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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  November 21, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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♪ hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm isha sesay live in los angeles, where it's just turned 11:00 tuesday night on the west coast. for weeks, the white house ducked questions about republican senate candidate roy moore. but u.s. president donald trump is breaking his silence and all but endorsing him, as he left for his thanksgiving holiday,
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president trump urged voters to reject moore's democratic challenger doug jones. >> i can tell you one thing for sure, we don't need a liberal person in there, a democrat, jones. i've looked at his record. he's terrible on crime. he's terrible on the border, terrible on the military. we do not need somebody that's going to be bad on crime, bad onboarders, bad with the military, bad with the second amendment. >> several women accused moore of pursuing him when they were teenagers and he was in their 30s. several others accused him of assault. he denies the allegations and that's enough for president trump. >> look, he denies it. if you look at all the things that have happened over the last 48 hours, he totally denies it. he says it didn't happen. you know, you have to listen to him also.
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>> joining us now, cnn political commentator dave jacobson and republican consultant john thom thomas. also with us, ariba martin. dave, let me start with you. it was a remarkable day. president trump throwing his support behind roy moore, a man accused of sexual misconduct involving teenagers. let me ask you, what did you make of it? >> you're right, it was an extraordinary moment. i think it was a -- it was essentially an example of donald trump anchoring himself to a child molester. and i think democrats are going to use this as an opportunity to brand the gop as the party that embraces and endorses sexual predators. what really struck me is michael steele's comments today. he called the move by president trump stupid. and that it would doer repairable damage to the party, the country and the brand. and i think he's right. that message was spot-on.
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>> john, i'm going to ask you, a party that endorses and embraces child molesters, the words of david there, what did you make of this? was this the right move by the president? >> no. i was disappointed to see it today. i thought the president was striking the right balance require to this of just saying look, let the voters decide here. weighing in really there's not a lot of upside. i'm not sure that it's going to make the difference to put moore over the edge. but look, it's not the first time that a politician has made a fastian agreement here. democrats backed bill clinton during his rape accusation period because they felt it was important to have a democrat in the white house. so oftentimes politicians do make these deals, but i think the bigger challenge is smart strategists like dave are going to beat republicans over the head with roy moore, whether he gets elected or not in midterms,
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and that could cost seats. >> ariba, to bring you in, becausehere we had the president essentially saying roy moore denies the allegations, so he believes roy moore. you've got to hear roy moore, he said. he didn't reject -- the president didn't reject the statements made by the women, but you can't say you stand with roy moore and believe the women at the same time, correct? >> yeah, it's pretty clear from the reporting, isha, that the president doesn't believe the women. we heard him say that all of the 16 women came out against him, he called them liars, and essentially that's what he's doing with respect to these women. without using those words. the president's statement was troubling to me. he made some statement about women being special. it was so paternalistic, and so characteristic of men who just don't get it. we are at a turning point in this country, as it relates to
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women, feeling encouraged, empowered to speak about sexual harassment and assault, and rather than having the leader of this country be out front on this, and encouraging women to come out to end this abuse, he's essentially siding with the predator. and i don't know what women can do more than what we are doing, which is to continue to speak out, and to remember this in 2020. i think that's the lesson today for every woman in this country. remember what our president said today, how he basically threw women and children under the bus for the so-called purpose of getting atax bill passed. i think that's what this comes down to. >> john, to pick up on what she just said, are you one of those republicans who believes that it is okay to vote in a man accused of sexual misconduct, child molestation, rather than have a democrat in the senate, are you one of those --
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>> no, i'm not. i haven't been a fan of moore since he first started running. but no, this is one of those things where most leaders in the party, other than president trump, agree that this is a bridge too far, that he doesn't belong in the senate, and if he gets into the senate, i think the republicans are going to throw him out. but the fact is, the democrats have a challenge too of all of the accusations coming out, it's very lopsided. >> we're going to get to those. but i want to focus on moore for a second, as they have the december 12th election coming up in alabama. dave, i want to play with you one of the strategists from the moore campaign. take a listen at to what he said as he took on the democratic challenger. take a listen. >> he's trying to make y'all think that he's some kind of moderate. well, he's not. he's for abortion till the baby is born.
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he's for transgenders going into your little girl's bathrooms. boys pretending like they're girls going into the bathrooms with your children at school. >> so, dave, there you have dean young claiming that doug jones is for full-term abortion, which he's not, talking about transgender rights. what does it say about the moore campaign that they're going down this road? >> it's clear that they are politically desperate. we know that they're willing to lie on several other issues, so why not lie about doug jones' record? but i think what it's indicative of is they're trying to make an idealogical argument rather than a character argument, to change the conversation to political ideolo ideology, rather than talking about their own kascandidate's flaws. >> doug, you made the point that the president is the only one stepping out here with roy moore. what is the -- what is the legacy for all of this?
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what is the legacy of the president taking the stand? what does this mean for midterms? the president is wrapping the gop brand like it or not, he's wrapping it and entangled it with roy moore. >> there are a couple of scenarios that i can see. most of them probably end with egg on the president's face. if roy moore does somehow squeak this out, i think you're going to see leaders in the party quickly expel roy moore, which would lead to the seat being appointed, you know, temporarily, which would lead to a vote, which could help president trump pass his agenda. that's a plus. but you're still going to have this election. you're going to have the words the president said today. it's easy for guys like dave to clip that in a commercial. i think it's going to haunt us, and i hate to keep coming back to us. but this is a bipartisan problem. and so the democrats have to be careful, as much as the president is -- his words break through pretty much everybody,
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but democrats have to be careful not to overreach on this issue, because i'll tell you, when i hear about franken that have pictures of sexual assault, say let's have an investigation. that's sickening, too. >> before i get to franken, and i will pivot to that, but i wanted to button up the issue with the president and roy moore. he's left the door open for campaigning with him. you talk about images regarding franken. what about images of the president out on the campaign trail if that should happen? >> i hope he doesn't but i wouldn't put it past him. >> leaving the door open is something that steve bannon might have been advising the president. we heard reports where there were several advisers saying you need to come out against roy moore. other reports said president trump has been talking regularly with steve bannon. i'm sure this is the same talking points that steve bannon was giving the president during his own election when he said you're down in the polls, you
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have all these accusations coming out there. dig your heels in, keep your nose to the grind stone and move forward. i'm sure that's the same advice that steve bannon, who has backed roy moore, is giving to the president. that's perhaps why he's leaving the door open. >> john has been banging on the table to talk about the democrats. but please, weigh in. >> i just wanted to say something about republican strategist at that press conference. i was on earlier, and we watched that press conference live. and that press conference was unbelievable. you had five to seven white men standing at this press conference, really in my opinion, trying to intimidate not just the nine women that accused roy moore, but sending a message to all women across this country that if you speak up and you point out or you talk about sexual harassment or abuse by powerful men, we are going to come after you and come after you hard. there were lawyers,
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investigators, they talked about digging into the medical records of one of the accusers. her records when she was 14 years old, and some of the trouble she had as a teenager. and you've heard me say this before on your show that when women speak up, defendants go after them so hard, they try to intimidate them, humiliate them. that's what we saw today. but again, i just think women have to keep speaking up, because what we see is there is power in numbers. and the reason it takes some of these women 40 years is because they feel isolation and feel the shame. but when they see other women, that encourages them. the number of women that have come out against roy moore, despite what the lawyers and investigators said, there is no doubt that some of those women, and i believe all of them, are completely truthful in their statements about the harassment they suffered as a result of interactions with him. >> and she's right, i think they took a play right out of hillary clinton's playbook, using a bimbo squad to discredit bill
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clinton's accusers. that's right. >> it wasn't a play out of hillary clinton's playbook. that's not what i said at all. >> she had a bimbo squad. >> moving forward. let's not rehash the clinton presidency. >> the clinton presidency isn't in focus at this moment. >> just the playbook. >> democrats have the spotlight on them too. >> john conyers, longest serving member of the house, is now in the middle of his own sexual harassment controversy after it emerged on tuesday that several women had actually filed complaints about sexual harassment and that he had settled a suit back in 2015. now we hear there's going to be an ethics committee investigation. before i get to that, i want to be clear that conyers has rejected this. he said, in our country, we strive to honor this fundamental principle that all are entitled to due process. in this case, i express and deny the allegations made against me and continue to do so.
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dave, the fact that this is going to an ethics committee investigation opposed to democrats just saying he needs to leave, isn't this a case of double standards? i mean, to john's point? >> yeah. i think unfortunately democrats need to come out and call these folks who are engaging these kinds of activities for the behavior. i think just like mitch mcconnell stepped up to the plate with roy moore and said he should step aside, i think democrats ought to do the same. it pains me to say that about leaders like al franken in the democratic party, but this is an opportunity for democrats to be the forward thinking party about equality and justice. and we need to be internalizing this issue, but also coming up with solutions on how to move forward. and the first way to do that is cleanse ourselves of the scum bags. >> john? >> he's right. both parties need to be consistent. that's what troubles me about what president trump did today. but it provides democrats an
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opportunity, now that trump weighed in on this, to walk the walk here and cleanse their own party. but this is the issue. politicians in d.c. are use thing ethics investigation as a scapegoat, to buy themselves time, to hope it goes away. survey usa came out with a survey in minnesota, showing the majority of voters want franken to resign. it will be interesting to see if he gives up to the pressure. you saw this in california with several of the legislatures. but you're not seeing it so much on the federal level. and the ones in california resigned. >> it is so difficult on capitol hill to make a complaint, and all the hoops women have to jump through. it is anything, if supportive, to women who have suffered these kinds of abuses. i mean, where do we go from here? what does the conyers situation alongside the franken situation, what does it say to you about the culture on capitol hill?
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>> i think the culture has to change. we have to up-end the culture. and it's not just the democrats in the house or the senate, it's across the board. that starts with donald trump. so we can't ask franken or conyers to resign or expel roy moore, unless we're beating that drum with respect to donald trump. don't forget, there's 16 women and the "access hollywood tape" where trump admits to engaging in sexually harassing conduct. so if we're going to be consistent in standing up for women and children in the case of roy moore, we have to cleanse house from top to bottom. that means every man that's been outed in these scandals has to go. and we have to change the way that women are allowed to and encouraged to come out. and it can't be this slut shaming that happens. i'll tell you, something that happened to me. i've been on this network for two weeks talking about this and
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i got an e-mail from someone saying you made some great points, but your dress, your cleavage. that's what happens to women, somehow the blame gets shifted. we have to change that. women are speaking up. we haven't seen this since anita hill 25 years ago, and we want to continue this progress, and that starts with a full chur chan -- culture change and change with respects to the law. >> this moment is here and there's no rewinding of time and no going back. areva, we appreciate it. thank you all. let's take a quick break, shall we? after the break, donald trump's phone call with vladamir putin, what they discussed and what they apparently avoided. we'll tell you when we come back. plus, david cassidy once made teenage hearts swoon. we remember the pop idol after his untimely death. stay with us. at&t... and we knoe it.
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hello, everyone. russia is pushing for political solution to the syrian civil war. syrian leader bashar al assad is not expected to go anywhere. president vladamir putin is taking the lead on the peace
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negotiations, while the trump administration appears to be taking the back seat. the russian leader spoke by phone about syria to president trump. >> we had a great call with president putin. we're talking about peace in syria, very important. we're talking about north korea. we had a call that lasted almost hour and a half. we just put out a release on the call. but we're talking strongly about bringing peace to syria. we're talking very strongly about north korea, and ukraine. >> let's discuss all of this with the senior reporter for politico. good to see you. the president repeating, you know, as you hear there, we talked about syria. indeed, it was, you know, it was part of the conversation. but the reality is, russia is in the lead here, and the u.s. has been relegated to being effective bystanders when it comes to events on the ground there. talk to me about what that says about this administration, that
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effectively as a continuation of the obama administration, they've been outmaneuvered by putin. >> i think there's changed expectations. six months ago, i think president trump wanted to work closely with putin on this issue and have more of a presence. but clearly the russia investigation has muddied the waters for him. and i think more broadly, in his discussions with advisers at the white house, he views syria as an obama problem. and i don't think sees an avenue for him to have a great success there. >> you say that, but when he launched the attack early on in his administration, that recalibrated people's expectations of this administration, and how they would handle syria. >> you're exactly right, so that's why things have changed over the past six months with russia becoming a more muddying influence in the administration. >> you heard him say we talked syria, we talked ukraine, we talked north korea. what they didn't talk about is russia meddling in the 2016 election.
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>> that's something the president has no interest in talking about. it's certainly broadcasting whether he's having that conversation. in his view, in his presentation any way to the american people, it's a non-issue. i think the less he can focus on that, the better for him. >> interestingly you should say theless he focuses on that, the better. there is a school of thought that says all the stuff we've been discussing on roy moore for days on end now, as much as it's a controversy and could be damaging long-term, if they're talking roy moore, they're not talking russia. >> that's so interesting. i don't know, but i think that the russia story, because it's more complicated and there's more ins and outs and maybe possibilities for disagreement, that's a harder story for americans to get their hands around than allegations of somebody pursuing and
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allegations of assaulting children. and i'm not sure i would go so far as to say that story is better for any politician than russia. again, that's an uninformed read. >> i want to pick up on the story that got lost in the shuffle, the fact that haiti, this administration said they're going to end it protected status, temporary protected status in 2019. that was given to haiti after the devastating earthquake. so by 2019, people have to leave or it's been said by various advocates, people will basically move into the shadows so they don't leave. what's the reaction to this? because obviously haitians are displayed. their country is the poorest in the western hemisphere. they have severe political and social problems, and a huge cholera epidemic. what's the broadest response? >> i think there's two ways to look at it. we have something like 60,000 of
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these haitians, and that's a relatively small number when you compare it to something like daca recipients. i'm not sure that most americans are aware of what is kind of a bureaucratic procedure. a smaller scale one than daca for example. so you've seen a strong reaction from florida, from law namakerso new york and new jersey. i'm not sure if that backlash outweighs the gain that the president gets with his base, by saying look, this is an example of us being tough on our boarders, tough on immigration. >> this does fall in line with the administration's broader move to curve immigration. >> that's right and that's how they're selling it. >> the question just has to be, and i think this is what advocates are concerned about, does this signal that effectively if you're an immigrant and in this country on
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any of these programs, that now is the time to be looking at leaving, whether that's the signal sent by these kinds of moves? >> i'm not sure this signal is out of line with any of the previous signals. so if an immigrant in the country had a signal like this six months ago, this is a continuation of that one. >> david cidsiders, thank you. david cassidy of the 1970s pop idol has died. many know him best from the tv show "the partridge family." we all remember those scenes and he sang hits like "i think i love you." at the time, his fan club rifled those of elvis and the beatles. cassidy struggled with alcohol and earlier this year he said he was battling dementia. he died of organ failure in florida at the age of 67.
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but his voice, that will never be forgotten. cannot live without it.
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no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. you're watching "newsroom l.a." david cassidy has guyed at age 67. the 1970s heartthrob rose to fame on tv's "the partridge family." his voice captured the spirit of 1970s youth and his fan club rivaled those of elvis and the beatles. donald trump has broken his silence on roy moore, defending
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the republican senate candidate. moore denies the allegations. zimbabwe is expected to swear in a new president by thursday after the rez signatio of mugabe. the news brought celebrations in the capital. zoe, good to have you with us. the joy was unmistakable at the news that mugabe was out. but do you get any sense as you speak to people in zimbabwe that there are concerns about what comes next? >> reporter: thank you. i think it's very apparent here that people are approach thing in quite a realistic way. this has been a very long road
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for the people of zimbabwe, and they are not unfamiliar with the idea that they are -- that mugabe is being replaced by somebody that doesn't have the cleanest of hands. but the jubilation and euphoria on the streets is unmistakable. i think right now, they just want to enjoy this moment, enjoy the release, and enjoy the relief as well and celebrate the end of this era. >> with that being said, robert mugabe, for all that he did and for all the suffering he brought upon that country in his 37 years in power, the hardships, the economy crashing, the destruction to various institutions, and democratic reform or the lack of democratic reform, so to speak. for all of that, he's also the man that was part of that fight to liberate zimbabwe. so i guess he has a very complex
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relationship with the populat n population. how will he be remembered? >> that's an important point. a number of people i spoke to last night, while celebrating their departure, also said, you know, if my heart i do love mugabe, which is a contradictory thing to see. he's known for his leadership of the -- during the war of independence, and certainly in the early years of he is tenure, people did see him positively. one man said he brought education to this country. that's why we're so strong today and we can continue as we are. we'll be interested to see how his legacy is seen in this country. but certainly i think that most people at this point are just focused on his departure. >> the vice president mnangagwa, expected to be sworn in by
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thursday is what we're hearing. as you say, people wanting to celebrate the fact that after 37 years robert mugabe is gone. but with the vice president taking the helm, do people expect things to get better realistically? >> i think there's a perception here that mnangagaw has a stronger hold on economic issues, that he could make a difference to the ceconomy here that is starting to suffer. people are optimistic about that, but they are realistic about his try. people i spoke to said we're willing to give him a chance. hopefully we'll see him embrace a democratic approach. but how that plays out remains to be seen. so the next few days are still
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very critical here in this country. and how these events play out will be very important. >> absolutely. there is still very much a sense of the unknown as to where zimbabwe will go next. zoe, very much appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. well, many in sim bzimbabwe never known a leader other than mugabe. >> i, robert mugabe, here by give my resignation with immediate intent. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> there's a real sense of euphoria here on the streets. once the word got out, everyone streamed onto the streets, celebrating. first, it was slow, a couple of people cheering. then thousands screaming, near the houses of parliament, celebrating the end of an era. >> the only leader this country has really ever known since independence, resigned after an attempted coup last week. there were questions on why it was taking so long, and they -- the old man as he's called, resigned. >> we have old ladies celebrating saying "he's gone." i'll take you right on to the center of the street, in the middle of town here. and the scenes here are incredible.
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the zimbabwe flags up in the air, people jumping up and down. i can't joef state what this means to the people. >> my children have come here and they can film whatever they want without being arrested for anything. anyone can make a joke about the president without being arrested for insulting the president. the idea of freedom is back in play in this country, after such a long hiatus and hibernation, freedom is back. >> what do you feel about tonight? >> we are so excited and happy. we feel liberated. >> it's like the entire country took this deep breath, heard the news, and rushed out in celebration. tomorrow is another day, but today this is how the people feel. >> our david mckenzie there on
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the ground. as he said, tomorrow is another day. they just want to celebrate. you cannot overstate what that moment means to the people of zimbabwe after having robert mugabe in power for 37 years. quick break here. next, charlie rose is out at two u.s. networks after sexual harassment complaints. just ahead, what two former co-workers think about the situation. us. it's what this country is made of. but right now, our bond is fraying. how do we get back to "us"? the y fills the gaps. and bridges our divides. donate to your local y today. because where there's a y, there's an us. directv has been rated number one in customer satisfaction
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hello, everyone. pbs has dropped "charlie hebdo's" ta >> this comes after "the washington post" reported on eight women who described unwanted sexual advances and other women came forward with other complaints, including three staffers. in a statement, rose said he
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deeply apologized. here's how his former co-host at cbs reacted. >> let me be very clear. there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. it is systematic and pervasive. i've been doing a lot of listening and will continue to do that. this i know is true, women cannot achieve equality in the workplace or in society, until there is a reckoning and a taking of responsibility. >> i've enjoyed a friendship and a partnership with charlie for the past five years. i've held him in such high regard, and i'm struggling, because how do you -- what do you say when someone that you deeply care about has done something that is so horrible? how do you wrap your brain around that? i'm really grappling with that. >> cnn legal analyst areva martin is back with us, and we're joined by jen mann.
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thank you for being with us. areva, let me start with you. the firing of charlie rose and the severing of ties was swift. >> yes. >> what does that say about how far we've come since those very first allegations against harvey weinstein came out all those weeks ago? >> i think the culture is changing really rapidly, isha. we're seeing when there are allegations made against powerful men with these big jobs, companies can't risk having their brand associated with them, and they're moving very quickly to move them out of the workplace. charlie rose's case is disturbing, because some of those women did report the allegations of sexual harassment. the women they reported to came forward in the piece and said she wished she had done more to protect them. and although my heart goes out to those women, this is really something that happens every
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day. not just in the context of powerful men like charlie rose, but the every day employee, the everyday waitress, hotel worker. women who work in low wage jobs, who experience sexual harassment regularly. and we know that african-american women also. and when they report it, they're not believed, told to get over it, just told that's that guy's way, you're being too sensitive. >> i want to read the statements put out by pbs and cbs. let's put those up. this is what pbs said. there we go. pbs expects all the producers we work with to provide a workplace where people feel safe and treated with dignity and respect. cbs also putting out a statement in light of the charlie rose allegations. there's nothing more important in this or any organization than ensuring a safe, professional
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workplace, a supportive environment when people feel they can do their best work. to piggyback on what areva just said, we have these women in the case of charlie rose who reported it to other women. >> and they did not provide what they say they provide, and it's a beautiful statement, but it's kind of a day late and dollar short that this should have been the philosophy long ago, when these women reached out for help and reached out to people instead of people getting fired or people being told to be quiet. that's what should have happened. there should have been recourse at the time and it's unfortunate that's not the way it was handled. i do think -- we are now in a different era. i look back on anita hill and clarence thomas, and i was working for a domestic violence hotline at the time. we started getting influxes of
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women talking about sexual harassment. now women are being believed. and that's a wonderful change, that it's the first place people tend to go now is wow, she's probably telling the truth. this is really happening to her. she's taking this risk. that's a great improvement for women everywhere. >> but we have seen women walk it back, once they've put it out there, who have said statements shaming other women, poking holes in something. donna karen who talked about the clothing of women. lena dunham who said she stood with her executive producer on "girls" and said she made a mistake. these women have walked these statements back, but what sit about certain women picking and choosing when to enforce a moral framework, what is that about? >> i think it's cultural. i think the attitudes have been that if a woman makes an allegation, the burden is on her to prove it.
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more often than not, women were not believed. which is why so many didn't come forward because they feared they wouldn't be believed, that they would face retribution, and many times it was career suicide. so it's going to take a lot to change the culture and for there to be a mindset that when women come forward, they are risking a tremendous amount, and the statistics show less than 3% of sexual abuse and harassment allegations made are false. so we're talking about a really small number of claims that are made that are inaccurate. but for some people, they still believe that if you don't come out the day that it happens, if it's a year later or ten years later and in some of these cases 30 years later, that you couldn't be telling the truth, because if something so horrific happened to you, why didn't you tell it in the first place? and people can't quite wrap their arms around the trauma that women face and how difficult it is to make these allegations or come forward. >> and women not being able to
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wrap their heads around the drama of other women. >> yeah. and typically when i was in college, there was -- i was doing journalism story. there was one man who had raped four women on a college campus. and i interviewed all four of them. the only reason why this story ended up -- why he got caught is one found out that he did it to her friend, and they wouldn't speak up for themselves. but when they found out it happened to someone else, there was that me too experience. that's what is driving a lot of this, that one person had the courage to say this happened to me and someone else said, me, too. and it spread. now that the culture is changing and women are being believed, that's helping. but regarding what you're saying about women having opinions and speaking for and against, i think gayle nailed it. it's hard to wrap your head around someone who you care about, and then to find out
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they've done something they hou -- heinous, that's so inconsistent with who you thought they were. so it's hard when you've had these personal relationships with people, and we're finding out they did terrible things. when these women speak out, they're say thing isn't the guy i knew. i agree, there needs to be some digestion time, but at the same time you have to speak your truth. whether this is something terrible happened to you or he was respectful, you need to speak your truth. >> and they can both co-exist. ladies, so sorry we're out of time, but thank you for a really important conversation. just ahead, we're awaiting the verdict of a former bosnian general of more than 7,000
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muslims in srebreniza. now facing judgment. stay with us. p... (scrappy barks) (amanda) he was totally freaked out, digging and pawing at me. and when i woke up i realized that i was in anaphylaxis and went to the emergency room. i don't know what i would do if he wasn't there. he's the best boy. (vo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped the ascpa save nearly forty thousand animals so far. get a new subaru and we'll donate two hundred fifty dollars more to help those in need. (amanda) ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪
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accused of genocide. ratko mladic is charmed with the massacre of more than 7,000 muslims in srebrenica and other crimes in the 1990. a u.n. court is expected to deliver its ruling at the hague in a couple of hours. from sarajevo, melissa, good to have you with us. for a time ratko mladic was named the butcher of bosnia and was the world's most wanted man. he vaded capture for 16 years. and now the moment is close at hand he will face what comes neck. remind our viewers of how we got to this point. >> that's right. you mentioned srebrenica there, of course, isha. but it is a day of reckoning on so many other fronts, so many different regions of bosnia are waiting to hear what this particular general will face once he is sentenced later on today. and at least here in sarajevo, he was the military commander in charge of the siege, isha, that lasted for 44 months.
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more than 1,400 days in which the people of sarajevo were subjected to sniping and shelling and a systematic attempt to beat them into submission. indeed, if you think back to what he said at the time, ratko mladic said he wanted them bombed to the edge of madness. and for the people here in sarajevo, they're going to be watching very closely to see what comes out today. justice certainly. but by no means the sort of reconciliation really that this part of the world so desperately needs, isha. >> and very quickly, because we're almost out of time, melissa, do we expect him to be in court to hear the verdict? i understand he is frail after a series of strokes and is 74 now. >> he is extremely frail. and of course we've watched his health really deteriorate before our very eyes over the course of the last few years, as you say. he was only captured in 2011. but ever since, this man who had been so full of banter of talk, who had been very forthright in everything he had to say, very
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free speaking throughout the war, suddenly looking more and more frail and behaving in a more and more erratic way. we are hoping to get a sense of this man's reaction. i think there are very many people here in bosnia in particular who want to know that this man, the last of the trio. you remember slobodan milosevic who was the serbian president at the time but radovan karadzic who was sentenced to 40 years in jail, he is the third in the trio. many people are very keen to see what he is going to receive, how he is going to be sentenced and how this is going to be brought to a close. because of course the tribunal winds up its activities in december. >> that's right. melissa bell, thank you very much. we will check back this with you soon. thank you, melissa. you have been watching "cnn newsroom" live from los angeles. i'm isha sesay. i'll be back with more news after this. man's inner voice: why do i have to be stuck here? talking property taxes. ♪ woah. go over there! then, make a mountain out of that reddi-wip. i'm out.
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