tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN December 3, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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♪ ♪ twitter tirade. donald trump takes aim at the fbi and doesn't stop there. military muscle. u.s. fighter jets begin joint military drills with south korea. and a city divided. the u.s. considers a major policy change with jerusalem. hello and welcome to viewers here in the united states and of course all around the world. i'm rosemary church, and this is "cnn newsroom." donald trump begins the week with a dark cloud over the white
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house. the russia investigation is zeroing in on his inner circle. and now investigators at the fbi are furious with him. on sunday, the president tweeted this. after years of comey with a phony and dishonest clinton investigation and more running the fbi, its reputation is in tatters. worst in history. but fear not, we will bring it back to greatness. james comey, the fbi director until donald trump fired him later tweeted this message, quoting himself from senate testimony he gave in june. i want the american people to know this truth. the fbi is honest. the fbi is strong. and the fbi is and always will be independent. the president's tweet about the fbi came after a report that special counsel robert mueller had removed an fbi agent from his team for possibly having bias against mr. trump. now this also comes after the president's former national
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security adviser michael flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi about conversations with a russian official. now flynn says he is cooperating with the russia investigation. now meanwhile, the president's lawyer says he drafted a tweet that brings up questions about what mr. trump knew about michael flynn's lies to the fbi and when. jeremy diamond has the details. >> reporter: well, the president is especially active on social media this weekend after his former national security adviser michael flynn plead guilty to charging of lying to the fbi. he he is now cooperating with federal investigators. and all of that of course is casting a pale over this white house. the president clearly stewing over this investigation over the weekend. but one of the tweets that he put out, his personal attorney john dowd is now claiming that it was not in order by the president, but authored by this attorney, john dowd himself. this tweet, though, is the one that has caused the most problems for the white house
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this weekend because it has once again raised the specter of obstruction of justice. in this tweet, the president appeared to suggest that he knew that michael flynn, his national security adviser had lied to the fbi while he was still a senior white house official. but now the president's attorney john dowd signaling that the president did not in fact know that. and that the tweet was simply an attempt for the white house to continue to try to put some distance it seems between michael flynn and the president. this of course has dominated the weekend. but it's a weekend during which the president should perhaps instead be celebrating. the senate of course on friday night passed a tax reform bill, the first major legislative accomplishment of this president's time in office so far. but now again he will head into this next week as the senate and the house seek to reconcile those two bills instead with this investigation once again looming over his head. >> well, after that tweet about michael flynn's firing, democrats were asking some tough
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questions, mainly if president trump knew flynn was lying about his russian contacts, why didn't he do something about it earlier. >> this president has been obsessed with this investigation, always saying there is nothing there. but each week another shoe drops where we see more evidence of continuing outreach from russians and some response from the trump campaign or trump individuals. in the case of flynn, you have somebody who is top security adviser, then is national security adviser. have a series of contacts with russian officials beginning in early december with the president's son-in-law asking for back channel connections to russia. then efforts to try to intervene in american politics before they take over in terms of backing russia off from a u.n. vote over israel, then trying to get russia to back off in terms of response to president obama's sanctions. and now the president somehow saying he didn't -- he fired
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flynn because he knew flynn was lying. if he knew that then, why didn't he act on it earlier? it raise as whole series of additional questions. >> meanwhile, the top democrat on the senate judiciary committee dianne feinstein says president trump will likely be facing an obstruction of justice case. i think what we're beginning to see is the beginning of putting together a case of obstruction of justice. i see it in the hyper frenetic attitude of the white house, the continual tweets, and i see it most importantly in what happened with the firing of director comey. and it is my belief that that is directly because he did not agree to lift the cloud of the russia investigation. that's obstruction of justice.
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joining me now is cnn legal analyst page pate. page, always great to have you on the show. thanks. let's start with that controversial tweet from president trump that's caused quite a legal firestorm. and of course he sent this out. this was about the firing of his former national security adviser michael flynn, a tweet that the president's lawyer john dowd now says he wrote. and this is what it says. "i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi." that's a critical part. "he has plead guilty to those lies. it is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. there was nothing to hide." so page, when you read that tweet, what do you think of the legal ramifications for the president, and how does that change now that we understand john dowd, his lawyer wrote that tweet? >> well, first the tweet itself. i think it was incredibly --
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surely there wasn't a strategy behind it, because it's harmful. it's not helpful ought all. di saying he fired flynn because he lied to the president and fbi, president trump, is he is basically admitting he was ah wear that flynn had committed a federal crime at the time he talked to james comey and said you need to let him go. so if trump is aware that flynn committed a federal crime and is trying to lean on the fbi director to not prosecute him, that can be obstruction of justice. the other thing that is interesting about this tweet is he claims flynn's conduct was lawful and he had nothing to hide. but that raises the question why did he lie? why would you go to the fbi, make a false statement, face five years in prison if you hadn't done anything wrong there must be a reason behind this. and because of this tweet now i think that's what the special counsel is going to be investigating. >> i want to come back to that. but before we leave this specific tweet, some people are raising doubts as to whether
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john dowd really did send that tweet out. and we don't know, of course. but i do want to read this out from walter shaub. he is the former director of the office of government ethics and a cnn contributor. and he said this. i dare you to tell mueller you logged in to the president's twitter account and wrote "plead", pled and the rest of that, john dowd. i dare you. do you think president trump did? does it matter legally if it came out of the president's account? >> let's assume for a second that dowd wrote it. i don't think it comes down to whether he said plead or pleaded. i've been a criminal defense lawyer. euse pled. i don't use plead. we use pled all the time.
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that's not too surprising a lawyer could actually have written that does it matter? well, it matters if dowd was the one to say it. but that's not who said it. we know even if it was drafted by someone else, it went out under the president's twitter account. the president has adopted that as his statement. even if somebody else prepared it for him, helped him write it, talked to him about it, ultimately he will be held accountable, the president will, for things he puts on his twitter feed if he adopts that as a statement. >> and as a lawyer, look do you think the road, what's the legal jeopardy here? >> well, it's obstruction, un l number one. if the special counsel's office decides trump was having that meeting with james comey in an attempt to keep him from further investigating flynn, and we know the special counsel office is looking into that meeting. they've interviewed several people who had knowledge of the meeting. they probably talked to james comey about it. if the special counsel's office thinks the point of the meeting was to obstruct the
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investigation, that's possibly a crime. the other thing that could be interesting, as the investigators are talking to people in the white house, they may be getting two different stories. we know that jared kushner has said things about his discussions with michael flynn during the transition period that now michael flynn may be saying something inconsistent. so the false statement crime that we saw michael flynn plead guilty to could pop up again to somebody else. >> what is your gut feeling legally as to what might happen? >> i don't think -- and i wrote something for on this. i don't think that the president or really anyone in his family will ultimately be prosecuted and sent to prison over this particular conduct. there may have been a logan act violation. and that's a lou luau that we -- it's on the books here in the u.s. but no one has effectively been prosecuted for it. even if the president obstructed justice, it's really hard constitutionally to indict a sitting president and remove him from office. the only way this will have any consequence at all for trump is if he is impeached. and i think ultimately the
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special counsel's investigation, that may be the ultimate impact. because they're going review the evidence. they melee out a case of obstruction. and then serve it up on a silver platter to congress and say you want to do something about it, it's really in your court. >> page pate, always great to get your legal analysis. many thanks. >> thank you. and you may remember the "access hollywood" tape in which then presidential candidate donald trump used lewd language just weeks before the election. >> i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. it's automatic. just kiss. and when you're a star that. >> let you do it. you can do anything. >> well, now former "access hollywood" host billy bush is breaking his silence after reports that president trump doubts the authenticity of that tape. but bush has written a "new york times" op-ed that says in part president trump is currently indulging in some revisionist
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history reportedly telling allies, and at least one united states senator that the voice on the tape is not his. this has hit a raw nerve in me. i can only imagine how it has reopened the wounds of the women who came forward with their stories him and did not receive enough attention. just a portion there of what billy bush had to say in his op-ed. now on to another story we're following very closely. for the first time, the u.s. is sending some of its newest stealth fighter jets to join aerial drills with south korea. as expected, north korea is condemning the annual exercises as a provocation, which could lead to war. less than a week ago, pyongyang tested what it claims to be its most advanced ballistic missile ever. cnn's paula hancocks joins us from seoul, south korea. paula, do these joint air drills signal any move towards some level of war footing on the part of the u.s., given white house national security adviser h.r. mcmaster insists the u.s. and
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north korea are close to war? >> well, rosemary, we've had an update from u.s. forces korea in just the past couple of hours. and they have specified that this drill, which is annual, is not in relation to anything that is happening at this point. it's not in response to anything that's happening on the korean peninsula. also saying it's comparable in size to previous years. but this is 230 aircraft, 12,000 personnel. it is a sizable joint air force drill between the u.s. and the south koreans. but of course the one point that is interesting, you alluded to it there in the introduction was the fact that these f-22 raptors, these top of the line stealth fighters are right now on the korean peninsula, or flying around the korean peninsula. these are the sort of planes that could potentially according to experts be leading any kind of strike militarily on north korea should it degenerate to that kind of situation.
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they're the sort of stealth fighters that north korea wouldn't know about until they have hit their targets that they really are the top of the line. so that's the sort of thing that does concern north korea. we've heard from the north korean foreign ministry through state-run media that they say trump is pushing towards a nuclear war, that this is an open all act provocation, which may lead to a nuclear war at any moment. they're never happy when it comes to the joint military drills. but certainly when you have this kind of caliber of aircraft flying around the korean peninsula, it is going to put north korea on edge even more. and this guess on for next week. >> yeah. it's got the whole world on edge. what's the view from the korean peninsula? how nervous are people there? >> south koreans do have an incredible ability to carry on business as usual. this is a threat from north korea that they've been living under for many decades now. north korea has been able to hit
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seoul for many decades there are hundreds of artillery units along the dmz pointing towards south korea. so from that point of view, there is nothing new when it comes to the threat. the icbm, of course, is now threatening the united states. this is what we saw last week from north korea, very carefully monitored and guided by the north korean leader kim jong un. the fact that this was the highest altitude ever recorded for a north korean missile is putting american officials on edge. h.r. mcmaster as well, saying that the time is rung out to be able to dale with it. in that respect, yes. that would concern south koreans more. certainly the rhetoric we've been hearing from both sides from the u.s. and from the north korean side about, you know, this is pushing the peninsula closer to nuclear war. of course, that impacts south korea first and foremost. that impacts south koreans. but this country does have an amazing ability to just carry on as they are. they have to live their lives.
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this is a risk they've been living under for many years now. rosemary? >> that is certainly the case. paula hancocks bringing us up to date on the situation there from seoul in south korea where it is 4:15 in tavern. many thanks to you. let's take a short break here. but still to come, the u.s. could soon recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. why one key u.s. ally thinks that would be a mistake. and last month roy moore faced calls to leave alabama's senate race over allegations of sexual misconduct. still to come, why the u.s. senate majority leader now says let the voters decide. we're back with that and more in just a moment.
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embassy to jerusalem. and he is expected to announce a decision on that matter this week. on sunday, mr. trump's son-in-law and adviser jared kushner signaled the president has not yet made up his mind. >> the president is going to make his decision. >> he hasn't made his decision? >> he is still looking at a lot of different facts. and that when he makes his decision, he'll be the one to want to tell you, not me. so he'll make sure he does that at the right time. >> now the dispute over jerusalem goes back decades. and as cnn's ian lee report, its residents are still deeply divided. . >> reporter: palestinian officials have been in washington to pressure the trump administration to not move the u.s. embassy. they're also working with other middle east leaders to support them. plo secretary one of the meeting officials in washington said any announcement would mean the united states disqualifying
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itself from any role in future peace talks. israeli officials have not commented on the latest reports, but they have enthusiastically advocated for the move in the past. but on the streets of jerusalem, we found a stark divide. at one level, it's a city like any other. people sell. people buy. normal life. but jerusalem's old city is special, and this is the best vantage point, here on the mount of olives. the dome of the rock in all its magnificence. a holy site for muslims. behind it, if you know where to look, the church of the holy sepulcher. built on the site where many christians believe christ was crucified. and out of sight from this vantage point, the western wall. holy to jews, supporting the mount where the temple once stood. it's not jerusalem's significance that's in dispute. it's its status.
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after nearly 20 years divided by barbed wire, israeli forces took control of the whole city east and west in 1967. the international community did not recognize what israel called the unification of jerusalem. embassies stayed in tel aviv. and east jerusalem was accepted by the international community as the capital of a future palestinian state in a negotiated settlement between israelis and palestinians. this area is called abu tor. and it's a bit of a rarity in jerusalem. that's because it's a mixed neighborhood. people who live on this part of the street identify as palestinians. >> inside i am palestinian. and i'm a muslim. and i'm proud about that. >> translator: i don't think
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it's a successful step to move the embassy, hamid tells me. and it's not the time to do it. but the israelis and the americans have other agendas that we can't change. a bit further down the road, and let's talk to some folks here. >> i'm an israeli woman. i live in jerusalem. i love jerusalem. >> reporter: palestinians say they want east jerusalem to be part of their capital. what do you think about that? >> i don't like to talk this. i think jerusalem is israeli for jewish. >> reporter: what are your thoughts on the united states moving the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem? >> great, great. first of all, it's not going to be a palestinian country. and it always was israel. >> reporter: some israelis who didn't want to be on camera told us they don't support moving the embassy. whatever president trump announces, the position of the vast majority of the international community remains clear. east jerusalem is considered occupied territory.
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all settlements are illegal. their view likely won't change quickly, even if the u.s. embassy changes addresses. we're also watching u.s. diplomatic missions. they have increased security ahead of any potential announcement. i was outside the u.s. embassy in cairo when protesters attacked it in 2012, and that was over an inflammatory video. it's unclear what the reaction would be if any were president trump to move the embassy to jerusalem. ian lee, cnn, jerusalem. u.s. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is walking back his call for roy moore to step aside from the alabama senate race. in november, mcconnell said he believed the sexual misconduct allegations against moore. now he is taking a wait and see approach. >> i think we're going to let the people of alabama decide a week from tuesday who they want to send to the senate. and then we'll address the matter appropriately.
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>> do you believe that judge moore should be in the senate? >> i'm going to let the people of alabama make the call with this election. it's been going on a long time there is a lot of discussion about it. they're going make the decision a week from tuesday. >> but you are prepared to take action if he is indeed elected? the ethics committee will have to consider the matters that have been litigated in the campaign should that particular candidate win. >> and it does appear this scandal is hurting roy moore's support among some voters. in the latest "washington post" poll, democratic rival doug jones leads more by three percentage points. well, despite the tweets, the media reports and the opinions, the u.s. probe into russian meddling marches on with a look at what's next in robert mueller's investigation. plus, it's deal day for the british prime minister. she is looking for a brexit breakthrough at a crunch meeting in the coming hours. we'll show you why so much is at stake. that's still to come.
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because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. a very warm welcome back. u.s. viewers here in the united states and of course all around the world, i'm rosemary church. let's update you on the main stories we've been following this hour. the u.s. and south korea have begun schedule aerial drills on the korean peninsula. as expected, north korea is condemning the exercises. they come less than a week after pyongyang tested a ballistic missile which flew higher and longer than ever before. white house national security adviser h.r. mcmaster says time is running out to prevent a war with north korea. donald trump's lawyer john
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dowd said he wrote the controversial tweet, claiming the president fired national security adviser michael flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi. that could mean mr. trump knew flynn had lied to the fbi about conversations with russia's u.s. ambassador. remember, the president supposedly asked former fbi director james comey to go easy on flynn, which could be seen as obstructing justice. and the top democrat on the senate judiciary committee says sees an obstruction of justice case developing against president trump. dianne feinstein pointed to his firing of james comey saying she believes that came after comey refused to lift the cloud of the russia investigation. and that investigation headed up by special counsel robert mueller still likely has a long way to go. so what's the next step? this week investigators will keep targeting donald trump's inner circle.
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shimon pro shimon has the details. >> the special counsel now has at least two people who are cooperating and providing information to investigators on the russia probe. next week's expect white house communications director hope hicks to be interviewed by the special counsel investigators. now she is key for investigators in the obstruction probe. she is said to be close to the president and was aboard air force one and helped draft a misleading statement from the president about a meeting that donald trump jr. helped put together from a russian woman claiming to have dirt on hillary clinton. now that meeting taking place at trump tower. so naturally, the special counsel has now included that into their probe into russia meddling, and whether or not anyone on the campaign or people close to the president were part of that. the next big question obviously is who else could perhaps face charges. who else will cooperate perhaps or indict. and that all still remains to be
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seen. and now with michael flynn's cooperation, it opens doors and avenues for the special counsel that he may have not had before michael flynn. all this in spite what some who are close to the president are saying that the investigation is winding down. it certainly doesn't appear that that is the case. especially now that we have michael flynn, the former national security adviser and someone who was close to the president cooperating in the investigation. >> all right. well, president trump's tweets threaten to overshadow friday's senate victory on tax reform. let's take a closer look at the statements, and of course the fallout. we're joined by amy green, political science researcher and professor in paris. thank you so much for being with us. so president trump slammed both the department of justice and the fbi in a tweet storm over the weekend. but perhaps the most controversial tweet was the one that admitted he had to fire his
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former national security adviser, michael flynn because he lied to both the vice president and critically the fbi. so according to this tweet, mr. trump appears to suggest he knew all along flynn lied to the fbi, although it has to be said his lawyer, john dowd now says he was the author of that tweet. nonetheless, what are the political and legal ramifications of just such an admission? >> right. if it's deemed to be obstruction of justice is part of the mueller investigation, sorry, of course the legal ramifications are significant. i think here, you know, you see president trump's entourage. you see his lawyer trying to save face at this point because the president was undisciplined, probably not following his legal advice. so essentially what we don't know today is whether or not mueller is trying to build a case for obstruction of justice with the president himself, or for members of his entourage, or if he is simply trying to build a case which he can later give
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to the house for impeachment hearings. the question is we don't know what the legal ramifications are today. but obviously on the heels of that tweet, we saw a number of commenters, pundits, legal experts sounding the alarm that this does sound considerably like admission of guilt and obstruction of justice. in any case, some kind of fear from the president. >> of course we don't know, as you say what robert mueller's planning here. but in the wake of this, democrat dianne feinstein says an obstruction of justice case is developing against president trump. is that what we are seeing, do you think? >> yeah. i mean, i think what we're seeing is this investigation is constantly going closer and closer to the president. i think what you're seeing is a mounting pile of evidence or a mounting number of actions that show that the president is more worried about this than he lets off. of course you see tweets like the fbi is in tatters, which is just a way to try to deflect
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attention, reframe the truth, if you will. so in any case, i think what we're seeing is a president and an administration, an entourage increasingly fearful of what's happening. and of course demonstrating through that that mueller is clearly doing his job of not showing his hand too early, hitting the president where it counts and demonstrating that flynn, for example, plead guilty to one count of lying to federal agents. but of course that could just simply be and is most likely the tip of the iceberg in terms of what mueller must have on him. >> we're watching the fallout of the twitter storm over the weekendment we're also learning that mr. trump has been questioning the authenticity of that "access hollywood" tape that has him bragging about sexually assaulting women. the other man heard on that tape, billy bush is now weighing in, saying this in his op-ed for "the new york times," yes, donald trump, you said that. billy bush was sacked, of course. but mr. trump was elected president. what does that tell us?
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and what will be the likely impact of bush going public with this? because now he is going to be talking to all the late night comedians. >> yeah, absolutely. it's embarrassing for the president. obviously it's great if the american people had the information about this tape before the election. donald trump was elected president nonetheless. i'm not convinced doubting the authenticity of the tape now is anything but distraction from the mueller investigation. it's a way of drudging up something that had been litigated before the american public. and we know what the outcome of that was. whether or not he is attacking or trying to reframe the truth around the fbi, around the "access hollywood" tape, it's simply a method of detracting really from what's going on. you had billy bush demonstrating or testifying or commenting publicly that the tape was real. but once again, the american public knew this. so it seems nothing more than just a simple act of distraction. and i can't say that it will change much because, again, the character and the ethics of the president were obviously made
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public to the american people prior to the election. so i'm not sure that this is really anything more than just an attempt simply to avert the eyes from what's really important. >> but since then there has been a shift in culture, hasn't there? we've all been witnessing this national reckoning over sexual harassment with the top hollywood players and tv hosts. the leader of the united states appears untouchable. why is that? >> absolutely. politics in general. you see what's going on with john conyers and nancy pelosi calling for him to step down. politics remains surprisingly -- talk about moore in alabama, outside of this cultural shift, this cultural conversation. so the question is really is exactly why it is? one of the difficulties when you talk about sexual harassment or assault allegations in politics is that it too quickly necessarily becomes a political issue. well see this with the sort of false equivalency of al franken
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versus roy moore. and you see how grave are the various cases. and it becomes politic sides. so for the case of franken, republicans want to see a democrat out of the senate to potentially replace him with another republican. you know, republican sort of ultra conservatives in alabama see the moore case as a proxy war between washington and the establishment and this up and coming sort of anti-establishment rung of the republican party. so, again, it becomes politicized which removes the power from the victim coming forward. and it makes it a political calculation. and then the discussion gets muddied into that. i think politics has remained out of the fray. unfortunately. but for now it seems to be the case. >> all right. amy greene, thank you so much for your perspective and your analysis. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and we'll take a short break. still to come, honduras is still figuring out who won last month's presidential race. the latest on the recount and protests.
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and i am a senior public safety my namspecialist for pg&e. my job is to help educate our first responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. i live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. once i moved here i didn't want to live anywhere else. i love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other people's lives. together, we're building a better california.
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welcome back, everyone. tensions continue to run high in the central american nation of honduras. a vote recount is under way. we still don't know who won the presidential election more than a week after the vote. the opposition is accusing president juan orlando hernandez of manipulating the results. the country's electoral tribunal says the people deserve a resolution. [ speaking spanish ] >> translator: we feel that the honduran people, as see we said yesterday, deserve a result. and that cannot be stopped or in the hands of any presidential candidate or in any party. and i say this in general terms.
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>> while some opposition protests have been peaceful, others including this one on saturday were more raucous. local media report multiple deaths from the protest. but the military denies any abuse of power. well, monday is looking like a make or break day for british prime minister theresa may to fulfill her brexit wish list. she is set to meet with eu leaders to hammer out the remaining issues in the so-called divorce. the eu has warned that this is the last day for britain to negotiate before they'll enter trade talks. one of the issues on the negotiating table, a type of border between northern ireland, part of the united kingdom, and the republic of ireland, which will remain in the eu. it is a hot button topic for many reasons, and nic robertson is there to show us why so much is riding on it. >> reporter: below the middletown, a tiny northern ireland village nestled against the river that tracks the irish
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border. it's home to about 300 people. ♪ silent night >> reporter: they go to church on sundays, work hard during the week. and right now they feel, well, stuck in the middle in a brexit tussle. british prime minister theresa may says the uk is leaving the eu customs union and single market, meaning the border on the edge of middle town here may get harder to cross. >> the mood always was this is a problem, but it will be sorted. and the eu and the government will get this sorted. >> reporter: but now trevor mcgill, whose family has run the village post office here for the past 40 years worries his business and the village could be harmed. >> there are many customer here is from probably 60, 70%. and many ways that supports the
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business for this local area. >> reporter: a few miles away at lindwood's food plant, boss john woods tells me his business has boomed since the peace process opened up the border 20 years ago. his milk comes from the north. the plastic milk containers from the south. he sells on both sides, employees over 300 people. but if brexit brings border control, all that could change. >> we would just have to abandon exports to the south on our dairy side. >> the border runs down the middle of our road. >> the middle of the road? >> reporter: it doesn't matter where i look here, people are struggling to make sense of brexit. tell me when we're crossing over. >> we're crossing over here now. >> reporter: fifth generation farmer lives just feet south of the border. owns fields on both sides.
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>> how do you divide it? >> what's going to happen in brexit then? if the line is down the middle of the road? >> i don't know what will happen in brexit. >> reporter: there are some 310 miles, about 500 kilometers of border with between 300 to 400 border crossings. and during northern ireland's 30 years of sectarian violence, known as the troubles, many of those crossings like this one outside francie ward's farm were blocked by the police and the army. while few here fear post brexit border patrols could trigger an immediate return to the troubles, many like john woods worry about a possible longer term economic impact on peace. >> our success after the troubles has been not only the good work done by the peacemakers, but also by increasing employment, ie lower unemployment. lower unemployment pulls in people who might otherwise see
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themselves outside the system. >> reporter: like the border, weaving its way twixt town and trees, weaving with it a troubled history. solution for the current brexit impasse seems set to be anything but straight forward. and just as laden with pitfalls. nic robertson, cnn, middle town, northern ireland. let's take another short break. still to come, it's not exactly a rare phenomenon, but it sure is gorgeous. a view of the super moon. that's next. mayer hawthorne playing ]
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come indulge in surf & turf like you've never had it before it's too late. and weekdays, create your own seafood lover's lunch for just $9.99. weraise their voice to sayo lethat this presidentle is unfit for office and needs to go. i love it! yes! yes! [ chuckles ] there it is -- over there! mcminnville, tennessee... poughkeepsie, new york... milton, indiana... chattahoochee, florida... wow... we're looking at the whole country. not just the coasts. even in utah, we're starting to realize trump has been doing things that are against our laws. i definitely worry about war. north korea. i don't want that guy's hand near the bomb. sick to my stomach. he's not the kind of person that should be running our country. the things that he does has consequences. is this going to be here for my grandchildren? he's not being held accountable. if we have the vote, like we have for election day, they will impeach him. times square is the crossroads of the world. we need everyone to go and put their name down at we need to speak up together and demand
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an end to this presidency. okay. so look at this. you may have been lucky to see this year's only visible super moon in person. if not, check out these stunning photos from all around the world. the moon shines brighter and appears to be 7% bigger than usual as it makes its closest approach to the earth in its orbit. and if you missed out on this view, don't worry. it's coming back twice in january. so mark your calendar. pedram javaheri is here. you would have been looking at lots of pictures.
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this is your thing, right? >> absolutely. you know the super moon, we're joking with our weather producer. it's super, yes. but it happens pretty frequently. >> it's pretty fantastic. it never gets old, does it? you're talking about australian winters. because there has been a few problems in victoria and tasmania. >> an incredible stretch of warm and mild temperatures. the warmest for the month of november in 130 plus years. a couple of days ago. december comes in like a lion. we're talking about 3,000 phone calls to the emergency management officials across places such as victoria in the past couple days across southern and southeastern australia. still raining at this hour across this region. nothing compared to what occurred to start off the month of december there. and of course the area here, some areas reporting that water has inundated up to the first floor of several hundred homes across this region. 30 to some 160 plus millimeters of rainfall. so say about 1 1/2 inches to
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almost 6 inches of rainfall coming down. that's more rainfall in one to two days than we've seen -- we typically would see on the entire month of december that starts off the month here after what was a dry stretch. but notice some showers across the western area west of sydney into the blue mountains there. canberra getting in on heavier rains. it won't be nearly as extensive as we saw in the last couple of days. that's good news here. and the meteorological start to summer down under. it follows with warmth really beginning to take over. look what happens in sydney. 22 celsius. shoots up to 28 celsius on thursday. that is 82 fahrenheit. so, yes, it feels like summer very quickly going in towards the weekend. opposite end of the spectrum, it is going to feel like winter quickly across the midwestern u.s. about 400,000 underneath blizzard warnings that are in place. now temps dropping like a rocket. these are in the fahrenheit for the u.s. audience here.
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20 to 30 degrees there for high temps. teens around the northern portion of the united states where it has been as mild as it comes. and sheer good perspective. 25 above normal today in places like minneapolis. in the 60s in places like chicago, rosemary. chicago will lose 30 degrees of warmth come tuesday. and that eventually makes it the southern u.s. as well. >> that's crazy. it's been so warm for this time of year. >> temperatures are changing quick. >> so it will start to feel like christmas. thank you so much, pedram. we'll talk next hour. okay. thank you. an australian member of parliament surprised his long-term partner when he proposed to him during a debate over same-sex marriage. >> so there is only one thing left to do. ryan patrick, will you marry me?
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[ applause ] . >> should record that was a yes. congratulations. >> thank you, speaker. >> well done, mate. >> record it as a yes. and he is believed to be the first member of australia's parliament to propose on the floor of the house. the legislation which will allow them to marry has been approved by the senate and is expected to pass the house this week. earlier this year, of course, australians overwhelmingly voted in favor of same-sex marriage. and thank you so much for your company this hour. i'm rosemary church. remember to connect with me any time on twitter. don't go anywhere, though. we've got another hour of news for you coming your way in just a moment. stick around. e in twos. like t-mobile and netflix. right now when you get an unlimited family plan, netflix is included. ho ho ho! t-mobile covers your netflix subscription... best christmas gift ever! you can binge watch all year long. now you're thinking christmas! and now when you buy any of this season's hot new samsung galaxy phones, you get a second one free to gift.
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12:00 am
lashing out. donald trump goes on a twitter tirade after his former national security adviser pleads guilty in the russia investigation. military might. u.s. fighter jets begin joint military drills with south korea. and lured by false promises, we will look at why so many nigeria are trapped in human trafficki trafficking. hello and welcome the our viewers joining us here in the united states and of course all around the world. i'm rosemary church and
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