tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 17, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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safety. cnn has turned over evidence. we'll be closely monitoring the investigation. we'll report back on the results. thanks to nima el barger for that excellent, excellent report. thanks it for me. thanks for watching, erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next trump slams franken for sexual assault. the white house denies this is hypocritical. wait until you hear the reason. plus, the moore accusers speaks "outfront." she says the incident happened in his law office. moore was already married at the time. you'll hear her story, here. and breaking news on the russia investigation. jared kushner telling congress he didn't remember any trump campaign contacts with wikileaks. senate investigators now say, though, he did receive e-mails about wikileaks. let's go "outfront." good evening i'm erin burnett, "outfront" tonight a new standard for sexual assault. the white house tonight issuing
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a whole new standard for judging those accused of sexual assault or harassment. press secretary sarah sanders making the argument that those who admit to wrongdoing are guilty, but those who simply deny the allegations and say their accusers are the liars are innocent. listen to this exchange at today's press briefing. >> if it's fair to investigate al franken, and the allegation made by his accuser, is it also fair to investigate this president and the allegations of sexual misconduct made against him by more than a dozen women? >> look, i think that this was covered pretty extensively during the campaign. we addressed that then. the american people, i think, spoke very loud and clear when they elected this president. >> but how is it different? >> i think in one case, specifically, senator franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't. i think that's a very clear distinction. >> it's a clear distinction. to put it another way, sanders is saying, take the president at his word. which is problematic. first of all, on the very issue
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of his word. according to "the washington post" fact checker, the president of the united states has made 1,628 false or misleading claims just since taking office. that's an average of 5 1/2 a day. however, if you do take him at his word on this issue, well then here is his word. >> you know, i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- it's like a magnet. it just is. i don't even let -- they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ] you can do anything. >> so the same man who said that has absolutely no shame in tweeting this about al franken. quote, the al frankenstein picture is really bad. speaks a thousand words. where do his hands go in pictures two, three, four, five, and six while she sleeps? well this is a picture trump is referring to in that tweet. it's unacceptable. and it is wrong. but let's be clear. trump's outrage towards franken isn't about the picture being either unacceptable or wrong.
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it's pure politics. because putting his own past aside, if president trump was concerned about what's right when it comes to harassment, then he would have called on roy moore to step aside. as the republican leaders of the house and senate and at least 17 other sitting republicans already have. but moore has followed trump's playbook of casting doubt on his accusers. so by this new standard, it seems moore is getting a pass. trump's saving his outrage for democrats like franken, harvey weinstein and anthony weiner. >> i've known harvey weinstein for a long time. i'm not at all surprised to see it. i know anthony weiner for a long time. i knew before they caught him with the bing, bing, bing, right? he was a bad guy then. it turned out that he was a really bad guy. >> there's no argument with that. and these men did ugly and horrific things. but where is the president's outrage on moore? so far he said next to nothing and the white house is feeling the heat. >> to suggest that this white
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house, and specifically that this president, hasn't weighed is just inaccurate and wrong. he weighed in. he said if the allegations are true, he should step aside. >> to be clear, she's right. trump has only weighed in to say if the allegations are true, roy moore will do the right thing and step aside. that was a week ago tonight. when he promised he'd have more comment when he returned to the country. he has punted every single day since. and his endorsement of roy moore still stands. ryan nobles is "outfront" tonight at the white house. and ryan the last thing we heard definitively from the president of the united states about roy moore was moore will be, quote, a great senator. and i'm really happy with that. end quote. what does sanders mean, that the president has weighed in? >> well, the spin coming from the white house tonight, erin, is that the president has weighed in on this issue, there's nothing more to say and they want to leave it in the hands of the voters of alabama. legislative director mark shore said today and pointed out the fact that the president actually campaigned against roy moore during that senate primary instead supporting luther
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strange. listen to this tweet that the president posted shortly after roy moore defeated luther strange in that primary. he said, quote, spoke to roy moore of alabama last night for the first time. sounds like a really great guy who ran a fantastic race. he will help to maga, which is the acronym for make america great again. and then let's go back to this trip to asia where the president obviously involved in a lot of important foreign policy decisions. but they were asked, he was asked, specifically, on air force one about what he thought about roy moore and those accusations, and as you put it, erin, he basically punted. this is a quote from air force one. quote, i haven't gotten to see too much. and believe it or not, even when i'm in washington, and new york, i do not watch much television. so i have not seen very much about him, about it, and you know, i put out a statement yesterday, that he'll do the right thing the question is, erin, what is the right thing? the white house is still yet to clear fie exactly what they mean, and, in fact, in that press briefing today, sarah
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sanders left open the possibility that perhaps the governor of alabama could change the date of the special election, delay it, in fact, and that's actually a proposal that's been floated to this white house by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell in a memo. so far, governor ivey says that the election will take place on december 12th. erin? >> thank you very much. appreciate it, ryan. now john ablum joins us, along with april ryan, white house correspondent for american urban radio networks was there in the room with sarah sanders today and mark preston, senior political analyst. so john sarah sanders has offered a totally new standard for sexual assault. if you admit to it you did it, if you didn't, you didn't. >> yeah, and that's obviously troubling for a thousand reasons beginning with his word as you said. look, al franken in his case he took responsibility. he blamed himself. the trump/moore playbook seems to blame the women, blame the accusers. what sarah huckabee sanders is doing is trying to institutionalize that standard. if you play off women who come
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forward you're magically exonerated despite evidence, whether it's eight accusers or being caught on tape in hollywo hollywood. what sarah huckabee sanders is saying is the american people have spoken. but it really is kind of institutionalizing some of our worst instincts. it used to be hypocrisy was the unforgivable sin of politics. we've gone a long way from that. situational ethics is the coin of the realm in trump's washington. >> sarah sanders on the difference between the president and al franken, when it comes to sexual assault. >> senator franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't. i think that's a very clear distinction. >> that's what it is, april. he says he didn't do it so he didn't do it. forget that there's more than a dozen people. forget oh, by the way he said he was going to sue them because they were liars. he hasn't done it. >> well, you know, there's several pieces to this. it's do as i say, not as i do, almost. one, this president is pointing at al franken because he knows he will never need al franken on
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the hill for anything. that's one thing. but, two, you know, this white house said clearly, you know, the people of alabama will decide. and then the president weighed in and it points the finger back to him. you can't have it both ways. this president has accusers, and al franken came out and said yes he did wrong. but the president has not fully addressed beyond talking to billy bush and saying locker room all these issues that are still looming. this president is going to have to come out and address it, because the longer and the more stories come out, and they keep coming, it goes back to the white house to hear what the white house has to say about it. and it also puts a glaring spotlight on the president's past. about his questioners or accusers. >> it does. and, mark, you know, here's the thing. the president has dodged this issue repeatedly, for an entire week here and when he did comment on it on air force one
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when he was asked, he said, quote, and i know ryan read part of it, i want to read it. haven't got ton see too much, this is his reason for why he doesn't have much to say. believe it or not even when i'm in washington and new york i don't watch much television so i've not seen very much about him, about it, as you know i put out a statement yesterday that he'll do the right thing. so i'll stick with the statement from now but i'll have further comments as we go down the road. i have to get back into the country to see what's happening. well he's been back for days, mark, and he's been asked for days, and he literally just sort of speeds up his walk and continues to walk away from the camera >> yeah, it's so ridiculous. the idea that he says he doesn't watch television is -- is -- >> that's 1,629. >> right. anybody that reads his twitter feed, that listens to him, in fact, look at this tweet that he put out the morning he got back from vietnam right now. he went right after us when he was in the pill peens, he was forced to watch cnn which i have not done in months and again realized how bad and fake it is. loser. so i guess we're losers.
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but the fact of the matter is, and i'll take it, i'm a loser. i wear that with a badge of honor. but the fact of the matter is, is that we know he watches us all the time because he responds in -- in -- in -- in realtime when he's upset at us. but it's not only that. in statistic statement he talked about that you just read erin he talked about how when he's overseas that he wasn't really clued in to what was going here in the united states. well that's wrong, too. if you look at his twitter feed. he talked about ed gillespie's campaign in virginia. when he loses, he weighs in on that. he weighs in on the national take drug back day where people are encouraged to return prescription drugs so that they're not misused. he also weighs in on his own election anniversary. so, there's no way that he is not clued in on this. and i've said this before and i'll say it again, if his white house was not telling him what was happening here in the united states then they all should be fired. >> but he's also been back for the better part of a week, and as everyone can tell, things are going great.
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good job, everybody. so you know, he's had a week to reflect on it and the best we're going to get is deflection and distraction from the press secretary because they don't have anything else politically. they want to see if they can river this election, despite the fact 17 republicans have come forward and said roy moore should step down. president trump is clearly unwilling to do that. and that just speaks to the office no longer being primarily about moral leadership but about pursuit of power. >> april you were in the room today as i said, you asked sarah sanders about a comment hillary clinton just made to you. so hillary clinton told you she worries about everything from the president's past, quote, because it tells you how he behaves in the present and how he will in the future. you asked sarah sanders about that. here's her response. >> i think hillary clinton probably should have dealt with some of those of her own issues before addressing this president. >> presumably, unclear there, april, how did you take that, as a reference to general issues? a reference to her husband's sexual harassment and assault did >> i took it as a reference to her husband. i took it as a reference to her
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husband. but at the same time, again, deflection. those issues of hillary clinton, they're not hillary clinton's issues, they're her husband's issues, who was the president. he's been impeached. there's been the investigations, what have you. not only that, president trump brought some accusers in to a debate, and the question for me is, you know, what would happen if someone did that with -- with the accuser of this president for him. but going back to what sarah sanders said, it was deflection. she did not address fully -- >> right. >> -- what hillary clinton said about the past, the present, and the future. what has been done in the past, and what he said. that billy bush tape is very telling. even though the president says that's locker room. they were not in the locker room. it was a moment before they were going to meet with a beautiful woman. 33 and if we see the whole tape -- >> right, who they were discussing -- personally. yes. >> yes. right. right.
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>> and the issue here though i wonder john is he i guess he's trying to wait this out. >> sure. >> he says roy moore steps aside he is stuck in an impossible position. because then he's saying he should step aside. he's saying that he believes -- >> yeah. >> a group of women who don't -- who can't provide actual proof from that moment. well he has more women who have been completely corroborated by many people right so in that case the president of the united states is saying that he himself should step down. which is something he can't say. >> of course not. not even by implication. roy moore is using the donald trump playbook if you're confronted with facts you don't like you say the news is fake. you go after at accuaccusers. he's going to try to tap dance through the next two weeks and see if roy moore can pull this election out or if the governor will apparently step in and delay it further. but, look, bottom line, this shouldn't be a partisan issue, folks. the fact that everyone in washington seems to be projecting their politics onto this and finding selective outrage at one side or the other, too many folks, this clearly is an issue that should transcend partisan politics. the fact it doesn't speaks to a
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deeper sickness in our politics. >> mark, can the president get away with getting until december 12th without saying anything about this? he's betting on the thanksgiving holiday and no more accuser or what? i mean that's a lot of time. >> yes. he can get away with it. but the door was left open today, and april and the rest of the white house press corps can kick the door down on monday. when asked about why he has not sued the dozen -- plus women who have accused him of this, sarah huckabee sanders says i've not spoken to him about it, i'll get back to you. guess what on monday let's get an answer back on that. >> right. he said he was going to sue them. she said i don't know why he hasn't. i'll have to ask him. said they were all liars and he was going to sue them and he doesn't. thank you all very much. the governor of alabama says she doesn't doubt the roy moore accusers. this is the crucial thing, she says she will vote for him anyway. she believes a woman who says she was 14 years old when he assaulted her. and she's going to vote for him
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anyway. this comes when an accuser tells me moore groped her in his office. plus jared kushner telling congress he didn't remember any trump campaign contacts with wikileaks. gut now senate investigators say he himself got e-mail about wikileaks. so, and trump's communications director always by his side, about to face robert muller's questioning. could she be key in the investigation? ♪ ♪ you nervous? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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breaking news, republican governor of alabama kay ivey admitting she has no reason not to believe the women accusing senate candidate roy moore of sexual misconduct. that includes a 14-year-old girl who says moore initiated sexual encounter with her and another high school girl who claims moore grabbed her by the neck and tried to force her head onto his crotch. governor ivey says she will still vote for roy moore. >> i certainly have no reason to disbelieve any of them. i do believe that the nominee of the party is the one i'll vote for. i believe in the republican party and what we stand for and most important, we need to have a republican in the united states senate to vote on the things like supreme court justices, other appointments that the senate has to confirm and make major decisions. >> kyung lah is foreign policien
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from. this is sort of painful to hear that logic being worked out comes just hours after moore's wife kayla spoke at a rally today. and she is defiant that her husband is being wrongly accused, right? >> yeah. she was flanked by women and she came out swinging. she repeated very much what we've heard throughout the week, erin, that despite the number of women who've come out speaking, that these allegations are simply not true. mrs. moore echoing candidate moore. that he's not going anywhere. >> even after all the attacks against me, against my family, against the foundation, and now against my husband, he will not step down. he will not stop fighting for the people of alabama. in his words, and i quote, i will not stop until they lay me in that box in the ground. >> moore's campaign says that
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their found raising, because of all of this controversy, has skyrocketed. they say that they are vased more online in the last six days than they have since september 26th. that being a total, and erin they also say they've topped six figures several days in a row. >> thank you very much, kyung lah. also new tonight a woman accusing roy moore of sexual assault speaking out. tina johnson claiming he groped her when she was in her law office. she was there with her mother who was taking custody of continue yeah's 12-year-old son at the time. moore was tina's mother's lawyer. this was in 1991. it was the first allegation against moore at a time when he was married to his wife kayla. main johnson is "outfront." and tina, thank you for coming on to -- to tell your story. you know, you are putting your name out there, your face out there, you reputation out there. when you arrived at roy moore's office that day, tell me what happened when you walked in. >> the moment we walked in, it
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was full-on assault. i mean, he was very, very flirtatious. and commenting constantly the whole -- the whole time. and it was not like for five minutes. it was like we were there for a long period of time. it was so uncomfortable. i knew something was up, but i just ignored it. tried, you know, just what it was. he proceeded to come to the end of the desk, and really close up on me. >> you said so close you could sort of feel his breath? >> right. actually, i think his knee might have been touching my knee. you know, his hands were not on me, just like maybe his knee was brushing mine or something. and, then, when it was time for us to leave my mother had got up and left the room, you know, to go out the front door. well, when she was going out the
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door, then i proceeded out and he just grabbed me from behind on my buttocks. and he just squeezed it really hard, and i remember thinking, i was so ashamed. i felt humiliated in that moment. it took everything out of me. and a lot of people want to say, well it was just a squeeze. it's not just a squeeze. you take -- you humiliate us, you take every ounce of decency from us. we feel like it's our fault. we -- we feel like we done something wrong. and you know, i didn't. i did not. >> one question a lot of people have with these stories coming out now, of course, is why now? why, tina, did you choose to speak out now? why not sooner? >> because you couldn't. people didn't want to hear it. your own family members don't talk about that.
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you know. why you bringing that up? and another thing, my mother was flattered that he was flirting with me. she went back and told the whole family. and my sister even recalled the conversation that my mother had about it that he was flirting, and at that time i don't -- i don't think my mother knew that he was married. because she had made a comment he was fishing for a wife. >> hmm. >> so i don't think -- and i didn't realize she was married until a few days ago that that time. because i was thinking he married his wife after that and i remember hearing that -- that she had a small child. a girl. and i remember thinking, oh, no. i remember that. but i thought that he was not married at that time. >> so, you just simply have felt what has changed? the environment, other women came forward? >> other women came forward. >> did it give you the courage to come out and tell your story? >> yes, what really did it for
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me was when i seen a citizen of etowah county say that the 14-year-old, it was okay. it was no big deal. >> someone told you that? >> it was on the news. i mean, i seen it on live tv. they -- they said that it was okay. that, she was 14, oh, well, that's okay. that it was fine. >> and you decided you had to speak out. >> i was so angry. a 14-year-old. a 14-year-old child. and it was okay. when is that ever okay? ever? >> well, it isn't. it isn't. i mean, we have reached out to the moore campaign multiple times, tina about your story, specifically. they have not responded. at this time. as you know, his campaign and lawyers have tried to poke holes in some of the other stories, although he admits to dating some of them, questioning the ages or whatever it might be. what would you say if his campaign comes out and claims okay tina you're doing this because you want payback because he was representing your mother
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on this custody issue. if they come out and say that to try to discredit you, what do you say to that? >> the lord that i serve is not the one roy moore serves because my lord knows that he did it. he knows it, and i know it. he can say whatever he wants to say. the truth will stand when the world want, and that's the truth. i understand that people's going to doubt it. i understand that they're not going to understand it. and that's why i'm here to let people know. sexual misconduct, when someone gropes you, is not that. it's a sexual assault. i hate to know that my grand daughter, daughter is going to grow up in a world where she cannot even work or go to a law firm or go to a doctor, and not have to worry about getting sexual assaulted. it's time. they don't have this right. and the men that do this in power, they take our power,
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because i think to be more powerful. and they do that. and they talk about that -- that it didn't hurt us. they scarred me for life. every time that i would think about him or see that, i felt like sick, ashamed, blamed. that it was my fault. i shouldn't have wore that dress. it was my fault. i can remember the dress. it was black and white. one side was black and one side was white. i never wore it again. over a grab. but it wasn't nothing. but it wasn't nothing. >> tina, i really appreciate your telling your story. and i think it is how you feel about it, and how you feel about your dignity being taken away is something that hopefully a lot of people can connect with, and understand, and can help them
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understand all of this a little bit better. thank you so very much for talking about it. >> thank you. thank you. >> and "outfront" next the breaking news, new questions about jared kushner and what he told congress about wikileaks. and a loyal member of trump's inner circle. she's been there since the beginning, was in on top level meetings. what will hope hicks tell team mueller. the amazing new iphone 8 is at at&t... and we know you'll love it. because we know you want more. more great camera features and more power. and more than just unlimited data, we give you unlimited plans with hbo included for life. because you deserve more entertainment. and more spokespeople. talking like this, saying the word more. at&t. it's time for more. am i too close? i feel like i'm too close. get the iphone 8 and with all at&t unlimited plans, get hbo for life. only from at&t.
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ta da! a terrarium. that's it. we brewed the love, right guys? (all) yes. breaking news. new questions tonight about jared kushner's testimony to the senate intelligence committee. a source telling cnn that kushner told lawmakers he did not know of anyone in the trump campaign who had contact with wikileaks during the election. but as we reported the senate judiciary committee is now accusing the president's senior adviser of withholding crucial documents that suggest he both received and forwarded e-mails regarding wikileaks months before the election. how could this be? evan perez is "outfront" and evan, obviously these are -- these are things you sort of look at him and go, wait a
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minute, what are you learning about what kushner told lawmakers? >> right, erin. well jared kushner told congressional investigators that he did not communicate with wikileaks and didn't recall anyone in the trump campaign who did. but we know, as you mentioned from disclosures this week, that donald trump jr. sent an e-mail to kushner and others in the campaign last year to pass on information that he did learn from wikileaks. and that kushner then forwarded that e-mail to hope hicks, one of the closest aides to then-candidate trump, and now of course the communications director at the white house. a source from jared kushner's interview with congressional investigators told us that he accurately answered questions about his contacts with wikileaks, and didn't recall anyone else in the campaign who did have contact. so what this latest revelation does is it turns up pressure on kushner to go back to capitol hill for more interviews and explain himself. we heard yesterday from the leaders of the senate judiciary committee, who sent a public letter to kushner's lawyer saying kushner had failed to turn over documents that they
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know,ist and that includes, of course, information about wikileaks. the letter from senator chuck grassley and senator dianne feinstein said that others had provided documents showing quote september 2016 e-mail communications to mr. kushner concerning wikileaks which mr. kushner then forwarded to another campaign official. what's clear, erin, is that members of congress aren't satisfied with the answers that they've gotten so far from jared kushner. we just got an e-mail -- a new statement from abbe lowell who is jared kushner's lawyer and he says that essentially these were classic gotcha questions from congressional investigators, and he says mr. kushner answered all questions put to him, and demonstrated that there had been no collusion between the campaign and the russia. erin? >> all right, thank you very much. evan, and let's go now to richard painter former white house ethics lawyer for president george w. bush and bob baer former cia operative. jared kushner testified he didn't communicate with russia and he didn't know of any such contacts. by the campaign.
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yet we now know he himself received and forwarded an e-mail from donald trump jr. about contact the president's son had with wikileaks. so, what do you make of this? >> well, it's obvious what's going on is the russians stole the documents through computer hacking about hillary clinton and then dumped it into wikileaks. and the people in the trump campaign were collaborating. that much we know. how much the collaborating was, and who exactly it was, robert mueller's going to find out. but everybody on team trump has been denying any contacts with the russians or with wikileaks. repeatedly. and then repeatedly we're finding out that those denials aren't true. and this is yet one more example of that. and meanwhile today the attorney general of the united states just joking about this russia thing at a federalist society dinner. i sat with him at a table about 10, 15 years ago at one of those
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society dinners and to turn this into a joke, and just not tell the truth about it, it's shameful. this is a very serious investigation and the attorney general, jared kushner and the entire team needs to get their act together and start telling the truth and being straight about it. >> so bob, let me ask you. let me play what kushner said after the meeting with members of the senate intelligence committee this summer. here he is. >> let me be very clear, i did not collude with russia, nor do i know of anyone else in the campaign who did so. >> so, bob, then, then you know as we've reported here, he then the senate says he's withholding e-mails with wikileaks, invite, dinner invite from the russians, a back door overture and about a source connected to the infamous dossier. so they didn't get any of that. then you hear his lawyer tonight saying he said he didn't know of such contacts by the campaign referring to anything to do with wikileaks. it now looks like he both received and forwarded an e-mail. i mean, do you think that this
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at this point is outright lying? >> it's perjury, erin. you know, if the fbi wanted to get tough on jared, he'd be in handcuffs. you know, he's got a security clearance of some sort. he's acting as a diplomat. this investigation, he knows exactly what it's about. and not to have gone through his e-mails or have forgotten he was in touch with wikileaks, just doesn't happen. i mean anybody who's been through one of these investigations knows you have to be totally forthcoming whether it's with congress or the fbi and he's dragging his feet. it's obstruction of justice from my point of view, from a national security point of view. no doubt about it. >> and and and richard what do you say, obstruction of justice? perjury? again let's just make the point of the specific this e-mail from donald trump jr., it was about wikileaks. donald trump jr. forwarded it to jared kushner who then forwarded it on who hope hicks. can you make the argument i just didn't remember it, i didn't
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think wikileaks was a relevant search term to hand over. or, or is this perjury? >> he can make that argument. and i don't think i quite go quite so far as to say it's perjury. it falls in the same category with attorney general sessions, repeated testimony in front of congress where he forgets about contacts with the russians. it's in that very dubious gray area. but they should be behaving this way. these are some of the most powerful officials in the united states government, and this involved contacts with a path of power that interfered with our election and to see jared kushner just cavalierly not telling the truth about these e-mails, to see the attorney general joking about it in front of a room full of the most prominent conservative lawyers in washington, d.c., it's an embarrassment and you know, they need to get their act together. this just isn't right. >> let me just play that bite, bob, of senator session i'm sorry attorney general session making that joke about russia at the mayflower hotel the scene of one of the meetings with the
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russia ambassador kislyakislyak he is. >> what i ask you is ambassador kislyak in the room? before i get started here. any russians? anybody been to russia? got a cousin in russia or something? >> bob, clearly trying to use humor to completely denigrate and demean the entire process. >> look, erin, russia attacked our democracy in 2016. a lot of people have lost confidence in this administration wondering what the connection is between donald trump and the russians. and the last thing you want to do when your democracy has been attacked by a hostile power is joke about it. you know, this was the equivalent of a cyber attack at 9/11 and we just have to face that and the fact that we've done nothing to prevent further russian hacking i just find
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outrageous. i do not understand it and i do not understand what's happening in washington, d.c. where there's not more outrage. >> all right. thank you both so very much. next an influential player in trump'sibler circle about to be interviewed by robert mueller's team. is hope hicks the key. and dozens of people have backed the accounts of those who have alleged wrongdoing and harassment from roy moore. what will it take for his supporters to believe them? i'm going to ask one of them. ah, dinner.
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i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. tonight special counsel robert mueller's team about to grill one of the top members of president trump's inner circle. prosecutors preparing to interview white house communications director hope hicks. she's been there since the very beginning. day one of that campaign she's been in the room for trump's most controversial decisions. could she help mueller but things together? jessica schneider is "outfront." >> she's really, really talented.
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hope, say a -- >> reporter: hope hicks never seems to be very far from the president's side. thurs on capitol hill at a state dinner in japan last week, inside the oval office hicks is one of the only nonfamily members who has remained a critical part of trump's inner circle since 2014 when the former model joined the trump organization. she was a key point person when trump launched his campaign in 2015. and the 29-year-old is now white house communications director. working from a desk right outside the oval office. >> the criminals that we send -- >> reporter: hicks operates mostly behind the scenes, leaving the public statements to others. her prime place on the president's team has made hicks of interest to special counsel robert mueller. mueller's team plans to interview hicks before the end of the month. >> what this tells us is the investigation is moving at a steady pace. they're going from out to in, from less important to more important. i think she's still a witness, not a subject or a target by any means. but she's got critical information that only she
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possesses. >> reporter: sources tell cnn the special counsel is particularly interested in hicks' role drafting the initial and misleading statement from donald trump jr. about his meeting with a russian lawyer at trump tower. that statement, drafted on board air force one with input from the president, tried to downplay the significance of the meeting, and failed to mention a promise the russian lawyer would bring damaging information about hillary clinton. hicks was also in bedminster, new jersey, days before the president fired fbi director james comey. sources tell cnn the president drafted a memo along with top aide steven miller, explaining the reasoning behind the firing. but the letter was never sent. mueller's team now has that letter. and the presidnt revealed in an interview just after the firing that it was russia related. >> and, in fact, when he decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing about trump and russia is a made-up story. >> reporter: white house lawyer ty cobb wouldn't comment
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directly about hope hicks and when she will met with the special counsel's team. only this, it is my hope and expectation that shortly after thanksgiving all the white house interviews will be concluded. mueller also plans to interview white house counsel don mcgann who is also trump raes campaign counsel and jared kushner's spokesman who was also on air force one when the trump junior statement was drafted. hicks is being represented by robert trout, a former assistance u.s. attorney who represented president richard nixon's attorney general john mitchell during watergate, and monica lewinsky. >> he's going to tell her, remember, tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and protect yourself and nobody else. >> reporter: and mueller's team has are interviewed former white house press secretary sean spicer, and former white house chief of staff reince priebus. that was earlier this month. right now there's no clear indication how far along in the process the special counsel's investigation actually is. >> jessica, thank you very much. and next standing by, roy moore. despite the mountain of
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accusations against him. will anything change the mind of his staunch supporters? and yesterday, it was elephant heads. tonight it's lion parts. big game hunters like donald jr. and eric trump are now able to bring more trophies from their kills back home. alright, off you go. casual fridays at buckingham palace? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money nathan saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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tonight a woman accusing roy moore of groping her is coming forward. she told her story "outfront" speaking to me just moments ago. >> the moment we walked in, it was full-on assault. i mean he was very, very flirtatious. and commenting constantly the whole -- the whole time. my mother had got up and left the room, you know, to go out the front door. but when she was going out the door, then i proceeded out and he just grabbed me from behind on my buttocks. and he just squeezed it really hard. and, i remember thinking, i was so ashamed. i felt humiliated. . >> stories like tina johnson aren't swaying roy moore
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supporters including my next guest. amy you and i have talked over the years on a lot of topics. this is the first time on this particular issue. you just heard part of tina johnson's story. amy, do you think she's lying? >> no, i mean erin look, i don't know she's lying i wasn't there i'm not here to judge here, that's not what i'm doing. i'm supporting roy moore, the people of alabama has chosen who they want and the people of alabama should decide who they want in the united states senate. >> so, i do think it's important though, you know to understand where people stand on this issue, right. the governor of alabama she says she's believes the woman. she's still voting for roy moore but she does believe them. more than 50 people have come forward to corroborate the story of these witnesses, whether it's character witnesses when it took place between there and now.
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you spoke with roy moore's wife and i wanted to play part of what you said. >> we have a candidate that just walked through the fire, not just this election cycle but over the years as he's accompanied, not in just local races but in statewide races for the supreme court justice of the state of alabama, twice and none of this has come out. >> it sounds there that you're questioning, they're doing it for political reasons. why would these women go on the record by name, all of them and lie? >> erin, i -- like i said i'm not sheer to talk -- to judge them, judge the women. i'm not saying their lying but i'm not the judge and juror and neither are you, no one in the media is and neither is anyone in washington, d.c. it's as if the d.c. media bubble thinks the people of alabama are not capable of making the decision with the information
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put in front of them. and you got mitch mcconnell saying that should roy be elected he can be suspended from the senate -- >> don't leaders like you amy also have a responsibility to tell people where you stand and waubl in? you said in local races, statewide races and none of this ever came out? you are implying there that they're doing it for political reasons. >> erin, let me tell you something, ten years ago i would have never believed people would do such horrible thing for political reasons. but i myself, and my family were accused of horrible thing that we're still in litigation over in the state of georgia, you can go look it up. had it not ever happened i wouldn't have never believed it. but why has this never come forward? this wasn't local races he was running statewide races.
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where were these women then? the last 30 days of the campaign, why weren't they out during the primary? where were they then? >> let me tell you what tina said to that, because i asked her that question ex policedly. here she is. >> and what really did it for me was when a seen a citizen of ed wall county say that the 14-year-old, it was okay, it was no big deal. >> then you decided you had to speak out? >> i was so angry, a 14-year-old. a 14-year-old child, and it was okay. when is that everyone okay? -- ever okay? >> amy she also said to me when i asked her, she couldn't come out, people wouldn't want to hear it. they would say shut up, why are you bringing that out. he was simply a man who had too much power and no one carried
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until he was running for a big platform. does all that make sense to you? >> erin, he was running for the senate seat for a number of months even during the primaries. why is it coming out in the last 30 days. -- >> so you're saying you believe him? >> it doesn't matter if i believe them or not -- >> it does matter. you are ahead of an important group, you are an influential power women it does matter whether you believe it or not. even the governor of alabama come out and says she's believes it or not. >> erin, i'm not saying whether they're telling the truth or not. i'm saying judge roy moore is the man the people voted for. he is going to be the man on that ballot. if the people of alabama don't want them to be his united states senate they have other options.
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it is those people that should make those closures, not you, i or president. it's the alabama wlosho should e that choice. >> the governor says -- is it awkward to say you believe him and you're going to vote for him or would you say you believe lim and going to vote for him? >> i don't lye in alabama -- live in alabama so i don't have a vote -- >> but you came out with made a statement you made an endorsement. >> we have endorsed him before, we're standing aside because the gop of alabama said they're standing behind him because he is the candidate that is standing behind. if i had a choice i'm going to
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go with a conservator. these are not -- >> a conservative who had sexual assault against teenage girls? >> this is much bigger about this race this is about mitch mcconnell -- >> it is much bigger i agree with you. >> what we should be talking about is the slush fund, $15 million of tax payer money being used to cover up all sorts of events that have occurred by people in congress, not only members in congress but staffers. >> i agree with you on that. >> they need to release those names. >> i agree with you on that but i'm saying you're punting the issue. >> i am standing behind the roy moore, it's less than 30 days now. like i said i have been a victim of accusations they were not true. at this point it's she say, he
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denies -- >> it's not just -- it's 50 people. t not one person versus another, amy let's be honest with that it is not. >> the end of the day the people of alabama's going to decide. what's the alternative. he's not going to drop out. so the choice is roy moore or the live and the liberal democrat on the ballot. >> i just want to play for you amy, what roy moore said wen he was interviewed. he really has not come out as much but here he is when he answered questions from shawn. >> do you remember dating girls that young at that time? >> not generally, no. if i did, you know i'm not going to -- anything but i don't remember anything like that. >> you can say unequivocally you never dated anybody in their late teens like that when you
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were 32? >> it's been out of my customary behavior, that's right. >> in other words you don't recall dating any other girls that young when you were that old? >> i've said, no. >> so he -- issue an up mate tum this -- ultimate tum this week and want more information. even the president said if the women are telling the truth moore should stepside. i want to understand, amy what you're saying because you're views are important. even if he was a pedophile and molested children you'd stand behind him? >> i'd never support someone who is a pedophile. it should go to a criminal trial and the law. >> amy, thank you so much. thank you for joining us.
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ac 360 with john berman begins right now. the ever more curious case of jared kushner. john berman in for anderson tonight. it has to do with weikileaks which published it had e-mail stolen. this development turns up the heat on the president's son-in-law and could mean another date with congress. cnn ed perez join us with the latest. what have you learned? >> jared kushner told investigators he didn't communicate with wikileaks and don't recall anyone in the campaign who did. we now know from disclosures this week that donald trump jr. sent e-mail to others and the campaign last year to pass on information that he had learned
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