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tv   New Day  CNN  November 28, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PST

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it's going to be a tremendous tax cut. we're really interested in getting it passed. >> giving it to the rich on the backs of the middle class. >> republicans right now are scrambling. they call her pocahontas. >> it's better left for a sitcom. >> what most people find offensive is senator warren lying about her heritage. >> the native american community has spoken clearly and loudly that they were offended. >> the president addressed this. this was litigated and certainly answered during the election. >> he was looking into hiring people to entertain whether it
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was his voice. >> how do you apologize for something and then renig on it? >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. that could advance the plan or halt it. how will two of the biggest gop opponents vote today? also going on, the president is under fire for using a slur to attack a political rival. it was at a white house ceremony, honoring a group of native american war heroes, the backdrop for this oval office event, raising serious questions about sensitivity and judgment from the president and his staff. we have it all covered. let's begin with cnn's suzanne malveaux on capitol hill. suzanne? >> good morning, chris. this is a big test for the president as well as his party, republican leaders on capitol hill trying to secure the support for their senate tax plan before the senate budget
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committee's critical vote expected later this afternoon. at the same time, the president will be here, having lunch with senate republicans ahead of that vote, trying to push forward the need to have any kind of legislative accomplishment before the end of the year. >> i think the tax bill is doing very well. and i think the republicans will be very proud of it. >> president trump heading to capitol hill today to shore up support for the senate tax plan, as senate majority whip jon cornyn tells reporters that republicans do not yet have votes needed to pass the bill. senate republicans can only afford to lose one vote today in the budget committee but at least two senators are still expressing concern. include iing ron johnson, who s monday that he is a no because the bill's unfair to millions of small business owners. if johnson votes against the bill today, it will stall in exit until more changes are made. addressing johnson's concerns could further increase the national debt, possibly
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generating opposition from deficit hawks. >> failure is not an option when it comes to the republican party cutting taxes. the fate of the party is in our hands. >> reporter: if the bill passes through committee today, the tax plan could go up for a full vote on the senate floor this week where they can only lose the support of two republicans. senator steve daines has also expressed reservations about the impact of the bill on small businesses. three republicans remain a wild card and five others have raised concerns about issues like the bill's repeal of obamacare's individual mandate and the impact on the national debt. these deficit hawks are pushing to include an automatic trigger into the bill that would increase taxes if the legislation fails to generate as much revenue as expected. >> our estimates are a .4% increase in the gdp. we think it's a pretty conservative estimate. my statement is, if that doesn't happen, if you even don't get a .4% increase in gdp, how do we create a backstop to help
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protect us on debt and deficit? >> further complicating the republican effort, a new estimate from the nonpartisan congressional budget office says the latest senate bill would increase the deficit by $1.4 trillion over ten years. the report also shows that the bill will hurt more lower income americans than originally thought while benefiting higher earners. those earning less than $30,000 are predicted to be worse off by 2019. those making less than $75,000 worse off by 2027. removing obamacare's individual mandate would result in 13 million fewer americans having health coverage over the next decade. >> and after the president meets with senate republicans this afternoon, he has another critical meeting with congressional leaders for both parties. they have to strike a deal to fund the federal government. that deadline coming up december 8th or potentially face a government shutdown. alisyn, chris?
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>> suzanne, thank you very much. so, let's bring in our cnn politics reporter and editor at large, chris cillizza and cnn political analyst. great to see both of you guys. let me put up for you and everyone the lawmakers who are still on the fence. you can see corker. i mean, there are people who are actually on this committee that it has to make it out of that we don't know how they're going to vote today. so, karan you talk to these folks all the time. is this horse trading that we're seeing or real philosophical differences with this bill. >> this is a very serious moment for these folks. gop has campaigned for years that they want a balanced budget that doesn't grow the national debt. yet that question is what they're grappling with as they deal with this. making this more palatable,
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concerned with small businesses as senator johnson is, is going to add to the overall price tag of this, cutting right to the heart of what the gop philosophy has been about budgeting for a long time. corker, who is on the way out, who has talked about the biggest concern for them is the deficit. will they leave that at the doorway and say i'll join the party on this bill or tho, i'm going to hold the line? for various members this is a question for them examining what their own priorities are and that list includes many people who are not beholden. individual mandate. a lot of things here who are monkey wrenches. when you have somebody like ron johnson that may provide cover for others. >> chris cillizza, ron johnson has been the most out there in terms of his issues but also the easiest to fix. cbo is come iing under attack b
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some republicans, but people have another resource. i know you don't like when we give homework. people have to be empowered by information. the joint committee on taxation goes through the numbers. and one thing is clear, you may like it or not. it's not a tax cut geared to advantage the middle class. resistance within their own party, business for johnson, they can negotiate it. the deficit thing, either people will build in this provision that johnson is talking about as kind of a claw back of these current rates if they don't get the revenues they need, maybe they can get that in there. once you get to what karan said about the mandate and tax benefits you get into problems that the president can't fix no matter what he offers. >> i'm more skeptical about the deficit, i think, than you are, chris. i would put that in that same category of unfixable problems.
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>> the only reason i say it, you can't be for any tax cut as a deficit hawk. the economic theology, that the point is growth through tax cuts wouldn't work on you. >> i feel like that's a similar argument to what they're making on other things, which is, well, the cbo misunderstands the plan and it actually helps the middle class more. look, you have resources, which take some criticism. cbo joint committee taxation. but the resources that are universally used saying this is going to add $1.4 trillion to the debt and does not realize the middle class tax cut that donald trump is promising. on the other side, you have, well, these projections are wrong and things are going to be better and they're misunderstanding the bill. that may be true. if past is prolog, what we know is that it is very hard to simply grow your way out of these deficits, that all of a sudden growth will sky rocket
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because of tax cuts. remember, that was the argument for george w. bush, the last major tax cut we had, george w. bush tax cuts. that did not come close to being realized in terms of the deficit. so i think, yeah, the most important way to look at those senators that you guys have popped up on the screen is that about half of them, i think, fall in the -- are doing it to try to get something, check a box. their problems can be solved. i put ron johnson there. i would be stunned if steve daines or james lankford votes against this bill. i guess it's possible but very unlikely. but corker, mccain, flake, these are people not friendly to donald trump but also people who have been very hawkish on deficit. i remember when john mccain was the nominee, talking again and again and again about how we are burdening our children and our grandchildren with this deficit. you know, i tend to think that those are the smaller group that
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are really going to matter. >> go ahead. >> it's the gop, remember? we can talk about what the debate is across both parties and then you have those numbers that the cbo is putting out, potentially carrying a lot more weight because chris was putting it in a different category than deficit. when you talk about gop ideology philosophy, what is cutting to the heart of where they feel sick in the pit of their stomachs, the deficit does matter to these people, especially those people on that short list. >> i remember all those conversations, chris cillizza in 2008. >> right? >> constantly about what your grandchildren will be making on the dollar and what the burden will be for them and we're just forcing it on to the next generation. >> then you wouldn't vote for this. >> therein lies the rub of what we're seeing. >> you wouldn't vote for almost any tax cut if you were a real deficit hawk. you wouldn't have the offset in revenue. there's always an accommodation. >> i think the best argument i've heard for this -- not the best. the argument you hear time and again, and karoun can correct
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me. she talks to more members than i do. the argument i hear again and again on this is we have to do something before 2018, which say very interesting argument for a large-scale tax cut that would add -- you know, in normal circumstance would add $1.4 trillion to the debt and according to neutral observers would not -- again, would not be that middle class tax cut that donald trump has promised time and time again. >> karoun, is that what you hear, something is better than nothing? >> the party needs a win, right? the party needs to do something, get something on the board. had they manage to be more successful in any of the agenda items before this point there wouldn't be quite as much pressure. this is complicated. chris, if you're going to be a real stickler on the deficit you won't be able to vote for any tax reform cuts, why is it hard to get tax reform done? it's a difficult thing. the idea that this would be an easy decision or easy compromise
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is belie d by the fact that we'e taken so long to get to this point. always when talking about tax rates, tax shifts, last time was new year's, past the 11th hour sort of negotiations scenario. so, yeah, they want a win badly. are they willing to basically eat what their positions have been for the last several years in order to get it? that's the question. >> that's always the problem with the proposed magic giveback at the end of this process, which is the mandate, chris cillizza. mulvaney talking to jake tapper on his sunday show saying if the mandate doesn't work, we'll take it back. we want it it in. it's not that easy. they are depending on revenue shift from withdrawing the mandate to make the deficit people a little bit more comfortable. >> that's 100% right. >> because they're going to get a lot of money. now you're going to give them one more reason not to like it. >> yeah. look, make no mistake. yes, the individual mandate repeal is in there because it's been a priority.
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but it's really in there because it's a way to save money. it saves $338 billion, which makes the -- what you have to swallow, if you are a republican deficit hawk, slightly smaller with this bill. but, yes, look, the problem with complex bills is that they're complex. you pull one string over here and you -- maybe you gain someone, but you likely lose someone. you shift the individual mandate out i have a hard time believing rand paul who is a yes on this bill, stays as a yes. and that's the problem. for every one addition, there's at least one sub tractitraction. that's the difficult math here. >> the balance sheeting you're doing at this point on the bill, you have to remember these are people, especially when you're talking about 13 million people basically losing their health insurance. that matters in a macro sense. but that matters looking down the barrel of a next election. with this individual mandate
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repeal to use that to go after the people who are disadvantaged, which include a lot of trump supporters in parts of the country. >> how does that continue into the continuing resolution? do you think they can cut a deal on time and money? none of them benefits from a shutdown at this point. what about daca, temporary residency program affecting the haitians, do you think those get folded in? >> i think that that is -- it's going to be a lift for some of those, right? especially because you have more of a -- you have a daca deadline that is a few months out. to think they're going to be able to tie together all the loose ends into this particular cr, you may end up seeing a far more short-term extension. they have to work out daca, temporary protected status, the defense spending, they have to work out a fairly critical surveillance program reauthorization. and a lot of things will basically take some -- it's
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going to be some gnashing of teeth to get these things resolved. december 8th deadline is approaching and you may need to buy yourself more time to work out the more critical issues, daca being at the top of the list. >> karoun, chris, thank you very much to help us understand what we'll be watching today on capitol hill. and join us tonight for a cnn debate on tax reform. jake tapper and dana bash moderate this debate with bernie sanders, ted cruz, tim scott and maria cantwell. lots of different voices tonight at 9:00 on cnn. >> the president going back to the game of division. reviving a racial slur to attack a political foe. that's what it is when you call elizabeth warren pocahontas. that's what it is. do you know who says that? native americans say that. it wasn't the only sensitivity on display at this ceremony. you're looking at another one right now. we'll explain.
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you were here long before any of us were here. although we have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago. they call her pocahontas. but, you know what? i like you because you are special. >> context. the president was there to celebrate navajo veterans who helped during world war ii to decr create a code that would enemy could not understand. he took the opportunity to called senator warren pocahon s pocahontas. you can't make it up.
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one slight at a time. karoun, is calling elizabeth warren pocahontas a slur? >> yes, basically. i mean it -- to invoke the name of pocahontas generally is to talk about an historical figure. it was to take a dig at elizabeth warren first time because she talked about her native american credentials before the senate campaign. trump has owned this so much it's about people forget about the things that led up to it almost because he has used it to describe the senator in a disparaging way. that is using an ethnic term to describe someone. at least character of slur, because it describes an historical figure. if the president thought he was being funny, it's the wrong context certainly to be funny. the public opinion has
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adjudicated this one. people don't find it funny. they find it offensive. why he's bringing it up again is something he can only explain. >> chris, we had the president of navajo nation on, saying he found it disparaging, disrespectful and so what does this mean? i mean, look, a population is disrespected. what does president trump do about that? >> i just -- so, i was watching yesterday. and we heard that he may have said something. i just -- i don't know why he does these things. >> yes, you do. >> i mean, in a way i do, chris. you're right. i think what he does is he is, by nature, sort of a bully. he is someone who has built his campaign and his candidacy and his presidency on name calling and on insults. it's the only way that he knows how to interact with people. i think karoun is right, he was playing for laughs.
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why he thought that would go over well in that group, i don't know. my guess is he used it many times on the campaign trail and always got a laugh. i'm sure there were some people who heard him say it yesterday and laughed. i'm sure those same people think that we are overreacting in the media to this. it's just -- it's just name calling, insults, grade-school bullying. i don't know what else to call it. and that the man who is -- at least the man in the position that we have traditionally looked to for moral and sort of broader leadership in the country chooses again and again and again to take the low road in every possible circumstance, you know, i think is at this point trump's legacy in the white house. and i think it will have a damaging effect well beyond the
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four, eight years that he is in office. >> all right. >> i know that's super depressing. but i don't know how else to put it. >> i know. >> you can't -- you can't continually engage in -- do you remember when he said i'm going to be so presidential you'll be bored? the theory was that donald trump is being this kind of name calling bully. but once he wins the nomination, he'll stop. once he wins the presidency, he will stop. once he's beyond his first 100 days, he'll stop. this is it. this is who the person is. and this is a great example of that. you're in an event honoring native americans who helped us win world war ii by developing a code that the germans couldn't decipher. and in that, you used that opportunity to make an aside about a political opponent by referring to her in a derogatory tone. who does that? >> it's an insensitivity.
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karoun, the portrait that was there, andrew jackson. >> yeah. >> probably attributable to poor advance work and lack of forsight. they put andrew jackson in the oval office why? for native americans he invokes an ugly image of the trail of tears. did they think it through? obviously not. otherwise they wouldn't have -- >> you think this one is o oblivi ous but the other is deliberate? >> if my intention is to celebrate the navajo americans who helped you wouldn't intentionally disrespect them while celebrating them. >> but he intentionally used the slur. >> but his intention wasn't to celebrate warren. if he were there to celebrate warren he wouldn't build in an insult.
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>> let's be charitable and say chris is right, the intention was to be respectful and honor the code talkers and the intention was not to distract from that. this is an administration that really has to worry about dog whistles. this is the thing. they've been caught on this front many different occasions where racial tones are in play. if they didn't want to make these mistakes, they have to think about what may be perceived as a mistake. it's not the first time we've seen this administration sort of liebling, wait, did they mean to indicate that about -- you know, this is a ceremony honoring code talkers, honoring native americans and you've got andrew jackson portrait hanging there. when you have these issues, pocahontas name thrown out there it recalls the president's charlottesville rally comments and things like that. or people wondering in the campaign how they felt about jews. it creates issues that the president has to clean up,
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that's not what i meant. don't set things up in a way -- part of the advanced planning would be let's not step in that if we're not meaning to step in that. that's the situation you've got right now when you're talking about what went on there. that's for the advance team, what's the backdrop? maybe not andrew swraksen's portrait. also for the president f you're going to make a joke about pocahontas, make it more self depr depra krc depricate iing than you did. >> he doesn't do self depricating. >> exactly. >> here is sarah sanders, the suppress secretary, trying to explain it. >> why did he feel the need to say something as offensive to many people while honoring the navajo code talkers? these genuine american heroes? >> what most people find offensive is senator warren lying about her heritage to
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advance her career. >> it was a racial slur. what is your response to that? >> i think that's a ridiculous response. >> i like when white people get to decide what members of minorities find offensive. it's a whole other problem. you had the head of the nava swrchlt o nation saying i think it's a slur. i think it's offensive. that ends that discussion. trump says something that's a divisive that works with his base. that's what sanders talking about, most people -- >> it's that bubble. >> most people in that bubble believe the president that elizabeth warren was grossly misstating her heritage. then you get this spin from the white house. chris? >> yes. and look, again, there are people who will laugh at that, who will be like, haha, elizabeth warren, she claimed she was 1/32 native american. no question people will laugh about that and revel in the fact that people like me say, wow,
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that seems like a bridge too far for donald trump. just because it works doesn't make it right. i mean i think we have to keep returning to that. yes, there is absolutely political strategy in this sort of racially coded language that donald trump regularly speaks and that karoun is mentioning that you could dismiss once, twice. 15 times it's hard to say that he just bungled into it, that it was accidental. it doesn't make it right for the president of the united states to speak in those terms. even if it works in a political context with his base, which everyone on this panel, everyone on this network agrees -- i think most people on this earth agree -- it does work. people will think that's a great line. >> that's why he did the "access hollywood" thing. >> it's not the thing for the president of all the people to do. >> "access hollywood" has come
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back with a vengeance because "the new york times" has mentioned a couple of times to some people that he didn't think the tape was authentic after, of course, we all heard it with our own lying ears and he apologized for it and said i said it and i apologize. so much so that yesterday, "access hollywood" had to come out and one of the hosts, natalie morales had to say for the record that tape is real and here was sarah sanders, trying to explain it yesterday. >> the president addressed this. this was litigated and certainly answered during the election by the overwhelming support for the president, the fact that he's sitting here in the oval office today. what he didn't like and what he found troubling were the accounts that are being reported now. >> so, kar, will he stop telling people privately that he questions this authenticity? >> no.
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first of all i don't envy sarah sanders in her job, having to explain the president going off script on all these things. if he has decided to discount there's a tape that does not seem to be doctored at all that he, himself, went on television and said -- did a public televised apology, saying that was all fake? this is a president that tweets publicly about fake news even when the facts support what it is. if he has already taken for the last year to tell people this is not a real thing. i think the tape was doctored. there are people who will believe that despite the evidence -- >> that's why the example matters so much. >> right. >> sometimes there is nuance, context that gives a little bit of space for maneuvering, like the pocahontas thing. the reason you have to stay on this one, at least for a little while, is it is a naked attempt. it is only a pure and distilled
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version of what the president does when at his arguable worst. it is a lie. it is a calculated lie. it is to deceive a group of the population that he hopes believes it. and it is a window into, well, what else will he do this about? that's why you call it out. does the tape really matter? no. it was voted on. sanders is right. people voted for trump anyway. regrettable to some, maybe. but that's the reality. if he will lie about something that is so clearly demonstrably false what else will he use this tactic on? >> it's notable he's been doing it for so long. you can't just say it's a reaction to the hypocrisy argument. it's been going on for a while. >> karoun, chris, thank you very much. a little tuesday treat here on "new day."
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we need someone's take about these issues, pocahontas, "access hollywood," who better than the handsome face on your screen? anthony scaramucci? >> is that the way this interview is going to go, you two complementing each other on your italian handsomeness? >> saying italian handsomeness is redundant. >> roy moore saying he has never met the women who have accused him as sexually assaulting them as teenagers. one excuser has a yearbook with his signature. why won't she turn it over? her attorney gloria allred is here next. that counts. it's a phone for mom. okay, well, it's also that counts, too. no, the network. is inside the phone? around the phone. awarded network ever. count on it. here you go. as the network it's on. so give the best unlimited for four lines.
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embattled republican senate nominee roy moore trying to defend himself against accusations of molestation and misconduct. these allegations are completely false. they're malicious. specifically, i do not know any of these women nor have i engaged -- have i ever engaged
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in sexual misconduct with any woman. >> joining us now, victims' rights attorney gloria allred. she represents a woman who says roy moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old. can you even prove that he knows her, that he knows these women? >> first of all there have been a lot of misleading staples coming out of the campaign. the first was that the old hickory house where my client, beverly young-nelson alleges that she was a waitress when she was 15 and 16 years old never even existed or didn't exist at that time. >> that's what he said? >> well, that's what defenders of roy moore have said. then good reporters found through the public records in the library that, in fact, the old hickory house was a restaurant at the time that beverly said that she worked there. so, that one has been completely
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demol iss demolished. and also cnn, through the good reporting i saw hours ago, had several women who alleged that they worked there and had seen roy moore there. >> that brings us to the yearbook, right? at your press conference with beverly nelson, you presented to prove that she knew him and that, in fact, he wrote this sort of affectionate sort of inappropriate note to her when she was 16. he and his lawyers have called that into question, saying the signatures don't match. he wouldn't have signed his name that way. there are inconsistencies and have asked you to turn it over to a third party. the one on the bottom is the one in the yearbook. the other ones are his signature from 2017 and 1999 and he says that that da you see in the 1999 one was his assistant so that the bottom one was forged later, basically, is his contention. he wants you to turn it over to
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a third party expert analysis. will you do that? >> we immediately said if the united states senate select committee on ethics would hold a hearing, we would be very happy to turn the yearbook over to have it examined by an independent -- >> why does it have to be that premise? he's not a senator. >> i said or the united states senate select committee on ethics. i wrote a letter to both committees two weeks ago, asking them to hold a hearing. you're right. he's not yet a united states senator. he may never be a united states senator. >> right. so why -- >> having said that i have spoken to a former united states senator and on sunday to a former very key member of the republican congress, both of whom said you're absolutely right, gloria. if the committees wanted to have a hearing now even before he's elected or even if he's never elected but is a candidate, they could do so.
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it's politics. they can hold a hearing if they want to talk about whether a hangnail was caused by nafta. they could do it. >> if they don't do it, what's plan b? >> wait a second. here is what i'm saying. i said two weeks ago if the committee would hold a hearing, not only would we give it to them to have an independent examiner examine it, but our client, beverly, will voluntarily testify under oath. and if, as and when, she testifies, she will testify to the fact that that statement, his signature, was written by him but we also want the committee to subpoena him. >> i understand. >> he has not at all said to any reporter, at least no reporter has reported it, that he would testify under oath. >> if no senate committee takes this on, can't you just go to a third party handwriting analyst to solve this?
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>> we could. but the key person is roy moore. and let me just say one other misleading statement that roy moore said. because in a letter to sean hannity, he said, well, our client, beverly nelson, he said, appeared before me. before me was the quote in the letter, which i'm sure -- >> during the divorce proceeding. >> during the divorce proceeding. since he said that, her alabama divorce attorney from the time has said publicly and to me that she never appeared before roy moore because the case -- they sec siel reconciled without going before him. >> there are inconsistencies. >> you can call them inconsistencies if you wish to be kind. i would rather not call them inconsistencies. they were misleading statements. >> a neutral third party and looking at the handwriting in the yearbook, wouldn't that
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help? >> again if he's willing to testify under oath, yes. >> without that. in the absence of that, will you turn it over? >> when you say in the absence of that, it's not just a footnote. this is extremely important. and if he is elected, clearly the senate select committee on ethics will hold a hearing. >> fine. but before that. >> at that time there will be testimony not just by my client. i expect others as well. >> this would be good information for voters to have before that. >> it would be good. >> authentic signature in the yearbook. why not turn it over? >> it would be very good information for them to have, to know whether roy moore is willing to raise his hand and testify under oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help him god, did he, in fact, assault beverly? did he, in fact, assault leigh corfman who says when she was 14 years old she was assaulted. will the voters believe women
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who allege that they were assaulted, when they were children, under the age of majority or will they accept the denial of one powerful man? >> the election is in two weeks. so you still have a chance this these two weeks, will he turn it over to somebody other than -- >> and so does he. >> understood. >> i want him to do what my client, beverly, says that she is willing to do. testify under oath. we've heard nothing. the silence is deafening as to whether he is willing to take the oath and testify truthfully. >> gloria allred thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. >> we'll see what happens there in december. chris? holiday shoppers are spending big money, especially online. we have the record-breaking cyber monday figures. what do they mean for you next. e of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car
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lower back pain. is that where you keep your wallet? there could be a connection. chief business correspondent, christine romans in our money center with more. you talked it up and, boy, did my family respond. >> all the hype turned out to be right. americans spent $6.6 billion online, and that's a billion more than last year. americans shopped on their desk tops and tablets and especially their phones. smartphone purchases hit a record 1.6 billion. adobe predicts americans will spend $100 billion online over the holidays. the amazon affect, if you will,
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amazon stock cross the $1,200 a share for the first time ever yesterday, and it signals over all strength in the economy, and consumer confidence is strong and jobs are plentiful, and the gdp has grown 3%. he cheered strong new home sales and pushed for tax cuts to keep it going. it's true the economy is doing well and it's happening on trump's watch, credit there. it's also due the way it began before his election, and there's the debate of how much is inherited and how much is he propelling forward. the nfl drops the hammer on the two in the brawl. >> broncos are suspended two
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games without pay as a result of the fight we showed you yesterday, pending two games means missing out on $12.1 million for talib. and popovich unleashed. two fouls and an ejection for arguing the referee that gave the ball to a mavs player, and another fine as well. pitched a fake story about roy moore to the "washington post," but a clue she left online had reporters take a look at her real story. what was discovered. you have got to see this.
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by james o'keefe that backfired. the "washington post" says this woman, identified as jamie phillips, approached the paper about three weeks ago, falsely claiming that senate gop nominee impregnated her as a teenager. due to fact checking, in a subsequent interview, reporters pressed phillips about the online post and explained that she was being video recorded. >> do you still have an interest in working in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and the state of the liberal msn, is that still your interests? >> no, not really. not at this point. >> she claimed the job was with
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the "daily caller." during previous conversations "the posts" said phillips pressed reporters to give their opinions on the affects her story could have on moore's candidacy. >> i know you have been in contact with other people, and you have been in contact with the roy moore campaign or steve bannon or breitbart? >> no, not at all. >> however, on monday reporters for the posts saw phillips with the organization that uses fake stories and secret recordings to try and discredit -- >> did you send her to pose as a victim of roy moore? >> i have to run. but we will get in touch with you, okay. >> the project founder james o'keefe refusing to answer
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repeated questions. >> did you send her to approach the "washington post" under a false name and fake story? if you are not going to answer that question, we're done. >> i'm disappointed. >> the newspaper stinging the supposed sting artist, deciding to public off the record details, saying the so-called off the record conversation was the essence of a scheme to embarrass us. >> making up a sexual assault allegation, trying to discredit the real women who have come forward, alisyn, it's hard to think of anything lower than that, and in this case an attempt to hurt the "washington post" backfired in a bad way. >> they are not following the rules of journalism, and they are trying to snag people in provocative sting operations. it's an attempt to expose media
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bias, they say, but it's an anti-journalism effort, they are trying to tear journalism down. but it backfired. >> thank you. we are following a lot of news this morning, so let's get right to it. republican senators scrambling to shore up support ahead of a critical committee vote. >> i think the tax bill is doing well. >> as the bill stands i would be a "no" vote. >> we have a representative in congress, and they call her pocahontas. >> president trump couldn't even make it through a ceremony to honor these men without throwing in a racial slur. >> he has been a very strong friend of the native american since he has been in office. >> this was their day, and he crapped all over it being an insult comic, and i feel sorry
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for those guys. >> owe, what a beautiful day. looking up the hudson here on tuesday morning. it's tuesday, november 28th, 8:00 in the east. just a few hours and we will have a critical day beginning for the senate's gop tax bill. trump is going to rally skeptical republicans. that's the plan. the senate budget committee will vote to advance that plan or will be stuck. how will two of the biggest gop candidates be there today. >> a white house ceremony honoring a group of native american war heroes. listen to this. >> you were here long before any of us were here, although we have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago, and they call her pocahontas. >> the backdrop


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