tv Wolf CNN January 11, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PST
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>> it's 1:00 p.m. in washington and 9:00 in moscow. wherever you are watching for around the world, thanks for joining us. we start with confusion and contradictions at the white house centering on president donald trump. a morning tweet throwing a key house vote into question for a while, but now the president's attorneys are also trying to clarify a statement he made about the possibility of talking with the special prosecutor, robert mueller. listen to this. >> i will see what happens, but when they have no collusion and nobody's found any collusion at any level, it seems unlikely you
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would even have an interview. >> let's bring in the senior white house correspondent jim acosta. the president saying he sees no reason to have to talk to robert mueller. very different from what he said earlier last summer. >> that's right. last summer he said he was 100% willing to talk about the russia investigation. that has changed. the president yesterday saying that well, he is not sure whether or not he wants to talk to robert mueller. i did talk to a source from the president's legal team. it should be pointed out that this source told me that in the view of people inside the legal team, he got ahead of himself is the way the source describes it. at the news conference at the prime minister of norway. at this point they have not closed any doors on the question of whether the president will sit down with robert mueller's team. they are very much leaving the possibility open. the other thing we want to talk
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about in addition to that confusion that the president caused yesterday with his comments about the mueller investigation, there is this confusion that was created this morning when the president once again was on twitter and fired off tweets that really just railed both ends of pennsylvania avenue. these are tweets that the president posted this morning about the fisa program. the foreign intelligence surveillance act up for reauthorization that allows authorities to surveil and investigate foreign actors trying to commit espionage here in the united states. this is what the president tweeted. house votes on controversial fisa act that may have been used with the phony dossier to the trump campaign and others. he had to walk back that tweet about an hour and 45 minutes later and he said with that
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being said, i directed the fix to the unmasking process and today's vote is about foreign bad guys of bad guys on foreign land. we need it. get smart. one of the questions is whether or not the president even understands the program. he is throwing out an accusation that it was used in the course of the campaign to surveil his campaign. that has not been shown. in addition that the president talked about the discredited dossier that has not been discredited. that is the dossier that is alleged to show ties between the kremlin and the trump campaign. that is part of the mueller investigation that has not concluded. the president said yesterday at the press conference, he said it has been no collusion and still ongoing. it hasn't been determined yet.
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a lot of confusion on both ends and that will be a big topic at today's briefing. >> hoe tried to clarify the confusion with the second tweet apassing the authorization and it now goes to the senate over at the white house. the supporters of the surveillance act say it's essential to keep the united states safe. earlier today, the former fbi director james comey tweeted this. thoughtful leaders on both sides of the aisle. no fisa section 720 is a tool to protect this country. this is not about politics. congress must reauthorize it. a security analyst and former cia operative and he is with me right now. walk us through fisa and tell our viewers here what it is specifically, section 702. >> 702 collects meta data, text,
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telephone calls, cell phone intercepts on foreigners. occasionally there is collection on american citizens. their names come up and it's reviewed by the national security agency. if a crime has been committed they report it to the fbi and the fbi seeks a warrant with probable cause. there is no part of 702 that is collecting on american citizens directly. it's not true. it's clear to me the president doesn't understand this. he is alluding that the original accusations that the trump tower hardwares were tapped which is not true. the campaign was not targeted by anybody. >> do we know of specific cases where the fisa law helped prevent a terror attack? >> absolutely. this afghan in colorado, he was
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going to blow up the subway and had the explosives. scotland yard picks up the information and passes it on to the fbi and they get a warrant to listen to his phones. he is then arrested. fisa saved 60 lives in new york city. >> another incident where fisa reportedly was involved in helping to prevent a terror attack. >> he was running operations and the only in roads do we have and the only thing is through fisa. it's all covered under the fisa law. >> what about concerns for privacy over u.s. citizens? you have a lot of lawyers sitting on this.
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this stuff is not disseminated. i have seen cases where cnn anchors have been intercepted and you had to call it up and know someone to get the names. the deep state is after them and not true. it's a pair notice a. >> thanks for the plain explanation. let's bring in jackie spear from house who serves on the house intelligence committee. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. >> you just voted no on the fisa act. why? >> so first of all let me say that the men and women who serve us in the nsa and cia who rely on 702, i totally support. i will say that this particular reauthorization expands 702. the privacy communities and
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advocates would prefer to have reauthorization of the existing law rather than this proposal. they added to the about collection is depp ldeeply trou. warrants are necessary from time to time. there is the opportunity to allow for warrantless searches when there is a national emergency and when there is a terrorist attack and a concern about national security. there is the opportunity to use 702 without a warrant even under the law. it is expanding so that the warrantless searches canularreg. >> you were on the losing side today. the president tweeted twice on
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this bill earlier today. the first tweet criticizing it and the second one dramatically walking back his earlier comments. the house speaker paul ryan tried to clarify saying the president has concerned about the domestic fisa law, but that's not what they were voting on. do you think the president knew what they were voting on? >> no,i don't. this should send out a huge red flag to every american. what we now have is someone who is acting as the president. he's a reality president who watches fox news and based on what he hears there, he tweets. i think his twitter account should be shut down and he should listen to the experts who he is surrounded by who have really important information to share with him rather than getting all of his information from one outlet that has a become bias. it is going to make us less safe as we move down the timeline.
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>> last june the president said 100% he would be ready to interview with robert mueller, but now he said it's unlikely he would have to meet with him about the probe into allegations of trump campaign allegations of collusions with russia. his lawyers say he got ahead of himself. why do you think the president at least yesterday backed off his initial commitment to agree to an interview? >> i often times think the president is shooting from the hip. he thinks that he is omnipotent and above the law. the truth of the matter is that he can be subpoenaed and he can be required to appear before the special counsel. that certainly was the case with then president bill clinton who was deposed and it was a civil
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matter that he was deposed. it's no question that if robert muell mueller wants to call him and he will be forced to answer questions. >> we will talk about daca and the dreamers. it looks like there won't be a clean bill which is what you and other democrats want. are democrats giving in to the president's demands that in order to allow the 800,000 dreamers, these individuals were brought here as children illegally by their childrens of grown ups here in the united states, there will have to be a deal on border security and other related issues in order to allow them to remain? >> i am willing personally to negotiate with the president and with republicans for border control, enhanced border control. a high tech wall if i may use that term. to make sure these 800,000 kids stay here.
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this is their home. i have a young man who is 18 years old studying math and economics who wants to be a professor. he was brought here at 7 years old. he knows no other country. we have an obligation to the daca kids. the president agrees that i'm not interesting in believe a useless wall that will not provide us the kind of security we need when we have technology that can do it better, faster, more effectively. >> will you support the spending bill if the government runs out of monojanuaey on january 19th. there is a march 5th deadline for dak a but will you support them running even if there is nothing in there that gives new to daca? >> it depends on what's in the bill beyond a continuation of the spending.
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i don't want to see the government shut down, but i want to take seriously the opportunity protect the dak kca kids. >> many are in the district you represent. jackie spear, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. great to be here. >> a physical wall, rivers, fencing, the corner tone of the winning campaign seems to be evolving. the administration said they are paving the way to make medicare recipients work. in missouri after the governor admits to a refair, be i have type 2 diabetes.
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they will be discussing it with the white house so they can move forward and get the dreamers, the 800,000 dreamers to remain in the united states legally. it's the only game in town, flake said. there is no other bill. i want to caution everyone, even if they have such an agreement among moderate republicans and democrats, it's not a done deal. it has to get through the senate and the house of rep tentatives. this is only the first step. maybe a significant step. republican senator mike rounds from south dakota is joining us from capitol hill. we will goat specific details on what the bipartisan senators have come up with. i don't know if you are familiar with what they were talking about. what can you tell us? >> we agreed that we won't discuss the details until we agreed to discuss the details.
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i think it's moving in the right direction. it does encompass a number of areas that most of us have to talk about. it does include issues surrounding a border security program or a plan. that goes beyond that as well. that lays out the details that i was not directly involved with. i am aware as a courtesy. the individuals should be allowed to lay it out in the appropriate format. >> basically the dreamers would be allowed to stay as part of this deal. there would be enhanced border security. i take it that there is no longer a desire to build a 2,000 mile wall. it would be fencing and sensors and additional protection, but not necessarily that huge wall
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that president trump used to speak about when he was a candida candidate. >> i think the president suggested in some cases the wall could be invisible and take different forms. we want to make at this time best and the most efficient way to get it done. i think the president agrees that that's an appropriate way to handle it. for most of us in the senate and think most of us agree we want border security that is critical, but that means you use the best technologies available. in some cases it's a structure and other cases it's electronic, but the appropriate manpower and it means going back in and talking about those employers who are hiring illegals are not doing that in the future and employers have access to the records to determine who is legal and who is not. >> would this legislation be
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part of the spending bill or stand o loalone. >> it has to be passed by january 19th to avoid a shut down. border security is part of the deal and i understand the dreamers are part of the deal. what the president calls chain migration and reunification and the lottery system that allow immigrants to come to the united states. are the other two parts included in this tentative deal? >> they are addressed. i would prefer not to lay the specifics out at this time. i would allow lindsey to lay out the provisions. that's only appropriate. >> the president the other day at that meeting with senators and members of the house, democrats and republicans said he would then go forward with what is called comprehensive immigration reform. not just dealing with the
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dreamers, but 11 or 12 million illegal immigrants here in the united states, undocumented immigrants and find presumably a pathway to citizenship and legal residency here in the united states. all of that, the comprehensive plan would be the next step. that's not included in this initial step. >> it is not included in the initial step. it is the multibillion or trillion dollar part of the challenge. also recognizing that you have to find a way forward without incentivizing others to take the same path. that means you have to have an operating system and our country needs that. we need the manpower and the bright individual who is want to come to this country once again. a comprehensive package is critical of long-term. i think most members in congress recognize that. >> i want to you stand by if you
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can. phil matingly, our correspondent is getting information. update our viewers about what you are learning about this tentative bipartisan deal among senators. >> this is the gang of and meeting day in and day out trying to figure out a pathway forward. it is a separate group and not necessarily endorsed by leadership. they have been moving towards a final agreement right now. jeff flake's office said they believe they reached a deal and other people said they are in agreement on the principals and they are at the point where they need to talk to their conferences and to the white house about what this entails. some of the outlines, one of the key components and you know the town quite well. when things are not leaking, they are going well and moving in a good direction. that has been the case with the negotiations. to put this in context here,
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this is the proposal that a lot of people assume whatever the proposal ends up being. the train that leaves to address the daca issue. this was a bipartisan proposal. three republicans and three democrats who have been working on it for a long period of time. that said, over the course of the last couple of days and they have grown skeptical of this working group. we have seen over the last eight hours. several groups sprout up and several groups of senators who had resistance to where things might be going. in the wake of the white house meeting where everybody took what they wanted, a lot of people asked what the proposal is. here's another point. a proposal, any proposal that gets put on the table that addresses the daca issue has to be considered viable. people are trying to reach out for something to prevent a government shut down and address
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an issue that both immigration issues and democrats and a lot of republicans say is urgent. whatever it looks like is in play, but it's important to note, republican who is control the house and the senate and the white house have grown more skeptical by the day of where this was headed. they will decide whether or not it heads to a senate or house floor or to the president's desk. it's worth noting that the proposal that senate minority leader is the answer to the potential solution. they are on the verge of reaching that point where they are going to start briefing the members and colleagues and the white house on what they have come up with. wolf? >> we will get back to it in a moment. dana bash is with us. we are getting initial reaction over at the white house that there is skepticism at the white house. the white house has not yet been fully briefed on this tentative bipartisan deal.
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>> and they will shortly. phil laid out perfectly the real dynamics going on. this is a very important group, a bipartisan group of senators. three republicans and three democrats who have been working to find a deal. the issue is that these are senators who are very eager to get a deal. these are the people who are most likely to be okay with whatever it is that they can come up with. the key and the way to crack the code on getting this into law is first and foremost making it so that this is something that the president of the united states and those at the white house who are working on this are okay with. because there will be skepticism among house republican leaders. there will be skepticism amongs en senate republican leaders. they don't want this albatross
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around their neck because they have been where they are endorsing something the base can't stand and they get burned for it. that is why when the president said he is willing to take the heat, that is the most important thing we need to take away from this. if and when this group bring this is proposal to the white house and if the president says yes, okay, that is going to be the moment where they begin to sell this. take the house, for example. this kind of deal, anything frankly even if it has border security to the nth degree, anything along that has them to stay in the country illegally or even have a path to citizenship which presumably according to my sources is where the dreel was heading for the dreamers. that was not allowed. my point is that it is going to need not just political cover from the president who still has
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good will, but democrats to support it and the republican leadership has to hold their nose and jump in the deep end knowing that they are going to make a lot of people in their base unhappy, but they need the cover from the president. >> i want to go back to the senator of south dakota. to me it sounds and correct me if i'm wrong, that you are open to the tentative deal worked out by the bipartisan group of six. three republicans and three democrats. you are open to it, right? >> i'm open to it. i think they are moving in the right direction. doesn't mean it will be perfect. the key is whether or not the white house is prepared to back it. we need this president to say either yes this is a movement in the right direction and offer positive comments on it and if not, it won't go very far. innocent if the president and the white house are able to get behind it and explain to the
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team just exactly what this means long-term for our, con ec, i think we don't have a lot of time before we have to have this addressed. part of what we have to do is say do we want the perfect to be the enemy of the good? this may not be perfect, but is it better than what we have today? the answer clearly is yes, it is better. it takes care of a lot of the emergency issues that are up in front of us right now, but it also lays the ground work for future immigration reform that is critical to the success and viability of our economy. >> it will allow the dreamers to have a legal presence and stay here. does it get into specifics as far as you know about a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers? >> it is addressed, but once
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again i will allow the individuals to be able to lay out in a format that they are comfortable with what their plans would propose. i shouldn't be the that is sharing that with the rest of the country. they are the ones who need to share that and they worked long and hard at it. i'm not going to take anything from their thunder. >> it's jgenerous of you to tak the time to explain this. i want you to listen to kellyanne conway on cnn last night with chris cuomo talking about the wall. what exactly is enhancer security and what role would the actual wall be along the u.s.-mexico border. i want you to listen carefully to what she said. >> the president has discovered that part of it will be the physical wall. part is better technology and
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part of it is fencing. there are rivers involved i'm told. there are mountains involved and terrain that is not conducive to building a physical structure in some places. >> that are sounds like a compromise moving away from a 2,000 mile concrete wall, right? >> absolutely. in fairness, while it's something he pointed to because people can envision a wall as security, most of us said from day one, we want a secured border and that means a system. that includes in some areas surveillance and some areas electronics or fences and some may have a physical barrier itself. something else is involved as well. the poerts have to be modernize and you have to make it easier for trade to move back and forth. you take a look at how trade piles up in those inland ports
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and part of the border security requires it to actually move the commerce back and forth easier than what it does today. that's another thing we can talk about when we talk about infrastructure. there intertwined parts that fit together. infrastructure has been part of that. >> it's important indeed. it looks like i suspect you will have the votes in the senate to pass it. the question is whether the speaker will allow it in the house of representatives. the last time as you well remember it passed the senate and didn't come up for a vote in the house. they want a majority on board and what will be critical and i think you are right will be the reaction from the president of the united states. if he gets on board, then this tentative deal looks like it could pass. you are smiling. >> we would like that first tweet to be a positive tweet.
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after that we can move forward. >> we will see what the president tweets. as usual, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> we are going to have much more on the breaking news. a major development. how will the president react to this tentative deal. we will go live to the white house when we come back.
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we are following the breaking news. a tentative deal among senate republicans and democrats to allow the so-called dreamers, some 700 or 800,000 children who were brought to the united states illegally and allow them to change for enhanced border security at least a partial wall. the deal is tentative in the senate. you have to pass it through the senate. i suspect it will pass in the senate and in the house there
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could be problems. >> even taking a step back further, the question is this deal and it is just among a very small, but important group of senators. >> three democrats and three republicans. they were bringing in people along the way. even the most conservative and hawkish. they were a consultant and the big question and i was literally texting with someone during the break is the house. whether or not the house speaker is going to be able to take this deal that allows for it, it would take legal residents and adds border security. those are the two components. whether or not the house speaker is willing to put something along those lines on the floor of the house knowing full well they will mead a lot of support. the question is, this is really a chicken or an egg question,
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wolf. is the president going to say i'm signing on to this before they know the speaker will do it or is the speaker saying i'm not going to do this until i get the political cover i need from you. this is why the president says i will take the heat. it's so parnt. people like the republicans like dick durbin are going to be saying to the president you said you would take the heat. here it is. take it. >> he said i will take the heat if they come up with a deal. you get different reactions. other important news sweeping policy shifts. the white house said states cannot compel medicate release to work.
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they entered job training in order to receive medicate benefits. not everybody will be able to, wo. that includes people in poor health, pregnant women, high unemployment and calls out the opioid epidemic saying it can count towards the mandate and recovery programs can be excused. this is potentially significant development they put forward. >> this is one of many examples of elections having consequences. this is a classic bit of republican conservative credo which is there should be government benefits. there should be a federal safety net for every american, but it can't just be giving it to everybody without anything in return. the fact that they have said as you pointed out, the most
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extreme cases are going to be exempt is noteworthy. it's unclear how far this is going to go and how widespread it is, but to me this is case and point of republican credo winning the day at a time when you would expect it to. republican in the white house and republicans in congress. this is an administration policy. >> elections have consequences. don't go too far. we will have much more on the breaking news. republicans saying a bipartisan deal. they have been on the fate of the dreamers. that certainly depens on the white house. they will get reaction. stay on top of the breaking news.
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more on this bipartisan deal with $700,000 for enhanced deal. you heard about the so-called gang of six, three republican senators and three democratic senators came up with an apparent compromise that allow the dreamers to remain legally. what are you hearing initially from the white house? >> despite the gang of six members. the senior official i spoke with just a little while ago. he would be skeptical that a deal reached by these members would be able to pass the house in particular. the reason for that is more
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liberal and the make up of the house republican conference is more conservative than that in the senate. this underscored the challenges that the white house and congress are facing what the president had. >> we will see if lindsey graham could convince the president to take the heat. the president said he is ready to take the heat and support what they come up with, democrats and republicans. we will see how that unfolds. it could pass the senate. we will see how it comes up for a vote and it won't unless the president comes out in favor. thanks very much. much more on the breaking news coming up. other important news including governors from both sides of the aisle are crying foul after the white house exempts only the
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historic offshore drilling met by opposition from some of the nation's governors who would be affected by this new policy. this was the map of offshore drilling plans off the coast of the continental united states but now you can see they are striking florida from the map t republican governor rick scott protested with the white house, met with the interior secretary ryan zinke, then they were taken
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off the list. joining from washington is the governor of washington state. thanks so much for joining us. >> you bet. good morning. >> why do you think florida was taken off the list? >> well, look, there has been a bipartisan revulsion against what happened here. because both democrat and republican governors, 15 have objected to this, 6 republicans. and the reason is that we believe america deserves a president who will protect our beaches from sea to shining sea. not just those that have a political pal who is in trouble in a senate race in florida which is the case with frankly nonstellar environmental record that's trying to look good. and not just protect places where you happen to have a golf course with a beach around it. this president deserves and has an obligation to protect all of our beaches. and the story throughout the country, both in republican and
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democrat states right now, is that we all have the same thing i have in washington, a $400 million recreation industry. $1.5 billion fishing industry. i have 11,000 jobs in the tourism industry on the washington beaches that are every bit as important as the florida recreational economy. and that's true from south carolina to california to or oregon, nothing unique about florida except someone in trouble running for the senate and resort that donald trump has. maybe i have to buy donald trump a golf course in washington to get him to protect us but this really is outrageous. >> governor, the secretary ryan zinke says he expects to meet with all the governors involved. you sent alert, have you gotten a response, spoken to him personally to protect the pacific waters off your state? >> no, we wrote them in august,
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a strenuously objecting to this plan. we got no response. we wrote him a week ago. governors brown of california and governor brown of oregon. a week ago we got no response. we've written and called again today with no response. they are a day late and dollar short. this is chaos under this administration. and it's interesting that it has, to me, provoked such a bipartisan outrage about this from the governor of south carolina and even georgia has expressed concern about this. so this is legitimately a bipartisan outrage at this political politically favoritism to peninsula that happens to have alligators and republican in the senate. this thing stinks to high heaven. it won't stand. here's the good news. the good news is there is every
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reason to believe we will succeed in blocking donald trump from this like again we have in muslim ban, because we have a lot of tools at our disposal to challenge this in court, because it's obviously arbitrary and capricious, we have a lot of tools to prevent using our ports to access this. and, frankly, not as much interest as they may think in the oil industry. but this is also, frankly, the tip of the ice berg, if you will, because this is a president who is still mired in the industries of the past. we are growing jobs like crazy in solar energy, electric cars, electric batteries. that's the future of this. he's not going to the future. he wants to go backwards to the days we had oil spills. we had two terrible oil spills in '88 and '91. we know what it looks like on the beaches. this won't stand. >> governor, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> all right. lots going on. coming up, we are standing by for the white house press briefing.
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looking at live pictures. after a quick break, we'll also update you on the breaking news senator saying bipartisan deal on the fate of the d.r.e.a.m.ers but another senator pushing back saying they do not have a final deal yet. stand by. the great emperor penguin migration. trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. except for these two fellows. this time next year, we're gonna be sitting on an egg. i think we're getting close! make a u-turn... u-turn? recalculating... man, we are never gonna breed. just give it a second. you will arrive in 92 days. nah, nuh-uh. nope, nope, nope. you know who i'm gonna follow? my instincts. as long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. i'm breeding, man. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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this is cnn breaking news. hi there. i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. we begin with, what else, confusion in washington d.c. in the past hour we were told bipartisan group of senators, 3 republicans and democrats just reached this deal on d.r.e.a.m.ers. 800,000 immigrants brought to the u.s. as young children on verge of losing legal status unless congress acts. the deal, according to republican
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