tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 20, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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john berman here for anderson. that just ahead. we begin though with a remarkable admission. when it comes to choosing the next u.s. senator from alabama the white house would prefer an alleged child molester to a democrat. now we know. when it comes to roy moore, u.s. senate republican candidate from alabama, alleged attempted rapist of a 16-year-old, that's the answer from white house communist kellyanne conway. she let it slip while lashing out at on fox and friends. >> so vote roy moore? >> i'm telling you we want the votes in the senate to get the tax bill through. and the media are really concerned about all these allegations, al franken would be
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on the ash heap of bygone half funny comedians. he wouldn't be here on capitol hill. he still has his job. is that the best they can do? >> so just in case you missed it in that cloud of misdirection, kellyanne, conway one of the president's advisers zntly or otherwise uttered a truth that until now has not crossed the lips of anyone in the white house. >> i'm telling you we want the votes in the senate to get this tax bill through. >> they need the votes, she says. they need roy moore's vote. they want roy moore's vote. never mind many of his potential senate colleagues say they don't need or want roy moore, period. never mind all of these accusers have gone online alleging all these forms of sexual misconduct on roy moore's part. never mind he was reportedly
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barred from a local mall and never mind kellyanne conway herself said last thursday. >> whatever the facts end up being of course the premise, the principle is that there's no senate seat worth more than a child. >> so keeping them honest, principles are so last thursday. now we know. >> i'm telling you we want the votes in the senate to get this tax bill through. >> now we know. yet if kellyanne conway uttered the truth this morning, it was somewhat an inconvenient truth. white house spokeswoman sarah sanders said the president had no position beyond this. >> this is something the people of alabama should decide, and i'm not going to be able to weigh in beyond those comments. >> trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube while
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dispensing some familiar soft soap. >> the people of alabama should make the decisions. the people of alabama should be the ones to make the decision. the people of the decision -- the president as i've said about seven or eight times now thinks this is a decision for the people of alabama to make. it's up to the governor and the state and the people of alabama to make the determination. in fact i've addressed it quite a few time, the position of the white house hasn't changed. it's up to the people of alabama to make the determination of who their next senator should be. >> you listen to that long enough, and you get the impression telling how alabamians how to vote is something this president would never want to do. he would never, for example, want to get on air force one and fly down to alabama. that would never happen. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. >> nor would the president go to a rally for alabama republican
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primary candidate luther strange, get on stage with him and tell alabamians how to vote. >> that is why i'm here tonight to ask the good people of alabama to send luther strange to the united states senate so he can defend your interests, fight for your values and always put america first. go out and get out to vote. >> why, it's almost like he's telling the people of alabama how to vote. and here he is at the very same event promising to support roy moore if moore won. >> and by the way, both good men. both good men. and you know what? and i told lougt luther i have to say this, if his opponent wins, i'm going to be here campaigning like hell for him. >> and sure enough when roy moore defeated lougter strange the president got behind moore. congratulations to roy moore.
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so it wasn't until accusers began coming forward thathat the president and especially his spokespeople lashed onto the let alabama decide talking point. and it wasn't until this morning kellyanne conway let the truth slip. the white house prefers an alleged child molester to a democrat because an alleged child molester will support the tax bill. amanda, i confess to being surprised when i heard kellyanne conway only because of how hard sarah sanders and the white house were working to make it seem as if the president would not weigh in. yet there kellyanne was at the white house saying what she said. what do you make of it?
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>> well, they want the vote. and they like many other republicans want to act like they have no responsibility or obligation to give alabama voters a better choice. the governor of alabama whose a woman says she believes the women but says she's going to vote for roy moore anyway. this is what i am sad to say is becoming the new standard of the republican party. this is new variation of what reck luckitant republicans said about donald trump. well, i support him but i don't endorse him. what they're really saying is i am not going to stick my neck out and take the risk of demanding higher standards for our party and at the same time try to wash my hands of any responsibility for when he does something wrong. that's what's going on here. they want the vote, but they're going to pretend they're not responsible an enacting any vote in their party.
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>> do you think it's enough of a reason for voters to look beyond these allegations against roy moore? >> look, i think judge roy moore is kind of a creep, and these are obviously very serious allegations against him. but i also think it is appropriate for the people of alabama to make this decision. and this election is almost a jury of his peers, right. to indicate whether the people of alabama want this man to represent them. by the way, the democrat is no saint either. the democratic candidate is for abortion in a state that's highly christian and catholic. >> except one is an alleged child molester. >> yeah, and the other one is for partial birth abortion, which many in alabama think is paramount to murder. look, i was just in alabama last week as a matter of fact. i mean people are really -- they're disgusted by roy moore's behavior.
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a lot of republican voters said they're not going to vote for him. but who should make the decision? and my argument is people in alabama should make the decision. if i were living in alabama, i wouldn't vote for either of these two. i'd vote for somebody like jeff sessions or someone like that. >> but kellyanne conway instead of saying alabamians should decide instead seemed to say -- we have this picture of 14 republican senators that have out. and i'm sure they want republican votes in the senate, but they it's not worth voting for roy moore. >> again, i think if roy moore wins the seat, i think if the people of alabama state say we want him to represent us, i think he should be put in the united states senate. >> there was a remarkable moment inside the white house. i think we have a little bit of the sound of the president -- not kellyanne conway but the
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president being asked where he stands on roy moore. >> your thoughts on roy moore, mr. president. do you believe his accusers? do you believe roy moore's accusers, mr. president? >> thank you very much. >> all right, the president not just not answering but also crossing his arms in defiance to say i'm not answering and you can't open my arms to do so. he's got what three mores weeks into election day? can he not answer these questions for three more weeks? >> it seems to be so. obviously he's sitting on a huge can of worms. talking about a position of whether he's to adjudicate all these issues of sexual misconduct. i think kellyanne conway did not slip accidently. i don't know if she was asked to go out there and say that, but
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this is clearly the position of the white house. it is certainly the case that were moore to win there is is group of republicans in the senate that would move to quickly expel him from the senate, which would essentially start the process over again in alabama, meaning there would be another republican a senator. but that's a whole thought process, it wouldn't necessarily come to fruition. >> do you think robert v. burd, a member of the ku klux klan and a racist should be expelled from -- what about ted kennedy? >> i'm going to ask something more relevant to today? >> but these are allegations from 40 years ago and -- >> i'm going to ask -- we're going to talk about charlie rose in a second. eight women came forward today and said he was serial crim. al franken, a second woman came
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forward today and said he touched her on her rear end during a photo-op. did these make ittize yr for roy moore to defend himself? >> well, i do think there's a disconnect between politics and media and, you know, hollywood. and what we see happening outside of washington when these allegations come forward the men are quickly dealt with by shareholders or their companies or whatever you have it. on the political side you have donald trump who spoke favorably about assaulting women on the access hollywood tape. and you have al franken, who knows what's going to happen with that. it seems to be a free pass right now. you have roy moore, may still win his seat. my question is are allegations
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of sexual abuse, assault grounds for -- i look at this scenario and the answer seems to be no. it would be much easier for the republican party to deal with him in this race, have luther strange step down, have a new person appointed and trigger a special election. that is far easier than actually going through a historic process of expelling someone which would only be the 15th or 16th member in senate u.s. history. so that's just not conceivable at this time. congressional approval ratings are already in the tank. people don't trust washington. until the politicians figure out a way to deal with this it's just going to go lower and lower because people outside of washington seem to get it. >> president trump kicking al franken here, but where does he
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play into this, and does that make any sense to you to criticize franken but not the president who there are more than a dozen accusations am? >> i don't know about the sameness of these allegations in these two cases. but i think for president trump to say the people of alabama should decide this, i think is an appropriate thing for the president to say. he has denounced roy moore for these allegations. look, the question is if the people of alabama aren't going to make these decisions, who is? >> but don't the peel of alabama deserve a better choice than a child molester and someone supporting extreme abortion? there are three people who have the power to help that process get started, donald trump, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and kate ivy. >> amanda, they can't get him off the ballot. >> get luther strange to step
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down and -- >> i would love to see that happen. i would love to see moore step down. he's not going to do it. >> they've got to also start a whole new court battle. i do want to point out it's okay to equate -- look, the question for the republican party long-term is look what happened in fox news forums october and november. october and november essentially the same view of doug jones and moore. this is question for a republican party. do they want to be the party that not only has someone who has been alleged of sexual assault as the president but also looks the other way as a senator -- >> do you think the democrats should excel -- >> hold on. we're going to wrap this up here. we have three more weeks to
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discuss it in this election. thanks so much. all right, sadly, there is yet more along these lines. allegations against charlie rose. the reaction where he work, the explanation he's offering, and later exclusive cnn reporting on the death toll in puerto rico. nearly ten times higher than the official number. let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. that's why feeling safe is priceless. with adt, you can feel safe with an adt starter kit professionally installed for only $49.00.
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accused of unwanted sexual advances towards women, unwanted nudity, lewd phone calls, groping. in the hour since "the washington post" story hit, cbs news suspended him. pbs halted distribution of his talk show. rose has weighed in. he is the latest but almost certainly not the last man to be accused of or admitted to sexual misconduct. in fact, he's the second one today joining a long line of what is journalists, media figures, politicians and entertainers. the times suspended thrush. he has issued an apology. as has charlie rose of sorts. amy, your piece, you detail multiple allegations of charlie rose making unwanted sexual advances towards women that included groping, phone calls, even walking around naked in front of some women. can you explain this? >> i would say that the allegations are certainly very troubling. the reporting took weeks of
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speaking with women who worked with rose from the span of the 1990s until very recently. the very troubling thing about their allegations is that there were so many similarities in the stories they told. let me reiterate that these are women who in many cases did not even know one another and worked for rose at different points in their life. there were certain patterns of behavior that were alarming concerning the groping, the nudity, touching them, late night sexual phone calls. there seemed to be very clear consistencies in sort of how he would carry out these interactions towards women. >> consistencies and what's disturbing to me is in some cases, at least a broad knowledge some of this stuff was happening. it seemed like an open secret among some of charlie rose's longtime staffers. in some cases, some was reported. how did it stay quiet so long? >> well, i think you have to look at the show and the amount of power he has. he is one of the most respected journalists and tv hosts in the
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nation. the unique thing about his show is it's a very small staff, roughly 12 to 15 individuals. there's no hr department. the only person that anyone could report a complaint to would be his executive producer who had been with him since 1991. multiple women told us that they felt like they really could not report this behavior. we did speak to one woman who did report it. she was fired soon after reporting it. >> charlie rose did release a statement today. it said, in part, it's essential that these women know i hear them and i deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. i am greatly embarrassed. i have behaved insensitively at times. i accept responsibility for that, no i do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. i felt i was pursuing shared feelings, even though i realize i was mistaken. what else did rose have to say about these allegations against him? >> i read that statement and i just have to be clear to all the viewers that we sent charlie
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rose a detailed list of questions with every single allegation that was going to be contained in the story 24 hours before publication. at no point in those 24 hours did he want to engage on any sort of line by line challenge to any accusation in the story. he issued this general statement late in the day today. if he does want to come back to me and say what specifically he believes is inaccurate concerning accusations, i would really like to hear from him. no one has told me anything specifically what he would challenge in the story. we have corroborated these women's accounts extensively through e-mails, through friends, family members, ex-boyfriends, people that they told at the time of the incidents. >> stick around. i want to bring in brian stelter, also former "new york time" media writer bill carter. charlie rose has been suspended from cbs. pbs halted his show. do you think his broadcasting
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days are over? >> i would be surprised if cbs brought him back to the morning show that he's hosted for the last five years. he has questions he needs to answer. the tables need to be turned on him. this is the continued domino affect that you were talking about. one whisper network, which was women sharing information about men who act like predators, has been replaced by another whisper network. now the whispers in hollywood and this city and new york and washington are about what man is going to be accused next. because journalists like amy are doing these incredible investigations, corroborating these accounts. it's not going to end with charlie rose. >> the accused may not be the right word. uncovered might be the right word. this is a guy who is an elder statesman of tv. widely admired. a tv icon insofar as there are any left at this point. what's the impact of this revelation? >> i think it's an enormous impact. i know charlie well. i've been on his show. i think he had this reputation
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of being this intellectual guy and certainly a guy who had supposedly was accepting of women. he had a lot of women on his staff. maybe we now know the reason why. this behavior sounds like -- he has been around for a long time. it's just appalling behavior. i think it's absolutely career ending. i don't see how anyone comes back from this. i think it's too much for anybody to now accept him as what he was before. >> amy, part of his apology, if you can call it that, is this line, i always felt i was pursuing shared feelings even though i now realize i was mistaken. in your expensive reporting, was there any sense among these eight women that these feelings
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were shared? >> absolutely not. these interviews with these women, i want to reiterate, they took place over hours and hours of conversations that we had with them, over an extensive period of time. in some cases, they would go back and look through e-mails and perhaps they had complimented mr. rose about a certain show or said that they admired his work. looking back, they say that they felt like they sent those e-mails in a sense of a power dynamic. he was their boss. many of them are young. he was the only reference they had on their resume. i want to say that none of them said it was in any way consensual. they had no desire to have these interactions with him. >> that gets me back to one of the more disturbing aspects of this, brian, which is that the executive producer, the longtime executive producer dismissed this as charlie being charlie. >> she regrets that. others regret looking the other way. we have a similar language, whether it's harvey weinstein or charlie rose or roy moore. in each case very different, and
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it's troubling to put them together. we talk about people looking the other way. people not realizing it was right in front of them. this is all fundamentally about power dynamacs as aim ea said. >> in this case it's different because they were literally told this was going on and said charlie being charlie. brian, bill, amy, thank you so much. thank you for your reporting. you are the leader of the free world. what do you to do spend the weekend? tweet about a football player who didn't stand for the national anthem, the father of a baseball player who you don't think paid you the proper respect. trying to define what it says about this president from someone who wrote the book on him literally and seriously. that's next.
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the president was busy on twitter this weekend and into this morning. the leader of the free world turning his folks on an nfl play, writing mar thon lynch stands for the mexican anthem and sits down for our national anthem. next time nfl should suspend him for remainder of season. attendance and ratings way down. the president also took aim at luvariball, one of the ucla players released from jail. the father of one of them ucla players released from a chinese jail. now that the players are out of china and saved from years in jail, lavar bar, is unaccepting of what i did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. i should have left them in jail. that comment, an american president saying u.s. citizens should be left in a foreign jail raised some eyebrows. reporters asked sarah sanders about it.
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>> does he believe that he really should have left the players in jail? >> no. i think if that's the case he wouldn't have taken the action he did. certainly acted in order to help get those individuals released and brought back to the country. >> following on that, if that's not how he feels then why did he say that he should have left them in jail? what are we supposed to take from that? >> the president was -- it was a rhetorical response to a criticism by the father. >> a rhetorical response, she says. does that make any sense? don't answer. that was a rhetorical question. michael dentonio joins us. you look at the tweets and fights he gets in verbally as well as trying to sort of place himself in juxtaposition of the other. what do you mean by that? >> well, he is always looking for an enemy. i think he is uncomfortable without one. this is a way of getting attention. but it's energizing to him.
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he finds it exciting. he said to me when i interviewed him, i've always liked to fight. all kinds of fights. he likes physical fights, arguing with people. he has to have an other to go up against. i don't think it's an accident that's it's primarily hispanic, african-american, women, members of minority groups, less powerful people those are the ones he picks on. he identifies them as the other. then he goes at it. with mr. ball, he is a controversial character on his own. i think the president is aware of that. so let's mix it up with this fellow, because it's fun and i can prevail. >> you also note that there's an element of this where it's a game for the president. it seems like sometimes the people he is targeting are props in some sort of play. >> well, we're all props. this is his drama, and we are all either supporting players or occasionally we're dragged onto the main stage for combat.
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in this case, he has sought out some people to pose against and to fight. we're supposed to watch. he loves getting away with it. this is another element of this is there's -- it's almost like an arsonist who sets a fire and then returns to the scene to watch the firefighters struggle to put it out and relishes the idea that he is not getting caught. the president -- we spoke once about this. he said, i don't think i got in trouble for doing that one. he kind of beamed like, i could attack this person and i got away with it. that was marvellous for him. >> does he always get away with it, though? in this case, lavar ball, jeff flake -- who is white, mormon, from arizona. he is going after flake, ball, lynch. there have been examples where he picks a fight that we don't know if he is going to get away with it. james comey he is going after on
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twitter. >> he makes mistakes. despite his bragging claim that he has got the highest i.q. around and all the best words, his judgement is flawed. i think that it's because this is an emotional endeavor for him. he is very much driven by instincts. this is also the thing that he does well. he's reverting constantly to the thing he did before he became president. and it's being president that's difficult for him. >> there is a debate, whether this is some kind of strategy or three-dimensional or as my friend notes, zero dimensional tress. the president is just saying stuff because he likes to say stuff. >> it's all a blur to the rest of us. if he is attacking one person today, another person tomorrow and three days from now it's a third person, who can keep up and hold him accountable?
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he is the houdini of accountability. he escapes accountability at all costs. i think he does it 90% of the time. >> if he is houdini, he picked a fight with david copperfield, lavar ball. we'll see how that goes. great to have you. lavar ball will be on cnn tonight with don lemon at 10 p.m. you can expect a boisterous conversation. coming up here, two months after hurricane maria, the official death toll is 55 in puerto rico. tonight, new and exclusive reporting finds out the number of hurricane related deaths are well into the hundreds. her report next.
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a cnn exclusive investigation now. two months ago today hurricane maria made landfall in puerto rico. there are many without clean water. the government doesn't know how many homes and businesses have power. two months in, that's not the only indicator of how hurricane maria affected the more than 3 million american citizens who live in puerto rico. there's also the death toll which officially is 55. but tonight that number is coming into question because a cnn investigation revealed it could be much higher. much, much higher. here's leyla santiago's exclusive report. >> reporter: these are the images they would rather remember. the ones capturing jose sanchez joking with his family.
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there's another image his daughter roxanne cannot stop thinking about. the moment she opened the door and found him on the ground. she says if maria had not passed straight through here, she believes her dad would still be alive today. she believes his nerves, stress during hurricane maria, led to a heart attack when maria struck in september. he had had a heart attack in february, but the family says he had recovered, boarded upwindose himself the day before the storm. just minutes before maria made landfall, she tells us her father complained of breathing complications. when her uncle called 911, he says help was not available in the interior part of the island. no one from the government has come to ask questions about the cause or the situation surrounding his death. over the same month last year, the number of deaths in puerto
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rico increased by 472. the government is reporting 55 people died at the hands of hurricane maria. >> it's accurate based on the factual information that we received, yes. >> reporter: this is puerto rico's secretary of public safety in charge of the death count. it appears for whatever reason that the death toll is much higher than what has been reported. politicians, news outlets like cnn, have raised questions about the accuracy of those numbers. so we decided to count for ourselves. cnn called 279 funeral homes. we were only able to reach about half of them. we asked, how many of the deaths were believed to be related to maria. despite the official death toll, they claim 499 hurricane related deaths in the month after the storm. that's nine times the government's numbers. why the gap? >> because as i said before, i work on factual.
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i can't work on i believe. >> reporter: we described pepe's case. gentleman is at home. he has a stroke. the person with him calls 911. 911 says, we can't get to him in time because 150 mile per hour winds are pounding us right now. is that a hurricane related death? >> absolutely. >> reporter: allow me to introduce you to jose pepe. that was his case. a case not included in puerto rico's death toll. the discrepancy begins here. the death certificate. a doctor marked the death natural. cases marked natural aren't supposed to go to forensics. if they don't get the cases, there's no way to investigate if it's related to the hurricane. on the certificate, doctors are not obligated to report if the hurricane contributed to the death. >> quite frankly, they should. but you are right, will they be obligated by law? no.
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but i still submit to you that there's a moral and ethical responsibility to do that. >> reporter: he plans on asking legislators to change the law. require doctors to flag natural disasters on death certificates. that's not the only issue. he admits he needs people to flag cases, too. >> you are the first person, the first media outlet -- i will say it publically -- that brings in information for us to verify. >> reporter: is that the media's job or is that your job? >> it's our job to take care of 2,900 bodies every month to see that the doctor certifies hat the death occurred in the way it happened. >> reporter: he tells us he will investigate the multiple cases why isn't the government calling the funeral homes, visiting the families one by one?
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>> funeral homes are not the ones to tell us. >> reporter: he says families should be notifying the government if they believe hurricane maria is responsible for a death. loved ones like pepe's wife who tells us at the time the priority was not to make sure their loved one was counted in a statistic, rather to make sure he had a proper good-bye. they were married when she was 20, and she misses him. families trying to make sense of tragedy and a death toll. >> all right, leyla santiago joins us now from san juan. first of all, a very important report. thank you for bringing it tonight. there's a major discrepancy in the numbers. how are officials responding to the reporting? >> reporter: you heard the secretary in our piece say that cnn was the first to bring specific cases to
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him. he said he gave us his word he will look into them, investigate them and if justified add them to the official death toll count. we checked in with forensics. they told me they sent people to funeral homes, cemeteries, hospitals to look into suspicious cases. each time according to forensics, they were false claims. even went so far as to call them rumors, john. >> another important element down there, getting power restored. i know you spoke to the ceo of whitefish today, that had the contract to restore power. what did the ceo say? >> that's been a controversial contract. big news today out of whitefish. the ceo saying that the government of puerto rico owes them $83 million. as a result, despite the fact that he claims he has asked multiple times for payment, because he has not been paid, he says he is being forced to stop all work from whitefish until he can get that payment. remember, earlier the government of puerto rico canceled the
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controversial contact with whitefish. they were scheduled to continue work until the end of this month. according to whitefish, they have not been paid. and so they'll have to stop now. what that means in terms of if these will be delays or what that means in terms of people getting power back here on the island and its progress, we will wait and find out. we did check in with the government, the power authority tells us that because the whitefish contract is under investigation, they are not making any more comments on that relationship with the company. >> well, it certainly can't help with hundreds of thousands of people still without power. leyla santiago, again, thank you so much for your reporting. up next, back to our top story, sexual misconduct allegations against roy moore. we will hear from a childhood friend of accuser leigh corfman about what she knew and when. am.
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back to our top story tonight. the sexual misconduct allegations against roy moore. this morning, one of his accusers, leigh corfman, appeared on "the today show." she was just 14 years old when she alleged moore inappropriated touched her, molested her. this is part of what she said this morning. >> he removed my clothing. he left the room and came back in wearing his white underwear. and he touched me over my clothing, what was left of it, and he tried to get me to touch him, as well. and at that point, i pulled back and said that i was not comfortable. >> did you tell anyone at the time? >> right after it, i told two of my good friends. and then i told one other and they told me how bad of an idea
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this was. >> one of leigh corfman's friends when she was 14 spoke to our gary tuchman today about what she knew and when. gary joins me from a community meeting in alabama. first off, gary, what is this meeting all about? >> reporter: well, john, this is the back 40 beer company, it's a craft brewery in alabama, and this is the hometown of judge roy moore. now, this sort of town hall, they didn't call it a town hall, but that's what it represented, just came to an end a short time ago. more than 100 people came into this facility. some for, some against. some people with no opinions whatsoever. but they all want to talk about the importance of unifying this town because this town has gone through a lot. and it was very civil. i will tell you that. judge roy moore deniesal the allegations. today, we talked to a life long friend of leigh corfman. her name is patty, and she tells us, she is a conservative christi
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christian, an avid republican, has never voted for a m the, but strongly supports her friend, and told us about the times in middle school and high school when she and leigh and other friends would hang out at the mall here. and did you see roy moore at the mall? >> yes. >> reporter: and how many times do you think you saw him at the mall? >> almost every weekend. >> reporter: what was he doing? >> ah, walking. always alone, by himself. and with a very wandering eye. >> reporter: wandering, looking at what? >> wandering, looking toward -- that was one thing that was kind of an unspoken among our friend, is that you didn't dare make eye contact with him, because we felt like that that would invite him to pursue us or maybe cross over and get closer to us, that sort of thing. >> reporter: so, what did you think he was doing? did you think he was looking for high school girls? >> yes.
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>> reporter: and was that well-known among you and your friends? >> yes, without a doubt. >> reporter: 1979, leigh told a couple of her friends that something happened with roy moore. one of those friends told you, 37 years ago. you've known about it all these years. what did that friend tell you happened to leigh? >> this person that we were very familiar with, from the mall, had taken leigh to a house, to his house, and taken her clothes off and touched her. what we felt about that person in the mall was true. that he was, indeed, what we thought that he was. and he was after what we thought he was after. and he proved it with leigh
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corfman. >> since she went public, you've talked to her on the phone, you've texted her. what have you said to her? >> that i'm so proud of her. >> reporter: what did she say back to you that she recalled? >> that she loved me. >> reporter: and what did you say to her? >> i said, thank you for being my friend. >> reporter: once again, roy moore has said none of this is true. last week, at a rally, he held a news conference afterwards, we asked him if he's ever touched any of these accusers. he would not answer the question. he walked out of the room with his wife. john? >> all right, gary tuchman for us in alabama tonight. gary, thank you. the justice department trying to block the merger of at&t and time warner. is it really about the president punishing cnn? ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little love my-y way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream
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decision by the doj. his response was, you know, does it have anything to do with cnn, he says, frankly, i don't know. >> but at court, at trial, we may find out. the official answer from the government is this deal is an - anti-competitive. but given president trump's animosity towards this network, his tweets demeaning cnn, and his tweets criticizing the justice department, there's a lot of skepticism about whether his fingerprints might be on this. at&t believes, as this goes towards court, they might be able to find that out. >> he may be deposed in this case, which is fascinating. special report tonight, late night in the age of trump. it airs just moments from now. >> we could use some latches after a day like this. so many crazy headlines. we decided to do this hour-long documentary about late night, because it really has been changed profoundly because of president trump. people like john oliver, trevor noah, their stars have been on
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the rise thanks to president trump. they are liberal antagonists for this president. i would argue they are actually better at it than democratic politicians. we go behind the scenes tonight. >> brian, thank you very much. and thank you all for watching "360." cnn special, "late night in the age of trump" starts now. the following is a cnn special report. >> buckle up, because i'm coming in hot. this is going to be a crazy one. >> every day, there's something nuts. >> you're not the potus, you're the bloatus. >> wait, how long does this wall have to be? >> he's most mocked man in america. >> that is problem with the media. >> monopolizing late-night. >> it's hard not to feel like you're being redundant. >> kim jong-un as rocket man. kim jong-un rocket man. >> kim jong-un as rocket man. >> dominating "snl." >> such a nasty group. >> he's like a mine
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