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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  November 18, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PST

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your top ten favorite heroes. thank you for doing so. our top story this morning, the cloud of the russia investigation is once again hanging over the white house. the president's son-in-law and senior adviser, jared kushner, accused of lying under oath about his contacts with russia. >> authorities tell cnn kushner said he never communicated with wikileaks and did not know anyone that had. a new report shows kushner did receive an e-mail about wikileaks and he forwarded it to another campaign official. >> i want to get straight to abbey phillips outside the white house. talk to us about the significance of this. >> reporter: christie, lying to congress would be a serious crime and perjury. that's what some are accusing him of doing. his lawyers are firing back.
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a fiery message, statement to them yesterday essentially saying they had asked their client a classic gotcha question. they wrote, mr. kushner was asked if he had contacts with wikileaks, gusifer or d.c. leeks and he said no. he also said he did not know of such contacts from the campaign. his statement was active then as it is now. in over six hours of voluntary testimony, he answered all questions put to him and demonstrated no collusion between the campaign and russia. we do know that he received an e-mail from don junior and forwarded it other officials. the issue is whether he was splitting hairs, saying that he did not remember or was not aware of that e-mail at the time that he testified. either way, this comes as kushner has had to really rew
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re-evaluate some of his claims. that's the form he needs to get a security clearance. he has had to amend that over 100 times with incorrect omissions and missed meetings. some are calling for his security clearances to be revoked. >> abbey phillips, we appreciate it so much. margaret talbot and john donnelly and michael zeldin join us. >> let me start with you, margaret. i want you to listen to democratic congressman, ted luke. >> this is not the first time gerald kushner has done this. he conveniently omitted information to russia. either he had massive selective amnesia on russia or he did something bad last year.
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>> margaret, how does this keep happening, amending form after amending form and forgotten or omitted communications from jared kushner? >> it has become one of the hallmarks of the way this investigation has proceeded. what jared kushner's lawyer is conveying is the idea that he doesn't have to broadly answer a question that goes to, well, what did the congressional lawmakers mean. you know what we meant. we didn't want anything to do with this. the lawyer's statement indicates that they are going to answer the question to the letter of the question. if the question is, did you have communications with and what really happened is an e-mail got forwarded about somebody who wanted to do something, they are not going to treat that at communications. that might work. they may end up right back in front of the committees under oath this time. it shows two things, that congressional lawmakers are not
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satisfied at this point. it shows it is going to redouble the efforts of everybody, particularly on the mueller side to try to get parallel track information to cross-check it gets the narrow answer that is can be expected now from mr. kushner. >> abbey low said this was a classic gotcha question. do you expect it will work for robert mueller? >> i expect the questions will be different. i expect mueller will ask for precise questions and i think that abbey lowell believes that the only person he has to worry about is mueller. after all, unless congress is going to hold jared kushner in contempt, which the republican majority in each of these committees don't seem to have an appetite for, that's not his
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legal worry. as a lawyer, abbey is properly saying i am instructing my client to answer the questions that have been asked and not volunteer additional information. that's good, legal counsel. whether it is good p.r. is another matter. again, lowell's job is to protect the liberty of his client and the liberty of his client is jeopardized only by mueller. we will see how it progresses. the one thing that's a little bit confusing about the lowell statement is he said he knows of nobody in the campaign who had contacts with wikileaks. that doesn't seem to be correct any longer. we'll see how that gets amended. >> so, john, to you, this e-mail reported from the atlantic came from don trump jr. to jared kushner but it is also significant who then received it after kushner. he sent it on to hope hicks, someone who is very close to the president specially in the context that president trump
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does not now and has not in the past used e-mail himself. >> it is pretty clear in this and other documents that there were senior people in the white house were made aware of it. i had the same reaction as michael when i saw the lawyer's statement. it is pretty hard to believe that he could actually put in black and white that kushner was not aware of the wikileaks communications with donald trump jr. i was cc'd on it. he was not aware of setting up a meeting between trump and putin. there were other documents that the judiciary committee, a bipartisan approach from the judiciary committee. they were looking for the transcript of kushner's testimony to incompetent tell generals panels. they also made a reference, sort
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of a vague reference to phone records that had not been produced. they also said if you are asserting an executive privilege, which apparently kushner's lawyers are, you at least have to tell us what the nature of the documents are so that we have a record of that. so there is a whole list of things that they want that they haven't gotten. >> margaret, do you think we will see jared kushner back on the hill testifying again? >> i think it is likely. they have laid down the principle that they will cooperate an continue to cooperate. i think there are enough questions among republicans, there is a good chance we will. >> stay with us. we have more to talk about. he was the first to e-mail donald trump jr. about a campaign meeting with the russian lawyer. now, robert mueller's team wants british publicist, rob goldstone to come to the u.s. to talk with the special counsel.
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>> jokes from jeff sessions gets a room full of laughs as he starts off the speech with some conservative lawyers. >> any russians? ♪ it's a lot easier to make decisions when you know what comes next. if you move your old 401(k) to a fidelity ira, we make sure you're in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. ♪ oh and at fidelity, you'll see how all your investments are working together. because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. ♪ just remember what i said about a little bit o' soul ♪ things are just clearer. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread most people. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief
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a source tells cnn robert mueller is talking to the attorney that set up the meeting in trump tower. it has been a focus of the russian investigation. it was attended by eight people, erik, trump jr., jared kushner, paul manafort and a russian lawyer. rob goldstone is the man we are talking about, the british publicist that first reached out to donald trump jr. to range this meeting. they want him to come to america to talk to robert mueller's team. bringing back margaret, john and don, thanks for sticking around. what can gold stostone contribuo
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this conversation? >> ron goldstone has been one of the most interesting figure s i in investigation. he is a music publy sicist. he reached out to don trump jr. in terms of setting up this june meet ng 2016 th meeting in 2016 one of the pivotal dates. was it adoption, hillary, all of the above? what happened, who was there, why were they contacted? he can in theory fill in a lot of the gaps and create a parallel narrative to the version of the story that several of the people who are key to the campaign or still in the administration have submitted their own versions of the narrative about.
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he potentially could be an important figure, if and when he does come to capitol hill. goldstone's lawyer tells cnn, there is nothing on the books, nothing scheduled. they are asking him to come voluntarily. do you think that will happen? do you believe that mueller will subpoena him? >> mueller could conceivably send him a subpoena but that's not to say that he is going to get him into the united states. so he is foreign national living outside of the united states. it may be the powers of persuasion to get him here. what he is important about mostly is his initial e-mails were, we have dirt for you on hillary. the whole predicate of the meeting was the giving of this information that he was the
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conduit of. what was it that he had in his mind and what was delivered, if and what donald trump tried to do with it. if he testifies honestly, we can perhaps make some conclusions about the june 9th meeting. getting him here and the prospect of him testifying honestly are two big ifs. >> john, to you, do you believe, is there any indication that this man will talk candidly and openly? >> well, i really couldn't answer that one. i am fascinated by the role of all these intermediaries. another was involved in a meeting between putin and trump.
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when you have one or more intermediaries who can make the connection. i completely understand why mueller would be interested. this person presumably would have some level of knowledge about why the russians are interested in contacting the trump cam paper officials and vice versa. to what degree are trump people interested in receiving, quote, unquote, dirt? >> if he does not talk willingly, even if he refuses to be candid, what does that tell you about where this could go? >> for anyone involved in this meeting, if they come here and lie under oath, they are prosecutable for those lies assuming we have jurisdiction over the person that they are here. in respect of what don jr. said, we have to test other people's
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recollections. we have had differences between variesle n vasylneskaya's account and kushner's and we haven't heard from manafort. he supposedly took notes. in order to figure out what happened and was this the hatching of the collusive relationship or the beginnings of what became the september relationship between trump jr. and wikileaks? all this stuff has interrelationships between them and mueller needs to figure out to determine has anyone lied? was there collusive agreements? all that is at the heart of this. it is really important from a legal standpoint.
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russia did come up earlier that week with jeff sessions. >> i said, i want to ask you, is ambassador kislyak in the room before i get started here? any russians? anybody been to russia? >> michael, i see you chuckling a little bit but margaret and john not so much. margaret, there has been some criticism that this was not exactly appropriate. your take? >> it read to me on the camera like a joke that has been prepared and vetted and one that he planned to tell.
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it was an awudience that was oky with it. they are saying it has all been trumped up to be something that it wasn't. that's the point of making a joke. the issue is not that he was in a room with russia but there were several times where these meetings or the scope of the contacts were not disclosed until much later and her testimony has changed. this is a concerted effort by the attorney general to try to diminish the criticisms and questions about it. it plays well in the federal society room. it plays terribly among certain congressional lawmakers. in the middle, it doesn't really change anything. what's at issue are the facts. he needs to send a message to president trump that he is not going to back down from this position of defending the way he has handled things so far. i think that's what you see play
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out. >> all righty, margaret, john donnelly, michael, thank you so much for being with us. an eighth woman has come forward accusing roy moore, alabama senate nominee of sexual misconduct, accusing him of grabbing her in 1991. we'll hear more details about what she said happened next.
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telling us that he acted inappropriate when she was 28. he grabbed her buttocks when she had been in his office regarding a child custody battle with her mother. listen to what she told erin. >> he proceeded to come to the end of the desk and really close up on me. >> so close you could sort of feel his breath? >> actually, i think his knee might have been touching my knee. his hand were not on me. just like maybe his knee was brushing mine or something. then when it was time for us to leave, he grabbed me from behind on my buttocks and squeezed it really hard. i remember thinking, i'm so ashamed. i felt humiliated in that
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moment. it took everything out of me. >> now, roy moore has not responded to repeated requests for comment on johnson's allegations. he has vehemently denied the other women's allegations against him. despite all these, his wife says he does not plan to quit this race. >> even after all the attacks against me, against my family, against the foundation, and now against my husband, he will not step down. he will not stop fighting for the people of alabama. in his words, and i quote, i will not stop until they lay me in that box in the ground. >> reverend mike allison from addison baptist church with us now from alabama. he is a roy moore supporter. thank you for being with us again. first of all, your reaction to these new allegations from tina johnson? >> well, they are allegations.
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i don't know if i can say anything more about it. >> do you believe her story? >> i don't know. as i said last week, i do believe judge moore. he has not spoken on this particular one yet. everything to me just about the whole political season, the timing, everything, i'm sorry, it just smacks to a lot of alabamaians as political. >> a lot of people think there is no doubt the timing of this does seem questionable. you are right about that. we now have an eighth woman here who is telling a story. she said, i didn't tell my story before when you asked about timing because she said, people didn't want to hear it. do you believe that could be true? and she now feels emboldened to do it when she is hearing from
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other women. >> i don't know what to make of the allegation. if her statement was true, it is inappropriate obviously. >> if a member of your con gree ga congregation and you being a reverend certainly must have people that come to you with very private concerns, how would you counsel that person? would you give them the benefit of the doubt? >> yes, i would deal with it. if they came to me with a problem, as their pastor, i would have to leave them with what their options are and what they could do. one of the things that would be done is we would talk to the person that supposedly they had a problem with. >> i want to listen here with you to roy moore last week when he was on with sean hannity. let's listen here. >> do you remember dating girls that young at that time? not generally, no.
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if i did, i'm not going to dispute anything but i don't remember anything like that. >> would it be normal behavior back in those days for you to date a girl that's 17 or 18? >> no, not normal. >> it's not an adamant denial? is there any part of you that pauses here? do you see a pattern? >> i'm not sure where you are going with that. >> do you see a pattern with roy moore dating younger girls? when he said, no, i generally didn't date them. it is not absolutely this did not happen statement. i'm just wondering where your thoughts are with moore now that we have an eighth person coming out making some accusations against him that are very uncomfortable. >> i agree the accusations would be uncomfortable but going back 40 years to roy moore's dating
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life, the ages of the women he dated or the young ladies that he dated, from what i've understand is that they were at least 16. i do know this, in the state of alabama at that time, 16 was legal. >> you are right, it is the age of consent. you are right. >> real quickly, do you think we should hear from roy moore about all these accusations, not just some of them? >> well, as far as i know, the only one he hasn't dealt with is this newest one, because it has just come out. he has made very clear statements about the others. >> we appreciate you so much being here, reverend allison. thank you. >> reverend allison, this is victor blackwell. i have one quick question for you. is there a biblical contradiction in a 32-year-old mandating a 16-year-old girl? >> i can't think of a verse that deals with that.
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>> okay. that's all i wanted to know. thank you very much, pastor. >> let me bring in now simone sanders, cnn political commentator and former national press secretary for bernie, 2016 and audra bower, former lieutenant governor of south carolina. good morning to both of you. simone, first, your response to what you just heard from reverend allison? >> i think it is kefrning aconc gives me pause. a lot of times, women who have been, not just women but men have been victims of sexual assault as well. people who are victims of any form of sexual assault, sexual micro aggression and harassment, a lot of times they have trouble coming forward because the burden of proof is on the victim. when you have folks that are pastors and powerful people in the community who say the things you just heard the reverend say, it gives folks pause.
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it just let's me understand even more why folks have such a tough time coming forward. >> let me put up this new fox news poll, the latest numbers out of alabama. it has the democrat in this race, doug jones, eight points ahead of roy moore at 42. i heard a chuckle. what do you think about this? >> i don't believe this poll. i think what we are seeing here is what we saw in the general election where folks were hesitant to identify as trump supporters in the polling but you saw folks go to the polls and vote for donald trump. i think folks are hesitant to identify as roy moore supporters. alabama is a different electoral map. you have a lot of moderate republicans that would have to pull the lever for doug jones in addition to having black turnout be somewhere upwards of 28% in a special election for doug jones to merge victorious. not saying it can't be done but
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the numbers don't add up right now. >> andre, to you. i know we had an audio issue. can you hear me? >> i do hear you. >> let me go to this. late in the week, president trump tweeted about al franken and his admission of -- we saw the picture of a tell host he was on a uso tour with and some inappropriate touching and she claims he kissed her without her consent. the president tweeted about that but has not said anything about roy moore. when the white house press secretary, sara sanders, was pressed, here is what she said yesterday? >> he has weighed in on roy moore. he did it on a foreign trip in asia. i did it repeatedly. i took 15 questions yesterday on that topic and only one on al franken. to suggest that this white house and specifically that this president hasn't weighed in is inaccurate and wrong. he weighed in. he said, if the allegations are
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true, he should step aside. he also weighed in when he supported the rnc's decision to withdraw resources from the state of alabama. it is simply an inaccurate statement to make about the president. >> to be clear, what the president said on air force one was that he would learn more about it when he got back. he was reading a lot of documents, wasn't watching much television, traveling so much. why hasn't the president, as directly as he came out about al franken, come out and spoke about roy moore? >> he has said, look, if he is guilty of this, then he should step down. keep in mind, this wasn't president trump's nominee or preferred nominee. he supported his opponent. i think he says unlike franken, who has admitted to it, which i think franken did an absolutely phenomenal job in going ahead an addressing the issue. roy moore has absolutely denied these allegations. i think he should get his fair
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opportunity, whether it be in the court system or some way to defend himself. the president said, look, if he is guilty, fine. he should step doup. if he is not, he should not be falsely accused. i think everybody feels like mr. moore should much his day to defend himself. >> let me come to you, symone again. ba sellers has called for al franken to re-sign. do you think he should? >> we need to have the same consequences across the boar. if we want to address and attack the system and if we are saying that folks that have participated an egregious act or made someone a victim, we are saying that all of those people have no place serving in our highest dl highest deliberative body, we need to have the same thing across the board.
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he has also been accused. >> do you think that al franken should step down? >> yes, i absolutely do. we need to have the same standard across the boar. >> symone sanders and andre bauer. >> hillary clinton says they both could learn more about responsibility from al franken. you will hear from her next. -ahh. -the new guy. -whoa, he looks -- -he looks exactly like me. -no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i'm pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we're not the lowest. even if we're not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. look at us. wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. pepsoriasis does that.
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>> this was a painful time not only in our marriage but in our country, which i've written about. but it was investigated fully. it was addressed at the time. he was held accountable. that is very different than what people seem to be remembering from that period. you can go back and look at the history. hillary clinton on wabc radio responding to kyrstirsten gillibrand's remarks that former president, become become, shoil have re-signed over the monica li lewinsky issue. >> let's listen to president barack obama and leon panetta and what he said about the issue. >> my own judgment with regards
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to president clinton is that he more than paid the price for what he did. the fact that he went through an impeachment process as president of the united states, the house of representatives voted for articles of impeachment. the senate did not. the mere fact that he went through an impeachment process as president means that there will always be a shadow on the legacy of his presidency. from my point of view, i think he has more than paid the price. >> that's a point of view a lot of people have brought up. he was impeached. it didn't go by the wayside. do you think accountability would look different today, andre? >> well, it would look different today because of the makeup of the united states senate. he probably would not prevail but he did go through the legal process. he fought. he stuck it out. it was very painful for him. at the end of the day, he went through the process that we as
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americans have. he was held accountable. the americans know what he did. he did somewhat admit to it. that's our process. it doesn't always work out like some of us would like for it to do but he did go through the legal process. >> symone, do you think if the same thing would happen today and we look back at what happened on that day, the accountability today would be different in this climate? >> i think the accountability would be different in this climate. i am only 27 years old but i read the news and i have been on google. i know that president clinton's accusers, they were not handled in the way in which accusers have been handled by the media today. meaning people did not automatically assume that president clinton's accusers were telling the truth. nor did they give them the benefit of the doubt. they were lampooned in the media, really taken down.
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now, we are in a climate where it is more -- it is a healthier climate for folks to come forward and tell their truth and their stories. i any it would be different. i do think that president clinton absolutely paid a price for his entire situation. the fact of the matter is, we're still talking about it today. it can never escape him. >> i want to listen with you here to hillary clinton, as she talked about the issue of credibility. >> when credible allegations come forward, look at the contrast between al franken, accepting responsibility, apologizing and roy moore and donald trump who have done neither. >> i would be remiss to not point out one thing. there is a picture of franken here. there is no tangible evidence in these other cases, though there do seem to be patterns that are evident. coupled with what she just said,
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andre, do you think the allegations we are seeing are credible? again, this is a touchy situation. the more that come forward, the more it becomes that you question it. again, i don't want to put anybody and find them guilty without their opportunity to defend themselves. the more people that come forward, the more it becomes more difficult for him to overcome. at the end of the day, the voters of alabama will make that decision. >> simone, bakari sellers said that democrats have some cleanup to do in their own house. how do they do that? >> it is not just democrats. it is democrats, republicans, independents. the issue of our sexual culture, sexual assault, sexual micro aggressions is not a partisan issue. we, as a whole, move forward and have to be committed to changing the system and holding people
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accountable across the board. that is how we get started. we do not have different standards for some and other standard for others. >> simone standard and andre bauer, thank you both so much for being here. we appreciate your talk as always. >> florida's democratic party leader has re-signed after allegations he treated women in an appropriate and demeaning manner. six female former staffers said steven ba dell tell created and unprofessional work place environment including learing at young women and making inappropriate comments. he was elected party chair in january. >> take a look at what's happening in zimbabwe. people there say they can taste the victory. thousands of marchers flooding the street ready for what could be the imminent fall of a long-time dictator. david?
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looks like elation, doesn't it, and a bit of chaos. a little's there in the streets of zimbabwe. a massive crowd as they've taken over the streets, singing, dancing, they're hugging soldiers. this emotion comes as thousands
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of citizens expect the imminent fall of president robert mugabe. >> he's been there for years now despite the pressure to step down. david mckenzie is there in harare. david, this is a significant moment, potentially not just for mugabe or other zaimbabweans bu others across the country. >> reporter: that's right, it's a massive day in zimbabwe. we would not have been allowed to sit on the streets and do a live shot here because security would have come and grabbed them but today, thousands on the streets, tens of thousands, perhaps, calling for 93-year-old robert mugabe, the candidate that most people have known to step down. he's holed up, and we learned from a source, negotiating to get him out of power. we've had people shaking hands. taking selfies, giving fist
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bumps to soldiers on heavily armed carriers. and people for the ministry and you're hearing everyone here with a unified voice. calling for robert mugabe to step down. he has ruled this country for decades with an iron fist at times. but the military is saying he must move out. one source telling us if he doesn't go quietly, we'll have to do it the hard way. but still on the streets throughout, in the square, and at the state house, they're holed up. people are trying to use their voices, trying to persuade them to step aside. and now they view this to see what the leader will do. >> david mckenzie, thank you for the live report. president trump has put a big game trophy decision on hold. he will enforce for now a federal ban on trophies, of
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elephants killed in zimbabwe. he tweeted saying he needs to further review conservation facts, he put it. and it's been heavily criticized because of elephants' dwindling population. and into the next hour, remarks white house senior adviser jared kushner made about wikileaks being called into question. what he said, and more importantly, what he did not say. but first, the family dog may have a high-tech way of being the man's bet friend. with a human has medical emergencies to be a assistance. cnn has been testing this. >> reporter: this border collie is testing a device that could let dogs alert 911 when its
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other than is in distress. >> go get help! >> reporter: the dog uses color panels to signal for help. >> this using irl technology. this gets messy but can be used. good boy. >> reporter: researchers finding all ways to help all dogs big and small. >> my owner needs my attention, please follow me. >> reporter: dogs naturally as puppies can pull things they can it up things with their noses, they can bite things, we just taught them, okay, you're doing that behavior on the sensor that you're already wearing. >> reporter: for people with certain medical conditions technology to be a lifesaver. >> a person with diabetes can have an episode where they become disoriented and they might be not be able to make a phone call or 911. these creatures are man's best friend for a reason.
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jared kushner told congressional investigators that they did not communicate with wikileaks. >> i think jared kushner is in trouble. this house of cards is coming down. >> is ambassador kislyak in the room, any russians? anybody been to russia? [ laughter ] >> this is more echo candidate moore he's not going anywhere. >> he will not step down. >> he was full on thought. i mean, he was very aware. >> senator franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't, i think that's a very clear distinction. >> it's not just


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