tv New Day CNN December 14, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PST
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investigation? >> with that administration on tape and all these women. yeah, i have been an athlete. that's not common locker room talk. >> i come from the other perspective of that. the whole thing with the locker room talk, i mean, listen, as bad as it may be to say, i have heard those things and probably said things, not like that, but i heard things that are worse. >> maybe one or two, i would think about it differently, but not when 15 people come out against donald trump. i think they are telling the truth. >> so what did you get from this one? >> i always get fresh perspectives from hearing their perspectives and what i come away with, you can't put people in a box and you can't think you know somebody because they are from alabama or voted for donald trump or they are a black man. everybody has an interesting tapestry of thoughts. it's not just straight down the line of what conventional wisdom
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would deck dictate. >> i always are struck about what they say they believe and what they know believe. >> yeah, i voted for trump, and with that tape, i think there should be an investigation. why did you vote for him? >> some of them regret their vote. we will talk to them about that. >> we will look forward to that. >> welcome to your "new day." president trump's first hregtdihregt legislative win is moving closer to the finish line. it's a tax plan that mostly benefit economists and the wealthy. they are hoping to get the president's signature before christmas, but a vast majority of americans disapprove of the plan. and roy moore ain't gone. he's saying he will not concede. this is leading to finger-pointing inside the white house. moore is saying that he will wait until all the votes are in,
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and there was big, big testimony on capitol hill from the number two man at the justice department on the issue of whether or not the russia investigation is fair and whether or not he thinks there's reason to fire special prosecutor bob mueller. we have it all. let's bring in david gregory and a.b. stoddard, associate editor of real clear politics. david gregory, the tax bill looms largest, and is that enough motivation to get it done regardless of the details? >> i think so. i think for republican leaders they're looking at a promise ma made, has to be a promise kept on the republican agenda. this is an area where the president is trying to tout the success of the economy on his watch is purely his doing and a stock market that is surging into a new year, and i think a lot of expectation around those gains, particularly in the stock
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market, has been on the expectation of tax reform. i think there's a short-term goal here of a political win at the expense of who it hurts, whether it really does shaft the middle class over time or whether it helps the middle class as well. >> a.b., some of the public opinion polls not good for the tax plan. 55% disapprove and 26 approve, and if you dive in deeper it asks if a candidate supports this are you more likely to vote to them in the future or less likely. 43% less likely. who doesn't like a tax cut? why hasn't the public warmed to this one? >> that's an interesting question. alisyn, i think they are looking at the house bill passed a while back and the senate bill different but sizing up with the
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promise -- compared to the promise of trump that this would be a middle class miracle, people are not buying it. this is really a difficult political problem for republicans going into the mid-term elections, that once the mind-set of something like this is crystalized and cemented, it's hard to see people to try and sell this. as chris had his deep dive with the experts last hour, republicans really are gambling on this kind of sufficient boost of growth that they expect to trickle down. we have seen skeptics on both sides of the aisle that says it's not going to pay for itself but will raise the deficit and will have to be paid for later and it will not, quote, provide tremendous benefit to the middle class, and that's what donald trump was saying as late as last
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week. republicans absolutely believe they had to pass this for their survival, as david said, but that doesn't mean they will have voters rushing out to protect them in the mid-term elections for passing it. >> the president was just tweeting about this, and leaning heavily on what we would call the anticipation affect, the stock market is up in anticipation of this, and the president when he was running and before said don't look at the stock market for main street. >> i said i don't need one. if it's for the good of the country and it's for schools and roads, then okay, i don't need one. but i think everybody wants one. >> yeah, that's what i said originally. thank you, it's good to have you. chris cuomo, i will be here all week. let's look at the details in the plan now that they married the
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two bills. let's put up a graphic. the headline is it's hard to argue that the middle class gets more goodies than the top tier, and that's important because it was supposed to be geared toward te middle class. the top rate has been brought down a little bit. why? to make up for the state and local tax deduction issue, what they are calling salt. they have capped it at $10,000. the big hitters in states like new york and california are going to take a hit on what they can deduct for their taxes so lowered the top rate a little bit to accommodate. similarly with the estate tax, they made it more accommodating for the rich. they would have got rid of it altogether, but it's still in there and it's done in a way that is more favorable than it used to be. they kept in stuff that does matter to the middle, the mortgage tax, and the level is raised to $750,000, and they are letting students deduct tuition
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cost, and so when you look at the details, does it help or hurt? >> again, i think it helps in the political calculation in the short and maybe median term. what did we hear from the central bank yesterday, janet yellen, the economy is doing well and it's true across the globe and the increases, the progress of our economy is in sync with economies around the world. that's very important. stock market is up at record highs. i think people take that in and well.yeah, things are going - it's true if you look at the public opinion surveys, this thing has been battered and people don't understand what the impacts are, what they are going to be over time, and they hear, you know, they are taking away the individual mandate that it hurts the poor and the middle class and only benefits for so long before being hurt, and i think that does impact how it's viewed over time. i think the best way to understand this is they went on a course, republicans did, and said we are going to reform the tax code and they are going to
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do it. there's a lot of their own principles that they are setting aside here, including the concern over the debt based on a promise of what it's going to mean down the line. i don't think defeat has ever been an option here. this is one area where the president is going to ride them throughout the process to claim a victory. >> a.b., next topic. you might be one of the people that thought the alabama senate race ended tuesday night with doug jones' win, but you would be mistaken, according to roy moore who says that we are still in a struggle for civilization over this. let me play for you his lack of concession speech. >> we are, indeed, in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization and humanity, and the battle rages on and in this race we have not received the
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final count to include provisional and military ballots, and we are awaiting confirmation from the secretary of state. >> somehow this gets stranger after the race. >> well, roy moore could make another video in a couple days with his horse, sassy, and it could be more bizarre in a couple days. the questions about the military and provisional ballots have been asked about the secretary of state on cnn, and he voted for roy moore and he made the case they will not make the difference. we can wait a few more days and he can keep talking about the race as a spiritual battle to save civilization, but doug jones is going to prepare to become the next senator of alabama. >> and then saying good-bye to omarosa for her service. there's controversy about
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whether or not she resigned or was fired and whether she was escorted out. >> when i have a chance to tell my story, michael, quite a story to tell, as the only african-american woman in this white house, as a senior staff and assistant to the president, i have seen things that made me uncomfortable and that have upset me and affected me deeply and emotionally and affected my community and people, and when i can tell my story, it's a profound story that i know the world will want to hear. >> a little bit of that trump hype -- >> i melsmell a book. >> yeah, the white house reality tv show, and yeah, there are a lot of people that worked there that made them uncomfortable, and it's a story that could create new controversy. what the president has is of his
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own making and this roy moore story and the reckoning in alabama is going to travel and create real questions about what the impact is on trump and his party in 2018, whether he has the kind of staying power he demonstrated in the presidential election or whether roy moore was so fatally flawed that it's a more local question, and that's the reckoning today and moving into the future beyond omarosa. >> how much of a break in the chain will there be without omarosa? >> are you serious. >> april ryan reported she made $180,000 a year, obviously taxpayer money, but people are unclear on what she did in the white house other than cause high drama. >> the stories about general kelly's reshuffling of the west wing and reorganizing a new structure there months ago
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indicated that nobody knew what she did and it has obviously taken him a long time to sort that out. i turn to maggie haberman as the expert to donald trump above all else and she made the case several times that he has a very difficult time letting people go who has been close, loyal allies, and that's why i think we saw a good-bye tweet and it sounds like from the story that they did not have a formal good-bye in person, which is why she was running around the residents setting off alarms. >> on that note, i mean -- there's not much more to say. thank you, a.b., and gregory. thank you. deputy attorney general rosenstein defending robert mueller and the russia investigation. he told a committee there's no cause to fire the counsel. >> rosenstein was unwavering in
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his support of the special counsel and his team throughout that hours long contentious hearing, where republicans were pointing to anti-trump messages between fbi agent peter strzok and lisa page during the primaries. they released hundreds of those messages this week. two were from march 2016. they show lisa page, the fbi attorney, saying god, trump is a loathe some human. so because of this republicans want a second special counsel appointed to investigate since strzok was on the russia probe until he was removed this summer when the text messages were revealed. he did play a leading role in the hillary clinton e-mail investigation, and rosenstein is saying the inspector on that is
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sufficient for now and he said robert mueller himself will not be fired. >> have you seen good cause to fire special counsel mueller? >> no. we recognize we have employees with political opinions and it's our responsibility to show those opinions do not influence their actions, and so i believe that director mueller understands that and he is running that office appropriately. >> however, rosenstein's explanation, it has done little to placate republicans. the number two republican in the senate, john cornyn, he called last night for special counsel mueller to clean house of people on his team who have been politically active or those who have made comments critical of the president. chris and alisyn. >> yet, you could see yesterday how hard the republicans were working, certain ones on that panel to get rosenstein to add fuel to the fire that their concerns about the investigation, and he was not giving them any. thank you very much.
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president trump made a big promise on tax reform. he said it would be a giant tax cut for the middle class. is he keeping his promise? the facts, next. it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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what's in it. christine romans has the details. >> those details are important. some of the biggest changes help corporations and the healthy, one reason you saw record highs in the dow yesterday. the top individual rate slashed to 37% and that's a concession to top earners in high tax states that are losing their state and federal tax break. they can deduct interest up to $750,000, and the corporate rate is cut to 21% here. both bills had promised 20%, 20%, but cutting the rate to 21% that raised $100 billion in revenue and that helps to pay for the tax cuts. and president trump's closing argument is that this bill is a giant middle class tax cut but it's less than advertised.
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we will need to see the final bill to know for sure, but in the past the tax cuts have a short self life. 81% get a tax cut in 2019, but in 2027, only 14% still have that tax cut and one-fourth of people pay more. they worked out a lot of the deductions. the final bill is a tax break for medical expenses, very important for a lot of families and it retains education reductions for student loans and grad school and teacher spending and repeal's obamacare's individual mandate and that could be a sticking point for some individual senators, but a failure is not a option for the gop on this one. >> thank you very much. can they get this done? there's other big news to discuss, so let's bring in republican senator, ron johnson of wisconsin. if i don't speak to you before,
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merry christmas to you and your family. >> merry christmas to you and yours as well. good morning. >> the first one, listening to rosenstein yesterday, did he alleviate any concerns that you had about how they will treat people with political activity within the ranks of the fbi or as part of the russia investigation, and any concerns about whether or not the probe is being handled the right way and mueller is doing his job the right way? >> to a certain extent he alleviated some of my concerns and i still have concerns dating back to the fbi investigation of the clinton e-mail scandal. and i can't pronounce the guy's name -- >> strzok? >> yeah, the fbi agent in charge of the interviews, and that investigation of the e-mail scandal was not meant to uncover the truth and lead to prosecution but was meant to cover-up and you bring in the coconspirators and you don't
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interview them under oath and let them destroy evidence off of their computers and there was real politicalization in that investigation, and there's a hangover affect in the concern over the mueller investigation. there's something going on in the fbi, and there has been a politicalization of it, and james comey was being investigat investigated, and it would be a whole lot easier if the fbi and justice department would turn over the records to congress so we could do our legitimate oversight work. >> you have an inspector general look into it and that's a person that is totally independent without any political agenda. how about within your party, the mood after the moore election? >> well, you know, from my standpoint, i think what that election said was the voters of alabama did not want to be represented by a man who when in his 30s was trolling shopping
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malls and trying to pick up girls in their teens. i don't think it says a whole lot more than that. probably a good thing he was not elected. obviously we would have liked to have had a republican and alabamans would have liked to have a republican senator from their state, but it is what it is. >> if we are going principle over party does that shed light on whether or not there should be an investigation for the president of the united states. >> if you want to go to the president of the united states, let's go back to bill clinton. >> why, he is not president anymore. he was impeached. >> yeah, but he was not convicted or thrown out of office and he did not have -- he really did not have the grace to resign from the office, and i think that has had spillover affects and resulted in a lot of the irreconcilable behavior we are seeing here today. >> because you don't like the way the clinton situation was
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handled you will go easy on trump. >> trump's problems were vetted during the campaign. >> were they? >> yes, they absolutely were. all of the allegations were understood during the campaign and the american people elected trump, so just like president obama, he's the dually elected president of the united states. >> so no, you do not endorse any investigation of the allegations against president trump even though more women have come forward? >> something during his presidency, absolutely we have to provide oversight, and prior to that, the voters spoke. >> even though the accusers of bill clinton was before the president of the united states? >> no, monica lewinsky was his intern in the white house. >> it was vetted and consensual and he was impeached. >> democrats refused to convict him and shove him out of office which i think was very
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unfortunate. >> all right. let's get after it on taxes, senator. this was sold as being best for the middle class. every objective analysis would say it's good for members of the middle class, at least early on, and then the analysis gets subjective, but it's not best for the middle class. is that acceptable to you? >> well, again, that's subjective statement right there. from my standpoint, it's about economic growth and globally, american business tax is not competitive or even close, and so we are uncompetitive. if we are going to realize the full potential of the american economy, we have to first and foremost make sure our businesses are competitive, and this tax reform actually does such low unemployment, you have more robust economic growth. we have had tepid growth of 2%, and since world war ii, we have
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grown at 3% at an average, and now this growth will push up wages. >> we don't know it's definite. we know the growth rate is up and the stock market is up and unemployment is down, but all of those are factors that led allen greenspan to say you don't need a tax cut right now because you are already growing robustly, so what you really did is give a gift to corporations, and their cuts are permanent, the cuts for individuals are temporary. it seems to show a preference. >> first of all, i would credit a lot of the robust economic growth right now to the deregulation that is occurring right now, or at least the pause in the regulatory overreach of the federal government and that has given businesses a lot of certainty, and the next thing we need to do to keep that economic activity robust is having competitive taxes for the businesses in the u.s., and then
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next we have to address our labor force. we have to stop incentivizing people not to work and we have to get people off the sidelines and we have a low participation, and that's going to entice people off the sidelines and that's the third ingredient with immigration reform. right now in wisconsin there's not enough workers to fill the jobs in manufacturing, for example, so regular tory relief. >> the idea that you are at almost full employment and you have a lot of people not working, that's going to take a little more explanation, right, senator? you have everybody working basically who can, and do you really believe the space, the difference in the workforce is about people who are ma
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hreupbgerrors. >> why haven't the wages grown? >> because we have not had the robust economic growth. >> because the corporations makes decisions for themselves. you had the ceos tell cohen i will not hire people because you cut my taxes. why would they do anything for the workers if they don't have to? >> if you have watched the debate, i have been working for the benefits of pass-through entities so they can remain competitive and globally and domestically. i have been fighting -- your previous guest, your liberal guest even admitted it's a pro growth taxes and as we make c corporations -- >> he was not a liberal and a economists.
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>> well, i think my efforts paid off and we closed a gap and i was pleased about the result. >> we will see if it changes wages and hiring, but what we know for sure is even with pass-thoughs, the majority of income goes to the top 1%, so that's who is benefiting from that. whether it benefits for everybody else is a maybe and not a certainty. >> the top 38% pay 25% of the total tax burden, so if you are going to make your business tax system more competitive, lower the rates, that's going to benefit the people that pay the tax. 1% pay 38% of the income tax and that's where a lot of the tax benefits will go but the economic benefits will go throughout the economy and benefit the middle income americans. >> let's see what happens in the final bill and the loopholes because that will show you have an interest in having
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lawmakers calling for a congressional investigation into allegations into sexual misconduct against president trump, and then a comment about how women could avoid better being harassed. good morning, congresswoman. were you in the closed door meeting with congresswoman said too many members of congress inappropriately dress and that may be inviting sexual harassment. >> i was in that meeting, and i
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think her comments were misinterpreted. she was saying we should be required to dress appropriately and sometimes people do not do so. >> is that right? i am curious, and truly it's hard to imagine a more conservative dressed group of people than the navy suit buttoned up dressed people in congress. are there people in halter tops? >> speaker boehner, when he was the speaker, he didn't want members coming on the floor in jeans or over coats, and it's a conservative place, no doubt about it, and i think that from time to time people end up dressing more casually than has been the practice in the past. >> i hear you, but is casual dressing the reason there's sexual harassment in congress. >> absolutely not. i don't think she was making that connection, and she was
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saying separately from that she was recommending the decorum of the house be such that we reflect what she has known for all of these years, and she is almost the longest serving female member of congress in the history of the country and next year she will have broken that record. she's been here a long time and probably has seen dressing change over time. >> fair enough. just to be clear, she did issue an amended statement saying under no circumstance is it the victim's fault if they are harassed in any way. let's move on, congresswoman, to the calls that you are part of for an investigation into president trump. you went further yesterday. you tweeted this. senator gillibrand is a fierce advocate of women that deserves the utmost respect and the president has not seen the full
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wrath of america's women yet but he's about to, 25th, the 45th, 25th amendment. what are you saying here, congresswoman? >> i have been speaking about the invocation of the 25th amendment since early this year because i think the president is not equipped to do the job. when he lashed out at kim jong-un and said he was going to feel the fire and fury, and he was inciting an international incident and inciting nuclear war and the 25th amendment is there to be invoked by the vice president and the majority of the members and cabinet if the president is incapacitated. >> you think the president is incapacitated? you think president trump is mentally unfit somehow? >> i do believe that he does not conduct himself in a manner consistent with the presidency of the united states. lashing out at members of both
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houses, and lashing out at foreign leaders, and creating conflict instead of creating consensus, those are not the qualifications nor the skills that we want to see in a president. >> isn't that different than incapacitation? >> if, in fact, the president is going to act impetuously because somebody says or does something, that is reason for all of us to pause and ask if he is really equipped to do the job. >> impetuous is not incapacitated, so why are you able to connect these in your mind? >> i connect them because he has his finger on the nuclear button. he's in a position to make a decision for us to attack another country with a nuclear weapon. if you get insulted and then
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have to lash out at people as he has done with foreign leaders and he's done it with kim jong-un and he's done it with others, and that is not someone that i believe has the capacity to do the job. senator corker has made the same comments about him and many others have commented about that as well. it's one of those issues where nobody really wants to talk about, but we have a responsibility to talk about it because we are, in fact, trying to guard the country against war that is ill-advised. >> look, the vice president is not going to invoke the 25th amendment. where do you go from here? >> i don't know that that's actually going to be the case. i think at some point there would be -- i think it's my responsibility and congress's responsibility to suggest to the vice president he needs to be aware of the 25th amendment and the use of it and how he should be in a position to act on it if things get out of hand. >> we appreciate you coming on
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with your perspective. always. >> you got to remember, all of these moves are political moves and will come down to votes. another megamedia merger is in the works. how much? who is it? facts, next. duncan just protected his family with a $500,000 life insurance policy. how much do you think it cost him? $100 a month? $75? $50? actually, duncan got his $500,000 for under $28 a month. less than $1 a day! his secret? selectquote. in just minutes a selectquote agent will comparison shop nearly a dozen highly rated life insurance companies, and give you a choice of your five best rates. duncan's wife cassie got a $750,000 policy
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a world of pandora including exclusive pieces designed just for jared. ready to be mixed, matched and stacked with help from jared's own pandora expert. the one gift that speaks volumes you'll both treasure forever. that's why he went to jared. northeast, an early taste of winter and it don't taste good. how long is it going to last? cnn meteorologist, chad everett meyers with the forecast. i see the purple. >> yeah, i know, buddy. i have another animated character behind me, barney is on his way from canada. temperatures in the 20s across new york right now, but teens
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elsewhere and the windchill factor is the story. below zero in some spots, and syracuse, 1 below and more snow coming. this weather is brought to you by jared, the galleria of jewelry. what is truly going on here? this is the cold front we have had for days and days and days, whereas the west coast has had warm weather. l.a. was 80 yesterday and today 78. it's a ridge of high pressure in the west and then that trough of low pressure in the east. that trough brings down the air from hudson bay and allows it to stay over the northeast, over new england and the great lakes and as far south here. it was cold, for here, atlanta, 25 this morning, and that's pretty chilly. our cars are not prepared for that, and our gloves are not as good. new york city you do warm up somewhere from where we are now to almost 50, by tuesday afternoon we will probably get to 50 but then friday and saturday of next week it goes
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back down again. >> very cool. i like the king kong-like graphic you are ending with. nice. time for the five things to know for your "new day." everybody, house and senate republicans reaching a tentative deal on tax reform and a major step before reaching a tax code overhaul in time for the holidays. rosenstein defending special counsel robert mueller and his russia investigation, saying there is no cause to fire mueller. rosenstein pushing back on republican claims the probe is biassed. sandy hook families marking five years since the massacre that killed 26 children and educators. loved ones releasing a psa meant to raise awareness about warning signs in efforts to stop gun violence and make schools different. >> five years and nothing changed. disney agreed the acquire a huge chunk of century fox, and
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the deal is worth more than $52 billion in stock. the move gives disney more content as it gets ready to challenge netflix by launching it's own streaming service. the fans are feeling the force. star wars:the last jedi opens tonight. it's getting solid reviews. it's estimated to rake in $440 million worldwide this weekend. >> favorite character? >> i like the ae walks. >> and i like chewbacca. >> that is who we would be. >> that's obvious. >> for more on the "five things to know" go to cnn/new day for the latest. we have the bottom line on if there is a blue wave coming for the midterms. you can have your cake and eat it too with less sugar and
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fat if you are into that kind of thing, and it's this week's fuel as fuel. >> simple swaps are key to lightening baked goods. try substituting all-purpose flour with white whole wheat flour, you won't taste a difference but will get extra fiber and minerals. you can use pumpkin or banana instead of oil in some cases, and unsweatened apple sauce can replace oil in some breads and cupcakes. reducing fat may also shorten cooking time, so check to see if it's done earlier than usual. you can also try making frosting with greek yogurt for extra protein. lastly, here's a general rule. you can cut the amount of sugar in a recipe by 25% without really noticing, but you may
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need to add more liquid to make up for it. have fun experimenting to see what your palate prefers. whoooo. looking for a hotel that fits... ...your budget? tripadvisor now searches over... ...200 sites to find you the... ...hotel you want at the lowest price. grazi, gino! find a price that fits. tripadvisor. feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power.
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over. republican, roy moore, refused to accept that. is doug jones' victory a sign of things to come in the mid-term elections? let's get the body line -- bottom line. >> or body language. >> yeah, body language experts, david chalian, and happy hanukkah to you. >> thank you. >> happy honeymoon. you look rosy. >> good for you. what do you got? >> to your question, chris, about whether or not it's a sign
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of things to come, it definitely is. i don't want everybody to think democrats will win everywhere where donald trump won by 28 points or more, that's not going to happen. but there's a concern about a bigger democratic wave forming here and that 2018 may look something not terribly different than 2010 when there was the big backlash to president obama's first year and the obamacare legislation that was going through and you remember when scott brown won the special election in massachusetts. >> how weird is it that roy moore is not conceding and saying it's a struggle for civilization. post election, it sounds weirder than some of the things he said during the race? >> it does sound like he's defying reality here when everybody else, i mean, the secretary of state of his own party who supported his campaign, and everybody else moved on to the reality that roy
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moore lost this race, and these close races, we have seen some examples in history of candidates having a hard time letting go. doug jones was asking about it this morning and he didn't take the bait and he just said it's time to move on and he didn't pressure roy moore to say something. he said let's move on. >> the deficit hawks, are they going to get cold feet? >> the republcan leadership on the hill feel like they are moving towards success here. no doubt about that. that being said, everybody has not expressed where they are on the final version that just emerged now that the house and senate have gotten their act together and come up with their plan. it seems to be moving down the track. i will say this note of caution. this bill is not popular with the american public, and so when a bill is this unpopular with the american public, i don't think you can say it's a done
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deal until you see the votes cast on the floor. >> yeah, but is the thinking of the republicans, they will think people will warm to it. the merits of the bill, once it's enacted, it will be so great everybody will come around? >> doesn't that sound like pelosis said in 2010, and you saw the backlash in the polls in november of that year. i think you are right, they are counting on the fact that people will like the bill more once it's in place and that's why you saw president trump touting what the irs was stating, your paycheck will be bigger come february, and they want people to know they will feel it sooner rather than later. >> we hadr ron johnson on and h had a severe case of clinton isis. when i asked him about the impact of the rosenstein
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testimony, and he had a lot of questions about comey, and when i asked him about the roy moore allegations and then president trump allegations, he went to bill clinton. >> you know, chris, that still works for the base of the republican party. you saw what happened on tuesday night and you have seen what is happening in 2017. one of the things we see is that there's so much enthusiasm on the democratic side and republicans will focus on making sure their base is as enthusiastic as getting out for them. we have seen a little bit of a depression in some republican turnout areas, and getting the base, there's nothing better than bill and hillary clinton to help stoke excitement for the republican base. >> congratulations. >> thank you. okay, "the good stuff" next.
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that's why he went to jared. "the good stuff," two names you will remember. lisa fine and brian claypool. we met them out in las vegas. they survived that massacre when a gunman open fire at the route 91 country music festival in october. they refused to let the negativity define them, and they stayed in touch and decided to work together and formed a non-profit named route 91 strong. >> i want to show everybody that, you know, no amount of evil will take us down. we will keep on being strong. >> they just had a sold out benefit concert in california.
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they went back to vegas, and they held a memorial and had more than 50 survivors come, and emotions still very raw. >> if my sister was taken and my sister's little cross was there, and it hits you and that's peoples' lives. >> route 91 strong is holding another benefit concert in l.a. on january 17th. for more information, visit they are doing profoundly and trying to create purpose out of their pain. thanks for that. time for "newsroom" with poppy harlow and john berman. good morning, everyone. i am john berman. >> i am poppy harlow. republicans in congress striking a deal on tax reform, but do not put a notch in the win column
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