tv New Day CNN February 16, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PST
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to every parent we are here for you, whatever we can do to ease your pain. >> president trump you need to help us now. we need security now for all these children. >> if now is not the right time, when is the right time. >> it's one of those moments where we need to step back and count our blessings. >> we're children. you guys are, like, the adults. you can say, yes, we are going to do all of these things,
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thoughts and prayers. what we immediate is action. >> what is unfathomable is jamie took a bullet and is dead. i don't know what i will do next. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day". john berman is in new york this morning. chris is off. and i'm here in parkland, florida. just the latest american city grieving over another deadly school shooting. thousands of people here gathered last night at this candlelight vigil to remember the 17 students and teachers who were killed on wednesday behind me at the school here marjory stoneman douglas high school. we now know more about their identities. we know their names. we know some of their stories about their lives. so let me give you just a little glimpse is into who some of these people were. among those killed, 14-year-old alaina petty. she volunteered to clean up after hurricane irma hit this state in september. she was part of something called
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helping hands at her church. she liked to give back to others. nicholas dworet was a star swimmer at this high school. he was a 17-year-old. and he was planning to attend the university of indianapolis in the fall. the football coach that we've heard so much about, aaron feis, he's remembered as a hero. he was killed while shielding his students from the hail of bullets. throughout the morning we will share their stories. we will tell you about others. we will pay tribute to all of these victims, john, because, obviously, you know -- i just can't say it enough. when one person that you know is killed, it is devastating. imagine 17. ask imagine having to be in high school and go back to high school somehow next week without 17 people who had bright futures and were part of your life. that's what the kids here are dealing with. >> one life is too many. and it was too many years ago as well, alisyn.
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and maybe it will inspire others to take action. so many students survived the attack and their parents are trying to call into action, calling on the president to do something. so far lawmakers have abdicated. no real debate at all. president trump would not even say the word gun in his address to the nation. all of this as investigators are revealing that a confessed killer, how he carried out this massacre. we begin our coverage with rosa flores live in parkland with new details. rosa? >> reporter: john, good morning. the mood here in parkland is somber. as is alisyn was saying, this is a community where everybody knows everybody. and as the first of the victims, of 17 is laid to rest, this community is asking for prayers. >> i want you to know you're not
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alone in your grief. we're all grieving with you. the entire country is grieving with you. >> reporter: a sea of candlelight flooding an outdoor park as thousands gather to remember the 17 lives lost in wednesday's massacre. >> i sent her to school yesterday. she was supposed to be safe. my job is to protect my children. don't tell me there's no such thing as gun violence. it happened in parkland! >> reporter: parents holding their children close as students and friends reunited. in the wake of the tragedy, many are turning their grief into calls to action. >> this shouldn't be a fight between two different parties. this should be a coming together where we all realize something is wrong. >> this happens over and over again. people are dying. it seems look it doesn't matter because, like, what are thoughts and prayers going to do on when people are already dead? >> reporter: as this community looks to move forward,
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authorities are digging deeper into the killer's past. new documents obtained by cnn show police visited the family home 39 times since 2010, for domestic disturbance and mentally ill person. >> we knew he moved because police stopped showing up there. >> really? >> yeah. he was always getting in trouble. he was an evil kid. >> reporter: investigators are piecing together a disturbing portrait of the kille's fascination with guns. a former neighbor took this video showing the killer in his backyard brandishing a gun. authorities also discovering these disturbing images on a second instagram account showing the killer wearing a mask and a make america great again hat. in one picture, an arsenal of firearms displayed on his bed. another taken through the scope of a gun. the killer espoused extremist views and violent desires online, writing on a video from
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antifa. the controversial protest group. f antifa. i'm going to kill them in the future. but this post prompted a mississippi youtube viewer to alert the fbi. i'm going to be a professional school shooter. >> i found that post disturbing enough that i thought somebody needed to know about it. >> reporter: the fbi says they followed up on the lead but did not have enough information to confirm the user's identity. in his first court appearance thursday, the killer was charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. he has since confessed to carrying out the attack and is now on suicide watch. his public defender telling the press that the killer has suffered from mental illness for years. >> he's sad. he's mournful. he's remorseful. he is fully aware at what is going on. and he's just a broken human being. >> reporter: as the
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families of the victims ask for justice to be served, the investigation here continues. we are learning from the police how the gunman exercised this attack. we're learning that he arrived in an uber. after two minutes on campus, he started firing his weapon. after ten minutes after his arrival, he put that weapon down, an ar-15 style rifle, and he started blending in with students. that's how police say he was able to leave the scene. he stopped by two stores, buying a sandwich and a drink. and later he was apprehended in a residential area by a coconut creek police officer who said that his training simply kicked in. alisyn? >> just as you think it can't get any more chilling, row is sa, you hear he had to stop for a sandwich. thank you for all of that reporting. we're joined by two survivors of this massacre.
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we have freshman kelsey friend and carlie noble. we want to check in with you because when you came on on yesterday our tribute to your geography teacher was so powerful you wanted his family to know what a hero he was. that moved so many people. it was beautiful. have you heard from his family? >> not yet. i hope i do soon because mr. beigel will forever be my hero. now that he is gone i have to walk into that classroom without him there, it's going to be hard. >> how will you go back to school? >> i'm going to go in with strong arms with me. us eagles are very strong. we will do anything to keep each
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other safe and to keep each other strong at this time. >> you are so strong, kelsey. but it is impossible to be a freshman and to have to endure, first, what you yourself, the trauma that you yourself being under siege by this gunman, you had to hide behind mr. beigel's desk. and then the loss that you are feeling. i hear you just got more bad news about peter wang. >> he was in my culinary class. that's why i am wearing my culinary shirt. yesterday was the chinese new year. me and my family celebrated it for him and eating chinese. peter and i always argued a lot and i feel bad that i couldn't say i'm sorry. it's hard to not have him in the hallways anymore because we used to laugh with each other. he used to make me smile.
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and now he's gone. >> and you found out that he was gone because you were just going through google, just online you were looking at photos and images of those who were lost. and you saw your friend. you had known that he had been killed? >> during the shooting, i didn't really message him, which i should have. but, yeah, i was going through google images through the victim list. i saw mr. beigel, obviously. and then i saw peter, and i started screaming and crying. and i couldn't do anything. he was in complete tears. i was awe wreck. >> of course you were. i mean, this is life changing. even though you survived, obviously, to lose these people who were so close to you, this is forever life changing. and to have to hear about 17 different people. and so, carlie, i want to bring you in.
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because you also have lost people. you also have endured all of this. and you were inside. so this conservative fire tell you how you should feel and what you can talk about. let me read the tweet that got you upset. it says can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gun owner agenda? my goodness. this isn't about a gun. it's about another lunatic. what did you think when you read that? >> i just got angry. is she's trying to use left and right. i don't think it's about any sides of political parties or anything. it is about children died. it doesn't matter what side of the gun control argument you're on. people are dead. >> when is the right time to talk about this? >> i think any time. i think it's right now. it's two days ago. we have to talk about it. there's no -- it's already too
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late to change. >> i was is so struck by what you said. while it was happening, while you all were under siege hiding behind desks, as kelsey was, you were all talking about it. so if you can talk about it while it's happening, you can talk about it today. >> yeah. i don't think it should be someone else's choice on when we can talk about it. it is something that is so sad. it happened at our school. people are gone. and we have to talk about it because there's people dead. and there's been people dead because of this for shooting after shooting. >> and this is, by the way, how people process trauma. they talk bit. here's what you tweeted back to tomi. i was hide anything a closet for 2 hours. it was about guns. you weren't there. you don't know how it felt. guns give these disgusting people the ability to kill other human beings. this is about guns and this is about all the people who had
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their life abruptly ended because of guns. it it is quite simple to you, in your mind. >> yeah. i don't think it should be an argument even. and i understand people want the right to bear arms. but there is people dead and i think that's more important than the right to bear arms. because we're protecting ourselves from this amendment sort of. >> is this a tough conversation to have in florida? a lot of people have guns in florida. it's a gun culture. is this a tough conversation to have here? >> i think it's a tough conversation to have anywhere. i think there's a lot of people who are really passionate about guns and they love guns. but i don't see a need for it when there are people that are being killed. >> yeah. kelsey, what do you want to say to the leaders, to the people who have some power to perhaps stop this from happening at another school? what message do you want them to know about what you all have
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endured here? >> i want them to know that something actually does need to happen. after sandy hook, after all the other shootings, and then having it happen at my own school. something needs to be done or it's going to continue. because people -- i understand people are crazy, but guns and crazy people hands is deadly. and i lost two of my closest people to me because of guns. and no one is doing anything about it. >> what do you want us to know about peter? >> peter was very funny. i used to joke and call him peter griffin. he laughed with me. he was one of my closest friends. he was very kind. he died a gentleman holding the door for other students.
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and knowing he's gone is going to haunt me forever. >> are you guys getting help? are there counselors on hand that you are talking to? what are you doing with all of this pain? >> currently now i'm just crying in my room, hugging my mom, and pushing through it by myself. but eventually i will talk to someone. >> that sounds like the right plan. >> how about you, carly? >> i feel like i haven't had a chance to deal with it all. it is all happening so fast. and i'm just trying to be thankful for what i have, have my friends. i'm trying to talk about this to you guys. it's a lot going on right now. there's so many feelings. it is hard to feel it all. >> give yourself a long time. this is going to be a long journey. >> yeah. i don't think anything is ever going to, like, get better. i think this has changed my life. >> things will never be the
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same. i agree with you both. thank you both for your bravery. thank you for sharing your stories for us. no one knows better than you both. thank you so much. we're so sorry for your losses. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so we do have a little glimmer of good news to report from here in parkland. two people who were injured in the shooting have now been released from the hospital. this just happened overnight. meaning that obviously their injuries, they have overcome them. meanwhile, police say that the killer, who survived, as you know, and escaped, he has confessed to this horrible act. the broward county sheriff has released a timeline detailing the moments that changed this community forever. watch this. >> the suspect entered the east stairwell. that's building 12, with a rifle inside a black soft case. the suspect exited the stairwell, pulled the rifle out
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of the case. at 2:21:33, the suspect readied his rifle and began shooting into rooms 1215, 1216, 1214, he went back to 1216, back to 1215 and then to 1213. >> all right. let's bring in cnn law enforcement experts. it is so sickening when you hear about the carnage that he was able to, you know, make happen in this school in just a matter of seconds here. so, chief, we do know that there were warning signs. let's just admit it. a huge social media digital footprint saying really inflammatory threatening stuff. what went wrong here? >> there are almost always
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warning signs when you look back at it. >> but these are glaring, don't you agree? >> this has to be debriefed. we have to take a strong look at it and figure out could more have been done. >> but let me ask you that. if the guy is using his known name and you know his name on social media, can't police look into this? >> you have his name but you don't have his ip address. >> you are investigators. can't you find it. >> we have to look at it to see whether enough was done in terms of the number of steps they could actually identify this individual and then take action. again, jim is always saying, there is a balance between privacy and security. and i agree with that. but at the same time we have to be able to take steps to avoid this sort of thing. >> this tipped over the balance between privacy and security. he was saying i want to shoot people with my ar-15. i want to mow down people. by the way, jim, the fbi had been alerted to this guy.
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>> this is law enforcement's nightmare. every one of us that have served, carried a badge and a gun, this is our nightmare. you want to look back when you do the 20/20 hindsight and say did we miss something, alisyn, did we not connect the dots. however, in this instance, i'm taking the chief's position on this too, and i agree, in a country where we cherish the first amendment there are protections there. when you take speech off the internet and read something in a chat room, or something someone posted on youtube, it has to be viewed was it said in haste, was there impulsivity. >> isn't that why you go and talk to the people. >> we do something called a knock and talk. they had a name. they didn't have any other data to that. in law enforcement, it is about triage. when you try to stop murders and you're trying to stop assaults and kidnappings and bank robbers and terrorists, you triage these
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things. should there have been local contact. i'm confident the fbi did things that needed to be done. >> listen, i think police work is god's work. i have seen the incredible things police do in keeping us all save. i was with america's most wanted for years. so i know the sacrifices that you guys make. how can you say the fbi did enough? they were alerted to this guy. we know this guy was unhinged. he was expelled from the school behind us. how could they have done enough? >> we look at a vacuum and you see one thing inside the silo and not the other points that went to it. from a tactical level, the police response, we're going to get to the bottom of it. we have to look from the strategic level, macro level. that's where you go to the new york post saying we need to look at some of these gun laws. we need to look at the assault weapons ban. we need to look at things that
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could have possibly have kept that weapon out of a 19-year-old kid's hands. >> it's not just gun laws. that's part of it. you have mental health issues. communication issues. how do you transfer information from an individual's psychiatrist to law enforcement and still maintain some level of privacy. there are so many gaps. so until we actually sit down and actually talk about all of these things and come up with a comprehensive strategy, it is going to require some adjustments in law and so forth. it is not just about gun control, mental health. >> understood. >> and we always look after the fact and have these kind of information but the gaps continue to exist. we have to close the gaps. >> see, i feel like the complications give people cover. >> they do. >> they say, well, we can't deal with gun laws because it's mental health. and we can't deal with mental health because there's disclosure issues. so that makes paralysis. let's just start with one. >> start with something.
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but then build momentum so we can fix these things. we're not constantly talking about the same thing, what did we miss. >> chief ramsey, james gagliano, thank you for your expertise. i think they spelled it out perfectly. it's very complicated. that's part of why congress doesn't tackle it. >> complicated is why we put them there to address things. so far they have refused to make any changes to gun laws that after so many mass shootings, will this one be different? will this one change anything? discussion next. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at dial your binge-watching up to eleven. start winning today.
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heart, and the hand. her mother is now calling for a new gun control laws. but will the president follow that warning, follow that heed? will they do anything? joining us now is former congressman dave jolly and secretary of state jason candor. congressman, i want to start with you. on our air you said republicans will never do anything on gun control. despite the pleas from that mother, despite the pleas from the kids from this high school, do you still believe republicans will do nothing? >> i do. and history has proven that. you can't listen to that mother and suggest that this issue is not about guns. it is. it can be about mental health and all these other issues, but it is good guns. is it ideology? is it influence from organizations like the nra, or just raw politics with both the the left and the right at play?
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in many cases, it is simply ideology, john. donald trump said yesterday to america's children, i'll do anything to protect you. he was not telling the truth. donald trump has said he opposes expanded background checks, opposes gun-free zones, opposes magazine restrictions. so the anger that that mother feels, that all of us feel across the country is that donald trump and politicians on the right are simply telling us we're wrong. when we believe it's about guns, reps are saying you are wrong. and that is the anger you hear in that mother's voice. >> what you do hear from gun rights advocates is all of those things you listed there, though, would not make a difference or that the laws that are already on the books are not being enforced. listen to what republican lawmakers have said in the last 24 hours. >> the reaction of democrats to any tragedy is to try to politicize it. so they immediately start calling that we've got to talk away the second amendment rights
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of law abiding citizens. that's not the right answer. >> it's not good if we have gun laws that say criminals can't carry guns and they never get enforced. >> people don't know how this happened or who this person is, what motivated them, how did they get a hold of the weapon they used for the attack. it is important to know that before you jump to conclusions that there is a law we could have passed that could have prevented it. >> jason, is there some law you could have passed that would have prevented this? >> this guy is carrying the same weapon a carried in afghanistan. for me to carry that weapon i had to go through training. i had to demonstrate that i was a responsible user of that tool. it is a tool, the purpose of which is to, when necessary in a combat zone, kill as many people as possible in the shortest period of time. he's a 19-year-old. that's the weapon he was carrying. it's the same weapon that the
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mass shooters in five of the last six most recent mass shootings have been carrying. this is not difficult to figure out. this is a bunch of politicians in washington and around the country. republicans around the country who have decided they would rather side with the leadership of the nra than with protecting our children. it is disgusting. >> are you saying ban ar-15s. >> ban assault weapons. absolutely. with don't need weapons of war on the street in this country. we don't need assault weapons. >> congressman david jolly will tell you that is not going to happen. assault weapons were banned for a time but that ban expired and there is no chance that that ban will go back into place, is there? >> look, i don't think the votes are there. jason is from missouri. there are some democratic leaning states. senate seats held that went largely for trump. democrats i don't think would vote for a full ban.
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here's something we can do. it is important to take this opportunity to talk about advances. assault weapons are already subject to greater background checks. let's dramatically increase it. if you are going to have an assault weapon you should have to go through the same security background checks that government employees getting a security clearance have. or make it higher. we can restrict storage and usage. we can have dramatic enforcement. i think a ban should be on the table. but let's not make the perfect the enemy of the good. let's look for in decremental changes right now. >> let's talk about them, jason. what, you could raise the age, if you wanted to. if there is a will, you could raise the legal age to purchase an ar-15 from 18 to 21. you could do that. you could tighten some of the mental health restrictions on buying a gun. republicans right now are saying mental illness. democrats are saying gun control. why not find out where the two intersect. there are a lot of places,
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jason, where they do. >> no, look, i totally agree. this is no longer a debate about what to do. right now unfortunately this is a debate about whether to do anything. that is absurd. our kids are being killed. and at some point this congress needs to either decide they are willing to take on the leadership of the nra or we're going to need new people in congress. and it looks to me like we need new people in congress. we need to make sure everybody who refuses to do anything about this in any elected office in the country finds themselves no longer in elected office and we get people with courage to freaking protect our kids. >> dave jolly, if i can ask you directly. you said a couple things are at play. one is ideology. one could be the influence of the nra. you have been in congress. you are a republican supported by the nra. how much influence do they really have? >> oh, a dramatic amount.
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let's look at it two ways. one is the amount of money and the leadership in the beltway. jason is exactly right. the other is a true reflection of a constituency that has a voice in our democracy. constituency they mobilize and a constituency that has every right to vote on their conviction when it comes to the second amendment. that's where i think jason is right. let's try something. the issue is we're doing nothing. so we can embrace the second amendment. i cosponsored a lot of hard right gun legislation pieces. but i cosponsored background checks and a terror watch list bill. none of those infringe on second amendment rights. law abiding owners should be able to embrace restrictions, strong restrictions on firearms. you want to open prayer, john. i'll give you one. let's hope those in office who are doing nothing lose and pray they get replaced by people who will actually do something or at least try. try. take a risk. >> you can still get bump stocks months after vegas. thanks for being with us.
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the massacre at the high school behind me reopening the wounds for so many victims of gun violence. that's the case with our next guest. he lost his daughter allison, a reporter in virginia when she and her cameraman were gunned down on live television. this was in 2015. since then, her father has been an outspoken advocate for gun control. and andy parker joins us now. andy, it's so sad to always have to see you in these circumstances. we all of course remember the case of allison and that hideous
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crime that played out on tv. and i know after that we spoke to you and you said you were going to do whatever you could to stop other families from being victims of gun violence and being in your situation. so what's happened since allison's death? >> alisyn, yeah, here we are again. my heart breaks for the families now part of this wretched club that nobody wants to join. but i think to speak to your guests earlier, david jolly is and jason talking about republicans not doing anything, they're absolutely right. this is something that i came to the conclusion of.
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trying to convince them to consider any sensible gun legislation is like talking to a wall. we have to get them out of there and replace them with people who will consider incremental easy stuff that can be done. >> so that's your suggestion. for people who are listening who feel so helpless and hopeless, your suggestion is at the next election vote people who haven't acted out. are there any other steps taken since alison's death or since you have been getting involved in politics that can be done to stop gun violence from where you sit because now you have studied this. >> alisyn, i wish other steps
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could be taken. for congress and every republican lawmaker in this country. well, maybe with the exception of susan collins. by and large, they're not going to do anything. barbara and i were testifying on an extreme risk protection bill that would have allowed law enforcement to recognize a dangerous individual and remove guns temporarily until somebody sorted it out, the judge adjudicated a person and said, okay, this person is fit to carry a gun or not. and perhaps had that law been in place, it would have saved alisyn. or it could have would have permitted this tragedy -- prevented this tragedy from happening in florida.
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when they said we're sorry for your loss and immediately kill that bill among party lines. there was a young woman who was in las vegas who was in tears testifying in front of the general assembly to ban bump stocks. they said we're sorry for your loss. they crafted their votes to make it look like they passed the bill. september it to another committee where it died. they will not do anything. >> andy, those are really powerful illustrations particularly because we just had the mom of one of the victims of the newtown shooting. she talked about the erpos to keep guns out of the people who have already been flagged as being unhinged. and she said it is that very thing. the erpo that has kept gun
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violence down after that. we can't do it nationally. state by state she gave credit to keep it down. when you hear president trump -- let me just play for you what he has said about what he blames for school shootings like this one. listen to this. >> we are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health. >> so many people talking about mental health. it does seem like mental health played a role here. do you think mental health talk is a red herring because they don't want to talk about gun violence? >> it is a red herring, alisyn. we're not the only people that have people that are mentally ill. no other civilized country in the world has the same problem we do.
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we have mentally ill people that can get access to weapons on of war like an ar-15. and you can't just say, well, it's a mental health problem. and i find it -- it's ironic that the first thing that trump did when he took office is make it easier for people with mental illness to obtain weapons, if you recall. they rescinded an executive order from obama, from president obama that would restrict access to people with mental illness. and he overturned that. so he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. >> yeah. we need to keep calling that one out. if you don't have the mental faculty to take care of your finances and all the other list of conditions that that bill addressed, then how can you handle a firearm? >> exactly.
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>> andy parker, thank you for your tragic expertise in this subject and sharing it with us. >> alisyn, in closing, we have to mobilize people and do what we did in virginia and turn these people out across the country. we need to kick these nra, kick them to the curb. >> andy, thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> okay. up next for everyone, john and i know you have a cnn exclusive we will show people. >> a top trump campaign adviser could be pleading guilty in robert mueller's probe. what could this deal mean now for the russia investigation? tylenol®. dial your binge-watching up to eleven. join the un-carrier right now, and get four unlimited lines for only thirty-five bucks each. woah. plus, netflix for the whole family. on us. prrrrrrr... so, they get their shows... let's go, girl!
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you're gonna love this bit! and you get yours. watch however you want. on your phone, tablet, or tv. for a limited time, get 4 lines for just thirty-five bucks per line, with no extra charges. it's showtime! all on america's best unlimited network, t-mobile. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how.
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all right. this morning we have a cnn exclusive. former trump campaign adviser close to a plea agreement with special counsel robert mueller, according to sources familiar with the case. this could be a major development. sara murray broke this story. she joins us from washington with all the details. the plot thickens, sara >> reporter: the plot does thicken. the sources are telling me rick gates appears to be finalizing a plea deal with robert mueller.
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he has been in to speak with mueller's team about this case. this is potentially troubling news if you are paul manafort, the former trump campaign chairman, a codefendant in this criminal case. both have pleaded not guilty in it. but if you are mueller and you're trying to build a case potentially against the president, he potentially against other key trump associates, getting gates's cooperation could be a key building block along the way. the white house has down played this development. they are basically saying we are not worried about a potential plea deal. we are not worried if he decides to flip, act against paul manafort. they are nsimply looking at financial crimes that preceded the campaign. but, but gates is not the only trump associate who is in the headlines right now. former white house chief strategist steve bannon met with mueller's team this week. he was there over the course of
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two days. he spent hours getting grilled by special counsel and his prosecutors. we are told no topics were off-limits. we know mueller was interested in speaking to him about the firing of on james comey and national security adviser michael flynn. but that appearance very different from what lawmakers on the hill got from bannon thursday when he talked to house intelligence. he refused to talk about anything in the transition, anything in the white house and said the white house had asked him to invoke executive privilege. john? >> okay. sara, thank you very much. thank you for that update from washington. up next, we have the story of two sisters. one of them trapped in the school behind me when the massacre started. she started texting her sister. they're going to share their emotional exchange with us next.
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until we can say we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long, overdue, common sense gun safety laws that most americans want, then we have to change. joining us is lisa monaco, former homeland security adviser to president obama. you say something which is fascinating that can reframe this whole discussion, this is a homeland security issue. >> absolutely, it is, john. it was my job to brief the president when these tragedies occurred. unfortunately the president had to speak en more than a dozen times to the country after these issues after these mass shootings and visit more than a dozen times with families who are grieving. i think we've got to treat this as a homeland security issue. we focus on terrorism issues, natural disaster preparedness, pandemic preparedness, as we should. but this is an epidemic of violence we're seeing. we're now six weeks into 2018
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and this is i think the 18th mass shooting that we've seen. if you do the math, that's about once every 60 hours. that's an incredible statistics. we have to put resources and priority to this as if it is because it is a homeland security issues. >> one is too many, one is too many, one a year, one every year for however long is way too many. when you start treating it like a homeland security issue, which is to give it the same weight as terrorism, how would you approach it differently? >> one of the things is -- president obama did this. as president trump did yesterday, you have to provide messages of unity and condolence, pledges of assistance. that's the right role for a president. you have to talk about what steps are you taking, what's the action? after a terrorist attack the country rightly requires that
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the government tell it what is the government doing, what steps are you taking to get weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of terrorists. i think we have to do the same thing here. what steps are we taking to ensure that a 19-year-old with mental health issues can't get his hands on a weapon of war, which is what an ar-15 is, assault rifle is what as ar stands for. having traveled to places like iraq and afghanistan, that weapon and weapons like it were carried by our soldiers, and this ethey've got to be trained. >> is the fbi empowered the way they need to be to handle this situation? we know there was a message on youtube the fbi was tipped off. someone saw something, said something. the fbi questioned the person who raised the alarm. >> we're just about 48 hours into this, and there's still a
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flood of questions. was everything done with this tip that should have been done? was there information about this individual's mental health history that should have been in a database? why was he able to purchase this weapon of war? with regard to the tip, there's going to be a lot of questions here. did the fbi talk to youtube? did they have sufficient information to identify the person, the individual behind that user name? were there legal impediments, other impediments to getting that information. so there's going to be what they call an after action report done in the fbi to determine all those questions. very importantly, john, the other question we should be asking is, if they took all those steps and if they had been able to identify this individual, we should be asking the question what could they have done. >> i think it's such a crucial question because the answer is, maybe nothing. >> they or the local police could have gone and knocked on
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his door and interviewed him, but they could not have taken any steps based on what we know now to take the weapon away. >> no criminal record. >> he had no criminal record. we understand from the fbi that they undertook a series of database checks. what that means is they looked at their own systems, their own internal databases. his name would not have turned up unless he had prior contact with law enforcement, prior contact with the fbi. if he didn't, he wouldn't have been in those databases. >> local law enforcement as well called to the house any number of times. at what point does that bubble up as something that is actionable? >> all those things are questions we should be learning in this after action report. was the right information shared with local law enforcement. as i said, was there contact with youtube? was there sufficient information to meet the legal threshold to get further information about his identity? >> lisa monica, tluch. let's treat this as a how many
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land security issue. we're following a lot of news this morning. let's get right to it. we would be hard put to find another case flashing more signs than this young man right here. >> he was obsessed with guns. >> it seems like the dots should have been connected here. >> to every parent, we are here for you, whatever we can do to ease your pain. >> president trump you need to help us now. we need security now for all these children. >> if now is not the right time, when is the right time? >> it's one of those moments where we need to step back and count our blessings. >> we're children. you guys are the adults. you can say we're going to do these things, thoughts and prayers. what we need more than that is action. >> what is unfathomable is j a.ime took a bullet and is dead. john what i do next. >> good morning everyone. welcome to your "new day." it's friday, february 16th, 8:00 in the east. john berman is in new york this morning. chris is off, and i'm here in
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park dloot la parkland, florida, the latest city in mourning over yet another deadly school shooting. thousands of people gathered last night to remember the 17 students and teachers who were killed on wednesday behind me at this school, marjory stoneman douglas high school. i have one note to get to. the mayor was just here and talking to local media about how they really are still processing the crime scene behind us in this school, and she doesn't know exactly when the school behind me is going to open. that means 3,000 students, high school students who need to be in school right now, who went there, really don't know their futures at the moment and if they're going to have to be absorbed by another school. 3,000 students is a lot to try to figure out how to redirect. we now know the identities of so
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many more of the victims than we did yesterday. here are just a few we want to tell you about. there was 14-year-old jaime guttenberg. her father says his family is having, of course, a very hard time coming to grips with this devastating loss. there was the teacher, scott beigel we first told you about yesterday. he was killed while ushering students back into his classroom and shielding them when the killer opened fire. one of his students, kelsey friend, you may have heard her yesterday, giving such an emotional testament to him. she called him a hero and told us how he saved her life. john, it's story after story after story that we've heard here because one student affects so many hundreds of other lives, so many people who were in class with that student or loved him or her and hear there are 17 of those families and that ripple effect that they're trying to absorb. >> hearing how these victims
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