tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 10, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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after the white house used her tweet as backup for the president's claim, she tweeted this. for the record, i also find the real housewives of new york riveting, doesn't mean he should be running the country. a tweet is not a letter and i'm not an anchor. neither snow or rain or heat nor gloom of night will keep us from our point around on the "ridicu-list." that's it for us. cuomo primetime starts now. your tax dollars at work, by the way. that was government working compiling all those nonletters. anderson, thank you very much. tonight it is time to test. kellyanne conway says she can make the case the president is a uniter, the problem is the media, not him. and joe arpaio, the sheriff convicted of defying a federal judge says he's the right man to represent arizona in the senate.
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i'm andrew cuomo, welcome to primeti"to primetim primetime". facts first. just hours ago, a significant reversal from president trump. is he willing to sit down with the special prosecutor, as he promised, or not? kellyanne conway is standing by ready to go one on one. good to have you. but first, let's give you the facts. listen to the president at the white house this afternoon. >> are you open to meeting with him? would you be willing to meet with him without condition or would you demand that a strict set of parameters be set? >> we'll see what happens. i'll see what happens. but when they have no collusion and nobody's found any collusion at any level, it seems unlikely you would even have an interview. >> that's not what he said in the rose garden seven months ago. proof. >> would you be willing to speak
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under oath to give your version? >> 100%. >> 100%. in addition to today's about face, mr. trump committed another infraction by tweet. republicans should finally take control of the russia investigation. the republicans are in control of every aspect of the russia investigation. know this. republicans are overseeing all three congressional investigations at the justice department, the criminal investigation into russian election meddling, also completely overseen my officials will republican ties. you have all these new goch cha investigations of someone who's not relevant in american politics except to plump, hillary clinton, that's one reason why. those are the facts. let's bring in counselor to the president, kellyanne conway joining us right now. happy new year to you, my
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friend. good to have you. >> hello, christopher. congratulations on your new show. >> a fun four weeks ahead. >> i heard one of your nooursz resolutions is to allow my to finish sentences so i look forward to this interview. >> just return the favor. will the president sit down with the special counsel. >> this white house is cooperating and that hasn't changed. >> but will he sit down with the prosecutor. now he's saying we'll see, i don't know why we have to have an interview, very different, no? >> the president also said there is no russian collusion. your morning colleague told a radio show six months ago that she's got a little bit of russia fatigue and wonders if she should be covering from this from segment to segment and many americans agree. >> she got over it. she pushed through it.
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>> why is that? but chris, it can't possibly be because we found anything. >> how do you know? you're a lawyer. what do you know? >> you know this has gone on for a year. >> nothing my federal investigative standards. >> chris, think about everything you have missed covering from the obsession with the russian collusion investigation, which the the president has said as recently as today doesn't exist. and he made the point if there's any collusion that occurred with the democrats, look who paid for the dossier, look at who was trying to pull different tricks when they lost anyway. let's talk about what hasn't been covered. >> hold on one second. >> you want to cover who's up and who's down, the stock market, the consumer confidence. what's down is isis, unemployment. >> but you can't just run through an explanation, trample the facts and then move on.
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>> whoa whoa, don't do that because it'll make far great viral moment or a promo in your cuomo promos. hold on, what do you mean i trample the facts, be specific. >> you say it was paid for the democrats. i started with a republican furnished and moved to a democrat funder. >> did did clinton campaign pay millions of dollars. >> yes >> that's a fact. >> but fusion gps is not a democrat outfit as sarah sanders tried to suggest. you have glenn simpson in testimony that the republicans wanted to keep quiet where he said, no, i get righties and lefties, journalists, i've never worked for russia. sarah huckabee sanders said she listened to a man named bill
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browarder. those are the facts. >> this is your show, but i'm talking from the white house briefing room, are we going to talk about 24i7kthe things that happened this week. >> this happened today. >> hold on. a lot happened here today. the president had a bilateral meeting with the president of norway. then another press conference with her. another bipartisan action at 5:30 today in the oval office the president invited in members of the house and senate, democrats and republicans, and he signed the act into law and you're not telling the people that. it's relevant we have more money for your customs and border patrol to detect fentanyl. he gave the pen to democratic senator of massachusetts ed markey because he sees that this is -- >> bipartisan. >> it's an action. that legislation passed because
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-- >> i'm glad you brought it up. >> you don't tell people what happened. you're telling them what may be and what fantasies may happen. >> you shouldn't say national security concerns are fantasies. >> hold on. >> i let you finish. give me a chance. >> you're talking about national security when it comes to russia and the election? >> yes. >> what about national security on the border? then we can count on you and 54 democrats to vote for a wall? national security is border security. >> running away from the question. >> i'm not running away from the question. i just don't find it to be particularly relevant. >> but we must test what you said. >> i just think it's weird. >> that's your opinion. i'm going to keep asking it. >> the opinion of many people. >> we'll see because we don't know what mr. mueller has. for the president to say there's no collusion, he said there was
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no contact by anybody on his team with anyone from russia. remember that? that has proven about -- >> he can't possibly believe thinks there would have had to be and i'll tell you why. >> say that again. >> hold on. i will tell you, i have said it because i was the campaign manager for the winning part of the campaign. and the idea that we would have to look any further than hillary clinton to beat hillary clinton itself is a fantasy. i didn't need to talk to anybody in moscow. i was talking to north carolina and michigan. there's no reason to have gone anywhere outside of hillary clinton and how unattractive her policies were, how lacking in vision and connective tissue, we beat her fairly and squarely. so many people can't get over the election results. >> says my friend who can't keep hillary clinton's name out of
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her mouth. >> excuse me. i'll make you a deal. i won't mention her again, but you can't mention the 2016 election. >> russian interference matters and it doesn't delegitimize the president's victory. that's why you bring up hillary clinton. >> that's not true. we don't care about her. nobody here talks about her. hey, chris, nobody talks about her. >> you just brought her up. hold on a second. no shouting contest here. we're friends. >> you're talking about the 2016 elections. we won the election and we're going to win the next one. >> you just said we didn't have to look past hillary clinton to win. is that inclusive of don junior? >> what came of that meeting. >> the point is why you went, not what came out of it.
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come on. >> chris, the point is he can't get over the election. we're going to talk about russia. >> it becomes a problem. you want to talk about it? i will. >> you want to talk about fentanyl which is killing tens of thousands of americans. >> i'm the one who did the documentary on it. the manchester fire department is still waiting for you guys because money doesn't come. >> don't talk about that. >> is it untrue? >> we had the chief of the manchester fire department here at the white house several times. he's very happy. >> have you given funding to new hampshire to fight opioids since you got in there? no. >> yes, we have. what are you talking about? >> how so? this is a good move, stop fentanyl as it comes across the border, but you have to give money to communities as well. we'll see what you do on it.
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>> do you know what the curist act is? do you have any idea? i doubt it. >> that's not happening the way it needs to be. >> focus on law enforcement, treatment, and recovery, and apprehensive education. there is action. the whole reason the president wants to have a wall, and he will build that wall, is in part to stop the flow of illegal immigrations but also to stop the flow of illicit drugs. it's coming through the u.s. border, the u.s. postal service. >> do you know how the majority of it gets into this country? >> educate me, please. >> you know the answer. you know the wall, that's another topic tonight. hold on. i don't want to run away from this because this is an important point. >> wait. i'm sorry. >> they come by air and they
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come in tunnels. i've been in them. >> they come all different ways. are you saying -- are you telling the viewers no drugs come through the southern border? >> no. i'm saying the idea of a wall is going to be -- >> be an apple, don't be a been a. >> saying a wall will keep fentanyl out of this country is a joke because it comes by cargo ship and cargo plane. >> he said that. >> not something strapped on someone's back. >> the fact is, i don't think a drugs come through the southern border. >> he muddied the water of a positive. >> event he's going to build the wall, and the wall will help to stop the flow of illicit drugs
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coming over the borders because he and ker seen the nielsen have asked the people whose job it is to be at the border what they need, what they think, and they have told them what they need. and part of what they need is better security, tighter security. when somebody crosses the border, they need to the ability to remove that person, not have a ten or 12-year wait period for the disposition of that individual who's in the interior of the country. this president wants to put up a wall and you and others want to put a slip and slide. >> you had it president walk into that meeting and say the wall can mean different things in different places, i'm open, i'll agree to whatever you come up with. do you recognize when the
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president was promising, it's going to be a big new wall all the way across, i'll build knit a year, people said exactly what you said now. that's not me, that's these other guys. not me, big brand-new wall, that's what he said. it's not a metaphor. >> it's a physical structure and you know it. >> he changed in the meeting, republicans say it, democrats say it. >> you know what's changed? that he has said that in order to do a deal on daca it includes the wall and includes an anti-chain migration and an end to the visa lottery system. what borrows a lot of people is you're going to get your main tool against him out of the way if he surprises you and actually does a deal on daca. he promised transparency and accountability. even people at cnn and other places have said they never witnessed anything like that. >> are these the anchor letters?
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it gave you an opportunity to see where the democrats are and their rigidity, and republicans in their registeredty, and a president who agreed with the democrats and then agreed with the republicans and then said he'll sign whatever they bring to him. >> we're not rigid. >> you're certainly not rigid, that's true. >> you just said the president said all along that he is going to tackle immigration in a way nobody else has. it helped him get elected, that includes now. >> what got him elected was being a hard liner on it. >> i think people are just nervous that he's actually going to continue to get things done. you know, christopher -- >> hold on. >> everything is a political issue. >> that's the right word, unify. let me pay some bills and take a break. when we come back i want to talk about your case for the president as a unifier.
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when it comes to travel, i sweat the details. late checkout... ...down-alternative pillows... ...and of course, price. tripadvisor helps you book a... ...hotel without breaking a sweat. because we now instantly... over 200 booking sites find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. don't sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. hardliner. thanks for being with us. thank you to kellyanne conway for being with us. just to be clear where we were in the last segment, i was asking you if the president would meet with the special counsel. you don't have any clear indication on that. what about the wall? you said you'll tell me what it means. does it mean what he promised during the campaign or he open to the suggestion that security
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has differentia requirements in different places? some places wall, some places fences. no need for brand-new all the way across; true? >> the president discovered that part of it will be the physical wall, part of it is better technology, part of it is also fencing. there are rivers involved, i'm told, mountains, terrain that isn't conducive to building a physical structure in some places. but make no mistake, you've s n prototypes. you can't get to you agree it's worthwhile.
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you said they come through airplanes and boats and that's false. if we can bend the curve on the drug crises alone in this country, we're on the losing side as a nation. if we can bend the curve, because this president has declared a public health emergency. >> that's important. >> hold on. he went ahead today with bipartisan fashion, signed into law the interdict act. if his secretary of homeland security is focused to stop illegal immigrants and illicit drugs, if he is going to do a public-facing campaign for prevention education, we have to come together. he's unifying this country. it benefits people of all political stripes and backgrounds. >> that's what you say. >> hold on. people are just starting to see how it is benefiting them.
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>> it's not even in effect yet. >> christopher, hold on. what about the one million people who have bonuses. look at the one million people, and i hope they're all watching. that would be great. one million people in the eye and tell this em the bonuses they just got from their employers don't matter. >> of course they do. what about paying it in increasing wages. the problem with the economy isn't how much money corporations have. god bless them and god bless the stock market. that doesn't affect wages. >> it's the dreecreases in the x bracket. >> giving corporations more of their money back, it's what they'll do with it. >> it's called not shipping our
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jobs overseas. we have a 35% corporate tax rate, the highest in the world and it's going to be 21%. >> it's not the effective rate. if you want to help out businesses, that's fine, but you made their cuts permanent and the individual cuts temporary because you were benefiting corporations over people. >> i'm sorry, do businesses benefit from the doubling in the standard deduction for individuals? >> no, that will help people. it will help certain people in certain income brackets based on where they live. nobody looked at this tax cut and said this was clearly engineered and designed to benefit the middle class more than anyone else. >> many people have said that, actually. >> middle class more than anyone else. >> where you work. >> i worked in mezzanine finance before i was here. i got tons of friends who are economists. >> we hear it from the manufacturing industry. >> i'm sure they like it. you're giving them more money.
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>> off two million jobs created, 200,000 have been in manufacturing. what about the factories have been shut down or repurposed or sitting there as an eye sore as a reli a relic of times gone by? they're saying some people are college material, go get your four-year degree, but some people should have -- they want to have a high school degree and a skill certificate. >> that's great. you will incentivize all kinds of labor and that's great. you should. >> this is important. this is nonpartisan and infrastructure should be very nonpartisan or bipartisan. >> the tax bill was inherently partisan. >> its benefits aren't partisan. it goes down to the americans
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who voted against donald trump, who didn't vote at all. we don't ask people what their politics are. it help us the middle class and you know it. >> i asked the question and you answered it. >> i talked to people in the middle class each day and it helps them. we hear from them every day here. i'm happy for them. >> about the first amendment, is the president really serious about wanting to take a good look at finding ways to abridge the freedom of the press? >> that isn't what he said. he said he's going to look at the libel laws. >> how is that not the same thing? >> it's not the same thing. every single day he comes to work and we see it firsthand. he wants to do good by this country and make progress. he wants to economy to keep booming, as it is. the stock market, the consumer confidence. >> what does that have to do with libel laws?
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>> people are trying to get in his way, nullify his elections, throw crock dials in the water, it's not going to happen. people in this country see what he's trying to do for them. >> i get it, he feels bad, he doesn't like criticism. it's a toujob. >> for every one new regulation in -- he feels great isis is in retreat. >> i'm feeling great about myself, i want to shut down people's ability to criticize me. >> what he doesn't feel great about is people lying. are things not being proofed properly. can people say things without impunity? >> there's accountability. that's what a democracy is about a battle of ideas. we tried that in 1798 with the
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sedition law. >> he wasn't talking about that or shutting anything down. >> he's been saying for a long time, and for a man who says as many things that are false on a pace we've never seen any president even approach, it is odd that he wants to be in the fact checking business. >> he's successful on a pace we've never seen. even his critics had to admit that in december. in here in washington, d.c., people that didn't even work in deck, they said let's have december start in november. this man got so much done in just the month of december. the american embassy is moving to jerusalem. >> let's see how cutting the mandate helps premiums and helps
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coverage. >> unifying the country, infrastructure, united nations retreat. >> if you want to unify, keep the sitting freedom intact. >> thank you to all the democrats who came to the white house this week to then president. good luck with the show. >> appreciate your participation. you are always welcome. thank you very much. up next, one on one with former sheriff joe arpaio, six months ago he was looking at jail time. now he's looking for a six-year term in the u.s. senate. he got a pardon from the president but still has to make the case to you. why should joe arpaio represent arizona, next. be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes.
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. all right. the man calls himself america's toughest sheriff. will he become america's toughest senator? joe arpaio was the top cop in arizona's maricopa county and became famous, some would say infamous for his hashness. he ran an outdoor jail called tent city, arpaio himself described it as a concentration camp. inmates exposed to the scorching heat of peeks summers and near freezing chill in the winter. they wear pink clothes but that was nothing. they were also chain gangs, conditions that rights groups called inhumane, overcrowded and dangerous. this was a jail, not a maximum security prison. it resulted in multiple lawsuits and a lot of death, especially by suicide. so he was a huge fan of racial profiling.
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when a judge finally arpaio to stop the practice, he refused as a matter of principle and was convicted of criminal contempt. that's when president trump came to his rescue. he got a pardon, the first for the president. he's now 85 years old and he's in the race for the seat of senator jeff flake, the trump nemesis who announced he won't be seeking re-election. he joins us to make the case to you. sheriff joe, thanks for joining us. >> hey, chris. i think it's been years since we last met that you interviewed me, if i recall. >> that's true. you look the same. i look a lot older. >> well, it's the italian olive oil for me. >> i'm going to have to up the dose. let me ask you something, sheriff. you had such a long run. you had so much controversy here at the end. you've got your health, but you've got your age as well.
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why take this on? why not just take the pardon, you lost your last race for sheriff to a democrat in an all-republican county. why do this? >> first of all, i disagree with your opening remarks. i'm not going to spend time justifying the tent city and everything else you said. but the question is why am i doing this? i'll tell you. first of all, i'm a big supporter of the president from day one, july 2015. i enforced him and introduced him and said he would be the next president. i have a great respect for the president, and between you and i, i don't like what's going on with certain people going after him.
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he's done a great job. and i want to do something to help him and help the people of arizona. so i had a long career, 60 years serving my country, 56 years in law enforcement. joined the army with the korean war started. >> right. >> was a cop in d.c. i can go on and on. but one thing people don't understand, i was regional director of mexico city, covered latin america. >> i get the pedigree, sheriff. but you've been in the business a long time. you went out in some i go in a anyonous circumstances and you're something people you have to-to-give you a chance. do you no longer believe in profiling latinos and do you believe in not herding people?
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>> that is wrong. convicted by a judge, no jury, who was very biased. i'm not going to go into his history. one day it's going to come out very soon. >> you refused to stop a discriminatory practice. >> we had the right to do it by the federal government. they swore deputies to be immigration officers and we were doing our job in that period. evidently, the judge did not agree with it even though the federal government laid the guidelines how we would do it. but that's one issue. then he turns it over to another judge for contempt of court. he refused a jury trial.
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he said he was going to charge he a misdemeanor, get the same time as barking dogs. during the election they charge me. >> why didn't you just stop stopping people because they were mexican? >> we never stopped people because they were mexican? we stopped people because they were committing a crime. >> there was an established pattern of your pulling people over because they were latino. that's how you got in court in the first place, sheriff. >> no. that's what the judge -- >> that's what the prosecutor said. they brought the case. the judge didn't just come knock on your door and said you were guilty. there was a prosecution involved because of a pattern of conduct. either you believe in that kind of stuff and that's what you want to represent yourself as or you don't. which is it? >> i'm telling you, you're bringing that up, okay.
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>> yes, sir >> and i'm telling you again, we're not guilty of that contempt of court. and the president realized that and gave me a pardon and i never asked for it. so it's not going to go against the fellow judge. everybody in the courtroom knew i was not guilty. >> except the prosecutor and the judges. >> well, what do you mean a prosecutor? >> somebody brought the case. >> no. everybody in that courtroom knew -- i'm not going to say the fix was in, but it was pe determined that i would be found guilty of contempt of court. so we're appealing that and we'll see what happens. >> let me ask you something. >> you want to go on to something else? >> let's look at it in a different way. you're reintroducing yourselves to the voters there. is there regret you hold for conditions the people were kept
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in? the nature of immigration enforcement? the birtherism claims about president obama, things that are black marks on your record. do you have any change on those. >> frank sinatra says "my way." but i have no regrets. my people did the right thing. we were very successful throughout my 24-year tenure, the longest-serving sheriff in the history of maricopa county. a few mistakes, yes. >> was the birtherism a mistake? >> oh, now you're bringing that up. >> why wouldn't i? do you think it doesn't matter? you want to be a u.s. senator and you were part of a campaign to delegitimize a president of the united states? >> no, i started this because of
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a fake government document. i didn't care where the president came from. i didn't care at all. we had the evidence, nobody will talk about or a look a at it. anytime you want to come down, we'll be glad to show you the evidence. you're going to hear more about this fake -- >> you think president obama's birth certificate is a phony? >> no doubt about it. we have the evidence. i'm not going to go into all the details. it's a phony document. >> even donald trump says he believes obama was born in this country. if he had a fake birth certificate then he wouldn't be born in this country. either the man was born in this country or he wasn't. the good news is we know the answer, he was. but if you want to be a u.s. senator, don't you think that people should have confidence in your judgment on something as
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crucial as that? >> that was the last election, and i'm not going to get into three million dollars with the department of justice announcing the day before voting. so the fix was in emanating from obama and holder when they opened the investigation. 60 days after they took office, chris. and eight years until they finally got me on a contempt of court. so evidently it took them eight years to get this sheriff. but that's okay. >> let me ask you something. you say you want to help the president. he's backed dr. ward running on the conservative line there as a republican. >> he did not, he did not, he did not enforce her. >> he came out in support of
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her. >> steve bannon is the one that a enforced her. >> my question is this. if the president says do me a favor, get out of this race, we have someone we want. would you do it? >> i don't think he'll ever say that. i don't think he'll ever say that. >> do you think he'll enforce you? >> i don't know. and you know what? i never asked for endorsement. everyone calls me for their endorsement and governors and everything else. so i guess i'm doing something right. >> we'll see soon enough if you enter the primary, the people will vote and we'll have a decision. and i appreciate you coming on this show. >> i never lost a republican primary, so i'm not expecting to lose this one, chris. >> all right. we will see what happens. joe arpaio, thank you very much for coming on the show. appreciate your openness to being test the.
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>> thank you. up next we'll have the great debate, navarro versus shlep. there she is. your friend @just_marea. you like her. she's really good at social media. she buys stocks in companies that "stand for something." you like her. she's always up on the latest trends. she got in early on the whole goat yoga thing. and her sunsets are always #nofilter. you like her. but you'd like her better if you made more money than she does. don't get mad at @just_marea. get eátrade. but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. whentrust the brand doctors trust for themselves.
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all right. it is time for tonight's great debate. we have cnn political commentator ana navarro and matt shlep. good to have you both. brother sha lap, help me, help me, help me. i'm talking to kellyanne conway. we've been friends for a long time. we are friends. on this issue of russian interference, they bring up hillary clinton every time. the president mentioned hillary clinton three times today. why can't we get religion from the white house that russia interfered, and he believes no one conflicted to him helped them do that. why can't he say that simple
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statement? >> i don't know maybe you ought to work for him. >> don't be cute, sha lap. why? there was nothing and it's all about nullifying the election. nobody's saying any of that who matters >> all i can tell you is that we have been talking about this for a long time. and it seems clear to me and mike pompeo was the source, that russia trying to tried to interfere that in some people's mind world war iii has already started on the internet. it's a serious problem. >> yes. >> and i think the people around the president take it very seriously. i just think when people slip into the idea that there was collusion when there's been no evidence presented, i also think i'm exhausted of talking about that also. it's time for bob mueller, who i served with, but it's put up or shut up time. >> why? let's bring in ana.
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because of fatigue? >> too bad, that's not how the process works. the guy is being methodic. there's a lot of transparency to this. either president trump is afraid of what mueller's going to come up with, what they might have on him and his campaign and his family, or he's really upset that he thinks delegitimizes election. hillary clinton's at costco selling books on sale. >> she's working at costco? >> times are tough, even with the tax cut. >> she goes and signs at costco. really, you should go to costco, it's a great place, matt. you got a hell of a lot of kids
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to feed. he's been president for a year next week and he's and he's still relitigating and relitigating and relitigating this campaign. his reaction to these things make it bigger and give it more fodder. mueller's going to do liz thing. give him time, respect the process. let it go. stop making it a thing daily. >> that's what they do. >> it's unnerving for the president and the staff. >> i think the book isn't helpful for a lot of these staffers who talked to michael wolff.
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i agree there's a certain amount of political peril with this thing goes on. i talked to a lot of people in government, throughout the day, and i think there is a consensus that unless mueller has something wore unaware of then there isn't evidence of collusion. it's a process. all i'm saying is, i want him soon to tell us what he knows and to report back. because i think the american people deserve that. it's about time to stop talking about. >> matt says that book might be bad. i think it's one of the best things that happened to the drummed white house and trump presidency. it led to him being able to shed the -- losing steve bannon is a
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positive thing not only for trump, but for the country. >> what do we see. we saw him have this both sides meeting. had it televised. >> points for him. i liked it, there was candor. i think the president, evidence that this ain't making a development deal with a foreign investor in man hatten. this is different, knowing what a clean bill is, what's on the table. i'm just saying -- >> i don't agree with you either. i don't think he needs to know. >> you have two people coming into the room. i've been wanting to take you both on. you come into the room you have someone on the left who says, daca or die. the republicans say, no, we're here to do business. we want security. we're a little sideways with the base. the president needed to be that bridge.
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he went in there and said, i'll agree to whatever you come up with. mccarthy says, no, we need security, that's true. >> people around the table have been working on the immigration issue for decades. they know this thing cold. >> why did mcconnell say, i can't bring him a deal unless we know where his head is. >> he knows where his head is. >> i think he said it yesterday. he said yesterday, it's got rivers, it's got mountains, there's fencing. >> he promised something totally different? >> who cares, i'm good with what he's saying now. >> you're a great lawyer you're doing a good job as if we're sitting in the box trying to trip us up. what american people care about is the broadbrush strokes. the president wants money for a
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wall, finally. let's appropriate the wall, just like hillary clinton and barack obama who voted for money for a fence previously that wasn't built. let's do it this time. let's have a lot of immigrants, but have the people we need because of -- >> no. >> because of the skills we need in the economy. let's stop the diversity lottery system, those are the things he's asking for, i think the real question for the democrats is this. which is, as much as they want daca. are they willing to give the president anything he wants in exchange for it? i think that's a very live wire. i think a lot of them are saying, don't support him, even when we agree with him, we can't do anything to help donald trump. >> i don't buy that either. i think you're going to see the republicans give and the democrats. >> that's what's supposed to happen all the time, by the way. >> we have kids who have been
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coming to congress year after year. they're the most compelling people, the most compelling heart wrenching stories in america. we have a hard deadline. this guy, yes, he's capable of tearing kids from this country. he's capable of doing it. maybe george w. bush wouldn't have done it, obama wouldn't have done it, this guy is willing to do it? >> this is not about clever lawyering. if i cannot believe that he wants the wall that he promised -- that he used to distinguish himself from the field that he insisted every time with the mantra, who's going to pay for it. >> if you look at nafta negotiations -- >> and a tweet right after the meeting, he said, that's got to be a wall. that's confusing at a minimum. >> we're renegotiating that
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right now. i think mexico knows we're serious. >> not every wall is a wall is a wall. >> make it out of legos if you have to. >> that was the confusion, anna, matt, thank you, i got to go. tomorrow, we have senator bernie sanders joining us live what does he think a wall is. cnn with don lemon starts right after this.
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top of the hour, this is cnn tonight, i want you to listen carefully to what the president of the united states said today when he was asked whether he would be willing to meet with robert mueller as part of the russia investigation. here's what the president said. >> it's a democrat hoax that was brought up as an excuse for losing an election that frankly
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