tv New Day CNN December 20, 2017 5:00am-6:00am PST
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praise for what he calls the biggest tax cut in history, and not technically true but lawmakers turn their attention to a government shutdown. >> reporter: the house of representatives has to vote on a few small tweaks to the bill and after that the white house is planning on a media event here sometime this afternoon, and the president on twitter has also said he's planning for a news conference today. we will see how that develops. initially the white house was really talking about all of the president's so-called accomplishments during the last year, and during a news conference yesterday at the white house in the briefing room, however, make no mistake, this bill is the president's first major legislative accomplishment of his administration, and it's coming in the final days of this year.
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>> the tax cuts and jobs act is passed. >> senate republicans celebrating after passing the first overhaul of the u.s. tax code in 30 years along strict party lines. >> the democrats said the american people will remember this night. i hope they do. >> this country will be moving forward again. >> the early-morning vote, which was interrupted by protesters. coming amid fierce objections from democrats who attacked the $1.5 trillion bill for disproportionately helping wealthy americans and corporations. >> can we have order, mr. president? >> the senate will be in order. >> this is serious stuff. we believe you are messing up america. you can pay attention for a couple minutes. >> ohio democrat brown talking
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following this moment during the senate debate. >> this tax cut causes a huge budget deficit to give money to the wealthiest people in the country, and creates a huge hole in the budget. who is going to fill the hole? not the lobbyist walking in and out of mcconnell's office 100 feet down the hall. >> republicans remain convinced that once the legislation is enacted, public perception will improve. >> if we can't sell this to the american people we ought to go into another line of work. >> and then 12 republicans voting no. >> the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. >> after the vote there was three small provisions that violated budget rules, meaning the house will have to revote on the bill later today. >> to me it's emblematic of what
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happens when you take major legislation and conceive of it in the dark and rush it through. >> after likely passing again in the house the bill will be sent to the desk of president trump. he congratulated republicans in both chambers after their votes, due to changes in the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax the president is likely to benefit greatly from the bill despite insisting otherwise. >> this is going to cost me a fortune, this thing. believe me. believe me. this is not good for me. >> press secretary, sarah sanders, repeating the claims tuesday before conceding mr. trump could benefit. >> in some ways particularly on the personal side the president will likely take a big hit and on the business side he could benefit. >> members of the house and senate as well as the president are getting ready to leave town for the christmas holiday, and there's a very important thing they have to deal with and that's a spending bill to keep the government from shutting down, several sources telling
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cnn the only practical scenario at this stage is yet another short-term continuing resolution until they can figure out the rest. back to you. >> the looming government shutdowns never end, it feels. >> like death and taxes. >> we can add one now. thank you, joe. we have reporter and editor at large, chris cillizza, and a.b. stoddard. thank you. let me put up for our viewers what happened last night and what is in the bill since it was being changed up to the last moment. it lowers individual tax rates for most individuals, and it eliminates personal exemptions and it caps state and local tax deductions at $10,000, which is a loss for people in california, new jersey, new york, connecticut, these blue states. it eliminates the insurance mandate of obamacare, obviously
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a very big deal. for corporations and businesses, it slashes the corporate tax rate. this was the big win that republicans and democrats for years have been pushing for from 35% to now 21%. it lowers the tax burden on pass through businesses, and this is the one that affects donald trump we believe, from what little we know from his tax returns that he has not released and his real estate empire is structured on the pass through structures, and a.b. stoddard, what do you see this morning in all of this? >> let's start with the fact that this is a huge accomplishment for republicans who really exhibited all year just a party driven with divisions and a lack of unity and focus and a lot of dysfunction, and an epic failure on the effort to repeal and replace obamacare. the fact that they have come
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together and gotten it done this quickly is in and of itself a success. when you dig into what it has been advertised, a middle class miracle by the president and that we put to the test. the economy is already chugging along. the relief on the individual side is pretty nominal, and the corporate relief is really where the law packs its biggest punch. if that's going to trickle down to workers and produce more economic growth than we are seeing now, that will be a rising tied and will be a political win for them. if it stays where it is in the terms of public polling, they have taken a bigr risk. >> we have heard paul ryan beat his chest about the deficit, and this is going to add a trillion or so? >> yep.
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>> how do they square that circle? >> well, they sort of avoid squaring that circle, bill. remember, this is -- a.b. touched on this but this is based on the theory of the case, and this is based on the idea that cutting the tax rate for corporate america will lead them to reinvest, and it will trickle down to the workers and jump-start the economy, and it could and that's the way they get around -- the rosiest prediction is this adds a trillion to the deficit, and the idea is the economy would out grow that, and it could but it might not. what you see at long is this is donald trump's republican party. deficits went out the window when donald trump won the election, and there was less
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concern and it was let's get money back to the people and let's do the tax cut for the corporations and the people. let's say the romney had won, the deficit would have been front and center. there's no question as to a contradiction between paul ryan s sir kau 2010 and today. >> what did allow republicans to pull off this feat of being able to do this in three months? this had taken decades, and in three months after their failure to repeal obamacare, they learned something. they kept members away from the press in the early stages so they couldn't express their own trepidation about this happening and they had an off-site retreat
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where republican members were able to vent or express their own anxieties and were able to deal with it amongst themselves -- >> in the room. >> -- keeping it in the room. >> i remember that day when the members were going off on the mini retreat and they were not allowed to bring copies of what they were seeing back to study. it's much like some classified briefing. i think it was a smart tactic. obviously what we are seeing is they learned from the failure of the obamacare repeal and replace, and learning from your mistakes is a good thing. let's give them credit for that. basically there were nine tax reform bills that were, you know, put together a million years ago. they knew exactly what they wanted to do and some things were more politically palatable and some would not survive. there were a lot of sacred cows. they had a lot of virgins but
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then had one that could be massaged and they got it through in a very short time. this is the one issue that still unites republicans on every other issue from immigration to a fix on health care to how to deal with the deficit and debt and on and on, even transportation, whatever push on infrastructure is coming from the administration, they are deeply divided. this was born of panic, and panic is productive but it doesn't mean we are going to see it replicated in the months to come. >> also worth mentioning, and it has nothing to do with taxes, this opens up oil drilling in the alaska wildlife preserve, so another wish that came true. >> one of the ways they got lisa murkowski from alaska to vote for this, and i give them credit in that they saw the issues from
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far away, and one thing, remember, a.b. made this point here. remember, when it came to health care, the plan was we need to get rid of obamacare and then we will, you know, we will -- yeah, we will do something. there was no plan. for tax cuts, 81 the reagan tax cut, and 2001 the bush tax cut. this is a thing republicans know how to do. they had a plan. yes, there were differences within the republican conference, but they were all sort of agreed on the idea that putting more money in the hands of individuals and corporations is a good thing that they believe -- you can disagree with them, but they believe fundamentally on principle is the way in which you grow the economy. the ball was on about the 10 yard line here, and they were able to push in. count me as surprised. i did not think they could do it on this timetable. this was an easier lift than health care or to a.b.'s point,
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almost any other piece of legislation they would take on. >> thank you for all of the analysis. the gop ready to celebrate the big tax win and now the tough job, selling that unpopular package to the voters or facing a backlash to the voters, and we'll talk about a republican senator about how they will do that, next. to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ (avo) even in a galaxy far, far away... (bb-9e beeping) ... having the best network really, really matters. (bb-8 beeping) (digital chiming) (static hissing) (digital chiming continues) it's probably nothing. move along. (avo) and verizon is the most awarded network ever. that's why more people count on it. data received, bb-8! (digital growling) (avo) and more droids should, too. when it really, really matters you need the best network and the best unlimited in the galaxy.
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overhaul bill and it's expected to pass again and the white house said it would be signed into law this afternoon. republican senator, shelly moore from the great state of west virginia joins us now and is on the appropriations committee. is today a better day to go to work for you as a republican lawmaker? >> we were up late last night and it's going to be a good day on capitol hill. >> okay. well, i know -- if my numbers are right, 83% of the people in your state don't itemize taxes and they will see if they make less than 25 grand, maybe 100 bucks, and between 50 and 86,000, they will get $100 or so but in the long term, what do you say to the critics that say this is a completely unfair redistribution from the middle class up to rich folks and corporations that frankly don't need a tax cut?
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>> i will start with where you start. 83% of west virginias itemize, they will get double child tax credits and by our calculations a couple making $73,000 could get as much as $2,000 back, and that's dollars in the pocket that you have earned and for families that's significant. this is all through the earning scale where everybody is in every bracket is going to have much-tax relief. the tactics that it's only for corporations -- we asked them to join us in the tax relief and a competitive tax system around the world, and they didn't get onboard. i think it will hit our middle earners the best and small businesses, and in a state like
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mine small businesses is where the tight squeeze is. >> some of our great reporting, the behind the scenes discipline it took to keep republicans unified meant going off campus and going on a retreat and keeping people organized there. is this -- does this undermine the faith in the system if they don't understand if the percentage of people who support this bill is about half of that that support obamacare, and this is for a tax cut. does this do more harm than good the way the process went along? >> i reject that. there were 70 meetings and in around the finance committee, and many democrats were on the bills, and president obama himself came out in favor of lowering the corporate tax rate several years ago. what this is, i think, to renew faith in the system, this is something president trump and republicans said we would do,
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much like revising regulations and we said more money in your pocket at the end of the day and a better tax system tkpwhroub y globally, and we have had companies like fedex say they are hiring more workers. i think the polls and everything were fallen prey by the rhetoric and some of the confusing numbers out there. but come next year when people start to get their paychecks they will see the results on this and realize we came through on what we said we were going to do. >> you read the whole bill? >> i did. >> all 500 pages? >> i can't tell you i comprehended every single part of the tax code, but the better corporate rates and middle class
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tax cuts were glaring as i read it. >> since you read it all, there's nothing in there that guarantees corporations have to trickle the money down to the workers, and what makes you think they will do it now? >> part of the reason they are sitting on piles of cash is because it's parked overseas because the tax structure that we have in this country is unfavorable for them to bring it back and reinvest in this country. this has been something that was studied. it did not just come up in the middle of the night. this has been studied with large employers to say what is going to bring your money back to the united states so we can manufacture more goods and hire more workers, and this is the system that has been worked and reworked to try and make sure that that company will come back and reinvest in the company. we have been talking to people all along, what are you going to do if you get a lower tax rate? what is your goal? many people told me, higher
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wages and more people working and, yes, reinvesting in their company, and this is good and will help jump-start our company. >> if businesses were run out of the goodness of hearts we wouldn't need a minimum wage. a lot of people today agree -- almost three quarter of the countries agrees that the president should release his tax returns. >> i don't know why he has not come forward with his tax returns, and it's a personal decision, and he made that decision and we need to move on to things that are more important, like getting the country moving again and higher wages and people can afford to go to school and improve themselves. this is what we need to be talking about. >> okay. senator of west virginia.
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thank you for joining us. >> thank you a lot. >> have a great day. >> uh-huh. and then asking for information about the slush fund, the settlements that were paid out secretly on behalf of senators or staff, and he was denied his request. we will speak with senator tim kaine about that, and of course, the new tax bill. his thoughts, next. ...hotel you want at the lowest price. grazi, gino! find a price that fits. tripadvisor.
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republicans are on the verge today of passing the biggest tax overhaul in 30 years and giving president trump the biggest policy victory of his presidency. joining us to discuss this and more is former vice presidential candidate, tim kaine. >> hey, alisyn. merry christmas to you. >> you as well. speaking of christmas, i read you said of the tax bill not everything moving around in the dark is santa claus. what does that mean? >> it's a famous line from a great virginia politician, henry howell, who used to say that
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about back room deals. he used to say not everything moving around in the dark is sanity clause, and he would call him that. last night the 800-page bill brought over from the house and voting on it at 1:30 in the morning, and they don't want the public to see it. >> you feel cut out and i understand democrats feel cut out of the process, and you certainly have good reasons. republicans say you were always invited in, but here's the upshot. republicans have wanted a tax cut and so have democrats and president obama pushed for a corporate tax cut, and why not call this a victory? >> because it's all for the people at the top end, estate tax and alternative minimum tax and everything for the middle class is temporary or expires or makes matters worse. when we were voting in the senate version at 1:30 in the
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morning and i put a simple amendment on the table, and i said let's make the cuts permanent and reduce the deficits by a trillion, and you can do that by reducing the corporate tax cut to 25 and not 20. the reduction tax rate cut to 20 was more important than the american people. >> it's up to 21, just to be clear. >> again, it's not about the middle class, it's about the wealthiest and biggest corporations. >> while i have you, i have to ask you about what just happened in your home state of virginia yesterday. >> yeah, wow. >> this was miraculous. i try to teach my kids when we go to the polls in our hometown that every vote counts. here's living proof. in virginia the balance of power in the legislature was changed
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by one vote. shel shelly simonds vote by one vote. it changes everything. >> it's amazing. you are right. that's the lesson. i campaigned with shelly and have known her for a long time. when the elections were over we gained at least 15 seats. yesterday in a recount in her seat, the 16th, she won by one vote and that means the balance of power in our legislature statewide, we have more than 8 million virginians changed for the first time in 20 years on the basis of one vote in the entire state. which is pretty amazing. there are a couple other races in recounts still, but this will force a power-sharing arrangement instead of the gop
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that has been in place for 20 years. >> every teacher that talks about politics will use this. >> shelly said they will call her landslide shelly, but they will be happy if they just call her delicate. >> there have been call for one to rethink his resignation and not resign, and do you think he should resign or not? >> a number of my colleagues publicly called on al to resign, i did not do that because i thought what you owe a colleague is to have a conversation with him in person, and i talked to him in person and he told me, tim, i will make an announcement and do the right thing and the next day he did announce he was resigning, and i think it's the right thing, and the minnesota governor already nominated another elected official to fill the post and i think we should move forward. we have to fix the process here in congress so claims can be
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known and we do the right thing and people don't have to suffer in silence if they feel abused. >> isn't part of the right thing letting a process happen and letting the ethics committee look into it? >> that's part of the right thing, but under the circumstances -- it was very tough and painful for a good guy like al, a good senator like al, but enough allegations had been made of behavior that was inappropriate, and when we talked personally, he said, look, i made a decision and will do the right thing and i think he made the right decision. >> you don't think he's having second thoughts? >> i don't know of any. >> that leads us to what congress is doing about sexual harassment. during the course of this me too moment we learned of a secret slush fund and nobody knew about it and even people in congress didn't know it existed to pay off to the sexual harassment settlements, and other
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settlements as well. >> claims other than sexual harassment as well. >> and the reason we don't know the details is because it has not put out in the sunlight, and you tried to get the information but was rejected. >> this so strange. i was reading about articles in the papers about claims leveled in the house, and i wrote the senate about claims made and protect confidentiality, but we need to know the scope of the problem if we are going to fix the problem. i got a letter back monday, they refused to give me information. the house already put the information out, but the senate -- the office will not give me the information. >> who is the ultimate authority on this? who will get the information? >> here's what they said. if you read between the lines in the letter, they said we have given the information to the senate rules committee and i
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think they want the release of the information through the rules committee, and just like the house they gave it to the house, and a republican chairman released the information protecti protecting confidentiality, and they will do it. the federal emergency management system is broke and that's according to fema. what about the survivors? how are they doing months after the most recent disaster summer? we'll check on that next.
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after three monster hurricanes and all the wildfires out west, over 5 million americans are getting a lesson on how disaster recovery works in this country. we checked on puerto rico yesterday, and we want to go back to florida and texas to see how folks are fairing, and the needs are still alarming.
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most folks will remember harvey for the water, the boats are the boulevard, and houston became a concrete bowl of rain. but on the coast they remember the wind, how the storm stalled here for 13 hours, spat out dozens of tornadoes and took apart a town devoted to birds, art and the sea. >> the acquiren that doesn't exist anymore, and the rock center for the arts doesn't exist anymore. >> one of these trucks holds 100 cubic yards of broken lives, and there's not a single habitable apartment in town, and the schools are two-thirds full and the mayor worries the town could die. >> we had 360 businesses that
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re-open. >> that's your tax base, too? >> yes. >> there's a fema tent downtown, but the rockport relief camp is just really samantha's backyard. >> this is donated furniture and more donated supplies. >> where she housed, fed dozens of families will private donations from facebook. >> this is our diaper barn. >> that's the generosity of strangers there? >> yeah. we have received no state, county, national -- no government assistance at all. we got denied by fema three times. >> how do you feel about that? >> it pisses me off. >> but just five minutes away, they could not be happier with fema, they just received a three
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bedroom home, and way more than one family needs but fema insisted. meanwhile, back at samantha's relief camp, a family of six share as donated rv and a woman nine months pregnant lives in a tent. >> seems the aid is as fickle as the storm. >> i identify with samantha's frustrations, when you and your neighbors lost everything you work for it's an incredibly tough situation. >> block long knows something about frustration, and baptism by fire, wind and water. since taking over fema in june nearly 5 million people registered for disaster aid, more than katrina, sandy and wilma combined. >> you have to understand we don't have tens of thousands of
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manufactured homes and travel trailers stored somewhere and ready to go. we have to buy these. >> it costs what? >> anywhere between 200,000 and 300,000, and when it's done i can't refuse it, we have to dispose of it. >> this is everywhere on big pine key, just mountains of busted appliances and mattresses. look at these jet skis over here. meanwhile the florida keys are providing another lesson on how fema dollars are spent. while they try to salvage the tourist season in key west, the drive to key west is far from normal, and it's all thanks to messy local politics. even though monroe county had cleanup contracts in place before the storm, florida gave out emergency contracts two days after when demand for machinery
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was sky high, and it would have been 3,200 to hollowayall away like this. >> fema doesn't do debris. we coordinate the grant funding down to a governor, to the local communities to help them pay for those debris. i don't think fema should dictate the market rate. >> here, everybody is staying, right? [ cheering ] >> but maybe the recovery effort comes from a foul-mouthed bar owner. peter went viral by mocking the storm with two s-bombs before irma turned snappers to driftwood. it's completely gone. but thanks to decent insurance
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and devoted regulars that helped him clean up, they were open within days. >> it was a very positive thing after the hurricane and everybody is helping each other out, and the government is not doing anything. you should expect that the government stands up and the government helps, and only help and don't be in our way. just do it. make it happen. make it happen. >> in fairness, somebody that works in cleanup told me that right now we need five brock longs, and we need five fema administrators, and there's such a need and there's a bill from texas and florida are trying to jam through but it could be $100 billion to replace what is happening in puerto rico down there, and the need is so massive and while the fema administrator won't acknowledge that climate change is driving
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the new normal, he wants everybody to rethink the way we do about the calvary coming over the hill, and that's not happening and neighborhoods have to take care of themselves. >> your reporting has been so valuable, and i have been teaching journalism, and i always cite your reporting in puerto rico in particular, because what federal officials told us was not the truth, and it was a good news story, and we would not have known if you did not go on the ground. thank goodness the reporters and journalist are on the ground bringing us the real story. >> brock long's folks, they are looking for some hope. >> by reporting you are shedding
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light on all of that. have space aliens visited earth? >> this morning or in general. >> you laugh. the pentagon's former ufo hunter says we may not be alone. what does astrophysicist neal degrass think? we can't wait to talk to you about this. we'll be right back. are sure you're wrapping that correctly? oh, well, it doesn't matter how you wrap it. your gift is already wrapped in america's most awarded network.
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booking a flight doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%. just tap and go... for the best savings on flights, go to priceline. >> are we alone in the universe? this is the question that has plagued man's minds forever and now the pentagon says maybe not. they acknowledged a top secret program that shows the government has been trying to answer that question for years, and the defense department released videos of an unidentified flying object and the pilot who saw this describes what he saw to cnn. >> well, the first thing is it
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had no wings. you think it's a helicopter. there's no rotor wash in the water and no rotors, and when helicopters move side to side, they slow and then pick up speed going the other way, and it was abrupt like a ping pong ball bouncing off a wall and it would go the other way and change directions at will, and to hover over the water and then start a climb and accelerate in less than two seconds and disappear is something i had never seen in my life. >> i saw it in "the last jedi." and rock star of silence explanation is here. >> it's in the movies, so it's real. >> this is in his book, "as troe physics." >> explain what you see in that
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video? >> people i think have conflated the concept of a ufo with aliens. ufo means unidentified flying object. this is a highly nonspecific term. it is so nonspecific it admits you don't know what you are looking at. >> what is driving that thing if it's not an alien? >> it's unidentified. >> that's not good enough. >> the universe brims with miss trees, just because you don't know what you are looking at doesn't mean it's intelligent aliens from another planet. you just don't know what you are looking at, and -- >> you know what we are looking at, and you stair at the cosmos for a living. >> i'm not authorized to go beyond that. >> what do you think? >> consider this, what made people interested is it involved
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the pentagon, and $22 million over five years, and the pentagon's budget is huge, and that's .0001% of the budget. b, it's a flying object and we don't know what it is. i would hope somebody is checking it out. i hope there's a program from our defense department to make sure they do not pose a threat. sure enough, that's what the program was. >> it just buzzed away. they didn't know what it was and we still don't know. >> i'm cool with that. >> okay. that's where we differ. >> scientist live in mystery every day in our lives. there's the circle of knowledge that we have, and then there's beyond that circle is the unknown. even as the parameter of the knowledge grows, as the area of
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the knowledge grows, so does the parameter of our ignorance. it's touching this wider and wider area, so people are uncomfortable not knowing, not the scientists. call me when you have a dinner invite from an alien. >> so you are skeptical that space aliens have visit the earth? >> the evidence is so poultry for aliens to visit earth, i have no further interest. let other people who care go ahead. when you finally find aliens bring them to times square -- no, no, too many weird people are there. they won't stand out in times square. try not to come during comic-con when the alien would just blend in. everybody's got a high definition video camera on them now. we have video footage of rare
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things that you knew happened but nobody saw it happen, like buses tumbling in tornadoes. in the day you didn't say that bus is about to tumble, let me get my camera, no, you got your ta tail out of there. >> you do acknowledge that carbon is not a rare substance, and there must be carbon-based life forms out there somewhere? >> it's likely based on carbon because not only carbon is abundant but it's versatile in what kind of molecules it makes. >> do you think there's intelligent life out there? >> i would first start with that question on earth. you set me up for that. the question is, have aliens visited and just kept going because there was no sign of
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intelligent life? who defined us as intelligent? we did. is that a measure of cosmic intelligence? perhaps not. who are we to say? it seems to me aliens who visited us, they would manifest more convincingly than fuzzy video. there's no reason to assume that because you don't know what you are looking at it equals aliens that visit us from outer space. i'm glad the pentagon is looking at this because if it posed a threat i want them on top of it right away. otherwise -- and the program is closed down, so not a threat. keep looking. go. get after it. bring your video cameras and go. >> thank you. thanks for being here. >> go for it. >> we are. >> call me when you got it.
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6:00 am
and that was the case of the waitress that served a table of seven, and mike alexander and his buddies went all in. >> open it right now? you are going to take my picture? oh, my god! >> what was in there? they pulled together a $1,000 tip. she plans on paying bills and buying gifts. >> over tip your breakfast waitresses. they get up really early to serve you. >> that's a good tip. good morning, everyone. i am john berman. >> i am poppy harlow. the president promises a news conference, and his tax reform close to reaching his desk but will it bring with
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