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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 10, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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i did not molest anyone. >> right. >> embattled republican candidate roy moore doubles down on his denials as the race for the senate seat in alabama heads down to the wire. plus tensions flare over u.s. president donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. and this is the biggest threat to southern california right now. the thomas fire threatening santa barbara and forcing more evacuations. >> hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and of course all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm cyril vanier. you're watching "cnn newsroom."
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so we're just one day away now from an election that could have a profound effect on the u.s. senate. on tuesday voters in the u.s. state of alabama will choose between roy moore and doug jones. >> roy is a prominent figure in politics, but he is facing sexual misconduct and assault allegations from decades ago, all of which he denies. now those allegations have kept moore's opponent competitive in this deeply republican state. >> have i been all over the state. i can't remember the number of place others the last two months. we've been some 250, some 60 events over the last couple of months. roy moore has done two in the last three weeks. maybe two in the last month. he's not even in the state of alabama this weekend. he went to the army-navy game. at least that's the report. folks, he is in hiding. >> now moore received a full throated endorsement from president donald trump. >> alex marquardt has a look at
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what's been happening just days before the vote. >> well, these two candidates are taking very different tacts in the final week of campaigning before the election held on tuesday. judge roy moore has not been heard from or seen all weekend. he did not hold any event, and he is likely letting the president do his talking for him. the president has recorded a robocall for the judge in which he repeats his endorsement and says that moore is needed in the senate to help him advance his conservative agenda. take a listen. >> hi. this is president donald trump, and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore. if alabama elects liberal democrat doug jones, al of our progress will be stopped cold. >> reporter: now, on the other hand, the doug jones campaign is firing on all cylinder, pulling out all the stops. the name of the game is get out the vote. on sunday alone jones visited seven different churches. he also enlisted democratic heavy hitters including deval
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patrick and cory booker who can help in particular with the african american electorate, who will be absolutely crucial in this election. now this was already a tight race, but these allegations against roy moore have made it even more competitive. so doug jones in these final hours and days is targeting undecideds, moderate republicans, women and the undecided african americans. to give you a sense of what an uphill battle this will be for doug jones, if he stands a chance of winning he needs a black turnout almost as high as barack obama's in the presidential race. this is an off year, a special election that is being held in mid-december. we did get a bit of a glimpse into the confidence that doug jones may be feeling. he said today if he had been asked the odds of how he would be doing in this election when he first got into it, he said it would be the same odds as seeing 5 inches of snow in birmingham, which we have seen over the past few days. >> alex marquardt reporting
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there from birmingham, alabama. so the democrat doug jones likes his odds in this race. let's see what our panel thinks. ben ferguson is with us. so is ellis henican. the only thing we know for sure about this race is that it is close. some posts predict a jones victory. others go the other way. several are within the margin of error. so it's close. ben, as a conservative, when all is said and done, after weeks of scandal, how do you feel about roy moore's candidacy? >> well, i think he shouldn't be in the senate, to be honest with you. i've said for a long time that i think we can do better than this. i think that the accusations against them at least some of them are credible, and i personally don't believe that he should be in the u.s. senate. but many people in alabama have put it to me this way. they say, look, i'm not voting for him because he represents my values. i'm going to vote for him because he represent miss interests in washington and what i care about in washington. and i can't give up that
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interest to a democrat that does not support the values or the, quote, interests of the state. and so there is a lot of voters i think are very torn on what they're going to have to do on tuesday. big, the same voters that tell you about values that. >> don't feel that roy moore is running afoul of those same values because of those credible accusations against him? >> sure. that's why they described it the way i said it a moment ago. they say look, he doesn't necessarily represent my values but he represents my interests. we're a conservative state. they have a lot of problems with the democratic candidate, especially on other issues like abortion. as one caller said to me tonight on my radio show. he said look, edidn't vote even for roy moore during the primary. i think he is a bad candidate, the weakest candidate. but i hope he gets this job, and maybe even as one caller said that. >> unseat him and get someone appointed by the state so at least my interests are still being represented in washington, d.c. look. the majority of the callers i talked to said they're going to
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vote for him. they're not big supporters of him. but i think he is probably going win this election. >> interest versus values. that probably sums up this race. el lets, you're usually on the liberal side of this conversation can. are you rubbing your hands thinking this can only be good for the left? what's happening? >> boy, i think the politics are right. but there is a moral abomination at the core of this thing that really, i think goes beyond whatever the narrow political calculations are. you can make a case, cyril, that either way the dems win here. either they get a seat they didn't expect to get in alabama, or they get a wonderful campaign issue for the mid terms, and they can, you know, turn roy moore into the poster boy of the republican party. we can all understand the political benefits of that. but i got to tell you, i think when we reach the point of having otherwise decent people sending a child molester to the united states senate and coming up with all these excuses, and ben just laid out a couple of them. oh, maybe they'll replace him
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later, or i've got this economic interest, they cross the line. >> should they seat film nim he schlechted? >> we cross some line beyond that i think it's highly likely that they will. the mechanics of not doing it are very difficult. the principle of allowing people to decide who they want to represent them is the strong and better off of american politics. i've got to say if you vote to this guy, you're sending him to the senate. get used to that, alabamans. >> listen to what the senior senator from alabama had to say on sunday. >> there is a time, we call it a tipping point. and i think so many accusations, so many cuts, so many drip, drip, drip when it got to the 14-year-old's story, that was enough for me. i said i can't vote for roy moore. the state of alabama deserves better. i think we've got a lot of great republicans that could have won and carried the state beautifully and served in the
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senate honorably. >> ben, i think i heard you say the act words. alabama deserves better a little while ago. are you concerned that this will hurt republicans and the republican party writ large, including the president? >> i do. i think it certainly can hurt because you lose the moral high ground on an issue like this. look, we had a week last week where you had three people that resigned in congress. right now is not the time to i think compromise on your values. what i know is this. my personal moral beliefs outweigh politics every single time. i could not walk in with a good conscience and hit a button for roy moore. this would be an example of an election that i probably just would not vote in. because i also with a clear conscience could not support the democratic candidate. and there is going to be i think a significant number of people that do that. but ultimately, special elections usually have smaller
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voter turnout. here is the one caveat. everybody is well informed in alabama on these accusations on the women they do believe and some of them they have question marks about what they've had to say about roy moore. they know everything. and i think they're the ones that are going to get to decide this on tuesday if they're going vote their values or they're going to vote their interests. i think a lot of them are going to vote their interests more than they're going to vote their values. >> ellis, do you think the democratic party which has taken the opposite stance, by cleaning shop, kick out all those who have been accused of sexual misconduct, do you think that is one of the interest versus values? >> i've been scratching my head than one. like the moral purity of it. but you kind of feel like a sucker at sop point, don't you? when your guys all quit in shame and the other side just says i deny anything and i won't face any evidence, frankly right up to the white house. i don't care what any of these
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people say. so forget about it. i ain't going nowhere. at some point you sort of feel like you're kind of on the sucker side of that bet. >> with all due respect, let's be clear about something. both parties here have not led on this issue very well. you've had nancy pelosi that is backing up john conyers just a couple of days before he was forced to resign that. >> has changed. >> hold on one second. you even had, and that is the part where i think we should take politics out of it and be clear about the lack of leadership here. you had this senate minority leader send out an e-mail press release saying that he thought that al franken should step down after the news had already broken that al franken was stepping down. that's not leadership. >> where is the moral outrage been on the republican side? we've got a guy who may well win in alabama. >> i said i wouldn't vote for it. >> keep your eyes open tomorrow because i know a bunch of the women of the trump accusers are getting ready to do an 11th
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tomorrow that move prove interesting as well. it's time, though, isn't it, for decent republicans with good moral compass, ben, maybe you included to stand up and say you know what? maybe some of our guys ought to go too. >> like said, i would not vote for roy moore. and have i not told anyone to vote for him. i don't think that he has the characteristics need order the moral -- i think background core issues that matter to be in the u.s. senate. >> gentleman, interest versalue ben put it best. good seeing you guys. >> an interesting discussion there. we'll take a short break. still to come, the u.s. decision on jerusalem raises tensions between israel and turkey. how their leaders are attacking one another. plus, after nearly a week, out-of-control wildfires are still raging in southern california. why firefighters are having such a hard time containing them. stay with us.
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was supposed to be a wake reup call for our government?sh people all across the country lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs. i'm tom steyer and it turned out that the system that had benefited people like me who are well off, was, in fact, stacked against everyone else. it's why i left my investment firm and resolved to use my savings for the public good. but here we are nine years later and this president and the republican congress are making a bad situation even worse. they won't tell you that their so called "tax reform" plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. it blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation.
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it's up to all of us to stand up to this president. not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed. join us. your voice matters. fixodent plus adhesives. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. (phone) maddie... you have everything you need right inside you. 9 out of 10 u.s. olympians grew up drinking milk. it's got natural protein and balanced nutrition to help your kids grow strong and milk life. welcome back, everyone. a decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital may be turning u.s. allies against one another.
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protests over the move have rocked the region for days now. this was the scene in turkey, including a mass demonstration in istanbul, and a scathing peach from president recep tayyip erdogan. here's what he said about israel and u.s. president donald trump. >> translator: you don't have such an authority. palestine has always been under occupation since 1947. israel is a state of occupation. israel is a terrorist state. mr. trump, we will not fall for your mistake. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu did not take kindly to that. listen to his response. >> i'm not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who bombs kurdish
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villagers in his native turkey, who jails journalists, who helped iran go around international sanctions and who helps terrorists, including in gaza kill innocent people. that is not the man who is going to lecture us. >> benjamin netanyahu there. so let's get the latest now from cnn's ian lee. gul is in istanbul and ian in jerusalem. strong words from turkey's president in response to the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. what impact is this having on turkey's relations with israel? and what's likely to come out of mr. erdogan's upcoming meeting with russia's president putin? >> well, turkey is going to be looking for support and cooperation from russia. and we've been seeing russia playing a bigger and bigger role in affairs across the middle
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east and in the region in general. and that role used to be reserved mainly for the u.s. but we see russia stepping into that role. one of the first phone calls that recep tayyip erdogan made in the aftermath of the decision on jerusalem was to mr. putin. so, really, turkey is pivoting towards russia, looking for support and kpoocooperation the. and this is going to be important for turkey as it tries to build some international census. on wednesday muslim leaders will be gathering here in istanbul and coming up with a game plan. and of course russia will play into that game plan whatever it may end up being. and for the turkish-israeli relationship, that is a relationship that has been on the rocks and had just recently started being mended. and we can see now that it's really starting to fall apart once again.
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turkey threatening to cut diplomatic ties with israel in the aftermath of the announcement. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan saying that it could lead to diplomatic ties being cut. so a rocky relationship that had just started being restored once again taking a fumble, and we'll be watching to see what comes of that. rosy? >> that's critical. thanks for that. i want to go to ian lee now in jerusalem as mentioned. ian, what impact will this likely have on any efforts to find peace in the middle east? and what will this mean for israel's relationship with turkey from its perspective? >> rosemary, like gul said, that the relationship had been rocky. it was starting to thaw in june of 2016. but what we're seeing right now is a crisscrossing of red lines. for turkey they said that making jerusalem the capital of israel was one for them. for israel, they only see jerusalem as their capital.
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the one thing that's interesting to note is after the united states declared jerusalem as the capital of israel, we didn't see any other countries follow suit, at least not yet. we've heard rumors, but none of them have done it. we also have been watching closely what president mahmood abbas has been doing. he has been traveling around arab countries with close relations with the united states to try to garner support. yesterday he was in jordan. today he is going to be speaking with presidency cease sisi of egypt. we'll be watching them closely to see how far they'll go with their condemnation. prime minister netanyahu yesterday was also in france. he spoke with emmanuel macron. macron didn't hide the fact that he showed his displeasure for the announcement made by the united states. he urged the israelis to have a
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good will measure towards the palestinians. but he said that france isn't going to follow suit. and france has been one of the most vocal countries against, this warning of this instability that this could see. and like gul pointed out as well, there is a bit of a power vacuum after this. the united states was seen as the mediator between the israelis and the palestinians. and with the palestinians saying the united states needs to take a back seat because they're no longer seen as a neutral party that can deal with this, who is going to come in and fill that vacuum? could it be russia? it's hard to tell. likely not because it doesn't have that special relationship it did over the decade was the two parties. but it is going to be difficult to see how this peace process does move forward with the absence of the united states. >> all right. many thanks to ian lee in jerusalem and gul tuysus in
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istanbul. thank you. sunday police used tear gas and water cannons to keep protesters away from the u.s. embassy in beirut. our ben wedeman reports from the site of the protests just north of the lebanese capital. >> reporter: the rocks had no chance of hitting the u.s. embassy north of beirut. [ chanting ] >> reporter: the chants calling for the embassy to be shut down probably barely audible to the american diplomats hunkering down inside. the embassy itself is more than a mile away. but the message from more than a thousand lebanese, palestinians and overs who gathered here was clear. rejection of president donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital. adnan came from the palestinian refugee camp.
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>> translator: we can't do more than this, he concedes. all we can do is raise our voices. some tried to stop the stone throwing, but failed. lebanese gendarmes fired volatile after volatile of tear gas, knocking some protesters unconscious. demonstrators burned homemade isly flis israeli flags, but their anger was aimed at their own leaders as much as the israelis. >> translator: we're used to arab leaders and regimes that talk but do nothing. their condemnations and denunciations are useless. >> they're sheep, says hamid. even our children know they're sheep. >> reporter: as the protest began to break up, more stones were thrown, and out rushed lebanese security, arresting those who weren't fast enough to
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get away. in the end, the demonstration was dispersed by lebanese security forces. the road leading up this hill to the u.s. embassy is secure, for now. ben wedeman, cnn, north of beirut. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. says she believes the decision on jerusalem will actually help the peace process. >> nikki haley cited the will of the american people as she defended u.s. president donald trump's decision on "state of the union". >> for 22 years you've had presidents and the american people ask for the embassy to be moved. and no president, not clinton, not bush, not obama actually made -- had the courage to make that move and listen to the will of the american people. the senate just overwhelmingly again voted to have the embassy moved. so the senate did the will of
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the american people. when it comes to people that were upset, we knew that was going to happen. but courage does cause that. when you make a decision, you're going to have some see it negative will and some see it positively. i strongly believe this is going to move the ball forward for the peace process. >> how is it going to move the ball forward for the peace process? first of all, let me say presidents bush, clinton and obama would dispute the idea that they didn't do it because of courage. but putting that aside. president trump is supposed to be a master negotiator. isn't this just cashing in a chit and getting nothing for it? how does this move the peace process forward in any way? >> not at all. and i'll tell you, all the presidents wanted to do it and everyone around them kept saying don't do it, don't do it. this president said for 22 years, that waiting didn't help us. now let's try and move the ball. what i will tell you is, you know you have to look at the situation that he just took jerusalem off the table. he just took it off the table. so now they get to come together. they get to decide what the borders will look like. they get to decide the
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boundaries. and they get to talk about how they want to see jerusalem going forward. all we did was say this is not something that we're going to allow to happen in the middle of your negotiations. you come together and you decide what you want from the israelis and the palestinians for the peace process to look like. >> and we'll take a short break here. but still to come, the family of an unarmed man who was shot and killed by an officer says he was executed. but a jury disagrees. the video of his last moments alive. plus -- >> you can see the wind as it pushes the embers this way. all of these embers fly towards the houses that haven't burned yet. >> uncontrolled wildfires tearing through southern california. we'll tell you what's it like for firefighters on the front lines, just ahead. stay with us. althy. so i feed jake purina cat chow naturals indoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. made specifically for indoor cats. purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives.
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hey, welcome back, everyone. good to have you with us. i'm cyril vanier. >> and i'm rosemary church. well want to update you on the main stories we're following this hour. alabama senate roy moore defended himself against sexual misconduct allegations in an interview released sunday. he says he doesn't even know the women who are accusing him. voters will choose between moore and democrat doug jones on tuesday to fill alabama's vacant senate seat. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is defending president donald trump's decision on jerusalem. he is talking about it in brussels where he is meeting with european union foreign ministers. mr. netanyahu suggested jerusalem has always been israel's capital and said palestinians need to, in his words, come to grips with this reality.
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in southern california, the rampaging thomas father has moved north prompting more evacuations. the largest of the six inferno just 10% contained and has scorch in order than 93,000 hectares. california's governor says the extreme fires could be the new normal for years to come. >> some 200,000 people have been forced to leave their homes because of the fires. and some people are starting to return. >> they're digging through rubble to see what little they might be able to salvage. cnn correspondent kyung lah has more now from the fire area. >> reporter: unrelenting and growing as punishing winds and dry land fuel the largest of california's fires, the thomas fire. >> it's not a house-by-house fight yet. we're trying to prevent that if we can get the wind to cooperate with us, the wind is definitely picking up now. >> reporter: so you've been hitting it from the air as well
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as working it from the ground? >> yeah, correct. the helicopters have been a huge help. >> reporter: you can you see the wind as it pushes the embers this way. all of these embers fly towards the houses that haven't burned yet. >> firefighters, they're busy. >> reporter: exhausted. and in the back of this truck, injured. thousands of firefighters weary after nearly a week battling wildfires raging across southern california. in northern san diego county, homes burned in minutes. a wildfire spreading so fast, terrified thoroughbred horses ran in circles, trapped. others burned alive in their barnes. some horses barely made it out. their trainers' escape route burning around them, which have five head out of san luis rey. >> this entire neighborhood disappeared in just 20 minutes. daylight revealed all that was
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lost. in los angeles' bel air neighborhood, hillside mansions burned, more people running from flames. >> we started panicking. we didn't know what to do. so we hadn't been told to evacuate, but we were going to evacuate. so we just started thinking, my husband said just take anything that, you know, you think you might need. everything can be replaced. let's just get out of here. >> reporter: nearly 200,000 people in southern california evacuated this week. some returning to a home. >> hi, honey, it's me. our house is still there. yeah. everything looks good. >> reporter: others digging through what's left. >> there is not much. but if there is a few things, it will help them, you know, have some connection to the past, then that's what i'm trying to do. that's what it is. material stuff.
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but like you said, memories of a lot of years. >> reporter: back here in santa barbara county, it's at night when the fire's fury is most visible. you can see it churning in those hills. it continues to march northwest. but it's not just the wind. it's also the dry brush. 250 days here in california without any significant rain. kyung lah, cnn, santa barbara county, california. >> let's go to the cnn weather center. now meteorologist julie martin is standing by. julie, the weather conditions are really key to putting out the fire. so how is it looking? >> that's right. and adds kyung was mentioning, no rain in a very long time in southern california. none expected either. the winds will start to die down, but this has been the longest lived santa ana wind event so far this season. it's been very tough for the firefighters. the fire we're most concerned about right now, the thomas fire, 230,000 acres.
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it's only 10% contained right now. so this is one that will continue to watch. 359 square miles. that's bigger than the city of chicago to give you some perspective. so that fire continuing to cause a lot of trouble here. but the good news is five of the six fires currently burning are at least 70% contained as we speak. so firefighters have been making some headway. taking a look at the threat level, though, the temperatures are going to be up there once again today, as well as the winds. the humidity very low. so all of those ingredients coming together. the santa ana winds firing up at least through this evening. then we will start to see a change in the pattern. this high pressure moves off to the north and weakens some. so the winds will start to die down by the time we get into tuesday and the rest of the week. well want to talk about the winter storm over in the uk as well. this one dropping the most snow in about four years throughout
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parts of the uk. actually, here in germany, it shut down the airport in dusseldorf at the height of the storm. also disrupted a lot of air travel. not only here in germany, but also in london and in birmingham, england, as well. so we did get quite a bit of snow coming in with this here in sunny bridge, wales. 30 centimeters on sunday. and here in england, highcomb we had 12 centimeters. the good news is the snow has pushed out. but the cold air coming in behind it as well as the gusty winds. we will see more bitterly cold air coming in today as well as very windy conditions throughout the uk and parts of germany. taking a look at some of the wind gusts, could see 20 to 40 kilometers per hour here throughout the next couple day, actually, as our system continues to push on out. as far as any more precipitation coming, could see some more snow. certainly as we get into france
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and portions of germany. still picking up considerable snowfall. the rest of you for the rest of the week. looks like it will be rain and not the white stuff. back to you. >> julie martin, joining us from the cnn weather center. thank you very much. we got a few inches of snow around the cnn headquarters here in atlanta. but we're through. >> atlanta doesn't cope very well with it, though, doesn't it? even tiny bits. u.s. president donald trump has been a climate change denier. and now the u.s. environmental protection agency seems to be removing references to climate change from its website. >> one group tracks the epa's thousands of web pages. and cnn's rene marsh has more on what they found. >> reporter: this is a group of ten volunteers using software that alerts them when a change is made to the agency website. they've been tracking the changes since president trump got into office. and they say the epa is slowly erasing the facts. it's happened again. the environmental protection agency scrubbing more references to climate change from the
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agency's website. in the epa's website, links on how to adapt to climate change gone too. on epa's web page for the most contaminated superfund site, click the climate change link, you'll find it's being updated to reflect epa's priorities under the leadership of president trump. >> i don't know what it means to deny the climate. i would say that they're climate exaggerators. >> reporter: the agency says of course the site will be reflective of the current administration's priority. but this isn't the first time the trump administration has wiped away references to climate change. cnn reported in april the agency scrubbed this page devoted to climate change. instead, this message popped up. andrew bergmann is a part of a team of academics and nonprofits monitoring the government website for changes. >> what's the ultimate end goal do, you think? >> i think in the short-term to be able to more easily repeal certain regulations they don't
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like without as much pushback from the public. >> reporter: the epa says all the content from the obama administration is still easily accessible and publicly available on its website, but the monitors we spoke to say while it doesn't appear that the agency deleted any information, they've archived it in ways not easy to find. >> all right. well, good news for investors wanting to cash in on bitcoin's wild price jumps without having to actually buy in bitcoins. on sunday, the chicago board options exchange opened its bitcoin futures market. it's the first time a government-regulated exchange has aloud trading on the digital cryptocurrency's value. >> right now a single bitcoin is worth more than $16,000. some top economists warn that bitcoin's volatility signals a bubble about to pop. but other insiders say it will
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grow more stable with widespread acceptance. >> keep an eye on that. all right. well, the shooting death of this unarmed man has sparked outrage. still to come, why a jury found the officer who shot him not guilty of murder. it's red lobster's new ultimate surf & turf event. get ready these 5 pairings are gonna floor ya. like our new feast with lobster-wrapped scallops and a juicy sirloin, plus a savory lobster-and-shrimp smashed potato. and our new lobster and seafood-topped filet? every bite is better than the last. the classic is here too. come indulge in surf & turf like you've never had it before it's too late. and weekdays, create your own seafood lover's lunch for just $9.99.
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a jury in arizona has acquitted a former police officer of the murder of an unarmed man. the officer says he felt threatened. but body cam footage appears to tell a different story. >> we have to tell you, some of our viewers may find this video disturbing. cnn's polo sandoval reports on this. >> reporter: newly released body camera footage of this police shooting shows daniel shaver's last moments. police were responding to reports of a man pointing a rifle out of a hotel room window. >> hands up in the air! you do that again, we're shooting you, do you understand? >> please do not shoot me. >> reporter: begging for his
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life. >> then listen to my instructions. >> i'm trying. don't talk. listen. hands straight up in the air. do not put your hands down for any reason you. think you're going to fall, you better fall on your face. your hands go back into the small of your back, we are going to shoot you, do you understand me? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: an officer orders shaver to crawl toward him. shaver complies but then moves his right hand behind him, despite the warning. officer philip mitchell fires five rounds, killing shaver. braillesford was charged. in an interview with police, he said he thought shaver was going for a gun, saying, quote, he could have easily and quickly drawn a weapon down on us and fired without aiming. and he could have hit us or the citizen that we had just detained. no gun was found on shaver. brellesford was acquitted last week. saying his actions were
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justified. >> pretty much a subject matter said he acted consistently with his training. >> reporter: on the tape, shafer is repeatedly ordered to follow officers' instructions. >> if you make a mistake, another mistake, there is a very severe possibility you're both going to get shot. do you understand that? >> yes. >> if you move week, going to consider that a threat, and we are going to deal with it and you may not survive. do you understand me? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: despite the warnings he received, shaver's family does not believe the shooting was justified. their attorney saying in a statement to cnn, quote, that's an execution, pure and simple. the justice system miserably failed daniel and his family. witnesses later told police shaver was showing them an air rifle he used in his job exterminating pests. polo sandoval, cnn, atlanta. >> coming up after this next break, next year's winter
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olympics are taking place in one of the world's hot spots. south korea just kilometers from north korea. why korea watchers are worried about the north, next. plus, this little boy's emotional plea about bullies has thousands rallying behind him. the celebrity standing with young keaton. we'll have that for you in just a moment. david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪ at t-mobile, when you holiday together, great things come in twos. like t-mobile and netflix. right now when you get an unlimited family plan, netflix is included. ho ho ho! t-mobile covers your netflix subscription... best christmas gift ever!
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. a group that won the 2017 nobel peace prize says countries with nuclear arms must eliminate their instruments of insanity. >> the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons accepted the prize in oslo on sunday. in her acceptance speech, the group's executive director gave a stark warning. >> the story of nuclear weapons will have an ending, and it is up to us to decide what that ending will be. will it be the end of nuclear weapons or will it be the end of us? one of these things will happen. the only rational course of action is to cease living under the conditions where our mutual destruction is only one
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impulsive tantrum away. >> and one of those nuclear countries is of course north korea. and everyone is watching to see what it might do with the winter olympics coming to south korea soon. >> as brian todd reports, no one is taking kim jong un's notoriously unpredictable regime for granted. >> reporter: as tensions with kim jong un's regime intensify, u.s. law enforcement and security agencies are ramping up coordination with their south korean counterparts. just eight weeks before the winter olympics, concerns are mounting that north korea might engage in a violent provocation to disrupt the games, which are being held just 50 miles south of the dmz. >> my concern are softer targets. and obviously things that north korea might do to protect voek the south koreans to attempt to cause the games being shut down or events being moved or potentially war. >> reporter: security expert says soft targets like
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transportation hubbs, schools and shopping areas could be targeted by the north koreans during the olympics. could athletes from america and wrestle be in danger in u.s. ambassador nikki haley hinted at it on fox when asked if america would send its team to the games. >> do you feel comfortable sending family members if they were athletes on our team? >> i think it depends on what is going on in the country. we have to watch this closely and it's change big the day. >> reporter: but now the white house and u.s. olympic committee say they are planning to send u.s. athletes to the olympics. still, there is a unique security threat at these games. the location and razor sharp tensions over kim's missile tests have the region on edge. north korea has used tunnels to try to insert commandos and frogmen into south korea for spying and assassinations. and the regime has a history of violence surrounding major south korean sporting events. a south korean airliner was blown up by two north korean agents in 1977 with all people on board killed. one of the agents was captured
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and said the bombing was ordered by the north's leader to disrupt the 1988 olympics in seoul. and during the 2002 world cup in south korea, north korean patrol boats engaged in a skirmish with the south, leaving several servicemen on both sides dead. agents say kim has strong motives for disrupting these olympics. >> he is facing the prospect of two years of maximum economic strangulation through sanctions and other law enforcement measures to really cripple his economy. he is going to look for ways to fight back. one way to fight back is to hurt the south korean economy. the south korean economy right now is 100% focused on a successful international olympic event. so imagine cybersabotage. you don't kill anybody, but you just disrupt the economic flow, the transportation flow. you create a headache for the south korean government. you make the south koreans look bad. they lose face. >> reporter: analysts say if the north koreans don't engage in a violent provocation during the
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winter olympics, they're at least likely to send spies into south korea during the games. they say the olympics will offer the north korean answer opportunity to gain economic intelligence on south korea, to place sleeper agents there, and to make contact with the north korean agents they already have in south korea. brian todd, cnn, washington. we want to introduce you now to keaton jones. the video we're to be show you went viral. and you'll find out why. keaton gets bullied in school. other kids pour milk on him. they make fun of this nose and clothes. this is what he explained to his mom after she came to pick him up at school early because he was too afraid to have lunch there. >> i don't want them to do it to other people. because it's not okay. people that are different don't need to be criticized about it. it's not their fault. but if you are made fun of, just
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don't -- don't let it bother you. stay strong, i guess. >> his words have touched a lot of people. thousands are rallying behind keaton now, including celebrities like snoop dogg and "star wars" icon mark hamill. it also stuck a chord with delaney walker who invited the jones family to an upcoming game. and ultimate fighting championship dana white president also took notice. he wrote this. meet keaton jones, a very smart little boy being bullied at school this video is heartbreaking. i want to bring keaton to las vegas and hang out at headquarters. >> and captain america son his side. mark evans invited him and his mom to the avengers premiere next year. and bernice king tweeted this. you may have heard of my parents, dr. martin luther king jr. and coretta scott king. try to honor them and their legacies. i'm so sorry about the pain you're experiencing because of
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bullying. you matter. i love you. and a gofundme page has been set up for keaton's college tuition. it has already raised more than $46,000. that is great news indeed. isn't it? it's great to see all that support for him as well. and thank you for watching this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. >> i'm cyril vanier. "cnn newsroom" continues right after the break. stay with us. directv has been rated number one in customer satisfaction over cable for 17 years running.
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12:00 am
u.s. president donald trump gives his full throated endorsement to controversial senate candidate roy moore as alabama's decision day draws near. plus, around the world protests like these are expected again today as the backlash grows over mr. trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital. and a bitter battle in paris over how best to clean up its own air pollution. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and of course all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm cyril vanier. you're watching "cnn newsroom." so on tuesday v


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