tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 7, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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stepping down in recent days. and roy moore with accusers in a special election five days away. republican blake farenthold called it a reckoning, and it's hard to argue. it raises the question, a reckoning for whom. in his resignation speech today, senator al franken called attention to what he seems to see as a double standard. >> i'm leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. >> he's talking obviously about president trump and candidate moore. senator franken spoke today after at least 32 democratic senators called for his departure and whatever you think of the senator's contrition or lack of it or any of the facts of the complaints against him, he raises a point we'll be talking about tonight, which
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carry as fair share of weight, giving the upcoming alabama election. are republicans turning a blind eye to their potential senate colleague and the president of the united states? today, white house press secretary sarah sanders said the voters have already decided about the president, though we have some new polling about that. as for roy moore, listen. >> weevil seen democrats forcefully call for john conyers resignation, al franken's resignation, which happened today. do republicans and does this president risk losing their moral authority on this issue, which is a huge issue right now, by endorsing a candidate like roy moore, which has now been backed by the rnc, as well? >> look, i've addressed this in depth. we think that the allegations are troubling and that ultimately this is something that the people of alabama should decide. >> why not call for him to drop out of the race or a write-in campaign? is the president failing to lead -- >> i'm going to move around you. >> the president endorses moore.
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the republican national committee is endorsing moore by pumping dollars into his campaign. the rnc suspended their support for moore when the allegations first came to light. but they got back behind moore soon after the president got off the sidelines and endorsed him. since that happened monday night, we've been asked someone from the rnc to come on the program. they've declined each day. so, we sent randi kaye to see if she could get them to talk. she joins us now from washington. did they talk? >> reporter: they did, anderson, eventually. we were trying to track down the chair of the rnc. she's a tough woman to nail down. so, we finally caught up with her in front of the office for the rnc. and i can tell you that she, right away, said that they could onto answer one question, that she was short on time, she had flown in from michigan to have a meeting with the president at the white house. we don't know what was said at the meeting. we were told, short on time,
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only one question. well, of course, as you can imagine, we had a whole lot more than just one question for her, but this is how the conversation went. so, when it comes to what's happening in alabama, who do you believe, do you believe roy moore or do you believe the women who have come out -- >> well, we've said all along that these allegations are incredibly disturbing. that if they were proven true, that the candidate would be unfit to serve in office. but it's up to the voters of alabama right now. this is democracy, they're going to see this play out. they get to make that decision. it's not up to me. and the president has said we want to keep the seat republican. the rnc is the political arm of the white house and we want to support the president's agenda. >> reporter: can i just follow up? what do you believe? >> it's not up to me. it's up to the voters of alabama. they're going to have to make that decision next tuesday. this is something that's getting a lot of media, they're going to have to go into that voting booth and make a decision as to
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who is best to respect them. >> reporter: is that why the rnc decided to support roy moore again? >> this is democracy. the president has indicated he wants to keep this seat republican, and we're going to -- we're the political arm of the white house, so, we're going to make sure the president -- thank you so much. >> reporter: and once again, anderson, now ronna mcdaniel has said that the alabama voters are going to be the judge and jury of roy moore. she didn't really expand on that today. one other thing that she didn't mention today is the candidate's name. in that conversation, she referred to roy moore as the candidate. she never actually said his name, which we thought was interesting. we were able to confirm just how much funding the rnc, the national rnc has sent to roy moore and his campaign. two payments, one of $50,000, anderson, and one of $120,000, so, a total of $170,000 from the rnc, anderson. >> all right, randi kaye, thank you for that. three views now from stuart stephens, amanda carpenter and ed martin.
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stewart, have the republicans lost the moral high ground to the democrats? do you think the 32% approval rating for the president is any reflection on that? >> well, you know, there was a lot of hope that when donald trump was elected president that he would change, he would grow into the office and he would evolve, but his support of roy moore would indicate that's just not happening on this level. in my ways, donald trump was a gateway drug to roy moore. he never effectively dealt with accusations against him, and if that's acceptable with republicans enough to elect him, what's the logical thing that you end up with, roy moore, who is accused of being a child predator. >> amanda, i mean, i know you think the democrats are putting forward a very public zero tolerance to this issue. how would you label the republican party's approach? >> well, the republican party approach -- listen, if moral high ground won elections, donald trump wouldn't be president. this alone is not going to do it for the democrats. that said, this is about
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energizing and motivating that hard core democratic base of democratic women who are upset and angry over sexual abuse and harassment issues. so, i think this is pretty smart. but you know, i don't see a lot of reaction from republicans. their point of view at this point is like, well, you know, if al franken doesn't think he's fit for office, go ahead and resign. but donald trump will never say that. >> so, stuart, is the message then, just, deny everything and then just keep moving forward? i mean, because that -- >> well, think about it. is that -- what kind of message does that send to our kids? is that what teachers teach students to do? is that what coaches teach their athletes to do? to just deny everything -- that's not the message, though. >> it's the exact opposite -- i really don't see this as a political issue. i see it as a civil society and a decency issue. i mean, the fabric of civil society is held together by very thin and fragile threads. and one of them is decency and
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one of them is rule of law. and in the case of roy moore, you have someone by every standard has violated the decency standard. he's admitted to trying to date 16-year-old girls in his 30s. that's a creepy thing, people say, well, it's just alabama -- listen, i grew up in mississippi, and every father i knew, if he saw a guy like roy moore in his 30s trying to date his 16-year-old daughter, they would have had a date with a baseball bat. and this idea that somehow that roy moore is an outsider, roy moore's been running for office or holding office since 1982. >> ed -- >> the issues never came up. >> i can tell you why it never came up. i did the campaign when governor riley ran against roy moore and we beat him two to one. the reason this didn't come up is because roy moore was out there saying such crazy stuff that you didn't need to look into his background. >> that doesn't pass the smell test. >> that is the case. >> ed -- >> it's why he lost -- it's why
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he lost two to one. >> roy moore was twice removed as chief justice in alabama. the second time, a -- basically, the court in alabama, a number of judges unanimously believed that he was being misleading, not credible. and essentially lying. so, if his credibility has already been questioned by sitting alabama justices, which, i don't really think are representatives of, like, a left wing fringe -- >> no. >> does that raise any questions for you about his credibility? >> look, but we have lots of candidates that have credibility issues, right? we have lots of people that have lied. john mccain won re-election after he said he made a mistake in savings and loan. it's very important -- roy moore has run for decades on a position in terms of judges that i agree with. and if that's your fight, yes, he got thrown out by other judges who didn't like his position, but -- >> for violating state and federal regulations. >> yeah, but that was regulated by the same people he was disagreeing with. and he was re-elected.
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>> he was re-elected and tossed out again because he told probate justices in alabama not to obey the supreme court ruling. >> but anderson, you and i both know that was a substantive disagreement. >> he was misleading, manipulative and filing, sort of misleading on your own position, essentially lying. that's not just a difference on beliefs. that's, you know, what's right and what's wrong. >> i guess -- >> can i just raise one other point -- >> go ahead, stuart. >> can i just raise one other point about roy moore? lost in all of this sort of stuff about the sexual allegations and the fact that he was tossed off the bench twice, you know, roy moore absolutely does not believe in the constitution, because he believes in a religious test to hold office. that is specifically prohibited by the constitution. he has said that a muslim should not hold office in congress. that's a fact, ed. he said that. and now, there are a lot of
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people that agree with him. i understand that. but it is not what the united states institution says. >> ed, do you think it's appropriate -- do you think a muslim should be able to hold office? >> sure, sure. if that's his position, i never heard him say it, but stuart, you know -- >> but wait a minute. how can you say you never heard him say it? he's on record saying that. he said the only thing the islam islamic faith has ever contributed to the united states is 9/11. he's on record saying that keith ellison should not be able to put his hand on a koran to swear into congress, that had mmuslim shouldn't be in capitol hill. >> look, i don't think i knew all those quotes but i'll just say this, that's why we have elections. if the people of alabama reject that, are you saying that we get to vet who gets to run for office? we can all say we don't like roy moore, just like i can say over and over i don't like ted kennedy or whoever. people get to vote on this. and it's -- nothing in our
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constitution -- >> you can be a big got and you can get elected to congress, it's just a question of whether you admit the person is a bigot or not. >> well, my job, you're saying the republican party has a zero tolerance on sexual harass pt, or whatever the question was earlier, and what i'm saying is, you guys think that it's okay to pile on six weeks before an election, stuart, and claim that you know this guy's heart and the truth about him and i'm saying, let's go to the election, and if you want to have an ethics committee haerg and put up members of the public, accusing members of the senate of conduct, giddy up. >> the second-worst thing about the alabama election, aside from, you know, all the history that roy moore has, is the fact that all his statements and crazy thoughts have not seen the light of day. because he did say those things. and he even worse, he refuses to show his face and answer questions about that. instead, he has this embarrassing spokeswoman, who
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was on the air last night, who doesn't have any remote idea of how to answer these questions. roy moore believes this stuff. and if you believe it, brother, get on tv and make your case. because i think people should hear it now so we know it's coming, because next it's going to be on the floor of the u.s. senate. >> stuart, amanda, ed, thank you very much. >> thanks, anderson. much more ahead on roy moore's views, including a newly uncovers statement, saying that even though slavery was wrong, the last time america was great, when african-americans were slaves. more breaking news. these are live pictures of the wildfires con suchling southern california -- these are just in, not live. the situation is evolving with every shift in the powerful winds. we'll have an update from the scene ahead. it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪
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with five days to go until the special senate election in alabama, and the race between democrat doug jones and republican roy moore very close in the polls what is still unknown how alabamans will react in the voting booth. as you saw at the top of the program, the republican national committee is backing moore with a new infusion of cash. the president is all-in, as well. and the overriding theme for many top republicans is that this is up to the people of alabama to decide. we had mr. moore's spokesperson on the program last night. i asked her about the allegations made by a number of wom wom
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wom women. they've always offered really no evidence directly to back up those claims, but much of the focus was other statements that roy moore has made over the years, all public statements on the record. he hasn't repeated them in awhile, so, i thought it would make sense to ask if moore still stands by the statements. these weren't trick questions. moore is on the record for all of this. i want to play some of the key moments from my interview last night. we did edit it for time, while trying to preserve the context. the whole thing is online. you can see. take a look. does judge more still believe that homosexuality is still the same thing as bestiality? >> well, i think that what judge roy moore, and i can't answer that question -- >> you don't know that? because that's what he said in the past. >> i don't have that answer. >> can you get back to us on that one? >> regards that issue, if you want to talk about making sure
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we don't have sexual predators -- >> does he still believe that 9/11 may have happened because, quote, we've distanced ourselves from god, because he said that in the past. >> you know, this is the thing. a lot of people talk about god and how they're christians, in fact, if you look at the commercials of roy moore's opponent, he's telling everybody what a great christian he is and how he defends -- >> you don't know the answer about 9/11, either? >> i don't know the answer to 9/11, no, i'm sorry. >> third question. does he still believe in american citizen who is a muslim should not be able to serve in congress? >> i think what he's getting at there is that we believe in the rule of law by the constitution, not sharia law and i think that's really the bottom line, what we're looking at. >> he said that keith ellison should not be allowed to swear on the koran. >> he'll lose his job if he has to to stand for that constitution. >> you don't know the answer to that, either. does he still believe that keith ellison shouldn't be allowed to swear on the koran? i get, you don't want to answer these questions. does he still believe that the
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has become the focus of evil in the world because the u.s. promotes things, in his words, like same sex marriage? >> you know, you can ridicule biblical beliefs if you want -- >> i'm still wondering, does he still believe that the u.s. is the focus of evil in the modern world? >> he has stood for the constitution and that's really what it's all about. >> hoping she gets back to us with answers on those, just to clarify his positions. just in order -- the questions were, does roy moore still believe homosexual conduct should be illegal, and does he still equate homosexuality to beast y'allty. does he still believe 9/11 happened because we distanced ourselves from god. does he still believe an american should not be allowed to to be muslim in congress? now, keeping them honest, from those answers last night, we don't know. just in case you think the questions themselves were somehow beyond the pale or made
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up, i just want to show you roy moore's exact statements. first, here he is on tape, equaling homosexuality to beast y'a y'allty. >> because it's done behind closed doors. it can still be prohibited by state law. do you know that bestiality, the relationship between man and beast, is prohibited in every state? because you've despised his word and trust in perverseness and oppression, and say, thereon, therefore this innick byty shall be to you as a breach. sounds a little bit like the pentagon, breaking came suddenly at an instance, doesn't it? >> those are the first two items. about muslims, he said, quote, the only thing i know, islam has contributed to america's 9/11 and said to world net daily about congressman keith ellison taking the oath on a koran, we
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would have never allowed someone in the 1950s to swear allegiance to the communist manifesto. finally, he used an old president ronald reagan about the soviet union to compare it to america today. that is on tape. >> he said that russia was the focus of evil in the modern world. >> could say that very well about america, couldn't you? >> you think? >> well, we promote a lot of bad things, you know? >> like? >> same sex marriage. >> that's the very argument that vladimir putin makes. >> well, then maybe putin is right, maybe he's more akin to me than i know. >> roy moore's views over the years. and again, when asked about them, if he still stands by all the statements, his spokeswoman wouldn't or couldn't say. cnn uncovered an additional
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statement about mr. moore's past. >> we have kids driving by, shooting each other, that they don't even know each other. they're acting like animals, because we've taught them they come from animals. >> that's from 1997, and at a rally in september, when asked by an african-american about the last time he thought the country was great, he hair conned back to the days of slavery. here's the quote, as reported in "the los angeles times." i think it was great at the time when families were united. even though we had slooavery, ty cared for one another. our families were strong, our country had a direction. these are just some of roy moore's beliefs. h lots to talk about. bill britt has an interview coming out sunday with mr. moore. bill, i'm wondering, does roy moore, on the campaign trail, repeat some of the things he has said in the past? because it seems like his spokesperson doesn't really want to talk about them or was unaware of some of them, i'm
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wondering, are they still in his sort of stump speech at all or are these just random things he's said over the years that he doesn't continue to talk about? >> anderson, thank you for having me on. you know, here in the south, we generally -- we will take our crazy people down and put them in the parlor or put them on the front porch, we rarely put them on television. and look, roy moore is a very polarizing figure. i couldn't speak for what roy moore does, does he say things that are outrageous to most of us -- absolutely. but there are people in alabama, and, i would dare say, in the united states, that agree with roy moore. while most do not, there is a hard core constituency that believes what he believes. >> as someone who knows alabama politics, do you think he's going to win? polls say it's close, but seems like maybe just as we saw in the national election, a lot of people who may not say they're going to vote for roy moore, but
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will. do you think he'll win? >> well, i mean, what we're seeing on the ground here is similar to what you're seeing in new york and d.c., he's moving ahead in the polls. when we speak to people privately, there's strong support for roy moore. so, i would not be surprised. i would be surprised if doug jones won. i wouldn't be surprised if roy moore won. >> do you think -- do you think any of these -- i mean, if you look at poll numbers, purely, it seems like since these allegations by these number of women have come forward, his numbers have gone down, you know, you say you still think he's going to win, but it's closer than it would ordinarily be for a democratic candidate in the state of alabama. do you think these allegations have hurt him or do you think it's kind of hardened his support among his hard core base supporters? >> well, when we talk to
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republicans throughout the state, there are many republicans that are just going to stay home. they're not going to vote for roy moore and they're not going to vote for doug jones. and these are private decisions, they're not going to come out and say that openly, but that's the way the republicans that we've talked to feel. however, there's, again, a constituency that doesn't trust the media, doesn't trust these reports, and they're going to vote for roy moore. >> it's interesting. so, you're hearing, and again, people not making a big deal of it, but from republicans who just sort of decided to sit this one out? >> absolutely. i mean, you know, not everybody in the republican party is a roy moore fan, not even here in alabama. i mean, roy moore, judge moore, has always been a more fringe candidate in that he rejects modernity. he rejects the society that he
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sees around him. and it threatens him and it threatens a lot of people. and that's what we hear. i mean, i dare not speak for roy moore or anybody else, but from what we hear from people, you know, they -- they do agree with him on some social issues, but the vast majority, i think, of republicans, you know, they find some of this reprehensible. i mean, the statements. >> yeah. >> bill britt, i appreciate your expertise, and we'll see what happens. we'll continue to check in with you. wish you the best. thank you. again, if you want to see my interview with janet porter, you can find it at ac previously undisclosed e-mails from don jr. and the california wildfires, more homes burned. the winds fueling the fire only getting stronger tonight. more ahead. ♪ a wealth of information. a wealth of perspective. ♪
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breaking news tonight in the russia probe. undisclosed e-mails show followup after the trump tower meeting in june 2016, followup that donald trump jr. said never happened. jim sciutto joins us now with more details. what do the e-mails show? >> well, anderson, the e-mails contradict what has been the trump campaign and now administration story line about this meeting since it broke. one, that it was a one-off, and two, that the subject of the meeting was entirely about russian adoptions. these e-mails contradict that. i'll give you an example. one e-mail on june 14th, 2016, five days after that trump tower meeting between the man who set up that meeting and one of the russians who was there, this happens to be, i should say, the day that news broke that russia had hacked dnc e-mails, so, in one of these e-mails the man who brokered this meeting forwards a cnn story about the russian breach of dnc e-mails to two of the russians involved in this meeting and says, isn't this eerily weird, and i'm quoting
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there, in light of what we talked about five days earlier. now, that is interesting. one, there was followup between participants in that meeting, two, it raises hard questions about what the subject of the meeting actually was. what came up? because we know leading up to the meeting there was talk about the russians providing dirt on hillary clinton. now, e-mail traffic after the meeting that seems to reference exactly that. >> this isn't e-mail traffic between him and donald trump jr., correct? >> rob goldston, it's between him and one of the russians that was in that room, and also another russian that helped broker the meeting. it is discussing what was d discussed in that meeting. >> there is a separate e-mail that talks about russia's version of facebook? >> that's right.
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numerous e-mails, again, between rob goldston and dan skvino, at the time with the trump campaign, he's now the social media director for the trump white house. and in this, in the series of e-mails, i should say, rob is pitching him, saying that, we should really get a page for donald trump sr., the condition, on vk, which is russia's facebook, in effect, and we're also told that that idea came out in part from that meeting in trump tower. so, you know, the significance of it is not clear. but again, it raises those questions. there was clearly followup to the trump tower meeting and it raises questions about what was the subject of discussion when all those parties were sitting down in trump tower. congressional investigators are looking into it. >> all right, jim sciutto, appreciate it. joining me now, preet bharara, who president trump fired less
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than three months into his presidency. not a smoking gun or anything, but again, another piece of the puzzle. it is also a reminder that we've only really seen the tip of the iceberg, just in terms of e-mails around the donald trump jr. meeting. we've only seen the e-mails that donald trump jr. decided to put online under pressure. >> yeah, no, i think that's correct. the point that you were making is a fair one. we don't know if there was a conversation between, you know, this publicist and donald trump jr. it is the case that the story keeps changing. there are other dimensions to the story over time. but the fact that we are continuing to hear about information coming out of tin ve the investigation, a little bit, we don't have any idea the scope of what roubert mueller has in his position and what he's going to have in the future. >> donald trump jr. seemed to want to have a phone conversation prior to having this meeting and even sent him his telephone number, unclear whether that phone call ever
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took place, but theoretically, that could be something that mueller would have access to, as well. >> i think so. it points up to the issue of making sure, in any kind of investigation, if you are potentially a target, to get the story right and to get the story put out in its full and proper way in the first instance. if it now turns out after donald trump jr. said there was no followup, i didn't do anything with the followup after that meeting because i thought it was useless, and then it turns out there's e-mail traffic or texting traffic between him and other people, that doesn't help him. >> during yesterday's hearing, donald trump jr. said he could not discuss conversations he had with his father, that they were -- he was claiming attorney-client privilege because there were attorneys in the room. have you ever heard of attorney-client privilege being extended to, just because there were attorneys in the room? >> you know, it depends on the circumstance. but as a general matter, there's no attorney-client privilege between -- there's no father and son privileges.
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and sometimes it's the case if there's a joint defense agreement between and among multiple people, for example, at a company, there is a privileged conversation between the lawyer and those other nonlawyers in connection with the provision of advice, i guess that's possible, but my understanding is he is invoking something far more broad than that. there there's no such thing as a father-son privilege. >> if two people are talking just in front of a priest, you can't claim -- >> no. there have been cases, litigated for a long time, because sometimes people, in order to shield their conversations, will plop a lawyer in a corner like a potted plant, to try to give the aura of there being a privilege issue there. the parties have to work that out and the investigators have to work that out, but simply having a person that has a law degree sitting at a table while two other people -- mobsters used to do this all the time. i'm not saying these folks are mobsters. you want to shield as much as you can.
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you cc a lawyer on an e-mail, you bring a lawyer in, have them sit in, that by itself does not shield things. >> so, what can house investigators or robert mueller, what can you do to compel -- somebody's claiming attorney-client privilege and it doesn't hold up, how do you force them to talk? >> the mueller team will talk to donald trump jr., presumably, ask questions, he'll invoke some privilege, the team will think that's ludicrous or frivolous and then they'll go the court. they have a court process and they can compel him to talk about it. if he doesn't, he could potentially be held in contempt. there are various remedies i think bob mueller and his team, that has, you know, proceedings in front of a court, a grand jury in place, has a lot more access to compulsory process than the congress does. >> we've heard the president say there's no collusion in regards to russia, congressman adam schiff said after the hearing that donald trump jr. that taking self-serving statements is not what they do.
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we want to show the timeline to the viewers. you have the papadopoulos meeting, the trump tower meeting and then the e-mails following up the trump tower meeting. it certainly raises more questions. the more pieces of the puzzle, the more questions there are. >> that's how it works. investigations happen, things come out. there's a hint of things to come, but we don't know what owl those things will be. but one of the important points that adam schiff was making is, you can't really rely on the denials made by people who are under investigation. i know the president has said on a couple of occasions, vladimir putin denies something, so i take him at his word -- if prosecutors and investigators over the course of time walked away when one of their tacts said, i didn't do it -- we would have massive unemployment in the ranks of people who are investigators, and the jails would be empty, because that's not how it works. investigators have to proceed, have to look at things and not just take the word of the people
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saying they did nothing wrong. >> supporters of the president say, look, nothing's come up yet, all this time, all this money that's been spent, there's no evidence of collusion -- it's easy to say that, it is still an active investigation. >> it's only a few months. in the course of a few months -- in my experience, it takes a long time to put together cases, even if they involve things like obstruction, money laundering. you have four people charged. two people have pled guilty. both of those people are going to be in a position to testify against other folks. there's a lot yet to come and i don't know how -- i understand there's a self-interested reason to say nothing's been found, shut it down, but i think the mueller team has a long way to go and we're going to hear a lot more things. >> preet bharara, thank you. coming up, trent franks announces he will resign from congress. the latest on that, that should happen today. and we'll hear from representative kathleen rice who says both parties have been slow to address the issue. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms.
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late today, another member of congress announced he is resigning. arizona republican representative trent franks said in a statement that he'll leave at the end of january. that was after the house ethics committee said it would investigate franks to determine if he engaged in sexual harassment or retaliation for
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opposing sexual harassment. at this point, the only thing we have to go by is franks statement. in it, he acknowledges that he discussed surrogacy with two female staffers, but denied ever trying to have sexual contact with any member of his staff. also tonight, the house ethics committee says it received information over the last two weeks about representative blake farenthold. as we reported earlier today, senator al franken announced his resignation, and earlier this week, congressman john conyers announced his retirement. kathleen rice released a statement yesterday, saying the men who have abused their positions need to face consequences. that includes her democratic colleagues. i spoke with representative rice earlier. congresswoman, two of senator franken's accusers said they were disappointed in his speech today. i should also note, he didn't apologize to any of the accusers. do you think he went far enough today? >> i think for his accusers, he
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went far enough in that he's no longer going to be a united states senator. but this is part of the problem, anderson, with this issue. and this is why women don't like come forward. because it becomes a he said/she said, and usually in those circumstances, the he wins out. and we just can't have that anymore. and my hope is that once the american public sees that these men, who are harassing women to varying degrees are being held accountable, and there is a professional accountability there, hopefully more women are going to come forward and feel safe to tell their stories. >> there are certainly many democrats who believe or certainly hope that democrats now have the moral high ground, because they called for franken's resignation. on the republican side, president trump, the rnc and congressional republicans are supporting roy moore. i'm wondering what your take is on that. just recently, i know you said, quote, none of us have clean hands when it comes to this issue. >> because both parties were
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slow to acknowledge the seriousness of this issue. i spoke out because i felt it was important that the american public see that just because you are a congressman or a senator, a congresswoman or a senator, doesn't mean that you're going to be treated any different than people in the private sector. now, there's a certain, does anyone really expect donald trump, the president of the united states, to be critical of roy moore? he has no choice but to say, i support him. the reason he gave was because he'd rather see a republican than a democrat, but how could he possibly have been objectively critical of roy moore, given what the president himself has been heard on tape saying about the way he treated women? and to be honest with you, i think what we need now is a little bit of courage on the part of republican leadership here, from paul ryan on down. there are members, at least blake farenthold, for one, who was one of the congressmen who paid out $84,000 of taxpayer money, a woman who suffered severe professional
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consequences. and he's still here. only one republican congresswoman, a woman, by the way, i will add, has called for him to step aside. so, look, congress as a whole is not going to have clean hands in this issue, unless we show we are taking it seriously. >> i spoke to farenthold's accuser on monday night and she frankly knew when she came forward that -- she was told that it was going to be career suicide and she really hasn't been able to work in washington again. she thinks what's going on right now is more than a moment. >> i couldn't agree with here her. it is not a moment. it is a time for all of us to address this issue, not as republicans and not as democrats, but as americans. this is a discussion that has been long overdue, i think, in the american discord, and now that we're getting more and more women in the workplace, my hope is the way we treat this seriously, once we begin to treat it seriously here in congress, we're going to have more women feel comfortable coming forward, so we can have an honest conversation about this issue in this country. >> cnn is reporting that your
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republican colleague, trent franks, is resigning. i'm wonder what your reaction is to that? >> i'm waiting like everyone else to see exactly what the facts are there. but i don't think the american public is going to be too surprised if there are more revelations about people here in washington, as there will continue to be across the country in various different businesses. you know, the -- the reason why it's so important for us to have a national conversation about this now, anderson, is, we can talk about all the famous people in hollywood, or the politicians in washington, but how many women and men are there across this country in every day life, every day people who are being harassed in the workplace, who have to go every day to a hostile workplace? and they have no recourse and no voice. that has got to stop, and that's the beginning -- this is, what i hope, is going to be the beginning of a national conversation to address everyone who has been victimized by this. >> congresswoman kathleen rice,
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appreciate your time. >> thank you. coming up, the latest on the california wildfires, and incredible moment. a man tries to save a rabbit that ran into the fire. [ coughing ] when you have a cold... stuff happens. [ sneeze ] shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ tired of sore throat lozenges that only last a short time? try new alka-seltzer plus sore throat relief. the melts dissolve quickly. plus, the powerful pain reliever provides long-lasting relief for up to six hours. try new alka-seltzer plus. sarah destroy.dent. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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burned more than 100,000 acres so far. we're going to get a live update on the efforts. take a look at the live pictures right now from san diego. you get a sense of the scope and the scale of some of these fires in the san diego area. we do want to show you an incredible piece of video. take a look at the bottom of your screen. you'll see a rabbet running toward the flames, and watch what happens. he was on the side of a highway in ventura county. a wild rabbit apparently darted across traffic into the burning scene you see there. the man stopped on the side of the road there agonizing over the fate of the rabbit, which finally came out of the flames, and was carried to safety along the highway. a small moment of compassion amid the damage and destruction. paul vercammen joins us now with the latest on the fires. i understand they're making the air quality dangerous all up and down the coast. >> reporter: absolutely, anderson, they are. and if you can look, just a
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short moment ago, it looked like tiny, little snowflakes. you might even be able to get a sense for these little embers and the ash that's raining down. especially in ventura county and into santa barbara county. massive school and business closures throughout the county, because the air quality is just absolutely horrific. i'm standing right on the county line right now. by the way, anderson, 96,000 acres burned on the thomas fire in ventura county alone. >> have authorities been able to hold the fire line where you are? >> reporter: they have. let me give you a good example of just how well they've held the line. if you look in that canyon, yes, it looks ominous, but i can tell you right now, those are actually backfires. some of it is original fire, but a lot of those are backfires. they're using a flammatory called drip torch, as well as something that looks like a road flare, and maybe while we're on the air this will happen. but you'll see it light up and
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they will literally throw it into the canyon. you can't tell because it's dark, but in front of us is a farmer's orchard, and this is the extreme northwest part of the fire, burning near the city of carpinteria. that's the next city. carpinteria is not threatened right now, let's not be alarmist. there are some mandatory evacuations in southwest carpinteria as a precaution. but right now they've tied all this in, is the term the firefighters like to use, and there's -- literally, in the dark, you can't see them. but there's a california department of fire engineer and expert who's calling in on the radio and telling them, set this fire here. throw this flare there. go ahead and get that drip torch. and they're doing it with remarkable skill and they also used a bulldozer and hand crews to build the fire line. this is the extreme, as i said, northwest corner. it was a pivotal part of this fire line. it's much like a military operation, anderson, and they sealed this off for now. and it's looking good, cross
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your fingers, though, and hope that those menacing winds don't come whipping up again, because it seems like you and i are talking and we go off the air and then six, seven hours later, the next thing you know, those winds start whipping through. >> just a lot of folks working incredibly hard to stop this. paul vercammen, thank you very much. appreciate it. coming up, two members of congress announce their resignation today. first, senator al franken, now republican congressman trent franks says he'll resign at the end of january after the house ethics committee said it would investigate allegations against him. the latest on all of that when we come back. ♪ it's a lot easier to make decisions when you know what comes next. if you move your old 401(k) to a fidelity ira, we make sure you're in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. ♪ oh and at fidelity, you'll see how all your investments are working together. because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. ♪ just remember what i said about a little bit o' soul ♪
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