tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN December 7, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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♪ just remember pearl harbor and go on to victory ♪ >> yeah! [ applause ] >> we remember, of course we remember pearl harbor and thank all the men and women and the veterans from that critically important day and all of them who saved the world during world war ii. that's it for me. thanks for watching. erin burnett outfront starts now. new evidence showing there was follow up communication about the trump tower meeting, despite donald trump jr.'s statement. trent franks anouning he is resigning. what he talked about that made two female staffers feel uncomfortable. what republicans do about roy moore. let's go out front. good evening, i'm kate bolduan in for erin burnett.
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breaki breaking news, cnn reporting about the meeting at trump tower. there were multiple e-mails following up on the june 2016 meeting from the british publicist. trump jr. said he did not follow up on the controversial meeting, but now we are learning someone did. rob goldstone, the publicist that arranged the meeting sent a follow up to trump's inner circle. in one e-mail dated june 14, 2016, five days after the trump tower meeting, he forwarded a cnn story on russia's hacking to the client, russian pop star. trump's son-in-law, jared kushner and paul manafort describing the news in the e-mail as'rely weird. they said dnc hacking was not
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brought up at the meeting, which brings us to a central question, once again. what exactly was discussed at that trump tower meeting. trump jr. said after being promised he would get dirt on hillary clinton, the brief meeting focused on the issue of russian adoptions, which means sanctions. he also insisted, there was no follow up. here is trump jr. after the fact referring to the man who arranged it. >> it wasn't follow up. there was nothing there. as we were walking out, listen, i'm sorry for that. i think what happened, he built up. there was puffery to the e-mail to get the meeting, to make it happen. yo know, in the end, there was bait and switch about what it was supposed to be about. so, you know, there is nothing there. >> there's nothing there. this news comes a day after he testified for seven hours before the house intelligence committee. he told lawmakers he did not talk directly about how to
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respond to the news reports. instead, he spoke to trump aide who is almost always by trump's side. trump jr. claimed attorney-client privilege on the conversations with his father. congresswoman, jackie speer who was at the meeting with don jr., told erin burnett, the president's son had a lot of trouble answering a number of questions. >> he has a very serious case of amnesia and he was pretty nonresponsive on a lot of issues that, frankly, you would have a recollection of. >> the follow up e-mails raised during don jr.'s interview were discovered by congressional investigators. none sent directly to trump jr. manu raju is on capitol hill. another amazing wrinkle that contradicts what trump jr. said in public. >> reporter: no question about it. the message, all along is, this is a meeting focused on russian
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adoptions and afterward, there was nothing to it. there was no follow up. no communications after that. we now know, from our reporting there were e-mails sent by rob goldstone to senior white house aide after this meeting to discuss the social media site as well as an e-mail that rob goldstone sent to a russian who attended the meeting about the dnc hack five days after that occurred, saying it was eerily weird. one course familiar with the matter down played the e-mail about the dnc hacks. look, it was because going into the meeting, they were promised dirt from the russians. it clearly did not happen at the meeting. the attorneys said they did not view the hacking discussed at the meeting. kate, these e-mails raising new
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questions about what, exactly, was discussed at the meeting is why it was under investigation for so long. >> it seems like it was long established, finally, what had been discussed. now, not so much. what of this push to get candidate trump to create a page on a russian social media networking site. >> after that trump tower meeting, rob goldstone sent an e-mail to one of president trump's closest aide and a campaign aide during the campaign season and said we should create a page under this russian social media site, vk, similar to american facebook. it said that we should do this for candidate trump, as a way to report russian americans. he said don and paul are on board with the idea, meaning donald trump jr. and paul manafort. it is uncertain how he responded to this. the white house declined to
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comment for this report, but it did show an effort by rob goldstone to try to push this idea. one source said he thought it was a cute marketing idea and trying to do it for a friend who worked on that social media site, vk. we'll see what they say when they interview him. kate? >> regardless, there were follow ups on it. former ethics lawyer is here. formal prosecutor and cnn politics editor at large, chris cillizza. now multiple follow up e-mails after the trump tower meeting. it's the first indication there was follow up at all. how significant is this, in your mind? >> proof there was follow up. many people suspected there was all along because that meeting was about the russians delivering the dirt on hillary clinton and wanting the sanctions lifted.
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this whole baby adoption thing or the adoption issue has to do with the sanctions piece of it. that was clearly the quit proquo going into the meeting. i'm not surprised to see there's a fallout. goldstone is working for the russians, they are his clients and he's following up with the trump people. all sorts of ideas about social media. we find out social media played a significant role in this election. the pieces are starting to fall into place. as the picture that we pretty much knew we had to begin with. this is collaboration, without a doubt. whether it's legal or not is something that bob mueller is going to have to find out. it was collaboration with the russians. >> patrick, i feel like i have to say, but there's more. president trump and everyone connected said as often as they could, there's no evidence of collusion or conspiracy here, no matter what. now, also coming out in our
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reporting is one of the newly released e-mails between somebody at the meeting and his son raises the question of just that. the son e-mailing and asking why don jr. would release the e-mails that led up to this meeting. that was the first news we all were reporting on and asking this, why was he admitting collusion. we don't know the context. if they saw it then, what does this mean for team trump now? >> well, i think every piece of evidence that establishes a connection between team trump and the russians gives the prosecutors, the investigators another place to look, another point of entry into these witnesses to try to get the substance of the communications to see, were they, in fact, exchanging negative research, dirt, on hillary clinton, in exchange for lifting of sanctions? that, of course, would be --
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would amount to criminal acts because it violates u.s. law for foreign naxales to provide things of value like negative research to influence an election. >> chris, the white house keeps saying this is over and it meant nothing. >> yep. >> this doesn't seem to be going away. if anything, it's back again with new details. >> it's not going away. it feels like the june, 2016 meeting is the hub of the wheel or the hub of one of the wheels. there's a lot going into the mueller investigation. the problem here is, they have tried, they, the trump white house, tried to paint that meeting as a one all. anomalous. you know, it happened, it was misunderstanding, maybe goldstone sort of talked it up more than it really was. nobody ever thought about it again. the problem with the follow up
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e-mail suggests that at least some people in the trump arguizati organization thought of it again. we don't know in what context they were specifically talking about. it makes it harder to believe that this was just sort of a blip on the radar that never mattered. i will say, we keep finding more about the meeting in its aftermath. >> that's the thing. why isn't it all out there? >> it's like, if this was don jr., well, you know, it did happen, this is all that happened, the end. okay. but we have gotten six different versions of what happened, each slightly more revealing and slightly more fulsome regarding the connections. again, there may be nothing at the end of the road, but suggests you have to go down that road. >> let me play what donald trump jr. told fox news after the initial story broke about all this.
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listen. >> it wasn't follow up. there was nothing there to follow up. as we were walking out, he said i'm sorry for that. he built up. there was puffery to the e-mail, perhaps to get the meeting, to make it happen. you know? in the end, bait and switch about what it was supposed to be about. so, there is nothing there. >> i mean, sources say he was not set directly, the follow up e-mails, richard. do you think he had something to cover here? do you believe it? >> no, i don't believe it at all. the meeting was about swapping dirt on hillary clinton for a promise to release the sanctions. they dumped a lot of dirt on hillary clinton and also general flynn and others were pushing hard to release the sanctions. so, this is just one more piece in the puzzle. a lot of meetings with the russians that everyone seems to forget about. donald trump jr. is not the only one who seems to forget about, very convenient amnesia, a lot of meetings with the russians.
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they keep coming up. nobody is telling the truth about them. five and six stories about each and every meeting and the adoption story that is complete rubbish. top officials are not going to meet with the russians to talk about adoptions. we all knew that. i don't believe any of it. i don't think the american people do. we are not given the straight scoop. >> patrick, don jr. is not part of the administration. he was a part of the campaign and transition. do you see him being in real trouble here? >> yes. if it were to be proven, and it has not, if it were proven anyone connected with the campaign had solicited, received or asked for, in any way, something of value from foreign nationals, that would be a violation of the law. he was clearly connected to the campaign. i think he clearly falls under the statute. if i was his attorney, i would tell him, you have criminal
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exposure. that's not to say i'm assuming he is guilty. he would fall in the target range with the investigators. >> you can be sure mueller's team is interested in this. thanks, i appreciate it. next, the president insulting the fbi saying it is, quote, in tatters. the head of the fbi responds. al franken stepping down today. now what for roy moore? have the democrats backed the republicans in a corner? >> a man risking his life to save a rabbit. hey, man. oh! nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount
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breaking news. previously undisclosed e-mails about the meeting between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer at trump tower. follow ups no one has known about until now. first, trump jr. said it was about adoptions, which we know is sanctions. then e-mails that promised dirt on hillary clinton. now, a new e-mail from the publicist who set up the meeting adds another layer, pushing him to set up a page on a russian social networking site. according to the e-mail, quote, don and paul, don jr. and pal m manafort were on board with the idea. there's more.
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outfront tonight, the top democrat, congressman jerry nadler. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> all the information happening behind the closed doors, what does this add up to you? >> adds up to more evidence that the trump campaign was working with the russians and colluding with the russians to help in the campaign. it's part of a pattern, what these e-mails mean, i don't know yet. it's part of the pattern. everybody lies. we didn't have contact with the russians. maybe a little contact. maybe a lot of contact, only talking about adoptions, actually dirt on hillary clinton, actually talking about other things. this will come out. the special prosecutor will bring it out and the walls are beginning to close in on the president. >> we will see. lawmakers, house lawmakers asked trump jr. about the follow up and he said he couldn't recall.
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according to sources, none of the e-mails were sent directly to him. do you think it's possible he didn't know anything about it? >> i don't know. it's possible, but unlikely. i mean, you know, there's a pattern here. attorney general sessions came before the judiciary committee and said the words, i don't recall, 114 times. trump jr. goes before the committees saying he doesn't recall a lot of things. a lot of people don't recall a lot of things, either they lie or don't recall, which is indication of really things that won't stand the light of day going on. we'll find them out. the special prosecutor will find them out. >> talk about today. your commit questioned the head of the fbi and he responded to the president's attack from the weekend. the reputation of the fbi is in tatters and the worst in history. here is what ray told you.
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>> congressman, there is no shortage of opinions out there. what i can tell you is that the fbi that i see is tens of thousands of agents and analysts and staff working their tails off to keep americans safe from the next terrorist attack, gang violence, child predators, spies from russia, china, north korea and iran. >> you said he needed to speak up and stand-up to the president. were you satisfied with his respon response? >> i think it was very, very good. we are seeing a pattern from the white house, from fox news, from the republicans on the committee, from others, trying to divert attention from the gathering information implicating the trump campaign and collusion with the russians and trying to divert attention and scapegoat institutions to say you can't believe the press, you can't believe the fbi or the
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special prosecutor. everybody's bias and the president directs this attack. it's clearly aimed at the assumption that the special prosecutor and others will come out with evidence, publicize the president and his campaign were colluding with the russians or doing other illegal things and trying to discredit all institutions of american law enforcement and the press now so people don't believe it. in so doing, they are undermining the supports of our democratic system. that is very, very dangerous. >> you know, the white house was asked about ray's response. we played a portion there. the white house press secretary said there's no discrepancy to what ray said to the committee and what the president tweeted saying the president's issues are with the political leaders in the fbi and former director comey. do you see it that way? >> no.
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the president said that the fbi's reputation is in tatters. it's all biased. that many of the agents are biased. no. his problem is not just with comey. his problem is with comey because he told the truth and refused directions to stop investigating mike flynn and now we know why. anyone who is carrying on this investigation, honestly, is in the cross hairs of the president and his propaganda. >> the fbi did acknowledge, over the weekend, one of the chief counter intelligence serving on mueller's team serving over the summer that he sent text messages perceived as having anti-trump bias. does the white house have a right to be concerned with that news coming out? >> i don't think so. the fact of the matter is, any fbi agent or anybody has a
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right. this fbi agent wrote a political opinion to a woman he was having an affair with. he was then demoted and taken off the investigation, which was an overreaction. no one alleged he did anything unfair or biased. everyone is entitled to their own opinion, privately. >> depending on the situation if it should be a fireable offense when asked directly if agents are allowed to have their own position. thanks for coming on. i appreciate it. it's loud and the beautiful music behind you. >> you are welcome. republican trent franks suddenly says he is resigning. what he discussed that is raising alarms. the uproar of president trump's opening civil rights museum. congressman john lewis won't go if trump does. roy moore, taking full chapters from the donald trump playbook as the alabama senate
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witness katy perry firework. witness katy perry swish. witness katy perry... aaaaaaw look at that dog! katy perry: with music videos and behind the scenes footage, xfinity lets you witness all things me. breaking news. a surprise resignation in congress. republican congressman, franks of arizona calling it quits. in a statement, i have recently learned the ethics committee is discussing sur ga si with two
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subordinates making them feel uncomfortable. i deeply regret this caused distress. they say they are investigating this. sunland, this is really surprising, and a stunning statement. what more are you learning? >> it is. i have to preface we are learning details by the hour. we don't clearly have the full story, yet. what we know is, yes, the congressman is resigning, at least part of it, at this point, centers around a conversation with two female staffers about sar it. he denied wrong doing. he never physically intimidated, coerced or attempted to have sexual contact with members of his staff. he goes on to explain, he hand his wife long struggled with infertility. that's something that
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potentially could have come up in conversations about this within his office and he says he didn't mean to make anyone feel uncomfortable. that said, the ethics committee and the house was moving in on an investigation with him. they released a statement moments before saying they were looking to determine whether representative trent franks engaged in contact that constitutes sexual harassment. notable that tonight, just a few minutes ago, we heard from the speaker of the house, paul ryan. he called the allegations credible, in a statement. he says he advised franks to resign last week after finding the allegations to be serious and requiring action. i think we can all say there's a lot more to learn about the incident. remarkable for the fact this is also happening the same day that we saw senator franken resign and the same week where congressman john conyers resigned. >> paul ryan paints a different
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picture. thanks so much. outfront now, republican congresswoman, mia love. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> what is your reaction to this news about congressman franks? >> it's disheartening. as we hear about the situations, every single one is different. i hope people are gimpb the ability to have due process. there's a culture that has to change, not just in washington, but everywhere. we can talk about the different situations. we have to start getting comfortable having uncomfortable conversations in the workplace. what is appropriate and inappropriate and stop the behavior from happening. there is way too much and it's a culture that's been going on too long. >> do you think he made the right choice? >> i think anyone who feels like they have done something wrong should voluntarily resign. i really do. i think that members of congress should hold themselves to a higher standard. you know, it's one thing, we are
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out there talking policy and what's good for america. i think that we need to be examples of appropriate behavior, at the very least. to me, that's a very low bar. so, as far as i'm concerned, if anybody feels like they have done something wrong, they should voluntarily resign instead of waiting for a situation to come up where it would potentially hurt the institution and be the house. >> that raises some important questions about some other members of congress in your party. republicans, like blake, a republican from texas, he settled a sexual harassment allegation with $84,000 of taxpayer -- allegations. the house ethics committee announced tonight they are investigating him, too. i have heard no calls for him to resign, should he? >> you know, again, this is a
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culture of behavior. i don't think he thinks he's done anything wrong. >> a lot of guys don't. >> what's frustrating to me is the money was used. it's taxpayer dollars that was used, which is why i introduced the bill, the stop act, which is stop taxpayer obligation to perpetrators of sexual harassment. again, this is something that, to me, shouldn't have been in place at all. we are using taxpayer dollars to settle these cases. he should voluntarily resign. we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. where he may not feel his behavior was inappropriate, obviously somebody did. obviously people felt uncomfortable. i think we need to make sure we evaluate ourselves. again, this is about getting people to take responsibility for what they do and changing the culture ha is in washington. >> congressman, you were one of the first people to call for him to resign. i want folks to note that this
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evening that you did. al franken announced his resignation today. when announcing he is resigning, he said this. >> there is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office and a man who repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. >> congresswoman, do democrats have the upper hand, the moral high ground here? >> i don't know about that. i mean, this is certainly going to be, again, this is all of these situations are so incredibly different. we are not going to be able to analyze, litigate in a seven minute segment on a thursday show. >> i know, but i heard you say that same line to chris wallace
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about a sunday show. at this moment in time, do democrats have a moral high ground? al franken says he denies the allegations against him. john conyers, he is out. blake, you called for him to resign, he's in. roy moore may win and join the senate. >> moral high ground. this is not a left/right issue. this is what's right and wrong. i have two girls i'm raising. this is not a left/right issue. this is uls, all us members of congress that have to make sure people have a voice and stop this behavior, not just about going after individual people but stop these things from happening in the future. this is not a right or left issue. this is -- this is -- i'm, you know, a republican member in the congressional black caucus and we feel the same way about, you know, making sure we are protecting the rights of women. and anyone, by the way, in the workplace who feels they have been harassed or uncomfortable.
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>> i hear you, but this is looked through from a political lens when it involves a politician. it is always a different situation. you mentioned the congressional black caucus. let me ask this. john lewis is skipping the opening of a civil rights museum in mississippi because the president is going. the white house issued a statement. we think that these members of congress, we find it unfortunate these members of congress wouldn't join the president in honoring the incredible sacrifice civil rights leaders made to right the injustices in our history. what is your reaction to this, considering john lewis is one of those civil rights leaders? >> well, i have a lot of respect for john lewis. i know him as a great man who comes to me every day and says hello and asks me how my children are. we may not have the same views on every single policy, but i know he cares about people and feels deeply about the issue.
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i think if anybody should be going to civil rights museums to learn about the suffering and, i would say the triumph of black americans, it should be the white house and we should welcome that participation. then again, these are my opinions. everyone is entitled to how they feel. i'm not going to tell congressman john lewis how to behave. he's really well respected. >> what do you make of the white house statement? do you think they don't understand that john lewis fought for civil rights and is a civil rights leader. >> i think they understand that. again, i think it's right for the white house to go. i think they should be going to these events. >> thanks for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. next, an angry al franken saying he is resigning from the senate and trying to take down president trump on his way out. and, roy moore, sounding more and more like donald trump. is that a blueprint for victory?
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so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. new tonight, president trump turns a deaf ear to allegations
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of sexual harassment on the day senator franken announced his resignation and slammed president trump. he had little to say, refusing to take questions about it when asked by our jim acosta. >> any comment on al franken's comments about you earlier today. >> i didn't hear them. >> reporter: do you have a comment on sexual harassment? >> that's today. of course, the president has had no problem weighing in on franken's allegations before today. republicans are not jumping for joy over franken's resignation. >> imagine being accused by someone whose name you didn't know of something that happened more than a decade ago. how would you respond? how could you respond? what if you were innocent? what if nobody cared. >> they have determined, it is worth sacrificing franken like conyers, throw him overboard to save the political titanic that
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is their party. >> you saw a lynch mob. >> out front, ben ferguson and alice stewart for ted cruise's campaign. ben, a bad day for al franken, y yes. this is worse for roy moore? republicans are not celebrating. is it because they understand it is bad for them? >> i don't think it's that at all. this is a bad day for anyone that has done something inappropriate towards women. doesn't matter if you are a former congressman like harold ford jr. that lost his job on wall street or a congressman from arizona. i don't think today is the day you jump up and celebrate, either. it's a day you realize people's stories are coming out. we should all be excited about that, but be cautious because you don't want someone to be wrongfully accused and ruin their life, their career, their family, their name. i think today is just a sad day.
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it's a sad day that this many people were able to do what they were able to do for this many years and still stay in these positions of power. that's why you don't see a lot of people getting excited about al franken. it's not an exciting story. we shouldn't be excited about this. >> politically speaking, let's not pretent everyone is pollyanna. everyone on capitol hill makes a political calculation on how these things play out. alice, donald trump made a calculation, president trump is supporting roy moore. rnc is transferring money back into the race. how does that help the party? >> well, it helps them if it looks like we are well on the way to another republican vote in the senate here. look, from the president's standpoint, those who live in glass houses, white houses shouldn't be throwing stones. that's why he's not pushing back on allegations.
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i agree with what the congressman said -- >> the frankenstein tweet. >> in terms of roy moore. i agree with what congressman love said, if you are a member of congress or the senate and believe you did something wrong, step down. i believe, as a republican, the women that came out with the allegations against roy moore, i believe them. i believe it would be better for the principles and integrities to step down as opposed to a political outcome. however, roy moore doesn't think he did anything wrong. he is going to put his heels on. the campaign is pushing back on fake news, pushing back on the democrats and the republican establishment. he's in a good spot now. career politics has him up over two points. he has shot to win this. >> he's probably going to win. >> ben, the white house was asked today about the different ways, the different ways that
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republicans and democrats, so far, have been dealing with these accusations. their reactions to them. they have been different so far. listen to this. >> the differences in the way to two parties are handling the accusations of sexual misconduct? >> i think some of that would be left to the party leadership. i'm not sure if there's a specific question on the differences. >> there are differences on how republicans and democrats reacted to this. chuck schumer, all the democrats out to push franken to resign. then you have trump endorsing them saying it doesn't matter, as long as we get a republican vote in congress. >> look, let me tell you what the voters in alabama, where my radio show is. they say roy moore doesn't represent my values, but he does represent my interest in washington. i'm not going to vote for someone that is going to go against my interest. that's probably why you are
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going to see him win in alabama because a lot of voters said the democrat does not represent my interest or my values. one issue talked about is the issue of abortion. there's a difference between the two men. that's why they feel comfortable voting for him and why he is going to win. i think the rnc made a big mistake. this is about the moral high ground here. when you pull funding from a candidate, you don't give it back to him because you think he is about to win. if you are doing the right thing, you stick with it. they made a mistake with reinstating the funding for roy moore. i think it puts them in an awkward situation. ultimately, they think, look, this is a guy who is going to represent our interest, maybe not our values in washington. i personally disagree with that. i don't think he should be in the senate in washington, d.c. and i don't think al franken or the other people getting in trouble should be there either. the citizens know everything in alabama. they have to make that decision moving forward.
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it's bigger than washington. >> go ahead, alice, go ahead. >> we have been talking about this so much. as ben said, the people in alabama, i used to work as a reporter in alabama. they listen to the local news and the folks in the coffee shop and govern ivy telling them we shouldn't let washington tell us how to vote and the elected officials in alabama. now that they see he is going to win, they are not going to speak out against him. they don't want it to haunt them. they are listening to the people of alabama. we are not going to be influenced or swayed. you heard steve bannon. >> listen to steve bannon when he comes to town. he is not a product of washington. >> they are going to make up their own mind. they won't be influenced by it. >> the voters will decide. we'll see what happens. they could be moving to kick him out. again, so much can change when
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someone wins. thanks. great to see you. next, roy moore, making no apologies and taking campaign queues now from donald trump. is that the way to win in alabama? the video everyone is talking about, including us. nac? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports! ( ♪ ) this time of year is all about family. and we'd like you to be part of ours. so our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. this holiday season, you pay what we pay. and not a cent more.
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new tonight, just five days until the special election in alabama, republican roy moore rocked by sexual misconduct allegations, holding a quote/unquote drain the swamp rally. sound familiar? jason carroll is out front. >> reporter: pulling out all the stops before the alabama election. election eve drain the swamp rally monday night. might ring a political bell. >> it is time to drain the damn swamp. >> reporter: rallying cry for then-candidate donald trump in his presidential campaign. >> we are going to drain the swamp. >> reporter: not the only page moore seems to be taking from the trump campaign playbook. >> drain the swamp, send
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mcconnell a message. >> reporter: moore portrayed himself as candidate bucking the system and gop establishment, called out figures in his own party. >> this is effort by mitch mcconnell and his cronies to steal the election from people of bam. >> reporter: echos of donald trump also targeting other republicans. >> wouldn't you think paul ryan would call and say good going? whole sinister deal going on. >> reporter: when allegations of sexual assaults surfaced in campaign. >> lies, lies, lies. >> reporter: both strongly denied allegations. >> these allegations are completely false, malicious, i do not know any of these women. >> reporter: trump opting to insult accuser. >> believe me, she wouldn't be my first choice.
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>> reporter: moore raised red flag about what campaign called potential voter fraud. letter to alabama secretary of state of what they say are problems with a tiny sam p of ballots favoring his opponent. tells cnn he found about 15 sample ballots improperly marked and threw them out. trump also spoke about voter fraud, falsely tweeted i won the popular vote if you deduct millions of people who voted illegally, no evidence has ever been found. trump's attacks on the media in presidency and campaign all too familiar. >> most dishonest people, the media. >> reporter: questions about whether campaign colluded with the russians called fake news as well. reports about russia and sexual assault allegations he now
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faces. >> no different than the "washington post" brought out russian investigation, people of this country want movement, not false attacks. >> reporter: bottom line, trump's campaign strategy worked, moore's campaign is betting it will work for hims a well. we reached out to moore folks to find out if they were inspired by trump campaign. didn't get back to us. >> i'm sure the answer is yes. great to see you jason. next, man who put his life on the line to save a rabbit. nobody does it better. he's also an avid cookie connoisseur. dig in, big guy. but when it comes to mortgages, he's less confident. fortunately for nick, theres rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so he can understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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man saves rabbit, in a wildfire. jeanne moos. >> reporter: instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, pulled one out of a california wildfire that happened on highway 1, when this uninidentified man got out of car trying to rescue a panicked rabbit. seemed to panic, frantically gesturing, practically begging it to come to him. finally getting down on his knees and reaching for wild rabbit, at last managing to scoop it up. accolades on social media started breeding like rabbits. just like that faith in humanity is restored read typical tweet.
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from zero to crying in two seconds. bunny and kitty approve of this young man. occasional naysayer, wild animals don't need to be saved from fires. from slate. man could have been injured and anyone coming to his rescue. but most paid tribute. bunnies need -- too. declined request for interview. and one poster put it, didn't want to be on camera in l.a.? obviously jesus himself in shorts and hoodie. take it from jefferson airpla ♪ chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall ♪ >> reporter: he didn't fall, walked away from the flames holding bunny, destination
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unknown. leaving this video of rabbit saved from wildfire to spread like one. jeannie moos, cnn, new york. >> still can't believe he did that. amazing. thanks for joining us. ac "360" starts right now. good evening, there's this. yet another lawmaker, this time republican congressman trent franks of arizona stepping down as launches probe into possible sexual harassment. just hours after al franken announced his resignation. john conyers stepped down. and roy moore with accusers in special election five days away. republican blake farenthold called
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