tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 7, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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unknown. leaving this video of rabbit saved from wildfire to spread like one. jeannie moos, cnn, new york. >> still can't believe he did that. amazing. thanks for joining us. ac "360" starts right now. good evening, there's this. yet another lawmaker, this time republican congressman trent franks of arizona stepping down as launches probe into possible sexual harassment. just hours after al franken announced his resignation. john conyers stepped down. and roy moore with accusers in special election five days away. republican blake farenthold called reckoning, hard to argue.
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but reckoning for whom? in resignation speech which critics say didn't admit wrongdoing, called attention to what he seems to call a double standard. >> i'm leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. >> talking obviously about president trump and candidate moore. senator franken spoke after at least 32 democratic senators called for his departure. whatever you think of his contrition or lack of it and complaints against him, raises a point that carries a fair share of weight. are republicans turning a blind eye to their potential senate colleague and president of the
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united states? white house press secretary said the voters have decided about the president. although polling is low. >> seen senators call for franken's and connier's resignation, does risk losing. endorsing roy moore? backed by rnc as well. >> i've addressed this in depth. we think allegations are troubling and ultimately this is something the people of alabama should decide. >> why not call him out? the president failing to lead? >> kristen, i'm going to move around you. >> president endorses moore. not billed as campaign rally in pennsylvan pen pensacola but people can see broadcasts from there. and rnc is supporting moore.
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first suspended it but got back behind him after the president got off sidelines and endorsed him. since that happened we've asked someone from rnc to come on the policeman. th -- on the program. randi kaye went to get them to talk. did they? >> reporter: eventually. trying to track down the chair. tough woman to nail down. finally caught up with her in front of the office for the rnc. i can tell you that she right away said can only answer one question, short on time. flown in from michigan for meeting with president at white house. short on time, only one question. of course we had a lot more than one for her. this is how the conversation went. when it comes to what happened in alabama, who do you believe?
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roy moore or the women who have come out? >> we've said all along that allegations are incredibly disturbing. if they were proven true the candidate would be unfit to serve in office. but it's up to the voters of alabama right now. this is democracy. they're going to see this play out. they get to make that decision, it's not up to me. and president has said we want to keep this seat republican. rnc is political arm of the white house and want to follow the president's agenda. >> what you believe? >> it's not up to me. it's voters of alabama. they have to make the attention. this is getting a lot of media, they have to go into the booth to make the decision. >> is that why the rnc decided to support roy moore? >> this is democracy, president has indicated he wants to keep the seat republican. and we're going to be -- we're the political arm of the white
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house. we're going to make sure the president is able to accomplish his goal. thank you so much. >> reporter: said that alabama voters will be the judge and jury of roy moore. didn't expand on that. other thing she didn't mention was the candidate's name. referred to him as candidate, never said his name. thought that was interesting. and confirmed how much funding the national rnc has sent to roy moore and his campaign. two payments, one of $50,000 and 1 of $120,000, total of $170,000 from rnc. >> thanks randi, three views. stuart have the republicans lost the moral high ground on sexual assault to the democrats? is president trump's approval rating a reflection of that? >> there was a lot of hope when
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donald trump was elected that he would change, grow in the office and evolve. support of roy moore indicates that's not happening on this level. in many ways donald trump was a gateway drug to roy moore. never effectively dealt with accusations against him. if that's acceptable enough to republicans to elect him, logical thing end up with roy moore, accused of being a child predator. >> you think the democrats are putting forward zero tolerance, how do you label republican party approach? >> if moral high ground won elections, donald trump wouldn't be president. this alone is not going to do it for the democrats. that said this is about energizing and motivating that hard core democratic base of women who are upset and angry over sexual abuse and harassment issues. i think this is pretty smart. not seeing a lot of reaction
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from republicans. their point of view is well, if al franken doesn't think they're fit for office, go ahead and resign. but donald trump will never say that. >> is the message just deny everything and keep moving forward? >> think about it, is that the kind -- what message does that send to kids? teachers teach students to do? coaches teach athletes to do? deny everything and make it okay? >> that's not the message. >> it's the exact opposite. i don't see it as political issue but civil society and decency issue. fabric of civil society is held together by thin and fragile threads. one is decency and one is rule of law. in the case of roy moore someone by every standard violated decency standard. admitted to trying to date
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16-year-old girls in his 30s. that's creepy anything. people say it's just alabama. i grew up in mississippi, every father i knew saw man in his 30s trying to state 16-year-old daughter, would have had a date with baseball bat. idea that he's outsider, roy moore is running or holding office since 1992. i can tell you why it never came up. i did the campaign when governor riley ran against roy moore and beat him 2-1. reason it didn't come up, roy moore saying such crazy stuff you didn't need to look into his background. >> doesn't pass the smell is test. >> it's why he lost 2-1. >> roy moore was twice removed as chief justice in alabama. second time a -- basically the court in alabama, a number of judges unanimously believed that he was being misleading and not
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credible, essentially lying. if his credibility has already been questioned by sitting alabama justices, which i don't really think are representatives of left-wing fringe, does that not raise any questions for you about his credibility? >> no, look but we have lots of candidates with credibility issues, lots of people lied. john mccain reelected number of times after -- savings and loan. roy moore has run for decades on a position in terms of judges that i agree with. if that's your fight, yes thrown out by others. >> violating state and federal regulations. >> but regulated by the people he was disagreeing with and reelected. people of alabama get right to have rules. >> tossed out again because misleading, told probate justices in alabama not to obey supreme court ruling. >> but you and i both know substantive disagree.
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>> but misleading, man ipulatin on your own position and essentially lying is not just a difference of believes, it's right and wrong. >> i guess if the doe bait is -- >> can i raise one point? >> go ahead stuart. >> go ahead. >> lost in all the pyre otechnical stuff about the sexual allegations and fact he was tossed off the bench twice, roy moore does not believe in the constitution. he believes in religious test to hold office. specifically prohibited by constitution. said that muslim should not hold office in congress. that's a fact, ed. he said that. lot of people agree with him, i understand that but not what united states constitution says explicitly. >> do you think muslims should hold office? >> of course i do. i never heard him say it but
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elections -- >> ed, how can you say that he's on record saying that. only thing islamic faith has contributed to united states is 9/11. he's on record saying that keith ellison should not be able to put hand on koran to swear in to congress. muslims shouldn't be in capitol hill. >> look, i don't think i knew all those quotes but just say that, that's why we have elections. if the people of alabama reject that -- are you saying we get to vet who runs for office? can say over and over i don't like roy moore. i can say i don't like ted kennedy or whoever. nothing in the constitution says you can't run for office and have views that other people disagree with. >> you can be a bigot and get elected but question of whether you admit the person is a bigot or not. >> you're saying republican party has zero tolerance on
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sexual harassment or whatever the question was earlier. you think six weeks before the election it's okay to claim you know this guy's heart and truth about him. if you want to have ethics committee hearing and put up members of the public accusing members in the senate of conduct, giddyup. >> this is not highest use of the u.s. senate. second worst thing about alabama election aside from all the history that roy moore has, fact that all his statements and crazy thoughts have not seen the light of day. he did say those things and even worse, refuses to answer questions about that. instead embarrassing spokeswoman on air last night with no remote idea how to answer the questions. roy moore believes this stuff. if you believe it brother get on tv and make your case. i think people should hear it now so we know what's coming.
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next it's going to be on the floor of the u.s. senate. >> we'll leave it there. thanks very much. much more ahead on roy moore's views. newly uncovered sfatatement, ev though slavery was wrong, last time america was great was when had slaves. new pictures from southern california, situation is evolving with every shift in the powerful winds. update from the scene ahead. an unlimited family plan, et netflix is included. ho ho ho! t-mobile covers your netflix subscription... best christmas gift ever! you can binge watch all year long. now you're thinking christmas! and now when you buy any of this season's hot new samsung galaxy phones, you get a second one free to gift. that's one samsung for you. and one to give. t-mobile. holiday twogether.
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five days to go until the special election in alabama. race between roy moore and doug jones is close in the polls but still don't know how alabamans will react to the accusations. republican national committee is backing moore with infusion of cash and president is up to it. republicans saying it's up to the people of alabama to decide. asked porter about the allegations made by number of women who mr. moore and others attribute to conspiracy many people at different times. "washington post," mainstream media. radical homosexuals, transgender groups, criminals. no evidence to back up claims
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but other statements that roy moore has made in years. he hasn't repeated some in a while so asked spokeswoman if he stands by the statements. not trick questions. he's on the record about all of this. key moments from interview with janet porter. edited for time trying to preserve context. whole thing is online. take a look. does judge moore believe that homosexual conduct should be ilblel and homosexuality is the same as bestiality. >> i don't have that answer. >> he's said that before. >> what he does believe regarding that issue. talking about making sure we don't have sexual predators -- >> does he still believe that 9/11 may have happened because quote we distanced ourselves from god? does he still believe that? >> this is the thing, lot of people talk about god and how they're christians, look at
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commercials of roy moore's opponent, telling everybody what a great christian is. >> you don't know the answer about 9/11 either? >> i don't know the answer. sorry. >> third question. does he still believe american citizen who is muslim shouldn't be able to serve in congress? >> i think what he's getting at there is we believe in rule of law by constitution but not shariah law. >> said that keith ellison shouldn't be allowed to swear on the koran. >> will lose his job to stand for the constitution and religious liberty. >> still believe that keith ellison can't swear on the koran. >> if you want a guy for women's rights -- >> i know you don't want to answer. but u.s. is evil because promotes same-sex marriage. >> you can ridicule religious believes. >> just a bold statement.
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>> he has stood for the constitution. that's really what it's all about. >> hoping she gets back to us with answers on those to clarify his positions. questions were does roy moore still believe homosexual conduct, gay and lesbian people loving each other and expressing it should be illegal and equate it to bestiality and believe 9/11 happened because we distanced ourselves from god, american who is muslim shouldn't serve in congress and country is focus of evil in the world because of marriage equality, all of which he said in the past. keeping him honest, from the answers last night, we don't know. in case you think the questions were beyond the pale or made up, show you his exact statements. here he is on tape equating homosexuality to bestiality and suggesting 9/11 is fault of americans. >> because it's done behind
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closed doors can still be prohibited by state law. bestiality is prohibited in every state. >> perverseness and oppression and say electron, therefore shall be to you as breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high ball, breaking coming suddenly at an instance. sounds like pentagon breaking. >> first two ytss. about muslims only thing i know islam has contributed to america is 9/11 and said to world net daily, in 1943 never allowed a member of congress to take oath on miein kampf or 1950s the communist manifesto. finally used ronald reagan quote about the soviet union to
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compare to america today. >> said that russia was focus of evil in the modern world. >> you could say that very well about america couldn't you. >> do you think? >> well, we promote a lot of bad things, you know. >> like? >> same-sex marriage. >> that's very argument that vladimir putin makes. >> well, then, maybe putin is right. maybe he's more akin to me than i know. >> roy moore's views over the years. and again when asked about them, if he stands by the statements, spokeswoman wouldn't or couldn't say if he does. mainly shifted the subject. cnn's kay files. >> we have kids driving by shooting each other that they don't even know each other. they're acting like animals because we've taught them they come from manuals.
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>> 1997. and in rally asked last time he thought america was great, harkened back to time of slavery. >> it was great when families were united. even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. some of his believes, not shy about stating them. makes it strange his spokeswoman couldn't talk about them. bill, i'm wondering, does roy moore on the campaign trail repeat some of the things he has said in the past? seems like spokesperson doesn't want to talk about them or unaware of some of them. are they still in his stump speech at all? or just random things he's said over the years he doesn't continue to talk about? >> anderson, thank you for having me on. here in the south we generally
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will take our crazy people down and put them in the parlor or on the front porch, rarely on television. and look, roy moore is a very polarizing figure. i couldn't speak for what roy moore does. does he say things that are outrageous to most of us? absolutely. but there are people in alabama and i would dare say in the united states that agree with roy moore. while most do not, there is a hard core constituency that believes who he believes. >> as someone who knows alabama politics is he going to win? polls are close but in national election we saw people wouldn't say would vote for roy moore and maybe will. >> what we're seeing is he's moving ahead in the polls. speak to people privately,
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there's strong support for roy moore. i would not be surprised. i would be surprised if doug jones won. i wouldn't be surprised if roy moore won. >> do you think any of these -- if you look at poll numbers purely, seems like since the allegations by a number of women have come forward, numbers have gone down. you still think he's going to win but closer probably than ordinarily would be for democratic candidate in the state of alabama, do you think the allegations have hurt him or do you think it's hardened his support among hard core base supporters? >> when we talk to republicans throughout the state, there are many republicans just going to stay home. not going to vote for roy moore and not going to vote for doug jones. these are private decisions, not going to come out and say that openly. but that's the way the
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republicans that we've talked to feel. however there is a, again, a constituency that doesn't trust the media, the reports, and they're going to vote for roy moore. >> it's interesting, you're hearing -- again people not making big deal of it, but from republicans who decided to sit this one out? >> absolutely. you know, not everybody in the republican party is roy moore fan. not even here in alabama. roy has always -- judge moore has always been a more fringe candidate. he rejects modernity, society that he sees around him. and it threatens him and a lot of people. that's what we hear. i dare not speak for roy moore or anybody else, but from what we hear from people, they do agree with him on some social
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issues. but the vast majority i think of republicans, they find some of this reprehensible. the statements. >> bill brit, appreciate your expertise on alabama politics. we'll continue to check in with you. thank you. entire interview with janet porter is on donald trump jr., infamous meeting with russians. and california wildfires. winds fuelling it only getting stronger tonight. more ahead.
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mcminnville, tennessee... poughkeepsie, new york... milton, indiana... chattahoochee, florida... wow... we're looking at the whole country. not just the coasts. even in utah, we're starting to realize trump has been doing things that are against our laws. i definitely worry about war. north korea. i don't want that guy's hand near the bomb. sick to my stomach. he's not the kind of person that should be running our country. the things that he does has consequences. is this going to be here for my grandchildren? he's not being held accountable. if we have the vote, like we have for election day, they will impeach him. times square is the crossroads of the world. we need everyone to go and put their name down at we need to speak up together and demand an end to this presidency.
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campaign and administration story line about this meeting since it broke. one it was one-off and two, subject was entirely about russian adoptions. e-mails contradict that. one example, june 14th, 2016, five days after the trump tower meeting between the man who set it up and one of the russians were there, happens to be the day that news broke that russia had hacked dnc e-mails. man who brokered the meeting forwards a cnn story about that hacking to two of the men involved in the meeting, isn't this eerily weird in light of what we talked about five days earlier? interesting on a number of levels. one follow-up between the participants and two, raises hard questions about what the subject of the meeting was? what came up.
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leading up to meeting there was talk on russians providing dirt on hillary clinton and now e-mail traffic after that seems to reference exactly that. >> goldston and donald trump jr.? >> no. rob goldston, the british publicist who helped broker the meeting, between him and one of the russians in the room. ike and woman. among those present there. jared kushner as well. >> separate e-mail that mentioned russia's version of facebook. >> numerous e-mails between rob goldston, publicist who helped broker the meeting and dan scif evenno, now the social media director for the trump white house. in these series of e-mails
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goldston is pitching him saying should get a page for donald trump sr. on vk, russian media, and told the idea was from the meeting. significance is not clear. investigators looking into it but raises questions. one, clearly follow-up to the meeting and raises questions about the subject of discussion between the parties. investigators looking into it, sure to be asking rob goldston about it next week. >> former senior analyst and attorney, president fired three months into presidency. not a smoking gun but another piece of the puzzle. another reminder, just seen tip of the iceberg in terms of the e-mails around the meeting. only the ones that donald trump
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jr. decided to put online under pressure. >> point you're making is fair. don't know if there was conversation between the publicist and donald trump jr., but story keeps changing and other dimensions over time. but fact we're continuing to hear about information a little bit at a time, week after week, means -- good thing -- we don't have any idea the scope of what robert mueller is looking at, what he has in possession and in the future. >> in the e-mails that donald trump jr. did release, seems to indicate he wanted a phone conversation with one of the og lairovs prior to the meeting and no idea if phone call took place but could be something mueller has access to. >> points out the issue, making sure in investigation if you're potentially a target, get story
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right and put out in full and proper way in first instance. if it turns out there was no follow-up as donald trump jr. i believe said, i didn't do anything, thought it was useless. then turns out to be traffic follow-up, doesn't help him. >> donald trump jr. said he could not discuss conversations he had with his father, claiming attorney/client privilege because there were attorneys in the room. have you heard of privilege extended because attorneys were in the room? >> it depends on the circumstance but in general there's no father/son privilege. if there's joint defense amongst people in company, and privileged conversation between lawyer and nonlawyers in giving advice, that's possible. but my understanding is he's
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invoking something more broad. there's attorney/client, spousal, priest, but no father/son. >> if two people talking in front of a priest you can't claim -- >> no lot of times people plant a lawyer to give aura of privilege issue. parties and investigators have to work that out. but simply a person with law degree sitting at table while two other people have a conversation -- mobsters used to do it all the time. not saying they're mobsters. but cc a lawyer or bring them to sit at meeting, that by itself does not shield. >> what can house investigators or robert mueller could to
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compel -- claiming privilege and doesn't hold up? how do you force them to talk? >> presumably the team will talk to donald trump jr., ask him questions, he'll invoke privilege, team will think it's ludicrous and without merit and go to court. they have a court process and can compel him to talk about it, if he doesn't could be held in contempt. various remedies you have, bob mueller and his team with proceedings in front of a court and grand juries in place has tools. >> after the hearing with donald trump jr., taking self-serving statements from administration at face value is not what they do. show this timing to viewers. papadopoulos meeting, wikileaks release and follow-up about the meeting raises question. more pieces of the puzzle, more questions there are.
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>> that's how it works. investigation unfolds, information comes out, some have charged, some plead guilty. hint of things to come. but don't know all of them. one of the important points that think adam schiff was making, you can't rely on denials by people under investigation. president has said that vladimir putin denies something vehemently and i take him at his word. if prosecutors walked away when target said i didn't do it, massive unemployment in ranks of investigators and jails would be empty. not how it works. investigators have to proceed, not just take the word of the people who said they did nothing wrong. >> and supporters of the president say nothing has come up yet, all this time and money spent, no evidence of collusion. easy to say that. >> only a few months. it takes a long time to put
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together cases even if they involve obstruction. money laundering. you've got four people charged, two pled guilty. both it appears are going to be in position to testify against other folks. there's a lot yet to come. i understand there's a self-interested reason to say nothing has been found, shut it down. but i think the mueller team has a long way to go. coming up, trent franks announces he will resign from congress after the house ethics committee said it would investigate allegations against him. and hear from kathleen rice saying both parties have been slow to address the issues. you can do it. we can do this? we can do this. at fidelity, our online planning tools are clear and straightforward so you can plan for retirement while saving for the things you want to do today. nana, let's do this!
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having sexual contact. don't know if there's anything more. received information about farenthold, he settled in 2014. al franken announced resignation and earlier john conyers retired. saying men who abused positions of power need to face consequences, including his democratic colleagues. spoke with representative earlier. >> two of senator franken's accusers said she were disappointed in speech because he cast doubt on allegations -- also didn't apologize. did he go far enough? >> in that he's no longer going to be a united states senator. but this is part of the problem with the issue and why women don't like to come forward,
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becomes he said/she said and usually in those circumstances he wins out. can't have that any more. my hope is once the american public sees men who are harassing women to varying degrees are being held accountable and there's professional accountability there, hopefully more women will feel safe to come forward and tell their stories. >> many democrats believe or hope that democrats have the moral high ground calling for franken's resignation. on the republican side, many and the rnc are supporting roy moore. wondering about your thoughts. none of us have clean hands on this issue. >> slow to address the issue. it's important that american public sees just because you're
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congressman or senator you won't be treated differently than anybody in the private sector. does anybody really expect donald trump, president of the united states to be critical of roy moore? he had no choice to say i support him. decision he gave was rather republican or democrat, but how could he have been objectively critical of roy moore given what he's been heard on tape saying about women. and republican leadership, paul ryan on down. at least blake farenthold, one of the congressman who paid out $84,000 in taxpayer money to victim of harassment. woman who suffered severe professional consequences, he's still here. only one republican congressperson, a woman, barbara comstock, is calling for him to
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step aside. congress won't have clean hands unless we show we're taking it seriously. >> i spoke to fahrenherenthold' accuser on monday night, they was told it would be career suicide and never been able to work in washington again. she thinks this is more than a moment but a reckoning. do you agree? >> couldn't agree more. it's more than a moment. time to address the issue not as democrats or republicans but americans. long overdue discussion in american discourse and now that we have more and more women in the workplace, treating it seriously in congress, we'll have more women feeling confident to come forward and have honest conversation. >> trent franks is resigning. what is your reaction? >> waiting to see what the facts are there. but i don't think the american
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public is going to be too surprised if there are more revelations about people in washington as will continue to be across the country in various businesses. reason it's important to have a national conversation about this now anderson, can talk about famous people in hollywood or politicians in washington but how many women, and men, are there across this country in everyday life, everyday people harassed in the workplace who have to go every day to a hostile workplace? and they have no recourse and no voice. that has got to stop. this is what i hope will be the beginning of a national conversation to address everyone who has been victimized by this. >> congressman kathleen rice, appreciate your time. >> thank you. coming up, latest on california wildfires. and man tries to save a rabbit that ran into the fire. ♪
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wildfires in california burned more than 100,000 acres so far. we're going to get a live update on the efforts. live pictures from san diego. you get a sense of the scope and scale of some of these fires in the san diego area. we want to show you an incredible piece of video. take a look at the bottom of your screen. you'll see a rabid running toward the flames, watch what happens. >> he was on the side of a highway. a wild rabbit darted across traffic into the scene. the rabbit came out of the flames, carried to safety.
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they're making the air quality dangerous up up and down the coast. >> absolutely, anderson, if you can look a short moment ago, it looked like snowflakes, you may get a sense for these embetters and ash that's raining down. massive school and business closures throughout the county, because the air quality is just absolutely horrific, i'm standing right on the county line right now, by the way, anderson, 96,000 acres burned on the thomas fire in ventura county alone. >> have authorities been able to hold the fire line where you are? >> they have. let me give you a good example of just how well they've held the line. if you look in that canyon, yes, it looks ominous, i can tell you right now, those are backfires, some of his original fire, a lot
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those are backfires. they're using drip torch as well as something that looks like a road flair, maybe while we're on the air you'll see this happen. you'll see it light up and they'll throw it into the canyon. in front of us is a farmer's other clard, this is the extreme northwest part of the fire, burning near the city of carpent carpenteria, it's the next city. let's not be alarmist, there are some mandatory evacuations in southwest carpenteria as a precaution, they are literally in the dark. there's a california department of fire engineer and expert who's calling in on the radio and telling them, set this fire here. throw this flair there. go ahead and get that drip torch and doing it with remarkable scale and we used a bulldozer
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and hand crews to build the fire line. this is the extreme northwest corner, a pivotal part of this fire line. much like a military operation, and they seal this off for now, it's looking good, cross your fingers, though, and hope that those menacing winds don't come whipping up again, seems like you and i are talking and we go off the air. 6, 7 hours later, the next thing you know, those winds start whipping through. >> paul vercammen, thank you very much. two members of congress announced a resignation today. al franken, trent franks says he'll resign at the end of january. the latest on all of that when we come back.
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they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. appearing next to me in plain sight. hallucinations and delusions. these are the unknown parts of living with parkinson's disease. what stories they tell. but for my ears only. what plots they unfold. but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. and these can worsen over time, making things even more challenging.
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but there are advances that have led to treatment options that can help. if someone you love has parkinson's and is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, talk to your parkinson's specialist. because there's more to parkinson's. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at tonight two lawmakers have announced their resignations from congress amid sexual harassment allegations. one senator, one congressman, one democrat, one republican. this evening, trent franks put out a statement saying he'll also be leaving congress, the scandal that is whipping through government, doesn't seem to be affecting some other men that have been accused as those lawmakers have, alabama, of course, roy moore has shown he has no intention of dropping out
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