tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN February 5, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PST
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u.s. president donald trump calls the release of a controversial memo total vicinity days. but lawmakers even on mr. trump's own party openly disagree with that. plus risking everything to escape syria. we take a look at the desperate and often deadly toll in taking a chance for life. also ahead this hour, underdogs making history. the philadelphia eagles win their very first super bowl title. >> hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. we are live in atlanta. i'm rosemary church. >> i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters. "newsroom" starts right now.
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looking ahead, democrats are pushing to release their own memo, a rebuttal, after days of fallout over a republican memo on the russia investigation. >> the republican document claims that the fbi abused its surveillance authority to target an adviser to donald trump's presidential campaign. cnn's boris sanchez has the very latest. >> reporter: word from several republican lawmakers, some of them on the house intelligence committee, contradicting the president outright over the weekend. the president was active on twitter saying that the nunes memo vindicates him and proves that the russia investigation is nothing more than a witch hunt. on saturday night the president also tweeted portions of a "wall street journal" editorial that supposed that there are political actors within the department of justice and the fbi. we also heard from donald trump jr. on saturday night who was on fox news saying that the release
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of the nunes memo is like sweet revenge for him and his family. despite that, these republican lawmakers again are contradicting the president saying that the nunes memo has nothing to do with the russia investigation and should not prevent robert mueller from continuing his work. i want to play sound for you from south carolina representative trey gowdy. listen to what he had to say. >> the memo has no impact on the russia probe? >> no, not to me, it doesn't. and i was pretty integrally involved in the drafting of it. there is a russia investigation without a dossier, to the extent the memo deals with the dossier and the fisa process, the dossier has nothing to do with the meeting at trump tower, the dossier has nothing to do with an e-mail sent by cambridge an lick ka, the dossier has nothing to do with george papadopoulos' meeting in great britain, it also doesn't have to do with obstruction of justice. so there's going to be a russia probe even without a dossier.
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>> that's especially significant because even according to def din nunes, he's the only republican on the house intelligence committee that has actually seen the raw intelligence, the raw data that led a fisa court judge to allow the fbi to surveying carter page. if anyone knows the validity of the nunes memo and its implication on the russia investigation, it would be trey gowdy. democrats are pushing for the release of the so-called schiff memo, their rebuttal which they say provides more information and context and contradicts portions of the nunes memo. we could see a vote from the house intelligence committee as early as monday for its declassification. what is unclear now is whether the president will allow for that memo to be declassified the way that he did for the nunes memo. >> boris sanchez with reporting. let's get context with scott lucas, professor of international politics at university of birmingham live
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via skype from birmingham, england, good to have you with us. let's talk about what the democrats will be pressing to do this week to get that memo released of their own. to offer counterpoints to the nunes memo. the house intelligence committee will consider whether to declassify it. but at the end of the day, scott, it's up to the white house to release this memo. it comes down to the president. how likely do you think it is for the president to give this okay? >> well, he and his allies are in a bit of a jam. because they've overplayed their hand. let's be clear. the nunes memo was an attempt to end the russia investigation. that's what donald trump said on saturday when he called it witch hunt. when he said the fbi was a disgrace. republicans yesterday were scrambling to walk that back. because secondly, the nunes memo is so badly flawed, even without being the democratic rebuttal. it is so riddled with omissions and mistakes that if i had a student present it to me as an
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essay, i'd give an "f" and kick them out the door. but that means republicans, including as you heard trey gowdy from the house intelligence committee, are saying maybe we need to see the democratic response. and of course the russia investigation will continue. when this gets to donald trump and when it gets to his advisers, who have been trying for months, not just this past week, but for months to end the investigation, and have even compared intelligence agencies to nazis in an effort to do that, will trump accept what will in effect be a defeat for his campaign? will he raise the stakes even higher by blocking the memo? >> i want to talk about the optics of this republican party at odds with each other about this memo. the president claims it's total vindication and ultimately casts the investigation as biased from the start. his own colleagues though say it has no bearing on the investigation. many of them even downplaying the significance at this point. >> well, that's because a
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shotgun was fired and it missed. it was very much intended by devin nunes, who's an ally of trump's, was on his trump transition team, when he drew up the memo, that they wanted to discredit the fbi, justice department, and mueller. you had trump and trump jr. saying on saturday, we've succeeded, we've done it. that's why fox news and breitbart, lies of the president, said the same thing on saturday. the problem is that because the memo didn't stand up for a lot of people who know what they're talking about, and because the attack is so serious, because you are talking about either trump wins or the fbi wins. that by sunday, it's like, okay, maybe this battle isn't going the way that we want. and so what you had are republicans trying to protect themselves. they're still saying they have worries about the process by which the surveillance of carter page was obtained, they're trying to hold that ground. but on the wider ground, especially the firing of robert mueller, they are dancing back as fast as they can. >> all right. we've been talking a lot about the micro of this memo.
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we just hope that people can follow the details. there's a lot to it. it's confusing for a lot of folks. so i'm trying to make sure all of that's clear. let's talk about the macro. let's talk about the big picture. with regards to these institutions that conduct investigations, the fbi, the department of justice, both agencies that are feeling the heat and the president's son have this to say about them feeling that heat, let's listen. >> there is a little bit of sweet revenge in it for me and certainly probably the family in the sense that if they wouldn't have done this, this stuff would be going on. this would be going on at the highest levels of government. they'd be continuing to do it to my father, trying to undermine his actions. >> scott, the question here, under a president who campaigned as the law and order president, what does this type of pressure do to these agencies? does it cause damage? >> it's not just the agencies, george, it's the entire u.s. system. i want to be clear here. the last time we were in this position was in the 1970s during
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watergate. when richard nixon tried to curb the fbi, make it provide his information, when he fired the special prosecutor, archibald cox. when he put pressure on other intelligence agencies like the cia. just to be quiet. now, he failed. more than 40 years later, we have got a position where trump is saying that -- you know, apart from a token reference to rank and file, you can't trust anyone in the fbi, you can't trust anyone in the justice department, his allies are saying there's a deep state coup against me. now that goes well beyond what we saw even 40 years ago. and the difference now is, is that some republicans -- in the 1970s the republicans stood up to nixon and said, we've got to investigate this. some republicans are still allied with trump, and that accusation which is, we will take the fbi down, we will take the justice department down, if that is what is necessary to keep this man in the white house. this is a constitutional crisis, george.
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i want to be clear about this. it's not going to end tomorrow, next week, next month. but this is a crisis, and we are in it for the long haul. >> all right, scott lucas with your analysis on this, thank you so much for being with us and pushing through. i can hear you've got the voice going on. it happens to me too, you get some water and we'll be in touch with you, friend, thank you. >> thank you. a surprise twist in what was south korea's trial of the century. >> an appeals court has suspended the sentence of former samsung chief jae li. he walked out of jail earlier to be processed out, less than a year after being sentenced for bribery and corruption. li's case put a spotlight on corrupt deals between huge companies and the government. >> paula newton joins us from seoul. how was jaey. lee able to walk out of prison at this time? >> this was really an appeals court ruling that as you say has stunned this country and many in
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the business world. you have to think there isn't much that can throw the olympics and north korea off the top headlines here. and this story certainly has. this man had been sentenced to five years in prison. he'd already served close to a year for really what was the south korean scandal of epic proporti proportions. the reason that is also embro embroiled and brought down eventually the former president her here, park geun-hye, she remains in prison. a few of those indictments were thrown out, another sentence was redu reduced. he has a suspended sentence for four years, which means if he doesn't get in any more trouble he doesn't have to go on any kind of probation or anything like that, he has been set free. technically, we don't know if he's left prison yet or the courthouse. but this will really stun many in south korea. they thought when this top figure -- you have to think, he is the heir of one of the largest fortunes in the world. and that empire that we have seen grow year after year after year. samsung, which is the very
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picture of south korean progress and the economy for the last few decades. this was the heir to all of that. and here he was sitting in prison. i should say as well, rosemary, samsung says they do not have official comment but referred us, interesting, to the defense team. for lee. saying that they were happy, of course, with this reduced sentence and the fact that he was set free, and have yet to even refer this case to the supreme court, which they will continue to do to look for even more remedy in this case. so a lot of reaction still coming out. this just came out the next few hours. even reaction on social media. you can imagine it has been quite divided. but some saying that they believe that the ruling against lee should stand and they wonder what the judge's motives in all this could have been. >> yeah, and the irony being here he was sentenced to prison for bribery and corruption. we will look into this a little more, of course, in the hours ahead. paula newton joining us from seoul and south korea, many thanks to you.
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the eyes and the ears of the world will be on pyeongchang in south korea this weekend for the opening of the winter olympic games. the athletes are already arriving in south korea, but the action behind the scenes has already begun. >> namely politics and diplomacy. north korea is sending its ceremonial head of state. the united states is sending the vice president as well to be in attendance. >> our paula hancocks is in pyeongchang following all the action. she joins us again now live. so paula, we talked last hour about all of the symbolism, diplomacy on display ahead of the games. let's talk about the significance of north korea sending its ceremonial head of state to the winter olympics in south korea and the signal that that sends. >> rosemary, it's certainly
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significant that kim young nam is going to be coming here to south korea. he is as you say the ceremonial leader of north korea. you are not likely to have the actual north korean leader, kim jong-un, coming here. he is really the closest thing to the leader. he often represents kim jong-un when it comes to overseas trips. because as you know the north korean leader doesn't travel. since he has taken power, he has not left north korea, as far as we know. certainly it's showing that north korea's taking this seriously. they are sending a vip to south korea. he may well have other people within the delegation as well. he's really the only one that has been named at this point. but also interesting to point out that it almost had to be someone like him, because there are a number of other names that you could suggest would come down. but of course they're close to the leader, they have been blacklisted or they have been sanctioned. so kim young nam is really one of those that hasn't been sanctioned at this point. so he is able to travel to come
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here. it does show that north korea's taking this seriously, at least the opening ceremony part of it. >> indeed. let's turn to the logistics. we know that south korea has been working the snow-making machines since november. so how's that been going? i look at that backdrop there, it doesn't look like there's a lot of snow around. >> there's really not, rosemary. on the slopes themselves, you can see the slopes behind me, they won't be used for the actual olympics. but for the last few weeks, months, you have seen snow-making machines on most mountaintops. because they have been feverishly trying to make sure that there is enough snow to actually allow this winter olympics to take place. it's not a problem that south korea alone has had. you have the same in sochi, in vancouver, it seems to be a recurring problem, that at the winter olympics there's not enough snow. we will be talking about this for weeks to come. i did speak to one of the main snow-making companies. they said that they'd been, as you said, they'd started
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mid-november to try and make sure she had enough in time. by mid-january, they thought they had enough. so they stopped making snow. they're not making it anymore. so they seem confident that there is enough. but when you look at the landscape, there's not the blankets of white that you would maybe expect when you're talking about the winter olympics. >> i guess we'll see what happens. proof's in the pudding as they say. paula hancocks joining us from pyeongchang where it is 5:15 in the early evening. many thanks. it's not only athletics at the games, also some controversy. 15 russian team members will not be allowed to compete, even though a sports arbitration court lifted their lifetime ban. cnn's senior international correspondent fred pleitgen is live with details in moscow. what is the reaction there? >> reporter: george, certainly is some reaction coming in from russian politicians, from russian officials, also from
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russian athletes as well. if we just go through it, many of them are saying that they believe this is unfair. however, some of the athletes are saying they're not really surprised by this decision by the international olympic committee. there's one senior lawmaker from russia's do you meuma, the hous parliament, he called this decision inexplicable. he said that russian politicians are actually in touch with some of the russian winter sports federations to try and make sure that the interests of russian athletes who still want to go and participate in these olympics are being protected by russia. but of course one of the things that the russians are saying, there really is very little time left. we're discussing here the olympics are less than a week away. certainly time's running out for these athletes. there's also some athletes who have also commented on this, on russian state news wires. they say they're not really surprised by this decision, they still think that it is unfair. and basically they're saying they believe it shows the ioc does not really think that the decision by the court of
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arbitration in sports is valid and is questioning that decision, and therefore has decided to not invite these athletes. of course they can still try to appeal, they can still try to make it to the games. but as we've been saying, time certainly is not on their side. as we move closer to the olympic games there in south korea. so by and large what we can see by these reactions pouring in, the russians are disappointed, some of them very angry. for instance, the spokeswoman for russia's foreign ministry who said the ioc should be checked for doping, on one of her facebook posts, which she does do a lot of. but there is certainly a great deal of disappointment and anger here coming from moscow at this decision. a lot of russian politicians, after we had that verdict last week, that these athletes were deemed to not have been proven to be guilty of doping, a lot of them thought maybe some of these athletes could participate in the upcoming games. it seems as though ioc has poured cold water on any thought russian athletes might be able
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to make it. >> 15 russian team members not allowed to compete even though a sports arbitration court lifted their lifetime ban. thank you for the reporting and we'll stay in touch for more reaction there, fred. still ahead here on "cnn newsroom," the nfl's big game did not disappoint. patriots and eagles battled for the championship in a thrilling record-breaking super bowl. plus new clues as to what may have caused the latest amtrak train crash in the united states. the fault in leourth in less th months.
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stops. the eagles right before halftime coming through with one of the best tricks you'll see in the super bowl. their quarterback, nick foles, sneaks out of the backfield here and actually catches a touchdown pass. the eagles were leading this game for much of it until the fourth quarter, when tom brady led a comeback, took the lead. nick foles came right back. found zach ertz for this touchdown here. that put the eagles up for good. tom brady would have one last chance at a hale mary but it would be unsuccessful. nick foles, the guy who was the backup quarterback to start the year, he contemplated retiring from the game of football a few years ago. but boy, i'm guessing he's glad he didn't, he was named your super bowl mvp. >> so much is going on right now. but just being in this moment, being with these guys. it's so good to be with my teammates and family. just to be a part of this, to be a part of the philadelphia eagles organization, to be part
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of the first world championship. we're very blessed. it's an unbelievable feeling. and honestly right now it's all soaking in. it's unbelievable. >> losing sucks. but that's part of -- you show up, you try to win. sometimes you lose, that's the way it goes. >> all kinds of records were broken in super bowl lii. the teams combining for 1,151 yards on offense. that's the most for any nfl game ever. regular season or playoffs. nick foles as we showed you, he caught a touchdown pass and threw three. he's the first player ever to catch and throw a touchdown in super bowl history. and tom brady's the first player ever to lose an nfl game when throwing for 500 yards, three touchdowns, and not throwing an interception. george, it's kind of hard to feel bad for tom brady, he's won five super bowls, married to a supermodel. i kind of feel bad for him after this game because he had one of the most epic games a quarterback has ever had in
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football history, and he lost. >> i think you set it up pretty well there. so people are talking about the game, they're also talking about the halftime show. justin timberlake performed. and even paid a special tribute to the host city, minneapolis, with this moment. let's listen. >> minneapolis, minnesota, this one's for you! ♪ ♪ ♪ something that you'll never understand ♪ ♪ i'll never beat you i'll never lie ♪ >> the legend, prince. minneapolis native there. the reaction to this was mixed, i guess, depending where you were, andy? >> yeah, that's exactly right. you know, people in the stadium, at least the ones sitting around me and myself, we thought that was a pretty touching tribute. we thought justin timberlake's performance was pretty awesome. the visuals were great. he sang all of his hits and even went into the stands and sang
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with the fans, took a couple selfies with a young kid, we thought it was pretty good. you look on social media and the reaction's mixed. you can't always please everyone. some of the criticisms of the performance were there was no cameos, no surprise appearances from any other big popular artist. which we've seen in super bowls past. so that left a few people disappointed with it. >> in a freezing minneapolis, minnesota, our andy scholes, fellow texan pushing through, giving us the very latest there, thank you so much, andy. the celebrations in philadelphia gave way to vandalism in parts of the city, unfortunately. we've seen at least one car that was flipped over. >> the mayor's office says fans have smashed windows and torn down light poles and there's a report of a gas station being looted. some injuries have been reported. hard to understand, isn't it. >> it is. investigators believe they may know what caused yet another deadly amtrak crash in the united states.
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this one in south carolina. >> the state's governor says the train appears to have been on the wrong track when it collided with a freight train. this happened early sunday. the accident killed two people, injured 116 others. >> in december, an amtrak train derailed in washington state, hurtling off an overpass, killing three people. we'll take a short break here. still to come, turkey responds to deadly attacks against its troops in syria. we'll have a live report from the region ahead. thousands of migrants want asylum in israel, instead, they're being offered cash and a plane ticket to leave. why israel's government wants them out.
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a winter storm welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world, you are watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. >> i'm george howell with the headlines we're following for you this hour. democrats on the u.s. house intelligence committee may vote on monday to release their response to the republicans' memo, a memo alleging surveillance abuses by the fbi. the u.s. president, donald trump, claims the document totally vindicates him in the russia investigation, though some republicans are downplaying the memo's impact and disagree with him. the first time ever, the philadelphia eagles are super bowl champions. they beat the new england patriots 41-33 in a thriller in the nfl's title game. the patriots and tom brady were the defending champs trying for their sixth super bowl win. it wasn't to be. security tight in belgium as the only surviving suspect in the paris terror attacks goes on
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trial. salah al islam is accused of a shoot-out in brussels before his arrest in a raid. he'll be tried later for the gun and bombing attacks that killed 130 people in paris in 2015. turkey's prime minister has a message for that it toe allies, ignore criticism of the turkish offensive against kurdish fighters in syria. this comes after seven turkish soldiers were killed saturday. it was the deadliest day yet for turkish troops in what they call "operation olive branch." five of the soldiers died when a missile was launched at a tank near afrin. >> the kurdish ypg says this video that you see here shows that missile attack. though cnn cannot yet independently verify the video that you see. turkey sees the ypg as terrorists. but the militia are also a key u.s. ally in the fight against isis. turkey's president had this
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morning for whoever is supplying them with weapons. >> translator: regardless of who delivered that rocket system, it seems that they are walking hand in hand with terrorists and we will share it with all the world when it is confirmed. >> cnn's ben wedeman is tracking events in syria from neighboring lebanon. he joins us live from beirut. ben, another story that we've been focusing on. i want to hear from you the latest information you might have on that russian war plane that was shot down saturday and what has happened since then. >> there was an su-25 russian aircraft that was shot down. it's not clear by what, by whom. but certainly what we've seen as syrian attacks on idlib province in northwestern syria.
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this is really the last major pocket of anti-regime territory. and it really has been the focus of this intensification, certainly after the shooting down of that su-25 on saturday evening. and really the situation there is desperate in terms of the civilians who are in a sense caught between a rock and a hard place. this intensifying russian-syrian offensive in the area. also we must admit that many of the syrian factions in that part of the country are hardline, to say the least, among them what is known as the al qaeda affiliate even though they deny any connections with al qaeda, it operates in that area. so the continuing plight of the civilians in that part of syria really underscores why here in lebanon, we continue to see desperate syrians risking their
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lives to cross the border into this country. >> michon tries to distract his 3-year-old daughter sada recovering in a lebanese hospital. she's all he has left. the rest of his family, his wife and 5-year-old daughter, froze to death along with 15 other syrians while crossing the mountains into lebanon in a snowstorm at night. michon has been working in lebanon for the last 2 1/2 years. >> translator: they were dropped off by a car on the syrian side and were supposed to walk for half an hour into lebanon and then be picked up by another car. but it was dark, it was snowing, and the smugglers abandoned them. >> reporter: michon shows me on his phone pictures he downloaded of his wife as she was found, cradling their daughter, his mother, and his brother's family -- all frozen to death.
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sada has just come out of an operation on her frost-bitten face. she doesn't know her mother, sister, and grandmother are dead. we went back to the mountainside where they died. they were just a few minutes' walk from the nearest house. the snows have melted but this is the spot where the bodies were found. there's still rubber gloves here used by those who took the bodies away. this is a valley frequently used by syrians trying to sneak into lebanon. and their deaths here underscore just how desperate they are to reach safe ground. it's safer in lebanon, but life for the nearly 1 million syrians who have fled here is hard. ever harder in winter in these makeshift camps. sickness is but one of the perils in their leaky, cold shelter. vermin another, he tells me.
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"there's everything here, things i've never seen before, rats, mice, everything." mown that crossed into lebanon with her son. her husband went missing five years ago. "we were afraid, we walked for four days over the mountains after paying $700 to smugglers." some have returned to syria but others continue to come, says mike bruce of the norwegian refugee council. >> translator: walking across the mountains and taking days to cross the mountains in the middle of winter are a testament to that, the fact that syria is not safe. until syria is safe, until there's a lasting peace, people should not be going back to syria. >> reporter: in this cold, wet, and bleak existence, the day when syria is safe again seems an eternity away. >> as we're seeing with this fighting in northwestern syria, indeed, syria, even though the
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opposition is increasingly pushed into a corner of the country, syria is not a safe country. >> it most certainly isn't. these heartbreaking stories, they're tough to tell. ben wedeman, we thank you, coming from beirut with that story, appreciate it. now to israel. the nation handing out deportation notices focused on african asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. >> the government is hoping to crack down on nearly 40,000 migrants in the country. some have begun receiving letters that they have 60 days to leave in exchange for $3,500 and an airfare. >> cnn's oren lieberman live in jerusalem this hour. oren, the message pretty strat-for ward, take the money, get the plane ticket, get out. how is that being received? >> reporter: we've spoken with asylum seekers and applicant sxwds many say they'd rather go to prison.
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they don't feel what israel promises is a safe third country is really safe for them. plus that's not their home, whether rwanda, uganda, any other country. for them the obvious answer is prison. israel has had 14,000 asylum applicants rejected over the last decade, with only 33 accepted. that makes israel's rate of accepting asylum seekers one of the lowest in the western world with test of thousands of applications still unanswered. the map of johnny's journey is drawn in scars. the marks when he lefter tree yeah the beatings in sinai, the wounds when he crossed into israel where he's lived since 2009. >> translator: i feel like i belong here because this is where i am. i placed my foot here, i am here. >> reporter: he's built a life here but his family, like thousands of others, face
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deportation. he speaks in fluent hee bring. >> translator: they tell you, you're not a refugee, you just came for work. they don't believe you. >> reporter: israel has vowed to remove some 38,000 illegal immigrants within months, offering to pay them to leave. most are from eritrea and sudan, two of the biggest sources of refugees in the world. fleeing war and poverty, they traveled north through egypt, turning east to pass through sinai. more than 1,000 crossed the border into israel each month until the israeli army sealed the route with a fence in 2013. the immigration authority here says it has received more than 50,000 asylum requests in the last decade. some 3,600 from eritrea have been rejected. just eight have been accepted. less than 1%, among the lowest rates in the western world. israel calls them infiltrators. >> translator: we are not acting against refugees, we're acting
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against illegal migrants who come here not as refugees but for work needs. israel will continue to offer asylum for genuine refugees and will remove illegal migrants from its midst. >> reporter: south tel aviv is ground zero for this fight. shefi paz is on the front line. >> it's kind of like occupation or invasion -- >> reporter: we stroll around her neighborhood at night. the polished shine of the tech hub glimmers in the distance. she says this no longer feels like israel and wants to see these recent arrivals return to their countries. the vast majority from countries the u.s. labels human rights violators. >> i need a jewish country. i am and my parents were holocaust survivals. that's my conclusion from the holocaust. not that they have to give a
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home for the world. but that they need to fight for my country. >> reporter: others draw a different lesson from the holocaust. mikhaili helps africans apply for asylum. her parents entered british-mandate palestine in 1941, illegally. she says a nation built by jewish refugees cannot turn away others. >> israel was one of the initiators of the refugee convention. the fact that israel will deport people to a third country without taking even a little, little bit of responsibility, is not moral. not to mention that it's against our jewish values as a refugee nation. >> reporter: in nearby levinsky park, i meet a man from eritrea. this is where israel first brought many of those fleeing his country. even after ten years in israel, his goal has never changed. >> translator: tomorrow, the next day, it doesn't matter when, the day our country has peace, we will go back.
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that's what we're waiting for. but no one is going to bring us peace. >> reporter: as israel has pressured these families to leave, peace has been hard to find here in the promised land. it just wasn't promised to them. the government says it will only be deporting single men, that it won't be deporting women, children or families. but they haven't put forward an estimate how much that number is. they have added workers to process those tens of thousands of unanswered asylum applications. in the meantime, there have been a number of groups who have come out against israel's deportation policy including holocaust survivors, academics, authors, legal experts, and more. >> a lot of nuance to this story, oren lieberman covering the details and reports, thank you so much for your time. let's take a short break. after almost a week the kenyan government is still refusing to allow free tv stations back on the air. still to come, activists fear that country's democracy is being undermined.
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global markets are keeping with the downward trend starting friday in the united states. you'll recall friday the dow lost 2.5%, losing just over 665 points. the strong u.s. jobs report stokes fears of inflation along with higher interest rates. >> so let's take a look at where the asia markets finished. the nikkei down 2.5%. the shanghai come boss set nearly .75%. the hong kong hang seng lost nearly 1%. >> the ftse in london, the dax and cac all down 1%. activists are concerned about kenya's democracy and political stability. after almost a week the kenyan government is refusing to allow three tv stations back on the air. >> the tv blackout started when the kenyan opposition swore in its leader as an alternative
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president. >> now live from nairobi, what is the next step for these tv stations? how can they get back on the air? >> rosemary, they have to rely on a private petition, a petition brought about by a private citizen. for that to be implemented, the communications authority of kenya have to be served with a court demand that these tv stations, as you said, six days ago, they were told -- they switched off the stations thursday, they were told to put them back on, and there's been no activity at all, blank screens with a sign "no signal" or scrambled signal. the tv stations are trying to see if there's a way forward. there's something else going on on the sidelines of this particular period of tv shutdowns which is that even as we go into kenyata's second term, the atmosphere has become as toxic as it was six months ago when kenya first held
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elections in august 2017, then again in october. and we're hearing reports that opposition people have been arrested and at the moment i speak to you, there's a civil rights march with #notinmyname in hulu park. people complaining about this. all over twitter. one man writes, i can't remember the last time i saw kenyans across a divide this united against government actions. the world is shocked, the message is clear. obey court orders. so we're heading into sort of unfamiliar territory for pen kenya but it's becoming much more contentious. >> certainly a worry where this might be going. thanks for join us live from nairobi, we thank you very much. still ahead, brutally cold temperatures greeted fans of the super bowl in minneapolis on sunday. >> but now that the party's over, is the cold going to leave with it? the forecast when we come back.
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record-breaking shoot-out. >> what a game. the patriots defending champs going for their sixth super bowl title. for the eagles, this is their very first. >> the u.s. midwest is in the midst of some of the coldest temperatures of the season. our meteorologist is keeping an eye on this at the world weather center. when is it going to warm up a little bit? >> you know, we're in the heart of it right now, in the thick of things. it's going to be at least another week and a half or so before we see a little improvement. we're talking about the coldest super bowl temps as far as exterior temps are concerned. of course the game, super bowl lii, was indoors. look at this, 2 degrees with the game time temperature, coldest all-time. what's interesting is top four goes between detroit and minneapolis, number five atlanta, a year from right now it is back in atlanta, could push new orleans out of the mix and put it as atlanta being three cities there, part of three cities that hold the coldest temperatures for a super bowl sunday. you look at late january, early february, north america, that is when you expect the thermometer
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to really drop to its lowest point. and that is precisely what is happening, hence why when they design a super bowl venue they make sure it's indoors. look at the arctic air trying to move along, the arctic air is in place at least the next seven days. chicago's seven-day forecast, 18 degrees fahrenheit monday, 3 degrees overnight. follow it seven days out. after a little moderation comes to 20 and 3. again shows you we're stuck in the heart of winter across parts of the midwestern u.s. where 4 million people underneath windchill advisories, 25 to 35 below zero what it feels like outside. such windchills, it only takes a matter of 25 minutes of exposed skin to cause permanent damage to your skin, frostbite to set in. dangerous to go across some of these regions. a lot of folks getting out of the venue there in minneapolis after super bowl lii, quickly getting inside again. that's what you have to do this time of year. there is a storm system on the
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move. bringing snow across parts of the midwestern u.s. around the evening rush hour. that's something we're watching. notice the windchills this morning 15, 12 below in chicago, working through detroit, sits right around zero as well. really quickly, leave you with what's happening across moscow. they've seen some impressive weather as well. historic snowstorm there brought down 43 centimeters or 17 inches of snow. the greatest total amount in one day. caused big-time disruptions but improving conditions in store the next couple days. >> thanks for that, even though they're horrible temperatures, thanks, paid re. thanks for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. >> i'm george howell. for our viewers here in the united states, "early start" is up next. for viewers around the world, the news continues with our colleague kristie lu stout live from hong kong. you're watching cnn, the world's news leader. >> have a great day.
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the eagles soaring to victory defeating the new england patriots in the super bowl. philadelphia celebrations going haywire overnight. and fallout from the nunes memo. it proves the fbi is targeting trump. republicans say not so fast. two dead and many injured in the amtrak crash. focusing on the switch that sent the train hurdling into another. i'm christine romans. >> i'm
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