tv New Day CNN December 25, 2017 4:00am-5:00am PST
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that have led to treatment options that can help. if someone you love has parkinson's and is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, talk to your parkinson's specialist. because there's more to parkinson's. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at this american carnage stops right now. >> sean spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts. >> regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire mueller. >> drop any investigation connected to flynn. >> the nomination is confirmed. >> i regret that our efforts were simply not enough. >> my [ bleep ] paranoid schizophrenic, paranoid -- >> we have come so far, and the people of alabama have spoken. >> rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself.
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>> the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. >> isis collapsing. >> we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face. >> disrespecting our flag and our country. >> i don't think we should be judged as un-american because we believe in equality. >> powerful men falling like dominoes after stories of sexual misconduct. >> mow more. name it, shame it -- no more, name it, shame it, call it out. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> how could all of that happened in this one year? good morning, everyone, welcome to a christmas day edition of "new day." i'm alisyn camerota along with chris cuomo. wee a ve-- we have a big day. it's been a wild year. we've flown through political and cultural upheaval, often pitting friends and family with differing opinions against each other. how do people work through differences and come out stronger as a community? we'll discuss that. since it is christmas, of course, we have to look at who
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made the naughty and nice lists in washington. chris elizza will have insight. this year was marked by social and cultural movements. we'll look at the lasting impact of the nfl civil rights protests, the rise of the alt-rig alt-right, and of course the #metoo movement. after all that christmas shopping and cooking, what better way to relax than enjoying a movie? what movie? which films? we have the can't-miss holiday movies for you. good morning, and merry christmas. i'm alison kosik. pope francis delivering his christmas day address and blessing. he's touching on critical conflicts, notably in the mideast. cnn's john allen is live in rome. merry christmas to you. so it seems that the pontiff isn't shying away from controversy even on christmas.
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>> reporter: hi there. merry christmas. that's right. pope francis legendary has no off switch. we saw him very much on again giving a 360-degree review of global hot spots he's worried about. as you said, he mentioned the heart on the heels of condemning president trump's relocation of the embassy in israel. he mentioned the middle east, prayed for peace for jerusalem, reiterated the vatican support for the two-state solution. also mentioned his recent trip to myanmar, talked about threats to minorities there. although pointedly without using the word rohingya to refer to the oppressed muslim minority there. he avoided that word also when he was in myanmar out of concern for making the situation worse. mentioned venezuela, several african nations, and on and on. pope francis thinks of himself as a peace pope. and that's very much what we saw in action in rome for christmas, 2017. >> all right. cnn's john allen reporting live from rome.
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thank you very much. guatemala announcing plans to move its embassy in israel to jerusalem. the country's president spoke to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and instructed guatemala's foreign ministry to initiate the process to make it possible. the central american nation is the first country to announce it would move its embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem since president trump issued his announcement this month. the overwhelmingly to condemn the move. ten killed and five injured near afghanistan's intelligence headquarters in kabul. it is close to the u.s. embassy and several other diplomatic missions. at this point, no group has claimed responsibility. i'm alison kosik. more headlines coming up in 30 minutes. see you then. merry christmas.
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i think it's fair to say this year the country felt more divided politically than ever before. manier faced with have -- many were faced with having to confront personal faith and politics that overlapped. joining us on are analyst and author of "how's your faith" david gregory, flower pastor of the foundry church, ginger gaines serelli, and president of the southern ethics and liberty commission, robert moore. great to have you with us. david, you've written a book about this, thought about faith. how did faith fare this year with all of the toxic politics? >> i don't think very well. a lot of my views and, i hope, spiritual growth in part has been fueled by russell and ginger. i'm happy to be on with them. i think that's polarizing in a toxic time is a return to our spiritual selves. the idea of what i like to call spiritual citizenship. how we live our faith, our
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ethics, and rely upon religious teaching and our own religious traditions to help us see other people. to see their basic humanity, to listen to each other, to see each other. these irare not ephemeral concepts. not something we can just think about on a sunday or saturday in a synagogue. i think that is the call of this time. there's a heaviness that affects everything, all of our relationships. >> the idea of the intersection of faith and politics, we haven't seen faith politicized the way it was in this election and by this president, even christmas. it's interesting that somebody who by behavior and routine, we don't see him going in and out of services, as president vs. in
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the past. he's made a big part of his political agenda. how do you see those going together? >> i'm not sure that he's made a t a huge part of his -- made it a huge part of his agenda. i think others want to make him part of their political agenda and assign faith to things that he has and did. i think he knows how to use certain pieces of christian community to his own ends, and i think it's really difficult and sad that the part of the christian faith that is being represented by his views is not the only part. i think what i'm trying to put forward is another vision. another vision for what faith and christian faith is about. it is pretty much the polar opposite of what we've seen in president trump's actions and words, the way he treats people and policies he's putting forward. >> russell, help us reconcile
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this, help us understand what we can do -- we hear every day on our show people yearning for humidity, yearning for less toxicity, and yet our political discourse, social media, it is so toxic. what are we to do? >> i think we ought to return to the nativity scene that many of us have in our homes. i think what's happened in america is an idolotry of power. i don't just mean at the national political level but in our social media disputes, sometimes even in the sorts of arguments that we have around our dinner tables and our holiday tables. the idea of having to get one up on one another, to be seen as right. and i think instead to see one another as part of a common humanity and also to see that there are things more important than temporal power. and i think christmas reminds us of what those things are in the giving of jesus christ as the
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light of the world. i think as a christian, i have to be reminded constantly that there are more important things than asserting than that i'm right or asserting my power. >> i saw it play out. as a southern baptist, to see what happened when we had the roy moore election and how the evangelical community came out so strong for him. it's something that we've seen more pronounced in the last 25 years of where christianity politically has come to mean something very narrow, david. >> yes. and i mean, i'm going to defer to russell on the evangelical role that's in politics. there's something else i want to pick up on what he said, even for me as a jew. you know, to recognize both the example of jesus but to understand that this talk about our humanity is something we can't disassociate from our
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everyday lives. to keep something holy, ginger, when she preaches, likes to talk about standing in the flow of grace. if we keep that in mind in our disputes on social media, in our disputes with each other, and it is blessing that space between us. can we respect where you're coming from politically or that you may have a belief that's different than me? some things so basic that we allow ourselves to willfully disregard in our public spaces, we should allow a return where there's a, more humanity, and more respect, to say look, i'm in a different place than you, but let's try to find a way to move forward again. >> look, people are dug in on their sides, and they think the other side is wrong. and they think the other side is offensive. how are supposed to hold those in your mind at the same time? >> i would suggest that the best we can do is to continue to seek
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our common humanity. i think the place to begin it is on remember certainly as i believe that we are all beloved children of god. all of us. as difficult as that is to hold when someone is treating us with disdain or blowing us off. i think one of the important things is to find common ground. find the places that we have some shared concern. and we do that by deep listening. we don't listen well in this culture. we don't have enough silence in our lives. we don't create the spaces in which we can truly reflect. and think about the deeper questions and try to understand where the other is coming from. we tend to be reactive rather than responsive. that's something i've been thinking more and more about. i think deep listening is the place to begin and to try to see the other as a sibling in god's
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family. >> wonderful advice. david, russell, ginger, thank you very much for that wonderful message on christmas. >> i guess the collective prayer is that it's followed. let's see what happens. so how about the washington naughty and nice lists? we'll break that down next. feel the power of theraflu expressmax. new power... fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. is america's number-one you kmotorcycle insurer. yeah, she does purr! best bike i ever owned! no, you're never alone, because our claims reps are available 24/7. we even cover accessories and custom parts. we diget an early start! took the kids to soccer practice. you want me to jump that cactus? all right. aah! that lady's awesome. i don't see a possum!
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2017 has been an unprecedented year on capitol hill. in the spirit of the christmas season, we wanted to put together a list of who has been naughty and nice in the world of politics. let's bring in the point, chris salizza, cnn politics reporter and editor at large. who better than you -- >> yeah -- >> the political santa. >> yes. this was certainly a gift to you this christmas. >> yes. >> where should we start? the naughty list? >> let's do naughty. >> knock them out. you tell me, and i'll go from there. i'll whiff. i got a lot, to be candid. there's more naughtys than nice. >> i imagine. >> you have the president of the united states at the top of your list. >> yeah. >> people are watching here at home while putting coffee cake
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in their mouths. steve bannon, roy moore, mitch mcconnell, and -- sean spicer, reince priebus, anthony scaramucci, and jeff sessions, last but not least. >> donald trump started the year at 47%, 48% approval, the best he had been. he ends the year at 35 at the best, 31, 32 at the worst. did get the tax plan through. but i think problematic more broadly speaking. the guy's got big problems with the base, problems in the country. big problems within the republican party. ste steve bannon and roy moore together. steve bannon's big moment was supposed to be the alabama special election. he had been with roy moore from the start. trump endorsement is strange. he stays with him, stays with him, stays with him through all of the allegations. roy moore loses. steve bannon suddenly is persona non grata. at least more persona non grata
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for some folks than others. i put reince priebus and sean spicer together because they were the establishment -- hard to remember, you go to the beginning of the year. remember, it was trump has a piece of the establishment within his inner circle. chairman of the rnc and rnc communications director. it was clear quickly that donald trump was not taking advice from them. he was going to do his own thing, and they're now no longer employed. the mooch was in for ten days -- maybe the best days of the year. but like a -- he divested from his company, i mean, he made a lot -- all joking aside, made a lot of sacrifices to get into the white house. and chris, clearly wanted to be a part of the administration. just when he got what he wanted, almost immediately -- >> it imploded. >> correct. which is tough. >> you don't have any democrats on the naughty list?
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>> no. i think most of the focus -- this is true of all new presidencies. the first year, almost all the focus is on the white house, particularly when the senate and house are controlled by republicans, as well. look, donald trump's oxygen-sucking nature makes it harder for people to focus on democrats. but democrats did not have a great year. they ended on a good note in that doug jones wins. that's a big win not just because it's a senate seat, but it's a symbolic victory because it's a red state. i think we'll see more of this on -- joe biden on one side, likely to run. a conventional candidate. establishment candidate. then elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, if that's your 20/20 top ticket at the moment. they're clearly much more in the more liberal, more progressive, more fight trump at every cause. that fight is coming, but it didn't really happen this year. >> i guess i meant like some of
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them are naughty -- john conyers -- >> out. although i didn't put franks in there, republican -- honestly, like if we put all the folks who were forced either to resign or apologize because of sexual harassment claims, it would be longer -- >> you took care of them on the nice list. >> women in congress. you say, on the nice list? i'll go through it all, then you can talk about it. senator lamar alexander, patty murray. mike pens, ben sasse, dan scavino, doug jones, robert mueller. >> and this happened recently, but i think the coordinated effort led by kirsten gillibrand to push al franken out after a series of groping and forcible kissing allegations, to force him to resign, is very meaningful. this was a coordinated effort. you know, this is enough.
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we've seen this in the media, hollywood, entertainment. in politics, we've tolerated it too long. we're not going to tolerate it anymore. i think important for her, gillibrand, who had a good year, but more broadly. >> what's the chance that over time that may have the democrats move on franken, the right principle, wrong process? >> i think it is uniquely possible that is the case. i think what they were trying to do -- i feel strongly what they were trying to do is clear the decks in expectation of senator roy moore. moore winning, and they could say we got rid of the allegations here on our side, you didn't. i think it's possible. i don't know. i put people like lamar alexander and patty murray on there because they were actually trying to work in a bipartisan way. it didn't work out just yet, but i do think you have -- the start of some possibilities around health care potentially, i think you'll need some fixes on the tax plan.
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some level of working together. i think we tend to lump all members of congress in a partisan sort of pile. the ones who are the most partisan get the most attention. they talk the most, say the most outlandish things. there are people like lamar alexander and patty murray who are trying to do things to make things like the health care law be better implemented. there are good people out there doing good things. >> and mike pence makes the nice list? >> yes. he's future is -- he wants to be president, breaking news. his future's tied to donald trump. and we know -- what is donald trump, the one thing he cares about more than anything? loyalty. unstinting loyalty. who has been more loyal to donald trump than mike pence? at every turn. defending him with evangelical, republicans in congress, defending him with anyone, any time twump tweets something controversial -- trump tweets something controversial, there's mike pence. very mannered, political.
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so look, you can guys agree with that as a career path, but that's the bet mike pence has made. i think donald trump would be thrilled that mike pence is his vice president. one more i want to mention is bob mueller. bob mueller is going to come in for even more criticism in 2018. we saw at the end of 2017. i think there will be more of that in 2018. but i think he has run this investigation in such a way that the conclusion that's are found, maybe early in 2018, maybe later, we don't know. the conclusion that's are found will not be able to be dismissed by a majority of the country. that does not mean certain people would not dismiss them. maybe up to and including the president of the united states, but he's run the operation in a credible, serious, professional way that i think is important for the state of our democracy and country. we can say we looked into this, here are our findings and recommendations, and we go from there. otherwise -- maybe i'm just
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hoping against hope here -- i think we needluti resolution ony or another. where we can agree on facts and act on them. i think robert mueller is putting us in a place where we can do that. >> that would be nice. >> well done. >> you've got to have hope for the coming year. >> yes. you're never naughty. thank you very much. >> never, ever. >> i'm just happy i wasn't on the list. >> no cuomos. >> they wouldn't show it to me in the beginning. >> no. i asked that. that was part of the deal. >> awesome. thank you. >> thank you. okay. from #metoo to nfl players taking a knee, the movements that impacted our culture in 2017 next. ♪ with expedia, you can book a flight, then add a hotel, and save. ♪ everything you need to go. expedia this i can do, easily. i try hard to get a great shape. benefiber® healthy shape is
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good morning, and welcome back to a special christmas edition of "new day." we've got a lot to get to this half hour including the big social movements of 2017. >> we have the movies you need to watch this holiday break. first, let's check the headlines at the newscast. good morning. i'm alison kosik. pope francis delivering his
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christmas day address and blessing to the world. the pontiff praying for children around the world, including those dealing with renewed tensions in jerusalem. he also urged peace in myanmar. but the pope stayed away from using the word rohingya described the muslims forced to flee bangladesh. earlier he celebrated at st. peter's basilica and touched on the plight of migrants and refugees, comparing their struggle to the struggle of mary and joseph to bethlehem. u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley celebrating a negotiated $285 million budget cut to u.n. calling it a big step if the right direction.
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haley slamming the world body for what she called bloated management. the cut to the overall budget happening. this is after the u.n. voted overwhelmingly to condemn president trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. rescue crews racing to save 150 skiers who were trapped on a broken ski lift in the french alps. the incident happening at a french ski resort. these images showed two helicopters flying to the gondolas. emergency crews then forcing open the roof and lowering the stranded skiers to the ground. the rescue operation taking nearly two hours. fortunately, no one was hurt. no word on what caused the incident. prince harry and his fiancee miguel marquez arriving at christmas -- meghan markle arriving at christmas services. queen elizabeth also in attendance with her husband, prince philip, a year after the
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couple had to miss services because of illness. i'm alison kosik. more headlines coming up in 30 minutes. merry christmas. this we're we experienced big social and political movements from the #metoo movement to the nfl civil rights protests and surprising rise of the alt-right l.'s start with the #metoo movement. the women who helped usher it in were awarded "time's" persons of the year. michaela davis, wesley lowery, cnn contributor and national reporter for the "washington post" joining us. great to have you here. merry christmas. >> thank you. >> merry christmas. >> amber tamblyn, an actress and activist, i read that she wrote recently to the #metoo movement went from a watershed to a flash flood. every day it felt as though the floodgates were opening, and it
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became more than a movement. i mean, it became a moment, a tipping point, all of those things that we've said about it. i think that you can't underestimate the change that's happened in this country. >> and the water's still rushing in, right? the women's march was the crack, right. when you see the largest single-day march in history led by women and women of color, that opened up the gates for this flood. and every day, more courage, more stories, more support are coming out. we're getting to the dirty work of the culture. and it's not going to be easy, not going to be fun, but we're not going to be alone. i think that's what #metoo literally says. it's like i'm not alone. you're not alone. we can do this work together. it's not the end. i think we're going to see even more. all the industries now, music industry, you know, the russell
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simmons is our harvey weinstein. a flashpoint meaning. >> i agree with all that. you get an amen on it all. except i would say that the metaphor is you see the water rushing out. you haven't seen the clean water rushing in yet. it's still bold-faced names. still low-hanging fruit for the corporations. it is easier to get rid of somebody than it is to change -- i say this all the time, but it's only because over my concern for real change. i know how the systems work. forget that you're not hearing about the waitress, the administrative assistant, the truly unempowered woman who has to did with it, the housekeepers -- to deal with it, the hou housekeepers. >> they have to come out -- >> maybe, but you want to get rid of a bold-faced name, be right about it. you'll take somebody down. get the facts. let them be aired. corporate change, even something as easy as what we talk about here all the time, settlements
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for congressmen, sexual harassment paid with with our money, and they still haven't changed it. that still exists right now as of this show. that has to change, too. wes? >> of course. that's an excellent example. we've seen a lot of the bold-faced names going, we've seen terrible anecdotes. i don't think that we've seen the last of those. there will be more to come. and you're right, we've seen a few members of congress run out. but we haven't seen widespread change in terms of how the institution, the body handles complaints, so the oversight and safety measures for women who are working on capitol hill and elsewhere in politics. as long as the structural inequities mean failures for tech people exist, it will facilitate an environment in which more actions are committed. unfortunately despite the moment, expect that there's probably -- harassment's still ongoing, even among the most scrutinized industries. beyond that, as long as congress does not provide transparency or
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begin to address the structural problems, you can expect this to continue dropping. you know, this isn't something that we're going to go to the holidays and spend time with the family and come back in january -- it was solved, it's over. this moment sum likely to continue. >> -- moment is likely to continue. >> the next movement, colin kaepernick taking a knee, did that had spur a -- move the needle? >> i think it moved the consciousness needle. we have to wait and see and get more involved to see if it's going to change the culture. also we've had to fight so much to even explain what the knee was about. and that -- the same with the #metoo movement -- >> there was debate. kaepernick said it was police excessive force among other things. it was in ways co-opted by the other side saying, no, it's against the military, against the flag. he had to fight back about what it was intended to be. >> and all of us having to fight back about what this was about. the more cases came up, we had
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to say, look, this is what the knee is about. this is how patriotic it was. it became a conversation about what is patriotism. and how to co-opt a story. the knee movement, as it were, became also work in trying to stay focused on what this was about. and the nfl is arguably one of the largest and most powerful fraternities. this is really watching men get to work, right. completely supported by women. to the #metoo movement, i would like to see more men get involved this that. and terry crews is in between both, as an ex-football player -- >> he said he himself was groped. although he is a powerful -- >> former football player. >> right. that is the -- >> that is the intersection of these movements. i bring this up a lot. where are the men behind terry? you know, taking the knee is
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really important and keeps us focused on police brutality and what happens to particularly black communities. but then how is this going to help change the culture? >> and of course, when i look at colin kaepernick and taking the knee, it's a stand-in and kbr l example of broader conversation in athletics and sports about the agency of these athletes. the extent to come they are political actors. that's only going to continue to increase. not decrease. we saw -- recently, lebron james in washington, d.c., wearing "equality" written on both shoes. the idea that especially at a time with an unpopular president, at a time with black americans who make up a majority of athletes, you're seeing athletes feel more empowered to speak out about their politics and wanting to factor in. colin kaepernick and taking a knee is one element specifically about criminal justice and police brutality. i think in the current political
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environment, we'll only see more of this. and what the debate the past year has been about is to what extent should someone be able to use their professional, athletic platform, for political purposes, and what is the blockback they'll receive? on one side people arguing colin kaepernick has a right to do and shouldn't be penalized. the other side saying he should be more grateful. it isn't going anywhere. >> you have movements where the urgency is to make things better. we're talking about that with the #metoo, certainly with the nfl and what they want recognized. and lebron james, one white sneaker, one black sneaker with "equality" written across both in gold. that does that. then you have the alt-right movement. that's about making things worse. and we entered a realm of ambiguity that we should have never entered into, and it was shocking to me how effective the president was by saying on both sides what that launched in terms of a false equivalency was shocking. the idea, the left's got its problems, too. that all the sudden there was this ownership of the ugliest
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aspects of our culture. it seemed like a mitigating, a lessening of what they were about. were you surprised, or was it just me? >> no, no. what was surprising was how effective that was because -- because not only do these movements want to make things better, they want justice. they want equality. >> #metoo -- >> exactly. all the movements are not just about awareness and bringing stories, the end result must be justice. >> fairness under law. >> exactly. that concept of equality and justice and both sides is very powerful. so to use that in this moment was i do bicyclely, you know, jean -- i diabolically, you kno interesting. what was interesting to me is that the alt-right movement is happening, but without the same kind of response that, say, the black lives matter movement. we saw people with swastikas in
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american streets, next to an american flag. i didn't see a huge jewish movement the next day going "not on our watch, not here." it's really interesting to me where's the response to this alt-right -- this neo-nazi movement is huge. where is the -- >> this is scary stuff. >> that outrage was confused by the president of the united states creating a bit of an equivalence. >> that's what's diabolical. if the president supports it, it makes it difficult as a citizen to respond in the same way. this is horrific. it's horrific to see swastikas next to the stars and stripes down an american street and how it becomes an equal debate. >> yeah. wesley, your thoughts? >> of course. and again, like the other two, it's hard to imagine this kind of alt-right and white nationalist movement dying down in its fervor in the coming
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year. you -- here you have a group of people who feel begrudged or attacked. in many ways rise up as a result of barack obama's presidency and black lives matter the last few years to say no, we, the white people, are the ones who are aggrieved here. we are being attacked. and our culture is under threat. and especially -- and in many ways during the election of president trump, he dog whistled to a lot of folks. he said a lot of things that were ambiguous or co-opted and adopted some of their language. i think that as there is a failure to create some white ethnostate, this is not going to happen. this active and mobilized group of people are only going to become more bold and feel more threatened. so i think that -- i would love to believe that charlottesville was a one-off dangerous clash, but unfortunately, i mean, i think the powers have been activated. and i don't know what moment they kind of slink back into their caves. yon that that's going to happen this year. >> michaela angela davis, wesley lowery, thank you very much for
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this discussion. >> thank you. >> thank you, guys, merry christmas. >> you, too. it is a tradition that many look forward to in washington. it is the unveiling of the white house christmas decorations. who are we going to talk to? a woman who has insight into how it all comes together. that's next. ♪ ♪ give a little bit ♪ ♪ give a little bit... -hello. ♪ give a little bit... ♪ ... of your love to me oh, haha. ♪ there's so much that we need to share ♪ ♪ so send a smile and show that you care ♪ ♪ i'll give a little bit of my love to you ♪ but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day.
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traditions" come features more than 50 christmas trees and thousands of lights and ornaments. how much work goes into all of this? let's ask colleen burke, author of "christmas with the first ladies." a former white house design partner. great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. merry christmas. >> you to, as well. tell us what's different about the trump decorations. >> it's mrs. trump's big premiere. it's how she's setting the stage for what her style might be the next couple of years. time honored traditions, she's looking back and choosing things that other first ladies have used. >> white is a theme? >> white is a theme. first ladies love a white, snowy christmas. mrs. trump did do that in the cross hall. this is a spectacular look. you can not go wrong if you do a white, snowy christmas. >> it is elegant and beautiful. how much time went into this? when did she start planning? >> i suspect usually in a first
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lady's first year, she usually runs a little late. once nay get up and running, they think it -- once they get up and run, they think about it in february and march and get the ball rolling. >> right after christmas ends, they think about the next christmas? >> the nextia year. >> you've done three? >> i've done three. we started as a volunteer. the year i was a design partner, we started floating themes around in february and march. a lot of planning goes into this. the volunteers who install, this year there were 150, it took them 1,600 hours, not much time. >> in your experience, do the men, the husbands, the presidents get involved in the decorations? >> historically, no. the first year i was there, george bush did come around and joked with us. the president on record as having sat in on meetings was president carter. actually put his input in, and this year president trump said he had input in the theme. >> do we know what his input
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was? >> i'm sure he said he did it all. we don't know. the first lady is the commander in chief of christmas. we need to give her the credit. >> in addition to decorating, what other events are there in the white house for christmas? >> there's always the parties. the fun thing about the parties is the white house pastry chef and his crew start baking way book in august to get ready. >> planning or baking? >> baking and freezing. yes. baking and freezing. also the other big tradition is the gingerbread house. the plans and preparation start in all. >> and those change every year? the ginger house changes every year? >> yes. >> do you know what this is? >> this year a beautiful white chocolate. and it has -- this is the first year that wreaths hang on every window in the white house. that's a change. and the gingerbread house reflects that. >> in the white house, when does
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the tree come down? >> almost the next day. >> that's sad. >> super fast. because they're getting ready to change over for new year's celebrations. and the other thing to remember, many times first families don't spend christmas in the white house. it's not like the family is cutting its celebration short. >> colleen christian burke. thank you for all the insider tips. fun to think about what's going on in the white house. >> super fun. >> thank you very much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> chris? >> i like a quick tree takedown, just for the record. how about a movie this holiday weekend? we've got you covered. up next, up next, the movies the family and you don't want to miss. flo: and just like magic,
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you in? nah, i've got to go feed my future hall of famer. i'll see ya. banquet pot pie is the meal that lets you get back to the basics. nice! easy to prepare, and made with tender cuts of meat, sweet veggies, and rich, savory gravy. go! go! go! yeah! banquet pot pies. made for the moments that matter most. welcome back to a special christmas edition of "new day." a lot of movies are out just in time for the holiday break. including a remake of jumanji starring the rock, dwayne johnson. kevin hart, jack black, and karen gillan. here's a little taste. >> pick a character and you're
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that person in the game. >> what the hell? how's my hair? >> why am i wearing short shorts in the jungle? >> i don't have two feet on my body! >> bethenny? >> wait a second, where's my phone? >> can you smell what the rock is cooking? here to discuss all the must-see movies for the holidays, cnn's media correspondent and host of "reliable sources" brian stelter and nischelle turner. what a gift it is to have you two here with me. merry christmas to you, my friend. let's start with "jumanji." what do you got, thumb up, thumb down? >> i'm going to shock some people, but for me, two thumbs way up for "jumanji." you're going to laugh your behind off. i thought i was going to like it, but i laughed so hard and
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jack black is next level funny in this movie. there's one scene in this movie that i describe as comedy gold. it's perfect. he is brilliant in it, and i found out it was a completely improvised scene, which makes it all the better. >> it's hard to imagine "jumanji" without robin williams. sorry, little tough. >> here's what they do, brian. they give a nod to robin throughout the movie. there's these gems and points they pay homage to him and it does make you feel good. i hear you, that's why i was skeptical going in, but they do a different type of movie, and it's just funny. >> good. that just checks the box for me. that is why i personally go to the movies. if i'm watching a documentary or something, that's different. but i want to feel good. plenty of reasons to feel otherwise these days. nischelle, that said, your favorite movie out for the
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holiday season? >> favorite movie so far this year, and not saying it because i am a journalist, is "the post." it's a great movie. i think it was masterfully done. spielberg, hanks, and streep, you can't go wrong, but i thought meryl streep gave a brilliant performance as kay graham. it was very understated, but it was so important. and the images in the movie just blew me away. brian, i think you and i saw it at the same time, didn't we? >> we did. we were at the same screening. what i want viewers to know, it's not just for journalists. yes, journalists are going to love this movie because it's about "the washington post," you feel you're back in the '70s, but i told my wife we're going to have to see it again together, because i think a lot of families are going to be compelled by the story. it's a story about a family at the center. it's about this journalism issue, the vietnam war, but also
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about the graham family. >> it's also about, you know, our issue that we're still talking about in 2017 with gender inequality and what women face in the workplace, and some of the images that aren't even spoken in the film, but some of the images still stick with me. i think it's an important film. >> it's my favorite so far, but i haven't seen "all the money in the world" yet. i have a feeling when i see it, that could top "the post." >> you're going to love it. >> you're open to maybe having another favorite? >> i am. i'm going to be transparent since i have a 7 month old at home, i haven't seen a couple. that's number one on my list for the next week. >> if people aren't going to see "the post," what should they see? >> if you want to take your family, take them to see "ferdinand." it is such a sweet -- it's an animated film. john cena plays ferdinand, this
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clumsy, crazy bull. it's endearing, sweet, funny. if you want to stay home and netflix and chill, see "mud bound." it's on netflix and it's a great movie. one of my favorites of the year. if you want a date night out, go see "lady bird." they were really, really great. >> we haven't even mentioned "the last jedi" yet. this is going to fill up theaters for several more weeks at least. i think it's remarkable. it's not just a kids movie. i was talking to my nephews, it's got a big audience among adults, as well. it's really, truly a family film in terms of the four quadrants. >> there's another one, right? >> one in may and not until december 2019. >> another in may, quick turn around for the series. >> disney is getting every dollar out of the series.
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>> do you think it stands up as far as the legacy of the series? brian, start with you. >> i have been impressed. i was not someone who was a star wars junkie growing up, but i'm able to now enter the star wars universe and now that i've seen them, i'm learning more. >> same thing, nischelle? >> same thing here. i wasn't the biggest star wars fan growing up, but this new reincarnation of the cast and new generation, i think, has reinvigorated a lot of people, myself included, and i love the mismash of blended, diverse folks in the franchise now. yeah, i love it. >> it's a two and a half hour long movie that doesn't feel like it. >> exactly. >> and i appreciate that sometimes. oh, the whole night's gone by and i didn't even notice it. >> all right. the best of the two of you, i'm the only one in the segment old enough to remember the first
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star wars movie, so you can go back and watch it now and feel like i did back in the day. best to you for the new year, and i hope you're enjoying this day, as well. thanks for being with me on it. >> merry christmas, my friend. we have a lot to discuss this christmas morning. what do you say? let's get after it. >> there is no collusion. >> i have decided to recuse myself. >> i think there's blame on both sides. >> i think the president needs to step up. it's white nationalism and it's unacceptable. >> the stunning vote to repeal obamacare. >> there's a reason the stock market is at a all-time high. >> the president ought to stop tweeting and start leading. >> we have a pluses on texas and florida and will also on puerto rico. >> this is not a good news story. this is a people are dying story. >> everything is burned down. >> historic year for california wildfires. >> wouldn't you love
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