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tv   New Day  CNN  December 14, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PST

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we're just days away from delivering an amazing bill. >> this is an absurd piece of legislation. pay attention to the working class families. >> it is time we heal. >> i believe the heart and soul of our country is at stake. >> as leader of the party, i would have liked to have the seat. >> senator john mccain hospitalized due to side effects of cancer treatment. >> i was told -- sorry -- that this doesn't get easier. >> her dad is one of my best friends. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> that was some moment with joe biden and meghan mccain. we'll show you.
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it is going to hit you. good morning and welcome to your "new day". the first legislative victory of donald trump's presidency is within reach. house and senate republicans have woven together their two bills. they have come to ground on a deal that they say overhauls the nation's tax laws. a vote could happen next week. republicans are determined to fast track this. they are up against the public. the majority of people saying they don't support this tax cut. >> the blame game is intensifying inside the white house after roy moore's defeat in the alabama senate race. moore is still refusing to concede. we will talk to a group of trump voters again as we so often do to get their reaction to what happened in alabama. so let's begin with cnn's joe johns live at the white house. good morning, joe. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. it is beginning to look like the president and congressional republicans will be able to give
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the american public that christmas gift they have promised in the form of tax cuts regardless of whether polls show the taxpayers like it or not. and the congress will be giving something to crow about as we enter the race for control of congress in the midterm year. >> we're just days away, i hope. we want to give you, the american people, a giant tax cut for christmas. >> reporter: president trump touting a tentative deal on the republican tax plan after party leaders announced they have reconciled the house and senate bills, a major step forward. >> this bill is a bold departure from the broken tax code america has today. >> reporter: the key points of the compromised bill as it now stands, reducing the top individual tax rate to 37% from 39.6%. and lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, a slight uptick from the 20% rate
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originally proposed that was favored by president trump. >> 20 is my number. so i'm not negotiating that number. >> reporter: the deal fully repeals the corporate alternative minimum tax but keeps the individual amt for people making over $500,000 a year and families making at least one million. president trump stands to benefit from this change to the amt to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. according to his only tax return that is public from 2005. the tax plan would also now allow individuals to write off up to $10,000 of state and income property taxes or is sales taxes or a combination of them, appeasing lawmakers in high-tax states. senate negotiators proposed a number of popular deductions including the student loan
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deduction, medical expense deduction, and graduate-free waivers. it would eliminate the mandate which requires most people to pay tax if they do not buy health insurance. how the resulting revenue shortfall will be paid for. >> i am personally concerned about the u.s. debt situation, taking what is already a significant problem and making it worse. it is of concern to me. >> reporter: do all of these changes deliver on president trump's promise to help the middleclass? a new quinnipiac poll shows 26% of americans approve the republican tax plan. despite this, the gop is flatly rejecting a vote until doug jones is seated next month. >> it would be wrong for senate republicans to jam through this tax bill without giving the newly elected senator from alabama the opportunity to cast its vote. >> reporter: the senate minority leader citing what the president
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said in 2010 when a final act was delayed until scott brown could be seated. >> people in massachusetts spoke. he's got to be part of that process. >> reporter: in an interview with cnn, then businessman donald trump praised president obama for his role in that decision. >> he said now we have to give massachusetts their vote, which was a very smart thing for him to say. >> reporter: and one more note. if you are a homeowner out there wondering what's going to happen to the revered and reviled mortgage interest deduction, it will be capped at $750,000. we expect to see the president one time today at an event updating his efforts to deregulate the federal government. chris and alisyn, back to you. >> okay, joe, thank you very much. let's discuss it. bring in cnn political analyst john avlon and gregory.
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how unusual is it for any party to be this gung ho about a bill with this low of public ratings. only 26% of americans at the moment approve or support this republican tax plan. if you dive into it a little bit deeper, does it make you more or less likely to vote for a candidate who supports this? 43% less likely to vote for them. so why are republicans so gung ho. >> republicans are looking at this and saying we made a promise about tax reform. here's one we can actually deliver on. we will try to sweeten the deal. we're giving a little bit less of a corporate break, a little bit more on upper income individuals to make up for the hit they might take in high resident tax states. california, new york, new jersey, et cetera. and the gamble is making good is
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going to be better when you go to the voters, especially republicans who have not seen the party make good on their promises. even though it is riskier in the longer term. you are alienating a large part of the electorate. and you face the prospect of adding to the deficit. almost like when i covered bush during those years in their first tax cut. vice president cheney memorably said deficits don't matter and reagan proved that. this seems to replay that. >> an interesting aspect to the reagan tax cuts that people don't mention and they are banging on people not doing their homework. they had the biggest deficits. he had to raise taxes 11 times to deal with that. so that's one thing. public sentiment about this is about spin. the democrats have been crushing this thing. it's not that people know the bill. >> how can they? they just came out with it last night. >> the polls don't reflect
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details at all. it was a bad bill. >> let's put up the details. let's put some meat on the bones. that's why you watch this show. they dropped the top individual rate a little bit more in their dealings. why? because this was seen as a gift to the rich people who pay a lot in state and local taxes in states like new york and in california. salt. state and local taxes. they are going to be a little bit more generous. you will still take a hit. you're not going to be able to deduct them the way you used to. but they made it a little bit easier. >> now they're capped at $10,000. >> individual tax. they didn't give it altogether but they changed it in a way that makes it better for trump. again, they made it better for the rich people. you don't see the same setoffs for the middleclass. >> and they are repealing the individual mandate of obamacare.
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>> which is a huge deal. that is another end run trying to destabilize obamacare. this was sold by the president as a middleclass tax cut. that is not what is being presented right now. this is designed to give gifts to business in the hopes they will hire more. whether they will remains to be seen. >> would have trump missed the layup on this one? why didn't he say in his pitch yesterday, i'm going to hire more people as a result of this? even he didn't say he was going to hire more people. >> fair point. for all of those deficit hawks like paul ryan who always talked about the general racial theft of deficits and debt, this blows a hole in that. in a way that could be destabilizing down the road. it runs the risk of exacerbating income in equality for the country, for our society that trump kpwaeupbd against.
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railing against income in equality. >> i don't think this is a play for the country at large. i don't. politically, you know, the last major tax cut back in 2001, incident was sold very simply as if you pay taxes you get a tax cut. and that was a cut in marginal rates. this is more complicated. and they're dropping that high marginal rate because a lot of wealthier americans, you don't have to be at the trump level, i am ultimately going to have a tax increase through this deal? that doesn't mean sense. people are looking at their stock portfolio, whether you're weighty, you have a pension plan, you're a teacher and you have that as a retirement plan. you see the stock market go up. a lot of it is gains. the expectation of this kind of tax reform. i think republicans are willing to go to the bank with that and say we have to deliver on that. that's at least the short-term
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return they're going to see from republican rule. >> even this is connected to the alabama senate race because of the timing and whether or not it's the right thing to do to wait for doug jones to be seated since, you know, the voters have spoken. and that was the argument in 2010 with obamacare whether russia through or whether to let newly seated republican senator from massachusetts scott brown be seated because the voters are spoken. so at that time mitch mcconnell argued that even democrats were on board with taking a breath and waiting until scott brown was seated. here was his argument in 2010. >> senator jim webb of virginia made it clear he will not participate in any health care votes prior to senator brown being sworn in. i think the majority has gotten the message. no more gamesmanship here. no more lake of transparency. let's honor the wishes of the people of massachusetts and move
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forward with policy -- with our policy debates. >> the ship ended on that day. >> unicorns traipsed through the halls of congress and everyone lived happily ever after. you're not going to hear mitch mcconnell the wishes of the people of alabama must be respected. you will hear the democrats say it. the difference is the barack obama saw the strategic benefit in taking the high road. you're not going to hear president trump do that either. >> the power of a straight face. >> it is hard to do. >> mcconnell. sanders. in sanders i'm talking about the press secretary. bernie sanders never has a straight face. he's always angry. it makes it look like you believe what's coming out of your face. senator john mccain is back in the hospital. this is not good news. he's suffering from side effects related to his cancer treatment.
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this is hard on his family. so many of you out there know the struggle they're living thraouf rig through right now. his daughter was on "the view." they had a moment together on the show that we're going to have to discuss. mj lee is live in washington. >> reporter: at a moment when republican lawmakers are scramble to go get this tax reform bill across the finish line, they're really missing a big figure within its ranks. of course as you noted, this is a very, very difficult time for the mccain family as well. >> nearly five months after senator skwrpb skwrpb was diagnosed with glioblastoma, the effects of the cancer, while maintaining his job as senator arizona from arizona are
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beginning to take its toll on the 81-year-old. he is being treated for normal side effects from his ongoing cancer therapy. he is wearing a walking boot while recovering from a slight tear in his achilles tendon. less than two weeks after undergoing surgery to remove a tumor in july, mccain returned to the senate floor greeted by the deafening applause of his colleagues. before delivering a stinging critique of the senate's fierce partisan divide. >> let's trust each other. let's return to regular order. we've been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle. >> mccain cast the deciding vote to defeat the gop's health care bill. soon after, mccain shared some intimate details about his cancer diagnosis on "60 minutes". >> what did they tell you about the prognosis?
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>> that it's very serious. that the prognosis is very, very serious. some say 3%. some say 14%. you know, it's a very poor prognosis. so i just said, i understand. now we're going to do what we can, get the best doctors we can find, and do the best we can. and at the same time, celebrate with gratitude a life well lived. >> reporter: although the treatment process has been grueling, the mccain family has remain focused on their time together. it was clear wednesday with an exchange between joe biden and meghan. biden's son, beau, died in 2015 after battling the same cancer as mccain. meghan mccain tearfully sought bide especially's advice. >> one of the things that gave
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beau courage, my word, was john. your dad -- you may remember. you were a little kid. your dad took care of my beau. your dad, when he was a mil aide became friends with beau. and beau talked about your dad's courage. not about illness but about his courage. look, there's a lot of things happening. any of you who have somebody that is diagnosed with glioblastoma, which is about as bad as it gets, there are breakthroughs that are occurring now. you have to maintain hope. there's hope. you have to have hope >> reporter: mccain's office saying mccain is grateful to his daughters and the outpouring of support. no word when he will return to the senate. his office would only say as soon as possible. chris and alisyn. >> well, thank you, mj. that was quite a moment. i watched it play out live. it was riveting. you couldn't take your eyes off
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of it. joe biden knows just the right chord to strike. it was funny at times. he has that human touch. >> he does. >> he's so great at those moment stpwhrs i don't think even joe he gets it always right. but he is always coming from his heart. my father passed away, he was on the phone with my brother. he was on the phone with me, my mother. he left us messages that we'll never forget. but there is something else you get to see. i was lucky enough to grow up around. this is how they used to treat each other down there. they have disagreements. mccain and biden are not political colleagues in any way when it comes to agreement. but there was a basic decency. not just because the man is fighting with cancer. it was always there. it was about principle, politics but also decency. that has been lost. john mccain is right about that.
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>> is he going to jump in in2020. >> he said he's not going to close the door. we'll see. republican leaders say they have a deal on taxes. will it be the huge christmas gift to all of you that the president promised, or is it a gift to some of you that are also known as rich? plus, how are donald trump voters react to go roy moore's defeat in alabama? three of these folks are from al will al. we'll get their take ahead. jewelry that tells her fshe's the best thing. that's ever happened to you. in a way that goes beyond words. it could be a piece jewelry designers created just for jared. or a piece we custom made just for you. because we're more than a store that sells beautiful jewelry.
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we are jewelers. the one, unique gift that tells her exactly how you feel. that's why he went to jared. are sure you're wrapping that correctly? oh, well, it doesn't matter how you wrap it. your gift is already wrapped in america's most awarded network. uh, blanche, it happened again. (announcer) a gift is only as good as the network it's on. weraise their voice to sayo lethat this presidentle
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is unfit for office and needs to go. i love it! yes! yes! [ chuckles ] there it is -- over there! mcminnville, tennessee... poughkeepsie, new york... milton, indiana... chattahoochee, florida... wow... we're looking at the whole country. not just the coasts. even in utah, we're starting to realize trump has been doing things that are against our laws. i definitely worry about war. north korea. i don't want that guy's hand near the bomb. sick to my stomach. he's not the kind of person that should be running our country. the things that he does has consequences. is this going to be here for my grandchildren? he's not being held accountable. if we have the vote, like we have for election day, they will impeach him. times square is the crossroads of the world. we need everyone to go and put their name down at we need to speak up together and demand an end to this presidency.
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the president said he wants to deliver a giant tax cut by christmas as a big gift. who are the real winners going to be? who is not going to win as much? who may even lose if this tax overhaul progresses. we have steve moore and anthony
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chan, managing director and chief economists for chase. great to have you both. there is an early gift for the people at home. go to and the big brains have put together a calculator for you. forget about the popularity poll of the tax bill. that is not going to matter to you when your paycheck comes. take a look at this software package we have on the website. put in basic information about yourself and where you live and your filing status. you will see how in its current reckoning this bill will affect you. let's argue policy. steve moore, let me contradict myself and say people don't like this tax bill. what are they getting wrong? >> well, i think they're getting a couple of things wrong. number one, it's going to benefit the economy in a big, big way. my goodness, you have seen what happened with the stock market in the last two or three months. i've never seen anything like
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it. business, investors love this plan. when i got started two years ago when donald trump started talking about this, it was how to make the economy more vibrant. we used to talk about the 2% growth rate under obama up to 3%, 4%, 5%. i think we're going to grow a lot faster. what really matters to the american people is the economy, stupid. bill clinton said that. if it works the way it's supposed to, people will be happy about the job prospects. i want to see that calculator. they made changes in the bill the last couple of days that benefit the middleclass substantially. for example, increasing the child credit that goes to every parent with kids. >> they also lowered the rate for the top tier. they made other adjustments to s.a.l.t. and the a.m.t. >> everybody who pays taxes will
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benefit. >> it is about the leavening, the ratios. let's start with steve's first premise, which is this tax bill will create tremendous economic growth and that will be great for everyone. do you see that as clearly? >> well, i don't disagree that it's going to help the economy. the federal reserve said it will boost growth by 0.4 in 2018. they just revised their numbers. i have no doubt it will raise business investment with all of that expensing. why is it 56% of the american people in the latest gallup poll are against this? i'll tell you why they're against this. tax policy center says 62% of all the benefits will go to the top 20%. the american people are a little disappointed that one-third of the final cost of this tax package will be financed by just taking away health care benefits from 13 million americans. when you see that people get a
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little upset. these are things that don't fly in the face. one last point, they are upset for the fact that corporate tax cuts are permanent. for individuals after 2026 they go back to the old tax rates. in fact, afterwards you're going toened up with almost 50% of americans paying more taxes than they were paying before this tax cut. that's why the american people are upset. will it lead to more jobs, faster economic growth? steven moore is correct. yes, it will. it will not lead to 6% growth or 5% growth. it is 0.5% of gdp. how do you take the fact that this year economic growth will be 2.2% or 2.3% and push it up to 5% with half a percent of stimulus. it is not possible. >> the economy is already growing at 3.5%. look at the reserve numbers.
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they're estimating 3.5% growth for the fourth quarter. we had 3.3% for the second quarter. look, all the critics have been saying since donald trump first started running for election, we can't get 3%. he's going to crash the economy, the stock market. i remember having these conversations here on cnn a year ago. now we have this booming economy. by the way, gregory i think made a very good point in your previous sentiment that businesses are getting ready for this. january 1st, 2018, as soon as this take place, i'm going to start investing. i'm going to start purchasing more trucks and equipment and things like that. that is the vibrancy this country needs. >> why did all the ceos say they're not going to hire more people even if they get a tax cut? >> remember, when you talk about the rich getting a tax cut, the reason we wanted to lower that highest tax rate is two-thirds of the people in that highest income tax bracket, you know
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what they do for a living? they own, investment, or operate small businesses. you know this. small businesses are the backbone for the u.s. economy. >> why did they say they're not going to hire peopmore people e if the rates come down? >> my point is those were the ceos of some of the biggest companies. i'm talking about small business owners, 26 million of them around the country. that's where 60% of the jobs come from, small businesses. >> anthony, help me with this. steve is smarter than i am. that's why i have him on the show. >> thank you. >> is that true in your estimation the way steve is putting it out. this is what is going to drive more jobs? trump made his pitch yesterday. he has a lot of these passthrough organizations that will be benefited by the tax code. he didn't say he would hire more people at his resorts. >> you have to remember, chris, the unemployment rate is 4.1%.
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the federal reserve is estimating the lowest it is likely to go in the next year is no lower than 3.9%. >> it is almost running at full point. >> 3.3% economic growth in the third quarter. guess what, you can't ignore what happened in the first quarter. it doesn't mean for 2017 the economy is growing 3.5%. that's just not true. you have to look at the whole year. this year it will be below 2.5%. >> so what does that mean? >> that means that this tax package will stimulate growth but it's not going to estimate late growth to the levels steven moore is saying 4%, 5%, 6%. it is almost literally impossible for that to happen with this tax reform package? >> are you saying donald trump is exaggerating? he never does that.
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i will say this. there were so many critics a year ago that have had to eat a lot of crow who said donald trump can't get the economic growth rate up. 2%. some of the most esteemed economists on the left, people like larry summers saying 2% is the top. >> do you both agree trump is responsible for the economic growth and the stock market? anthony, do you share that this is because of trump? >> well, when you look at the unemployment rate at the peak of the financial crisis, it was 10%. and when you look at what it was when president trump came into office, it was in the -- almost 4.5%. so the unemployment rate has been moving in the right direction. that's why the stock market is going up? has the president con be treutr towards it? of course he has. but we cannot argue the fact that it was below 5% down from
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10%. both presidents have helped. we cannot ignore history just because in the last nine months the stock market has gone up. it is a cumulative process. >> people can do a quick google search and look at job search month over month year over year. you can look how it was growing in the one and two years before him. you can make your own assessment. steve, anthony, thanks to both of you. if i don't speak to you again, merry christmas to you and your families. appreciate you, gentlemen. alisyn. democrat doug jones pulls off a big upset in alabama. is this a blue wave coming to congress in 2018? that's next. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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we are indeed to save our republic, our humanity. and the battle rages on. we have not received the final count to include military and provisional ballots. this has been a very close wait. we are awaiting certification by
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the secretary of state. >> well, that's roy moore refusing to concede the alabama senate race despite doug jones's victory. still democrats see it as a harbinger for 2018. terry sewell of alabama. congresswoman, good morning. welcome. >> good morning. >> why isn't roy moore conceding? >> well, roy moore is roy moore. he is a known entity to those of us who have grown up in alabama. that's why it is so great that the folks of alabama have spoken. they have spoken up for decency and integrity. they voted for character over party. and i'm so excited that they did. >> he believes him staying in and refusing to concede is a struggle to preserve our republic. that's how important he sees his role in this. do you have any fear when he talks about the military ballots that can come into tuesday of next week that they will shift the outcome?
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>> no. they will certify the winner of the race was dying jones. i'm not sure what his posturing amount, other than it keeps him in the limelight and relevant another week. >> so the african-american vote was huge. it was one of the main deciding factors in helping doug jones win. what did you witness? what did you learn that you and fellow democrats hope to apply in 2018? >> i think the real test is that the stakes were so high, especially minority communities, they really understood this administration is trying to reverse all the gains that the obama administration had. the message was really key. what i really appreciated is no matter if he was at a black
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church, is synagogue or chambers, his message was the same. he wanted to come to washington to bring folks together and fight for the bread and butter issues that matter to all alabamians. my district overperformed, as you said. and part of that was we worked really hard on a ground game that included local elected officials and community activists doing the gnawing on the doors the persuasions in the churches. incident was really a great combination of efforts by the campaign, dnc, dscc. we have so many people to thank. i'm proud of my congressional black caucus members that came down, those with connections to alabama. >> ground game is always important. are you saying you think democrats have a messaging problem at the moment? >> no. >> they haven't somehow appealed to the voters you're talking about. we saw that in the presidential
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election. >> no. what i'm saying is the candidates matter. as well as the message matters. coalition building matters as well. clearly the african-american vote was very important, as was the african-american woman vote very, very important in alabama. but so was bringing together a swath of moderate republicans, suburban women, educated whites. it was a real nice mix of coalition that gave doug the win that we enjoy. >> congresswoman, i want to ask about this me too moment that we're in, the sexual harassment that seems to be sweeping the country, at least awareness of it. are you one of the lawmakers calling for an investigation into the accusations against president trump? >> listen, president trump is no different than anyone else. there should be a culture of zero tolerance when it comes to sexual misconduct as well as
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sexual harassment. and he is not above the law. and i really do believe an investigation into the allegations against him should be the same as any other politician. i think that is important. you would like to see a congressional investigation into things before he was president. so these stretch back a couple of years and decades. you are one of the people calling for an investigation. >> i think it's important that we accepted a message to the world that congress, politicians, the president, no one is above the law. we should have zero tolerance when it comes to sexual misconduct in america. >> congresswoman, were you part of this closed door meeting in washington where an ohio congresswoman, marcy kaptur stunned colleagues by saying many members of congress dress
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inappropriately and that is an invitation to being harassed? did you hear that? >> i was not in that closed door meeting. i was in alabama on the ground working really hard for this election. i was not there. but here's what i know. i know that there should be zero tolerance. i believe that, you know, that provacative dressing by anyone does not give an invitation for men to harass women. i wasn't there when she made that statement, but i don't agree with it. >> she has now amended that statement. she said under no circumstances is it the victim's fault. i shared the stories from my times here at the me too legislation how we could elevate is the dress code to protect women from what is a persuasive problem here and in society at large. thank you for being with us. two nfl heavyweights finally
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coy wire has more in the bleacher report. you buy this, baldy? >> i don't know. we'll talk about it after this, chris. this bleacher report presented by the new ford f 150. many wondered how the feud of the league's most powerful men would end. yesterday they said they're all good. listen. >> my relationship with jerry has been great. we don't always agree. i'm not paid to agree. he's not paid to agree with me. i think that's what the strength of our league is. >> i know how much he loves the nfl football league. and he should love it even more right now. >> the commissioner signed a new deal, $200 million five-year deal if he hits all of his incentives. the $40 million a year when this
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year's highest quarterback, matthew stafford of the lions, gets $47 million. >> that is a sickening perspective. coy, do you have anything to say about chris's hair? >> he is my hair idol. did you just make your hair twerk. >> i have muscles in my hair. even my scalp is strong, coy. even my scalp is strong. >> i have gone over your instagram pictures of you training but i never saw one with your head. >> not to obscure anything by coy. i'm just cutting him off. the alabama senate race is over, but roy moore refuses to concede. so how do trump voters in alabama feel today about what happened with roy moore? >> i'm glad he didn't win because doug jones will be there two years and then he'll be gone. >> and then you think a republican would be back? >> yeah. they could have run a
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three-legged dog against roy moore and won. >> my conversation with the panel next. that says your truck can only haul gravel. introducing the new 2018 ford f-150. with best-in-class towing... best-in-class payload... and best-in-class torque... the f-150 lineup has the capability to get big things to big places- bigtime. so bring out your atvs, your campers, your palominos. hey. you're not always working. but your truck is. this is the new 2018 ford f-150. it doesn't just raise the bar, pal. it is the bar.
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for the past 2 1/2 years we
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have been gathering voters from around the country and putting together panels to get their take on president trump, congress and the state of the country. in light of the alabama controversial race, i sat down with voters in alabama to see how they feel. how many of you are from alabama? three of you. how many of you three voted for roy moore? none of you voted for roy moore. jimmy, let me start with you. life-long republican. >> yes. >> why didn't you vote for roy moore? >> he's all about roy moore and not about people. he's not a republican. he's a radical and he didn't win and i'm glad he didn't win because doug jones will be there two years and then he'll be gone. >> and you think a republican will be back? >> yeah, they could have put a
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three-legged dog against roy moore and they would have won. >> the race issue is a very strong issue for our people. he's not the kind of person you want to be around when it comes to a particular thing about racism. >> you think he's a racist? >> yes. i think he's obviously a racist. >> kim, you canvassed for doug jones though you are a republican and a strong supporter of donald trump, and how are you feeling today that doug jones -- >> elated. i am elated! i can't even contain it. >> why didn't you represent roy moore? >> he's -- i watched the women, and i don't know what they said to this day, i never heard when
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they said, i just watched them. they are telling the truth. >> how many of you believed roy moore's accusers? so one of you strongly believed them. >> why do you not know? >> being a female, if something ever happened to me in any kind of way and i didn't speak out about it or file a complaint or go to the police immediately or within a certain time period i have a hard time 30, 40 years later, i would have brought attention or light to it far sooner. >> yeah, we would have all done something until it happens, and then you have no idea what you would do. where did you grow up? >> i grew up in new york. >> i grew up in the south. >> what does that mean? >> so new york, you are a little more vocal, actually, and you have a little more right to be vocal here.
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in the south -- how shall we say this? how shall we say this? >> keep it down-home, cus. >> what does that mean? >> it means shut up. >> keep your mouth shut and go about your business. >> so it's would of, could of, should of. >> i always side with defending women -- >> kim is saying you are not supporting the women. >> you are not. you are not in the position they are in. >> every individual doesn't react to the same situation the same way. >> but there were eight women who accused him, so did that hold any weight that there was not just one individual or two but eight that came forward with stories of being a teenager and being approached or asked out or assaulted or molested. >> we are looking at an accusation. you are looking at something that's not just morally wrong but legally wrong and if it's legally wrong, you need
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evidence. not just an accusation. we shouldn't live in a society where an accusation makes you guilty. >> these girls told parents. >> who are they going to go to? he's a judge. >> these are liars. >> they are not. their parents hushed them. >> first of all, he had not done anything to them. he said he asked them out, and didn't say he raped them. >> how do you feel like i am going to try and rape you. >> cut somebody's shirt off. >> that's assault. >> he had his clothes off. you didn't believe the accusers? >> i don't know if i do or don't but i don't want to live in a world where people start being accused of things where we lose our jobs or careers, and we jump
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to conclusions and ruin lives and i don't believe in just accusing person and believing one person or the other because none of us were there. >> too many came forward, and maybe one or two may lie, but when you get a bunch of people, and 15 now for donald trump, it keeps going up. >> how many of you believe the accusers of donald trump? >> i do. >> three of you believe. mike, why? >> 15 people have come out against donald trump, you know, i think they are telling the truth. he just about admitted it on tv, he condones things. >> why are you not -- >> it's just hearsay. you can look at them and say it's hearsay. >> how can you look at them and know they are lying? >> they are coming out 20, 30
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years. they are not saying he raped them, they are saying he hugged me. >> like that man said there, accusations. nobody has proved nothing. >> donald trump denies all this, and as we all know he's a liar. the other women must be telling the truth. >> that situation is different because we have heard him, the president, on tape admitting, and i think that that is the killer piece of evidence right there. >> "access hollywood" tape, jimmy. >> he was talking to that guy, locker room talk, and he didn't know the mike was on. >> he didn't mean any of that, he was lying? >> he was just talking. >> there are a lot of people in the country that are locked up for no reason and a lot of things happened to people and are locked up, i will never rush judgment on anybody, and everybody is due due process. >> does anybody want to see an
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investigation? >> with that administration on tape and all these women. yeah, i have been an athlete. that's not common locker room talk. >> i come from the other perspective of that. the whole thing with the locker room talk, i mean, listen, as bad as it may be to say, i have heard those things and probably said things, not like that, but i heard things that are worse. >> maybe one or two, i would think about it differently, but not when 15 people come out against donald trump. i think they are telling the truth. >> so what did you get from this one? >> i always get fresh perspectives from hearing their perspectives and what i come away with, you can't put people in a box and you can't think you know somebody because they are from alabama or voted for donald trump or they are a black man. everybody has an interesting tapestry of thoughts. it's not just straight down the line of what conventional wisdom


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