tv New Day Saturday CNN December 9, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PST
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we that's why at xfinityic. we've been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. now with instant text and email updates you'll always be up to date. you can easily add premium channels so you don't miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you're looking for. because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. this guy's screaming we want roy moore. he's right. >> we have a president that's down there telling people to vote for someone where there is to me irrefutable evidence, written evidence, he was preying on underage girls.
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>> we need a republican in the house. we need a republican in the senate. so get out and vote for roy moore. do it. >> it will be alabama that decides whether they want roy moore to be one of the two as the voice for alabama in the senate. we will see what happens next week. >> good saturday morning. i'm diane gallagher in this morning for christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. the president is awake and tweetsing on a high after supporting roy moore. >> the president giving his strongest endorsement to the accused child molester telling voters to support roy moore over his democratic counterpart. >> we can't afford to have a liberal democrat who is comple e completely controlled by nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. we can't do it.
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get out and vote for roy moore. do it. do it. >> the president will head to the opening of the mississippi civil rights museum any moment where he will be greeted likely by poterotesters. >> john lewis is calling on the president's visit as a mockery of the civil rights movement. i want to get to white house reporter abby phillip. the president is expected to take off to the civil rights museum in mississippi. any word on how he plans to handle the protests around his visit? >> reporter: good morning, diane. the president is going to be leaving in a few minutes befo. before he takes off, he send out a tweet encouraging alabamans to go out and vote for roy moore. we cannot have a pelosi/schumer
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democrat in that seat. the president doubling down on the argument you just heard a couple of minutes ago. he is heading to mississippi in a few moments where that visit is already shrouded in controversy. two civil rights leaders who will not come because the president is going to be there. president trump was invited by the governor of mississippi and sources tell cnn was encouraged to go by ben carson. the housing and urban secretary. the only african-american member of the trump cabinet. this is important he go especially after handling the charlotteville incident. a person killed in that violence. the president is trying to go there to restart this conversation. civil rights leaders are not having it. diane, we also have learned that
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just given the controversy shrouded the visit, the president is talking at a private ceremony before the public ceremony opening the museum. he will not be at the public facing part of this. he will speak just before that in a more private atmosphere. just given the controversy that surrounded the visit, it is not that much of a surprise they want to handle it in that way. >> abby phillip, thank you for that update. >> as you know by now, black leaders protesting president trump's visit. we heard from abby a change in what he will say and where. why are they protesting? here's why. the past remarks of african-americans use that. they say that is a reason for shunning him here. we want to remind you of the president's past comments. these are his words and tweets. >> wouldn't you love to see one of the nfl owners when somebody
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disrespects our flag to say get that son of a bitch off the field right now. out. he's fired. he's fired. >> you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. i think there's blame on both sides. i have no doubt about it. you don't have any doubt about it either. >> congress member john lewis should spend time on fixing his district. all talk, talk, talk. no action or results. sad. >> you are living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? >> look at my african-american over here. are you the greatest? >> you know what they used to do? they would be carried out on a stretcher. >> i'd like to punch him in the face. >> knock the crap out of him.
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seriously. >> he was so obnoxious and loud. screaming. maybe he should have been roughed up. it was absolutely disgusting. >> will you condemn david duke and say you don't want his vote or other white supremacists in this election? >> so you understand, i don't know anything about david duke. i don't know anything about what you are talking about with white supremacy. >> you have david duke just joined. a racist. a problem. this is not the person you want in your party. >> theofficial. he was born in hawaii. here it is. why do you deny that? >> a lot of people don't think it was an authentic certificate. >> donald, you are sounding ridiculous. >> you are, wolf. >>sisted the central park five were guilty. he took out full page ads calling to reinstate the death
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penalty. >> if the woman died, they should be executed. >> president trump tweeted sadly because president obama has done a poor job, you won't see another black president for generations. hasn't had a positive impact on thug whose were openly destroying baltimore. we had to cut for time. >> there's more. joining me now is the reporter from politico. thank you for being with us. jack, considering what we watched for two and a half minutes from the president's history. are you surprised by the protests by the boycotts today? >> i'm not surprised at all, victor. i think all the more reason for john lewis to go. frequently when you sit down with somebody, you find some common ground. i might add i was the co- author of the african-american museum in d.c. the bill is the kingston/lewis
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bill. i was not invited to opening of the museum. i have my own theories on that. i think more reason for john lewis to go. when you ride with them and talk with them and share a platform, you find something you can chat about. then you can start building common ground. i think if you don't like somebody, interaction is good. absolutely you can make a good statement by not going. i think you can get a better statement by going and interacting. >> marimaria, how about that? congress member john lewis and benny thompson will not be there. the mayor of -- which city? jackson, mississippi will not be there. naacp boycotting. should they be going and do what jack said and be there to share some common ground? >> normally if you were looking at somebody who was sensible and somebody who was looking to
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expand their horizons and curious about other opinions and somebody who did not think they were right every single minute of every single day. i would say jack is right and the civil rights leaders boyc t boycotting the opening of the mu museum should go. they are not dealing with a normal person. they are dealing with the president of the united states. he has a history of being against civil rights. he has a history of attacking people who have worked for their whole lives on civil rights issues. he has a history of starting the birther movement against the first african-american president of the united states. i think they have made a decision which i think is the right one. no matter what you do and what you say and how sensible you are, this president is never going to change. he has proven that. time and again.
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so i agree with the civil rights leader whoss who are boycotting. they don't want to lend their credibility to the president who has never taken civil rights seriously. >> let's turn to daniel now. we heard from abby phillip in florida where the president's resort is. saying that the president will speak at a smaller venue first and will attend the opening of the museum. what does the president have to say today? what can he say? do we have any head's up from the white house on what he will say? >> we have not gotten the head's up. i'm sure his speech writers have crafted a speech that will try to resonate with the communities. he has a welcome from the governor. i think civil rights leaders would point to anything he says today can't, you know, erase some of the stuff he has done as president. it is not just rhetoric. if you look at how many judges
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he appointed. 91% of those people are white people. if you look at the spending cut backs he has proposed. that would primarily affect poor white people and lots of minorities. it is not just what he says. it is more like these are real world consequences for poor minorities that can't be erased. >> he will also -- >> hold on for a second. daniel, you brought up spending cuts. i hope wa want to bring up the cuts. the u.s. civil rights commission launched a two-year probe because of cuts to the department of justice, education, labor, housing and urban development and saying specifically about the cuts they would result in dangerous reduction of civil rights enforcement leaving communities of color and lgbt and older people and others marginalized
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and exposed to discrimination. these proposed cuts will infringe upon civil rights across the country. >> he will not talk about that today. he hasn't addressed the cuts in that civil rights enforcement. that's a real question that his advisers and he has to answer. >> jack, let me come back to you. the president said he knows more about isis than the generals. he has one of the great memories and he is a smart guy. all of those things. self grandizing. does he know more wh? does he want to sit down with lewis and he wants to learn about the civil rights struggle and so many owe feffended by th history i summed up a few minutes ago? >> i think the best example is daca. the republican base is not
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supportive of daca. the president has said number one they were about to lose in court. he said i'll give congress six months. i'll extend this unconstitutional executive order on daca. i care about the children and victor, i was at the white house yesterday and the subject actually came up. we were reminded again. the president really does worry about these children. absolutely. sitting down with the president. >> oh, please. >> it is helpful. another thing is who created the jobs? i know everybody will say. >> barack obama. >> i understand what a legacy ten months later. >> homeownership among african-americans is up. homeownership among other groups -- >> we disproved that. 42% right now. it was at 49% in 2004. >> it is up. >> the highest in history. this is the number from the census. i have to get back to maria and jack. you will be with us next hour.
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maria, the example from jack on the president's compassion is daca. if i had known that would be the example, i would have produced the reel of whatt the president said and daca recipients and getting them out of the country. i did not know that was the example. to you, maria, i wonder do you think the president should be there? >> well, i understand politically why they want him to be there. he so desperately needs credibility on the civil rights issues. i also think it probably would have behooved him to not be there at all because he is hypocritical. not just his rhetoric, but actions speak louder than whatever he is going to say today. and the fact he has a 32%
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approval rating. the lowest in history for presidents in the first term. i think proves that the majority of the american people do not believe what he says. the majority of the american people believe he is completely unfit to hold that office. when he talks about civil rights and you have his rhetoric and his policies on the flip side, i don't think that really helps him. we always learned this is a president not interested in expanding his base. he is only interested in feeding red meat to his base. he is not expanding his appeal to any other group in the country. that is a very big danger for him in the republican party. >> you point out 32% approval rating from the pew poll among black respondents is 14% in february down to 7% now. the president single digits.
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daniel, thank you. maria and jack. you will stay with us. >> thank you. >> thanks. a wave of resignations on capitol hill over sexual misconduct allegations. the latest one trent franks. the congress member who after allegations that he offered a former aide $5 million for s surrogates. and look at the flames in california. burning out of control. this could get worse today. we'll tell you why. alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you.
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kingston and maria cardona. trent franks. this is what he said. due to my familiarity and experience with the process of surrogacy, i clearly became insensitive as to how the discussion of such an intensely personal topic might affect others. he went on to blame the media. this is the reason why. he would not get a fair shake. maria, i want your reaction first on this bizarre resignation from congress member franks. >> it is very strange. yeah. the circumstances under which he resigned are strange. do i agree if he had that conversation with an aide, it would be completely inappropriate. it would make that aide uncomfortable. so if he did it, i think that if he is resigning, he knows how inappropriate was. i wish other republican congress
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men and republicans who are running for office would understand how completely inappropriate and perhaps criminal their past behavior has been and would step down or perhaps step out of the races they are currently running in. i think the republican party right now is in a bad place on the issue of sexual harassment. i'm proud of the democratic women of the senate who stood up for the silence breakers. all these women coming out and being believed about the accusations that they're making toward the abusers. we're at a point there should be no protection for those men and women who have abused their power. and the women coming out to accuse them should be believed. the republican party is not there. the democratic party has become the party family values. and the republicans are being seen as total hypocrites. >> jack, the president is now
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pretty openly endorsing roy moore. he tweeted a few moments ago about it. do you think this is all that moore really needs to win the senate at this point? the president is going to alabama to go with him. look. he is pointing out, the president, we need this seat. he is not saying i like roy moore. he is saying i need you to vote for the seat. if you vote for the other guy, you will hurt my agenda. >> i think that is accurate. i think politically and mathematically that is accurate. doug jones is in line with pelosi and schumer. these are not values common for the alabama voters. he is a guy proper g-gun contro pro-abortion. he with will vote for over supreme court justice. >> when you talk about values, jack, we are using the word values here. obviously that's the problem with roy moore. there are questions about his
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value. it is moral question. >> no question about that, diane. he is not running from it. he supported luther strange in the primary as did i. that was the speech when he talked about the nfl in alabama talking about supporting luther strange. he is looking at his own party where he has three members consistently difficult to get on the republican team for what should be common campaign practices. >> roy moore is a wild card. he is not luther strange. part of the reason why the president wanted to endorse luther strange is because roy moore could be a wild card. he is very much his own man and won't necessarily bend to whatever the president tells him. >> i think you are absolutely right. he has run a campaign against mitch mcconnell. it is difficult. i think what the president has gone to is the only ground that he could go to saying look. i'm stuck with this.
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mathematically, doug jones is a no vote on everything we need to move the country forward with. and judge moore is an absolute wild card. he may be a continued embarrassment. actions taken 40 years. gloria allred dropped the ball and said the yearbook was signed and filled out by judge moorement she limoore. she lied about it. >> at this point, only part of it is beverly young nelson saying it is just the end of the thing. the date and location. the president highlighted that. you know, obviously that is something that is latched on to at this point. i want to move on. talking about sexual harassment and sexual misconduct in washington. two sides of the aisle. blake farenthold and ruben
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quien. do you think they should resign? >> i want to say about farenthold. he was exonerated 6-0. his plaintiff had no case. by the outside ethics counsel. >> why did he settle? >> let me switch gears to hastings. >> this it is relevant. >> jack, let's talk about the other two. >> diane, i'm going to. in the case of hastings, it was settled without his knowledge. in the case of blake farenthold, he has offered to repay the money. he is not allowed to do that. i don't know if he knew or did not know if the case was settled. ha hastings accuser is republican. the fact it was settled without hastings knowing about it. >> somebody's political party shouldn't matter. that is for both sides. >> that is right.
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maria, i want to hear what you have to say. >> jack, jack, i think it is my turn to talk. everything jack has said, he is grabbing at straws. he understands the republican party is in a bad place on this. >> paul ryan did not call john conyers an icon. >> if roy moore wins -- if roy moore wins, the republicans will have to welcome an alleged child predator, a pedophile, into the u.s. senate. that is going to be an anchor and albatross around the necks of republicans going into 2018. and the fact that jack is grabbing at straws trying to defend -- this i think he understand. >> maria, jack. we are running out of time. >> they need to understand this is going to be a big stark
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contrast for 2018. she asked him to resign. all right. she asked him to resign. >> i appreciate you for joining us. thank you so much. we get from jack and maria. heat and light. president trump going to attend the opening of the mississippi civil rights museum this morning. expecting to protests there. you see marine one. this is in west palm beach, florida. some people there expecting to protest. and some boycotting on those being immortalized in the museum. and difficult pictures here. wildfires burning out of control in california. conditions today unfortunately threatening to make it worse. an. , yo, the wrapping paper doesn't make the holidays. it's what's inside that counts.
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welcome back. i'm diane gallagher in for christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 33 minutes past the hour. >> the president feeling a boost from the rally for roy moore. he tweeted a few minutes ago. great evening in pensacola, florida. arena packed to the rafters. crowd was loud and loving and smart. they get what's going on. thank you, pensacola. the president endorsed the senate candidate saying moore is the councandidate the country n. >> we need somebody in that
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senate seat who will vote for our make america great again agenda. so get out and vote for roy moore. do it. do it. >> well, there may not be such a warm reception in a few hours from now. the president is attending the opening of the mississippi civil rights museum. and one of several african-american leaders boycotting the event is a man whose picture likely will be inside the museum. congress member and civil rights icon john lewis. >> the naacp will hold a separate event to recognize activists without the president there. >> protesters are expected to line the streets of the president trump motorcade. we have cnn's athena jones with details. ♪ proud to be an american >> reporter: protests expected to greet president trump at the grand opening of the mississippi civil rights museum.
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the organizers told watp news, the say no to hate dmemonstratin she is leading will include protests. >> some of us will turn our backs. turn our backs to hate and motorcade. >> reporter: and she is not alone in opposing governor bryant's decision to invite the president. denounced trump record on civil rights. he created a commission to reinforce voter suppression. refused to denounce white supremacists and created a hostile climate in the nation. benny thompson, from mississippi, and john lewis, a civil rights icon, are planning to skip the event in protest. writing, president trump's attendance and hurtful policies are an insult to the people portrayed in the civil rights museum. some mississippi democrats called on the governor to
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reskinnr rescind his invitation, brienya defended the move. >> we are thankful he is coming. >> reporter: the would you say expressed disappointment with the protests. >> i think it is sad. i think it is something that should bring the country together to celebrate the opening of the museum and highlighting civil rights movement and the progress that we've made. >> reporter: president trump has been criticized for racial innocensensitivit insensitivity. he launched his campaign in june of 2015 by fashioning mexican immigrants. >> they are bringing drugs. they are bringing crime. they're rapists. >> reporter: he questioned a judge to rule fairly because he was mexican-american. >> we are building a wall. he is mexican. >> reporter: he slammed mostly black nfl athletes protesting racial inequity.
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>> when somebody disrespects our flag, get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now. he's fired. he's fired! >> reporter: but it was his response to the violence in charlottesville, virginia last summer that drew the ire of both parties. protesting the removal of the confederate statue with activists against them and ideas they represent. >> we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred and bigotry on many sides. >> reporter: he revised remarks two days later. >> racism is evil. those that cause violence are criminals and thugs. including the kkk, neo-nazis, white supremacists and other groups that are repugnant we hold dear as americans.
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>> reporter: but then said. >> you had very bad people in that group. you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> reporter: today's event is an opportunity to answer some of his critics. athena jones, cnn, jackson, mississippi. so wildfires burning out of control in southern california. they already destroyed hundreds of structures. it is likely going to get worse today. up next, we have one family's emotional reaction to seeing their home in ruins and why they are still thankful. and one of the greatest college rivalries in football. diane. >> coming up, we are going live to philadelphia where army is trying to win for the second year in a row after snapping the 14-game losing streak last year. we'll be right back. >> we'll tell you why she's so excited in a minute. yon train yourself to cook with less oil. introducing new pam spray pump made with extra virgin olive oil. now you can pump instead of pour, plus get the superior non-stick you love.
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42 minutes after the hour. live look at the city of atlanta. as you see, got rare snow overnight. it is still snowing. we have seen video from some of our affiliates of trees downed and inches of snow. guys, this is not just snow dust angel snow. we're talking inches. >> this is real snow. >> some portions of georgia. >> that's georgia. that video is georgia. that driving video. >> allison chinchar tells us one city got 10 inches of snow overnight. we're talking snowman level. we're talking school day off. >> some places are seeing sn snowf snowfsnow fall. >> it is a lot for atlanta. let's move to the west coast. the critical fire threat in southern california. these fires are out of control. we're hearing they may get worse
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today. >> look, they already turned fatal as the medical examiner's office concern firming a 70-year-old woman's body found in a car on an evacuation route. dozens of homes destroyed and firefighters have been injured. stephanie elam is live in ventura county. stephanie, we have been looking through the live shots throughout the morning. it is gone. devastated. what are you seeing around california there? >> reporter: it is devastating. a real guy woly good word to us. diane, i'm standing among the damage of the thomas fire. this is where we have seen 170,000 acres burned. this fire alone, 143,000 acres is only 10% contained. i'm step out so you see what is behind me. this was a house. 475 homes were lost in this fire. 87,000 people have been evacuated from this fire as well. this is a really big fire that
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they have been battling. some of the smaller fires burning throughout the state, they are starting to get a handle on. the containment numbers are going up across the state, but not here in the thomas fire. this fire could continue to spread north into santa barbara county. that is the concern. also the concern are these winds that have been propelling with the embers flying in the wind overnight. watching the embers fly and catch on to dry, dry bush. with he have been out here with out rain for months. there is fear that could continue. we could see new fires sprouting up. firefighters trying to keep this fire from spreading further into santa barbara county. victor and diane. >> stephanie elam in ventura. thank you. we know a lot of people, tens of thousands of people evacuated, right now they're calling friends and waiting to find out if this fire has incinerated their community. just imagine looking at the
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flames and trying to determine is that near where i live. is that where i left all of my belongings? we know it is not just the single fire. >> no. it is all across southern california right now. one family there did get a look at the destruction. thanks to a local tv crew. they became incredibly emotional when they learned what they lost and what still remains. >> the pinwheel is blowing slower today. everything is a bit calmer. waves from the side of mike and tammy's mailbox. even the grass is a vibrant green. look past the wind shichimes. the firefighters from sacramento were putting out hot spots and i got these shots for mike and tammy. they wanted to see it while they waited outside the evacuation area. >> it is hard on her. >> their home is gone. so is their boat. >> my car. that sucks.
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i just redone my car. had been working on it for five years. this close to finishing. there is the chicken coop. >> there are silver linings. >> the house burned, but the patio cover i built is up. >> a few things made it. the garden. >> my vegetables. >> and the best news of the day. >> there she is. >> right there. >> you dog! she made it. >> oh, man. >> that is neat. >> look at her. >> that is one tough old bird right there. >> watching old red made them smile for a moment although watching their home burn was painful. >> i thought there are people who are way worse off than us.
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and how fortunate we are really. my wife got out. we have a lot of friends calling. everybody wants to help. >> perspective. puts everything in perspective. thanks to joe little from kgtv for bringing us that story. all right. now to one of the greatest ri l rivalries in college football that has diane excited this morning. coy too. army/navy game. >> coy. >> i'm a little excited. chilly in philly. diane, an army girl. your dad was a general. i have coming up perhaps the greatest navy football player of all time. heisman trophy winner roger
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staubach of navy. he is coming up after the break. people would stare. psoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen.
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which egg has better taste only eggland's best. and is the only egg i'll serve my family? eggland's best. better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. all right. last year, army snapped navy's 14-game winning streak. are midshipmen getting revenge today or will army start a streak of their own? >> coy wire in philadelphia as he says, chilly in philly. you have a guest with you. >> yes. good to see you, victor and diane. very special guest. perhaps the greatest midshipman to step on the football field. mr. roger staubach. two-time super bowl champ and heisman winner. a legend joining us now.
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tell us about your first army/navy game. >> last night, my wife and write talking about it in 1962. i was a youngster at the naval academy. i did not see her the night before the game. i was nervous wreck. i didn't sleep the whole night. most nervous before any sporting event or football game i played in. super bowl or whatever. first army/navy game. fortunately we had a good game. we won 35-14. i don't like to talk about it. i ran for two and threw for two. >> he is humble. we love it. >> my girlfriend, who became my wife, was really happy. we were walking around philadelphia that night. i remember seeing the newspaper. navy beats army and they had a story about me. i think that's when she fell in love with me. >> oh, that's awesome. let's talk about how you fell in
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love with the game and pageantry that caused the nerves. tell people who may have never seen the game what it is all about. >> it is about more than the game. football is still fun to watch. army/navy. you relate to the men and the men and women at the academies which will protect our kids and grand kids and they have our backs. this world is a wacky world. our military is essential to everything going on in the country. the game relates. i think people relate to it if they had been in the military, they relate. they don't have to go to west point or fnavy. you have the respect of the military. that play nos into it. >> we respect you and we are thankful that our friends at usaa allowed you to come up and join us. i have to toss it back to the crew in studio. how about you and i get a quick toss. >> i'm ready. >> you still have it?
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let's see. bring it. >> can you go deeper? >> i played defense. i don't know. that's about it. >> there we go. >> a legend. caught a pass from the legend. that's it for us this hour. see you back here at 10:00 for an hour of newsroom. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today.
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