tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 20, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> [ bleep ] get out of the way bus. >> jeanie moss cnn. [ bleep ]. new york. >> thank so much for joaning us. -- joining us. see you back here tomorrow. ac 360 begins right now. the headlines says it all. eight women soy charley rose sexual sexually harassed them with nudity, groping and calls. john berman here for anderson. when it comes to choosing the next u.s. senate from alabama, the white house would prefer a alleged why would molester to a democrat. kelly anne conway let it slip
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when lashing out at -- >> and -- is a docket fair liberal which is why hee not saying anything. >> so vote roy moore? >> i'm telling you we want to votes in the senate to get this tax bill through. if the media was really concerned about all these allegations and if that's what this was truly about in the democrats, al franken would be on the sheets of -- he wouldn't be here. this guy jones is a docket fair liberal. >> just in case you missed it. kellyanne conway uttered a truth that until now has dared not cross the lips of engine at the white house. >> i'm telling you we want the
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votes in this senate to get this tax bill threw. >> they need the votes she said, they need roy moore's vote, they want his vote. never mind potential republicans colleagues saud they don need or want roy moore period. never mind all these accusers have gone on record alleging sexual misconduct on roy moore's part. never bind he was banned from a public mall from bothering young women. never bind kellyanne conway said last thursday. >> whatever the facts end up being, the premises, of course the principal is that there's no senate seat that's worth more than a child. >> so keeping them honest, principles are so last thursday. now we know. i'm telling you we want the votes in the senate to get this
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tax bill through. >> now we know if she uttered the truth this morning it was somewhat an inconvenience truth. when asked about it sanders said the president has no position beyond this. >> we certainly think it's something the people of alabama should decide. >> sarah sanders trying to put this morning's toothpaste back in the tube. >> the president believes this is a decision for the people of alabama to make. the people of alabama should make the decision. the people of alabama should be the one to make the decision. the decision that the people of ma'am need to make. it's up to the people of alabama to make the decision. the president as i've said seven or eight times now, thinks this is a stig for the people of alabama to make. this is up to the governor and the people of alabama to make the determination. i've addressed it quite a few times, the position of the white house hasn't changed. it's up to the people of alabama to make the determination of who
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the senate should be. >> if you listen to that long enough you'll think -- >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. >> no more will the president will ever go to a rally for alabama republican candidate luther strain, get on stage with him and tell alabamians how to vote. >> that is why i'm here tonight to tell the good people of alabama to send luther strange to the united states senate so he can defend your interest, fight for your values and always put america first. go out and get out the vote. >> it's lchl like he's telling the people of ma'alabama how to vote. here he is at the very same
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event promising to support roy moore if roy won. >> and by the way, both good men, both good men. and i told luther i have to say this, if his opponent wins i'm going to be here examinicampaig like hell for him. >> sure enough the president got behind moore. congratulations to roy moore. luther strange started way back and won a good race. roy win in december. it wasn't until the accusers came forward the president and spokes people launched on to the, let alabama decide talking point. the truth which she let slip is well the white house has decided it prefers an alleged child molester to a democrat pause the alleged child molester will support the president on tax
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cut. now we phillip buff -- i'm surprised about what kellyanne conway was saying about roy moore. what do you make of it? >> well they want the vote. they, like many other republicans want to act like they have no responsibility or obligation to give alabama voters a better choice. the governor of alabama, whose a woman says she believes the women but says she's going to vote for roy moore anyway. this is what i am sad to say is becoming the new standard, the republican party. this is a new variation of what reluctant republicans said about donald trump. well, i support him but i done endorse him. what they're really saying is
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i'm not going to stick my nelk out and take the risk of demanding higher standard for our party and at the same time try to wash my hand for any responsibility when he does something wrong. that's what's going on here. they want the vote but pretend like they're not responsible for enacting any standard in their party when these are the very people taxed to doing so. >> do you think it's enough of a reason for voters to look beyond these allegations? >> i think judge roy moore is kind of a creep and these are serious allegations against him. i also think that it is appropriate for the people of alabama to make this decision. this election's is to the jury of his peers, to indicate when the people of alabama want the man to represent him. by the way, the democrats aren't
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no saints either, they're up for adoration and most is -- >> yeah but one of them is a child molester. >> and one of them is for partial abortion which alabama thinks is murder a lot of republicans say they're going to vote for him. i ask the question who should make the decision. the people of alabama. if i was living in alabama i wouldn't vote for any of these two. >> but kellyanne conway instead of saying alabama should decide -- >> this is a truism, this is math that republicans are going to face a tough time if they lose to senate. >> we have the picture put up to 14 republican senators that are
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going to come out. these are people -- and i'm sure they want republican votes, and they say it's not worth voting for roy moore. >> again, i think if roy moore wins the seat, if the people of alabama say we want him to represent us i think he should be put in the united states senate. >> phillip buff there was a remarkable moment today inside the white house. the president being asked where he stands on roy moore. >> your thoughts on roy moore mr. president do you believe his accusers? do you believe roy moore's accusers mr. president? >> thank you very much. >> all right not just not answering but crossing his arms in defiance to say aisle not answering and you can't open my arms to force me to do so, he's fwotd a few more weeks until election day can he not answer this question for three more weeks? >> it seems that way right.
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it's been more than a week already. he's sitting on a huge can of worms if he start talking whether or not he's in a position to accuse candidates of sexual misconduct -- i think kellyanne conway did not slip accidentally, this is the position of the white house. they want more than anything to get these tack cuts passed. it is a case where roy moore to win. there are a group of republicans in the senate whole quickly move to expel him from the senate. essentially there'd be another republican who'd be a senator but that's a slow thought process, wouldn't necessarily come to fruition so this is would be the best shot -- >> let me ask a question, do you think robert see better who was a member of the ku klux klan and a -- do you think he should have
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been expelled -- >> i know -- >> what about ted kennedy? >> can i jump in here? >> i'm going to ask something -- >> these are allegations from 40 years. >> i was asked about roy moore here. we're going to talk about charley rose in a second. al frank ken, a second woman came forward today saying he touched her on her rear end during a photo op in 2010. did these allegations, did these make it easier for roy moore to defend himself? >> i do think there's a disconnect between politics and media and hollywood. what we see happening outside of washington when these allegations come forward the men are quickly dealt with by shareholders or their companies or what ever you have it. on the political side, you have
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donald trump who spoke favorably on assaulting women on access hollywood, nobody can refute that and they voted for him. you have roy moore, lots of women coming forward. my ask is are sexual assault, abuse, harassment disqualifying for office? i look at this scenario and the answer seems to be no. i don't think there's any chance in the world that roy moore gets expelled from the senate if he wins. it'll be much easier for the republican party deal with him in this race, have luther strange step down. have a new person appointed. that is far easier than actually going to historic process of expelling someone which i think would only be the 15th or 16th
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member in u.s. senate history. that's just not concievable at this moment and time. congressional approval ratings are already in the tank, people don't trust washington. until the politicians figure out a way to deal with this it's beginning to go lower and lower. people outside of washington get it. >> steven, going back to this trump. president trump seems to keep critiquing al franken, where does he play and does it make sense to you to criticize franken and not the president? >> i don't know if there's a sameness to these two and cases. i think for donald trump to say the people of alabama should decide this, i think is an appropriate thing for the president to say. he has denounced roy moore for these allegations, so, look, the question is if the people of alabama aren't going to make this decision, whos. >> don't people in alabama
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deserve a better closure than an accused molester? >> absolutely. >> and someone who's beginning to extreme out abortion. why doesn't the republican party step in and say if this man doesn't up hold to our standards we're beginning to -- donald trump, majority leader, mitch mcconnell. >> amanda they can't get him off the ballot at this point. >> luther strange should -- >> i would love to see that happen, i'd love to see moore just step down, he's not going to do it. >> wlienhy not? >> i do want to point out it's okay to equate robert bird and roy moore -- >> what about kennedy. >> the question for the republican part long-term is look what happened in october and november. men and women certainly had the same view of moore and doug
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jones in alabama. after this came up men supported moore and women supported moore for 20 points. do they want to be the party that not only has someone alleged of sexual assault as the president but also looks the other way as the senator -- >> and you think the democrats should expel -- >> we're going to wrap this up here. we have three more weeks to discuss this election if it lasts that long. guys thanks so much. sadly there is more long these lines. allegations against charley rose, the reaction where he works, the explanations that he's offering. and later the reporting on the death toll in puerto rico, ten times higher than the official number. a tiny sword? bread...breadstick? a matchstick! a lamppost! coin slot! no? uhhh... 10 seconds. a stick! a walking stick!
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last man that's been accused or admitted to sexual misconduct. the "new york times" white house corresponded the time suspended him and le has issued an apology, as have charley rose. amy broke the story and joins us now. multiple allegations of charley rose making unwanted sexual advances towards women including groping, phone calls and walking around naked in front of some women. can you explain this? >> the alleges are troubling, and the reporting took weeks to speak to women who worked with him. there were so many similarities in the stories they told. let me reiterate these are women who in many cases did not know one another and worked for rose
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at different points in their life. there were certain patterns of behavior tarp alarms concerning the groping, nudity, touching them, late night phone calls. there seems to be clear consistencies in how he carried out these interactions towards women. >> consistently occurred people is at least a broad knowledge sm stuff was happening. seems like an open secret between his staffers. how did it stay quiet for so long? >> well i think you have to look at the charley rose show and the amount of power he has. he is one of the the most respected journalist in the nation. there's no hr department. the only person essentially that anyone could report a complaint to would be his executive producer who had been with him since 1991.
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multiple women said they felt like they could not report this behavior. we did speak to one woman who reported it and she was fired soon after reporting it. >> charley rose issued a statement and says it's essential that these women know i hear them, i apologize and i accept responsibility for that. i do not believe all of these accusations were accurate, i was under the impression was acting on shared feelings. and i see now i was missustain. >> we sent charley rose a detailed list of questions with every single allegations that was going to be in this story 24 hours before publication. at no point did he want to talk
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with me about a line on line accusations. if he does want to challenge i would love to hear from him. we have corroborated these womens' accounts through e-mails, friend, family members, ex-boyfriends, people that they told at the time of the incidents. >> amy britain stick around. i want to bring in brian stelter, bill carter. brian i want to start with you. charley rose has been suspended from his show, are you surprised? >> i would be surprised if the show doesn't bring him back. one whisper net work was women
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sharing information of men acted like predators have been replaced by another whisper network. journalist are doing these incredible investigations, corroborating these accounts and like you said it's not going to end with charley rose. >> accused may not be the right word, uncovered might be the right word. this is a guy of t.v., highly respected, widely admired, a t.v. icon so far as there's any left at this point. what's the impact of this revelation? >> i think it's an enormous impact. i know charley well, been on the show. i think he has this reputation being this intellectual sort of guy, certainly a guy who had a lot of women on his staff, maybe we now know the reason why. this behavior sounds like sort
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of like -- you know or something, i guess in his case, senior citizen kind of, because he's been a around a long time. it's an appalling behavior, i think it's career ending. i don't see how anyone comes back from this. i think it's too much for anybody to accept him for what he was before. >> part of his apology, if you can call it that, this line, i always assumed i was pursuing shared feelings now i realize i was missustain. in your reports was there any assumption these feelings were shared? >> absolutely not. these women in the interviews took hours and hours we had with them. in some cases they wen back to look through e-mails and perhaps they complimented mr. rose about
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a show and said they admired him on the show. he was their boss, many of them are young and he was the only reference that they had on their resume. i just want to say none of them said it was in any way conse consentall, they had no desire to have these interactions with him. >> that gets me back to the disturbing aspects bryan, his long time producer. >> yeah and she regret that. each case different and troubling to try to put them together. we're talking people about other way, not realizing what's in front of them, this is all about power dynamics. >> in this case it was different because they were told this was going on.
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guys thank you so much. amy thank you for your reporting. so you're the leader of the free world what do you do to spend the weekend? how about talking about a football player who didn't stand for the national anthem. a father of vietnam who didn't pay you the proper respect. that's next. ixel 2. it's a match made in tech heaven. it's like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. no, actually, they separate into a suspension. it's more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. and verizon is the best unlimited plan. what if it's like... h2 and o? yeah. yeah, like that. i had a feeling that would score with you guys. good meeting. (vo) when you really, really want the best, get up to 50% off the pixel 2 on google's exclusive wireless partner, verizon. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations
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that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it.
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the president was busy on twitter this weekend and into this morning. he turned his efforts on nfl players. tweeting marshawn lynch stands for the mexican flag and sits down temporary the american. the president took game of lavar ball, the father of the uk, uc l player. he wrote now that the players are out of klein and safe from jail, lavar ball is unaccepting what i did for his son and shoplifting is no big deal. i should have left them in jail. that comment of the president saying u.s. citizens should be left in foreign jail raised some eye brows. >> does he believe he really should have left the players in jail? >> no i think if that's the case he wouldn't have taken the action that he did and acted in order to help really get these
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individuals released and brought back to the country. matthew. >> so falling on that, if that's not how helpful then why did he say that he should have left them in jail? >> look the -- what. >> what are we supposed to take from that. >> it was a rhetorical response by the father. >> does that make any sense. michael joins us now. you look at some of these tweets and fights he gets in verbally as trying to place himself in juks position of the other. put the other in his place, what document by that? >> he's always looking for an even my and is uncomfortable without one. it's a way of getting attention. he finds it exciting. he said when i interviewed him i always like to fight, physical
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fights and he likes arguing with people. he's always got to have another to go up against. i don't think it's a surprise he's more of hispanic, african-american, women, groups that are not as fortunate. he goes after them. so, let's mix it up with this fellow because it's fun and i can prevail. >> you also note that there's an element of this or it's a gain for the president. it seems like sometimes the people he's targeting are some sort of props in some sort of play. >> well we're all props. this is his drama and we are all either supporting players or oh capable we're dragged on to the main stage for combat. in this case he's sought out some people to pose against and
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to fight. we're supposed to watch. he loves getting away with it. this is -- another element of this is it's like an arsonist who sets a fire and returns to the scene to watch the firefighters struggle to put it out and relishes the idea he's not getting caught. the president is -- we spoke once about this and he said, oh, i don't think i got in trouble for doing that one. he kind of beamed. that was marvelous for that. >> but did he get away with it? we know jack change, he's a mormon from arizona. there has been examples where he picks a fight we don't know if he got away with. james comey he's going after a bit on twitter. >> he makes mistakes.
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he's claiming he's got the best iq around. his judgment is flawed i think this is becausing this an emotional endeavor for hem. he's very much driven by instinct. this is the thing he does well. he's reverting to the thing he the before he became president and it's being president that's difficult for him. >> but this is a debate whether there is a strategy, where the president is saying stuff because he likes to. >> and it's all a blur to the rest of us. if he's attacking one person today, another person tomorrow and three days from now it's a third person, who can keep up and hold him accountable. he the hoo di knee of accountability. he escapes it at all cost. i think he does it 90% of the
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time. >> he picked a fight with david copper feel and lavar ball, we'll see out that goes. great to have you. lavar ball will be on with don lemon at 10:00 p.m.. coming up here, the death toll is 55 in puerto rico. tonight, newest reporting the number of hurricane deaths are well into the 100s. her report next. whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses.
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a cnn exclusive investigation now. two months today hurricane made landfall in prtd. there are still many without dleen water -- clean water and the government doesn't know home businesses are without power. there's also the death toll which officially is 55. that number is coming into question because cnn has revealed the number could be much higher.
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>> reporter: these are is images they'd rather remember, the ones capturing jose pepe sanchez joking with his family. there's another image, his daughter roxanne that cannot stop thinking about. the moment she opened the door and found him on the ground. he says that maria had not passed through here she believes her dad would be alive today. >> reporter: she believes his nerves, stress led to a heart attack when maria struck in. just minutes before maria made landfalls she tells of her father's complaint of breathing complications. when her uncle called 911 he said help was not available in that part of the island. >> no one from the government
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have come to ask questions about the cause or situation surrounding his death. >> reporter: over the same month last year, the number of deathing in puerto rico increased by 472. the government is reporting 55 people died at the hands of hurricane maria. >> it's accurate based on the factual information that we received, yes. >> reporter: this is puerto rico's public safety in charge of the death count. >> it appears for whatever reason the death toll is much higher than what has been reported. >> reporter: politicians, news outlets like cnn have raised accuracy about the numbers. we decided to count for ourselves. cnn called 279 funeral homes. we were only able to reach half of them. we asked, how many of the deaths believed to be related to maria. they claim 499 hurricane-related
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death in the number after the storm. that's nine times the government's number. why the gap? >> because i said on factual, i cannot work on i believe. >> reporter: so we described pepe's case. >> gentleman is at home, he has a stroke, gentleman calls 911, 911 says we can't get there in time because the winds and the storm, is that a storm related death? >> yes. >> okay so we have pepe, that was his case. >> reporter: the doctor marked pepe's data natural. deaths marked natural they aren't supposed to go to forensic. on the certificate, doctors are not obligated to report if the hurricane contributed to the
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death. >> quite frankly, they should, but you're right. will they be obligated to do it by law, no, but i still submit to you there's a moral and ethical responsibility to do that. >> reporter: legislature asked to change the law, require doctors to flag on death certificates. he admits he needs people to flash cases too. >> you're the first person that refer to media outlet that brings in information for us to verify. >> but is that the media's job or your job? >> so, it's our job to take care 390 beside every month to see that the doctor -- >> reporter: he tells us he will investigate. >> why is the government of puerto rico not checking and why isn't the government doing what
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cnn did, calling they had funerals one by one? visiting the families one by one? >> funeral homes to begin with is not the tell us who the person die of or not die of. >> reporter: he says families should notify the government if they believe a person died from a hurricane related death. >> they were married when she was 20, and she misses him. >> reporter: families trying to make sense of tragedy and a death toll. >> all right. layla santiago joins us from san juan. there's a major discrepancy here in these death toll numbers. how are officials responding to this reporting? >> you heard the secretary say
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cnn was the first to bring specific cases to him. he say he gave us his word. he's going to look into them and investigate and if justified, add them to the official death toll count. we also checked in with forensics they say that you told me they sent people to funerals, hospitals to look into cases and each time, according to forensics they were false claims. >> another important element down there. getti getting power restored still a huge element. you spoke to white fish today what did the the ceo have to say? >> reporter: big news today, the ceo saying that the government of puerto rico owes them $83 million and as a result, despite the fact he claims he is asking multiple times for
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payment, because he has not been paid, he says he is being forced to stop all work from white fish until he can get that payment. remember, earlier the government of puerto rican selled the contract with white fish but they were scheduled to continue work until earlier this month. according to white fish they had to stop the work, what that means to people getting power back here, we'll have to wait and find out. we did check in with the government, the power authority tells us that because the white fish contract is under investigation, they are not making any more excellents on that -- comments on that relationship with the company. >> certainly can't help with hundreds of thousands of people still without power. thank you again for your reporting. our top story tonight,
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sexual misconduct against roy moore. we'll hear from a childhood friend about what she knew and when. millions of us suffer from the symptoms of dry eye. theratears® unique electrolyte formula, corrects the salt imbalance that causes dry eye. so your eyes will thank you. more than eye drops, dry eye therapy. theratears®.
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back to our top story tonight, the sexual misconduct allegations against alabama u.s. senate candidate roy moore. leigh corfman appeared about "today" show. she was 14 years old when she says moore inappropriately touched her. >> he removed my clothing. he left the room and came back in wearing his white underwear. and he touched me over my clothing, what was left of it. and he tried to get me to touch him as well. and at that point i pulled back and said that i was not comfortable. >> did you tell anyone at the
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time? >> right after it, i told two of my good friends. and then i told one other. and they told me how bad an idea this was. >> one of leigh corfman's friends spoke to our gary tuchman. gary jones me from a community meeting in alabama. first off, what's this meeting all about? >> john, this is the back 40 beer company. it's a craft brewery in the town of gadsden alabama. this is the hometown of judge roy moore. this town hall, they didn't call it exactly a town hall, just came to an end. more than 100 people came into this facility. some people against and some people for roy moore. but they want to talk about the importance of unifying this town, and it was very civil. judge roy moore denies all the allegations.
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today we talked to a life long friend of leigh corfman. her name is patty. she's never voted far democrat but strongly supports her friend and she told us about the times in middle school and high school where her friends would hang out at the mall here in gadsden. >> does roy moore at the mall? >> yes. >> and how many times do you think you saw him? >> almost every weekend. >> what was he doing? >> walking, always alone by himself, and with a very wandering eye. >> wandering, looking at what? >> wandering, looking toward -- that was one thing that was kind of an unspoken among our friends is that you didn't dare make eye contact with him because we felt like that that would invite him to pursue us or maybe cross over
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and get closer to us. >> what did you think he was doing? do you think he was looking for high school girls? >> yes. >> was that well known? >> yes, without a doubt. >> 1979, li told a couple of her friends something happened with roy moore? >> correct. >> something bad. one of those friends then told you. 37 years ago. what did that friend tell you happened? >> that this person we were very familiar with from the mall had taken leigh to a house, to his house, and taken her clothes off and touched her. what we felt about that person in the mall was true, that he was indeed what we thought that
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he was. and he was after what we thought he was after. and he proved it with leigh corfman. >> since you went public, you've talked to her on the phone? >> yes. >> you texted her? >> yes. >> what have you said to her tharchlts i'm so proud of her. >> what did she say back to you? >> that she loved me. >> and then what did you say to her? >> i said thank you for being my friend. >> once again, roy moore has said none of this is true. last week at a rally he held a news conference afterwards and we asked him if he's ever touched any of these accusers. he wouldn't the answer question and walked out with his wife. the justice department trying to block the merger of at&t and time warner. is it really about the president punishing cnn? on the pixel 2.
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it's a match made in tech heaven. it's like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. no, actually, they separate into a suspension. it's more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. and verizon is the best unlimited plan. what if it's like... h2 and o? yeah. yeah, like that. i had a feeling that would score with you guys. good meeting. (vo) when you really, really want the best, get up to 50% off the pixel 2 on google's exclusive wireless partner, verizon. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less.
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yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it.
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anything to do with it? his response was does it have anything to do with cnn, he says, frankly, i don't know. >> but at court, at trial we may find out. the official answer from the government is that this deal is anti-competitive, and that's why the doj is going to court to block it. but given president trump's animosity toward this network, his tweets demeaning cnn, also his tweets criticizing the justice department, there's a lot of skepticism about whether his fingerprints might be on this. that's what at&t wants to find out in the months to come. >> jeffrey toobin said he may be deposed in this. special report tonight, "late night in the age of trump" airs floemts now. what can we expect? >> we could use laughs after a day like this. so many crazy headlines. we decided to do this hour-long documentary about late-night because it's been changed profoundly because of president trump. stephen colbert, john oliver,
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trevor noah. they are stars on the rise because of donald trump. in some cases i would say they're better than democratic politicians. we go behind the scenes tonight. >> brian stelter, thank you. thank you for watching 360. the special, late night in the age much trump starts now. the following is a cnn special report. >> because i'm coming in hot. this is going to be a crazy one. >> every day there's something nuts. >> you're not the potus, you're the bloatus. >> how long does this wall have to be? >> he's most mocked man in america. >> that is problem with the media. >> monopolizing late-night. >> it's hard not to feel like you're being redundant. >> kim jong-un as rocket man. >> kim jong-un as rocket man. >> dominating "snl." >>
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