tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 17, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. mention, and where that could breaking news in the russia investigation tops the hour about what jared kushner told congressional investigators, what he may have neglected to mention, and where that could leave him this. leaves us with plenty to get to, starting with cnn's evan perez. evan, what are you learning? >> reporter: john jared kushner told congressional investigators he didn't communicate with wikileaks and didn't recall anyone in the trump campaign who did.
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we know from disclosures this week that he sent e-mails to kushners and others in the campaign and then kushner forwarded that to hope hicks, one of the closest aids to donald trump. what this does is turn on the heat for kushner to go back to capitol hill for more interviews to sb to explain himself. we heard they sent a letter saying they know he failed to turn over information. we heard yesterday from the leaders of the senate judiciary committee who sent a public letter to kushner's lawyer saying that kushner had failed to turn over documents taht they know exist, and that includes information about wikileaks. the letter said others had provided documents showing, quote, september 2016 e-mail communications to mr. kushner concerning wikileaks, which mr. kushner then forwarded to another campaign official, john. >> donald trump jr. communicated with wikileaks. donald trump jr. e-mailed jared kushner, told him that he was communicating with
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wikileaks. jared kusher forwarded that e-mail on. then jared kushner testified he did not recall whether or not anyone in the campaign had communicated with wikileaks. so what is the kushner camp saying about this tonight? >> reporter: well, abbe lowell, kushner's attorney, calls this a, quote, classic gotcha question. he says, in part of his statement, in over six hours of voluntary testimony mr. kushner answered all questions put to him and demonstrated that there had been no collusion between the campaign and russia. and lowell, by the way, also disputes the judiciary committee's letter accusing kushner of not turning over documents and he also says that the judicial committee should ask other congressional of committees for the transcripts of kushners interviews with those committees and they should ask the white house for documents that exist after donald trump was inaugurated because they say kushner has no authorization to release those documents. >> all right. evan perez, thanks so much. so now that the other shoe has dropped, some perspective, is this like a giant hiking boot or a ballet slipper in what might come next? joining us, maggie habberman, ed martin, bakari sellers, alice stewart phillip bump and jeffrey toobin. jeffrey, i want you to go first to you.
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how big of a problem? >> can we just say that donald trump jr. and jared kushner have become the poster children for the evils of nepotism? i mean, you know, the problems that they have gotten themselves into by being, at best, forgetful and if not outright lying are really astonishing this early in the administration. yes, jared kushner can say for the 17th time, i forgot, i didn't get around to it, i didn't remember this e-mail, i didn't remember to fill out the form accurately, and it may yet be true. it's very hard to prove that someone who says i didn't remember or i forgot or i didn't get to it is lying. but it is getting ridiculous how many times jared kushner has to revise what he said under oath. >> maggie haberman, who, by the way, has worn her voice out reporting so hard, she can barely speak anymore. >> you speak for me. >> i want you to clarify -- >> yes, you will.
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>> please, god, no. >> i want you to clarify one point here, in trump world, back in the campaign, and to a certain extent, of the white house, when you forward an e-mail to hope hicks, is it just forwarding that e-mail to hope hicks or is there some expectation that she shows it to someone else like, say, then-candidate trump or president trump? >> look, i don't want to speak completely speculatively about this, because we don't know. but, typically speaking, things would get forwarded to hope hicks and she would show them, at minimum, to a supervisor. she would show them to cory lewandowski. she would show them to paul manafort when he was there and took over. she would show them to donald trump who she traveled with almost constantly. i think that we are reaching a point of this, and i think this is going to be very difficult for a lot of people, but it certainly has been difficult for jared kushner, where over and over again the explanation is either they forgot or this didn't go any further. it's not how it worked. it was a very small campaign. it was a very small campaign. and there were a small group of people who were talking to each
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other all the time. and that's why when you have seen people throughout try to silo themselves off, and, yes, i know my voice sounds great, it's been difficult, i think, for people to process when we watched how this campaign functioned. >> ed, it is now your chance to speak for yourself here. >> yeah. >> are we to believe -- you know, do you believe the explanation that jared kushner got this e-mail, forwarded it to hope hicks yet had no recollection of it? >> yeah, look, i mean, if you've never run a big campaign, i've only run my own campaign and a few others, you don't know the intensity, the scrutiny and all that. i think it's completely normal for people that aren't political, they were not politicians, they weren't campaign types, to be doing things in ways that look now, especially when you have a special counsel, like, oh, my gosh, how could you say you forgot? i mean, i think it actually is completely understandable and, frankly, for, i think, the american people, you look up and you say, you're asking all about the russians -- i mean,
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sessions' joke makes people laugh, in normal america. >> it makes people at the federal society laugh. >> no, it makes people laugh generally, trust me. >> you think? >> yeah, i do. >> oh, yes, it was a real knee slapper, wasn't it? >> yeah, i think so too. >> the biggest problem with ed's excuse, and many excuses, is that the trump campaign started from a zero-sum game, and they said we didn't have any contact with the russians at all. and we found out out they did. and then they say, oh, we didn't have collusion. although we may have spoken to the russians, it was on the sidelines, blah, blah, blah. and then we find out that maybe they were sliding in your dm's asking you about what was going on -- and then we found out that maybe -- >> that wasn't the russians, though, was it? >> wikileaks is not the russians? >> no, it's not the russians. >> you die on that hill. so then we had -- >> no, it's not the russians. >> then we have meetings about adoptions. and then we realize that maybe it's not about adoptions, maybe it's about dirt on hillary clinton. and so there are a lot of hills for ed and many others to die on. however, the fact remains that
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martha stewart -- and i keep going back to this, because i advise my clients on this on a daily basis. martha stewart did not go to jail for insider trading. martha stewart went to jail on a 1001 violation, which is lying to federal investigators. that is what the hill that -- excuse me, that donald trump and his -- many of his people are going down right now. >> i'll say, i agree with ed. i've been on very, very small presidential campaigns where you're dealing with a small close-knit group of people. everyone's doing the job of 12 people and you're getting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of e-mails every day, and i could completely see where jared would have gotten an e-mail and not remembered it and -- but forwarding it on. but the difference is, this isn't an e-mail about how many yard signs should we get in des moines, iowa. this is about russia. this is about wikileaks. and this would have been something that he would have remembered. and i think, to bakari's point, going forward may not be whether or not he misremembered this or whether he may not have
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forwarded it on, but what he says, and truthfully, moving forward, that's going to catch a lot of these people. >> phil? >> i think the last point is key. this isn't john smith in dubuque, you know, has a comment. this is wikileaks. i mean, the trump campaign was talking about wikileaks constantly. you know, this was in september. this was after all the leaks -- the dnc leaks were already out after the convention. so this was something that was clearly brought to their attention. not only that, but this is jared kushner being asked about this this year after we already know these things are all problematic, and he should have been prepared to answer questions and known. >> after he's already lawyered up. >> exactly. >> after he's already gone through his own memory and his own documentation of what happened, this is the answer he still gave. jeffrey toobin, back when we were reading abbe lowell's response for jared kushner, i saw you nodding. it didn't seem like you were buying what abbe lowell was selling. >> well, abbe lowell has had a very busy week. he represented robert menendez and won a great victory, which,
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you know, was a hung jury, but it's certainly a victory for the defense. >> that's a victory. >> but, you know, what can he say? the only thing he can say is, well, we did our best and, you know, we'll go back and we'll do it again. we're not -- he wasn't lying. he was just trying his best and he may have forgotten something. and perhaps it's true. but -- and it's very hard to disprove when someone says they don't remember, which is why richard nixon said on the white house tapes, advising his cronies, you can always say you don't remember. but, you know, it doesn't mean that they can't remember. it might mean they're lying. i remember we need to take a break right now or else i'm going to get in big trouble. guys, thank you very very much. next i'm going to speak to general michael hayden, former nsa and cia director about how several roads in the russia probe seem to lead back to jared kushner or at least through jared kushner. and later, president trump's conspicuous silence on the sexual misconduct allegations against roy moore while calling
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out democratic senator al franken for his issues. every day, on every street, in every town, across america. small businesses show their love to you. with some friendly advice, a genuine smile and a warm welcome they make your town... well, your town. that's why american express is proud to be the founding partner of small business saturday. a day where you get to return that love, because shopping small makes a big difference. so, on november 25th get up, get out, and shop small.
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and fronts. man: for every social occasion.ntial so the the broom said, "sorry i'm late. i over-swept." [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. and while it's okay to nibble in public, a lady only dines in private. try the name your price tool from progressive. it gives you options based on your budget. uh-oh. discussing finances is a big no-no. what, i'm helping her save money! shh! men are talking. that's it, i'm out. taking the meatballs. more now on our breaking news. a source with knowledge of jared kushner's testimony on capitol hill tells cnn the president's son-in-law told congressional investigators that he did not recall anyone on the trump
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campaign communicating with wikileaks. that's after we found out, earlier this week through a news report and a letter from the senate judiciary committee, that kushner did receive and forward an e-mail from donald trump jr. about trump junior's contact with wikileaks to then campaign spokeswoman hope hicks. kushner also in hot water for failing to provide all requested documents to that same committee. senators say that includes not only e-mails about wikileaks, but also a, quote, russian back door overture and dinner invite that kushner forwarded to another campaign official. now the committee is requesting all of those documents. i had a chance to speak to general michael hayden, former cia and nsa director, earlier this evening just before the latest news broke. >> general hayden, it seems like jared kushner forgets a lot. he forgot a meeting with the russian ambassador at trump tower, forgot about a meeting with a head of a state-run russian bank -- or at least he forgot to disclose them. he also forgot to disclose financial assets. and now the judiciary committee is asking for documents they had requested but kushner did not
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provide regarding e-mails on wikileaks and a, quote, russian back door overture and dinner invite. so what's your read on kushner's behavior? >> well, john, at the beginning my read was, this was a very uncareful young man who was simply not used to dealing with the federal government or with the security structure in the federal government like folks with my background have to deal with every day. and i think he quickly learned -- and here's some good news out of this story. the government, the security clearance process, stood its ground. foreign means foreign, all means all, and they held this young man's feet to the fire until they got the completed sf 86. now as this investigation has gone forward, it appears that mr. kushner and his legal team have taken a narrow definition of the documents that the various committees have asked of them. so now we find this e-mail, for which he was the back end of an
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e-mail from donald trump jr., that he never provided to the committee, and they want to know why not, because that was the e-mail in which don junior announced he had been in contact with wikileaks. >> from your experience in intelligence gathering, is this behavior normal from someone who has nothing to hide? >> well, i mean, i don't want to prejudge this. all right. i already suggested there was naïveté and inexperience at the front end. but you know, john, the longer we go, those absolute categorical denials that the campaign made, that the transition team made, we're peeling those back one by one. so i think it's really in the interest of the trump administration not to play hide and seek like this. to push it all out there to disprove the theory you're just suggesting. >> we're talking about jared kushner. it was reported today that kushner, who is a senior adviser to the president who oversees china and middle east peace, has
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not been granted permanent security clearance. how unusual is it for an adviser, ten months in, to still have interim security clearance? >> it's unusual. let them parse that out a little bit. it's not unusual because there's a massive backlog, although there is a massive backlog. i mean, the president's son-in-law, senior adviser, is going to jump to the front of the queue. that's a given. i think we've had this delay, one, because mr. kushner did not fill out the form very well at the beginning, and, secondly, john, just very candidly, this is without prejudice to the final outcome, his contacts abroad, his financial dealings abroad, they're very complicated. and so i could see why this would just take longer than average. >> we know that the special counsel, robert mueller, will soon interview jared kushner and, more importantly, donald trump, the president's close confidant, communications director hope hicks. what information do you think is critical to obtain from her?
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>> well, she was on the end of an e-mail from kushner that was handing off the e-mail from donald trump jr. that was handing off the contact from wikileaks. and so i think what we're learning, just on the surface, john, is that there are an awful lot more people within the campaign who knew about what was going on with regard to wikileaks and, frankly, with some russian surrogates. now, we'll see if that goes beyond stupidity and gets to some criminal level. that's a judgment that director mueller is going to have to make. >> we also learned that the special counsel wants to interview the publicist who arranged the trump tower meeting between donald trump, jr., jared kushner was there, paul manafort is there. so what gaps could he fill into this? >> well, look, this is mr. mueller pulling over every rock. and, again, i hesitate here, john, to read too much into this other than just bob mueller
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being thorough. at the end of this process, he doesn't want to have to answer any question with, well, you know, we didn't look into that. so he's looking into everything possible. but going forward, i mean, the more we peel back, the more we seem to learn in terms of connective tissue and activity that wasn't previously known. we'll see where it goes. >> general michael hayden, thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks, john. just ahead, the president has no problem weighing in on al franken's sexual misconduct. so why not the allegations against roy moore? run... jump... or swim in for our tempur-pedic black friday savings event. get the limited edition tempur-legacy queen mattress set for the best price ever. or save up to $500 instantly on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. ♪ and with our 90-day trial, your satisfaction is completely guaranteed. tempur-pedic sleep is power. find your exclusive retailer today at
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president trump lashed out today at democratic senator al franken, or frankenstein as he called him in a tweet storm last night that drew sharp backlash today. questions, too, considering the president remains steadfastly unwilling to join numerous republican lawmakers in condemning alabama u.s. senate candidate roy moore. it, of course, raises the
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question of hypocrisy, also political expediency, not to mention personal vulnerability on the part of the president who faces sexual misconduct allegations from at least 13 women. more on all of it now from cnn's ryan nobles at the white house. ryan, what did the president say today about the allegations against senator franken? >> reporter: well, not surprisingly, john, he attacked senator franken, and he did it via his favorite medium, twitter. this is what he wrote, quote, the al frankenstein picture is really bad. speaks a thousand words. where do his hands go in pictures two, three, four, five, and six while she slept? he goes on to say, and to think that just last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. as you mentioned, john, this decision by the president to wait about 12 hours before attacking al franken on this point opens this white house up to criticism on two fronts, not only where they stand as it relates to roy moore in alabama, but also the president's own personal accusations against him by, as you mentioned, at least 13 different women.
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>> does the white house have anything more to say about roy moore? >> yeah. sarah sanders was actually questioned about this quite a bit today during the white house press briefing, and, essentially, her response was that the white house has already weighed in on this issue and they're going to leave it for the voters of alabama. but here's the thing, john, they've not gone as far as many prominent republican leaders, including mitch mcconnell and paul ryan, who have directly said that roy moore should step down from this race. they've said if the allegations are true, he should step down. and all they've said is that they're troubling. also today, which i think is interesting, sarah sanders left open the possibility that the governor, kay ivy, of alabama could set a different date for this election on december 12th. now, ivy's repeatedly said she has no interest in doing that, but we do know that mitch mcconnell sent a memo to the white house outlining a number of options for republicans as it relates to this race, and among those options was changing the date. the white house not saying whether or not they are for or against it, but said it's up to the governor to make that decision.
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>> as of now, governor ivy says she's voting for roy moore even though she says she has no reason to doubt all of the accusers. ryan nobles at the white house. thanks so much for being with us. back now with our panel. alice, i want to start with you. you know, while he was abroad, traveling in asia, the president said i haven't had a chance to really pay attention to what's going in alabama. i put out this statement when i get home and start watching tv again -- he didn't say the tv part, but that's what he meant -- then i will weigh in on it. well, now he's back and there's still nothing. is it sufficient? >> no, it's not sufficient. he's fully briefed on this. he knows exactly what's going on here. look, the problem is sexual harassment is nonpartisan. if he's going to condemn al franken, he needs to condemn roy moore. we have three people here that are facing serious allegations, and, yes, people are innocent until proven guilty, but in my view, the allegations against roy moore are much more convincing than his denials. and i believe he's just as guilty as al franken. the problem is, the president has many skeletons in his own
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closet, and he's not -- doesn't have the moral high ground here and he is afraid to go out there and speak too harshly of a republican, because he knows what is facing him. >> republican alice stewart. republican ed martin respond. >> i mean, this is -- i can't believe that we're having this conversation. across the river in new jersey, menendez, no one has said he must resign until his case gets adjudicated. al franken comes out and admits to at least abusing women, if not a sexual assault, an actual crime. he admitted it. the difference is the admission. and it has to matter somewhat. you can still say, as i think is fair, there's a lot of women saying something that sounds believable, fair enough. but as to politics -- >> mans-plain further. >> the fact is this. the president has spoken. you're not listening to what he's saying. he said the people in alabama will decide, and then he's backed away. and, frankly, that's what the people in america want is not al franken -- the people that are hypocrites, they want -- last night on this panel we had people admit, an ethics committee hearing investigation is where a complaint goes to die.
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everybody knows that in d.c. >> here's the thing. we have the picture of al franken, yes. but we also have the audio of donald trump on the "access hollywood" tape bragging about groping women -- >> you're talking about roy moore. you're talking about roy moore. you've condemned roy moore. now you're condemning -- you're going to that one? which one is it? >> no. i'm talking about the president. he is condemning al franken. he is the one that -- >> no. roy moore is the question. the question is why should roy moore be condemned by the president when nothing -- when no one has proven -- all that's been said is allegations 40 years old against a man that's new. >> if i may. i think that if we want to look at the words -- first of all, i was the one last night that sat beside you and said that al franken should resign and said that ethics committee is where complaints go do die -- >> yes. good job. you were right. >> -- because that is a fact. i was also the same person who said that roy moore doesn't deserve to be in the united states senate -- >> you're wrong. >> -- and donald trump does not deserve to be president of the united states based upon these accusations. the fact is, you can spin and twist and pretzel yourself into any position you want to do that. however, the president of the united states said that not
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getting an std in the 1960s and '70s was his vietnam. he's the same person who walked into dressing rooms with 15-year-old girls during the -- >> we're talking about roy moore. >> i'm not done talking. >> we're talking about roy moore. >> i'm not done talking yet. he's also someone who got on a bus and said he kisses women when they choose not to be kissed and grabs women by their pussies. his quote, not mine. so while we're talking about someone who's president of the united states, i think you have to feed people equally out of the same spoon. so with that being said, roy moore is a predator amongst young girls. >> how do you know that? >> because 14 young people have said that. 14 -- how many -- >> not 14. >> we're up to nine. >> you're a lawyer. you know you can't say that you know something based on anything. >> my only point to you is, with that, i believe the woman who spoke out against al franken, not just the picture, democrats around the country are saying maybe his hands didn't touch, maybe the photographer -- maybe she was passed out. regardless of that, even if i
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give al franken the benefit of the doubt and said it was a bad joke, there is still a woman who i believe who said that he forcefully kissed her when she did not want to be kissed. that is enough for me to say he should resign -- i'm not done talking. one moment. >> is this a filibuster? >> it may be. my only point is -- >> you haven't answered the question. >> if i believe this woman, i should also believe the same women who were against roy moore, i should also believe the same women who are against donald trump. and the fact that you cannot see this is not a partisan issue is an indictment on you, not me. >> listen, here's the mistake you made. one man confessed to crimes. if he hadn't confessed, i would have said -- >> is grabbing a woman by the vagina a crime or not? >> if everyone -- i interrupted you. one man confessed and showed the pictures. now, you want to relitigate the election, the presidential election -- >> that's not what i said. i asked you a very specific question, ed. >> no. the question was about roy moore. here's the point. you want to condemn everyone. let me say this, if al franken said i never did it, then there should have been a hearing for the woman and him.
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not condemning him. so that's where we're wrong. i'm on al franken's side that until he confessed he had a right to object. >> you're missing the point. you're missing the point. >> no. you can't prove something based on allegations. >> go ahead, alice. >> the point is, the "access hollywood" tape, the president admits, acknowledges that he grabbed a woman. >> he admits to saying something. >> he says he does it all the time. >> let's play it. >> we're going back in time. the election is over. >> the uso tour in 2006 is over too. we have the photo of al franken, we also have the tape of donald trump talking on the "access hollywood" tape. let's play it. >> i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i start kissing them. it's like a magnet. i just kiss. i don't even wait. when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the pussy, do anything. >> what he said there, we had jessica leads on this show with anderson not too long ago, and she acknowledged exactly what donald trump said in that tape he did to her. you cannot say he's not
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admitting that he did it. he's denying it now, because he's the president. >> he's talking about nancy o'dell in that tape. if i'm not mistaken, that's who he's talking about. and he's never even apologized to nancy o'dell. >> you guys -- if you want to run -- 2020 you get your guy to run. everyone condemns those conversations. >> ed, i'm not condemning anything. i do not know your background at all. what i'm condemning is the fact that i have a daughter and i do not want -- you can wave your hands all you want. >> this is the kind of stuff -- >> hang on one second. >> nobody's impressed when people say i have kids, i know someone. look, i have kids too. here's what i wouldn't want. i wouldn't want to live a society where people can simply accuse someone, be and then get hung out to dry. that's wrong, it's un-american and everybody's sick of it. you'll lose every election, bakari. >> i've won four. >> i'm saying --
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>> i've won four. have you won an election? that's my point. what are you talking about? >> don't bring up your daughter. >> here's what we're going to do, this discussion is not over. we're going to take a quick break. maggie has been haberman who's been on the is sidelines is going to join us >> it's fine. . >> stay with us. but then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control... when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain
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weigh in after not talking about roy moore. he did tweet about al franken. >> yes. >> and it does change things. it does beg questions again about the president. >> i think those questions about the president were always going to come up in light of the current national conversation that was sparked by the harvey weinstein story. in reality this conversation began in the 2016 election both with the roger ailes revelations at fox news, and with the "access hollywood" tape you played. so i think that was always going to happen. but i keep the president puts axel lant on that happening when he decides to weigh in on one particular issue while ignoring another. and there tends to be this great frustration in the white house when we cover things we tweets. he couldn't not tweet and then that wouldn't be a focus of conversation with but he's the president and he has a bully pulpit and it's going to shift the focus back onto -- he's trying to divert it to franken, but there was no way on this topic -- it's interesting. his aides are very aware that he
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has a problem on this. that it could raise other issues. because i've had conversations with some of them about it. but he just wanted to get involved, and that then becomes something -- >> he wanted to shift to franken, but by shifting to franken, he pulls it back on himself. specifically about alabama, we're a month away from election day, which, you know, coincidentally the about the time frame that existed between the "access hollywood" tape and actual election day. right now you have roy moore trailing in the polls in alabama. from what you see in your numbers, are there things in these polls which lead you to believe these numbers might stick? >> i think the most fascinating change in the fox news poll that came out is that in october men and women were about the same, equally favorable towards moore
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and jones in terms of who they supported. women are 26 points more likely to support jones. that's a huge shift. that's one poll. but i think that you're right, there is still a month to go. and i think the strategy by moore and by trump and other folks who would like to see him win is to simply bide their time. now trump last year had the benefit of during that last month, james comey wrote a letter, wikileaks dropped a lot of things and that was a huge distraction and that muted a lot of what happened with trump. i don't know that roy moore is going to get that lucky. >> alex burns, my colleague made the point a few times that it is an perfect analog. trump refused to get thrown out of the ring. he showed up at the debates. he was brutal toward hillary clinton where he paraded her husband's accusers in front of her, but it worked politically. she was knocked off balance. and he basically showed up and was talking about yes, he got
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some outside house. but he was everywhere. moore's not debating. he's not doing anything close to -- >> he's not answering questions. >> correct. and moving away from press conferences. trump was different, and i do think that that matters. >> alice? >> my first job in south alabama was as a news reporter. the people are not going to be swayed that much by "the washington post," the liberal media, washington, d.c., democrats here, republican establishment in washington. they're going to listen to the people at the coffee shop, listen to the local news, read the local paper. that will be where they get their decision. the problem is this involves children, 14-year-old girls. and this has gotten to the point where the influx of the -- we've had more come out since then. as i said, these stories, while they're just allegations, his response to them has not been credible. he had the opportunity to categorical deny these allegations and he instead says that's not characteristic of my behavior.
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here's the thing, the polls have gone from him leading by eight to down by eight. and his base will stay with him, there's no doubt about that. it's the mushy middle. >> i have like 90 seconds left, and i want to get to you, bakari, last night you said you thought al franken should resign right now. have you had any pushback today? >> no question i got push back. if democrats look at themselves fairly and straight in the face, if you give him the benefit of the doubt, it's a picture, so what, but if you want to appreciate what this woman said, the accuser said, you have to appreciate it. then some say, there were 13 accusers against donald trump. this isn't the same against one. i'm not willing to die on the hill that one is enough and 13 is just more. even more importantly i will say there is a scale on this, praying on children is one thing, donald trump is another,
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al franken is another. i agree that none of them belong in elected office. >> we're where you knowirunning. the governor says she has no reason to doubt the accusers, but she's going to vote for roy moore. >> that's the same thing jeff sessions said and the the same thing i said. you can't judge these women. we have to be in a world where people come forward, but i have no reason to doubt roy moore. the people of alabama are going to vote. i think we touched it now. polls aren't right. alabamians are not going to vote for a pro-abortion senator, a pro-illegal immigration senator. they're going to come back -- >> they'll vote for a pedophile. >> we'll see. guys, thanks so much for being with us, appreciate the lively discussion. a cnn exclusive, an incredibly important story. a blogger gets access to an unthinkable slave action in libya. what they found next. hey, man. oh!
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tonight an exclusive report on something that's hard to believe is going on anywhere in the world right now, a slave auction. for years migrants crossing the mediterranean have brought with them the horror stories. those who made it to europe are too terrified to go on the record about the ordeal. for the last year, cnn has been working to bring these stories to light. a cnn team travelled to libya to witness the true inhumanity for themselves. they got access to a migrant slave auction where men were sold like commodities. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: a man addressing an unseen crowd.
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big, strong boys for farm work, he says. 400. 700. 700. 800. the numbers roll in. these men are sold for 1,200 libyan pounds, $400 apiece. you are watching an auction of human beings. another man claiming to be a buyer, off camera someone asks what happened to the ones from niger? sold off, he's told. cnn was sent this footage by a contact. after months of working, we were able to verify the authenticity of what you see here. we decided to travel to libya to try and see for ourselves. we're now in tripoli. we're starting to get a little bit more of a sense of how this all works.
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our contacts are telling us that there are one so we're going to head out of town and see if we can get access to it. for the safety of our contacts, we have agreed not to divulge the location of this auction, but the town we're driving to isn't the only one. night falls. we travel through nondescript suburban neighborhoods, pretending to look for a missing person. eventually we stop outside a house like any other. adjust our secret cameras and wait. finally, it's time to move.
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we're ushered into one of two auctions happening on this same night. crouched at the back the yard, a floodlight obscuring much of the scene. one by one men are brought out as the begid -- begins. 400, 500, 550, 600, 650. 700. very quickly it's over. we ask if we can speak to the man, the auctioneer seen here refuses. we ask again if we can speak to them, if we can help them. no, he says. the auction is over with. and we're asked to leave.
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that was over very quickly. we walked in and as soon as we walked in the men started covering their faces, but they clearly wanted to finish what they were doing, and they kept bringing out what they kept referring to in arabic as the merchandise. all in all, they admitted to us that there were 12 nigerians that were sold in front of us. and i honestly don't know what to say. that was probably one of the most unbelievable things i've ever seen. >> let us take us to our countries. >> reporter: these men are migrants with dreams of being smuggled to europe. they come in the thousands from
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niger, mali, nigeria, ghana. it's hard to believe that these are the lucky ones, rescued from warehouses like the one in which we witnessed the auction. they're sold if those warehouses become overcrowded or if they run out of money to pay their smugglers. of these rescued men, so many here say they were held against their will. it doesn't take us long to find victory. victory was a slave. we know that some people are being sold. >> yes. >> some people are being sold. >> yes. >> is this something you've heard about? can you tell us about them. >> sure. i was, too. >> what happened? i was sold. if you look at -- on my way here i was sold. we are bitten with the electric -- sharp objects. most of them lost their lives
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there. i was there. the person who came to buy me, give them the money. then they took me home. >> reporter: other migrants now start to come forward with their stories. >> they took by force. >> i'm doing the work. >> reporter: this is the supervisor here. with no international support, it's his job to look after the captured migrants until they can be deported. he says every day brings fresh heartbreak. >> i am suffering for them. i am suffering for them. what i have seen here, it make me really feel pain for them.
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they come and every story is a special case. they was abusing them. they stole their money. >> have you heard about people being auctioned off, about migrants being sold? >> honestly, we hear the rumors, but there's nothing that's obvious in front of us. we don't have evidence. >> reporter: but we now do. cnn has delivered this evidence to the libyan authorities, who have promised to launch an investigation so that scenes
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found and brought back to safety. but the reality is that the libyan authorities, you know, their authority is limited. they're not in control of the entire country. we spoke to the international organization of migration and they said that this is a business before anything else, that that auctioning off of human beings, it makes a lot of money. and so it has consequences when you come between people and their money. and their concern is that the libyan authorities really aren't strong enough to take on this fight. >> hopefully your reporting will have consequences. thanks so much for doing it and thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. a trip back to the dthe doctor's office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home... ...with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%... ...a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo,
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africa on hold. he announced the change in a tweet after considerable outcry from conservation groups and others. interior secretary ryan zinke put out a statement moments ago. president trump and i have talked and both believe the conservation of healthy herds are critical. as a result, the issues of permits is being put on hold as the decision is being reviewed. thanks so much for watching 360. time to hand it over to don lemon and "cnn tonight." this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. breaking news on the russia investigation. first on cnn. the president's son-in-law, jared kushner, told congressional investigators that he had no communication with wikileaks. he also said he did not recall any other member of the campaign who had. but kushner did receive and forward an e-mail from donald trump jr. about contact trump junior had with wikileaks according to a new report this week and a letter from the senate judiciary committee. we do no
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