tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN February 6, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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ballistic missile and nuclear programs. what i would call this charm offensive, frankly, is fooling no one. >> charm offensive for the north koreans for the u.s. still a very hard line. north korea must give up its weapons program. wolf. >> thank you. that's it for me t erin burnett outfront starts right now. >> outfront next breaking news, the president says love a shutdown. now even his own party crying foul. plus more breaking news met with rod rosenstein and what happened in that meeting. and the president wants an american military parade. a history making first. is this the u.s. or north korea? let's go outfront. good evening i'm erin burnett. outfront tonight the shutdown roulette. declaring today he would love to see the federal government shut down again and he could get his
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wish in 48 hours. that is how much time is left if there is no immigration deal, shut down. the president's bet americans will blame democrats for not agreeing to tighter immigration laws. here is president trump saying something that caught even republicans in the room by surprise. >> i would love to see a shut down if we don't get this stuff taken care of. and if we have to shut it down because democrats don't want safety and unrelated but still related, they don't want to take care of our military, then shut it down. we'll go with another shutdown. >> well, he might have wanted to say i, because the use of royal we is misplaced. even virginia barbara comstock could not stomach the thought of another government shutdown. >> we don't need another government shutdown. >> i think both sides have learned government shutdown was bad. it wasn't good for them. and we do have bipartisan support on these things.
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>> we are not getting support from the democrats on this legislation. >> she says bipartisan support. he says no. she says no shutdown. the president says we want a shutdown. here's the thing, again on this issue of we, comstock is not alone, she has a we, new york republican king supporter of the president also said no to the government shutdown. >> i understand someone saying come down to it and talk about saving lives against m.s. 13, shutdown, yes, but i don't see that at all in the offering. >> don't see it in the offering. gop source calls the president's words today a bluff saying trump's threat is trump being trump. i doubt we see a shutdown. as the president played games though with a shutdown, which again is hours away, we are right down to the line, chief of staff john kelly threw ha verbal grenade into the whole conversation of immigration deal. kelly said trump's immigration plan that's on the table here to figure out in the next 48 hours
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would provide a path to sit soviet union ship for 1.8 million dreamers that is when things got ugly. >> there are 690,000 official daca registrants. and the president sent over what amounts to be 2.5 times that amount to 1.8 million. the difference between 690 and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up. others would say too lazcy to get off their asts but didn't sign up. >> asked them to explain calling them lacy and here is sarah sanders. >> focused on actually getting a solution. and, frankly, i think if anybody is lacy probably democrats shot showing up to work and making a deal on this. >> so u.s. government is sfasing another shutdown in two days.
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president of the united states says bring it on. chief of staff came out and called 1.8 million came to this country lazy. president secretary decided to blame democrats for all of it. just last government shutdown 17 days ago and happened because of grenades like this. this is no game. pamela brown outfront to begin our coverage. just moments ago chief of staff kelly doubled down on lazy comments. >> that's right. speaking to my colleague, he did seem to double down saying some daca eligible who didn't sign up had reasons, but went on to say most probably needed to say to get off the couch. this is in the wake of his comments earlier today that caused quite a stir when he said some of those daca eligible that didn't eligible gap between 680,000 and 1.8 million were too afraid or lazy to get off his as
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as through no fault of their own. she asked if those comments were offensive. she left it up to the individual to decide and put the blame as you saw directly on the democrats. but it's clear that general kelly's comments today are an attempt to play to the base those with the hard line stance on immigration. as this was happening, erin, the president threw quite a curveball today when he basically said he would love a shutdown. another government shutdown if there is no fix on immigration. these comments coming as democrats and republicans on capitol hill are scrambling to a avert another shutdown on thursday. sarah sanders had to play a little cleanup there today saying the white house is not advocating for a shutdown that the shez wants a long term deal on immigration. to she had to clean up a couple at the white house today erin. >> thank, pamela. outfront political reporter
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and april ryan. thanks to all, tim. as pamela said they were trying to do a lot of cleanup. let's start here with just the issue of we want to bring it on. i'd love a good shutdown by the president. by the way, consistent with what he said last year on twitter, these are the kinds of things he said before. but obviously republicans do not want any part of that. >> no. and the real issue here is whether the president wants to make a deal. the issue right now is this. you have a larger number of dreamers who would benefit from a path to citizenship. you would have, what, $30 billion that would go to building a wall. by the way, you know we have portions of a wall already that started. >> significant portions of a wall. >> the american people should know that president george w. bush and barack obama built wall like structures. the third part is the tough one.
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reducing legal immigration. and that's a poison pill. and the president doensn't seem willing to give on that. we forget about that i think the first two elements the democrats could deal. but the third el manhattan reducing legal immigration is tough and it's not clear the president wants to do a deal there. so if he's standing there saying i want a deal but doesn't want to do a deal, whose fault would it be if we had a shutdown? his. >> here's the question. you have sarah sanders trying to defend the president and kelly. by the way kelly said lazy in another way. here's sars saying blame the democrats. >> we are not advocating for the shutdown. that's fault of democrats not doing jobs. we are focused on getting a solution. and frankly i think if anybody
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is lazy it's probably democrats not showing up to work and actually getting to the table to make a deal on this. >> you just heard barbara comstock republican saying we have a bipartisan deal here. we agree, republicans and democrats. it's the president who is saying i'd love a shutdown. >> yeah, i think that's right. and feeling on the hill that they are close to figuring this out. that nobody wants a shutdown. didn't go well for other party. so here is the president not being helpful at all being unpredictable, or predictable self in these negotiations. like you said echoing what he said before in terms of wanting a good shutdown. you have on the hill democrats and reepublicans saying they wat to separate the immigration debate from the government funding debate and the clock is obviously ticking. and thursday the government shuts down. i think in terms of what tim is talking about and in terms of what democrats are willing to agree to, i do think democrats are willing to agree to any
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number of things. real problem of it is this house has house republicans. house republicans aren't too keen on extending a citizenship t all of the rights of american citizens to folks who have come here illegally. and certainly doesn't help when the president demonizes people who have come here illegally in talks about them as committing crimes. and kelly of course saying many of them are lazy. >> so that's the big question how this is going to play. because as pamela is reporting, john kelly just said that they don't want to get off the couch, so double downed on the comments. but i want to play again what he said about illegal immigrants who were eligible for daca but have not signed up. here's how he put it when it was on tape. >> difference between 690 and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their
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as to get up. >> sarah sanders was asked if this was offensive. here's the exchange. >> isn't it just an offensive comment though, isn't it, though on the surface? >> i think that's something you would have to decide for yourself. >> so 1.1 million either lazy immigrants or people too afraid to sign up. decide for yourself. that's what see says, april. >> well, it doesn't play well. and when we heard about this comment, you know, many of us, that was impacting statement. something that you typically don't hear from politico or people who work in white house. but this is very different white house. that goes back to what we heard a few weeks ago, when people were talking about can we actually work in good faith with the president allegedly saying s holes. and that's kind of along the same line. stereotype. it could be perceived as racially biased. it's ugly, but at the same time
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this is a white house willing to shut things down as they are saying these inflammatory words if they don't get a deal on immigration. so the devil is in the details. let's see, as they said, the prediction ability of the unpretick able behavior. so let's see how this works. i just question, can these law make tears work in good faith. particularly the democrats who say they are very concerned about hearing these lazy a words and s hole comments and goes right back to where we were a couple of weeks ago. and it begs the question, will they be kicking the can down the road again. because the issue of working in good faith from the white house. that's the big issue. >> and, tim the point she's making, tweeted a response, raising this ss house link. from s houses to lazy as, white house seems to be demonizing
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immigrants for political purposes. is this the way about kelly comments about 1.8 million immigrants going to play? racially tinged? >> just because general kelly can get the trains to run on time in the white house, doesn't mean he softens some of the extreme views that president trump has about immigration. he may magnify them. we don't know the way in which these two interact. by the way bob holder man, he was an anti-sem ite too. we don't know if he's working to get a deal or daca. >> it's like they are swirling together on this. >> i think that's right. they are echoing he shaeach oth. kelly's rhetoric might not be as
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harsh but plays into the stereotype of lazy latino. until we see the president make a positive case for daca recipients to stay in this country legally, say they are part of the military or communities throughout the country, i think it's unlikely he is going to change house republican minds. >> thank you very much. for all of you who tried to defend the s hole, but from saying they are also lazy, it's not that. outfront next breaking news president meets with rod rosenstein over the nunes memo. so will we see it? plus trump wants a big military parade. that news just breaking. and the pentagon is now busy planning it trying to get him a date. is this a move like kim jong-un or vladimir putin? and women and chips. can you believe that the female ceo of pepsi, which owns did
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you see the faces there was 10 to 15 minutes. that's pretty short but according to the white house the two discussed differences between the republican and democrat memos. the white house insisting that the democrats memo is under going, quote, exact same process that republican went through. in fact, chief of staff just telling reporters he expects to have a recommendation onto release the memo by thursday. that of course is longer than the president took to say such for the republican memo. but says relying on fbi. the white house of course got the republican memo last monday. 24 hours later the president had this to say. didn't take any time to say this. >> just released memo. they'll learn. 100%. can you imagine? >> well, we haven't heard anything like that this time. and more time has passed. white house has had the same memo for the same amount of time. the president has not said anything about releasing the
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memo. and manu raju is outfront. what are they saying about the memo? >> they are waiting what the house will do. and if the white house did move forward with any redactions, erin, it's not clear whether they'll get any resistance from anyone on the hill or block the schiff memo. a number of republicans are not saying they would vote to override the president. which was what they would have to do to release the schiff memo. now that position much different than the position they took over the nunes memo last week when a member of them regressively lobbying the white house to release the nunes memo. now the nunes memo is roughly 3 and a half pages in length versus the schiff memo 10 pages, they offer different points how that warrant to surveil carter page was had. they said it was done
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improperl improperly. and schiff saying it was done right. what john kelly said just now was significant, erin, said for the first cut, the first look at this, it's not as clean as nunes memo. so this assign the white house may be taking steps to at least limit what the public could view on this if they have concerns about some of the language in there. we'll see what they decide to do by thursday of this week, erin. >> all right. thank you very much. i appreciate it, manu. outfront now democrat con man of new york, ranking house committee seen the memos. congressman, good to have you back. you heard chief of staff john kelly says the democrat memo 10 pages is not as clean as republican memo. and you heard manu saying that could be an opening sally to trying to limit what in the schiff memo, ten page democratic memo becomes public. do you think we'll see the whole memo? >> i don't know.
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i certainly hope we will. because any attempt to eliminate parts of that memo will be seen and probably so as attempt to sensor it. >> is there anything in it? it is ten pages as opposed to 3 and a quarter or third that the nunes memo was. is there anything in there that should be redacted for security purposes? >> i don't know. i'm not a security expert. >> but you read it. >> i'm not going to say that. i have read it. i think it's a good memo. i think it makes points. whether anything in there would give up ways i can't tell sources and methods, i can't say. >> all right. but nothing obvious to you is what you are saying. >> nothing obvious at all. >> all right. you already released 6-page rebuttal to the nunes memo. and in that memo you say the nunes memo shows organized effort to obstruct the special
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counsel's objection. so manu asked paul ryan the speaker about that allegation today. and here's what he said. >> you made the case that the memo nunes memo was separated from the mueller investigation. >> i continue to say that. >> do you believe the speaker? >> no, i do not believe the speaker. he may believe that. but certainly the nunes memo was written for the purpose of trashing the fbi and the department of justice. and interfering with the investigation by mueller and preparing the way for people not to believe anything that mueller may come up with. attempt to discredit the mueller investigation. and that was obviously main purpose. >> now the speaker was then asked whether the nunes memo vindicated the president as the president had explicitly said. and i wanted to play that exchange. here's the speaker and manu. >> but yet over the weekend the
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president claimed total vindication from the nunes memo. was he vindicated anyway? >> let me go back to what i just said this is about fisa abuse and holding congress accountable. which in this particular case has been given great power as citizens. we need to make sure it was used correctly. thank you. >> obviously wouldn't answer the question, congressman. but if paul ryan says the nunes memo is separate from mueller investigation, then he must say the president was not vindicated because of the memo, right, in the russian investigation that is correct would be definitely answer, heels not giving t your reaction. >> he's correct. the nunes memo even though being portrayed as vindicating the president and as saying that the investigation is not on the up and up because it was borne in sin and bad fisa application, shows nothing of the sort, has
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nothing to do with the president guilt or lack of it. >> he isn't saying that. he's refusing to say the president has not been vindicated. >> i agree with him. the president is saying he's been vindicated. and the fact is that memo has nothing to do with the conduct of the president one way or the other. all it does is try to discredit the investigation, which is ongoing, to decide that point. >> right. i guess i'm missing something. trey goudy has said that and no others will say that. paul ryan will not say that. whether it vindicated the president or not. and my question to you is does that disappoints you from paul ryan? >> it does disappoint me because he's not being forth coming. but anyone reads it knows it has nothing to do with vindicating the president. it doesn't say anything to the president's involvement or the
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trump campaign involvement in colluding or covering it up at all. doesn't say anything about it. >> all right. congressman, i appreciate your time as always. thanks. >> thank you. >> next another day of whiplash for the stock market and huge finish. trump's chief economist adviser on this is next. and trump for campaign just launched out a new ad calling out democrats for not applauding at the state of the union. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. let's team up to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks yaaay!
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lows down more than 500. so that is more than 1,000 points of whiplash. but the president in unusual and characteristic move has not bragged about today's surge. >> outfront now kevin hassett chairman of the economic advisers. thanks very much for being back with me, chairman, i appreciate your time. >> great to be here. >> the dow up after the plunge yesterday. are you feeling better? >> well, i think that our job at the cea especially is to focus on long-term economies. that's are strong. i don't think anybody that can successfully predict ups and downs of the market. but we've been monitoring the situation closely. we've been in constant contact with regulators. today was good for investors. but it's strong. and right now looking ahead to
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wage group, economic fundamentals which are as strong as we have seen in more than a decade. >> i want to talk about this. but part of this is such a big story of course that the president cares deeply about the stock market and talks about it all the time. i have talked to someone frequently and i have told him not to talk about the stock market and brag about it. obviously the president has chosen not to do that according to "the new york times" he bragds about the stock market gain 25 times. chairman, in january alone. here are just a few. >> i don't know if you've heard the latest but the market is up about 150 points. >> the stock market is up big today the stock market is hitting one all time record after another. >> just hitting a new high on the stock market again. >> when you look on what's going on with the stock market, we have done almost 8 trillion in value. >> pension and retirement accounts are surging in value as the stock market smashes one
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record high after another. >> you look at the stock market at all-time high. >> are you seeing what's happening with the stock market. people are appreciating what we are doing. >> stock market has snatchmashe record after another. >> i couldn't play all 25 because i didn't want to waste more time. but the point needed to be made. he hasn't said anything about the market blung or even todplu. have you advised him to stop talking about a day-to-day rise in the market? >> i would never advise the president what he should talk about. we can certainly go into the substance of what's going on with this or that indicator. but in fact markets are forward looking. the value of firm is present value of earnings. and they swing up and down of course. but if the market moves up a lot, that's a positive forward indicator and one you've been talking about for years. so i think the president is right hey the most forward is equity markets. if you take the difference between today's close and the day he was elected it's up,
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what, about 25%. a 35%. and i think he's right to point to it. >> you think he's right to point to the market. >> yeah. >> you are chief economic adviser and you think about the committee. but if any one is going to be in position to tell him, look, you need to tone it down, you don't want to be marked by day-to-day, it would be you, wouldn't it? >> you are correct, erin, you shouldn't be like the market is going to go up, the market is going to go down, when we hit a peak, so day-to-day fluctuations are out there. but i the fundamental trend that the president is talking about is sound one to point tochlt the fact it's up so much is not a mystery, it's because trump's policy is becoming law, having result on investments, and every indicator is moving in the right direction and equity markets reflected that. >> part of the itch sue president's tax plan. wages are growing as you point
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out. on top of it you add add tax cut for some americans. that is a lot of money entering the system. it is causing inflation fears that in part have spookd the market. now traditional policy would say don't give a tax cut when wages are waiving you save that when things slow down. is the trump administration adding fuel to the fire at exactly the wrong time? >> it's a terrific question, erin. and the answer is no. but again i think that it's interesting to go back to last week. and the best news we got last week was that wage growth in the employment report was up 2.9% year-over-year which is the highest rate we have seen in about a decade sochlt that was really good wage news and one of the things that got people to wondering is inflation getting out of control. but the fact is that this tax cut is supply side tax cut. it's causing a boom in capital spending. and as people who have done kpleks know when have you a supply side tax cut and stimulus
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to the supply side puts pressure downward prices so you have supply. so they have to cut prices in order to sell their stuff. so we think the wage data we are seeing. >> unless they are raising wages, in that case would cause upward is this. >> no, if wages are going up, and productivity going up. >> wait, are you saying that companies are not going to use tax cuts for wages? >> remember, we talked this on the show before. there is a link. tax cut causes capital formation. increases productivity and that goes through wages. i think the surprise for me since we last talked about this is wage increases have come so fast. >> on the tax cut oblg tviously is added to add to the deficit. the numbers over all are $1.5 trillion. the chairman says the federal
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government is going to borrow $1 trillion this year. that is 84% higher than the last year president obama was in the office highest level of borrowing in six years. i wanted to put in context. not only is something that republicans is concerned about. but something that the president of the united states slammed bra barack obama for running up. here he is. >> borrowed more than the history of our country. >> so he is upset about it there. that was october of 2017. and now here he is adding more to it. how does that add up? >> well, you know, i think the president has set the priorities correctly. and the first priority last year was to fix our uncompetitive tax system so we could go back to growing it 3% again. and now we are growing 3% or higher again. i think what that does is starts to give us the resources we need to address our longer run
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problems. the president absolutely cares a lot about the deficit. i think the whole economic team looks ahead over the next few decades and sees deficit that's not necessarily sustainable. and that's absolutely correct. but it's going to be esser to address those problems if we fix the big gaping wound that we had which was the tax bill. >> but even if debt you are borrowing to do it? >> no. >> doesn't seem there is any religion to use the term about debt what so ever from your administration. >> well, in present value we have to payoff our debts and have to raise the money to do that. i don't think anyone disputes that. but if we start out with noncompetitive tax code creating jobs over there but not over here and giving us anemic 1% growth, then that doesn't give us the resources we need to address our big her problems. if we grow 3% would you agree erin over the next decks aade o of a year, that's 10% more gdp. if he got the extra $2 trillion
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we could use some of that to address the debt problem. so both sides really. we have to grow the economy more. once we have the resources we have to think about how we'll address these longer run problems. >> i appreciate your time chairman hassett. look forward to having you on again. thank you. >> thank you. >> outfront next the white house doubling down on trump's treason claims about democrats using insults in new campaign ad as they try to say on the other side of their mouth that it was all a joke. >> the president was clearly joking with his comments. and trump using a tragedy to make the case for tougher immigration. this time the death of a nfl on the hands of an undocumented immigrants. with the most lobster dishes of the year. . that'll fight to be your favorite. one topped with creamy shrimp and scallops, the other... steamed with lemon and herbs. and no, you're not dreaming, classics like lobster lover's dream are back too,
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tonight's strong words from president trump own party after the white house claims the president was just joking when he called democrats treasonous because they didn't clap for him during the state of the union address. >> just scar sarcasm. >> i don't think flake had anything to say. i think the president was clearly joking. >> tonight even the president
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using these images of nancy pelosi and schumer and they sat there while these things are said. so is it a joke or something for campaign ad? outfront talking about this. let me remind our viewers what it is that the president said all in that caused all of this. >> they were like death and unamerican. unamerican. somebody said treasonous. i mean, yeah, i guess why not. >> so now they are using campaign ad but saying clearly it is a joke. >> no, it's not a joke. it's what they are doing now is a joke. it was obviously not a joke. and sarah sanders today in denying it and saying it was a joke, nonetheless, again, called
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democrats unamerican. and i need to remind our viewers protest, not applauding the president very american, very patriotic. son this notion not applauding for donald trump after what the republicans did to barack obama, let's not get into that, is somehow unamerican, treasonous, they don't love his country. adding that to calling for a military parade. >> i want to talk about the parade. brian, this whole issue about joking. he was serious then he followed up with the treasonous comment which has gotten babb lash from both sides of the aisle. but this whole joking thing. you might have used this to something to clean up what the president said. here are a few examples. >> well, you don't thip i was
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joking, you know i was joking. f course i was joking. i obviously was being sarcastic. in fact the people in the room were laughing. >> if you look at the totality of his remarks, they were absolutely beautiful. >> he was simply making a comment, making a joke, and it was nothing more than that. >> is the excuse a little tired, brian? >> i guess we'll be adding this clip to those previous clips. i think people need to lighten up. he was joking. he has this type of sense of humor. this has been his person amount befo personality before he ran for president. his intent was to have a good laugh about t and people need to lighten up. you can always find the wrong in it, but the over all people saw he was laughing, take it as humor. >> so let's talk about this authoritarian point you were making, joan. the president is now asking, as expressed desire for military style parade. >> yes. >> and the pentagon is looking
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into it and getting back to him with some dates is the reporting that we have. >> yes. >> look, you have of course the north korean parallels, big parades and standing and applauding. is it fair to make that analogy? >> i think it's very fair. this is not something we do. we also know the president wanted there to be tanks and other military equipment during the inaugural parade but the streets of washington wouldn't have it. but it sounds extreme when you say authoritarian, but you have to look at what this man has said in the beginning, lock up his opponent, historillary clin but it's not his decision. he doesn't get to see side who gets locked up. it's the justice department. he constantly acts as he's the final authority on rules of law. and he's not.
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that's unamerican. >> sorks brian, the military parade, what do you make of that? he was actually with the french president, macron on bastille day last summer. and that he saw their parade and thought that was one of the greatest parades in his words have ever seen. is french model okay? they are actually a socialist democracy. >> you know, erin, i'm going to be honest with you, i haven't read these things. so without seeing the article and understanding the context i don't know what this topic is about. but i always would warn people, any time you read a story. %-p >> like i said i haven't seen the article so i don't know the environmental ti entire context. we have to be cautious. >> i said the pentagon has confirmed it. >> i haven't seen the story soy don't understand any part of this story line. >> okay.
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what's your gut though on the president wanting a military style parade? is it like the french model is that something that would indicate american pride and power? or authority andism. >> listen, i think what we need to do from our military there has been a public view of spending cuts. and he has seen the weakening of our military. and the president wants to change that perception. he's made previous statement he wants to build the military. so when he is looking for areas to highlight the fact turning it around and investing insecurity and military, he's going to look at a lot of options. is it going to be this? probably not the but you'll see the president build it up. >> thank you both very much. big change to the walk softly and carry a big stick. clack it on aground. someone can come up with a
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better line with that. next, trump weighs in on sudden death of nfl player killed by someone in this country illegally. and much lighter note, doritos for her, my guess is these are going to be called mao macho cheese. anywhere you like,s while keeping your competitors at bay. the ibm cloud. the cloud for smarter business. the ibm cloud. believe the health we aof our water sourcesany is essential to the health of our communities. which is why we're helping to replenish the mighty rio grande as well as over 30 watersheds across the country. we're also leading water projects in more than 100 communities. and for every drop we use... we're working to give one back. because our products rely on the same thing as we all do... clean water. and we care about it like our business depends on it.
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>> new tonight, president trump pointing to the death of an nfl player by illegal immigrant this is just one of many preventable tragedied. we must get to the dems to get tough on the border and with illegal immigration fast. atheet athena jones is out front. >> reporter: was drunk early sunday morning when he drove onto the emergency shoulder striking and killing nfl player and his uber driver. police believe they had stopped because jackson became illand
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monroe was attending to him. >> someone got behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcohol and now tragic consequences. >> reporter: first entered the u.s. illegally in 2004. convicted of drunk driving in california in 2005 and arrested in indiana on march 2017 for driving without a license. federal immigrations have placed a hold on him which means they can detain him. his status which was met -- so disgraceful that a person illegal in our country killed colt's linebacker edwin jackson.
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this is just one of many such preventable tragedies. it is a case taylor made for the tough on illegal immigration argument the president and his allies are pushing. >> we need better mechanisms and security and we need the wall. >> reporter: rokita tweeted about the incident. we must do more to get these dangerous illegal immigrant criminals off our streets build a wall and put an end to illegal immigration. now he is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow morning. those charges are being finalized as of earlier today. they are expected to include driving while intoxicated,
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driving without a license and causing a death while driving intoxicated which is a felony. >> thank you. next, so if you make crunching noises and lick your fingers while eating doritos, we have a story for you. member our special night? abdominal pain... ...and diarrhea. but it's my anniversary. aw. sorry. we've got other plans. your recurring, unpredictable abdominal pain and diarrhea... ...may be irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. you've tried over-the-counter treatments and lifestyle changes, but ibs-d can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about viberzi,... ...a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage... ...both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a bowel or gallbladder blockage.
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dor ritos. here is jeanne moos. >> i think i can eat the crunchiest messiest doritos i want and enjoy the hell out of it. >> after the ceo of pepsico -- >> they like their fingers with great glee. >> and guys like to tip back the bag. >> men like to be macho with their nachos. while women -- >> they don't like to crunch too loudly in public. they don't lick their fingers generously. >> tell that to this miss australia. >> i do want a silent chip. i love a loud crunch.
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>> because there is no more appropriate snack for the me too era than a chip that wants you to be quiet. could enjoy lady doritos. sing it sister. pepsico ceo promised snacks designed and packaged for women launching soon. the company says we already have doritos for women called doritos. there are worse things than eating low crunch lady chips. >> did you just eat that? >> relax. >> axel clipped his toenails in
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the bag. >> could we get quiet bags instead. >> and licking your fingers is cool? >> if i am at home. >> cnn, new yorks. >> just to make the point. mmm. oh, we didn't plan this. here you go anderson. good evening, a big night of breaking news. we begin right now keeping them honest. democratic rebuttal to devin nunes' memo is on the president's desk. has until saturday to decide which to make public. listen to what press secretary sarah sanders said today about how this would happen. >> the president has see
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