizen and i like to let my instagram feed speak for itself. >> a lot of people are following you. >> yes. >> more people know about you now than they knew about you during the eight years you were the official white house photographer. >> and that part of it is a little unsettling to me. >> but it's probably true. >> let's talk a little bit. you heard the president say in his overseas trip he's being received on the red carpet like no other president maybe before. you spent a lot of time during those eight years, international
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trips with president obama. what do you think? >> i think president obama was welcomed the same way in europe and asia. so you're suggesting -- >> i'll leave it at that. >> you have some great photographs in here, but what's your favorite of all of those iconic pictures and all of those iconic photographs you took of the then president? >> it's kind of like asking, you know, a parent what's your favorite child? it's really hard to decide, and the one on the back cover is one of my favorites. little jake from philadelphia. >> we can show thaw, if you want to do a tight shot. you can see it right there. >> this is little jacob philadelphia, who had asked the president and said that his hair looked just like his and the president bent over and let him touch his hair just like that. >> you see the president bent over and the little boy could touch his hair. is that right? >> why do you like this picture so much and why did you put it on the back cover of thisbook?
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>> because i think it really speaks to two things. one for this young 4-year-old african-american kid, he's touching it the head of the president of the united states who looks just like him, and i think that a lot of african-american kids were able to look at that picture and identify with that moment, but it tells you a lot about president obama, as well. the fact that at the behest of a 4-year-old kid he would bend over and let him touch his head like that. >> it does speak a lot about this president and the impact that he had. what about let clearance? t the authorization that you had, and would he say i look great in this one? >> during the administration we tried to make public authentic pictures. he never looked at the photos before we made them public. >> it was almost always your call? >> i chose the photograph and then i would have someone either
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josh, ernest or robert gibbs look at them first before we released them. >> of the 2 million photographs you took, how many were made public? >> oh, gosh. thousands, probably. i don't even know the number. >> so if people go to the book and if they can go online and see the pictures? >> the white house instagram feed, the white house flicker account and white during the obama administration are all now archived. >> so the book is entitled obama, an intimate portrait, pete souza, the official white house photographer and you have a foreword in there by barack obama himself. >> yes. >> pete, thanks for doing this and thanks for your great work over the years? >> absolutely. we'll have more breaking news including roy moore another high-profile republican senator calling on him to leave the race amid these new allegations. stand by. we'll be right back. it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine, 'cause i get a safe driving bonus check
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all right. here we go. top of the hour. i'm brooke bolduan. thank you very much for being here. mitch mcconnell against the controversial alabama senate candidate roy moore, there are no longer any ifs, ands or buts from the leader of senate republicans. today mcconnell said moore should drop out of the senate race because he, mitch mock connell, believes the woman of sex abuse when she was only 14. mcconnell is siding with the three other women who said moore pursued him when they were mere teenagers and he was in his 30s. >> step down from that senate race. >> i do. i think he should step aside. >> do you believe these allegations to be true? >> believe the women, yes.
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