tv Smerconish CNN November 25, 2017 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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i'm michael smerkonish in philadelphia. we welcome viewers in the united states and around the world. while the president rightly brags that he economic indicators are booming, his approval ratings are still bottoming out. why the disconnect? and when rapper meek mill violated his decade-long probation with a minor infraction, the judge sent him back to jail. is he the right face for a national conversation about mass incarceration? plus "the new york times" suspends white house reporter glenn thrush pending investigation of sexual impropriety. but in his case, as the pendulum swung too far? and perhaps the greatest achievement of president trump is something that gets scant attention. behind the scenes he's repop lating the federal bench. and that will have a long-lasting impact.
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yesterday was black friday, today is small business saturday. cybermonday is coming. and cash registers are jingling across america. the stock market remains high, the unemployment rate is low. and maybe headed further down. just last week goldman sachs said the unemployment rate now 4.1%, could tumble to 3.5%, by the end of 2019. president trump welcomed that news, in a tweet saying under president trump, unemployment rate will drop below 4%, analysts predict. on friday, the s&p 500 closed above 2600 for the first time ever. and yet a year after an election in which one candidate won the popular vote and another the electoral college, americans remain fundamentally divided. the man in the white house, deeply unpopular. president trump's disapproval rate is about 55%, according to
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gallup. that's poorer than some of the least-popular modern american presidents. so when are the economic metrics going to catch up to the polling numbers? or when are the polling numbers going to catch up to the economic metrics? in 19 2, james carville famously summarized the key issue in the presidential race with these words -- it's the economy, stupid. well, no more. president obama presided over eight years of economic recovery. while his disapproval was never as high as trump's. according to gallup, he never enjoyed a sustained approval rating beyond the mid 50s. viewed this way, the nine years of economic growth under both obama and trump beg the question of whether these two bedrock lode stars of american life, the economy and the presidency are now permanently disengaged. shy of a national security emergency, have we witnessed the end of days when americans can
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generally agree on the job a president is doing? apparently so. and that is yet another sad reflection of our deep partisan divide. joining me now, scott adams, creator of "dilb research t" one of the earliest to recognize donald trump's likely victory and is also the author most recently of the book "win bigley." persuasion in a world where facts don't matter. and david lipman is here, a former speech writer for president obama. and author of the book "thanks, obama." scott, you first. react to my commentary, why the disconnect? >> i think you'll never see a situation like this again. possibly where the president's personality is such a big part of people's impression of the presidency. so i think the economics and the personality will be forever
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disconnected. especially when you have a president whose brand is being politically incorrect. because you're going to start with a third of the country is going to hate whoever is in charge. just because they're on the other team. and a about a third of the country in my opinion as a professional humorist doesn't have a sense of humor and i mean that literally. about a third of the population pretends to have a sense of humor, but kind of doesn't. and if you have a funny president who likes to be politically incorrect, you've got third of the country that's just going to be hard to turn, no matter what's happening with the economy. >> scott, your book is all about persuasion. is there any amount of persuasion that would cause those who did not vote for donald trump to re-evaluate in some cases, their antipathy for the man? >> well time will help. if we are looking at the end of his term and the economy was still doing great, then people are going to start to say well that may be a little more trump than obama. but everybody's first year is always going to be filled with i
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think it's this president, no, i think it was the last pre who got us going. and because the economy is this big complicated thing with so many variables, everybody can find something to like and something not to like. i like the gdp, but i don't like the deficit. i like the jobs, but i don't like the wages. there's plenty of fodder for a bias for people to lock into whatever opinion they already held. >> david lit, your guy never got the full acknowledgement and credit that i think he deserved for bringing us out of the morass of 2008. so it's not just a phenomena of the trump watch. >> they're different. for president obama we saw over and over again the economy was improving. and for the most part, the conservative media echo chamber said no, it's not. i think with trump it's a little different. i think it's great that the economy is improving under president trump. i would rather it improved than
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not. i think it's important for americans. i think what's dragging down president trump's approval rating for very good reasons is the other stuff that he's doing. the fact that he referred to neo-nazis as very fine people or fired his fbi director in the middle of an investigation. these are unprecedented times. and i think that's what's being reflected in the president's approval. >> scott, we can't even agree sometimes on the metrics. i remember when it was candidate trump and the unemployment rate was decreasing under president obama. he would say well it's because people are no longer looking for jobs. and yet now if it's 4.1% on his watch, he's happy to accept it. >> you know the president can't do everything about the economy. there are only a few levers that the president has and one of them is our sense of optimism. if everything else is okay, you don't have shortages in your economy and we don't, optimism and psychology are what drives things forward. so you do want a president who
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claims credit for things that maybe you're even a little bit of an overclaim. because that's what's makes people say things are looking good. we heard it from the president so you're watching a president who is actually attempting and i would say succeeding, at talking the economy up. >> david lit i read a great analysis in "the wall street journal" this week that says it depends where are you in the economy right now. where are you in the country right now. how you perceive the economy. another reflection of the red state/blue state phenomena, that people red staters are much more optimistic that those in the blue states. >> well i think you know, scott talked about talking the economy up. i think there's one thing i learned as a speech writer in the white house it's that actions speak louder than words. if you look at democrats right now, there's a real fear. people remember what it was like in the bush years when we passed huge irresponsible tax cuts.
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we were promised growth forever. instead we got a recession and now we're looking at more huge irresponsible tax cuts. some of the pessimism that i think a lot of my fellow democrats feel is not about the state of the economy today. it's about passing a tax bill just as one example, that even "forbes" magazine said could lead to an economic crisis. that does make people more pessimistic. and frankly, i think it should. >> scott, react to that. >> well, the thing with the economy is that for most people, the economy is this big ball of magic that we don't understand. and even you know nobel-winning economists are making predictions that have been way off. so people can pick and choose whatever they see. whatever they want to believe. and i could certainly see how there would be some pessimism. especially given the way the news covers the president. when charles manson died recently, there were two
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publications that tied him to president trump in some tortured way. when you get that kind of coverage and you've got an economy that you can pick and choose whatever you want, the good parts and the bad parts, people are going to come down on different sides. you just can't make them much. >> david lit are, carville's words from '92 now passe, electly speaking when we get to 2020 will it no longer be the economy, stupid. because people will view the events through their own partisan lens. we can't even agree when things are going well versus when they're not going well? >> i think the economy will continue to be important and i think when we say the economy, i don't mean asking americans how's the economy doing. that is a big question. it's hard to wrap our heads around something that is as large as the american economy. but if you ask americans, are your personal finances looking up or looking down, that will matter. but other stuff will matter, too. i think, right now if you look at what president trump is
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doing, whether for example the other day when he suggested americans should vote for child molester because he would like to cut taxes for corporations and his own family, americans are going to think about those things as well. that's going to matter, too. the economy will be part of it, but not the only part. >> react to my question, scott, as to whether carville's words are passe? >> i think they're still valid. but there's a timing issue. so the first year everybody gets to say it was the last president. but by the fourth year it gets harder and harder to say that. so if things are still popping at the end, i think you'll see the president's approval go up a little. but there really is a cap in his case. because people are also voting about personality and you know, other topics as well. so the economy probably isn't as dominant as it was. so if there's not a war, people are going to be looking at personality and that's going to be probably the biggest variable
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of approval. >> scott, david, thank you so much, hope had you a great holiday. >> you, too, thanks for having me. >> what are your thoughts? tweet me at smerkonish or go to my facebook page, i'll read some responses throughout the course of the program. what you got, katherine? smerkonish, sad how democrats look right past trump's accomplishments with the economy, only to find fault at something trivial. >> brandon, i hear you, but are you consistent? were you likewise for the last eight years, meaning before president trump came in, willing to give all i'm looking for is consistency. were you willing to give a similar level of credit to president obama as he presided over our coming out of the morass of 2008? that's the question. one more if we have time. smerkonish, the disconnect comes when his actions don't match his words. that and nobody likes him, even some who voted for him. znurse says that, it's true that the election of last year was
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much in people's minds the lesser of two evils and that's how they cast ballots. i'm just frustrated at the observation that no longer can we even agree when we're living in decent economic times and we can debate how much credit he or she at the top deserves for it, that's a bygone era. up next, amid a cascade of prominent men being accused of sexual assault and misconduct. i found one expose of a reporter that's troubling. and the emblematic case of philadelphia rapper meek mill who has been on probation for a decade. (avo) when you have type 2 diabetes, you manage your a1c,
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how america's prison system deals with black males came in into focus this week in the high-profile case of rapper meek mill who was sentenced here in philadelphia to two to four years in prison for violating his probation. rap mogul jay-z whose company signed meek mill wrote an op-ed in the "new york times" that said on the surface this may look like the story of yet another criminal rapper who didn't smarten up and is back where he started. but consider this -- meek was around 19 when he was convicted on charges relating to drug and gun possession. and he served an eight-month sentence. now he's 30. so he's been on probation for basically his entire adult life. for about a decade he's been stalked by a system that considers the slightest infraction a justification for locking him back inside. the judge in this case, who i
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should point out is herself african-american, had been giving him chances throughout the years. decided she had had enough. he'll do the time and then be done. but a lot of his supporters feel he's emblematic of the situation of young black men in america. here's a quick summary of had is arrest record in 2008 at the age of 18 he was caught carrying a gun and drugs while shopping at a local grocery store. he spent eight months in prison and was placed on probation for five years. in 2014 mill served six months in jail for traveling to perform without permission from the judge. after a similar trip in 2016, he was sentenced to 90 days of house arrest. those most recent probation violations both from earlier this year, they include a minor scuffle, at a st. louis airport with a fan who wanted a picture. and riding a dirt bike on an empty street in harlem during a music video shoot. neither the d.a. nor his probation officer thought the incidents were prison-worthy.
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has he been treated fairly by the judge? as of 2015, african-americans comprised one-third of the 4.65 million americans on some form of parole or probation and blacks are more likely to be sent back to prison for probation violations. joining me now, philadelphia attorney brian lentz and from l.a. civil rights attorney arriva martin. brian, is he the right guy, around whom we should be building a national conversation about mass incarceration? >> well i think the answer is absolutely not. the, the mass incarceration conversation is really a conversation about reforming the laws that result in folks going to jail and to reform the laws you need legislation and in order to get those laws passed, you need to expand the constituency of people that are interested in it. you know, for instance, life without parole in pennsylvania, doesn't have a big constituency. but it's an issue that should be
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addressed. there are people serving life in p.a., that shouldn't in jail any more. if you highlight a case like this, where you start with this seriousness of the initial offense he was initially accused of pointing a loaded firearm at a police officer. while exiting a house that was about to be raided for drug dealing. he went to trial, the judge acquitted him of the most serious offense. but did find him guilty of drug dealing and possessing illegal firearm. she gave him immediate house arrest following the conviction. so he wasn't held in custody pending his sentence, at sentencing the d.a. asked for five years in prison. she didn't give him five years in prison, she gave him probation if you look at the public docket which is available online, it doesn't read like a probation history. it reads like a concert tour history. the judge signed multiple orders, granting him while on probation, permission to go to places like athens, greece,
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dubai, paradise island, bahamas. turks and caicos. these are actual probation orders in the probation history that were signed by the judge allowing him to pursue his career. if you go back to the seriousness of the initial offense he could have very easily spent the last ten years incarcerated. but he didn't so when you point to this as a reason for reform, those people that aren't with you yet are going to look at those facts and say i'm not for reform. because this is a person who was convicted of a serious offense and given every opportunity to succeed. >> arriva, it sounds like the docket, according to bryan, reflects that he was given any number of breaks by this judge. >> yeah, michael, let's talk about consistency. just in your earlier block, you said all you're looking for is consistency. that's what we're looking for, those of us like jay-z speaking out on meek mill and this case. i am in california as you know.
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and i live through the lindsay lohan era. so talk about five to seven to ten years of an entertainer who is before the criminal justice system, time and time again. whose probation is revoked on multiple occasions, who is allowed to travel for her career. who violates her probation. to travel for her career. and who spent on one occasion, a whopping 84 minutes in jail and then on another occasion, three months she was sentenced or of which he she served two weeks. and repeated community service, was given to her as her punishment. and she was ordered to go to rehab. we know in the case of meek mill that three violations here, one has to do with drugs being in his system. opioids. the second has to do with this miner altercation in st. louis which you mentioned and the third is popping a wheelie. eight people involved, he's the only one charged this case to me
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is the perfect case to use to talk about the need for reform in the criminal justice system. because it's another example of an african-american male who is getting a disproportionate sentence that wouldn't be the case in someone like lindsay lohan or someone whose not an african-american male. and i think every time these cases happen, it gives us an opportunity to have this conversation again and again and again. >> bryan, to areva's point, it sounds like he's been under the tentacles of the law for at least a decade for whatever that incident was. when he was 18 or 19 to some they say it's just too long. >> well i think what the incident was is important to emphasize. i don't know what lindsay lohan was accused of. this young man was accused of pointing a loaded firearm at a police officer who that was about to raid a drug house, that's about as serious as offense as you can get. without, without pulling the trigger or being involved in you know a homicide or an assault
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with a firearm. so he was given an extreme break at the beginning. he was allowed to leave the jail and go on house arrest. pending sentence. he was not given the mandatory minimum of five years, he essentially got a nonprison centers for what most people would consider a very serious offense involving guns and drugs, he wasn't stalked by the system. you can't say a guy that was allowed to go to dubai and paradise island in the bahamas while on probation was stalked by the system. it isn't correct to say that getting arrested multiple times while on probation is a minor infraction. you know, asking people that are on probation not to get arrested again is not really an extreme or repressive requirement there has to be some consequence force folks that are on probation that break the law. >> areva, respond to that. >> i want to say one other issue. if i may put it in the mix. i wonder, i want you to respond
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to what bryan just said. i wonder if the outside influence helps or hurts meek mill in philadelphia. i wonder if the judiciary will bristle at the likes of jay-z all of a sudden telling the judges how they should handle this case. areva, go ahead. the floor is yours. >> two things it sounds like bryan's argument is the o.j. simpson argument. because he wasn't found guilty for the murder in california, let's be harsher on him in the petty theft that happened in nevada. likewise, with meek mill, because he wasn't given some extraordinary sentence ten years ago. let's be hasher on him now. the record is clear that over the last ten years, he hasn't been involved in any kind of violent crime. he hasn't been convicted of a violent crime there hasn't been any gun charges. and the only drug charge has to do with his own use of drugs which lindsay lohan in her case was given rehab. so i think we have to talk about consistency in these cases when
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we look at african-american men and how the criminal justice system treats them versus nonafrican-americans. as for violating your probation, i'm for law and order as well. i'm for people following the law. when they have minor infractions or this altercation over a picture. jail time, two to four years is not what is the answer. it's an expense to taxpayers and this is a young man who has proven himself worthy of and capable of rehabilitation. that's what the justice system should be focused on is rehabilitation. as for the influence, michael, it may be negative it may not be helping his case. but it is helping in my opinion, the broader conversation about criminal justice reform and how african-american men are treated in the criminal justice system. >> bryan, 20 seconds, respond to the latter issue. does it help or hurt when jay-z
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is involved? >> it hurts. because it, it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the probation system as it is applied in the city of philadelphia. when you go to the table to say let's reform life without parole and your last case was meek mill, you have no credibility and it hurts those guys that are in prison now. doing life that need help. but can't get it because now the conversation is poisoned by having this individual as a poster child. >> areva, bryan, thank you. let me say what everybody else is saying via triter and facebook. smerkonish, why should meek mill be special and not expected to follow the restrictions regarding his probation. i don't get it. i don't know that anybody is saying he should be treated special. i think the argument is that he's representative of a fundamentally flawed system. that's what i just heard from areva martin. one more if i might. meek mill is the perfect face,
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smerkonish. the amount of influence he carries will transition to millennials showing them that the mistakes he has done, the mistakes he has done can be a lesson for long term. i think we have a mass incarceration issue in this country. i think that the privatization of our incarceration system, our prison system, is problematic. because when you build them, it's like what do they say, if you build it, will they come? we built them now we're going to fill them. i'm questioning whether this is the right case around which to build that conversation. still to come, president trump may lack for ledgislative achievement. he's making up for it in the pace in which he's repop lating the federal bench. will this turn out to be the longest-lasting legacy? "the new york times" has suspended one of its white house reporters while investigating his alleged sexual impropriety. has the pendulum now swung too far? in the field of sexual harassment?
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you can easily add premium channels so you don't miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you're looking for. because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. last week i spoke here grateful that society is finally getting to the point of recognizing that women have the civil right to be left alone. since then, still more bad deeds have been exposed and led to consequences. the most prominent being the downfall of talk show host charlie rose, as the press continues to uncover stories of
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disturbing inappropriate and actionable male behavior, i worry that the pendulum may be swinging too far. the story that gave me pause involved "new york times" white house reporter and msnbc contributor glenn thrush who was suspended by the "times" after ran a story. the vox headline i think is telling about the thin nature of the story. it reads exclusive, "new york times" white house correspondent glenn thrush's history of bad judgment around young women journalists. have we reached a point where bad judgment is worthy of a professional death sentence? if you don't recognize thrush's by line. you might recognize him as one of those dpiktd on "saturday night live" who is being berated by melissa mccarthy in the spiyy
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sketches. >> glenn thrush "new york times," boo, go ahead. just by a show of hands, who hates glenn? everybody, one, two, three, infinity? last june thrush attended a going away party for a politico colleague and spent time with a 23-year-old reporter he suggested they go for a walk outside. after they left the party she said mr. thrush killed her and tried to hold her hand. vox ran a long text exchange from the woman's friend who was checking up on her. and criticizing thrush for his behavior. thrush's responses to the friend are apologetic and responsive. one excerpt, it was a terrible night and i feel like a jerk. i feel strongly about not creating a toxic environment. to the woman herself, thrush had texted the following morning -- nice meeting you. and apologies? and she responded congenially, it was nice meeting you, too, and no worries, ha ha.
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in response to his suspension, mr. thrush released a statement addressing the most recent episode as a life-changing event. he said the women, the woman involved was upset by my actions and for that i am deeply sorry. over the past several years i've responded to a succession of personal and health crises by drinking heavily. during that period i have done things that i'm ashamed of. actions that have brought great hurt to my family and friends, i have not taken a drink since june 15, 2017, have resumed counseling and will soon begin outpatient treatment for alcoholism. the "times" is understandably on high alert for any such charges about its employees. because it's been on the vanguard of the exposes of powerful men, including harvey weinstein and louis ck. they don't want to risk contribute on the issue. i don't know what happened here. i have only vox's story to go on.
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it sounds like he was boarish and hammered and she herself texted a friend that she was drunk. so does the conduct of a married man holding the hand of and trying to make a move on a younger woman warrant him losing his job? thrush acknowledges an imbalanced power dynamic. but this case doesn't seem the equivalent of the many others where men were forceful with women, some of whom work in a subordinate capacity. let's check in on your twitter and facebook comments. what do we have, katherine? smerkonish, line is blurried by laws of attraction. women welcome the same boarish behavior when they are interested, hashtag #confusingforguys. you know what's interesting, i read the tweet without looking at your name and was assuming as i read it that the gender was male. but the gender was actually female. i'm saying we want to be careful that the pendulum -- look, bad behavior needs to be punished. and those who preyed on women within the workplace
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inappropriately need to be fired. i want to make sure that the pendulum doesn't swing so far that the due process rights of men are ignored. that was my point. the trump administration is my focus next. may not have many big legislative victories. but the president is having an enormous impact on everyday life that many don't realize.
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though many have attacked the trump administration for its inability to accomplish its legislative agenda, that's decidedly not the case when it comes to transforming the federal judiciary. and it's proof that elections have consequences. since taking office president trump has nominated 59 people to
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federal judgeships. 145 more seats are open. 13 of trump's judicial nominees including justice neil gorsuch have been confirmed by the senate. at the same point in his presidency, president obama had just three judicial nominees confirmed, including justice sonia sotomayor. senate republicans are trying to race these nominees through the confirmation process, including several that have been rated unqualified by the american bar association. ron chain, the former chief of staff to former vice presidents joe biden and al gore writes in the "washington post" that quote by some time next year, one in eight cases filed in federal court will be heard by a judge picked by president trump. many of these judges will likely still be serving in 2050. joining me to discuss, jeffrey rosen, the president and ceo of the national constitution center. he's a professor at george washington law school and a contributing editor at the
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"atlantic." is this his lasting legacy? >> yes, the appointment of judges will be president trump's most important legacy. in addition to the supreme court justices he could appoint. president trump has made federal judges far more of a priority than president obama and by nominating 60 judges at a time in his presidency when president obama had nominated only 20. this is an aging bench. simply we're going to see more seats come open and by appointing conservative and able and determined judges, president trump will transform the shape of the judiciary for decades to come. why does it matter? >> it matters because on issues from network neutrality which we're seeing in the news, the trump administration is trying to repeal which requires comcast to treat hulu and netflix
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equally. to affirmative action, to voting rights, to abortion, to contraception to all the issues at the center of american life. most of the issues are decided not in the supreme court, but in lower courts. the supreme court decides only 80 cases a year. lower courts decide up to 60,000. and on all of these issues we're going to see a dramatic difference between trump and democratically appointed judges, appellate courts will flip from democrat toik republican and as a result americans' lives will be transformed across a whole range of issues. how would you assess the quality of the nominees whose names he's put forth? >> broadly, they have been strong, able, determined, intellectual conservatives. many clerked for former justice antonin scalia. some are respected by liberals as well as conservatives. like my friend the university of pennsylvania scholar who has been confirmed to the third circuit. some have been rated as
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unqualified by the american bar association. either for making inflammatory comments, about roe v. wade being wrong. although i would say they're able, smart, extremely conservative and chosen for being young, conservative and the administration thinks they will transform the law. >> you say young and conservative. has he outsourced this process to the federalist society? >> the white house counsel, don mccann spoke to the federalist society recently and said i don't know about outsourcing, i've been a member of the federalist society ever since i've been in law school. this is insourcing. conservatives to their credit care a lot about the federal courts and through the federalist society. the left has the samers, the american constitutional society, they've identified a strong bench of strong, able conservatives and it's so interesting that president trump has published a supreme court list, it's true that he's
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consulting with the federalist society. it's more a sign of the intellectual coherence of the republican commitment to transforming the court rather than any nefarious scheme. >> okay. so you've made the argument that as things stand, president trump will have an enormous impact on the composition of the federal bench. you know that there's talk out there of increasing the size of the federal judiciary. do you see that as a realistic prospect? >> it's a fascinating suggestion. viewers should check out steven calabrese's article, a founder of the federalist society. he's proposed increasing the size of the bench from 30% to 50%, adding new judges on the grounds that the judiciary is overworked. democrats say it's not overworked at all. the chief justices say he's got plenty of time. but one draft of the tax bill includes a proposal to increase the number of judges. so it doesn't seem completely impossible. it would be hotly contested. it might be challenged, as being
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outside the ordinary procedures. but the fact that it's on the table, suggests that we could see a drama, you know not since the court-packing plan during the new deal have we seen such an ambitious proposal to dramatically increase the size of the federal bench. and if republicans can get it through while they still hold congress, they may well try. >> and if they were to get it through, then you know who would fill those slots. president trump. >> it's really impossible to understate. it's so important that you're doing this segment. because simply by filling the existing vacancies and the ones that are to come, president trump will transform the judiciary and cement his legacy. but if the judiciary were to be increased by 30% to 50% and president trump were to fill all of those seats? american law, the meaning of the constitution would be transformed in a way that we haven't seen probably since the shift in the 1930s from the old court to the new. it is a huge, significant proposal and it's important for americans to pay close attention
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to these lower court nominees. >> jeffrey rosen, thank you so much for that analysis. >> thank you, so much for having me. still to come, your best and worst tweets and facebook comments like this one. smerkonish, regardless who appoints them, a judge's duty is to interpret the law impartially. those who don't should be removed, period. julio, you make it sound so simple. as if everything in that constitution is black and white. take it from this attorney, that's just not the case. back in a sec. (vo) take home something in a helzberg diamonds box
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in this country. car vel was right in '92 when he said it's the economy, stupid, but we can't even agree. we are so polarized, we can't even agree on the metrics and it becomes a subjective decision as to whether the economy doing well. i'm all for consistency. obama deserves credit for bringing us out of that ma rasz of 2008 and if the economy does well on president trump's watch, i'll say the same thing about hill. hit me with another one. glenn thrush should have his s suspension reversed. stop dating people you work with. >> mary ann, i think you probably find that most marriages today predicated premised on someone you met in the workplace or that you were going to school with. give me another one if you would. smerconish, where was due process when these women were sexually assaulted? i didn't talk about harvey
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weinstein, did i? that was not the focus of my remarks. i wasn't saying oh, poor harvey. i'm just trying to ensure that the pendulum doesn't swing so far because of the worst conduct of men. that some that was in poor taste doesn't become a professional death sentence. that was my point about glenn thrush and all i know about that story is what i read at vox, but the headline itself told me the story was a little bit thin. one more if we've got time. in the black community need to hold ourselves accountable for our actions that can lead to incarceration. a problem b of causing black, i just don't know, mr. o'reilly, whether he should be the poster case for a very important conversation about mass incourse rati incarceration. see you next week. right now when you get an unlimited family plan, netflix is included. ho ho ho!
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tonight on the axe files. a special conversation with nba coach, steve kerr on president trump and his fights with professional athletes. how leaders in sports can inspire change. >> everybody has a voice ch just so happens if you're famous, more people are going to follow you. >> and michael jordan. what kerr remembers about play wg a living legend. >> it was not e easy being his teammate. he challenged you. you had to stand up to him and prove your worth. >> welcome to the axe
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