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tv   The Van Jones Show  CNN  January 27, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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[ applause ] >> i'm van jones. this is "the van jones show" season 1, episode 1. thank you for being here from the beginning, i appreciate you very much. appreciate you very much. also, here, we have a local rapper, you may have heard of, the legendary, shawn jay-z carter is in the building. my first guest. later, we are going to move from jay-z's american success story
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to the scene of an american tragedy, charlottesville, north carolina where nazis marched and murdered. you are going to see that. first, let's just talk. where are we today, as a nation, as we start this show? trump, year one is done. this is year two. i call it a tale of two presidencies. all right? y'all may not like this. here is the messy truth about it. things are actually better than trump supporters had hoped and they are worse than many trump opponents feared. you have to admit, you have to look at it honestly. the economy is doing pretty well, so far, under trump. many people that predicted a stock market meltdown, but the reverse actually happened. he continues obama's bull market and accelerated it.
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that means my 401(k) looks amazing right now, and so does yours. unemployment numbers were going down under obama. the tax cut made a bunch of people happy. trump's supporters have a great deal to be relieved and excited about. but -- but -- but, record numbers of americans cannot stand this president. they live in daily outrage and fear about what he is doing to us, as a country. we now have a commander in chief who picks fights with truth seeking journalists, with his own fbi agents, with football players. but he somehow bungled the chance to stand-up forcefully to nazi terrorists and russians messing up our elections. he's dmonizing immigrants and left hundreds of thousands of american citizens in puerto
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rico, right now, without electricity. remember that? they are still there. he's got nothing for them. he casually threatens nuclear war. he wanted an accused pedophile in the u.s. senate and gave hush money to a porn star mistress. this is insane. he creates so many controversies every day, nobody can keep up anymore. and the madness divided the country so much that half of us can barely speak to the other half half the time. here is the contradiction. our economy is coming up. but, our society is coming apart. that's the truth. now, which one of those two facts is more important to you? and it matters a lot because this year, in november, we, the people, finally get to vote again. we get to vote. so, you know, we have to get smart about how we see this situation. this show is designed to pop these bubbles we have all been
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living inside of to get a better insight in how your fellow americans feel about stuff. you can't understand politics today, without understanding the whole picture from media and culture at the highest levels down to grass roots movements at the deepest levels. from the women of me too to the white supremacists who call themselves the alt right. i'm a believer that no one person, party or candidate has all the answers. we are going to be using everything from road trips to social media to hear directly from you. so, from the unknown to the infamous to the famous, everybody's got a place in this conversation on this show. and, speaking of world famous, with the rise of trump, pop culture has taken over politics. now, politics is taking over pop culture. there's only one man who can help us understand all of that
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and more. he is the founder of rock nation. he is the co-owner of the streaming service called title. he is a 21 time grammy winner. he has a house made out of grammy's. eight more tomorrow night. please welcome to "the van jones show" shawn jay-z carter. oh, yeah. [ applause ] >> good to see you. >> that's right. that's right. >> this is crazy. >> nice, man. going to be nice. they hooked you up. you have a nice spot. >> they did me upright. >> yeah, they did. >> when they heard you were coming. i never knew how many people loved me or cared about my
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career until you said you were coming. i have cousins who said i just want to be there to support you. i have a mixed tape, you know? anyway, it means a lot to have you here. >> thank you. >> you know, this album, the 4: 44 album with all the awards and nominations, one thing that blew my mind is the video on "family feud" and you show blue ivy taking over the world or saving the world. it's beautiful. just so powerful to show women of color with that kind of standing. but, blue ivy must be dope to believe she has that kind of love letter. what do you love about her? >> she is special, man. she's someone whose definitely been here before. everyone says that, but i believe that. she's so in tune to our feelings
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and others and how other people feel. this is before the fires, recently in los angeles. she just seen smoke and started crying. she said i don't want anyone to be hurt. >> wow. >> that's the type of -- >> empathy. >> -- empathy and human being she is at a young age. that concept was dreamed up by me and ava. it was beautiful where there are no more firsts for black people. move that out of the conversation. >> check. >> where do we go from here? it's a beautiful thing and i'm glad people respond to it. [ applause ]
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>> you don't realize what you are missing in the culture until somebody shows it to you. we have a lot of -- you know, black people have a lot of history, but little future. we have a month for black history. we don't have a future weekend. we never talk about the future. to be able to see that. this me too moment and this time's up moment, does that give you hope for your daughter? how do you make sense of the rise of women? >> i think, again, i believe everything happens for a reason. you know, everything is a learning experience, good, bad and ugly. and, you know, this had to happen to purge itself. you know? for, you know, men who have been in position for so long and the cost of being in that position of how to abuse your power, get drunk on success. it's like human nature. it takes a special person to
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have that sort of power. so, you know, it has to happen. this -- this -- this movement and everything that is going on and this, what we are finding out, it's like everything else. it's like racism and everything. it existed the whole time. we just, it's almost like we normalized it. the normalization of the things we have to do to survive, like, for women to, like, go to work knowing this sort of abuse was happening every day. you can look and, you know, logically, say why would you stay there? what is the alternative? what is the alternative? you have to survive in america. to survive, you have to normalize it. this is going on. to uncover it, and the world to correct itself, this is what has to happen. >> we now have two daughters to
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worry about. you have twins. i'm here to warn you about something -- >> i'm not worried about my children. i don't want to put that out there in the world, you know what i'm saying? i'm hopeful for my daughters. the amount of information that we'll give them and the amount of love between those two things, you know, they'll be fine. >> they'll be all right. [ applause ] >> i love how you keep it positive. i will say, you have a set of twins. >> yeah. >> i want you to know something, i'm a twin. i have a sister, angela. be prepared, twins are no joke. we can scheme on the parents. >> yeah. >> i'm going to cry from one two three, and you pick up. are they driving you nuts? how is it to be a twin of a
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super dad? >> we are in a beautiful time right now because they are 7 months and they can't move. they just cool. you don't have to, wait, wait, wait. they are not running anywhere, yet. we are going to enjoy these couple months. >> speaking of running, blue ivy got to run around in the obama white house a little bit. do you think these twins will run around the trump white house? >> no. not a shot. >> why not? i was thinking about this. >> we won't be invited, first of all. >> listen, i'm the first hip hop president. i like bling. i got a plane. you can make a play. when have you made a play? >> he doesn't have the struggles, right? that's the key. that's the key.
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>> you know, i want to talk to you about this. as a parent, you know, trying to raise black kids, with all the positivity we give them, you know, we have a president that says every african country is a shit hole country. how does that land with you, as a dad? >> disappointing and hurtful. it is hurtful. everyone feels anger. after the anger, it's hurt. looking down on a whole population of people. you are so misinformed because these places have beautiful people and beautiful everything. it's just, like, this is the leader of the free world speaking like this. on the other side, this has been going on. this is how people talk. this is how they talk behind closed doors. it was a moment when donald sterling was a racist on a private phone conversation he was having. it's like, okay, that's one way
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to do it. another way would have been to have his team and talk about it together. maybe some penalties. once you do that, all of the other closet racists run back in the hole. you haven't fixed anything. you have sprayed perfume on the trash can. what you do, when dwrou that, you know, the bugs come and you spray something and you create a superbug because you don't take care of the problem. you don't take the trash out, you keep spraying whatever over it to make it acceptable. as those things grow, you create a superbug. now we have donald trump, the superbug. [ laughter ] >> it's a really good point. sounds like -- >> donald trump is a human being, too. i'm being funny, i say that,
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too. somewhere along his lineage, something happened to him. something happened to him and he is in pain and he is expressing it this way. >> in the hood, you see that a lot. sometimes people act out the worst because the worst happened to them. >> that's right. >> to give him credit, he is somebody saying, look, i'm dropping black unemployment. black people are doing well under my administration. does he have a point that maybe the democrats have been giving us good lip service, but no jobs. he may say terrible things, but putting money in our pockets. is he a good leader? >> no. money doesn't equate to happiness. that's missing the whole point. you treat people like human beings, then, you know, that's the main point. you can't treat someone like,
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goes back to treat me bad and pay me well. it's not going to lead to happiness. it's going to lead to, again, the same thing. everyone is going to be sick. the point about that, yeah, on a democrat side is, yeah, it's been a lot -- that's what opened the door for this sort of presidency, right? for many years, guys, middle america, they have been voting democrat because that's what they were. their family did. they did it as, you know, a replay. you know, their needs wasn't addressed. it was more so, okay, let's get this vote because this vote, it became about votes, not people. that's my problem with government is, i think they forget that it's real people behind these decisions they are making. we are not 25,000 votes in this
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area. it's people going through real things in realtime and real pain. when you ignore that pain for so long, people act out. it's like now i want to see something different. that opens the door for what we are living through now. >> the thing i want -- [ applause ] >> yeah, exactly. the thing that is so beautiful about you and so beautiful about what you are doing is that for so long, hip hop was this sort of pose of boasting and accusing. i'm great, you suck. that's what politics has become. >> yeah. >> my party is great, you suck. all accusation, no confession, with your album, you have come out with a confessional hip hop. if people in d.c. were as honest as you, we would have no problems at all. i want to appreciate you for
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what you are doing. >> thank you. [ applause ] coming up, we have been fighting on the same side of a tough issue we believe in. first, i told you i wanted you to hear from the voices of real people on the show and i meant it. i asked you to send me videos of how trump is doing. take a look at what the american people have to say. >> i'm going to let everyone know that i'm anavidsupporter of donald trump. >> i'm afraid we are losing our soul as a nation. >> donald trump is doing a really good job. >> finally understand how fragile, how fragile our democracy is. (vo) i was born during the winter of '77. i first met james in 5th grade. we got married after college. and had twin boys. but then one night, a truck didn't stop. but thanks to our forester,
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neither did our story. and that's why we'll always drive a subaru. i'm sorry, leo. i know i'm late. traffic on the ponte vecchio on a monday. always late. oh! my wallet! un momento. card lock from capital one. instantly lock your card. in case your card goes... arrivederci. mona! that smile. technology this convenient... could make history. what's in your wallet? they cahow many of 'em?e, sir! we don't know. dozens. all right! let's teach these freaks some manners! good luck out there, captain! thanks! but i don't need luck, i have skills... i don't have my keys.
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welcome back to "the van jones show," i'm talking to my guest, shawn "jay-z" carter. you are so good at so many things. one of the things people don't know that you are and good at, you are a sports agent. you decided not only to change the game in music, but krou saw athletes being taken advantage of. i have a question for you.
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colin. colin kaepernick. here is a guy, he is now an american hero, sticking up for civil rights, police reform, the first amendment. he's a legend, but he lost his job. if you were his sports agent, jay-z is a sports agent for colin kaepernick, before this happened, he said i want to do this, would you have said do it, don't do it? council the brother. >> 100% do it. look how many people play football. they are not him. would you rather be playing football getting your head dinged in or an iconic figure for the rest of your life? a job, i think people, again, we confuse the idea of having a job with fulfilling your purpose. >> turning to church.
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>> everybody is like, hmm. >> somebody else we both care about is mill. he's a part of the rock nation family, a terrible judge sent him back to prison for two or three years for a minor probation violation. that would have been a time a lot of business people cut ties. rather than cutting ties, you doubled down, tripled down. why are you taking a strong stand for him? >> he is a beacon. he brings attention to the issue. this is not the first time this happened. this is, unfortunately, in america, this happens with black and brown people way too often. >> what happens? >> when you are on probation, on this paper, you do a crime, whatever time you do. he's been on probation for 11 years. >> for a fairly minor offense.
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>> 11 years. so, now it's almost like you are tethered to this thing and they are waiting for you to do something wrong. every time something happens, a guy popped a wheelie. they were shooting a video and popped a wheelie. your kid goes to a skateboard park and skates where he's not supposed to and someone gives him two years. >> two years in prison. >> he comes from a tough neighborhood. he's gone through trials and tribulations. we are not confessing he is an angel, but in this incident, the whole system needs to be reworked. >> what's amazing is you are not just doing it for him. you are not rapping about it, you are fighting. you wrote a piece in the new york times and the bail industry and how it is a huge racket. i took inspiration and made my own video and explained to people. people don't know what's going
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on. check out this video i did on the bail bondage that you have been writing about as well. >> your bonds are set at $5,000. >> i'm going to leave your bond at $5,000. >> it takes money from a defendant in exchange for their release. if a person can't afford bail, they have to sit in jail. on an average day, 721,300 people are being held in our jails. 56% of those people are being held pretrial, meaning they haven't been convicted of a crime. while you are sitting in that cell, you, or your family member can try to pay the bond. for some people that can mean foregoing basic needs like child support or shelter or food. remember, you are not just in jail for a night or two. you are there until your trial actually starts. that could be weeks or months or years.
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like kalif, 16 years old when he was accused of stealing a backpack. his bail was set at $3,000, which he didn't have and couldn't afford. he spent three years waiting for trial. there, he was beaten, he was abused, held in solitary confinement. when the charges were dropped, he was released. two years later, he was still so traumatized he killed himself. jail affects people of color way disproportionately. they are jailed at four times the rate of white people. leaders on both sides of the aisle agree this is a big problem. you actually executive produce a documentary about can lekalif b held in jail. why do you care, personally so much about the issue of criminal justice reform? you are all over it.
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>> i have a friend who got killed in jail. i come from these neighborhoods. i know kalif. when i saw the story in new york, i reached out to him before all this happened. you know, i met with him, he came to the office. i just wanted to give him words of encouragement. he left, he was pursuing his ged. he was in the bronx, i think. i'm not sure. you know, i have seen this story so many times. i haven't seen it in the case of kalif, i thought it had a happy ending. he got through it all. he came home. he was in college. then two weeks later, he committed suicide. >> you know, mental health, trauma, ptsd is so rampant in our community. as scared as black folks are of the cops, we are more scared of therapists. we are not trying to go to therapy. >> it's a stigma. >> a stigma and people are dying. how did you get over the stigma
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of going to therapy and talk about it? you might save a life talking about that. >> as you grow, you realize the ridiculousness of the stigma attached to it. you talk to someone about your problems. it should be in our school. children have the most going on in mind. you know, teenagers and drinking and doing damage to your brain. all these things that happening to you and you don't know how anxiety and all these things that happen to you, you don't have the language. you don't have the language to navigate it. how can you navigate it. how can you know when a guy is bullying you. say, you okay? >> those skills to get out of therapy. we are going to come back. more with jay-z. we are going to talk about the grammy's and the new album.
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first, here is more of what you had to say about the state of our union. >> incompetent, ridiculous, foolish, embarrassing. >> i'm excited to support a man who stopped islamic terrorists of isis. >> inspired. >> truly love and respect what he brought back to police, our flag and veterans. samsung galaxy phones get a samsung galaxy s8 free. yahoooo! ahoooo! plus, unlimited family plans come with netflix included. spectacular! so, you can watch all your netflix favorites on your new samsung phones. whoa! join the un-carrier and get a samsung galaxy s8 free. all on america's best unlimited network.
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all right. we are back with shawn "jay-z" carter. you are nominated for eight grammy's tomorrow. >> it's eight more than you, by the way, in case you were wondering on the math. >> tonight you are receiving the industry icon award. unbelievable stuff. [ applause ] >> i want to get into this album. i feel like the 4:44 album is a breakthrough for you, personally and, really for all of us. nobody cared more about freedom, that i know, than prince. and you give a shoutout to prince on the album, which really touched me. a lot of people don't know, you
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were his business partner. you were the last person he wanted to do business with. he wanted to be with you. tell us about the significance of that relationship between prince rogers nelson and shawn "jay-z" carter for you. >> it was deep, it really was. just to watch this guy and how brave he was. put slave on his face at a time we all were like, man, prince is weird. come to find out, he was fighting for his masters the whole time. he was fighting for his freedom the whole time. he came to me. i didn't have the nerve to call him. he came to me, said i know what you are doing. i'm going to give you all my work. a person fought for his work their entire life to come to your office and say, i know what you are doing here. it was deep for me. >> you explained how you feel
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about him. i want to tell you how he felt about you. i worked close with him, too. brother, he saw you as the one who finally beaten the system. beat down black entertainers for a century. for him, he loved egypt and he talked about egypt and he saw you in that line of a black builder, owner and wanted to make sure that you knew he had your back. for me to see a brother see a brother, he didn't just -- he had love for everybody. he didn't have respect for everybody. he had respect for you brother. >> thank you. >> let me move on. this album is a gateway drug to freedom. it is unbelievable what you have been able to do. it's about financial freedom. everybody talks about the o.j. song like it's about o.j.
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it's an ode to financial freedom. i never saw a rapper rap about investing in art and buying property and real estate. how important for the african-american freedom agenda is intergen rational wealth, giving your kids advice, but goods. >> it's right. how important? when you have your own independence and bring something to the table, you can ask for something and say it's not right. until we come to the table as a collective with our own power base in entertainment. that's a natural resource. until we come to the table with our own power base, nothing will change. it will not change. we can talk. we can riot. we can rally. nothing will change until we are providing a service, not the entertainment. not, i'll pay you, when you leave, i pay the next guy. we have to own what we produce.
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>> prince said if you don't own the master, the master owns you. that's about freedom. more freedom in your album. freedom from the lgbt community. the song about your mother coming out the closet, "smile." that means beautiful. then the video is so beautiful. you know, showing african-american women in such a beautiful, respectful, subtle way. what did it mean to be able to write a song like that about your mother? >> it was beautiful. really, i was three quarters of the way done with the album and my mom came to me. i know this is her thing. she gets a movement. she's like -- and i'm like, what's happening? she said, i think i'm in love. we had never spoke like that. we knew she was gay her whole
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life, we just never addressed it. the fact that she trusted me and felt so safe with me that she could say that. and, two, the fact that i felt the weight of the world. i cried. i don't believe in crying for happy moments. who does that? i didn't think that was a real thing. you know what i'm saying? i was so happy. she didn't have to hide anymore, so i wrote this song and i couldn't wait. i played it for her. she said absolutely not. i was like,way, no, no. this is beautiful. this is freedom. people tell your story, you get to tell your own story. she had to sit with it. imagine, she had been holding this in her whole life. it took a second. when she overcame that fear, she wrote that poem at the end. i talk too much, huh?
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>> no, i'm talking too much. shut up and listen to you. we'll see you next weekend. but, no, i just am thinking about so many black people. they say i love the person, but i can't love that lifestyle. how does that sound? >> i don't understand that. it's another form of, you know, oppression and it's no different than people looking at black people for how they carry on with their life. what anyone does in their own bedroom, their own freedom of america, we live in america. that's the whole thing, it was built on that, right? you know? it's, again, it's a negative way of looking at it. >> the other freedom i see in the album is the freedom for couples who have gone through
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something. >> yeah. >> you know, it's amazing. it's almost a cliche, the celebrity couple, they get together, break up. who else are they going to go out with? for some reason, you took an unprecedented stand to fight for this marriage. i mean, to fight for it and to put it all out there. what is it about this marriage that's so special that you would fight this hard to keep it? >> it's my soulmate, the person i love. if you haven't experienced love, you are going to have complications, period. you can either address it or pretend until it blows up, at some point. for us, we chose to fight for our love, our family, to give our kids a different outcome. to break that cycle. for black men and women, you
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know, to see a different outcome, like you were saying, it's not celebrity. we were never a celebrity couple. we were a couple that happened to be celebrities. real people. >> yeah. what advice would you have for men who have caused pain? it's easy. somebody like you -- >> that's changed behavior, right? change behavior, one. then, also, you have to, you know, you have to acknowledge. you have to acknowledge the pain. you have to let that person have their say. you have to -- you have to -- you have to get on the floor, get on the mattress and you have to really work through it and really be honest and no matter how many times, it takes a while. it's hard. it's difficult to hear, difficult to say, difficult to listen to that sort of pain. you have to be strong enough. you have to be strong enough to
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go through that. on the other side, it's beautiful. you know, in our case. >> that's the level of strength on both sides. if the shoe had been on the other foot, the transgressions on her side, do you think you would have been as forgiving of her as she was of you? >> i hope. i love her the same way. i pray i will because of her strength and her, you know, you know, she is the strongest woman i know. behind my mother. they battle for number one. [ applause ] >> you know, i just want to say to you, you are blazing a trail, you know, for a lot of us financially, culturally. the idea of confession can save so much pain, suffering, politics and everything else. i honor you.
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ask him before he leaves, you know, is he in the -- i said i'm not going to ask that, but are you? >> i'm in the new -- >> let's give it up for shawn carter. we are going to turn from one of our brightest stars to one of our darkest moments when we get back, august, 2007 in charlottesville. i went there to see how they feel about the monuments. i'm going to take you there when we come back. thank you and thank you, jay-z. t la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at
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we have had a wild and turbulent year. nothing shocked the nation like august, 2017 in charlottesville, virginia. everybody was watching, nazi, white nationalists that gathered at a hate-filled protest. it turned into violence that killed heather heyer. two state troopers died, many more hurt. at the center of it, the
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controversy over the removal of a statue, honoring a con federal general honoring robert e. lee. president trump made it worse, defending people on both sides, whatever that means. charlottesville has become a slogan, but it's a real place, with real people. sometimes, the best place to have a real conversation is when you are driving someplace. i went there and got a van. that's right, van got a van. i picked up some conservatives and a liberal. take a look at what happened next. >> charlottesville. here we go. ♪ >> what 's up, tanner. you see them land. i don't see fords. >> they are in the trunk. >> listen, they don't have good
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seats. they let anybody drive. look here. you would never think this is a place where nazi's were marching, where someone was murdered, isis-like, terrorist tactics. here we are at lee park. you can see, the statue of harvey lee is covered. >> when you see that statue there, how do you feel about that? >> i think that it's terrible because i think it's a misrepresentation of who put the statue up. the statue was put up by charlottesville greatest benefactor. >> it is a way of telling black and brown people, you go this far, no further. >> what do you base that on, that they were put there for
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that purpose? it's contrary to anything i know about mcintyre. >> do you think the statue should stay up or take down? >> it's up to the people. >> if you have a vote? >> they have been there. they serve >> robert e. lee was considered great in his own era. >> by whom? >> yes, by whom? >> by the government of the united states of america. >> he was considered a traitor. he was considered great by those who were in his circle. >> how would you feel if you were a blackman or a black woman. you talk about generations of enslavement and brutization. how would you feel? >> i don't think that as a white person i will ever completely understand how a black person feels. >> one way to understand, of
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course, is just to listen. >> can you empathize with him as a white man how he would feel to see those statues shrouded? >> i would say -- >> is it okay for white guys to be proud? >> i can't know what it's in his heart or head. >> they are statues to honor great american soldiers. >> i wouldn't feel that same pride as i would for, you know my grandfather who fought in world war ii. >> how do you feel about that sign that says hell or highway?
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>> a mother's child is gone. a community member is gone. >> there were a number of people, including the president of the university, who said don't go downtown. stay away from downtown. and it was the concept of if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there, does it make any noise. >> somebody might mistake you as saying it was heather's fault for coming down here. you don't feel that way, do you? >> no, no. i don't feel it was her fault. but my point is that nobody who stayed away from downtown charlottesville was killed by neo-nazis. >> people of good sound mind did not believe the way to handle the situation was to pretend that they weren't there and nothing was going to happen. >> you are a young white male who is a conservative, and you are seeing in your own peer group people being pulled to some of these very atrocious ideas. what are we missing?
4:53 pm
>> they misinterpreted trump's message to something they identified with. i think they have infiltrated the republican party as their platform to spread their hate and i think we have done a bad job of telling them that they cannot do that. >> trump himself sometimes says and does things that seem to be giving aid and comfort to some of these very negative elements. >> president donald trump, i voted for him. when he didn't unequivocally condemn the nazis in charlottesville, that was very upsetting to me. >> what good is it going to do to take these statues down? how does this advance getting jobs for black people? how does this advance education? >> the problem is that so much of what this city is about is so intertwined with this stuff. >> the statues are a distraction.
4:54 pm
we do have these major, major issues of economic disparity. >> the real issue is, again, is this country going to be america? is it going to be great for everybody, or is it going to be great just for a few. when people tell me about the good old days, i don't know what they're talking about. >> i was born at the university of virginia hospital in the basement where the colored babies were with the led pipes dripping in 1955. >> i was likewise born in the university of virginia hospital in 1952. but i'm sure on a higher floor. >> definitely. but i'm glad that now if your grandchildren and my grandchildren were to have their babies they would be in the same maternity ward. >> might be the same baby.
4:55 pm
>> even when we disagree, we should at least try to understand each other. and on this show we are going to keep trying to do just that. let's end on some good news. my mother is able to watch this show tonight. and that's something of a miracle. she's in her 70s. she's very sick. and her health just nose dived this time last week. she's in a hospital. she is surviving but thanks only to a feeding tube. so, you know, my family is a lot like your family. we have our ups and downs. but last week everybody came together. we put all our divisions aside and showed up. and guess what? they took the tube out and my momma went home this week. so it got me thinking, though. you know, it's so sad. politics torn apart so many american families. i am giving you my first van
4:56 pm
jones challenge. i want you to reach out to one estranged family member. not some strange person that's going to hurt you. but tell them one thing you appreciate about them. no whoas? you might just get a miracle in your family, too. thank you for being here. peace and love for one another. [ applause ]
4:57 pm
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5:00 pm
you are in the "cnn newsroom." thanks for being with me. our breaking news this saturday. a sexual misconduct scandal in las vegas sending shack wa inin. steve wynn, we now have confirmation that he has stepped down from his position running the finances for the republican national committee. this is part of a statement he released just a short time ago. the unbelievable success we have achieved must continue. the work we are doing to make america


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