tv New Day Sunday CNN November 19, 2017 3:00am-4:00am PST
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president trump, by himself, can't change the behavior of kim jong-un. he'll tell me what to do and if it's illegal, guess what is going to happen? i'm going to say, mr. president, that is illegal. she is really, really talented. >> her prime place on the president's team has made hicks of interest. the special counsel is particularly interested in hicks' role. it's been a difficult week and a half for roy moore and his campaign. >> moore's policy agenda in danger to the children of alabama. >> we have a candidate that has walked through the fire! my former opponent is obs s
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obsessed with my speaking out between tweeting and golfing, how does he get anything done? ♪ >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor black well and christi paul. >> good morning. the russia investigation inching closer to the president's inner circle. next person in the hot seat will be president trump's communication speaker and expected to be interviewed by mueller's team before the end of the month now. >> of course, she is of special interest to mueller's team. also lawmakers are worried about the top nuclear commander said he would push back against an order for the president for a nuclear strike if it was illegal. >> i provide advice to the president. he'll tell me what to do and.
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it's -- if it's illegal, guess what is going to happen? >> you say no? >> i'm going to say, mr. president, that is illegal. guess what is he going to do? he would say what is going to be legal and we will come up with a mix of capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is and that is the way it works. it's not that complicated. in skancathing editorial, is asking for voters to vote for democrat doug jones or write in another candidate. they write this. this election is a referendum on whether we will accept this kind of behavior from our behavior and we are reading this after several women accused moore of inappropriate behavior. hicks is 29 years old and has been one of his closest and longest serving aides. hicks has been present at key event and meetings and making her especially useful to robert
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mueller's probe. >> cnn's jessica snider has more for us here. >> she is talented. >> reporter: hope hicks never seems to be far from the president's side. thursday at capitol hill at a state dinner in japan last week inside the oval office. hicks is one of the only nonfamily members who has remained a critical part of trump's inner circle since 2014 when the former model joined the trump organization. she was a key point person when trump launched his campaign in 2015 and the 29-year-old is now white house communications director working from a desk right outside the oval office. >> the criminals that we send back. >> reporter: hicks operates mostly behind the scenes scenes and leaving the public statements to others. her prime place on the president's team has made hicks of interest to special counsel robert mueller. mueller's tome plans to interview hicks before the end of the month. >> what this tells us is investigation is moving at steady pace. going from out to in, from less important to more important. i think she is still a witness, not a subject or a target by any
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means. but she's got critical information that only she posse possesses. >> reporter: sources tell cnn the special counsel is particularly interested in hicks' role drafting the initial and misleading statement from donald trump jr. about his meeting with a russian lawyer at trump tower. that statement drafted on board air force one with input from the president, tried to downplay the significance of the meeting and failed to mention a promise the russian lawyer would bring damaging information about hnk. hillary clinton. hicks was in bedminister, new jersey, days before the president fired james comey. sources tell cnn the president drafted a memo along with top aide steven miller explaining the reasoning behind the fire but the letter was never september. mueller's team now has that letter and the president revealed in an interview just after the firing that it was russia-related. >> in fact, when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know? this russia thing with trump and russia is a made-up story.
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>> reporter: white house lawyer ty cobb wouldn't comment directly about hope hicks and when she will meet with the special counsel's team. only this. it is my hope and expectation that shortly after thanksgiving all of the white house interviews will be concluded. mueller also plans to interview white house counsel don mcgahn and josh felt who was on air force one when the trump jr. statement was drafted. hicks is represented by robert trout a former u.s. assistant attorney who represented president richard nixon john mitchell during watergate and monica lewinsky. >> he will tell her tell the truman and nothing b truth and nothing but the truth and protect yourself. >> reporter: sean spicer has been interviewed and reince priebus. that was earlier this month. right now, there is no clear indication how far along in the process the special counsel's investigation actually is.
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>> jessica snyder, thank you so much. julian zeleny is a historian and professor at princeton university is with us now as well as errol louis who is a political anchor for spectrum news. julian, start with you. what is it that hope hicks brings to the table here? specifically what are they going to ask of her? >> the most important part of her resume is that she has been with the president at most of the key moments in the story that we have been following. so she is a witness to everything that has happened from the response to the revelation about the now famous meeting in the trump tower to the president's responses, to the investigation, and the firing of the fbi director james comey. so this is someone who has been in the room during much of the mystery that we have been looking for. she is also someone who didn't have much experience and she was one of the people in the trump
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orbit who, i think, mueller understands could have been susceptible to some of what was going on with regards to russia. >> errol, how likely is it you believe she will talk candidly? we know loyalty is a big part of donald trump's value. >> i think both for basic reasons, most people, if asked, under those circumstances, would tell the truth. but i think hope hicks has got to be wondering, quite seriously, about what it is that mueller's team knows. now the last person we know that tried to sort of give an account and tried to shade it in such a way that might protect the president was george pop dop list who was charred with a crime he pleaded guilty to. that in and of itself raises the question why would people think they need to lie and prime example for hope hicks and everybody else of the consequences of trying to clean
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up what might be either awkward or worse than awkward as far as conversations that were had and contacts that were made with people representing the russian government. >> julian, the fact that this is essentially a high-level aide, what does that tell you about the pace of this investigation and where it stands? because very often when we see somebody who is in an inner include like this who is called to testify to special counsel, they are usually kind of wrapping things up. >> well, we don't know if he is wrapping things up but it's certainly going at a rapid pace. it's very clear that mueller has now moved from what some call the outer center to the inner circle and he is now looking at the people who surround the president at the closest level. so this indicates to me both with the contacts and with the obstruction of justice, questions that he is moving fast and he is moving to the center of the oval office, which is
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going to cause many other people who are close to the president to be concerned as well about where this is all going. >> all righty. and real quickly. i wanted to ask you, julian, keep it with you for a minute, this report that jessica just talked about of robert trout, the former u.s. attorney that she has hired for her herself but he is represented president nixon and john mitchell during watergate and monica lewinsky during the clinton scandals. you would expect hope hicks will be very well-versed and extensively prepared when she goes in here. what do you make of that hire, i guess? >> well, you're bringing in someone with great expertise and great experience but she is ultimately the person who is going to be answering the questions. she is very young. she is very inexperienced and i think he she is looking for hel and her team wants to make sure she has good counsel but ultimately her who is facing off
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against mueller and his team. >> errol, i want to get to donald trump jr. here and this russian senator. the report this morning they had brief introduction at an nra dinner in 2016. trump jr.'s lawyer is speaking about that meeting saying they made small talk for a few minutes and went back to their separate meals and that is the extent of their communication or contact. how imperative do you think this meeting is going to be? >> it becomes one among many. unfortunately, as we have seen with donald junior the first story is not always the last story and the first story is not always a truthful story. had he a meeting at trump tower that he all but arranged and said publicly it was about aadoption but anything but that. an important meeting trying to find dirt on the hillary clinton campaign. so i wouldn't, unfortunately, take at face value the first statement about this meeting.
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it's entirely possible that further evidence or if we could, let's say, refresh his recollection, we may get a very different story about what that contact was and anything that might have followed from it. >> we always appreciate having your perspective, gentlemen. thank you so much. stick around with us here because there is more to talk about here in a moment. general in charge of nuclear weapons takes a strong stance saying he'll refuse orders from his commander in chief if he thinks the reason for launching a nuke is illegal. also, a london newspaper gets access to a list of harvey weinstein's targets, so to speak. on that list, nearly a hundred people he reportedly wanted to investigate to find out what they knew about sexual misconduct claims against him. also, "saturday night live" spoofs attorney general jeff sessions again. this time over his testimony this week. >> good to see you, jeff.
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including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. top u.s. nuclear commander says he would refuse nuclear strike orders from president trump if those orders were illegal. general john heiden says his first obligation is to follow the law, despite what any chief tells him to do. watch. >> i provide advice to the president. he'll tell me what to do and if it's -- if it's illegal, guess what is going to happen? >> you say no? >> i'm going to say, mr. president, that is illegal and guess what is he going to do? he is going to say what would be legal? and we will come up with options of a mix of capabilities to respond whatever the situation is and that is the way it works. it's not that complicated. >> the general's comments came as part of a larger conversation as you saw there and happening while democrats are raising concerns about the commands of nuclear weapons.
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past comments show he is prone to lash out at enemies like north korea. let's bring the panel back in. julian zeleny and errol louis are with us. errol, is it as simple as he says? there are two scenarios that involve the very grave issues that are under discussion here. one is when there is some reason that the military has to allegedly or so to speak wake up the president in the middle of the night and say, the country is under attack right now. you have to make a decision. we have 11 minutes to respond. that is one set of circumstances. i think what was under discussion the hypothetical that was put to general hyten what if the president comes to the military and says is there a threat that that is out there and not felt in 11 minutes but we have got to do something, i want to use nuclear weapons to
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make foreign policy happen with north korea or some other nation. that is a different kind of a conversation and the assumption there is that there are some hours, days, or even weeks to try and fashion a response. i believe that is what he was really getting at there. >> convex now to my historian, julian zeleny. is it common to hear the top u.s. nuclear commander speak about this in the hypotheticals of an illegal order from the president? >> no, it's not. i think there has been an assumption at some level that the president is rational and the president will have some sense of both the rinsks and threats of launching a nuclear war, so some of this discussion is very particular. it's about the current president, rather than the president in general. but it does come after many decades where congress has seeded authority to the president on matters of war, where there has been many warnings we can't have so much power under the hands of a president and particularly with nuclear weapons.
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this is a danger at some point that we will face and so there is this long view of where this comes from, but this is not a common fear that we have with particular concerns about the president. >> so let's listen. get a reminder from back in august when the president was at his resort. this was this august break. it was the height of the rah r torial of president trump and kim jong-un of north korea and this frightened some in the diplomatic and military section. >> north korea best not make any more threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury, like the world has never seen. >> just this week, republican senator and chair of foreign relations senator bob corker called a hearing to review the president's orders and potential for calling a nuclear war and the democratic member of that
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committee, senator chris maurur said this on tuesday. >> we are concerned that the president of the united states is so unstable, is so volatile, has a decision making process that he might order a nuclear weapon strike that is wildly out of step with u.s. national security interests. >> chris murphy a democrat there bob corker has been critical of president and calling the white house a day care. does this come down to citizen politics, anti-trump politics, or is it more than that? is it about this president specifically and a genuine fear that he'll use nuclear weapons? >> there is a genuine fear buried in there somewhere underneath the politics, honestly, victor. i mean when you hear some of the rhetoric. the president says fire and fury the likes of which they have never known, i believe the response by the north korean
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leader was, the frightened dog barks loudest. there was some chest thumping and trash talking going on there that didn't necessarily translate into an imminent or immediate threat. the democrats murphy and others on capitol hill, they want to make the most of this. they want to sort of fright en people a little bit ae and beat up on the president a little bit and make the right people. you don't make threats with entry threats or loud boasts by trying to scare people. in the end it sounds like the president scared americans more so than our adversaries overseas. >> senator jeff flake of arizona was asked about after that hearing on tuesday if this hearing would have been held if hillary clinton were elected president. he quickly smirked and said, "don't know" and walked off. bob corker was asked if legislative solution or legislative fix to some of the
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issues raised during that hearing. he said he didn't know. what is the commitment to some legislative controls on the president's ability to start a nuclear war, to order a nuclear attack? >> there is almost no commitment and i don't think there will be. i think that bias is that congress would never be able to deliberate with enough speed if we were in a real serious threatening moment to launch a nuclear attack. so the bias in american politics is not to give congress that power and i really don't think that is going to change right now. congress can try to insert itself more in discussions of national security policy but i doubt there will be any greater checks than that. that is why the selection of a president in the nuclear age is so important and so vital and that is why questions of temperament and questions of policy are essential and let's remember, presidents have made big mistakes on foreign policy, so the assumption shouldn't be they get things right even when
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they are doing things legally. just look at vietnam. >> we have seen some inconsistency from the president, himself, and inconsistencies between the white house and the state department on its rhetoric as relating to north korea. as of late, a name calling back and forth between the president and kim. but there has not been this talk of, again, fire and fury like the world has never seen and will see. the president then said, that isn't strong enough. we haven't seen that in the most recent weeks. is there any indication of what the influence is that has changed president's rhetoric as it relates to military response, a preemptive response militarily to kim and his nuclear weapons program? >> it's always hard to be sure but the trip that the president just took to asia, i think, was an example of him being, i guess clued into the reality, which is
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that you got to work with other nations and there are wakes to make this happen, that the power of the president is the power to persuade and there are limits to his power. he can't just snap his fingers and have everybody fall in line. the fact that north korea has not conducted a missile test the last two months is good news, to a certain extent. i think the president has realized it gets him nowhere to sort of pop off a lot of twots and make a lot of boasts and threats and have the rest of the world look at him and do absolutely nog. >> yeah. more than 60 days since the last missile test i should say. some question if the north koreans are a focusing on a potential nuclear test. thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. like all other presidents, donald trump has a military aide seen there always by his side with that so-called nuclear football. if he gets on a helicopter, an elevator, a boat, the briefcase
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is only a few steps away. you say what is inside there? the military office says there are four components. a so-called black book. first of all, it lists possible options for retaliation if the u.s. is attacked with nuclear weapons. second a book with bunker locations where the president can be taken in an emergency. third, a manila folder with procedures with the emergency broadcast system. lastly, a small card with authentication codes to verify it is the president ordering nuclear launch. former aides said they had to go rigorous psychiatric and emotional screening as does everyone else in the nuclear chain of command. everyone, except the commander in chief. major endorsements for roy moore's senate opponent from several alabama newspaper editorial boards. next, how they make the case for doug jones. plus, harvey weinstein's alleged -- allegedly wanted his investigators to target nearly 100 people to find out what they
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knew about sexual misconduct claims against him. now a london newspaper has gotten access to the list. man's inner voice: why do i have to be stuck here? talking property taxes. ♪ woah. go over there! then, make a mountain out of that reddi-wip. i'm out. made with real cream. reddi-wip. instant greatification. the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪
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from the president if it is legal. this is lawmakers worrying that the president may consider the option of a first strike on north korea. several alabama editorial boards are coming out very strongly against senate candidate roy moore. >> this is the headline in the "birmingham news." stand for decency, reject roy moore. joini joining us is brian stelter. every cycle we talk about the potency of a newspaper editorial board. a candidate who makes his bones the whole narrative against the establishment, this could actually be a good thing? >> roy moore is definitely running in anti-media campaign at this point. not just against "the washington post" but against the entire president corps that is covering these allegations against him. but i'm struck by just how stark and how well placed this
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editorial is. take a look again at the front page "the birmingham news." not just an editorial but on the front page of these papers in alabama. a lot of folks in the state are going to see this this morning. it's not just an endorsement of doug jones. it's saying stand for decency and reject roy moore. i spoke with michelle holmes overnight one of the vp in charge of the papers and said to me this is an important moment in alabama and we felt this treatment on the front page was in line with what is at stake in this race in alabama. >> my goodness. all right. i want to ask you about "snl." they were throwing some punches. one landed right smack on former cast member al franken. >> i was curious how the show would handle this, you know, because al franken was famously on "snl" before making his transition into the u.s. senate. we can update, acknowledge the
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controversy. i wouldn't say they were as tough on franken as they typically are against president trump, for example. everything is different. but here is what they said about franken. >> al franken is being accused of sexual misconduct on a 2006 uso tour by leann tweeden who posted this photo. i know this photo looks bad but remember, it also is bad. and sure this was taken before franken ran for public office but it was also taken after he was a sophomore in high school. pretty hard to be like, comm'mo he didn't know any better. he was only 55. >> there we go. we update and acknowledging the franken story. seems like "snl" every week and late night comedian shows are having to wrestle with another story about sexual misconduct and there we are of them talking about franken. >> speaking of that. a new list that is out. let's talk about harvey
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weinstein. what have you learned about this list of weinstein's a as i understand it? >> it's making its way around the web. this is described by the paper as a hit list. weinstein and his team put this together months ago when he was trying to defend himself and trying to stop "the new york times" and "the new yorker"ing from look into his past. if you're harvey weinstein and you know reporters are snooping around trying to find out about the women you've paid in the past to keep them quiet, what do you do? apparently you make this target list with dozens of women on the list for private investigators to then pursue, trying to have these investigators keep these women quiet and find out how they feel about weinstein. are they talking to reporters? are they giving away information? are they speaking out against him? so weinstein had this secret target list, according to "the observer" and "the britain. to threaten women from coming
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forward against weinstein. six weeks ago, the dam broke we know. women speak out in "the new york times" and "the new yorker." and various other outlets and dozens of women have come forward with allegations against weinstein. he is essentially in hiding. we haven't seen or heard from him in weeks, but we know active investigations in l.a. and new york with police attempting to bring cases and bring charges against him. so his hit list did not end up working. >> all right. brian, thank you so much. brian stelter there with us and all that have news and more of it. watch brian on "reliable sources." he is with you today at 11:00 a.m. eastern on cnn. when we come back, argentina tried to reach a naval base several times and couldn't get in contact. we will have a live update on the search. [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney.
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before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin. 39 minutes past of the hour. argentina defense minuistry say they are missing a submarine. they were never able to get through after trying to contact it seven times. the calls were made just yesterday. >> the u.s. navy is helping with search and rescue efforts for the 44 crew members on board. cnn correspondent patrick offing is in havana, cuba, with more on this. good morning to you, patrick. >> reporter: good morning to you. finally, some good news for the ara san juan submarine and its 44 crew aboard. seven times yesterday, over a period of about five hours, sailors apparently tried to communicate about a seven different navy bases in argentina and while never able to get through because apparently the satellite signal
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which is not strong enough they were not able to connect. still this could give the arthur argentina nation the calls that were at least attempted to narrow down where she that be searching from to hone in on the position of this missing submarine. no communication since last wednesday. people had worried that the submarine could have been lost. it was a mystery. it's due back in port today. when there is a emergency like this, the submarine is supposed to go to the surface to become visible. there have been searches going on now for days. nothing has been seen. weather conditions are very, very bad. the u.s. is giving a lot of resources, aircraft, as well as undersea rescue vehicles that could help with the rescue attempt. but people feel this is very good news, at least some kind of communication has been attempted but, of course, until the sailors get back on dry land, their families will not be able
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to breathe a sigh of relief, but the officials people they are getting closer to a pop rescue. >> hopefully, there is good news soon. patrick oppmann in havana, thank you so much. the u.s. issued a warning to the palestinian liberation organization. state department officials saying if they don't, quote, get serious about peace talks about israeli, unquote, they will close the palestinian offices in washington. the organization was put on notice last week after secretary of state rex tillerson determined the palestinians violated a law by calling on the international criminal court to investigate and prosecute israeli for war crimes against palestinians. now a top plo official said if their offices close, they will end all talks and contact with the trump administration. in paris, moments of chaos. there is hundreds of demonstrators there to protest auction of slaves in libya.
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they chanted free our brothers and let's liberate africa in front of the libyan embassy. clashes broke out with protesters lashing rocks at police and police responding with tear gas. that is after cnn film showed migrants sold outside of tra ci. they want congress to exempt puerto rico from the jones act. cancel pruerto rico's debt and help to rebuild that island. this island is still struggling from basic necessities and talking about food and medical supplies and electricity some two months after hurricane maria! >> so much work to be done there. severe storms tore down trees and homes and power lines in middle tennessee overnight but
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we know the national weather service is out this morning looking at the damage to see if they can confirm tornadoes. today marks the beginning of the holiday exodus where so many people who are traveling this thanksgiving. although i laugh because just like there is no crying in baseball, there is no holiday in news. i don't know about traveling! >> actually, i do. >> i know you do. >> after the show, my vacation starts! more than 70 million people are under a wind advisory. could cause flight delays. sad trombone there. severe storms are forecast to bring heavy rain and snow also which could also affect your travel plans. let's bring in cnn meteorologist allison chinchar with the
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forecast. are we talking about flights out of atlanta are going to be delayed at all? >> my vacation like yours starts as soon as this show is over! we are flying so i've been keeping a very close eye on this but, yes, it does include atlanta, as well as many cities in the northeast. not just because of rain and snow. but those wind advisories. we have got them stretching from maine back to texas. sustained winds about 20 to 30 miles per hour but you could be looking at wind gusts upwards of 50 to even 60. not to mention you've got some rain and snow in the forecast. so let's break it down for some of the cities that we have across the northeast. we are expecting to have rain showers today in areas like orlando, raleigh and new york city. if you have the ability to be flexible on your travel plans those cities it might be better to wait until monday so a better travel day in terms of weather. take a look at example for cleveland. expecting a little bit of a rain/snow mix today. so same scenario there where it would be better to wait until monday if you can.
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i realize not everybody has that option. give yourself extra time on the roads as well as the airports. central u.s. really looks to be the best spot. we are talking cities like dallas and denver. the weather is expected to be pretty much the same today and tomorrow. and by same, i mean, good weather. it's actually going to be relatively nice. out to the west we are expecting at least some of rain showers across areas of seattle but that is going to be for both today and suzanne malveaux. so really it doesn't really matter whether you left today or tomorrow, you're still going to have to experience some of those rain showers. los angeles, reno, phoenix, other than being warmer than average it looks to be relatively pleasant in those areas. now in terms of your actual thanksgiving day forecast, truly for most people, it actually looks very nice. we are talking partly cloudy skies in chicago. new york, mostly sunny skies. a lot of folks heading for the big parade. and the weather actually looks to cooperate. however, we will point out, victor and christi, we expect
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showers in florida and the west. probably not the best beach day on thanksgiving. but for most other folks it should be relatively nice. >> allison, i listened to all of that but one thing distracted me in the corner. was that a turkey twirking? >> we are informed it's a dancing turkey but i don't know what type of dance. >> let it dance before you kill it! come on shramt. >>! >> the russia investigation. president trump's communication director hope hicks most likely interviewed this month. we are going to have more on that next hour. plus another sketch from "saturday night live" on the russia investigation. this time opening the show with eric and donald trump jr. meeting in a parking garage with
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las vegas you know is for the night life and the casinos. >> lisa lin looks into the dangerous underbelly of sin city a few get to see. >> reporter: las vegas. every year, millions flock here trying to fulfill a dream and win big. this is the las vegas, the world knows. the casinos, the hotels, the clubs. step off the strip and you'll
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find another world that couldn't be more different. a world where lost people hide in plain sight. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: in the middle of the desert. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: in boarded up buildings. >> wow. look at this place. >> reporter: even underground. >> it is pitch black in here. >> reporter: it's a world that can be dark, unpredictable. >> step out! >> reporter: and sometimes very dangerous. >> oh, someone is just coming out. >> could be a drug deal. it could be anything. >> police! >> reporter: tonight, las vegas natives introduce us to a side of sin city that few get to see. >> come out! >> reporter: and it's shocking. >> oh, my god! >> watch that full episode "this is life" with lisa ling here on cnn. the russia investigation is
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providing materials it seems for "saturday night live." >> last night they spoofed the trumps son and julian assange and jeff sessions. >> when i say i do not, you say recall! i do not! >> recall! >> i do not! >> recall! >> oh, thank you. >> that's great. >> that is a response calling. my catch phrase. >> i noticed you said that a lot during testimony. do you really not remember meeting with george papadopoulos about russia? >> i've had problems from childhood trauma. >> what is that? childhood trauma? >> passing of the civil rights act. >> i'm going to ask you some questions now, attorney general sessions. i'm going to ask you questions and do you think you can answer them truthfully?
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>> yib. >> did you just say yeb? >> nob. >> did you meet with any trump surrogates about russia? >> i do not -- i do not recall. you know i recall! ♪ president trump, by himself, can't change the behavior of kim jong-un. he'll tell me what to do and if it's illegal, guess what is going to happen? i'm going to say, mr. president, that is illegal. she is really, really talented. hope? >> her prime place on the president's team has made hicks of interest. the special counsel is particularly interested in hicks' role. it's been a difficult week and a half for roy moore and his campaign. >> moore's policy agenda in endangered the children of alabama. >> we have a candidate that has walked through the fire! my former opponent is
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