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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  January 7, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PST

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you're always sayin'. >> it will be your asses at the valentine's ass-embly. >> oh, man, she's tough. >> show some respect, man. she ain't j.lo, and you ain't the boy next door. let's go. enough of that. enough of that. >> what? -- captions by vitac -- the u.s. president touts his own intelligence, touts his mental stability. why donald trump feels so compelled to call himself a genius. and bitter cold in the u.s. producing long delays and frustration at one of the world's busiest airports. and hollywood's awards season, it is upon us, but this year the golden globes will likely strike a much different tone. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm lynda kinkade. good to be with you. >> i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters in atlanta. "newsroom" starts right now.
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around the world, good day to you. it is 4:00 a.m. on the east coast. donald trump is pushing back against allegations that he lacks the intelligence and lacks the temperament to lead the united states. >> well, also michael wolff paints an embarrassing portrait of the president in the new tell all book "fire & fury." the president doe dsident denouk as phony and full of lies. >> he went further in a series of tweeting arguing his path from businessman to tv star to president qualified him as a, quote, very stable genius. here's what he had to say on saturday. >> i went to the best colleges, or college, i went to a -- i had a situation where i served very excellent student, came out, made billions and billions of dollars, became one of the top business people, went to television and for ten years was
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a tremendous success, as you probably have heard, ran for president one time and won. >> well, complaining about the best-seller was not the only thing on the president's agenda. >> he's also been meeting with republican leaders at camp david, the presidential retreat in maryland. our boris sanchez picks it up from there. >> reporter: the president making news on multiple fronts today, not only saying he backs his attorney general just one day after some congressional republicans called for a new attorney general, but also praising direct talks between north and south korea, and sending a message to democrats saying that the legal status of dreamers, daca, would not be resolved unless he got funding for his border wall. all of that overshadowed by the president being forced to defend his own mental state, his own mental condition. he's clearly taking the comments being made by michael wolff, the author of "fire & fury" personally. woolf saying the president has
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lost it, going as far as to say 100% of the people around the president has questioned his fitness for office. the president fighting back saying that michael wolff is a fraud and what he's done with his book is a disgrace. also refuting the idea that he was interviewed by michael wolff for about three hours. and as he was asked about his early morning tweets on saturday, taking a shot at his former chief strategist steve bannon, calling him sloppy steve. listen to more of what the president did. >> i did a quick interview with him a long time ago, having to do with an article, but i don't know this man. i guess sloppy steve brought him into the white house quite a bit and it was one of those things. that's why sloppy steve is now looking for a job. >> reporter: these questions about the president's mental state aren't exactly new. if you recall, a few months ago, steve bannon reportedly said there was a 30% chance that president trump would be removed from office because people around him would invoke the 25th
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amendment over questions about his mental state. and just last month, you had more than a dozen lawmakers briefed by a yale psychiatrist as to his mental condition and mental acuity. so certainly the conversation isn't something new, but we had yet to see that kind of forceful response from the president, justifying his position as president. boris sanchez, cnn, at the white house. >> boris, thank you for the reporting. now let's bring in steven irlinger, the chief diplomatic correspondent for the new york times, live via skype from brussels. always a pleasure to have you here on the show, steven. today, it is about president trump insisting that he is smart, insisting he is stable. in fact, a quote, very stable genius as he describes it. all of this clearly in response to the book "fire & fury" and what the author michael wolff had to say about the president. let's listen. >> they say he's a moron, an
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idiot, actually there is a competition to sort of get to the bottom line here of who this man is. let's remember, this man does not read, does not listen. so he's like a -- like a pinball, just shooting off the side. >> steven, this question, through the tweets that we have seen from the president, through him advertising his resume to the world, as we heard a moment ago, does the president his pushback, does it help or hurt him? >> it is very hard to say. i mean, honestly, it does seem bizarre that the president of the united states has to defend himself as having gone to a college, and having made money in business. the question is what is he defending himself against. clearly he's been hurt by this description of him, he feels it is necessary to strike back, but
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you know the thing about him is very predictable. if you hurt him, he's going to strike back, whether it is in his interest or not. and, you know, he's very narcissistic and demands loyalty, and he clearly feels he's been insulted. so immediately insults back. now, it does raise questions all over the world about, you know, again, how capable he is of handling the pressures of the most difficult job in the world. that's not to say he's not smart. he's obviously smart. the man created a business and took some money from his father and built on it, and he's been through lots of ups and downs. so -- and there is no question that he also reads and listens. he may read selectively, and he may listen selectively, but he
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reads "the new york times" every day and listens to fox and cnn every day. so he listens, and people can talk to him. but he has these fixed ideas in his head and people say he keeps coming back to them all the time. but you think you've convinced him, let's say, on how important nato is or how nato is funded, but then he will come back at it months later with the same concerns. it is the same with trade issues. things he's cared about for 30 years. very hard to say. >> okay, we talk about -- intelligence, et cetera, let's push that question further, does the president understand, does he question whether his pushback will actually help to sell books in this case, and in fact, prove the point this portrayal that the author laid out? >> well, i don't think he really cares about whether, you know, michael wolff is selling books or not. i think he has dealt with
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michael wolff. he's dealt with everyone in a new york media circle. and, you know, mike wolff has often embellished work that has turned out to be essentially true, let's be fair. and this book sounds, though it is a lot based on steve bannon, and different people who have different axes to grind, this is a portrait of a president unprepared for office, which tracks with all the other reporting that we have done and you've done and "the washington post" and other papers have done. now, what gives the spice to the book is the sense of this, you know, internal confusion and the back fighting and the bits of gossip about, you know, ivanka and her husband and so on. and that makes it very spicy. but in the essence of it, it doesn't really change our understanding of mr. trump as a
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president who is still out of place, feels that he has to do it differently, and is being very responsive to the people who voted for him and to his own sense of pride, which has been deeply hurt by this. >> it is notable that the author's methods and techniques in some cases questionable, but as you point out, it paints a portrait that people are looking at as they buy this book. and certainly there are the tweets, the statements that the president has made that are on the surface for people to decipher for themselves. all of this, of course, overshadowing the president's agenda moving forward this year. some important business ahead, steven, there is a government shutdown looming this month that the president describes as a good shutdown that can force democrats to cooperate and he's also insisting that any support for daca would have to be tied to funding for a border wall, keeping in mind a border wall he told his supporters at one point
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mexico would pay for, it seems taxpayers will pay for it. given everything we have seen here that he's been dealing with, does the president have the political capital to move the ball down the football field here. and really accomplish his agenda? >> well, that's the question, because the midterms are coming, you know, they're only 10 months away, he obviously wants to get stuff done. he has promises to keep -- he would like to get an infrastructure bill passed. every president bargains, i mean, we love lynda johnson, not for vietnam, but because he was a good bargainer. we'll see how well trump does. he has a very, very narrow margin now after the latest vote in the south. in the senate, he's going to have a hard time pushing through what he wants. and the question is will the republicans go along with him for their own benefit? we'll have to see. on his tweets, i think he's made
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an important point, in fact, i'm doing a story that is going to air today about whether his tweets are taken seriously or not. or whether to some degree people think of trump now as a bit of a paper tiger, someone whose rhetoric is very strong, but whose actions belie the rhetoric, which is another question about credibility too. how seriously do you take the words and the tweets of a president who doesn't always follow through on those threats. so there is a lot to play for with this presidency. and, you know, he will bargain the best he can. but i think it is going to be very, very difficult. on the wall, i don't see -- i just can't see it. if congress puts some money in now, just to get a bill passed, it can pull it out later. >> steven erlanger, thank you for the perspective. we'll stay in touch with you. >> thanks, george. donald trump says he would
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absolutely be open to talks with north korean leader kim jong-un. speaking to reporters saturday, he appeared to take credit for the upcoming meeting between north and south korea. >> mr. trump says he's happy they're communicating, but warns if he were to deal with north korea, he wouldn't budge from his stance on forcing north korea to give up its nuclear program. listen. >> if i weren't involved, they wouldn't be talking about the olympics now. they would be doing no talking or much more serious. he knows i'm not messing around. i'm not messing around. not even a little bit. not even 1%. he understands that. >> well, let's get more perspective on all of this. paula hancocks joins us from seoul. good to have you with us, paula. we heard from the president of the united states, who has appeared to take credit for this meeting that is due to happen between north and south korea. does he deserve credit for this meeting? has there been any reaction to
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his take on all of this from them? >> well, lynda, there has not been reaction from the south korean side. i think certainly seoul is far more concerned with making sure that these talks go well on tuesday because things have really moved very quickly here. it was just new year's day, about a week ago, that north korean leader kim jong-un said he was willing to send a delegation and said he was willing to talk to the south and make sure they could alleviate the tensions. we have heard some more things from north korea today, not specifically answering that claim by mr. trump, but saying that they thought that inter-korean relations and internal matter of the korean nation, dependence on the outsiders will make matters more complicated. a couple of articles, they're specifying they don't want external influence on these talks. they want to talk to the south koreans and clearly they're showing once again they would like to sideline the united states when it comes to talking.
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lynda? >> we know the young north korean leader is believed to be turning 34, his birthday coming a day before this crucial meeting between the north and south korea. how significant is this meeting? the first face to face in two years and what are you learning about what representatives will be there from both sides? >> well, we know from the south korean side it will be the unification minister and then the representative on the north korean side, almost the equivalent of that in north korean terms. it is very high level, very quickly, and we really have seen a remarkable turn around from the north korean lead eer kim jong-un when you consider what has happened over the past couple of years. north korea's leader turns a year old on monday, he's young but also ambitious and brutal. kim jong-un has gone further and faster than his predecessors by accelerating the nuclear missile
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program, far outpacing his father and grandfather. in the last year alone, north korea fired 23 rockets during 16 tests. most recent one in november flew higher and further than any others, an achievement that kim boasted about during his recent new year's address. >> translator: the entire united states is within range of our nuclear weapons. and a nuclear button is always on my desk. >> reporter: the rapid advan advancement of the program has rattled world leaders, most notably u.s. president donald trump. >> the united states has great strength and patience. but if it is forced to defend itself for its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. >> reporter: kim himself joined in the war of words with the u.s. by calling trump a mentally deranged dotard, an insult that
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sent many people around the world scrambling for a dictionary. the u.n. security council recently tightened sanctions on north korea for its nuclear weapons program. and in 2014, a u.n. commission of inquiry found north korea's leadership guilty of crimes against humanity, a claim which pyongyang denies. within his own country, kim is feared and trusts only a select few, he's famous for his tactic of purging senior officials having going to dozens. and kim's half brother was mysteriously murdered in the kw kuala lumpur airport. the women have both pleaded not guilty. both malaysia and south korea believe north korea to be behind the assassination and while north korea denies anything to do with his death.
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there is also another article earlier today on -- on the north korean newspaper, slamming the trump administration calling it the swollen headed trump group, slamming the national security strategy that mr. trump announced the end of last year. we don't have any direct reaction from north korea to what mr. trump has been saying recently, but they're continuing with that very dismissive tone when it comes to the u.s. government. >> all right, paula hancocks for us in seoul, thanks so much. we'll talk to you again next hour. still ahead here on "cnn newsroom," honoring the memory of a man who spent more than four decades bringing americans closer to outer space. we'll explore the extraordinary life of john young, an astronaut's astronaut. and getting back on schedule at new york's jfk airport, why the winter weather has hit international flights so hard.
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>> not happy. >> certainly not.
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welcome back. search and rescue operations are under way after an oil tanker and a cargo ship collided off the coast of china. it happened about 300 kilometers or 160 nautical miles east of shanghai. all 32 people on the oil tanker are missing. the vessel is still on fire.
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>> the tanker was traveling to south korea with 136,000 tons of oil. meanwhile, crews have rescued the 21 people on the cargo ship. it was on its way to gondong carrying tons of food. 11 princes have been arrested for staging a protest at a palace in riyadh, reportedly upset that state payments for their water and electric bills were being cut off. cnn is following this story live from our bureau in istanbul, turkey. what more can you tell us about this round of arrests? >> well, george, the 11 princes apparently gathered outside of this palace in riyadh and were protesting against their subsidies to electricity and water bills being cut. as well as demanding compensation for the execution of one of their cousins, who was
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convicted of murder. authorities came out and said that their demands were unlawful, and asked them to leave. when the princes refused, at that point, authorities came in and arrested the princes saying that they were disrupting public order and security. this, of course, we cannot independently verify. this apparently took place on thursday. but the saudi arabia attorney general came out with a statement last night saying that this is what had taken place. and all of this, of course, is coming at an interesting time for saudi arabia. in november, we saw hundreds of royals, business men as well as senior government officials arrested in a so-called corruption sweep. and they were put behind bars, some of them have been released with undisclosed settlements allowing for their freedom. and it is an interesting time in
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saudi arabia as we see crown prince mohammad bin salman as the driving force behind a lot of social and financial changes in the kingdom, as well as heading this huge corruption sweep that ensnared hundreds of -- as i said, royals, business men, senior government officials. and this really is a very unprecedented time for saudi arabia, and critics say that what crown prince mohammad bin salman is doing is trying to consolidate his power and to basically eradicate any challenger that may put any sort of pressure on the power that he is trying to consolidate, george. >> gul, following the story live for us in istanbul, turkey, thanks for the reporting, we'll stay in touch with you on it. the italian coast guard says it has recovered the bodies of eight migrants off the libyan coast. 84 people were rescued when their dinghy sank saturday in the mediterranean sea.
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they were spotted by a patrol plane taking part in an anti-smuggling operation. >> in the meantime, the nigerian foreign minister says nigeria will send thousands of citizens home from libya. many have gotten trapped there while trying to get to europe. they often face dire conditions and abuse, including forced labor. more than 260,000 immigrants from el salvador could be forced to leave the united states soon. monday is the deadline for the secretary of homeland security to decide on their future. >> the immigrants currently have temporary protected status. that allows them to stay and work in the u.s. salvadorans make up the largest group of immigrants covered by the program, all of them have been in the country since at least 2001. nasa is celebrating the life of one of the most accomplished and well traveled men in its history. the former chief astronaut john young died on friday. >> he was 87 years old.
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and he spent 835 hours in his remarkable life in space. martin savidge has the details. >> reporter: when it came to space life, if anything were it, john young, you never have known. >> your heart rate hardly went up at all. bob's went up to 130. >> i was excited. the -- >> i was -- >> this was one of john's last interviews. he talked about flying with griffin on the first shuttle flight, "columbia," 1981, 30 years earlier. was he worried about something that never flew before? >> we had ejection seats, you know. things went south, we could jump out. >> reporter: young was born in california, 1930, went to high school in orlando. graduated georgia tech, entered the navy, and became a test
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pilot. in 1962, he was chosen as part of the first group of astronauts selected after the mercury 7. his name may not be a household one, but many inside the space program believe his accomplishments rival those of shepard, glen and armstrong. >> his legacy in american space history really is in some ways more significant than armstrong's. john's career, with nasa, is over 40 years long. and he was -- he was so important to the entire human space flight program. >> reporter: during that time, about the only thing john young didn't fly was in a mercury capsule. in 1965, he and gus grissom flew the first two-man flight on board gemini 3. he flew again on gemini 10 and apollo 10 and walked on the moon with charlie duke on apollo 16 in 1972. a signature moment, duke snapped
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a picture as young jumped off the ground and saluted the flag. >> that's a pretty outstanding picture here, i tell you. >> come a little closer. okay. here we go. a big one. off the ground. >> reporter: at one point, they talked with ground control about a program called the space shuttle. >> this looks like a good time, with good news here. the house passed a space bill yesterday, which includes a vote for a shuttle. >> reporter: nine years later, he flew the first shuttle. >> john young and bob griffin are walking out of the breakfast area now. >> reporter: over the years, it is always bothered young that the nation didn't press outward faster. >> sure like to see us get on with a big human space explo exploration of these places that are around like the moon and mars, that would be terrific. >> reporter: young retired from nasa in 2004, 42 years after his selection. >> he was the astronaut's
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astronaut. >> reporter: martin savidge, cnn. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs.
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it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm lynda kinkade. >> i'm george howell with the headlines we're following for you this hour. the u.s. president donald trump pushing back against allegations hold office.t mentally fit to that unflattering image is detailed in a new book "fire and fury," the president fired back on saturday saying he's, quote, a very stable genius. president trump says he is
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open to direct talks with north korean leader kim jong-un, however he says that doesn't mean the u.s. is softening its position on north korea denuclearization. he praised south korea for opening dialogue with the north. they are set to meet face to face on tuesday. saudi arabia authorities reportedly arrested 11 saudi princes thursday for a sit-in at a palace in riyadh. an official says they were protesting a decree that blocked state payments for their water and electric bills. the government says they also wanted compensation for the execution of a cousin. authorities at new york's jfk airport are hoping to get back on track in the day ahead. winter storm thursday crippled operations for several days. domest domestic flights pretty much returned to normal. >> nothing worse than being stuck at an airport. just look at this image. misery. >> no fun. >> we got this image from a man who arrived from paris on friday
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night with his pregnant wife and 3-year-old child. they waited 11 hours for their luggage before finally just giving up. and they're not alone. listen. >> they'll have clothes even to change my clothes. a family of 5, three kids with me, we just -- we have not even been offered hotel, even transportation while we pay for the hotel ourselves. >> we know it is difficult. we know it is out of their hands, but after all, there needs to be some management. >> i've never seen anything like this. it makes me not want to fly anywhere. >> not fun. even incoming international flights are running behind schedule as we mentioned. officials say there is simply not enough gates available to handle all the planes. >> cnn's dan lieberman has more on all the delays. >> reporter: we're standing outside jfk airport in new york where there has been a lot of delays, especially for international flights coming into the u.s. more than 3,000 flights have been delayed and more than 400
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cancellations on saturday. all in the aftermath of this brutal storm that has hit the eastern seaboard. and a lot of this -- a lot of this is coming from international flights that have gotten backed up, coming into jfk specifically here in new york. the port authority has been trying to assist passengers and communicating with airlines, trying to get flights finally in. there has been a lot of passengers who have been going on social media, complaining, stuck on airplanes, on the tarmac for hours, unable to get off. all of this is due to a backlog of international flights that have come in. we spoke with one passenger who was finally able to get off an airplane here in new york. here is what he had to say. >> was going to the bahamas from london and, yeah, was supposed to be here for an hour and 15 minutes and we were stuck on the
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runway for three hours and getting our bags for about two hours, and now i don't think the flight will be until probably tomorrow now. we're queueing up at the delta desk. >> what is the airline telling you here? how is the airline responding? >> the airlines, they're doing everything they can, really. it is the airport's chaos. >> that passenger was one of the lucky ones to make it into new york, but a lot of people are still not being able to land. a lot of people are not making it into the u.s. yet. the airlines and the airport here say they recommend that passengers check in with them, check in with the airline, before heading to the airport to make sure their flights are still on time. >> not a great time to travel, is it? >> no, no. meteorologist derek van dam here to tell us about it. it is bitter cold. these delays, so many passengers, travelers, stuck in a bad spot. >> now i'm concerned about what is happening over the western u.s., because if you recall, in late december, we had the thomas and the creek fires that were the largest wildfires in
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california history. things dried up there. we have baron, burned mountain sides and now heavy amounts of rain are forecast for southern california. and that means landslides and mudslides are going to be a s t threat going forward. here is our latest satellite loop. and you can see this just constant stream of moisture that is funneling into the southern sections of california. hasn't quite rained just yet, but it is coming. that low is still churning across the pacific ocean. we have flash flood watches in effect for the greater los angeles area. remember, when you have burn areas that really makes the soil and the steep slope sides of the mountainous and hilley regions in that area very susceptible to having landslides and mudslides, because the soil becomes so loose and so easily broken away from the sides of the slopes. so you have heavy rainfall to that, of course, just this recipe for disaster. so the usgs website indicated
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burn areas and where the highest likelihood of landslides exist. this is just north of the los angeles region. we're talking about ventura, santa barbara counties, they're giving an 80 to 100% probability of landslides across some of the steep north facing slopes. so this is an area of concern that we're going to monitor very closely. we're anticipating 2 to 4 inches, maybe locally 5 inches of rainfall, for the southern regions of california that equates to about 100 to 125 millimeters of rain. so, yeah, interesting scenario setting up for the next three days, something we'll monitor. check out the images from boston, brave firefighters battling a five alarm fire overnight. this is in boston, the area where temperatures right now are negative 18 degrees celsius or roughly zero degrees fahrenheit. the water has really frozen to any of the surfaces, the water that they're trying to extinguish the flames with and froze on top of the brims of the hats there, incredible.
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we have windchill warnings stretching from ohio all the way to new england and we have the potential for 37 possible record lows this morning. it is bitterly cold in chicago. we have set a dubious record of temperatures, 12 days straight, at 6 degrees celsius below freezing or colder. there is light at the end of the tunnel, temperatures will warm up above freezing and that means we get the january thaw, we say good-bye to the arctic air and things look more pleasant across eastern half of the country. but don't have to look too far. there is that arctic plunge for the midwest -- >> let's say good-bye to the arctic air. >> ready to say good-bye to the arctic air. >> no, i'm from michigan, i want the snow. i want the cold. that ski trip is coming up, i need that cold weather. >> you're from australia -- >> exactly. >> thanks, derek. >> still to come, the red carpet is out, and comedian seth meyers
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is ready to host as hollywood prepares for the golden night. who is likely to go home with an award, and how much controversy could there be? we have an expert just ahead. after 20 straight drawings with no luck, we have a powerball winner. no, that winner is not from the "cnn newsroom." how much money is in the jackpot? that story ahead. >> that's why you're back at work. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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hollywood's awards season kicks off sunday with the golden globes, where trophies will be handed out to the very best of the big and small screen. >> the night is typically a big party, but this year's show may take on a different tone.
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asha sesay has a preview. ♪ >> reporter: it was no surprise that hollywood loved "la la land last year" dripping with glitz and glamour of cinema's golden age. nominated for seven awards at the golden globes, it won all seven. this year, a different kind of film is topping the list with seven nominations. "the shape of water" is more creature feature than broadway musical. and while hollywood has long snubbed horror films at awards season, the creature from the black lagoon has been remathdimd as a love story. another one up for best picture, this one featuring a same sex couple. >> call my by your name and i'll ka call you by mine. >> reporter: it is about a profess professor's son who falls in love with a doctoral student.
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also this foul mouthed drama. >> going to put an end to [ bleep ]. this is just the [ bleep ]. why don't you put that on your good morning missouri [ bleep ] broadcast. >> reporter: it follows a mother's struggle to find her daughter's killer. while many critics praise the film, some people have criticized its handling of racism. >> there are 400,000 men on this beach. >> reporter: and the world war ii epic "dunkirk" is up. >> the new york times was barred from publishing anymore classified documents dealing with the vietnam war. >> if you publish, it won't be the supreme court next week. >> meaning? >> we could all go to prison. >> reporter: meryl streep is nominated for best actress in
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this role. she made waves at the last golden globes for using the speech to condemn donald trump for imitating a disabled reporter. just months after his victory, the awards season was painted with anti-trump overtures. a year later, this is cast in the shadow of the me too movement with sexual assault allegations against harvey weinstein who denied the claims and several high profile actors. some critics expect the me too movement could be in the awards show spotlight. >> every holiday movie season people ask my least favorite question, who will win the oscar? i generally say, beats me. but this year, i have a ready answer. someone not charged with sexual harassment. >> reporter: isha sesay, cnn, los angeles. get ready to check your powerball numbers. half a billion dollars could be yours. find out where the winning ticket was sold just ahead.
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plus, somebody in denmark may have woken up with an expensive hangover. the strange story of a stolen million dollar bottle of vodka.
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well, hollywood's awards season kicks off tonight with the golden globes. for more on what to expect, richard fitzwilliams joins me from london. good to have you as always, richard. >> what we're looking at this evening is a night, i think, that will be completely unique. both extremely exciting in certain full categories and, of course, memorable for the times of protest against abuse and harassment of women. >> and on that protest, i want to go to a sound bite from the host of tonight's awards, seth meyers. take a listen to what he had to say in a promo. >> i'm very excited because everyone is going to be there. what's that? oh, he's not going to be there. that's good. nobody wants him there. >> no surprises for guessing who he's talking about, this is hollywood taking a stand against sexual harassment.
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and for years, it swept it under the carpet. tonight it will be on full display on the red carpet. >> absolutely so. and what times are up following on the me too hash tag is doing urging actresses to dress in black, there will be the pin, the time's up pin, in solidarity with those who have been harassed and abused and, of course, we await the speeches with great interest, remembering last year meryl streep's courageous attack against a dysfunctional and misogynistic president. oprah winfrey will receive the same achievement award, what will she say and how will she say it? this will be a ceremony that the world will tune in. as you mentioned, hollywood has been complicit in this and time's up has spread the need to
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tackle this, not only in the film industry, but in industries throughout the country from farm workers to offices. >> throughout the country, throughout the world for that matter. it seems when it comes to the actual awards that this is one of the most wide open seasons we have had in recent memory. just looking at best picture, it doesn't seem to be a front-runner. there is a lot of buzz about the film "the post" starring meryl streep. what are the other contenders? >> the other contenders, in fact, i say it is a three-sided race, you see "dunkirk," the film dealing with the evacuation of british troops in may 1914, during the war, the facts of the matter are it seems to be using momentum. it was told in a unique way and my tip, but you have "the shape of water," seven nominations for the exciting and dramatic
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fantasy movie about the relationship between a mute and a sea monster. "three billboards" outside ebbing, missouri, which i think will get best actress for frances mcdonough. and there are five superb movies, the post may have the edge, the foreign press association, it is about the pentagon papers. and we also wonder will gary oldman pull it off as churchill in "darkest hour," a brilliant performance. or could timothy shalamay come in with "call me by your name"? could meryl streep as catherine graham in "the post," could she win her ninth globe? she's the favorite. >> ninth globe indeed.
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we don't know whether the u.s. president will -- has watched "the post," but we know he watched hugh jackman in the greatest showman friday night with his cabinet in camp david. we heard from hugh jackman. he says don't put your money on me. his tip is james franco. >> i would say james franco in "the disaster artist," i think he will win. i think my tip for best picture, musical or comedy, would be "lady bird," which greta gerwig directed, a coming of age movie and it is exquisite and that seems the most likely. also i would suggest christopher plummer in best supporting actor, he replaced kevin spacey in "all the money in the world," ridley scott film about john paul gaetti and the tragedy of
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his grandson in the 1970s. and lori metcalf, best supporting actress also for "lady bird," facing stiff opposition from allison janney about the notorious ice skater. there are a number of good films. as you mentioned, we're not quite sure which one is going to win. we think we know, but, remembering the "moonlight" victory last year, "la la land" won at the globes but lot at the oscars, exciting evening from so many points of view how hollywood shows solidarity against abuse and predators and spreads that message and also will we be correct in our predictions or find that as many did with "moonlight," there are big surprises in store? >> richard fitzwilliams, we'll leave it there. we will be tuning in tonight and we'll speak to you again soon. thanks so much. >> thank you. to the next story, about a stolen bottle of vodka.
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not just any bottle of vodka. this one worth $1.3 million. it has been found empty. >> empty. >> so this bottle of vodka, it is made with gold and silver, reported stolen from a bar in denmark earlier this week. construction workers found the bottle empty, but undamaged at a building site on friday. >> police say a thief used a key to open a locked door, raid the bar's massive vodka collection. look at these pictures. the missing vodka is not believed to impact the value of the actual bottle. >> you don't mix that vodka. you just -- >> drink it straight. >> i think you do. also in the united states, someone has won half a billion dollars. >> bottles and bottles and bottles of it. >> a winning ticket was sold for the jackpot and it happened in the state of new hampshire. it breaks the streak of 20
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straight drawings without a winner. it wasn't you that won, i'm afraid. >> wasn't you either. no one in the newsroom. >> we're all back here working. >> thank you for joining us for this edition of "cnn newsroom." i'm lynda kinkade. >> i'm george howell. another hour of "cnn newsroom" right after the break. ♪
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