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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 30, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PST

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north korea says it won't be scaling back its nuclear weapons program in the new year. even boasting about its capability, to strike the heart of the united states. plus, the white house responds to anti-government protests in multiple cities in iran. warning that iran's government, the world is watching. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm george howell, "cnn newsroom" starts right now. it's 5:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast. we start this hour with the brunt new message from north
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korea to the rest of the world don't expect any changes come 2018. a report in north korean state media says as long as the united states and its allies remain a threat that country remains committed to developing its nuclear capabilities in 2018. pyongyang also posted it can strike the u.s. with world class nuclear power, but it calls itself, quote, a responsible nuclear weapons state. at the same time, there are troubling signs that north korea may conduct another weapons test some time at the new year's. our barbara starr looks into that. >> u.s. officials are now telling me they are watching for the very real possibility that north korea may launch another ballistic missile in yet another weapons test. it is not imminent. the signs are still very preliminary. but right now, they don't think it's a satellite launch. much more likely to be a missile launch, if north korea were to proceed with this. now, in an end of the year meeting with pentagon reporters,
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defense secretary james mattis said he was still very much on the page of diplomacy. buttressed by economic sanctions. trying to underscore the diplomacy, will not just be words that there will be real economic pressure on north korea to give up its weapons program. of course, no sign at this point that kim jong-un has any intention of doing that. so, if there is a missile test, it comes at a very sensitive time, after the new year when secretary of state rex tillerson is headed to canada for meetings with the allies about north korea. and of course, just weeks away from the winter olympic games in south korea. a time when everyone is looking for a little stability and no drama in the region. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. >> barbara, thank you. china insists it is abiding by u.n. sanctions imposed by north korea despite questions on
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whether it is providing pyongyang with oil. last month, south korea seized a hong kong-registered ship that 2 says transferred oil to a north korean vessel. the u.s. released these satellite images of two ships allegedly showing a transfer in october. china denies any wrongdoing, listen. >> translator: a series of recent reports do not accord with the facts. china has always implemented u.n. security council resolutions pertaining to north korea and their entirety and fulfills its obligations. it's due to ainvestigation that has confirmed there are violations of security council resolutions, china will deal with them accordingly in regards to laws. >> in the meantime, now denying international port access to four ships for breaching sanctions on the regime. three of the ships bear north korean colors, the flag. fourth ship, not clear.
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there are rare scenes to show you in iran where political protests are happening around the country. take a look. scenes like this, well, there are similar demonstrations taking place in six other cities. the kind of anti-government frustration that hasn't been seen for nearly a decade. not since the green movement of 2009 in that country. there have been contrasting shows of support in the capital city of tehran. thousands have gathered to celebrate the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini. and many reports of iranian citizens fed up with the regime's corruption and its squandering of the nation's wealth to fund terrorism abroad. the iranian government should respect their people's rights including the right to protect themselves. the world is watching" says
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president trump. let's bring in steven erlanger to help unpackage it. always a pleasure to have you, steven. >> thank you, george. happy new year to you, by the way. >> we're getting close, happy new year to you my friend as well. let's talk about the u.s. president here. he mass made his dislike of iran and the nuclear deal clear. he has shown ties to israel and to saudi arabia. what effect is this having across the middle east as a whole? >> well, it's destabilizing things to be honest his support for the young saudi prince is shaking things up there. some ways liberalizing, letting women drive, opening cinemas. but acting in an aggressive way in terms of foreign policy in terms of its war in yemen. and its kidnapping of the lebanese prime minister, trying to get him to resign.
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there are things that are bubbling, and, of course, with russian support, and syrian president assad seems to be taking that control of the broken country. there's a lot of shame to go around. but israel is also getting nervous about that because golan heights which it connects took from syria in 1967 is still a bit unstable. they're very worried about the border. the issue of jerusalem roils palestinian politics, to be sure. so, it's a very busy time. and in iran, which is really fascinating, you have these demonstrations that are, to some degree against iranian involvement in syria and other places saying we can spend more money at home. but they seem to be fomentedrous
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a liberal in the iranian context. and who also was a supporter of the iran nuclear deal, on the promise that sanctions would be lifted and life would be lifted and life would be better for all iranians. now, that's very difficult, partly because of the trump administration's opposition. and partly because of the banks system. their countries are very anxious about being punished if they do deals with iran. so that the payoff hasn't been real yet for the iranians. and there is talk that mr. trump will find some way of decertifying, of ending the iran deal, which has his european allies very, very upset. so, in general, it's very messy. we call it the muddled east, because of a very good reason.
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>> steven, we're talking about the middle east. you're ticking through these things like the billy joel song "we didn't start the fire." the president has called the leader of that nation little rocket man. he's promised to unleash fire and fury. north korea has responded by launching more missiles and another nuclear test. and other signs that the president's tactics are having a positive effect, or are they not working? >> well, i think it's too early to say. but i wouldn't say they're having a negative effect. i think they are having somewhat of a positive effect, particularly on china's willingness to go through with new sanctions. there were new sanctions passed through the u.n. security council. they're very much designed to punish north korea and china's been supportive of them. now, clearly there have been cases of contraband oil getting to north korea. i think reuters is reporting some russian tankers gave oil to
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north korea, or sold it. it's not clear that the russian government new anything about it. but one thing is clear, i mean, for him, it's about pride. but there is a big debate going on inside the united states and everywhere, about his real intentions. the people who say it's all right, he'll be okay, he's not irrational say that he's someone who is using the nuclear program as a deterrent. not just against the united states, but also against china, because china can't control it either. but there are others who argue, including many in the trump administration, that kim's real intention is aggressive, to use pressure to reunify the two koreas. and, hence, this isn't a classic deterrence case. and one has to think about preemptive warfare.
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so, the sanctions matter. the pressure matters. and you know, we'll see how the trump administration, in the end, comes out. but i wouldn't say so far there's been any negative impact from trump policy. i think it has helped put the pressure on north korea. >> and as the new year approaches, we see where things take us from here. steven erlanger, it's been a pleasure to have you on the show as it has been throughout the year. happy new year to you. stay in touch. >> cheers, all the best. >> same to you. more on north korea, that nation has defied u.n. sanctions and restrictions in the past. now a north korean defector tells cnn that north korea has a sophisticated smuggling 234e ii. >> reporter: we have new information from this defector on exactly how kim jong-un's regime gets banded items and
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other equipment to is saell on the black market. august 2016, a freighter is intercepted headed to the suez canal. with 100,000 tons of iron on board around 30,000 rockets made by north korea. part of what north korea describes as a web of smuggling to line the pockets of kim jong-un. how does the smuggling work? are there people with false flames or ships moved around? >> translator: the smuggling is conducting with any items you can imagine. larger items with the cargo list, for what's written is different from what's being shipped. >> reporter: for decades, he's a top handler of cash from kim
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jong-un. rhee defected in 2014. he gave us insights into north korea's smuggling operations which he describes as being almost unstoppable. >> translator: on the open sea, the yellow sea, there are hundreds of fishing boats both from china and north korea. and all of the smuggling is done by the so-called fishing boats. instead of fishing, they're involved in smuggling. it's very different even for china to stop the boats. >> reporter: according to analysts, kim's regime sells weapons on the black market and uses methamphetamines, fake viagra. >> and kim jong-un sits on top of a network that would makedmam
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corleone proud. >> reporter: and like that limo which the supreme leader is seen stepping outside of. >> translator: the mercedes-benz provided for the leader they're not being legally imported. they're being smuggled in. >> reporter: the cash pays for kim's weapons and buys off others to keep them from turning around him. >> he needs walking around money to hand out. >> reporter: north korea officials have denied that their government is involved with smuggle. as for our enter rue with ri ho, they're saving lives. the deadliest fire to take place in new york city in decades. we know it started with a 3-year-old boy playing with a stove on his first floor apartment, this according to officials. his mother didn't realize there was a fire until the child
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screamed. they're are both fine, but when they left the building they left the door open and allowed the fire to spread. 12 people were killed and five children in that fire on thursday. we're hearing eric holder slamming the u.s. president donald trump for saying he has the absolute right to make the justice department do what he wants it to do. holder who ran the agency under president barack obama called mr. trump's comment, quote, wrong and dangerous. he said that the law officials there are loyal to the u.s. constitution, not loyal to a man. mr. trump gave an interview to the "the new york times" and told the "times" that he's confident he'll be re-elected in 2020. sara murray. >> reporter: president trump hosting members of the palm beach club. >> i didn't know i'd be flooded. that's okay.
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>> reporter: but long enough to rail against the russian investigation in an interview with "the new york times." while he didn't call for an end to the special counsel's probe into potential collusion between the trump campaign and russian officials the president insisted it's damaging. i think it's a very bad thing for the country he told the "times," because it makes the country look bad. it makes the country look very bad. and it puts the country in a very bad position. soy the sooner it's worked out the better it is for the country. in the impromptu at his golf club, trump insisted 16 times that no collusion has been uncovered. reiterating the frustrations publicly. >> russia story is a total fabrication. >> there has been absolutely no collusion. >> are there any russians here tonight? any russians? >> reporter: trump also lamenting that attorney general jeff sessions recused himself from the russia probe. insisting such a move wouldn't have happened under former attorney general eric holder.
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i don't want to get into loyalty. but i will tell you that i will say this, holder protected president obama. totally protected him, trump said. but even as more republicans take aim at special counsel roberts mueller, trump predicted he'll get a fair shake. there was tremendous collusion on behalf of the russians and the democrats. i think i'll be treated fairly. trump appeared uninterested in trying to reopen an investigation with hillary clinton using a private e-mail server. i have the absolute right to do what i want to do with the justice department, but for hopes that i'll be treated fairly, i'm going to stay uninvolved on this particular matter he said of clinton e-mails. turning back to his legislative agenda trump said he's hoping to work with democrats on health care and immigration. tweeting the democrats have been told and fully understand there can be no daca without the
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desperately needed wall at the southern border and an end to the horrible migration and ridiculous lottery system of immigration. and the president cooperating with a 35% approval rating. even amid the low ratings, trump is also gearing up for his re-election campaign. telling "the new york times." he's sure to win another term because of his accomplishments in office. but because another reason i'm going to win another four year is because newspapers, and all forms of media will tank if i'm not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes. president trump is insisting that his numbers are on 5 with where president obama's were at the end of his first year in office. but if you look at any record pol, you see trump trails behind any predecessor president including president obama.
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still ahead in syria, there's a race to save some zoo animals caught up in the civil war in that nation. the mission that brought them to safety. a tiny sword? bread...breadstick? a matchstick! a lamppost! coin slot! no? uhhh... 10 seconds. a stick! a walking stick! eiffel tower, mount kilimanjaro! (ding) time! sorry, it's a tandem bicycle. what? what?! as long as sloths are slow, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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welcome back to "newsroom," i'm george howell. in egypt, isis has claimed responsibility for an attack on a coptic church. this took place near the capital city of cairo. nine people were killed on friday when a gunman opened fire, as people left church service. it's left many families there
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grief stricken. they came together to hold a joint funeral service for the victims. this is just the latest in a string of attacks on minority coptic christians this year. >> reporter: egypt is reeling after another attack on its christian minority in cairo. let's go through what happened, shortly after it happened at the coptic church as worshippers were leaving the church, two gunmen opened fire on the crowd. armed with machine guns. police fired back. a gun battle ensued between them that lasted 15 minutes according to the archbishop of the church. nine people were killed. among them, one police officer. and one of the two gunmen were killed as well. the second man was arrested. he was described to authorities
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as a known terrorist. police said he had a bomb with him and he had intended to enter the church and detonate the explosive device. but still, the attack was bloody and had taken place during the day in cairo. absolutely december sta lly dev. this is a minority group that makes up 10% of the country's population. and they have long said that they're treated as second class citizens in egypt. but the past two years have been tiparticularly bloody for the coptic minority in egypt. as president aziz has taken hold. one of the deadliest attacks on christians in egypt's history happened this year on palm sunday. that was in april. two churches were bombed. almost 50 people killed. but it's important to remember that it's not just egypt's
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christian community that is suffering terrorism. just last month, a mosque was attacked by isis. almost 300 people lost their lives. the entire country really reeling from terrorism. now president abdulaziz has offered his condolences. but during the holiday season when people are on edge, of course, christmas for the orthodox community will be coming up in january. during these times, they want to feel safe, but they're going to point to attacks like this to say the state isn't doing enough to protect them. salma abodelaziz. and in turkey, the russian president said this about his syrian counterpart bashar al assad. >> translator: about syria, first of all, it is impossible to continue with assad.
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why? how can we embrace the future with a syrian president who has killed close to 1 million of its citizens? let me say it clearly, assad is definitely a terrorist who has carried out state terrorism. we cannot say this person can do this job. if we say that, it will be unfair to nearly 1 million syrians who were killed. >> mr. erdogan's comments as syrian tightens their grip on the damascus side. state media reported that the syrian rebels evacuated the bait jin area. and many of the rebels are part of an al qaeda group. hundreds of thousands have been killed in syria's nonbloody war but they're not the only
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casualties. cnn has more on the zoo animals and what's being done to help them. >> reporter: originally modeled after disneyland, the sprawling theme park is more like a war zone. ing it's laid waste to the magic world zoo. and to the helpless animals inside, unable to escape when bombs began to fall. >> apparently, there was over 300 animals in the zoo and only 13 survivors. that tells you it's horrific conditions they have to exist in. >> reporter: violence, starvation and disease claimed most of the lives inside here. but help came for the new animals who survive. >> i'm very happy that the animals are here. >> reporter: in july, this doctor and animal rescue operations for paws conducted essentially a military operation. across hundreds of kilometers to one of the world's most
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dangerous war zones, they moved the traumatized animals to safety. >> it was a mission that was planned for several months in advance because it was so dangerous. and people pretty really risked their lives for these animals. once the animals were retrieved then the trucks started rolling through syria through different check points until the borders were open for them in turkey. >> reporter: arriving safely in turkey through aleppo was a miraculous feat. the animals were safe there until they could be air lifted to their new home, a wildlife reserve in jordan. >> they were totally dehydrated. they were malnourished. they were very, very skinny. >> reporter: months later, their physical wounds have healed. >> hello. hello. >> reporter: but the scars from suffering years of conflict don't fade as quickly. >> the emotional attributes they bring with them, they don't
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display that as obvious, as the physical wounds. sometimes, we see if we just raise a broom sometimes around sayid. he will react. one of theation bla asian black when he hears a helicopter fly over, he will run into another room. >> reporter: they're owing their lives to the small dedicated group that dared to save them. >> if we want to call ourselves civilized we have to be able to share this planet with magnificent beings. that's part of my work. >> reporter: hala gorani, cnn. 2018 is just around the corner, we'll show you how police plan to keep revelers safe. also bundle up if you're celebrating new year's in the united states. it's going to be cold as arctic air invades most of the country. see what the cold is doing in
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a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." it is good to have you with us. i'm george howell with the headlines we're following for you this hour. in iran, demonstrations described as the biggest protests, political protests in the country, since the green movement taking place. huge demonstrations in at least half a dozen cities. these protests started thursday with people protesting against surging prices for essentials like food and gas. but by friday, the demonstrations had become sharply anti-government. there are signs that pyongyang may be testing a
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ballistic missile some time after the new year. u.s. officials say north korea has been moving equipment around, indicating a possible missile test rather than a satellite launch. since last february, north korea has fired 23 missiles as it works to advance its nuclear program. >> the u.s. president donald trump says there will be no deal to protect young undocumented immigrants without funding for a border wall. more trump ended the so-called daca program in september. it affects about 800,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the united states illegally as children. united states military will can begin accepting transgender recruit come monday. the u.s. justice department says it is delaying challenging a stay on president trump's transgender ban. an official says the trump administration is waiting to review a department of defense study. >> it is deeply and dangerously cold across much of the northern united states. cold enough for a sizable part of niagara false to -- look at
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that -- freeze up. wow. our meteorologist derek van dam is here to talk about it, derek, i know you like pictures like that. it's just incredible to see how that happens? >> yeah, i've got amazing video to show you as well equally as amazing as niagara falls. if you can to take a plane you'd have a 100 degrees temperature difference. >> between morning and afternoon? >> if you want to get warm, go south or southwest. those are about the only two locations in the united states that are enjoying some warmth here as we close out 2017. here's the cool video i wanted to show you. you know it's cold when you've got bubbles and ice freezing over like this. i mean, just incredible to see. some of the images that ice, as it forms right before your eyes. you have to have perfect atmospheric conditions for this
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to take place, by the way it has to be 7 degrees celsius below zero, very little, if any wind whatsoever. these images circulate around cnn this time of year especially when it gets this cold. how cold is it -- well, it sounds like i'm setting myself up for a bad joke. you can see where the cold weather is coming from. over 30 million people impacted by windchills stretching from negative 35 to negative 45. we cross over from cnn international worldwide and cnn domestic here in the united states, so as a meteorologist, i have to talk about celsius and fahrenheit quite often. i don't have to change my weather graphics to cater to the audience because when we talk about temperatures negative 45 degrees that's is where celsius and fahrenheit actually converge. google that one. that's a fact. this man is running on the shores in the windy city in chicago. incredible to be running in this
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kind of weather. frigid arctic air. a plunge in the jet stream allowing for the temperatures to drop. that cold air coming straight from canada. hanging in time for new year's eve. a lot of people head to get big apple for the ball to drop. and that forecast at 11 degrees puts it at one of the coldest new year's eve forecast ever in new york city. if that materializes, that could be the top three. coldest was 1917, when only one lonely degree was the temperature. colder elsewhere, vermont, boston as well as pittsburgh. very chilly temperatures, we could break 25 record lows by monday morning. the start of 2018. i'll leave this with you. this is incredible. it was colder in international falls minnesota, as it was on the surface of mars earlier this week. and i think that's quite astounding to think that planet
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inch was colder than mars. >> yeah. >> i mean, come on. where do you need to go, minneapolis, or minnesota, or mars to get away from this chilly, chilly condition? >> again, i'd pick miami. i doubt that's on the table. >> that's right. new year's celebrations, they're fast approaching but fun aside, europe is on alert, especially in light of the recent terror attacks. for instance, police in london are urging revelers to be vigilant. they say there's no specific threat. but people should be ready. >> if they come into the footprint, they will see an effective search and skura jeem. they'll s they'll see visible barriers. they'll see uniformed officers. visible uniformed private contractors. what they won't see say number of covert resources working alongside of us to keep us safe.
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>> people saying vigilant and in paris, also, as well beefing up their security. after a gunman killed a police officer on the champs-elysees last april. temporarily closing down that famous boulevard. >> translator: the measures we'll be putting into place will be based on a very strong mobilization of our means which i will outline. there will be over 10,500 men and women who will be deployed in and around paris to ensure the safety of parisians and residents and tourists and visitors which are also plentiful in the capital for this occasion. the main contrast is the threat of terrorism which remains high, let us not forget. this simmering threat, this threat that can be carried out with means that can be very
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basic, but that does not stop them from being dangerous. that's the reality we face. >> also in berlin, 1,600 police officers being deployed in safe zones. and red cross tents are being set up for women who feel harassed. the measures are being brought in two years after hundreds of women were robbed or sexually assaulted in the german city of cologne. there will also be stepped-up security in new york city as well in times square, including snipers on rooftops and vapor sniffing dogs. cnn's athena jones has that. >> reporter: here on nerw year' eve, it's an iconic event. this is what the nypd is planning for. we're going to see a stepped up police presence in around around
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times square. that means more uniformed police officers. more police officers carrying help weapons and more dogs. where i'm standing, several blocks north, south, east and west is going to be shut down to vehicular traffic starting relatively early on sunday morning. there will be 12 access points for spectators who want to come in and enter this area to view the ball drop and ring in 2018. those spectators are going to see teams of police officers, they're going to smetal detectors, they're going to see bomb sniffing dogs. and equipment to detect radiological material. and they're going to see two lines of police officers in order to enter the pens for the new year. and also in times square, police will be attaching reflective material to the outsides of some of the builds in around around times square. that is so the reflective material can help them locate
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any gunman or shooter, should there be one. that is a lesson from the las vegas shooting. among the other stepped up efforts there will be rooftop sniper regimes. and police officers are also undergoing a special suicide attack training. training to help prevent any sort of suicide attack. we're also going to see a familiar sanitation truck filled with sand and cement blocks to block off the area to prevent any sort of vehicular attack. now authorities from the mayor, the police commissioner on down say there is no credible threat to this new year's eve celebration here in times square. no credible threat to new york city in general. but they want everyone to remain vigilant, but they say some 2 million people they expect to come out on sunday night should all remain vigilant. and as they say, if you see something, say something. back to you. >> all right, athena.
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no credible threat in new york but police on the lookout. fair to say there were a multitude of major headlines in 2017. after the break, we revisit some of the biggest stories that dominated the news over the past year.
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there is rising hope among people in west africa that the new year will bring change to liberia. a favorite son hero, from sport will be inaugurated as the president of that nation next month. melissa bell looks at why many liberians are so happy that george wija is about to assume power as president. >> reporter: for years they celebrated his wins on the football pitch. now george wija's supporters are
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cheering another kind of victory. his election, as liberia's president. with nearly all of the voted counted a visibly emotional george weah appeared before supporters. on the pitch, victory had been more easily grasped with clubs i can ac milan and chelsea, and individually as the only african player ever to have upon football's highest honor. a stratospheric ride for a child from the slums. he promised one thing all liberians want. >> for peace for our country. society, liberia will make the choice, will choose a leader. >> reporter: the country is still scarred by not one but two successive civil wars. ♪ >> reporter: the last one ending only in 2003, when the former
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rebel-turned president charles taylor was forced out of office and later sensed at the hague for 50 years in jail for war crimes. by 2005 johnson became africa's first female president. her 14 years in office brought peace and stability, but poverty and corruption and the ebola dimock dashed the hopes that brought her to power. her vice president was the face of continuity in the runoff election. but it was george weah's promise of change that won the day. although for many, the country's first peaceful democratic change of power since 1944 was cause enough for celebration. ♪ >> reporter: george weah's vice president will be his running mate, charles taylor's ex-wife to celebrate alongside him.
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weah has yet to show whether his relative political experience can be overcome. but for his supporters, the very fact of his victory provides change enough and much needed hope for the future. melissa bell, cnn, london. >> melissa, thank you. as we prepare to ring in the new year, well, maybe you're wishing for a quieter 2018. that's understandable. this past year has brought an avalanche of headlines. cnn's phil black recounts some of the stories for 2017 one for the record books. >> reporter: terrorism, conflict, natural disasters, 2017 was a turbulent year. dominated by politics, it saw a u.s. president of the united states unlike ever seen before. >> i donald j. trump. >> reporter: trump became known as controversial. >> witch hunt. >> both sides -- >> another controversial tweets. >> reporter: name calling. >> rocket man. >> pocahontas.
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>> and stepping down. >> reince priebus is out. >> reporter: but he shaped the world and america's perception of it. and north korea stepped out out on nuclear missile testing. >> north korea has claimed it launched an intercontinental ballistic missile and testing a hydrogen bomb. >> he's begging for war. >> reporter: isis was zridriven from key cities. >> mosul is liberated. >> raqqah fully liberated. >> reporter: and cities around the world. >> gunshots everywhere. >> reporter: the uk suffered the highest number of attacks since the i.r.a. bombings in 1992. and new york city experienced its deadliest terror event since 9/11. myanmar and yemen saw some of the worst catastrophes in decades. >> yemen is on the brink of
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collapse. >> reporter: gas was used. america reacted launching its first military strike against the regime since the civil war began. back at home, the u.s. suffered some of the deadliest mass shootings in modern history. >> everyone was running, girls screaming. people fainting on the ground. >> you just keep hearing gunshots. >> reporter: across the globe, separatist movements pushed for independence. new leaders were re-elected. some gained more power than ever. >> a shift in turkish politics. >> reporter: and others exited after ruling for decades. and mind-bending litany of natural diaster. >> this is my neighborhood, in flames. >> i feel so helpless. >> reporter: a fire raging through a building bringing
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death and destruction. >> i can hear people screaming hem me, my baby, help me. >> reporter: amidst the chaos, people speaking out against sexual harassment. >> women coming outside by the millions. >> reporter: and in libya, sparking outrage around the world and prompting investigation. away from the darkness there was some light. as tr astronomists found environments. >> and moonlight was the actual winner. >> reporter: a royal wedding was confirmed. >> he's so sweet and natural and very romantic. >> reporter: and america got to see its first nationwide solar eclipse in 99 years. >> after the review, the question what will 2018 bring? "newsroom," right after the break.
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the former u.s. president barack obama was on twitter friday, reflecting about the good things that he sees happening in the united states.
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mr. obama tweeted this. as we count down to the new year, we get to reflect and prepare for what's ahead. for all the bad news that seemed to dominate our collective consciousness, there are countless stories from this year that remind us what's best about america. then he highlighted examples of people across the country donating their time and their money to help others like pro football player chris long. this year, the eagles player donated his paychecks from the first six games of the nfl season to fund scholarships in virginia. the former president wrapped up his tweet by saying all americans can help others. and ought to try. china is welcoming the year of the dog and drawing the occasion with a very interesting thing there. the larger than life canine bears a striking resemblance to -- who do you think there?
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the red scarf that looks like one of the famous red ties of the u.s. president. it's not the first time that the mall has paid tribute to mr. trump. just last year, it marked the year of the rooster. well, you be the judge of who that looks like. two iconic figures from the world of music have been awarded knighthoods in britain. it's uk government said bee gee singer barry gibb. and ringo starr is being knighted as well. he joins sir paul mccartney who got the honor in 1997. good news for good people there. that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. for our viewers in the united states, "new day" is next. for viewers around the world, "amanpour" is ahead. thank you for watching cnn, the world's news leader. my daughter is...
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good saturday morning to you. president trump is warning the world is watching after dozens of protesters were hauled away. for reportedly chanting our slogans. >> an economic crisis


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