tv New Day CNN February 20, 2018 5:00am-6:00am PST
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control, that is our way of honoring them so this does haven't to happen to anybody else. >> delaney you just wrote a piece for "teen vogue" about the loss of innocence. you all had to grow up overnight because you had to see something so unthinkable and so horrible. i'm reminded of the expression after john kennedy was assassinated where a famous journalist said "we'll never be young again." how do you feel about that? >> there is a truth in that statement. brandon and i are seniors in high school, we've lost this part of us that we're never going to be able to regain. right now our lives are so distinctly professional and so distinctly mature that there is no going back from it, from being so outspoken on twitter, from organizing meets with the legislators in tallahassee because even if and when we solve this and this all passes,
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it's -- there's no going back. there's no going back to the way things were before. that has been taken from us. all we can do now is keep moving forward and grow into these people we're determined to be. >> the 3,000 kids that go to this high school, all your lives are altered, and we really appreciate your strength and really appreciate you both being here and speaking out about this. brandon abzug, mr. abzug, d delaney, thank you. >> thank you. >> jake tapper is hosting "stand up: students of stoneman douglas demand action." that's tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. eastern. if you'd like to help the families of the victims, a gofundme page has been set up by the broward education
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foundation. it's verified by cnn as being authentic. we're following a lot of news this morning. let's get to it. good morning and welcome no your "new day." it's tuesday, february 20th. survivors of the florida school massacre taking their fight to the state's capital today. students are heading to tallahassee to demand changes to gun laws. 17 of their classmates and teachers were gunned down inside their high school. questions are being raised by a former republican congressman and former advisor to the trump campaign about whether the students are being coached by the left wing. >> they have a lot to say about that, chris, as you know. we have a cnn exclusive in the russia investigation. special counsel robert mueller is expanding his interest in jared kushner beyond just his contacts with russia. mueller is asking questions about kushner's evidence fort to get financing for his own company from foreign investors during the presidential
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transition. we have all of this covered for you. let's begin with cnn's rosa flores live in parkland, florida, with our top story. >> reporter: alisyn, good morning. student survivors are not taking no for an answer when it comes to gun control. they are packing all the pain and all of the emotion that they had inside after 17 of their fellow students and teachers died, and they are hopping on buses today. at about 1:00 p.m. this afternoon, heading towards tallahassee to demand lawmakers to listen to them when it comes to gun control. they plan to challenge any lawmaker who thinks or believes they know more about gun control than a student who came face-to-face with death. >> my friends and i, my community and i have stared down the barrel of an ar-15 the way you have not. we have seen this weapon of war mow down people we know and love the way you have not. how dare you tell us we don't know what we're talking about.
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>> reporter: survivors of the high school massacre in florida demanding lawmakers make changes to america's gun laws after they horror they lived to tell about. >> never again should have student be silenced by gunshots. never again should anyone fear going to school. >> the time for change wasn't now. the time for change was years ago. >> are you for taking steps to save us or are you for taking nra blood money? >> we are not letting the united states be run by that terrorist organization. >> reporter: in washington, d.c. a group of teenagers staged a protest outside the white house. lying on the ground for three minutes to symbolize how long it took the killer to gun down 17 students and teachers last week. >> i want to see action. i don't want to see talk. a 19-year-old who can't purchase alcohol shouldn't be able to purchase an ar-15, a weapon of
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war. it's absurd. >> reporter: a new national poll shows 77% of americans do not think congress is doing enough to prevent mass shootings with 62% saying president trump could do more. as for how to solve the problem, the majority of americans think more effective mental health screenings and treatment could have prevented the massacre while 58% think stricter gun control laws could have had an impact. the white house announcing that president trump supports efforts to improve the federal background check system, that after speaking with senator john cornyn friday about the bipartisan bill he's introduced that would strengthen how state and federal government report offenses that could prohibit people from buying a gun. president trump's only action on guns since taking office undid restrictions aimed at mental illness and the president's proposed budget would cut millions from existing background check systems. all this as cnn is learning more
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about the confessed killer. law enforcement source says he purchased at least ten rifles in the last year. the buying spree didn't set u off any red flags with authorities. the killer appearing in court monday for the second time. he kept his head down and said nothing. the mood here in parkland, florida, somber, as the memorial that you see behind me continues to grow, three more funerals and two visitations are scheduled for today. meanwhile, the school is preparing to reopen, and they're planning to do that in phases. first, staff are expected to return on friday. an orientation is scheduled for sunday, and the goal is to bring students back on tuesday. >> joining us is cnn political analyst david gregory and cnn legal analyst michael zeldin who worked with special counsel bob mueller. good to have you both, gentlemen. let's start with what's going on
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with the survivors down in florida. david, what is jack kingston thinking about? often he is a conduit into talking points that will be out there for the political right. let's play what he just said and try to figure out why he's saying it? >> that their sorrow can very easily be hijacked by left wing groups. >> do you think it has been? >> that have an annual en da -- let's ask ourselves, do we really think 17-year-olds on their own are going to plan a nationwide rally? i would say to you very plainly that organized groups that are out there like george soros are always ready to take up the charge. it's kind of like instant rally, instant protest. >> jack, i'm sorry. i have to correct you. i was down there. i talked to these kids. these kids were wildly motivated. >> david gregory, that was the mild version, by the way.
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on twitter he used every hashtag that checks a box with conspiracy people. is this what they're going to try to do, try to cancel out what these kids are standing for by saying it's some lefty movement? >> yeah. they can't do that. it's really unfortunate that he would go there. look, we all know when you're this age in particular, you are getting more involved, getting more aware, feeling things more deeply, let alone to go through something as horrific as this, to personally experience, to come this close to death. if you're not going to be galvanized by that, then what is going to do it? can you be facilitated in terms of architecture and planning and so forth, like-minded people? that's beside the point. we talked about how there was inaction after newtown. these are young people of an age where they can speak. they can speak eloquently.
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they can overreach, they can offend. they can do all these things by speaking out and actually getting organized because of something they have gone through. i do think -- we talked about this last hour, i'm still sceptical about these tipping point moments after these traj dis. i do think this has the potential to be different because the messages are so powerful because in their innocence and their eloquence they're saying something we all have to hear. at the same time we can't just -- you both have been making this point this morning. we can't as a result retreat to our corners and say, therefore, these are the steps that have to be taken and only these steps. it has to be a more inclusive conversation if you're going to get actual agreement in the political sphere. >> of course. you need to have everybody at the table. include the nra for that matter. have everybody come to the table to try to figure this out. why try to silence the
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teenagers? the very kids who were the kids there for the slaughter whose friends were killed, trying to silence them -- i'm sorry. i have to read jack kingston's tweet again so people can hear the talking points and spot it for themselves because these will obviously come back again and again over the next day. here is what he sent out on sunday night, right on the heels of this massacre. he says, oh really? students are planning a nationwide rally? not left wing gun control activists using 17-year-old kids in the wake of a horrible tragedy? #soros, #resistance, #antifa, #dnc. be on the look out for those talking points. the kids hadn't had time to shower much less be indoctrinated and brainwashed by the dnc when we spoke to them. michael. >> you know, i don't know what life was like for jack kingston
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growing up in athens, georgia, but growing up in new york for me at that age, we were very much active in the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement. we were the same age as these kids are when it affects you as personally as it did, as the draft that affected us, you get galvanized to act. you don't need george soros or anybody else to tell you what you know in your heart. i just don't get it. he's a nice guy, but this is beneath him. >> this is what the politics of the situation has become, david. you were talking about this earlier in the show. people just put their hands over their ears, retreat to their two sides and they just wait for the storm to pass. it will be different this time if -- here is my check on the skepticism, if people are looking at how do you identify people with suicide risk?
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how do you eliminate access to weapons for those people? what do you do about keeping your school safe? how do you deal with access to weapons that you have no business having in that situation or maybe in? it starts with the question what are we going to do? i'm not hearing leadership asking those questions. are you? >> no. ironically you have a president much more open, at least he has been before he became president, to more restrictions on gun rights, whether it's background checks or other access issues. but i don't know that he's got the strength or the desire to take on the right -- he wasn't more willing to do it when it came to immigration. the conversation has to happen. i think it's important at the stated level, whether there's measurable gains that can be made. colorado did this years ago. they ran into resistance as well. you look at this question of
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access, why is it that a young person, whether he's a criminal, mentally ill, sociopath, things go terribly off the track, how can you ready get access to a weapon like an ar-15. what about the rigor parents have to go through to get a driver's license, and the amount of parental involvement in that which makes good common sense. again, what i get so worried about is this idea that we can't do everything out of fear -- we can't do anything out of fear that the government will do everything, to take away gun rights, to actually take away guns. alisyn, you said the nra has to be at the table. trust me, they'll be at the table. they have to somehow be at the table in a way that is deemed more constructive rather than just fighting a rear guard action to have any rights diminished. >> the nra can't like school shootings. that's not good for their brand.
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>> they would argue you need more weaponry, they would argue you need more armed guards in school. i interviewed wayne lapierre after knewtown. what he said was -- >> nothing stops a bad guy with a gun except a good guy with a gun. >> i think there's something particular about school shootings unfortunately in our society, those who are come to a place in their life where they think this is the way to get the attention, go out in a blaze of gory. we have children -- there are a lot of advanced protocols about what to do with an active shooter or if your campus is compromised. i think that's going to be something that continues to be looked at and strengthened. >> as far as the president's resolve, this morning he's tweeted a lot, about half a dozen times. none of them have anything to do with this issue. michael, a quick pivot. we have an expert in our midst with what's going on with the russia investigation, so let's
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use it. the reporting that cnn has that mueller could be looking at jared kushner during the transition period working people for financing for his outside projects, no the work of the american people. does that sound like something within the purview and are u you suspicious there's been no request for mueller as far as don'ts as far as we know? >> it seems to me, chris, that what we have in mueller is a prosecutor who is looking at financial crime. we see this in manafort's indictment, we see it in the new filing we had the other day alleging manafort engaged in bank fraud to obtain a mortgage. we see the kushner inquiries now. we see the financial intelligence center at treasury has been subpoenaed for suspicious activity report data. i think there are a lot of indications that this is a
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broad-based financial crimes inquiry of which jared kushner is just one part. his part relates to financial dealings on behalf of his own private businesses, just as manafort's involved his private businesses. we'll see how it plays out with respect to manafort, with respect to flynn who had similar situations, though he made a plea agreement, it doesn't make him completely immune from further inquiry. trump, of course, himself in his business dealings. i think this is a tipping point in some sense with respect to what we can see into what mueller is doing on the financial crimes side of his investigation. >> michael zeldin, david gregory, thank you very much for this conversation. survivors of the florida massacre are calling out lawmakers and saying stop taking money from the nra. we're going to talk with one lawmaker who donated his money from the gun group. does he think congress is does he think congress is finally going to act?
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student survivors of this week's shooting massacre in florida are heading to tallahassee to press state lawmakers on gun control. we all know 17 of their classmates and teachers were killed last week. as a former republican congressman jack kingston suggests those students are being coached by the left wing. this seems to be the new talking point to try to distract from the power of these kids trying to do what the rest of us have failed to do, make a difference. joining us now to discuss is democratic congressman tim ryan of ohio. congressman, it's good have you. we have seen that states are often forced to step up when they lose kids in their
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communities, an acute sense of the pain and the political fallout. we saw it in south carolina, connecticut, other streets. we may see it in florida. at the federal level, do you believe leadership will step up and start by asking the question what can we do to stop these school shootings? >> well, we're going to need a lot of pressure. i think everybody is appalled the fact that the president and the congress has not acted on some basic half steps in order to try to address this problem. that's why i think with these young, articulate, heartbroken kids are starting to do in the country is get people's attention and say, hey, wait a minute. we know the political system is broken, but for god's sake, we've got to be able to take basic steps forward to keep kids safe and others around the country. >> is that enough when you talk about why things haven't been done in the past, do you think this will make a difference?
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>> you know, many of us sat and watched this whole thing unfold and got choked up as it happened and watched these young people step up in a way that weave not seen. i think it's in part because they are high school age. i think in part because they did grow up around social media and filming themselves and videos themselves, that they could get in front of a camera and really articulate and cut through a lot of the bs that happens every single day on tv and reach into people's hearts. i think that's why i'm optimistic that we will be able to take some steps. i don't want to get involved in another polemic. i want us to say, look, there are hon oeft, law abiding hunters that own guns, concerned about gun safety, go hunting with their kids. just a few weeks ago i was hunting with our son and several
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other people duck hunting. those are good people. they need to be at the table and need to help push organizations like the nra and say let's sit down and make something happen. >> i hear where you're coming from. i guess you need to mention them because you need to help dispel this myth that they're somehow threatened by this. you're talking to a gun owner. it's not about keeping people who legally want guns from getting them. it never has been. you have an organization and political people acting as agents of that organization effectively, you were one of them, taking money from them that you've given back. we'll have that conversation. they believe the law is against you and in favor of everybody else. that's a lie. that's a misrepresentation of the fact. >> totally. >> you dealt with it by giving back money that the nra gave you. it's not the money, is it? it's they get voters out on this
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issue, hunters and self-respecting sports men who say i want to protect my family, i'm going to vote on this. the gun control people don't vote the same way on this matter. isn't that a function of the impasse as well? >> there's no question. the nra is clearly one of the most powerful political organizations in the united states. that's why having these kids on the other side articulate a more moderate view of, yeah, we can respect hunters and law abiding gun owners and at the same time have universal background checks. i think these are the kind of conversations we need to have because 70% to 80% of nra members support a universal background check. why can't we make some headway on that. if we articulate the other side of that like these young kids are doing, i think we can maybe make some headway. they've got to apply the political pressure necessary to move the congress which is
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clearly beholding to the nra. >> you think the nra is that powerful, they're the biggest reason there's an impasse? >> no question. there's no question about it. when you have basic -- as i said, 70% to 80% of the american people supporting a universal background check and we can't get a vote on some of these things, you can't let the center for disease control study gun violence as a public health issue, they talk about they want more mental health coverage, yet the republicans they support in congress now have tried to throw 20 million people off of health care, many of those people would qualify for some kind of mental health treatment. this goes on and on. there's no innovation coming out of the republican party. we have a logjam. now we have a force to be reckoned with with these young media savvy kids coming out of florida who i think are going to be game changers in this whole debate. >> let's see, because something
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has to happen. access to weapons is certainly a part of it. let me ask you about something else. one of the things this country needs is to see wall street success into main street success. we've heard it but we don't often hear the solutions. you think you have one. what is it? >> i'm really excited. we're announcing comeback cities tour, chris, in which we're bringing about 12 venture capitalists from new york and california into the midwest. we're going to start in youngstown, ohio and go to akron, go to detroit and flint, michigan, and over to south bend to try to bring these venture capitalists and their money and investment into the midwest. we're making the argument, acknowledging the fact that 80% of venture capital money goes to three states, california, new york and massachusetts, and only 4% goes into the midwest. we're saying it's a good deal. there's emerging technologies, emerging businesses in towns
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like the ones we're going to go visit and many others. we want these venture capitalists to see and make these investments. as a democrat, the government can't solve all these problems. we can be a part of the solution, but we need the ply vat sector investment to come in. it's a good deal. it's eight bucks a square foot in youngstown, ohio, and it's about 75 bucks a square foot in san francisco. you can pay an engineer out of youngstown state or university of akron about $60,000 a year. in california you've got to pay them 100, 120. the economics match up. but we've got to connect these two worlds. if we're going to have growth and wages and benefits and secure pension, we need private vengss to come to the midwest. we're going to have a lot of fun and hopefully get economic development into the industrial midwest. >> it will be good to see private capital helping their own in the united states of america. let us know how it goes.
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fleeing the gunman. on thursday we spoke with kelsey friend who said mr. biegle saved her life. >> mr. biegle was my hero and he will forever be my hero. i will never forget the actions he took for me and fellow students in the classroom. if his family is watching this, please know your son or your brother was an amazingperson and i'm alive today because of him. >> joining us now is scott biegle's mother linda biegle schulman. mrs. schulman, thank you for being here. we're so sorry for your loss. >> thank you for having me. >> what's it like to hear kelsey, his student, talk about how your son helped save her life? >> it's pretty amazing, but it doesn't surprise me. >> why doesn't it surprise you?
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>> because that was scott beigel. that was my son, that was the right thing to do, that's something he would do. those were his life rules, you take care of the people around you. it just doesn't surprise me. it doesn't surprise me that he would be thinking of taking care of his students because he was a teacher and that's what he did. he made sure his students were safe, made sure his students understood what he taught. if thatey didn't understand wha he taught, he'd find a different way to teach them. >> i interviewed kelsey there, and she didn't just love him for saving her life, she loved him as a geography teacher. she thought he was wonderful. she had so much to say about how he improved her life every day, not just at the end there. i know it was only his first
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year at the high school. tell us about what hwhat kind o son and teacher he was? >> if you got to know him, probably after a minute, you loved him. he enjoyed -- his goal in life, without ever saying this is my goal in life, his goal in life was to make anybody he knew feel better about themselves. when scott was younger, there were times where he would go to school and if he didn't understand thing, this is the way they taught. but that's not who he was. he always said to me, mom, i have to teach the way i was able to learn, i have to make them understand why. when he went to camp, it was the same thing with the children. if there was a child that maybe was not within the group or had a little bit of a hard time in
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the beginning of the summer, he would make sure that that child was able to be part of the group and felt good about themselves, and just was happy to be wherever they were. he wanted the students to enjoy his class and understand the geography, not just to memorize it and regurgitate it on a test. that was scott. >> he accomplished that. she loved her geography class. how many high school students say that? it was true your son had seen so many of these horrific shootings that it occurred to him that this could have happened to him, so much so that he gave his fiancee instructions what to do if he ever were the victim of a
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school shooting. >> i think the story has been taken out of context. when there was a school shooting, scott was very angry about it. we had spoken about the it many times. of course, i wasn't there when he had the conversation. it was probably much more that he had seen the school shooting. he discussed it with me as well. he had seen a school shooting. it would anger him immensely. we would talk about it. i'm sure it was more like going, if this ever happened to me, do you see how they're sensation sensationalizing one person and what's going on, and instead of doing something about it, the media -- sensation lizing it, all the different networks would put their take on what was going on. he was saying, if this ever happened to me and they took my name -- you have to understand, scott was a really private person, and they took my maim and plastered it all over the world -- like they're dining now. he's ploebl looking down
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freaking out. please make sure you don't stand up and tell everybody i was a the greatest person in the world, tell them i was a real jerk. that was scott's personality. my answer to him, knowing my son so well, so now you're getting me back because the whole world is singing your praises and now you're putting me in front to talk about you. that's just the way we were. >> don't remember me as a hero, tell them what a jerk i really was. but, of course, that's impossib impossible. when his girlfriend said, no, i'm going to tell the truth about how wonderful you were, and his students are doing the same. it's impossible to get around. he was a wonderful person. and now that you have lost your son, what is your message to lawmakers who are listening, to the president? what do you want to see done?
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>> i would like the lawmakers and the president to erase their minds for one moment, to forget that they're politicians, to forget that they have to be re-elected and to take a deep breath and think about the fact that if they watched tv and it was one of their children -- i'm not talking about a cousin or a friend's child, their own child, what would they want to do? what would they want to have do done? bring it home for a change. think about what it would be like if it was your child, your child at school and your child was murdered senselessly. >> that would be a valuable lesson for all the lawmakers to do. linda biegle schulman, thank you for sharing some of your son with us. >> thank you for being so honest
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about my son. >> it's only repeating all the stuff that we heard from the kids about how special he was. we are happy to remember him in that way. linda, take care of yourself. we'll talk again. >> thank you so much. >> if you would like to help the families of the victims of the florida massacre, a gofundme page has been set up and has been verified. go to mandougl mandouglasvictimsfund. >> "stand up: the students of stoneman douglas demand action" hairs tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. eastern. a congressional candidate in kansas is still moving forward with his ar-15 giveaway. this was planned before the massacre in parkland.
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give away an ar-15. then the massacre happens, you would figure that would go away, insensitive at a minimum, right? no. the candidate says he's going ahead with the ralph. that candidate is kansas congressional candidate republican tyler tannahill. mr. tannahill, thank you for taking the opportunity. >> appreciated it, chris. thanks for having me on today. >> help me understand, brother, why after this would you want to give away the same weapon used to kill all those kids? >> when we sat down with my staff and talked about it, we had two options, the typical e republican response was let's hide in our hole, say thoughts and prayers or get in front of the issue and have a meaningful discussion to say we do have a problem, we have to protect our students and teachers. how are we going to do that? we have a second amendment i fully believe in. there's a solution out there that upholds the second amendment and what protects our
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schools, churches and people going to concerts. that's why we went forward with it. >> i don't get that though as a natural consequence of that thought process. if you wanted to figure out how do you stop the school shootings, someone like this gunman getting access to that kind of weapon has to be part of the conversation. how does giving away the same kind of weapon show any kind of resolve to make it less likely to happen again? >> look, the whole point of it is this. we have to have the discussion, which we are right now. we put forward a solution to the table. not a lot of candidates, not a lot of the people in the republican party are doing that. a lot of people are shying away from it. i understand what you're getting at. we're here, we're talking about. we put forward a solution called the faster saves lives program. they trained over 1100 teachers to conceal carry in the classroom. >> you really believe that teachers are supposed to be in the business of taking on
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gunfire and knowing how to lead a tactical assault against somebody who is trying to kill kids. >> if a teacher so chooses to, they should have the option. but we also have to look at do we have the proper funding and training for teachers, nurses, counselors, to look at these students and find those students who need help, need mental health care access and special attention. those are all things we have to talk about. all these people on the facebook page and calling me, threatening myself, my family, that's not part of the solution. >> but you're provoking them. >> i'm not running for office to deal with easy issues. this is a tough issue to tackle. >> how you deal with it matters. let me point out two things on it. i think one of them is personal. one of them is policy. the personal one really should be obvious. unless you were looking to pro vote a situation to get some attention, you're going to get it. i'm not sure you're going to like it because god forbid you knew somebody who was in that
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school. right on the heels of it, when you're trying to get your mind around this madness, there's a guy gaving away the same damn weapon that took your loved one's life, you think that's a constructive step forward as a conversation on how to stop it or a slap in the face? >> i am a republican candidate. i do support the second amendment in the hard times and the bad. what i'm saying is we can have a constructive dialogue to find a solution. i don't want anymore school shootings just as much as you don't. let's have a conversation moving forward with realistic possibilities on how we can stop those and prevent those and we have this second amendment, we have a 2008 supreme court case that backs up that citizens have a right to own firearms. moving forward, the solution isn't to take away the ar-15. the gun isn't the issue. we have a deeper issue we have to deal with in this society. the republicans in d.c. aren't doing that. >> why isn't it both?
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>> why not say let's find the solution. >> i applaud the idea of looking for a solution. your leadership and your party down there hasn't asked the fundamental question of what we can do to stop these school shootings. that's a necessary step. but if you look at it, the data leads you to a very simple and troubling conclusion. the only thing we have that's different than other places in the world is more weapons. that's why we have more school shootings. we have the same mental health issues, the same types of demographics in terms of where these happen and why they happen. it's the guns you have to look at. i'm not saying to take guns away from anybody. please don't deceive people who may be voting for you that this is about controlling people's guns. look at your own state. kansas, you say the person has to meet the federal background checks. irrelevant. in your state, they don't have checks for person-to-person sales. you know that.
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god forbid, someone who wins this gun goes out and gives the gun to someone untable. you're giving away a gun in a state with private transfers. >> i'm here trying to find the solution. >> you can't want to talk about a solution while you're also exhibiting the problem. if you were going to give away a weapon in a state where you don't have to have a background check on a person-to-person transfer, how do you know where the weapon will wind up. you don't. am i wrong? >> we're not giving the gun away person to person. that person has to go to the gun store and -- >> and then what? they can give it to anyone they want. >> chris, you're trying to make your point and your point is that, fine. that's not helping us get to the solution. we need to protect our students and teachers. there's a sticker on the window that says no guns allow. is it a tag line? yes. is it working? no.
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it's proven. do we need metal detectors in school rooms? i don't know. let's put it on the table and talk about it. do we need to look at how people are reported to the authorities to possibly not be able to own a firearm? let's put it on the table and talk about it. why is there always looking back when an unfortunate event like this happens, some moment that says somebody dropped the ball. i appreciate you having me on because i truly want to fix this. this is a tough issue. we have to uphold the second amendment and keep our children safe. what is the answer? let's find it out, let's have that dialogue and protect these students and teachers and move forward. >> mr. tannahill, if you're going to give away a weapon in a state that allows person to person transfers without a check, you better follow up and know where that weapon is, know where it winds up and make sure you understand who the end user is. if you want a solution, your state is a good place to start.
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you have to have checks on all these different transfers. i appreciate you taking the opportunity. it's a conversation worth having. >> again, thank you, chris, for having me on. i do appreciate it. >> alisyn. president trump vowed to make america great again. how great is he as a president? we'll tell you where he stands in a new presidential rankings survey. that's next. the more you know the the commute is worth, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. you and that john deere tractor... so versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it. nothing runs like a deere. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor
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>> an opportunity to rate every president on a scale of zero to 1 o 00, average those receipt tinges and put them in a rank order so you see abraham lincoln at the top and our current president, donald trump at the bottom. >> let me make sure he's not saying it for himself. the president hasn't said anything about this survey yet, but i can anticipate that he will say this is fake news, a fake survey and these are all lefties. you had a party breakdown in terms of leanings between the analysts and how did it shake out zm. >> we thought that would be a reasonable krcritique, if you'r going to only serve democrats is a fair argument to make. we gave our respondents an opportunity to say if they're
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republicans or democrats or independents and calculated separate ratings an rankings for each group. republicans when it comes to president trump were more favorable to him than democrats were, but still had him in the bottom five. >> so he was 40th on the republican wlis and 44th on the total list. >> that's right. >> and what are -- i know you say there are all different factors. what are some of the factors? how can you determine who is the best president and who is the worst? >> sure. some of the factors that have historically gone into explaining why some presidents are better than others, greater than others are the -- whether or not they won a war while they were in office, how the economy performed while they were in office, whether they had scandals that curseed their administrations while they were in office, how popular they were, how productive they were. a lot of those factors worked together to determine the h historical memory of a president. >> it's interesting, the
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president just tweeted a few minutes ago, i've been much tougher on russia than obama. just look at the facts. total fake news. do you think he's calling his statement about the fact -- >> fake news is used so often, i've lost track of what it is. >> i wonder if this is the dynamic that played into the selectivity by your experts. this is demonstrably false. is this the kind of thing that weighed in on how they would assess the president? by the way, where is obama on the liss snt. >> obama came in eighth. when we did the same survey in 2014 he was 18th. his ranking jumped significantly in the last few years. >> i don't understand the ranking of donald trump as last. if the factors as you describe them is what went into the thinking, the economy is doing really well, so that should bump him up from last. >> it's about why it's doing well. >> it was doing well when he came in. >> it was doing better. it was on the rebound.
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now it's like -- obviously the stock market has had ups and downs, but the economy is pretty much gangbusters. then in terms of winning a war, isis -- the war against isis has also gone better lately on his watch. why didn't those two factors weigh more heavily? >> with republicans, too. >> i think those are great observations. that underscores how overwhelming experts reject trump's personal approach to being president, his demeanor in office and the way he's reacted to other institutions of american democracy, the way he's treated the media, the way he's engaged in international affairs. certainly, if we look at the number of significant achievements, he's got some positive markers in his aed registration from the tax cut bill success to those successes that you mentioned before, but i think that we're still seeing an
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overall negative response largely based on his personal approach. >> i get it. the markers you're pointing out, a little too soon to tell how it will shake out, but not too soon to tell about his style and approach. again, republicans and democrats didn't do well. but maybe he'll do better down the line the way other presidents did. >> we'll have you back. justin vaughn, thank you for sharing you find does with us. >> cnn "newsroom" with john berman is right after this break. ting. does your bed do that? right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. ends sunday. visit for a store near you.
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