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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  December 10, 2017 3:00am-4:00am PST

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good morning, everyone. i'm do you know what i mean? gallagher in for christi paul this sunday. >> i'm victor blackwell. good morning. >> breaking news. tear gas and water cannons and angry protesters and violent demonstrations erupting out of the u.s. interviewee. >> you see what is happening here. ben wedeman is among the crowds near the u.s. embassy in lebanon. describe what you're seeing near you. >> until about ten minutes ago, everything was quiet.
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as the crowd is beginning to s away. we are moving back a bit. the halftime hour and a half, it's been relatively peaceful here. very noisy demonstration, but the organizers called for people to come and get on the buses and as they were pulling away to leave, i think, some young men took the opportunity at the last minute to throw a few more ro s rocks. >> i know that tear gas might make is impossible to respond in a moment if it gets to you. how close are they to you and to the embassy and do you know what they plan to do once they reach it? >> don't worry about me, victor. i am long accustomed to tear gas. >> all right. >> the embassy, itself, is actually about a kilometer, half
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a mile away from where we're standing and the protesters have not been able to actually get to -- anywhere near the embassy. they did push down a gate on the road leading up the hill to the embassy, but at this point, they are not even planning to go there. this was a demonstration to send a message and there is just a few people who decided to get a bit rowdy. but there is no -- no one is getting near the embassy. the lebanese security forces are generously using what appears to be italian made tear gas to keep the crowd away. i do think the demonstration is over at this point any way. victor? >> ben wedeman there with north b b beirut. we will check back later. >> his name is jones and he is
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their total puppet and everybody knows it. he will never, ever -- so get out and vote for roy moore. >> >> we know that roy moore would be a disaster for business in the state and it has been a disaster for the face of alabama already and we don't need that any more. >> we deserve to have a senator whose character and integrity and veracity is not questioned on day one. >> if he were to be elected, i think he immediately would have an issue with the ethics committee which they would take up. >> he does not represent my morals, but he does represent my interests. >> two days now until the finish in alabama. both senate candidates are working to get the voters to the polls for tuesday's special election but only one of them has the full support of the white house. >> yeah. president donald trump has just recorded a robo call for roy
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moore after fully endorsing him at a rally on friday night. roy moore, we have not seen since a public event since tuesday. that's right tuesday. he is accused of molesting a 14-year-old and assaulting a 16-year-old and pursuing other teen girls when he was in his 30s. >> this senate race is the only senate race going. it's the first senate race since donald trump was elected. and it means something special. it means that we are going to see if the people of alabama will support the president and support his agenda in washington by electing somebody that is not part of the establishment there. >> they say moore was denied the allegations against him. a similar pitch was seen from each senate campaign. the vote is not just about the candidate. also about sending a message. >> a lot of people saying this
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is alabama and who dough want to be in the 21st century? i'm not sure i agree with that. i think that the question is not who do we want to be, but who are we? that is the question. who are we as we give this election to the face of the nation and people look from all over. >> all right. joining us now live from mobile, alabama, cnn white house reporter kaitlyn collins. >> reporter: good morning, victory and diane. it has been interesting to see one of the main candidates in this race. some would say the front-runner disappear from the campaign trail in these last few days before the high stakes and very highly contested race here in alabama but row moore was honor just that. we have not seen him since tuesday when he held that rally with former white house chief strategist steve bannon in this area and we won't see him again in person until monday night when he holds another rally with steve bannon and congressman
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louie gomert. he has not taken questions from reporters since those allegations were first made against him about a month ago in this race. in the last month, we have only seen him on the campaign trail ten or so times. it certainly seems as if he is avoiding the press, laying low as these allegations have come up against him even though he still shows to be up in certain polls. but it is quite interesting to see and, on the other hand, we have the democrat din this race. going door-to-core and cory booker in the state leading up to this senate race. >> we talked about the robo call that the president has recorded for on roy moore. how full-throat is is it going to alabama in certain districts?
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>> reporter: roy moore doesn't seem to have a presence on the campaign trail but seems to be letting the president doing the talking for him. as this call is happening and the president has already recorded it the white house confirms it's days after the president was 20 miles strt state line here in alabama where he campaigned for roy more and telling people to vote for him on tuesday. in this cause the president goes after his opponent doug jones saying if alabama elects a liberal democrat doug jones all of our progress will be stopped full. 'cha that call will be dialed into voters' homes on sunday and be a boost for the moore campaign ahead of voters going to the poll on tuesday.
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>> errol louis is with us and julian zeleny. gentlemen, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so, julian, let me start with you in the robo call. the white house tried to give the president a bit of room by putting this roy moore rally in pensacola, saying that he didn't go to the state if things don't go their way. you have got the robo call and the tweets and the mope and the rally. he is getting the full rollout from the white house and i think it's important to highlight that. >> absolutely. the president has fully supported roy moore and putting all of his energy and capital into this campaign, and it's impossible to say any more he is hesitant about doing this. so the election that is coming up now is, in part, an election or a campaign about a republican who has the support of the republican president. so this is part of why it has
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national implications. all politics is national, not just local in this case. >> errol, it's important also to highlight what the president is selling and is not selling about roy moore. he is not coming forward as a character witness. he is saying roy moore is a compensatedable vote for what he calls america great agenda. i want you to listen to something i heard from roy moore when i was in alabama at the prima primary. the height of the senate fight over the affordable act. >> to put it in the words of ronald reagan, the closest thing to eternal life on earth is a government program once implemented and we let the democrats -- let the democrats implement this program and now the republicans are taking over the responsibility and blame for it. we need to repeal it, not replace it and repeal it and i would vote that way every time. >> repeal and not replace it and
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i would vote that way every time. errol, every serious plan that came through the senate, was in some form, replacement or a skinny replacement. is the president set up for a disappointment here? this was the man removed from the bench twice for sticking to his convictions. >> well, yeah. look. a larger question about roy moo moore. as you say, legal establishment in alabama in many respects. even those who are staunch republicans. very uncertain about roy moore. not because of the allegations about sexual misconduct, not even because of repeal and replace because he was twice removed as the top judge in alabama for failing to implement mandates from a fairly conservative united states supreme court. so, you know, you've got something here that is a big national question which is there going to be sort of a radical conservative wing within the
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republican party that is going to be in control of the u.s. senate? roy moore says he wants to replace mitch mcconnell. that is probably why the republican establishment of washington is not behind him. he said he is going to campaign with steve bannon. that is his surrogate, that is his character witness. if that is where the. party is going some people with trepidation about it and that alabama, as well as nationwide. >> julian, a few moments ago, we played -- actually, let's play it again for people who weren't with us and joining us late. the democratic candidate doug jones in alabama. let's listen. >> a lot of people now are saying that this is election about we are alabama. who do we want to be in the 21st century and i'm not sure i agree with that. i think the question is not who do we want to be, but who are we? that is the question. who are we as we give this election to the face of the nation and people look from all
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over? >> julian, he says i think the question is not who we want to be, but who are we? and there are plenty of people from alabama who will say, damn right, that is the question, and we are people who support life, that it doesn't matter if roy moore has been accused of molesting teenagers or preying on teenagers or kicked off the bench. the other guy is pro choice. we will never vote for him. is doug jones but demographically mismatched to alabama? no matter what he does or what roy moore doesn't do. >> that is is his greatest vulnerability is being a democrat running in alabama is extremely difficult and what moore is hoping on. expedite everything about him, about -- despite everything about him and about his characters and his policies which is quite radical and quite extreme. he has made statements on immigrants and african-americans which are way out of the boundaries of mainstream, that
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in the end, republicans will come home to a republican and especially on the issue of abortion. that will leave them to vote for him and there is nothing to break that. so that is really the nub of the moore campaign and see if it plays out if there is any way jones can shake that. >> this is president trump yesterday in jackson, mississippi, at the opening of the mississippi civil rights museum. >> we want our country to be a place where every child from every background can grow up free from fear, innocent of hatred, and surrounded by love, opportunity, and hope. today, we pay solemn tribute to our heroes of the past and dedicate ourselves to building a future of freedom, equality, justice, and peace. >> errol, that sounds a lot like
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statement two of three after charlottesville. there were ad-libs after the first statement and a third one on the many sides news conference. i wonder after watching that and hearing that from the president, your reaction ioion -- or rath the boycotts and protests we saw yesterday. >> it's interesting. if the president is serious about those sentiments and i would suggest that he probably is not, but if he were, at arenas all around the country today, there will be civil rights demonstrations going on in the form of professional athlete, solemnly taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem to talk about some current civil rights issues that go to the heart of what the president was just talking about in the clip you played. if he is serious about it he can use twitter and say, gee, isn't this interesting? we have continuity between those who were participating in
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demonstrations and boycotts years ago and those who were doing so today. but we know he is not going to do that because we know that is not what he believes and we know he is, in fact, has built his career in opposition to those very sentiments. so it was nice to hear the president say those things yesterday, but actions will speak louder than words. i'm not expecting to see any actions today. >> errol louis and julian zeleny, thank you both. >> thank you. we want to take you back here. this is from moments ago to violent protests in lebanon. this in northern beirut near the u.s. embassy. our ben wedeman saying it's a mile away from the embassy where these broke out starting as demonstrations against u.s. president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israeli. tear glass clouding the sky. in there you can see, again, ben wedeman telling us it started off as a demonstration and a few people broke out. now we are seeing the police
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officers there coming with their attachable gear and chase of some of those demonstrators. violent protesters near the u.s. embassy breaking out after demonstrations against president donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israeli. up next, hear the words -- i'm not here to tear roy moore down. i'm here to that is one of those accusing the senate candidate of child molestation and tell you what else she said in a moment. firefighters in california struggle to contain a raging wildfire. we are live in southern california next. mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's go to sumatra. where's sumatra? good question. this is win. and that's win's goat, adi. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. making the coffee erupt with flavor. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. that erupts with even more flavor. which helps provide for win's family. and adi the goat's family too.
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our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. yours. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. how's it going down there? that's good. lica misses you. i'm over it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. (phone hangs up) ♪ ♪ yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪ ing. new evacuations this morning. these are pictures of the six wildfires smoldering across southern california threatening thousands of homes there. >> critical weather conditions threatening to make those fires even worse as the state's
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governor warns this destruction is, quote, their new normal. cnn correspondent paul is live in ventura, california. i know the sun isn't up yet but kind of describe what you're seeing on the ground there. >> you eluded to the winds and we do have this red flag warning. the reason i'm wearing my goggles is the winds are whipping up a lot of ash. and one of the things about these fires when they smolder, if this ash in the air and start in one spot and land in another it can cause what they call spot fires. i'm at the ventura fire the biggest of the fires and headed for top ten in terms of acreage burned in the state of california. look over my left shoulder here. this was the apartment complex the only one but an apartment complex burned in these fires. they call it hawaiian village and had a beautiful ocean-front view. you can't get a sense of this by looking at it. unlike like a hurricane, when a
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fire whips through like this, there just is no warning. in a hurricane, you'd have advance warning. you might get those mementos and we are seeing this throughout the ventura area. we spoke with one resident who described what it was like for his parents as they tried get out but couldn't get everything they wanted. let's listen. >> despite all of the loss, we are fortunate. we have -- we have family close by. we have other options and it's material stuff other people have so much more tragedy in their life that we have nothing to complain about and you got to just focus on that and makes the rest of it kinds of easier to deal with. >> the silver lining in all of this ash and rubble, so far, no loss of life except for one person killed in an acket jucidn the thomas fire the biggest of all the fires in ventura county.
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now back to you. >> paul, thank you. it's difficult to see all of those images but if you want ways to help the victims of the california wildfires, head to and you'll find a list of charities and organizations that can you support there. >> roy moore is denying the accusations and allegations of child molestation against him saying they are fake but a friend of one of the accusers, lee corfman says that story is true. plus, a snowy edition of america's classic rivalry army versus navy. it came down to the wire and our coy wire will break it all down for us a little bit later in this hour. th our 90-day trial a the highest ranked mattress in customer satisfaction by jd power, it's easy to love. find your exclusive retailer at
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violent protests break out near a u.s. embassy. >> the crowds are setting fires there in the streets. security forces are using tear gas. this is in northern lebanon there in beirut. these protesters react to go press trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israeli. two days now. two days until alabama voter go to the polls and senate candidates are pretty close in the polls. republican roy moore has said the president is on his side and president trump record a robo call for roy moore despite allegations of sexuality assault against him.
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>> corresponcorrespond. one of the first to talk about her experiences with roy moore. gary tuchman spoke with betsy davis who corfman talked to. >> reporter: betsy grew up in the hometown of judge roy moore. >> this is me up here and almost directly below me is lee right here. >> reporter: lee who says roy moore sexually abused her when she was a 14-year-old girl, an allegation that moore denies. betsy davis is one of the two friends that corfman told at the time. >> lee and i grew up together. i've known her since we were babies. >> reporter: she diviconfided w you were 14 and she was 14. what did she tell you? >> she told me she snuck out of
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her house and went on a date with roy moore and he sexually assaulted. jeer after she told you, this what did you think he was? >> a big lawyer. he was a powerful guy. he was supposed to put criminals in jail. >> reporter: and did she tell you how old he was? >> i knew he was a lot older. i don't know that he said he was 32 by i knew he was more than twice her age. >> reporter: what did she tell you that he did to her? >> i remember her saying that he made a pallet on the floor maybe with blankets or something like that. i remember her saying that he came out of his room in nothing but tidy whiteys which is what we used to call joke underwear. >> what happened from there? >> they started to fool around and he guided her to -- it's
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like he -- you know, like he was trying to teach her what to do, and she didn't want any part of it. and she told him so. >> reporter: is it your memory when she told you about it, she was scared or didn't understand what was going on? >> i wouldn't use scared, but definitely creeped out. >> reporter: so when they told you this, what did you say to her? >> i said you cannot see him again. this is not good. he is too old for you. you're too young for him. you've got your life ahead of you. you know? you got to go to college and you got to, you know, live your life. >> reporter: were you mature enough at 14 to realize how debilitating psychologically, mentally this could be for a 14-year-old child to be with a man who is over 30 years old? >> i don't think i understood that but what my mother always said to me and drilled it into my head was,, you know, in terms of sex, men take what they want and it's always the woman's fault. and i knew that if she went down
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this path, she was going to be blamed and she was the one that was going to be left and it wasn't going to affect him at all, so i told her, she was my friend, get out! this is no good. >> reporter: he was asking her to go out again? >> that's my understanding, yes. >> reporter: and she was asking you her advice, how she should handle it? >> yeah. i was like, just, no. absolutely not. >> reporter: after she told you about this, what happened on the floor on this mattress or whatever it was? did you discuss at all telling any adults, your parents about what happened? >> i'm not sure that we discussed it but i know that we knew that we weren't going to tell anybody. >> reporter: why is that? >> we filelt like we were equipd to handle it. we decided it wasn't a good idea and nobody wanted to get any trouble and we didn't know if anybody would believe us. >> reporter: betsy davis lives in los angeles and is the parent of two boys. he says he has known about this
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for a long time. when did you know about this? >> shortly after i meet my life. i knew that she had had an incident from that time on. i didn't know who roy moore was in the beginning but that all came out over time. >> reporter: how many years ago was it that you first found out? >> 19 years. >> reporter: betsy davis says she is a democrat but. >> i'm not here to tear roy moore down. i'm here to hold my friend up. >> reporter: and allegations that women speaking out against roy moore is doing it for money. >> has anyone paid you to do this? any members of the news media? >> no. >> any establishment of the democrats? >> no. i ran. i can't tell you how many phone calls i've declined and how many messages i haven't returned. >> reporter: why are you talking to us now? >> because at the end of the day, i need to set an example for my kids and one of those examples is to stand up for the truth and to stand up for my friend. >> reporter: election day is
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this tuesday. gary tuchman, cnn, los angeles. >> cnn will cover the alabama special election all the way to election day on tuesday. let's go now to arizona where a jury has found an excop not guilty of murder after the officer said that he felt threatened but is there now this newly released body cam footage from that night that is prompting some new and important questions. we will ask those and try to get some answers. plus voting under way for the cnn hero of the year. we want to introduce you to one of this year's top heroes. we want you to meet amy right. >> having a workplace that makes you feel proud of yourself and gives you a sense of community is something we all want. most of them are employed and we really felt like we wanted to do something about it and it was like coffee shop. good morning! welcome! >> come on? >> other than our two managers, everybody that works at bitty
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welcome back. 20 minutes until the top of the hour now. official in mesa, arizona, released body cam footage showing what happened when a police officer shot and killed a man in 2016. the video was released after the former officer was acquitted of murdering daniel shaver. the man had no weapon and unarmed here. the video shows shaver complying with commands and begging for his life. you see him there hands down, face down. >> we need to warn you about this video here. you're going to see it. it is going to be graphic and it may be disturbing. if you're disturbed by content like this, you need to look away. cnn correspondent has more. >> reporter: newly released body camera footage of this police shooting shows daniel shaver's last moments.
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police were responding to reports of a man pointing a rifle out of on hotel room window. >> hands up in the air! you do that again, we are shooting you! do you understand? >> please do not shoot me. >> reporter: begging for his life. >> listen to my instruction! don't talk! listen! hands straight up in the air! do not put your hands down for any reason! you think you're going to fall, you're going to fall on your face! your hands go back into the mall small of your back, we are going to shoot you, do you understand me? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: an officer then orders shaver to crawl toward him. shaver implies but then moves his right hand despite him, despite the warning. officer philip mitchell brailsford fires five rounds killing shaver and brailsford was charged with murder in this 2016 shootinged. in an interview with police he said he thought shaeffer wver wg
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for a gun and saying he could have easily fired without aiming and could have hit us or the citizen that we had just detained. no gun was found on shaver. brailsford was acquitted last week. his defender saying his actions were justified. >> pretty much every use of force subject matter expert that reviewed this case absolutely said he acted consistently with his training. >> reporter: on the tape, shaver is repeatedly ordered to follow officer's instructions. >> if you make a mistake, another mistake, there is a very severe possibility you're both going to get shot. do you understand that? >> yes. >> if you move, we are going to consider that a threat and we are going to deal with it and you may not survive. do you understand me? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: despite the warnings he received, shaver's family does not believe the shooting was justified. their attorney saying, in a statement to cnn, quote, that is an execution, pure and simple. and the justice system miserably failed daniel and his family.
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witnesses later told police shaver was showing them an air rifle he used at his job, exterminating pests. >> joining me to discuss this is a national reporter for "the washington post" wesley lowrie. thank you for joining us, wesley. the wife of daniel shaver has filed a civil suit against the city of mesa. now that the video is public, will there be any sort of review of this case or is this it, aside from a civil suit? >> the civil suit one filed by daniel shaver's widow and his parents have filed a separate civil suit is essentially what remains. in this case the officer philip brailsford has left the department and they conducted an internal review and their internal investigation and the officer barking the commands has left the replied. this is the end of the road. this is one of a rare cases.
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very often, in fact, most often the case, did not secure a conviction of the officer. despite the fact this was a shooting where many members of the public, regardless of their politics, regardless of how they feel with the police, watched this video and feel as if this did not need to end in somebody being killed. >> i thought this was interesting. the officer in court said if i had to do it all over again, i expect this still would have been the outcome and i would have no problem with it. they said he followed training and proper procedure. a lot of the questions now are focusing on if this is proper procedure and proper training. should something be changed if this is considered an acceptable outcome of that training? >> of course. as you watch this and as we watched it over and over again, what is difficult to comprehend, i think a lot of people could place themselves in dabbniel shaver position. he is drinking with acquaintances and police order
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them out of the room and he receives the series of constructions put your hands up and on the ground and cross your legs over each other and now crawl, right? for a viewer, i've heard this from both police, former police officers, i've received a number of messages from former police officers who are very upset about what they say in this video and, obviously, just normal readers and viewers who say it seems as this was elongated and like simon says process and do these 17 things and if you don't do them the right way we will kill you. you can see how that might be hard for daniel shaver to follow those instructions. >> very confusing and we can only speculate but potentially why the video was not released until after the case was completed. thank you, wesley, for joining us. >> any time. thank you. officials in puerto rico now have updated the number, the official number at least of people killed by hurricane maria but a cnn investigation reveals the official number may be
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underreported by several hundred. fully liberated. iraq declares victory ownver is but the terror threat remains. more on these developments just ahead. untain coffee roasters sumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's go to sumatra. where's sumatra? good question. this is win. and that's win's goat, adi. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. making the coffee erupt with flavor. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. that erupts with even more flavor. which helps provide for win's family. and adi the goat's family too. because his kids eat a lot. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. packed with goodness. a wealth of information. a wealth of perspective. ♪ a wealth of opportunities. that's the clarity you get from fidelity wealth management. straightforward advice, tailored recommendations,
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puerto rico's official death toll in hurricane maria stands right now at 64. that is the official number. but investigations by cnn show it may be much higher. >> much higher. the death toll quickly came into dispute when maria made landfall in september. cnn spoke with funeral directors from more than 100 funeral homes who reported 499 deaths that
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they believe were hurricane-related. last month, the mayor told cnn she believes the denial toll could be 500. mayor cruz says many hurricane victims are not included in the death count because their deaths were not recorded properly or listed as natural deaths instead of deaths indirectly related to that storm. the iraq military has declared victory over isis. celebrations erupted in baghdad on saturday. iraqi waved flags and honked horns to mark isis being driven from their country. >> cnn international correspondent is joining us now with details. we see the celebrations there. a key victory for the iraqi military? >> reporter: absolutely incredible scenes that we were seeing in baghdad shortly after the prime minister, victor, came out and announced that their
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final battle has concluded, that they have taken control of the iraqi/syrian border area from isis. we saw people taking to the streets' celebra and celebratin understand. they have been looking forward to this moment to celebrate an end to the calla. iraqis knows this all too well. they are only celebrating. some iraqis taking this moment to remember the lives lost, those who sacrificed their lives to make this moment possible. >> important to remember that throw the has sdoilveed.
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jomana karadsheh, joining us from iran. alabama gets ready to vote for its senate candidate, both are hoping to pick up last-minute votes. we will have details who is campaigning for roy moore and who is campaigning for doug jones the next hour. a wild finish to the army/navy game, right, coy? >> oh, my goodness! gracious! great snowballs of fire. it was a wonderful game in philly and show you the sights and sounds coming up after the break.
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they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. it was a winter wonder land
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on the gridiron for the 118th edition of army/navy and if i might add in a biased way a wonderful outcome. a thrilling addition to america's classiest rivalry. >> coy wire is there in philadelphia. before the break you were tossing snowballs around if they were juggling. it doesn't count if only two installs. you need a third. it's not juggle. it doesn't count. >> hey national tv, victor! i'm not putting myself in a precarious situation and try to juggle three! comm c'mon, buddy. a blanket of white covering the field of battle. last year, navy had their 14 year win streak snapped and army looking to start a streak of their own. well, it was a snow mageddon. army paying tribute to the 10th battle division. commandos fought an uphill battle the entire game after
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navy captured the early lead but bradshaw said follow me and pushes into the end zone and army climbs to glory capturing victory. armies wins 14-13 and raising the commander's chief trophy for the first time in 21 years having beaten navy and air force in the same season. i was in the middle of it all, cadets flying over the wall and i saw the tears and hugs and emotion pouring out of the people and what happens in the army/navy game and a hard-fought battle. we caught up with the coach after the game. he was talking about how his cadets were built for this. he said that they just take the worst of conditions and that brings out the best in them. also last night, we have to talk about oklahoma quarterback baker mayfield becoming the first player to go from walk-on to walking off with a heisman trophy. an impressive season. led the sooners to college football playoffs for the second time in three years so congrats to baker. the sooners also. congrats to you, miss diane
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gallagher and and the army cadets across the country. incredible. we salute you. we thank you for your service. >> thanks so much, coy. >> next hour starts right now. good morning, everyone. i'm diane gallagher in for christi paul this sunday. >> i'm victor blackwell. good morning. we start with breaking news and new mandatory with the wildfires across colorado. >> paul is live in ventura, california. what are you seeing on the ground there? >> reporter: let me try to get this in perspective for you. i know a lot of people are alarmed. and seeing on social media out of indonesia county. here is what happened. there have been some new mandatory evacuations o


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