tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 21, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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trump-moore 2017 now we know. good evening. john berman in for anderson, tonight president of united states is backing a candidate that was accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl. now we know. we spent last night talking about it this time he said it out loud with words repeatedly we'll play what he said in a moept. moment. this began at a press conference in alabama to defend roy moore to attack the media and the woman accusing him of sexual abuse some of them minors at the
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time. this is what dean young said. >> this has ramifications not only for alabama, not only for the united states but for the world. that's why you saw kelly anne come out yesterday and say we got to have somebody like doug moore. you know kelly anne that's top of the white house. >> he's speaking of kelly anne conway latching on it her words in criticism, when she was asked when she and the administration supports roy moore. >> -- so vote roy moore. >> i'm telling you we want the votes in the senate to get this tax -- this tax bill through. >> keep in mind the white house had been dancing around this issue for weeks saying they wouldn't weigh in on the
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accusations of attempted rape, it all ended today when almost the same time moore's campaign strategy iist was beatsing around the bush president said this. >> i can tell you for a fact we do not need someone bad on crime, bad on boreders, bad on military bad for the second amendment. >> is a accused child molester better than a democrat. >> look he denies it. if you look at what's really going on and all of the things that have happened over the last 48 hours he totally denies it. he says it didn't happen! >> now we know. the president supports roy moore gone are the pretext this was difficult for him to navigate with with this personally or politically or gone are that
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these words from his press secretary were ground in reality. >> the president believes this is a decision for the people of alabama to make. >> the people of alabama should make the decision. >> the people of alabama need to make. >> it's up to the people of alabama to make the decision. >> the president a as i've said about seven or eight times thinks this is a decision for the people of alabama to make. >> it's up to the governor and the people in the state of alabama to make a determination. >> i've addressed it quite a few time. >> position of the white house hasn't changed. >> it's up to the people of alabama to make the determination who their next senator should be. >> the president doesn't apparently believe the eight accusations against if roy moore nor does he believe the 13 woman who tell their story of being sexually harassed by donald trump calling them liars and saying he would sue them after
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the elections, that hasn't happened. the president was asked what his message to women is, this is what he said. >> women are very special. i think it it's a very special time because lot of things aring and i think sz society and i think very, very. do. sds you believe the accuse.? >> happy being exposed. >> the with word sds some women are special. other women not so special. not the women accusing roy moore or the women accusing bill o'reilly or roger ales and not the women accusing donald trump none of them special to believe. one who are special according to
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ivanka trump says there's a place in hell for people who mess with children, must be left open for her father because he left the campaign door open for a man who is accused of mole oefti molesting a 14-year-old girl, now we know. >> first and foremost we should point out this was a relatively easy for the president to make. he's not go against the base of his party, or against roy moore's defiance, he's touting the denials again and again. we heard the president say in the last 48 hours, i'm told by someone close to this white house the noise and confusion from all of these allegations of sexual misconduct from hollywood to the media to politics has actually helped the president
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along in coming out publicly with his support of roy moore. he believes there's simply more than one bad guy here. he's essentially able to stick with the argument of roy moore. also they want to hold the seat in republican hands so the president finally came out today, there was not some impromptu remarks he said exactly in public what he's been saying privately in the west wing that he believes these denials and by doing that certainly under cutting the stories of these women. >> a calculated decision to back a an accused child molester rather than have a democrat, at the end of the day did these eight allegations have any
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impact on the president as far as you know? >> at the end of the day it seems not. because the president seems to be siding with the denials from judge moore and certainly sounds familiar. similar to denials in the president's own campaign. the white house have been watching since the allegations came out and the fact roy moore decided to stay defiant in the race the white house still thinks he can win so politics seems to be far more important than these specific allegations we're talking about. >> all right jeff from florida thank you for the reporting. joining us now editor in chief and mike, i want to start with you, last week kelly anne conway said there's no senate seat
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-- first of all let me stay if i live in alabama i wouldn't vote for roy moore. i think it's important women be initially believed and we need to look into it. i think there's credible stories. also wouldn't vote for the democrat. but saying that as someone who lives in virginia i just probably helped roy moore with voters in alabama because i think what's going on is people are seeing roy moore could win that's one of the shifts happening. steve bannon has backed roy moore from the beginning and if he wins it means the people of alabama chose him in an election after he heard these allegations. i think it would help increase his chance of winning the elections. >> it's not just those people
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it's ivanka trump as well. it's not lost on people that donald trump and his campaign when it comes to accusations of sexual misconduct which is deny attack the accusers and attack the media. >> absolutely why not the president was rewarded with the presidency last year after the "access hollywood" tape. so i'm not surprised. i think it's terribly selfish of roy moore. i'm grateful to see the many the republican party condemning this and saying he should step aside. almost all of his colleagues have done so. it's also jeff sessions who is beloved in alabama he said he believes the women. this whole thing is zudisturbin because of the party
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tribeallism. the strench of this race is going to hinder the republican party moving forward if roy moore wins f associating the republican party with this kind of dispicable character and people were accusing it away, it's not good for the republican party, all of this for what? for a tax vote. sorry, there's no vote, no policy, nothing, worth allowing this level of character deficit in the senate for a vote. the long term implications could be troubling and damaging to not only the republican party but the country as a whole this is how low the bar will go. >> i want to bring in bill. on the ground in alabama among other things and had a chance to talk to you over the course of the last two weeks the ebbs and
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flows of this story how powerful will the president backing roy moore make? >> well it didn't make a lot of difference when the president backed luther strange but it makes some difference, it gives some of the folk that's have waivered or in the middle an opportunity to vote. beyond being dispicable this is alabama we have a right to make up our own minds about the candidate, me personal i have my personal opinion but it's the people of alabama who go to the polls not washington, d.c., not new york city, not calihanforni but the people of alabama. we're not stooges that can't see the facts even though we're portrayed that way even by our own people. >> i certainly would never want to the give that impression at all. but presidents and political leaders usually endorse candidates, particularly when they are off their own party so
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the president's endorsement or not would be notable the fact he would holding it for a period of time and now delivering it is notable. mike shields you want to get back into the conversation. >> i agree to a point, yes there's party tribeallism going on, it happens on both sides but it's much deeper than that. you also have a completely, functionally broken relationship with millions of americans with the media. part of the push back from the roy moore camp was this came out in the washington post and millions go that makes sense. >> right. >> we're not having a conversation at the post saying how did we get there, what did we do to cause our self when these victims come forward which we want them to do and we pults them in our publication and people immediately dismiss it and finally what the president is recognizing is consistent with what he said before. i wouldn't vote for him and
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wouldn't the party to vote for him. the people of alabama will make the decision. >> the president is not saying it's up the people of alabama he's making it's clear -- >> i think he's making it very clear he wants him. >> i. [ overlapping speakers ] the alabama local papers have also reported it's not just the washington post that's nonsense. >> we have much more to discussion after this. getting to the change in strategy next. later, new sexual misconducts allegations on capital hill. incredibly secret even when it is your tax dollars to fit the bill we're keeping them honest.
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election, doug jones campaigning now as an alternative to roy moore, this is a new campaign ad that captures the new strategy. >> on roy moore's disturbing actions ivanka trump says there's a special place in hell for people who prey on children and i have no reason to doubt the victim's accounts, and jeff sessions says i have no reason to doubt these young women, and richard shelby absolutely not
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vote for roy moore, conservative voices putting children over party doing what is right. >> he also spoke forcefully at a press conference in huntsville, alabama. did his actions to get into his opponent change today. >> you're right doug jones has been relatively quiet about roy moore since this article appeared in the post, has chosen his words carefully so i asked very specific questions about the situation. >> you've been quieter than many others including lots of republicans in the u.s. senate about judge moore, my question if you can answer it directly do you believe roy moore was a sexual pred ator. >> i believe the women, i believe they have credibility and i believe them.
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>> do you believe he was a sexual predator. >> i'm not going to call names, okay, i believe their story, i'm not going to label people. i believe their story. >> donald trump today president of the united states endorsed roy moore and said you're terrible on crime and on the borders how do you feel at this point he is endorsing a man who is an accused child molester. >> i'm going to let the people of alabama make that decision. i feel my record speaks for itself and don't need to try to have the president talk about it or try to label it. >> many politicians on both sides have called for roy moore to drop out but not the democrat who is facing him who is getting ready for the election three weeks from today. >> how does doug jones feel about the polls which seem to have improved for him since the allegations came out. >> despite the fact the polls
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are trending in his favor doug jones says let's puts it this way just like the head coach of the university of alabama football team or auburn university team two schools who have a big game saturday i don't care about the polls, don't worry about the polls all i care about is what happens on election day. >> all right back now with the panel, the most recent poll is the fox news poll had doug jones up eight points seems like a lot for a democrat do lead in alabama do you think that's legit or do you think doug jones is the under dog? >> i think what we're seeing internally on polls that are not being published is that those polls are not quite accurate. those polls start out with asking a number of questions, do you believe the accusers, do you believe this, do you think roy moore is that. it goes into the allegations and then asks are you voting for roy
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moore it kind of taints the poll when you ask by bunch of allegations against him and then ask are you voting for him most won't say yet to that. not saying it is not a good poll but we question it when you have all of those allegations before you ask the question, will you vote for roy moore. we're seeing what doug jones is seeing what we're seeing, is that the race is close but he's not got it in the bag. >> why do you think he decided to now directly address the accusations against roy moore. >> basecause like all good politicians he doesn't care about the polls until it favors him. the strategy is to stay quiet and let roy moore burn but the polls are saying this is a real contest he has to come out and
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fer fervently blast moore. people who don't like moore and those who see these accusers as credible many do and should to attack him is the smart money. >> attacking and blasting, we're seeing the same in reverse from roy moore's can mpaign today people who work for him really went after doug jones. >> abortion until the baby is born, trans gender going into little girl bathrooms, boys pretending like your girls going into the girls room at school. alabama you got a teenager in the locker room and a transgender person decides to be a girl well doug jones decides
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they should shower together. >> we should point out doug jones doesn't support full term abortions, you can see what was being done pushing these issues which matter to some conservative voters in alabama how effective will that be. >> the fact that jones is running that ad means he is seeing a problem lep. if he thought he could let the press handle the story and he could talk about other things he would do that. the fact he needs to pour gas on the fire to keep it going, it's fact he sees a problem as well, from the roy moore camp they don't want to talk about this any more, but to talk about the things we know we want to the win on. if the campaign was on what that strategist talked about roy moore would win on those issues so makes perfect sense that's campaign would shift to because it's a conservative state if the
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people of alabama elect moore they will have made this decision as americans at battlot box with a lot of information about these accusations. >> to that points if roy moore is elected, do you really believe mitch mcconnell and 14 senators who came out to say they don't want to see roy moore in the senate do you think they would move to push him out? >> i don't think so because once he is duly elected if he wins they chose him regardless of the accusations it is difficult to expel someone for not having ineligibility issues as a senator they have to seat him. as much as they'd like to but
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not what they would do. i want to say about the media this is why donald trump calls the media enemy of the state and fake news, it is to discredit the media for doing their jobs so when it comes time to hold people running for office, public officials accountable that it has muddied the water and there's so much distrust that this is a tactic that the president has used throughout his campaign and presidency and his followers listen it to that. has there been liberal bias and problems in the past yes but the entire media is not helping the people, people are not believing a story that is well sourced where he
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over 50 people corroborating what happened and still calling it fake news. >> donald trump didn't get elected because the media discred itted he diskret credited himself. they need to look at the last 20 years before trump came to office that people would see these stories and immediately dismiss him elected fwhauz situation because the situation existed in the first place. >> there are other stories the in other organizations that have been disproven in anyway way. >> but they get dismissed because of who wrote the story. it's a shame. >> again if you take the story on roy moore got to take that on rose as well. thank you very much. coming up the president's expressed preference for this
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sexual misconduct against a 14-year-old girl here's what president trump. >> we don't need a democratic in there, roy moore denies it, by the way he gives a total denyal. 40 years is a long time, he's run eight races and this never came up. the women are trump voters all you can do is do what you have to do. he totally denies it. >> he tries to get the immediate reaction. what about the big picture what does this mean for the presidency when a city president offers his support to a who is accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl does it have lasting effect on his preside y presidency. >> not just his presidency but his party. he has helped the candidate more
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than likely roy moore will be competitive and might even win but it's so clear to the country president is putting politics above of principle. he has put himself in a position where it is more important it get a republican candidate whoever it is than it is to seek justice and an ethical outcome. >> what do you believe of the president believing he has cover to do this because of the swirl of reports that have come out in the last week about al franken, rose, conners tonight, democrat of the house, that it a loys him to say ah, it's happening to everyone. >> it's just the opposite. charlie rose got fired after a long career with cbs and he's paying a heavy price what price is roy moore paying, any?
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no, just go to it. >> what about donald trump the 13 women that accused him during the campaign is a different lesson he's learned. >> i agree and it's one of the happy facts about american life that some people are not held accountable but we is our president and i think donald trump probably would not have been as supportive of roy moore had he himself paid a bigger price. >> so the president one of the other things he did today he actually teased the fact he might go campaign for roy moore he was asked directly he said we'll get back to you next week he's not ruling it out. >> not ruling it out. i imagine he will. let me go back to the point before the presidency. teddy roosevelt said presidency is preeminently a place of moral
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leadership, to resolve sticky issues to figure out what is right for the people of this country and you just have to say i would so much like to see donald trump come to understand that and come out more often than he does as today, you know, this is a decision that dimin h diminishes his leadership. how do you think women around the country will hear about this he is so unsympathetic to their point of view. his leadership has been diminished. >> i can't imagine a picture of him and moore side by side i would think there's would be a potential long term risk. >> i agree. >> and smoor roy moore could loseroy moore roy moore could lose . >> i agree. he really wants the seat.
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i understand the pragmatic progt you look to the president to put principle above politics not the other way around. >> thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. coming up big little to climb, the daunting process to congress. plus since tax payers are paying settlements on capitol hill shouldn't they know who is being accused. keeping them honest, next. cancer challenges us.
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the house ethics committee is investigating sexual harassment allegations against longest running senate member of the house, conners denies wrongdoing and says he will cooperate with the investigation. al franken also is cooperating he apologized for kissing and groping a woman in 2006 and another woman said he groped her in 2010. charlie rose lost all of his jobs, in that case allegations were swifts. seems the branch protects the perpetrator and makes no
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consequences for the accused, and any settlement doesn't even come from the lawmakers in the wrong, one guess where it comes from, times up, it comes from you. the taxpayer. not only are you paying settlements you have no way of knowing who is accused this is from congress office of compliance in the congressional accountability act of 1995, if an employee wants to file a complaint has 180 days to report it to the compliance office then 30 days of counselling and sign confidentiality agreement and then a lawyer, funded by taxpayer money gets involved and then a 30 day cooling off before taking it to court or ask for a hearing. then negotiations and committee has settlement all not able to talk about it in which taxpayers
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are funding. jackie spear is leading efforts to change this. this is what sme said on "new day" a week ago. >> right now someone wants to file a complaint they have to go through a month of legal counselling and then sign a disclosure agreement in perpetuity uity and then go through immediatation and then have a one month cooling off period all the while they're still required to work in that hostile work environment. so three months. and by the way the attorney in mediation is representing the harasser, the general council of the house is representing the harasser, the victim has no council no support. >> she has heard of victims being grabbed on the floor of the house. in testimony last week she said there are two sitting members a democrat and republican who have engaged in sexual harassment but not yet been reviewed.
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i asked justice cornnners was o of those two and she will tell us in a moment in most cases we pay their salary and their settlements so why don't we know who they are and what's paid out. over the last 20 years $17 million have been paid to victims in the accountability act. office doesn't break down how much ever the money goes to sexual harassment versus other settlements, perhaps that's another thing taxpayers deserve to know since you are the ones paying the tab. i spoke with representative jackie spear before air. >> congresswoman spear the house ethics committee is investigating against your colleague what your reactions to the allegations. >> the allegations are serious and that's why they need to be
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investigated, moreover, the member representation allowance needs to be looked at because in many respects the number we've been using as to the number of cases and the amount of money that has been dolled out of tax payer furnisheds may be much funds ma by much larger than $17 million, as they may have used that money to pay off individual who's have been sexually harassed. >> and used different monies to pay off this claim. last week you touched only a fire storm. you knew of two sitting members in congress republican and democrat that have quote engaged in sexual harassment is congress coniers one of those people? >> no he's not. >> so there are two more. that gets to my next question. do you believe members of congress that settle sexual
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harassment claims should be named publicly because at the end of the day taxpayer pay the settlements. >> that's why the bill i introduced would require much more transparency. the members office would be identified and the member would have to repay the u.s. treasury for any amount of money that the settlement has required. they would have to pay it outside of their own pocket. >> i know there are non-disclosure agreements but haven't things gone beyond that at this point if you know two members engaged in sexual harassment don't people need to know who they are, people who work in the halls of congress? >> well they are non-disclosure agreements that in one case the victim has signed. so i'm respecting that non-disclosure agreement and the victim's wishes. that's what it's about,
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protecting women that work on capitol hill and making sure it is not a hostile work environment this woman probably still wants a career in the capitol. >> explain to me exactly how it works. >> it's called the me too congress act and would provide right now interns and fellows are not even covered they have nowhere to go so this would cover them. would allow for a victim to file a complaint not go through this huge process that you've already identified that takes upwards of 180 days, they would not be required to sign nondisclosure agreements and the harasser, if it is a member, would be identified, his office would be identified, if it is someone else in his office doing the harassing if it is the member they would have to repay the treasury, the sum of money that the settlement demand. >> how is that legislation being received among your colleagues? i spoke to two republicans that
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support it. >> actually it's been received very well. i'm working with a number of republicans on the bill. in is something we have to be concerned about as employers. we're each required to run an office as if it is our office that we're the ceos of the office and we should handle it in a manner that does not tolerate a hostile work environment or sexual harassment on any level. >> congress speier speier thank you for being with us and for your efforts over the last several weeks. >> thank you. >> up next a reward offered for information on the death of a border patrol officer. remember how the economic crash
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was supposed to be a wake up call for our government? people all across the country lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs. i'm tom steyer and it turned out that the system that had benefited people like me who are well off, was, in fact, stacked against everyone else. it's why i left my investment firm and resolved to use my savings for the public good. but here we are nine years later and this president and the republican congress are making a bad situation even worse. they won't tell you that their so called "tax reform" plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. it blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation. it's up to all of us to stand up to this president.
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witness katy perry. witness katy perry become a legal witness. witness katy perry and left shark. or a card shark. grandma? witness katy perry work. witness katy perry firework. witness katy perry swish. witness katy perry... aaaaaaw look at that dog! katy perry: with music videos and behind the scenes footage, xfinity lets you witness all things me. tonight new legal blow for the trump administration. a federal judge has permanently blocked the president's executive order that attempted to strip federal grants for so-called sanctuary cities calling it uns constitutional. meanwhile along the texas mexican border there are many questions over the weekend that
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left one agent dead and many seriously injured. they're asking the public to help and offering $25,000 reward on information on the death. >> reporter: just before midnight on saturday border patrol agent and his partner were responding to what's been described as activity along interstate 10 just east of the small west texas town of van horn. a short time later martinez's partner called to say both men had been injured. both men were found with injuries. federal investigators are saying little about what happened only to say they're describing it as a potential assault on a federal agent. >> there are a number of possible scenarios.
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however, in this instance we are going to pursue the one that is most challenging as its presented to us which is potential assault on a federal officer. and as we collect the evidence, then the rest of the investigation will shape this up. >> reporter: shortly after the attack, the officials with the union that represents border patrol agents says that the officers had been ambushed and possibly attacked by drug smugglers. president trump seized on the unconfirmed details to plug construction of the border wall tweeting, we must and will build the wall. >> we lost a border patrol officer just yesterday and another one was brutally beaten and badly, badly hurt. looks like he'll make it. but very, very badly hurt. >> reporter: texas governor greg abbot and texas senator ted cruz have also described the incident
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as an attack. there have been reports that the agents might have fallen into a covert or it was an accident of some sort. but three days after the incident investigators insist they don't know what happened. >> we don't have a picture yet of what transpired. but once we get closer to that, we'll be able to present those facts so we can bring some closure to the family. >> ed, agent martinez's partner, is he sharing any information with investigators? >> reporter: it's interesting. the border patrol spokesperson we spoke with said that agent was rather in serious and critical condition because of the head injuries, couldn't remember exactly everything that had transpired. federal investigators aren't confirming any of that. and they say they really haven't had a chance to explore or interview him as of yet, but they will get to that when the
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time is appropriate. that's where we stand tonight on all of this. >> thank you. up next, more breaking news. cbs news is reporting three women at the network now accusing charlie rose of sexual harassment. that's after eight women accused him of the same thing in a "the washington post" article. new developments when we continue.
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sexually harassed them. in a staff memo today david rose called the allegations against rose extremely disturbing and intolerable behavior. allegations of groping, lewd phone calls and rose walking around nude in front of some of these women. he acknowledged for, quote, unacceptable behavior but he didn't acknowledge all of the allegations against him are accurate. brian stelter, first give me the latest developments. three new women coming forward. these work at cbs. >> yes. the news division confirmed to me this is new information that came to light today. these women who were employed at the network apparently feel uncomfortable now for the first time. able to actually go to hr and report what they say happened. these women have spoken anonymously but they described much of the same behavior that was reported by "the washington post." once again we're seeing a
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pattern of behavioral involving an "a" list man. >> less than 24 hours for "the washington post" story to hit and cbs to take action. >> that's partly because of these new complaints inside cbs news. we also saw bloomberg and pbs all severed ties with charlie rose. in effect his fame to nightly talk show is now over. it has no distributor. it won't be back on television. cbs wants to figure out how to replace him. of course this is much bigger than charlie rose. every day we see this domino effect. every day we see consequences whether it's in hollywood or washington or new york. just today the head of pixar and disney animation john lasseter said he's taking a six month leave because of allegations against him. >> it is interesting when you said those women finally felt safe to go tell hr. >> i think what's so uncomfortable about these last seven weeks is actually a lot that's uncomfortable. one of the aspects is what you said earlier this hour. has donald trump, has president trump paid a price? as we see all these prominent
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men in various industries held to account for allegations. i think that's what a lot of people will be talking about at thanksgiving later this week. >> it's a very different picture when charlie rose is out less than 24 hours. thank you so much. that is all for us on "360." coming up special report, "twitter and trump" starts right now. it is a marriage of man, message, and machine unlike any other ever. >> i sit there at 3:00 in the morning, ding, ding, ding. you know, our country is going to hell. we must stop it. we need leadership. >> i wake up every day and laugh at the latest thing donald has tweeted because he's losing it. >> do you think donald trump could have won this election without twitter? >> nope. and you know what? i love it. >>
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