tv New Day CNN December 8, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PST
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truth in if nothing happened? welcome to your "new day." it's friday, december 8th, 8:00 in the east. chris is off and john berman joins me. we have a lot to do in the next hour. >> we sure do. >> three lawmakers in three days resigning amid sexual conduct issues. trent franks announced last night he was stepping down after democratic senator, al franken caved to pressure from his party and he plans to leave congress within weeks. franken took a shot at president trump and roy moore. >> and then the sexual misconduct scandals rock congress. pensacola, about as close as you can humanly get to the state of alabama where there's a key senate race happening right now
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and the president has given his full support to roy moore, despite the fact that roy moore has been accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl. that election now, just four days away. joining us now, our cnn political analysts. great to see both of you. jonathan mar jonathan martin, let's start with al franken. it surprised many, he didn't admit guilt and he thought some of his apologies, his efforts to reach out and be compassionate gave the false impression that he agreed that he had done something wrong and he was sort of setting the record straight there. >> yeah, whathe's clearly unhape is being forced out. this is not something he decided to do two days ago, he was forced to quit because of his colleagues. after the most recent allegation against him, that was enough for
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his democratic colleagues, most of them women who quickly said you got to go. that's why he quit. he's not happy about it. politically this is why it's important that franken quit and conyers quit the previous day. democrats are going to want to have the high ground next year, and if their hands are not clean on the issue of sexual impropriety, it's going to be tough in the midterms to go after the republicans for moore. >> pensacola and this is the alabama media market, and trump made phone calls to get people to go to the rally, so is this what they want, having president trump on the doorstep of alabama
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campaigning for roy moore? >> absolutely. we have heard him on tape talking about sexual harassment and going down to campaign for a very controversial senate candidate, including a 14-year-old girl. that is as vivid a contrast as one could imagine, so long as democrats don't have their own sexual harassment problems hanging over them. franken's decision to step down or the party's decision to force him out helps that to make it a cleaner contrast. >> and then the next resignation we heard, republican congressman, trent franks, as we have been discussing, this is in a different vein, sort of, than the standard sexual harassment accusations that we have heard. two staffers in his office who report in the midst of fertility challenges he was having with his wife he approached them
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about surrogate see. >> it's not harassment but it's inappropriate. the lesson coming out of this moment, it's reminding some men you can't act like that in the workplace. it seemed obvious to some people, but perhaps was not to mr. franks. what is striking here, though, the republicans have not been as quick to push their own out and obviously in the case of moore, many of them, including the president, are embracing his candidacy. i think what is striking about franks, he is moving swiftly. speaker ryan did nudge him, and congressman blake fairen old --
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>> wait, $84,000. >> well, from that fund that we have talked so much about, secreti secretive shrouded fund, we had no idea where it's going. >> he will go if republicans tell him to go. and a republican told kate bolduan they think he should step down. >> that's two rank and file members you mentioned. >> paul ryan, he pushed frankings out, and will he take the same approach with trent.
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any of the actions in congress the last week with these people stepping down and the implications would force him to budge at all? >> i don't think it will. moore's campaign sent out an e-mail this morning saying somehow franken's resignation proves moore is innocent. bannon is writing the narrative saying all the accusers are lying and this is a conspiracy by the democrats and mainstream media. i was in alabama later this week for the rally bannon held with moore, and lot of republicans in alabama believe that. bannon is not at all put off by these charges, and seems intent
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on convincing republican voters in alabama they are false. if you look at where the polls seem to be heading it's a strategy that looks like it could be working on tuesday. >> the polling there, steve bannon followed the polling, he didn't follow roy moore. let's be honest, in the first days after "the posts" reported this story, steve bannon was quiet and didn't say anything. the mercer family that helps to fund some of his activity has been gone from alabama activity, and once bannon saw the polling stabilize for moore he saw an opportunity to go back to alabama and obviously claim some of the spotlight. i'm dubious if the polling had not stabilized for moore that bannon would have shown up in alabama again. >> i disagree. i think he was trying to stop them from pushing moore
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overboard. he and the kind of conservatives he stands for had been pretty instrumental in trying to change the narrative, and creating a permission structure or really just a conspear tore annual world view that will help them to vote for moore. and that seems to be the direction in which -- >> that's what i am saying, josh, if the polling had more down, 10 to 15 points i don't think we would see bannon go down. we have breaking news we want to get to. the breaking news this morning, we have to report a cnn exclusive in the russia investigation, an electronic trail emerged showing a possible attempt to share hacked wikileaks documents with the trump campaign. let's get to manu.
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>> others in the trump organization received an e-mail offering a decryption key and website for hacked wikileaks e-mails. to put the timeframe in context, this e-mail came months after the hacked e-mails of the dnc were made public and one month before wikileaks began leaking contents of podesta's hacked e-mails, and shortly before trump junior began conversations with wikileaks. whether it shows additional efforts by wikileaks to connect with trump's son and others in the trump campaign, and the e-mail indicated the trump campaign could access records from the former secretary of state, colin powell, whose
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hacked e-mails were made public from a russian front group ten years later, and it was a person that listed his name as mike erickson. cnn was unable to make contact with the individual. it's not clear if the e-mail was a legitimate effort to provide the hacked documents to the trump campaign. trump junior was asked about this before the house intelligence committee behind closed doors, according to sources that told my colleague, they told cnn that his client said he had no recollection of the e-mail and took no action on it. the use of a website and decryption key is a means to provide information, and this is the idea that wikileaks had a data file and was encrypted and impossible to open up with the key. the question is did that happen here? we don't know the answer to that
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quite yet. >> just to recap, what happened allegedly is somebody sent trump campaign officials essentially the keys to access these wikileak documents, hacked documented in possession of wikileaks, and just to be clear is there any sign donald trump, jr.'s attorneys said or anybody in the trump campaign used the keys provided to them. >> we don't have evidence of that yet. we know that trump junior did not have a recollection of it, and we don't know whether the president himself was aware of it. we know he's not a frequent e-mailer, and the white house did not respond to a request for comment, so the question that investigators have is did anybody know about this or is it another effort by wikileaks to make a connection or was it not a legitimate effort, and we
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don't know that yet. >> were the keys real? do we know if the keys had worked if they tried them? >> that's a great question. we don't know that yet. it will lead to more investigation to figure out if the website was real that had the documents allegedly. >> bring us when you have something more. we have another cnn exclusive for you right now. previously undisclosed e-mail reveal multiple follow-ups between trump campaign officials and a russian laura. jim scuitto is live in washington with his reporting. >> this contradicts the trump story line that the trump tower meeting between campaign officials and russian officials, that there was no follow-up and all the discussion in that meeting was about russian adoptions. one of the multiple discussions
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came five days after that trump tower meeting, a british publicist that was in that meeting, forwarding a cnn story as the news was breaking that russia had hacked dnc e-mails, and attaching the comment, isn't this eerily weird, and i'm quoting there, in light of what we discussed a few days ago. it does provide evidence or raise questions about what exactly was discussed in that room. did it touch on topics like this, and again, like i said, we heard a very different story coming from donald trump, jr., about this meeting. have a listen to what don junior said. >> there was nothing to follow-up. as we were walking out, he said sorry about that. there is nothing there. >> another thing that was discussed, we're learning from the e-mails as they were coming out of the meeting, getting
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donald trump, sr., the candidate, to build a page on russia's facebook. v.k., like i said, it's a russian facebook equivalent but it's something that is popular, alisyn, with white wing groups in the u.s. this is what investigators are look into. >> gjim, thank you very much. join us tonight, because jim will srpl a report, the mystery of michael flynn, and it traces the life and career to michael flynn. here's a sneak peek. >> inside the intelligence
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agencies, flynn sometimes contradicted the fact and intelligence. flynn facts, they called them. >> people talked about flynn facts. you have heard this exsprerb wrupb. >> i was hearing from more than one source about what became flynn facts. that concerned me. >> can you give me an example? >> i think he was convinced the iranians were behind the benghazi attack, and we had no evidence of that, and we insisted we find evidence to back up that proposition. >> flynn started to manifest some of the more controversial behaviors that ultimately played out on the national stage. >> you can watch the cnn special
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♪ we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? . the fbi that i see is tens of thousands of brave men and women working as hard as they can to keep people they will never know safe from harm. the agents, analysts and staff of the fbi are big boys and girls. we understand that we will take criticism from all corners, and we are accustomed to that. >> that was fbi director, christopher wray defending the fbi after trump said it was in tatters, and some of the
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toughest criticism came from jim jordan. you had some heated exchanges with the director wray yesterday. are you one of the people that agrees that the fbi is in tat turs? >> i think lots of people question particularly as it relates to the entire clinton investigation and the russian matter, so that's where my focus is. >> you were zeroing in on the dossier and what you wanted to know was whether that steele cau dossier was used as a predicate to get the fisa warrant, and you admitted you had a hunch, that's your suspicion but don't have a basis for it? >> it was reported it was used
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to get warrants to spy on americans associated with the trump campaign, and we know the dossier is fake news bologna, and the clinton campaign paid the law firm that paid the agent who paid russians. that's what is amazing, one campaign paid russia for the report that a basis for spying on americans? >> so many leaps of logic. the first part, the dossier has been corroborated, in terms of all the contacts between high-level trump folks and russians, all that has been corroborated. >> why not do what we asked director wray, why not release
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the application? >> he told you yesterday because he said all that is classified. >> you can give it to the judiciary. that's what we asked him. we want the application. we are the committee that has oversight over the justice department, so give us the material you assembled to take to the court. we want to see that. my case is peter strzok's fingerprints is all over that. >> that's the agent you are talking about who was dismissed and has anti-trump texts. >> if everybody was dismissed from the mueller team that was anti-trump you wouldn't have anybody left. there has to be more to the story, because peter strzok is the same guy that ran the clinton investigation, and interviewed those in the clinton investigation, and changed it from gross negligence, and we are supposed to believe because
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he exchanged anti-trump text messages that disqualified him? >> yeah, and you are pointing the mueller investigation with one broad brush stroke, and we know there are democrats and republicans on that team. >> all i am saying is i don't think he was dismissed because he had anti-trump bias -- there has to be something else. it has to do with the dossier. >> i know you do. i want to zero in on that. i know you think that. it was part of the basis for the fisa warrant. >> so was the application. >> after the fbi corroborated the details on their own, so they second sourced it -- >> the same fbi -- the same fbi -- >> you don't believe the fbi is capable of doing their own
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investigation. >> the same fbi who also reported paying christopher steele, and the same fbi that launched the investigation and took this document to the fisa court and said this is the reason we need a warrant to spy on people associated with the trump -- it was paid for by the democratic and -- >> it has not been discredited. it has been corroborated. >> really? >> yes, ask your intel community. your intel communities have corroborated all the details. >> really? >> the conversations. the face-to-face meetings between the trump team and the russians, and the only part you are focussing on is the stuff we have not reported on. >> no, i am talking about the
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whole thing. the fbi reported they were paying christopher steele to put together an opposition research document that the fbi, i believe, dressed up and took to the fisa court so they could spy on the other party's candidate and campaign. that's what i think happened. >> yeah, but you don't have any basis for that. that's your hunch. >> are you kidding me? >> you called it your hunch. you said, this is my hunch. >> and the fbi could prove i am wrong if they would show us the application. >> they said it will, but it's classified. they said they have disclosed it to closed congressional committees and yours was an open one yesterday. >> they can bring it to us in a closed setting, and to the extent they have to redact some names they can make it in an open setting, which is what we need. open hearings, that's something elsewhere the american people can then know what in fact took
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place. >> i like open hearings a lot better than closed one as well, and they said it's classified and you don't want classified information revealed in an open meeting, do you? >> i do not. i want to know was in fact this dossier the basis of the warrant to spy on trump's campaign. if it did, that is wrong. that's what we need to find out. i think everything points to that, and if that took place where you had one party working with the fbi to go after the other party's nominee, that is not supposed to happen in this country. each and every day, as we learn more, and we learn mr. orr losing his position, and peter strzok, and each and every day we get more information which points to this is what took place and if it did people need to be held accountable. >> i get it. these are the connecting of the dots you are trying to do but we
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are there yet, so i get it and that's what you are trying to do, but -- >> i think we are close. i think we are close. if i am wrong, prove me wrong. i think every day it points more and more to the theory of what i have of what took place in this case. >> thank you very much for coming on with your perspective. we have a cnn exclusive. an electronic trail emerging that shows a possible attempt to share wikileaks documents with the trump campaign, including then candidate donald trump and his son. we will talk to a member of the house intelligence committee next. our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. you feel better. introducing tommie copper's all new shoulder centric posture shirt. they're biggest breakthrough yet. advanced engineering promotes healthy posture and relief for achy shoulders and back.
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we have a cnn exclusive. we have learned during the 2016 campaign, his son, donald trump, jr., and others in the trump organization received an e-mail last september offering a decryption key and website addressed for hacked wikileaks documents. all of this in an e-mail provided to congressional investigators. there's no evidence anybody in the trump campaign used that key, at least not that we are aware of. i want to discuss this with a congressman that serves on the
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house intelligence committee. we know your role on that committee prohibits you from discussing the specifics of this case and investigation. however, were you aware of this outreach to members of the trump team offering these incorruption keys into hacked wikileaks documents? >> all i can tell the american public is there is a pattern here, a flow, a momentum of more russian actors and more communications and more efforts by the russians to communicate with trump associates, and clearly more efforts by trump associates to go in the reverse, to communicate with russian actors. it's a pattern that is reacted to by denials, and then there's a disclosure and a tepid minimizing what these efforts have meant. it's part of a larger pattern. let this investigation continue.
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let us follow the facts, and clearly let the mueller investigation takes its course as well. >> the outreach from the russians is, of course, important, from a intelligence perspective and the reseptiveness, you said you have seen increasing signs of a receptiveness of the trump team. what do you mean? >> look, several months ago we told you the president's son would have said something about receiving dirt on hillary clinton, and if that's what it is, i love it, but better off in august, talk about timing being more appropriate, cambridge analytical attempting to reach out through mr. nicks through wikileaks, there's a flow, there's an increased number of acknowledged and not acknowledged communications by
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the russians and by trump associates back and forth to communicate. i think there is evidence that they are attempting to coordinate, and again, several months ago we didn't even have this. let this investigation take its course. my concern today is, as you might have just heard from mr. jordan talking about this, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want nothing to do with this. >> it's more than that. >> they want to distract. >> it's more than they don't want anything to do it they are aggressively trying to discredit the investigation. i want to give you a chance to respond to something congressman jordan said. he keeps calling it a theory that the fisa warrants initially given to the courts to try and get those associated with the trump campaign, they were tied to the dossier, and this was
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struck by peter strzok, the investigator moved off of the investigation. do you care to respond? >> here's how i will respond. the dossier has been largely cooperated. the dossier discovered a main point, which was -- it discovered, mr. steele discovered it was the russians who attacked the democratic process, and they did it to favor one candidate over another. so that's what is important here. frankly, what is happening more recently, that the investigation is being stymied by the white house through distraction, and i believe elements of obstruction, and even in these investigations, my own investigation on the house side, the most common answer to a question by trump associates in our investigation is i don't recall. perhaps worse, lately, is a
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refusal to answer because of some sort of alleged privilege, which is not bourne orne out, as happened with mr. sessions and prince and mr. trump jr. let us get out of way and so how was our democratic process damaged. mr. nunez recused himself, and i appreciate the role that mr. con away has played. i believe overall republican leadership has been weak on their attempts to help us move forward. if people don't answer our questions because they are there voluntarily, they are going to
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have to come back under subpoena. unfortunately, being in the minority, we can't compel those subpoenas. it's going to take house leadership, and i mean the speaker of the house, the willingness to accept this fact and push for the subpoenas and get mr. sessions back and have mr. sessions explain and answer the question, did the president of the united states ask him to do anything to hinder the investigation. with eric prince, my questioning on transcripts released, tell us about your previous dealings with the uae. with trump junior, tell us about the questions with your father. he must answer those questions. what did they talk about in the conversations they said were privileged about the meeting at trump tower with russians dealing dirt on hillary clinton. >> congressman, always great to have you with us. thank you, sir. >> thank you. john, let's take a look at live aerials right now because
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of the growing danger in southern california. the evacuation zone widened now, and there are six raging wildfires all happening simultaneously that firefighters are trying to get their arms around. you can see the challenge there. these are live and it's only 5:37 a.m. pacific time. we will get reports from the front lines for you next. a trip back to the dthe doctor's office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home... ...with neulasta onpro?
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we have breaking news. the labor department just releasing the jobs report for november moments ago, so christine romans have the numbers. >> they are really good numbers again this month. we are looking at strong hiring here. after the hurricanes, this is the first clean month to see what employers were doing. 228 net new jobs in november. october, 224,000. that is strong hiring. here are the hurricanes, right there when we saw a depression in hiring and looks like the economy is humming in terms of job creation. it matches a 17-year low. when i look and dig within the numbers, i see fewer discouraged
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workers, and workers that are not looking but would like to work, and all those numbers going in the right direction, the under employed, and when you talk to employers in every sector, they are saying you guys are having a hard time finding workers, having a hard time finding workers. let's look at the sectors. health care, 36,000. manufacturing, a strong performance there. construction up another 23,000. that is good news when you are talking about the manufacturing sector overall. we had the futures pop in stocks up 80 points right now, so looks as though wall street likes these numbers and what they say about the economy. >> so are these the best job numbers ever, as president trump has said? >> we have now, if you are going to tally the trump jobs, you are looking at about $1.7 million from february until november, those ten months. if i look at the last ten months of the obama administration,
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1.86 million. it's strong job creation, but a little stronger last year. >> we are following breaking news this morning. i want to show you pictures of the wildfires raging in southern california right now. menacing winds fanning the flames and making the firefight so challenging. 200,000 residents have been evacuated so far. stephanie elam live in ventura county. what are you seeing? >> reporter: you are talking about 141,000 acres burning, and the thomas fire is 5% contained, and leaving in its wake many of the dozens of properties burned. this is what people are going to come back and find. this area is still closed off and they are not able to get up to see it, and that's the concern and why there are 6,000 firefighters working throughout the state, working on fixing and
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stopping the fires, and you have seen the lilac fire that started yesterday in san diego. it's 4,000 acres, and still 0% containment. homes already destroyed there. the winds calm now but are expected to pick back up and firefighters are still in the middle of battling the blazes as containment, and still very low, alisyn. >> still 0% containment. vote something under way for cnn hero of the year. meet amy wright. >> people with disabilities, sometimes the world passes them by. having a workplace that makes you feel proud of yourself and gives you a sense of community is something we all want. >> most of them are unemployed and we felt like we wanted to do something about it. it was like, coffee shop. >> good guys. good morning. welcome. >> come on. >> other than two managers,
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report. we are not rehashing this conversation, there are new developments. yesterday we had trent franks who has reportedly asked to female staffers in his office for help with me and his wife's fertility issues, hoping that perhaps they could perform some sort of surrogate -- is al franken's career over? >> yes, that behavior is no longer acceptable. this is what we have all decided. you cannot behave in ways that used to be acceptable. this has been exposed. we are learning a new page in this country and there's a new standard of behavior for men and women in the workplace and that behavior, democrat or republican, shall not be tolerated. >> i understand we are in the
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moment, in the me too moment, absolutely, but why not reset the clock now. what we are doing is retroactively saying roy moore, al franken, whatever you did ten, 40 years ago, you will be held responsible today. is that okay? >> that's okay. we need to stand up for these women. it's time. these comments about it's a lynch mob and witch hunt, that's so offensive. lynch mobs were about stopping african-americans from getting rights, and witch hunts were about controlling women. unless we stop it by getting rid of serial harassers, and it's not one or two women, it's six or seven. it's time to get them out of the workplace. it's a "new day." >> i like the branding. it's some of the conservative
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commentators such as laura ingram on fox and newt gingrich, they invoke the lynch mob that democrats rose up for political purposes, they say, to get rid of al franken when maybe they didn't have to. >> well, first of all, alisyn, engels and newt gingrich giving democrats on hadvice, and newt gingrich and the disrespect of his own wives, and we can dismiss anything he has to say on this issue. the reality is we overlooked abuse by powerful men like al franken, and we held him up because we respected his policies, and we have done that at the cost of sacrificing women's humanity and civil rights. that's what we are saying. we have to over correct because
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we overlooked for decades. i think essentially, hopefully we get to a point where men like al franken who are progressive on women's issues in public are progressive in private how they treat women. the whole concept they are entitled to due process? women were shamed, and they were retaliated against, and we didn't see republicans coming out saying let's stand up for these women. i think we can dismiss what they are saying about how we should, as democrats, be treating those that we have elected to serve us. >> the one piece of this that is deeply disappointing as a republican woman is the way the democratic senators got together and it was the democratic female senators that said this will not stand, al franken has to go. wouldn't it be nice to see a
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resounding chorus of republican women in the house of representatives joining in to say this behavior will not be tolerated. by the way, there's a new generation of young republican women coming up in the ranks -- >> meaning blake farenthold has to go in your opinion? >> no question, public dollars settled a case -- >> this was the system set up. as we have learned in the past month or so this was the system set up if you had a sexual harassment -- >> yeah, it's odd that they have a till to pay off victims and silence women. >> we are not going to shut up anymore, and legislation was introduced -- thank you gretchen carlson. that's all designed to shut women up, and these people
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calling lynch mobs, that's design to shut us up. >> these decisions are difficult. as an african-american woman i grew up utilizing somebody like john conyers, and when conyers has to step down and al franken has been out front on issues women care about, and these are not easy decisions, and because they are hard it doesn't make them, and this is a different moment for women because women are being celebrated as we saw that cover of "time" magazine. that never would have happened ten years ago. i think we have to continue with the momentum and keep pushing forward and not let the naysayers who refuse to do anything to root out the men in their own party, ie, the
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republicans, they can't stop the movement, it's too powerful. >> and it's bipartisan as we have learned. there are offenders across every aisle. thank you very much. i predict i will see you on monday. >> thank you very much. cnn with poppy harlow will pick up after this very quick break. have a great weekend. even if you're healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia... it's a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine.
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